I ordered a custom skylight from Window Depot which came in on time. I went in to pick it up shortly after it arrived, but unfortunately it was one inch too big to fit in my vehicle. I told the Widow Depot employee that I was either going to need to find a larger truck or have them deliver it to me the following week. He told me that it wasn't a problem and I said I'd be coming in the following week to order two additional skylights and to either pick up the skylight or pay for it to be delivered.
The following week I received a call from a different employee who said I needed to come in and pick-up the skylight or they would start charging me a late pick-up fee. No problem I said, I would be right in with a truck that day and I would order two additional skylights. When I arrived, the very same employee pulled my paperwork and said I needed to talk to his manager about a late pick-up fee. I then told the manager that I was just made aware of their late pick up fee policy that day and was told by the employee that if I didn't pick up the skylight that day, they would then start charging me a late fee. He then lied right to my face and told his manager that I had been told all along that I was being charged a late pick up fee. I told the manager he was lying and she sided with her employee and then pointed to the fine print in their purchase contract about their late pick up fee policy with a smug look on her face. I was absolutely irate, but I had no choice but to pay the money. I did however let them know that they lost a customer for life. This didn't seem to bother the manager in the least bit even though I was ready to make an additional $500 order that day. All she really seemed to care about was winning the argument and vindicating herself.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I had 11 windows put in oct2009 with little problems so I signed a new contract on Oct 14 2010 and put a down payment of $600 and after some time had passed I called and called and no one would return my phone calls some one finally answered and said the window makers were off thanksgiving week so I called after that week and no one would answer I guess they needed time to pack there bags I got my contract I guess that does me no good now this paper sure isn't worth $600. If some wants $600 gimme a call I just threw that out the window literally
You need to contact Chris Nagus at KMOV-Channel Four in St Louis MO. There is a story published Feb 3, 2011 and there is an additional story where Mark Creonte was charged with fraud and theft. You may need to have him prosecuted in St Louis County. Contact the Attorney General office and ask how this can be accomplished. Since he was picked up by the US MARSHALLS OFC, maybe you should try there first.
I purchased 12 windows from then, Clear Choice. After reasearch, I noticed the windows Silverline was manufactured via Siiverline. I thought Anderson was a good name in windows? After installed, I Immediatley noticed air was coming in around the sash. Clear Choice was called. At this time they were out of Nashville, Tenn after leaving Huntsville Alabama area.. Windows were measured via Terry Sanford. Upon windows arrival, all my windows had been incorrectly measured. They left and came back at a later date. they were installed. Even I could see they were not installed correctly. They were not square.. Rather than Clear Choice losing money, the installer, David, made them work on there second arrival. I immediately started calling and writing Clear Choice. I even called Silverline. They sent a representative and confirmed most of my windows were not square. Due to the dath of my 44 yr old son and my mother, I have had no time to persue this matter.
I am retired and do not have the means to replace all 12 windows. Clear Choice can not be found and Silverline only offers help to "patch "the windows at a cost to me.
Please, do not get involved with Clear Choice/Window Depot/Silverline manufacturing. You will regret it!