I am not sure if the slimey "TES - Title Equity Services" scam artists in Levittown, PA are one and the same as the "TES - Timeshare Express Services" in Delaware that I have been reading complaints about... Perhaps the TES folks from Levittown, PA, who scammed my husband and I out of $2K, were merely admirers of the "Express" gang and wanted to be like them. Bottom line... somehow, some way these people must be exposed and shut down! If anyone out there gets a call from "Ann" at [protected] wondering if you still are still interested in selling your timeshare because, guess what ... we have a firm offer... say NO and hang up the phone. If you experience that feeling of "maybe this is for real" TRUST ME IT IS NOT REAL! You are about to hand your hard earned dollars to pond ###. If you choose to continue you may have the honor of speaking to Taylor O'Neill who is a "VP Closing Officer" - whatever that means... She will give you an overview and send you a "Letter of Intent" and never return your phone calls (you had better get used to this...pretty soon no one else will call you back either). Then a few days later the big gun, Sheila Johnson - a Sr. Loan Officer will call you from [protected]. She will sound knowledgeable and give you details about the closing. She will also tell you all sorts of cute stories and make you feel warm and cozy... DO NOT BUY IT! Pay attention to her double talk. She will tell you she is busy typing up documents to send to you ...don't plan on seeing those in your mailbox EVER. Pretty soon it will dawn on you that you were being strung along the whole time.
Here's the thing... none of us are dummies. Most likely all of us felt the little [censored]les on the back of our neck and saw red flags waving in front of our faces. Most of us are hard working, honest people. We are the people who these cockroaches prey on. I for one am on a mission and I hope that others will join me. Don't feel ashamed or be embarrassed that "they got you". Stand up and use your voice against these scam artists.
Strohman got us too
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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So how did they end up getting money out of you, I have recently received the call, I've been communicating with my original selling company to find out what is going on, just curious because thus far they have not asked for a penny from me.
I used TES to do my title work for the sale of three different timeshare weeks, and I have been paid on two, as promised, and the third should be closing sometime today. I have had no problems, I was asked to assist with closing costs on the second sale, and recieved my paperwork via fed ex within three days. Not sure who you were dealing with, the Ann I spoke with is also the customer service person, and she has answered or returned all of my calls promptly. As for Taylor, she is the closing agent for all of my deals. Try calling again, because I am more than pleased. I signed on Dec. 14, 2010, and would recommend to anyone. Joan Kendrick
My parents used TES out of Levittown PA, and when they told me that they were asked to put out a portion of the closing costs, I was a little more than skeptical, so I went on a "three-way" phone call with my father and Ann, I was still skeptical, so another call was placed, this time I spoke to a Sheila, my father was comfortable, so a wire transfer was made from his bank to the company bank, and three days later a fed ex packet arrived, papers signed, and two weeks later he recieved a check for the agreed upon amount. I check these boards all of the time, we have been ripped off by so many companies, but I have to say, these people did what they promised, and in even less time. Sorry about your luck, have you tried calling during regular business hours? That was the only problem we had, us being in CA. Pete
To the original complainer:
I work for TES in Levittown Pa. I was called by one of our many customers who was concerned with what they saw on here. Unfortunately, we cannot take away the original complaint, but I have asked our customers to reply to it, and it looks like they are. It is a shame that people who do not get what they want start calling people names and trying to ruin a great reputation. All I have to say, is look at all of the great reviews, and take with a grain of salt the bad one. Consider the source, I mean, someone who has to call names and show so little class, I wouldn't consider them an equal when it comes to choosing a company to handle my business. P.S. The people who complained, they could not come up with even a part of the closing costs, so we had to send their file back to the marketing company to find suitable sellers. They never paid a cent, but were so upset that they couldn't sell their property.
To the "Doctor"
I had to read your letter over and over, I was in complete shock, mostly that a doctor, would use that type of language, and then that a doctor, (self proclaimed, I am sure), made it through medical school and uses grammar that would make a fifth grade student turn in shame. Then you ask people to join you? What kind of scam are you running? We are supposed to believe that you are a doctor? That was ripped-off, and now is going after people? I own multiple weeks of timeshare, I have rented, bought, sold, traded, for over twenty years. The good, bad and the ugly are all too familiar to me. However, I used TES, out of Levittown, my property went to closing, and I recieved my check, while I can't speak for anyone else, I certainly would recommend using this service. It took a while to recieve my check, about a month and a half, but it sure came. Maybe if you would stop calling and bothering everyone, they wouldn't put you at the bottom of the pile. C'mon, "doc", that is what happens when you harass people. If anyone wants to speak with me, you can email me at thomashainey@ymail.com, I live in Colorado, so expect a call back from me during my day hours, I too am a doctor, a REAL live doctor, don't be fooled by impersonators. I will speak with you and vouch for TES, no problems here. Tom
There is an opinion about TES that perhaps people should know about because as much as they may have help some, TES has ripped people off too. It is not always a matter of someone calling names or complaining because they did not get what they wanted. Sometimes there are people being honestly taken advantage of by TES. If you call them, they will answer with a messaging machine promising you a returned phone call. The lady that took advantage of me is named Kathleen Williams at [protected]. She had a different number when the arrangement to sell my Westgate time share but changed it 2 days later hiding out of the truth. She sounded so good and professional siding up with a Harold Blue located in south Daytona Beach Florida. She gave me her number to call her in case I had any issues with Harold Blue because the she working at the TES title company is based not in Florida, but in PA, . Like iu said, she changed her number after being left 2 polite messages asking for a her returned call back. However, She wanted me to wire funds to Harold Blue days before Christmas. I was promised my package and check by December 23rd, 2011. Both Kathleen Williams and Harold blue work as a team it seems like to get the confidence of someone who does not know they both are up to no good to get wire funds out of you. Harold Blue hounds you like a dog until you pay the funds but 'HE NEVER KEEPS HIS WORDS BECAUSE HE IS A COWARD". On December 23rd, 2011 when my promised package did not arrive, Harold want what little money I had to make a trip from his place to Orlando Florida to get my package and check with a tracking number via Fedex out to me on 12/24/2011. When that did not work out, he promised me my tracking on 12/26/2011. When that day came, nothing came but Harold called me later claiming some "Pee-On" at the title company screwed up and did not give him a check. Harold Claimed to be in the business for 20 years and how can he be so ignorant not to get the promised check? Well, just like he lied from before, Harold Blue lied again. Then I tried to get ahold of TES via their website leaving messages, not one returned phone call. Weeks later, a lady that works with Harold Blue named Sally Wright, email me the title company needed to verify the buyer's income. This was an excuse by Harold to get another $100.00 out of me. Sally Wright sounds just like Ann Horwitz at the TES title company but alternates between being 2 ladies at different times to deceive people who do not know any better. If you have been cheated by either one of these people, please contact me at: edwinlwoodburne@yahoo.com. I have asked Harold Blue for a $1, 341.00 refund of the fees and funds he has taken that he claimes he paid to the TES title company of whom are cowards like Harold Blue is because once you confront either of them on the truth, they hang up the phone or intimidation you using tactics to make you upset so you are the "bad guy' and they did no wrong. I have proof of what I claim on here, and if enough people would unite to expose TES, Harold Blue and their partners, they could be put in jail for their actions. Harold Blue has some tie in to a Diane Crosby at [protected] but the one who answers goes by Cindy. They use that land line as a fax line to send out phony contracts for you to sign and fax back. But days later, they block your number from ever faxing them to cancel the contract. I have more information and offered Harold Blue an opportunity to refund my $1.341.00 that he was given in funds and fees for the title company without seeking further legal action. The reason why I took the time to say what I did, of which I can prove everything stated, is to warn you that if you are ever contacted by Harold blue, or TES or Blue Chips Holdings group, be prepared to be ripped off like you never had been before. I would have not done any more business with Harold Blue if it had not been for "Kathleen Williams" as a claimed representative at TES where I was taken advantage of before Christmas where the money I had was very little meant as Christmas presents for my children. I guess Harold and Kathleen had a party of their own, Harold told me his wife wanted to leave him back in October 2011, I guess we know why now about why this would have happened. If Harold Blue refunds my money, I will post an update here on this board. But others, please beware. Thanks, Ed Woodburne
I just emailed you Dr. Tom at thomashainey@ymail.com. For your words and invite to have people email you, why would your email address not work as you posted? The email address came back with an error message listed below. We all know someone needs to put their vaild email address on this complaint board to post a comment. Why does the below error message come back when someone emails Dr.Tom?
Error message said: Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address. : Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to thomashainey@ymail.com cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102]. - mta1053.mail.sp2.yahoo.com [BODY]
Oh let me guess, opps, a typo error on the email address. Ahh yes, I see and your are doctor, a REAL live doctor saying don't be fooled by impersonators? I am confused. I would be worried if I was one of your patients allowing you to give me an injection for the flu.. Oppps. Medication needle poke oo error. Sorry. These things stated are because you should have use an vaild email address. I just wanted others to know not to try use your email address. If your email address is misleading, I wonder if your vouch for TES is also misleading. You been doing this for 20 years with time shares? You sound like someone I know. I'm sorry it sounds harsh. If you used a vaild email address, your TES posting would be more believeable. However, if you come back with comments to critisize someone for pointing out your the email address error, then it goes to show you are someone that just wants to pop off with the mouth without the guts to stand by your own words. This posting was not meant to cause problems Dr. Tom. It makes sense to use a valid email address when posting comments. Thanks.
As of 2/6/2012, this Thomas Hainey sent a message about his email address not even working. This Dr. Tom comments gives a good review but he at the same time could not give a valid working email address on his posted comments. Just goes to show you that some people are a phony as can be and cannot be trusted. Perhaps this Dr. Tom likes giving phony good reviews so others will be fooled into giving money to a firm while working with a scam artist such as Harold Blue. I sent a registered letter to Harold Blue's C/O: Blue Chips Holding, 309 Olive Street, South Daytona Beach, Florida. 32119. This address is false as Harold Blue has not lived there in over 6 months per a letter that was send to me by the people who in fact lived there at this same address. Harold Blue has had BBB information delivered to this address only to have it be returned back as Harold Blue does not reside at this address as he claims it as a contact address. I spoke personally to the person who does live there. I was told about a few weeks. some red-headed lady went to this address to pick up a FedEx package that was left there for Harold Blue. She was sort of pushy and just wanted the package as she laughed and joked about how FedEx messes up sending a packages a wrong address. We all know FedEx uses tracking numbers to deliver items and they would not leave items unless the receiver has left a signature so FedEx can left a package without it needing to be signed for by the receiver as the name appears on the package. Harold Blue uses a fax number of [protected], claiming that these people at this fax line number are Harold Blue's neighbors. It does little good does it do to trust Harold Blue as he claims he is working with TES. Harold blue scammed me for much money not counting the postage and faxing fees. If you give one penny to Harold Blue, be in for a shocked that he sounds so good, lies through his teeth, laughs like some kinda of joker ever to get some lady to back his claim of whom he is doing as she is slick with her words to deceive any one regardless of it being during Christmas time hurting people. I'm saying that Harold Blue cannot be trusted in the least bit. Try him and you may see he is a crook and lying coward hiding behind a phone.
Some Additional information: Harold Blue can maybe be found on http://www.myspace.com/425017699. Also, here is a a posting that also reveals that Sally Wright is not the correct first name. Its Sherrie Wright. Someone said they were having the same problem of trying to recover $400 in funds since Aug. of 2009. Look on this complaint board for the posting that spoke of a woman named Sherrie Wright who made many promised to me. I know she never kept any promises to me. They used numbers like [protected], [protected], [protected], and [protected]. They like me has called Sherrie or Sally Wright literally hundreds of times and get the same voice mail message. We have left messages and also e-mailed. No responses.
1490 W Internatl Speedway Blvd Daytona Beach, FL [protected] in between outback and an airplane store, diane crosby is the ring leader of the scam. She is working with Harold Blue and Kathleen Williams at TES. This is a scam operation. Harold Blue is a coward hiding behind a phone thinking no one ever will catch him. Let's keep on their trail until the Feds catch up with all these crooks.
I have been keeping every e-mail and phone messege from Harold Blue and he has gien me enough eidence to go to the Attorney General, pam Boni's, office and I suggest that all of us who have been scammed by him and timeshare equity serice file a formal complaint with her .This constitutes fraud on both their parts and I am going to file for a lot more than the 250.00 that I have been out to them . I believe that everyone who has dealt with them should file a class-action law suit for loss of money and the stress thay have subjected us to . I, for one have been under a lot of stress and my health has suffered from worrying with this . I am 67 years old and I know that the state of Florida looks with much disdain on taking advantge of older people .
I thought Harold Douglas Blue was trying to make good on somethings he did to me. He called me Sunday, February 12th from a restricted number. He hid his phone number. He tried again to strong-arm me over the phone acting like he can do something to me because I posted my comments here on this complaint board. His tactics to put fear into me did not work. He tried to explain his situation. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but I had problems with him being a man of his word when his actions are not true. Harold asked me to remove what was posted on this website. Harold Blue claims that this complaint board website is a big scam operation and it costs money to have any postings removed. I tried to tell him that is not the case at all.
I had been in email contact with the folks who run this website and they have been most helpful. I know Harold will try to play the word against game again. Because he does not know what being honest means. Seems like Mr. Blue does not want the whole truth to be exposed. When he and I last spoke on Tuesday, February 14th, I let him know I was going to contact Crete Meade to confirm his information. What I learned from Mr. Meade was Harold was also Turing to talk him into removing what was posted on this website. Mr. Meade is a kind elderly man. I was sadden to learn what Harold Blue did to him.
I feel that Mr. Meade should be respected as an elder. However, the main reason why I am posting this on the board is because of what Mr. Meade said to me that 'Harold Blue" did not say to me. Harold was playing us both again based on the following.
On the 3rd and 4th week of July 2011, after Harold Blue was given Title Transfer fees from me, he was paid twice because of some error with the closing costs told to him by the Title company. I was told that my Westgate Time Share was sold. But this was not true, nor did I receive the promised deposit funds left from the buyers in case the deal fell through. I was asked to hang on and something will clear up in the near future.
Then there was this "Big Audit being done by the IRS on the TES Title Company. I was told by Harold Douglas Blue that the TES Title Company was not able to release my funds until the Audit was complete. Once done, then the funds would be released to me. However, I tried calling the TES Title company because Harold Blue was called many times before without calling me back. He ignored me until he decided to call me to tell me of this audit. When calling the Title Company, I firmly believed it was Sally's Wright's voice because of her accent I heard on the answering machine. This was the same voice Sally Wright I spoke to on January 20th and 23rd, 2012. She promised to call me on the 24th, but that never happened. I emailed her 3 times, not reply until much later.
However, back in late July 2011, not one return phone call was made back to me by the TES Title company to confirm of this so called big IRS audit Harold Blue reported. I just kept on being ignored and ignored, this is Harold Douglas Blue's favorite trade mark.
This was mentioned in the contract that Harold agreed to but he blocked my ability to fax back to him to cancel our arrangement. Harold asked me to wait, as soon as things are all cleared up, the funds will be released of which they never were sent. I can add much more to this story later on unless i am refunded the $1.341.00 Harold Douglas took from me without ever selling my Westgate time-share. He did his most damage on Christmas time when he took money from me with promises he never kept ruining our holiday. We went without gifts and hungry on a Christmas day because of Harold Blue. However, Mr. Meade told me that Harold Blue told him that for the past three weeks that the Title company again WAS BEING AUDITED BY THE IRS. HOW MANY TIMES DOES THE IRS AUDIT TITLE COMPANY WITHIN ONE YEAR? THERE MUST BE SOMETHING GOING ON OR is "HAROLD BLUE" IS UP TO HIS OLD TRICKS? Sally Wright spoke of Harold being in the hospital but 'SAID NOTHING OF AN AUDIT". I tired to call the TES Title Company at the new number Sally gave me and after 2 weeks, that Magic Jack was changed. I state for the record that when i called the TES Title the entire time I spoke to Harold Blue from Sunday to Tuesday, not 'ONE WORD' did Harold say about any audit being done to any Title Company. If Harold Blue has been "in this business" for as long as he has claims; how many others has he taken advantage of like Mr. Meade and I without any shame or conscience? I encourage all those who have been wronged by Harold Blue to speak up and out the truth as they have been hurt. I spoke from my personal experience and can be backed up. Whatever good or bad Harold Blue has done before I met him, does not justify his crooked deceiving crooked false actions. Harold bullies people, intimations them, talks tuff and he thinks there is nothing called justice. If Harold Blue has the guts to call someone, he should use a listed known land line number and stop being a coward. I cannot speak for others he may or may not have hurt or helped.
I doubt the truth behind the success stories with giving Mr. Blue undue honor. Why did he not give honor to Mr. Meade? . Any questions can be emailed to me. This posting is not intended to get back at Harold Blue. This website is a good place to warn others and hoping that they can be helped if they were a victim of this man's evil doings. If Harold Blue refunds my $1, 341.00 that he took from me without selling my time share, I will consider removing these postings. Also Harold, do not forget that good man, Mr. Meade, please refund all his money as well. Please be honest so others can trust you again.
Thanks to all those that read these postings, You are free to your own opinions. I was very hurt because of the money Harold Blue took from me on Christmas that he used on his own lusts. Harold should count the cost beyond the cost of just to refunding the money he took from us. Harold never kept his word in selling our Westgate time shares.
Count me in as one more fool suckered in by Howard Blue and Kathleen and Sally Wright! Thay got me for about the same money, around $1, 100. ending on the December 30, 2011 the day after my 65 birthday. I have been taken by the same cons as you have and the same repete story. All tricks and deception! Thay have no remorse. I can be reached at this e mail address. (grumpysgoldmines@yahoo.com). Did he give you the same line? "HAVE A BLESSED DAY" ! Yours truely Mr.Frank Abbott
I think we collect all of this complanting and present to Americas Most Wonted. Perhaps may be then all of the good honest people who have bee taken to the cleaners by HAROLD BLUE at Blue Chip Holdings just might find some justice. I got the some store as all the same that i read. The T.S.E. Service doing the closing The Audit by I.R.S. the accout being frozen and funds being held. The check being held. The buyer needing to recertify there income as the time span ha staken so long. Thats all crap! Howard Blue needs to be behind bars. A class action law suite would be stroungly advised by all those suckered by these con artest. Yours Truely Mr. Frank Abbott {grumpysgoldmines@yahoo.com} Hay did he give you his favorate line? "HAVE A BLESSED DAY"!
Hi Mr. Abbott,
It is surprising that Mr. Harold Blue spoke to you about an IRS Audit being done at the Title Company. This was the same deceptive ploy he used on my in July 2011. After he collected the funds per his original contract, he turned around asking for more funds. After which he was paid, then nothing happened. When I called and called him because he ignored my calls for a return call back, he finally could be reached. Harold Blue turned around to claiming the TES Title Company had this Big IRS Audit that the funds could not be released. He claimed that as soon as they Audit is done, my funds would be sent. Harold Blue purposely used this ploy to gain and stall for time. I tried to reach the Title Company, leaving voice mail after voice mail with someone named Ann Hamel, or some name close to it. The voice Ann was that of Sally Wright's voice. I asked for a return call back and emailed, no response. I tried to fax Harold Blue back an inquiry to the same number he used to secure the contract with a two, three weeks before. Harold Blue blocked my number from being able to fax. Then in Mid August 2011, he called me saying the Audit was about done and soon the funds would be released. Then I called him not hearing from him until the end of August 2011. He said the Title Company needed to re-certify some Title documents. Harold squeezed me for more funds. He further said I was to receive more funds back because of the mortgage payments and maintenance fees, etc that where paid to the delay. So I gave Harold Blue what he asked, wired funds. Then it turned out that some other delayed excuse was given, Harold asked for more funds in September including the funds given on September 28th, 2011. Harold said he was at the Title Company in Orlando claiming to do me a "Big Favor". Harold Blue swore I would have the check for the resale of my Westgate and I quote he said "I would have the check in my hand on Friday, September 30th, 2011" if I Western Union him more money. The other option would be to wait 7-10. I asked him if he was sure and he assured me. I sent him the funds. Then nothing came. I called Harold Blue, the man acted as though I was causing him problems “FORGETTING” what he said the week before. No check came.
I can add more to this posting, just email me if you have any issues in being deceived by Harold Blue. You'd be shocked on the information I can prove on Harold Blue. I even got a picture of the Harold claiming it is his arm that got cut with a 2-inch butcher knife. I wonder whom Harold pissed off? You can never tell about what may come from this coward's mouth because he got excuse after excuse as his back end to blows out bean air when talks. If you gave Harold Blue any money, you may never see it again while he ignores you to then act like its all your fault when you bring him into accountability.