Lately it seems producers are adding so much background music its almost impossible to hear what is being said. IT'S TOO LOUD! I got so frustrated last night watching undercover boss that I turned it off. I'm sure the advertisers are happy to know that I for one didn't see their commercials. It used to be mostly on documentaries or BRitish tv shows but now it poping up everwhere. Why all the noise polution, can't we just hear what people are saying
I may as well not watch TV anymore, the background music makes it such a strain to listen to dialogue I miss over half of what is being said.
It is utterly ridiculous and unecessary, what on earth is going on, don't the producers watch what they make. Just so fed up with this nonsense.
On all the National Geographic Alaska shows, the MUSIC IS TOO LOUD... You can not even hear what they are saying. If you turn the volume up, the music also goes up. So irritating because the shows are great. Do they not watch their own shows? Almost don't want to fight it anymore.
I'm fed up with trying to watch programmes with interesting subjects that have pointless music is in direct competition with the presenters voice. Why on Earth do they think that history and science needs any dramatic music? They fail to realise that many people switch off the inaudible material in disgust.
I agree with all above comments and find it spoils good programmes, you cannot hear what people are saying.Having watched National geographic set in the wilderness of Alaska I don’t see the need for music as it is not becoming of the natural environment and feel like wanting to change the Chanel as I become frustrated with this annoyance.
There is no relief from this crazy production trend... Factual programmes are dominated by incidental and background music drowning out the narrators voice. As if genuine footage taken during world wars needs to be presented as a Hollywood movie, or a real life murder investigation requires an orchestra to make the horror and suffering more interesting at the cost of hearing about what actually happened. This is sickening to those of us who want factual information not cheap entertainment.
I have terrible trouble hearing what is being said when there is music being played, a bit of background music is fine but mostly it's TOO LOUD, I can't hear what is being said and if there are no subtitles I just get frustrated and watch something else ( pointless if I can't hear what is being said)
If the makers of these programmes must have loud music playing when people are speaking at least put subtitles on, I have to have the volume up so loud that I end up with a headache.
Please do something