I could not BE more disappointed with your customer service : (From abysmal “Job knowledge” to egregious breaches of personal private financial information at “my” branch, to a serious lack of customer service training on your chat people… it’s just ridiculous when people who want to work and know how to treat people and learn their job are literally everywhere but nope, we get this bored crew who honestly have a thousand ways to say NO we can’t
NO we don’t do that
NO not at this brand today
NO I can’t help you
NO because abcdefg and everybody else is wrong. Buh bye.
It’s bad you guys.
You should hire restaurant people who go above and beyond for their guest. The branch on Alberta Street in Portland OR 97211) by my tiny house) makes Umpqua look bad.
My mom had stellar service (and I did, by extension, as well) for DECADES at her Umpqua locations in and around Lakeport CA 95453. They were kinda experts: really good at their jobs and took
Pride in that.
The Alberta branch is sad. For such a colorful, amaaaazing neighborhood, that Umpqua Bank makes people SAD from the vibe or the NO vibe maybe I should say. The employees are sad and they hope like hell they can’t actually help you with anything even the SLIGHTEST thing out of the ordinary. Just, no. No we can’t and no we don’t and you need to go somewhere else now. It’s — I would “secretly record” the reception one gets at Alberta if I was a bigger jerk. It’s that predictable though! Go in there, every time is no. NO MATTER how many levels of verification you’ve received that this is not a particularly unusual transaction. And you share that. Nope, you’re wrong, they’re wrong, can’t do it. Bye now.
You could do so much better. I don’t need a local bank anymore I guess. : (Another proud tradition bites the dust. Another profession gives up.
Claimed loss: Waste of my time, EVERY TIME! All they know how to do at those branch is say NO, WE DON’T DO THAT, GO TO A DIFFERENT BANK!! Like, what???!!!
Desired outcome: Fire everyone and start over. Maybe just sell the whole building.
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