BEAWARE! Avoid at all cost! I have seen this type of business set up before and it's not worth your time unless you like to have your credit card charged $55 dollars every month. I feel sorry for the people you fall for this busness model. They will learn sooner or later. It is stacked against you! No Savings-No cost-No risk! Do the math for yourself and you will see who really benefits from this and it will not be you. One last thing. Don't let the A- BBB rating full you. Its a new buisness. Give it time and see what happens.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Dom5. That fee is not for the honor of selling the product. That fee is for the honor of having access to the proprietary software, the back office tool and a personalized website to send customers to. You have been misleading anyone who comes to this site and reads your postings. Please stop. Please post what is true and not what you feel like saying. You are bordering on slanderous behavior. I know that this may come as a surprise to you since you strike me as the type of person who has a very hard time admitting that you ae wrong. So I am going to take the "band-aid' approach. Sometimes its best to rip it off quickly and get on with life. so here goes...
YOU ARE WRONG! Just say you are sorry and move on. There is no scam here.
To:FreeEnt : Look, my concern is for the agents or for any individual thinking of becoming an agent. Before they do so I want to make sure they look at this thing from every angle instead of just drinking the "proprietary software" and "personal website" kool-aid fed to them by IBC. The FACT remains that IBC generates $30k/month which is taken from the agents' pockets while offering the agent almost ZERO benefit in return. Yes, my postings are my opinions but those opinions are based on sound logic. What bothers you about those opinions isn't that they may be wrong, but that they may be right.
I will accept that most ambiguous reply as an admittance of error...maybe.
Okay that was funny. One key point that I've been consistent on: IBC collects $30k/month from their agents to zero benefit of the agents. The fact that you cannot deny this is an admission on your part that this point is valid.
The point is certainly valid. Yes they have a product. Yes we as agents make a choice to use it or not. Yes they make a profit. But if you buy a can of ravioli the same facts are true. This goes back to my first post in response to this whole thing. We have the privilege of living in a country founded on free enterprise. We as agents get to choose to pay money to get the product. Which is why your comments are, when looking at the big picture, unwarranted and damaging to IBC. And frankly they tend to spit in the face of the values that make this country great. IBC and anyone else who is so inclined has the right to make money on a product or service. So please reconsider how you approach a subject that you have very little first hand knowledge about.
To FreeEnt: We can go round and round on this but it certainly looks like we will not change each others' minds. However, I did want to answer a few specific accusations: There is nothing wrong with IBC or anybody else earning a legitimate profit on a product or service. What I find wrong is that they make a profit off their own agents. If Rate Lock is the strong service for merchants that IBC claims it is, then the service itself should be enough to provide a profit for IBC and a decent living for their agents WITHOUT charging a fee to the agents. If you consider such comments to be a "slap in the face to free enterprise", i can't help you. As to our ongoing discussion we'll just have to agree to disagree. There isn't much point to further postings. My position is clear, truthful, and makes sense. There are 5-pages of postings that folks thinking of becoming IBC agents can read and ponder, the final decision is theirs.
Yes Dom5. I agree that its time to put an end to the bantering. Thank you for an intelligent conversation on this matter. That in and of itself is a reflection of one of the other values we hold so dear in this great nation. We all have the right to voice our opinions in a public forum. To anyone concidering a position at IBC I once again encourage you to make contact with me. [protected]
People, please take note. This person is complaining about the $55.00 fee as a licensed agent for IBC. This gives you access to all the Website info that you now have since you now have your own private Website that contains all the marketing info you will ever need for your business. IF YOU LEAVE IBC, cancel the $55.00 fee and you no longer have use of the website and you no longer get paid any commisseion. What is there to complain about? You got everything you were promised. If you did not get out and work the business plan, who's fault is that? Lets compare costs ------ And other business models ------- Do you know what Real Estate Agents pay to use the MLS yearly? Is that wrong?. There are so many businesses out there that have fees for independent agents. Now to your other point about waiting for the Government to help merchants. That was called the Dodd / Frank act. You know that wonderful piece of legislation that promised help for consumers and merchants against a completely unregulated industry. Well, the help that was promised to Merchants got pushed out to 2015. What did happen was the formulation of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). They were charged with collecting the data on the wide spread abuses in the marketplace by the various financial players that make up the components of the fees charged to merchants for accepting credit and debit cards.Oh yes there was one small problem, the CFPB had no way of collecting this data because that would involve going to the merchants, both large and small and asking them about their credit card statements. Well if you spent any time listening to the training you received you would know that you need a Philadelphia Attorney to help get through the 150 odd pages that make up the rules and regulations that govern the interchanges that operate in this financial world. They make it as confusing as they possibly can on purpose. Then every October and April, like clockwork, they add changes to these rules and regulations that almost always involve increases in some cost to the merchjants. You still with me or are you starting to see the light! Oh yes, one other little point ---to my knowledge, IBC is the only major company reporting the widespread abuse from each and every merchant that we interact with. They can choose to include their company name and data in the reporting IIBC sends in monthly to the CFPB. Do you think that is helping in any way?
Finally, IBC only makes money if they help save the merchant money. Think about that for a second...Whose best interest are they looking out for? The better the job they do for the merchant, the more they help themselves so the merchant saves money and we make money. Do you think merchants have the time to sit down and wade through this system which is set up to confuse people? They actually can choose to change processors and go with someone who will lower their costs for them but that involves changing all the processing machines (in most cases), all new training and new bank accounts may be needed. Then they are right back in the same boat. The merchant processor is not in business of looking out for each merchants best interests. Each and every time the folks at VIsa and MC change the rules in April and October, are they going to take the time to go through it with each merchant and make sure they are not being overcharged?
For any of you that took the time to read this I thank you. The person who filed this complaint did so because he or she was angry about being charged $55.00 to be a licensed agent for IBC. That has nothing to do with the work IBC does for Merchants in all types of businesses across these United States. I am a small business owner for the past 32 years. I joined IBC after I learned just how much I was being overcharged. I had a guy who told me he was going to take great care of me set me up to get reamed. IBC lowered my bill by 30%. Now for someone paying $340 a month for processing, that isn't a ton of money by most standards. For me it was an eye opener! Ask most merchants if they would like to reduce any cost by 30% and see what they say! Not a hard answer is it. So I joined IBC and have been with them for 3 years now and love my job. It is easy to help people save money if they will just give us 5 minutes of their time, we can show them how. I can be reached at: Thank you for reading this.