These SCAMS take place from many different companies saying the same line or pitch. Some of the companies scamming are: PMI, Prosper, Thrive, TaxClub, Resultzzs, Summit Group, Six figure, PEI, MOA or Mentors of America, Business Development Systems and many more...
These companies and others are using a call center out of Pinallas Park named Impulse Marketing LLC. They sell these make money on the internet schemes and Acia Berry Detox, Colon Cleanse, DazzleBrite and a hundred other products.
The owners and operators of Impulse are Joseph A. Montalbano, Jason Peterson, and Matthew Argall all around Tampa FL area. If you know of other partners or mangers post their names and info. It will help to expose these scammers.
Impulse Marketing LLC Headquarters:
3985 Gateway Centre Blvd
Suite 200
Pinellas Park, FL 33782
Telephone: [protected]
Fax: [protected]
Email: [protected]
Here is how the scam unfolds:
First you will order an inexpensive Internet or Real estate business opportunity off the Internet or an infomercial. Then get called a few days later by some one saying they are giving you a free consultation or something to this nature. They will call them self a start up specialist or business consultant. They will say they need to qualify you for the success team program, making you feel like this is a once in a life time opportunity. Then they will start asking you personal questions about your finances. Their only real purpose is to find out if you have any MONEY AVAILABLE on your credit cards. Once they find this info out, they will "sell you". They do this by putting you through an emotional roller-coaster making you feel horrible about your current financial situation and then build you up by going over your goals with you. In other words, "they build a dream". They make you think that this business is going to make tons of money because they will help you make it a success, and you a success story. They will then say congratulations I think we can work with you, then put you on hold so they can find a closer to talk to you. They have the closer or "senior director" call you back in 5 to 10 min. The closer will end up convincing you to give them a credit card number and charge it in the range 2, 000.00 up to 20, 000.00 dollars.
They also don't tell you these Impulse guys hire people out on work release programs from the local jails! can you believe that. One of the places they get these so-called telemarketers is from the Goodwill program and Largo Residential Re-entry facility for criminals coming out of jail and in need of a job and live at the local half way house. These are the people you are giving your credit card numbers and info to!
If anyone else has more information or details on the criminals working here please post it so others will not fall victim to this boiler room operation.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
In light of what I have just read, I felt the need to input my 2 cents on this topic. Everything you have read here is true, I know of this program very well, and I have always been against the sales tactics that these people employ just to make a buck. But in defense of the situation, NOBODY pulls a gun out and forces these customers such as the person who wrote this complaint to pull out their credit cards and read off all 16 digits, exp date and CVV to the so called "criminals" on the other side of the phone. I can assure you that YES impulse did hire work release inmates to conduct outbound and inbound telecom sales for them, but none of these people had any access to any customer financial info, such as Credit Card Numbers, or Bank Statements. The reason that they were hired was because they had absolutely 0 opportunity to do anything illegal otherwise they would have been thrown right back in jail. It may not seem like it, but its better to speak with these kind of people than regular reps that can take your info and take it home, and got forbid try and do whatever they like with it in the comfort of their homes.
Jason Peterson IS NOT an owner at Impulse Marketing, The 4 owners are Joseph Montalbano, Matt Argall. Christopher Reinhold, and Nick Congleton although you will not find Nick on any paperwork as an owner due to the FTC/FLorida AG complaints and investigations he has pending against him with his other fraudulent companies. See the Link Below:
Impulse is no longer doing order confirmation calls for online purchases, as a matter of fact Matt Argall and Joseph Montalbano are no longer associated with the company. It is now solely ran by Nick Congleton and Chris Reinhold, Their new gig is now selling ### and worthless vacation packages/home warranty protections/and shopping clubs to customers that they send SMS messages to their cell phone. They send you a text saying call in to claim your free 25 dollar Target/Wal-Mart gift card, and while they are you the phone sell you these packages in order to be able to get your gift cards. They say you have a 14 day trial period to cancel but who ever remembers these dates? The sad part of when you do not cancel, your cc card that you gave them to charge your trial fee to these programs are then charged upward amounts of $300 or more for the months membership fee. That is the amount of some of these peoples car payments for a useless savings club. But it gets better, the so-called gift card that they are offering you is not a gift card but a gift VOUCHER, you have to spend the money at the store first, then send in your receipt with the voucher, and you can only claim $5-$10 per month.
I have taken the liberty of uploading picture of the owners that I could find. These are Nick Congleton and Chris Reinhold.
Mr. Insider is correct, although the company started with all four partners, the incompetence of Chris Reinhold as the Manager of Operations, eventually resulted in Matt Argall and Joseph Montalbano wanting nothing to do with Chris.
As for the PMI, Prosper, Thrive, TaxClub, Resultzzs, Summit Group, Six figure, PEI, MOA or Mentors of America, Business Development Systems and many more... The person who brought the idea to sell these out of Impulse was Jason Peterson. He brought his three self-glorified salesmen from Utah, who ended up being nothing but over paid telemarketers. The salesmen are the ones responsible for scamming people because they don't care about people, and told the owners they were helping people fulfill their dreams. When in fact, they don't care if you have to use every last penny on your credit card/s to buy their program. All they care about is their over priced shoes, sun glasses, tacky clothes and themselves. Their names were Jeremy and Ryan Manire and their manager (head salesman I guess) was named John Young. John is the perfect example of an irresponsible man, and the salesmen he brought with him are no better. I worked with him for less than a week, and saw nothing but lack of respect for anyone...except for those who could potentially put $ in his pocket.
The problem with these guys is the problem with society, they are too important in their own eyes to care about anyone or anything else besides themselves.
Your real warning should be: Don't do business with John Young, Jeremy Manire, Ryan Manire or Chris Reinhold.
The others are just interested in making money, but they don't always have a hands on approach to prevent scammers from running the telemarking room.
As for the criminals working on the phones, they aren't all criminals, and they don't have access to any private info...they aren't allowed to have paper and pens on their desks to write anything down. Also, there are survellience cameras everywhere in that call center to prevent any problems for customers.
Worked there, I don't doubt that John Young, Jeremy and Ryan Maniere and Chris Reinhold were there just for the money. But it's not fair to pin it all on them now that Matt Argall and Joe Montalbano have bailed. If it weren't for Argall's false promises of making millions of dollars, the group from Utah would not have been enticed to work with Impulse. It was Matt who brought them to Florida by making a bunch of false promises. By the time the Utah people got to Impulse the place was already falling apart, that's why they were called in.
Matt Argall didn't have a problem with the company and his former partners when we had about 300 telemarketers in the call center and the money was rolling in. He wasn't complaining when he took his trips to Las Vegas, the Bahamas and when he was blowing money hand over fist on booze and other stuff no so legal.
To now try and distance him from Impulse is ludicrous.
Does Haydn and Lucy James still work there ? What happend to them ?
Ex-impulse Employee...sounds like you're not an employee. It sounds like you're an owner/administrator/loser.
"When we had about 300 telemarketers"
"We" huh?
Let it go, and I am sure you were a part of the other stuff not so legal...allllll of it I am sure! Along with the travel and parties, you weren't just an employee.
Check out Renee Przbyl profile on Facebook. She is the baby Momma to Nick Congleton. There you can see the many posted pictures of her fake hair, nails, tan, lips & boobs. As well as countless pictures of lavish VIP scenes, private jets, limos, booze, nanny's and vacations all over the world. Oh, and all the "partners" spoke about above are of course haming it up for the camera's with their plastic wives.
Nick Congleton was arrested the other morning too. Read those headlines...what a laugh. Sounds like karma to me for all the money he steals from people. On a sad note his Mother was strangled to death in a hotel room by her boyfriend a few years ago.
Also check out Maya Hamblet on Facebook she is the plastic botox injected baby Momma to Matt Argall.
Ashlee is the wife to Chris Reinhold. These 3 woman post hundreds of pictures bragging about their hair extentions, vactions, shopping sprees, boats, cars, home on the beach, spray tans, personal limo goes on & on!
If anyone needs cell phone numbers to the owners or even the women, I can supply those. guys are too much. I worked for a similar scam. The company is called Ivy capital. The complaints on them go on foreverrrr...
Yes, would love to call & speak to somone that's responsible for this scam, can't get anywhere w/ customer service.
Sounds like a bunch of angry Haters. None of us will get out of here alive keep busy Hating i will keep busy laughing at YOU. by the way impulse has a A rating with the BBB
To everyone out there who like to hate on the wives or plastic girfriends of these men. One don't be jealous one we hotter than ur wife or girl two you would never be able to date us. Call us botox plastic stalk our facebooks or myspace like high school kids do but keep ur mouth shut. Some of us have children and careers ahead of us and don't need ur wacko complaints board postings shows we are something to even be talked about ;) thank you have a great day online bashing while u could be getting some lipo or sitting on a yacht ... FYI u missed a couple surgerie on one of the aka arm candy.
i used to work there, its funny how you state that they hire work release program people i actually heard of a couple of the girls stealing credit card numbers to pay off there own bills and such. the place is such a scam i only worked there for a month(not on any kind of release just job desperate) and after i found out there scam and how they were keeping parts of my paycheck i threatened to report them to better bbb and bay news 9 the local television station.
I have located the owners and scammers / contact the Utah BBB / Utah Consumer Protection / & the FTC as they have cases open currently to file criminal charges against the owners.
NJ Corporate / Nicholas Johnson
7440s Creek Road #300
SLC UT 84093
Ever heard of Turk Lempfert? What is the Consumer Credit Group, LLC?
Matt Argall's newest scam is one that takes fees from consumer’s accounts. With the intent to defraud his victims he continues to scam thousands and thousands. His partner is Jeremy Warburton of Utah. They both work along side Jeremy Johnson of Utah. They brag they are making millions per month from stealing consumer’s accounts from Facebook pages.
Please let us know if Joseph montalbano is approx 60?...and did he kill his mother while he was drunk in a parking lot? He drove over a barrier and hit a light pole DRUNK...and his poor elderly mother died? Also is he on Facebook like a cult leader? Saying he is being shut down by the government ect...all his assets frozen...ect? Please fill me in.