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One Finance Reviews 18

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One Finance Recent Changes Decimated One’s Unique Value Proposition

Up until recently One was a totally awesome service! The new changes cut virtually ALL core features that made One different than a traditional bank.

- NO pocket sharing
- NO virtual cards for pockets
- NO ability to change which pocket is linked to your physical card
- NO longer eligible for 3% APY - new customers only get 1%, if you had Auto-Save enable and with a balance you get to keep the 3% APY with the same $25k max in the Save pocket
- NO longer being able to link a pocket to your Spend pocket to use as protection for overdraft. You get a $10-$200 overdraft protection IF you have direct deposit AND based on the available funds you have with One
- NO longer able to create more than 3 pockets

This is now essentially useless for families since we can no longer share pockets. Money is effectively segregated and families cannot pool funds together as - “our money”. I guess true to a One philosophy!?

All the recent changes only removed features and those features were the very thing that made me sign up for One. Now, One finance has NO differentiating features than any other traditional Bank. There are plenty of banks that offer NO fee accounts and even let you tie a savings account to use as overdraft protection.

What exactly is the point of using One now? I just don’t see a reason to. It is truly disappointing.

This is how an innovative company that set out to change the finance world let’s their vision and dreams die.

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One Finance Garbage since Walmart bought them

One was amazing with its innovation and putting consumer desires first. Then they got bought by Walmart and 90% of the features that were the whole point many of us even signed up for One in the first place were removed. Those features were integral in helping us budget and learn how to manage our money better - which was the whole point of One in the first place, to help consumers budget better. Not only were these features stripped, but the app was downgraded (because I refuse to call it an “update”) to the most ugly, generic, unintuitive app I have seen in a long time. Literally NO one asked for this. It looks like a child coded it. I cannot believe how out of touch the new owners of One are. It is deplorable. And nevermind the zero attempts at proper communication with customers or roadmap or any cohesive action whatsoever. It’s like a monkey is running One now (except I think a monkey would run it better). It’s amazing that the new CEO came from Goldman and Sachs and this is how he’s running the company (into the ground). It’s honestly laughable at this point. It boggles my mind how large companies still don’t get that they would make more money by A.) not pissing off their entire customer base and B.) by offering what the customers actually want and who are more than willing to pay for the features they want. Like, it’s actually stupid what One is doing. There’s no other way to put it. I can’t wait for Envelope Money to release.

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One Finance Look Elsewhere for a Better Experience

Honestly, ONE was the solution I was looking for after Simple closed. That was, until this recent update, the case and I was a very happy customer. Now, it’s just a colossal disappointment.

If you came to One looking for a bank that cares about its customers, communicating with them, and fulfilling the expectations they themselves set up, run away, now, and quickly.

The One CEO came to this FinTech’s subreddit a few months ago and told us that very little would change, and all the changes would benefit One’s customers. Instead, they sold the company to WalMart and dropped the majority of its defining features other than being a basic, virtual bank.

For those curious, we lost the ability to:

1. Create new Expense Pockets
2. Create virtual cards for those Pockets
3. Point our Debit Card to any Pocket
4. Modify Recurring Transfers
5. Share Pockets with anyone (Spouse, Children, Roommate, etc)
6. Share our Spend Pocket
7. Lock a pocket against ACH transactions
8. Virtually send payments to anyone
9. “Send a check” (we do not have physical checks)
10. Access our previously extant Credit Line

In return, we get:

1. 2% Cash Back (up to $50) at WalMart (and a few other places)
2. Deposit Cash at WalMart

Clearly this did not benefit One’s customers. This benefitted the One CEO and WalMart. I can’t tell you which bank TO use, but I would recommend any potential customers to carefully consider if they would trust their bank after making these barely-announced changes.

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One Finance Suspicious Setup

One looks SO good in the app. But guess what?! You can’t search a transaction. You can’t download your expenses. There are no budgeting features. At all. Now, why would a cutting-edge bank NOT offer those modern-day banking normalcies? Maybe they don’t want you to stay on top of your money because...

They have instead focused their development efforts on an “Overdraft Protection Credit Line” that allows you to spend FAR beyond your means for a small fee. Do that long enough and you’ve basically racked up tons of credit card debt in the name of convenience. Slick move, One, slick move.

I’m not saying One absolutely doesn’t care about the consumer. I’m just saying that offering none of the helpful features and one that is crazy dangerous seems super suspect to me.

My charge to One: Implement the features your users keep requesting so you can actually be the one-stop-shop alternative to Simple (God rest their soul).

What we need:
-Searchable transactions, like yesterday (even tiny credit unions have this, silly!)

-Monthly Pocket Spending Summaries (so I can put the calculator away and stop acting like my parents did with their checkbook!)

-A built-in budget of basic proportions (so I don’t have to link some extra external tool to my account!)

I have hope for One, but it is diminishing fast. Keeping my fingers crossed for future releases. Before long, I’ll be forced to move my funds over to Qube, who I at least know actually cares about my family’s financial health. They just don’t look as cool, but looks can be deceiving.

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One Finance Needs tons of changes

Can we get a regular Daily balance notification? PLEASE?

Simple things like not making everything that’s a bill as a ‘transfer’. Not even a regular brick and mortar such as pnc or an online bank like simple would call my monthly car bill a “transfer” or a credit payment a “transfer”

Then the action of money leaving your account, coming into your account, or being moved within the account look almost the same. After you have a ton of transactions, looking for one precise one might take MUCH longer.

Simple things to fix this would be
-green: money coming in to you
-red: money going out of you
-black or grey: money being moved within the pockets (neutral movement of $)

the contacting customer service used to be that you got a chat box when you hit help. Now it just redirects you to their faq. And If you want to contact their app dev directly like in other apps, when you click it (option appears before looking at reviews), it ALSO redirects you to their faq as well.

They should have a different department to receive these inquiries like most other apps do.

They should set a bot similar to Chime bank for simple basic chat questions. And have the option to ask for a representative if it’s more complicated. Also have a ‘messages’ for communicating with customer service within the app.

Lastly, I received a referral but never got a notification of this money coming into my account...
would be nice to know everything that happens in my account.

I could go on and on but this is all that comes to mind for now...

I like them but again, bug and aesthetics need a lot of working on.

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One Finance Update Removed Key Features

I loved this app and over the course of a year moved all my finances to this app because of the “pocket” feature (only thing that makes this different than any other bank). After ONE was acquired by another bank (I think capital one), they killed the “pocket” feature which let you create sub-accounts to organize and automate separate bills. For example I had about 10 different pockets for my subscriptions, grocery budget, CC payments, utilities, insurance, and a joint pocket with my gf for rent— all of which were automated to automatically add a certain amount from every direct-deposit paycheck. Pockets could also be shared, like my rent pocket, which allowed me and my gf to automate adding each of our pet of the rent every paycheck and not worry about it. This feature was removed too. The pocket feature made managing finances incredibly simple for both of us and is (or WAS) the only reason to use this app. It was the key differentiating feature that made this app different from any other banking app, so it’s mind blowing they would remove the ability to create pockets. Note: Old users like me were grandfathered in and get to keep their old pockets, but can’t create new ones. Also, the update changed it from a username and password login to a double-auth login using your phone number (on iPhone). Some of my linked banks disconnect from One every now and then when their apps update, and require a “password change” on ONE in order to reconnect. Unfortunately, there is NO option to change your password anymore, making things even more aggravating. TL;DR: why would you remove everything that made this app useful to users? SAD

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One Finance Simple was SO much better

Look, One is the next best option to Simple when it comes to recreating a lot of the same functionality Simple had. (Enveloping—or “pockets” as One calls them—and mobile check deposit.) However, the app is AWFUL. Tons of color in the interface that is meaningless. If a “pocket” is low on cash and a debit is made above that amount, that dollar amount WILL NOT be taken from another pocket, or the broader account—even if you have thousands of dollars in the main account. I had a credit card payment due for $12. I didn’t have the full dollar amount in the pocket that was supposed to pull from (my fault). However, I did have thousands of dollars in my “spend” pocket. Instead of pulling from the broader account, the payment defaulted for three months before I realized what had happened. (Simple pulled money from another account if you didn’t have enough in a pocket.) I never received a notification about the debit being rejected for insufficient funds. THIS TANKED MY CREDIT SCORE BY OVER 130 POINTS. This was especially problematic because I am saving for a house down payment and my score is now in the “poor” category when it used to be above 750—which means I could have a super high interest rate for my mortgage. Also, annoyingly, you can’t view your full transaction history in the app. It limits the history to 25 transactions—both debit and credit. JUST SHOW MY TRANSACTIONS. My last mai gripe about this app is that mobile check deposits are limited to $2k max. Why!? What if I sell my car and need to deposit $10k?! This app has awesome potential—especially not that Simple is gone—but it makes my blood boil in its current state.

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One Finance What was once a useful tool is now a useless toy

When my wife and i first joined One it helped us keep track of our expenses with powerful tools like unlimited pockets, and shared accounts. Now we’re limited to three pockets, no shared account, and an app that provides no useful features. The new app and website have all of the hallmarks of a technical product procured by a committee of bureaucratic fools. Extra effort is given to look and feel while once useful features are hacked off without concern.

as you consider whether you should use this service I recommend you consider the following question: ‘Do you as a human really matter to your nearest big box store?’.

One Finance used to be a small group of passionate people trying to bring a superior banking product to the market. They had regular interaction with customers via social media, and in general everyone felt that they mattered and were making a contribution.

Then One was bought out by a big box store(I won’t add the name in fear of moderation, but you can look it up on your own). Where there used to be humans now there’s just a large faceless corporation. Uncaring, unconcerned, and unaffected. They hacked all of the valuable features off without even giving One customers adequate notice to change their financial arraignments. Throughout this whole transition communication has been opaque, unconcerned, and metallic.

With this company you can expect sudden, unexplained, and inconvenient changes. There will be no one to talk to, they will not announce them, they will not give you adequate time to change your financial arrangements, they do not care. Your’e only valuable as long as they can sell your financial data to advertisers.

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One Finance Gutting what previously was a good bank and financial tool—not usable for us after August downgrades

I am extremely frustrated after reading yesterday’s email. It was not transparent about *allof the features being dropped from One. The One customer base is in frequent communication with each other on various sites, including Reddit. The fact that the announcement email was sent out in multiple variations—customized by which features customers use—rather than being candid about all of the features that are changing is quite concerning. Add to that the fact that no explanation was given as to *whythese changes are being made and my trust—which was high in this company because upper-level leadership had previously gone out of their way to communicate directly and openly with their customer base (even on Reddit sub threads!)—is now quite low.

Low trust, combined with the loss of features that are essential to my family’s ability to finance (multiple pockets, sharing all accounts, switching between pockets, etc), now means that my husband and I are going to need to start researching (again) which bank to transfer our funds to.

We came to One from Simple, which wasn’t as amazing as Simple but we felt was the closest to being able to offer what Simple had. That, plus then-leaderships’ open communication and willingness to share roadmaps and reasons, convinced us to give One a shot. Now we are left feeling let down and even betrayed. It’s very frustrating to feel like we are back at square one again. One had a good thing going for it. Now all of what we felt was good is gone. It’s really a loss.

Just wanted to share the feedback on the off chance that someone high up is listening, and to warn any prospective customers about our experience.

Thank you for reading.

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One Finance Not your mothers Bank

ONE bank isn't your typical bank, no monthly fees just to keep your money somewhere other than under your mattress, easy "pockets" automatically save from your paycheck, and if your familiar with a bank of America's" keep the change" initiative for savings ONE bank as you covered. automatically saving your spare change every purchase. The card also (use correct and historical use) starts to function as a credit card, with a pocket being made available for users who stick with them over a few pay cycles, thus allowing your debit card to now function as a credit card pulling from a separate" pocket" with its own line of credit. Want to re-build or bolster your credit score? ONE bank has you covered AGAIN! a credit builder "pocket" recently made its debut!
- Clean, simplistic app design easy on the eyes not of the features
- pleasant, responsive, and well-placed task within the app
- Utilitarian card functioning as both a debit and credit card (subject to approval)
- As a relatively new bank there are features not yet available others have already (mobile check deposit) although " coming soon" in the app is not here at the time of review
- I'm big on design and while the UI/UX looks and feels proper for the bank, the card is well... elementary at best. A rather childish design'd like to see alternate card designs the user can choose from, or go back to the beta card design of just straight black
- A clean simple app
- a pleasant refreshing look at personal banking
- A bank worth sticking with despite it being in an early rollout stage
- Has a huge potential to be a brick-and-mortar bank replacement once proposed "coming soon" app additions become reality

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One Finance One finance > reach out to me concerning this

My heart is broken I feel like I need to break up with my boyfriend of 10+ years.

I didn’t break up with you when you stopped us to select a pocket when using our debit card for the transaction to come out of.
I should mention I selected One finance because of my disability, and as a way to maintain my financial independence.

I am still OK as long as you guys don’t decide not to allow us to keep whatever pockets we currently have or that keep can keep the virtual debit cards that we already have for our pockets“saving accounts”.
• Writing this I feel I dated a man for 3 YEARS and then we GOT MARRIED and then he’s a completely different person. Yes that perfect.

I wanna go in to the difficulties that have been created for my disability, and for my ability to remain independent.

At this point after updating my one finance app yesterday and needing to go in and update my automatically place the amount for each of my bills, and each separate pocket/account so that I can keep track of expenses and payments.

I don’t know much about programming. But I am concerned who is doing the Your app?

These are the programming errors for the one finance app:
• we/customers cannot set up that upon my direct deposit on a future date, that a automatic and reoccurring transfer will happen, currently have the amount, we are trying to set the transfer for at that moment in our checking account/main account

• I am tired of not being able to go into one of my pockets/savings accounts and simply select to add money from my one finance checking account into that pocket

•, I am tired of not being able to request a check to be mailed for a bill from one of the savings accounts/pockets. I have to move the money to the main account/checking account and request the check to be sent from that account.

• there are some other things I cannot remember I will add a additional review with those at a later date

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One Finance Worst Decision Ever

Read a lot into switching banks and ended up choosing this one. Worst devision I've made in a while. Most unnecessary headaches caused by this app and support team. I will make this easy to read and list all the reasons you should not use this app:
1. Worst app on the market; every time you close the app it forces you back to the sign up page and you need to go through the whole process every time you login... I have gone through the same tutorial of setting up auto deposit and starting a credit line over 8 times and theres no way around it. The overall design of the app looks like a 12 year old designed it, its cringey and hard to use. Also everytime you login you need to verify with a text code, there is no way around this like setting up a pin, extremely annoying.
2. The bank it self is misleading; they advertise 3% apy online, but in reality its 3% on 10% of the charges you use with their debit card, its actually ridiculous. Unless you plan on spending $100k+ on their debit card don't bother with their apy it is useless.
3. Horrible bank institution; for anyone familiar with ach transactions they usually process in 1 business day. I do these transactions often and never does it take more then 2 business days. With One bank I transferred money from my external account, of which the money was removed from and no longer processing, but now when I go to my One bank account the transaction is not even there. Doesn't even show one pending, so this scares me (its $10,000). I end up contacting customer support (which btw is only open 12pm-5pm eastern time Monday to Friday) and they try telling me the transaction will be posted by the end of the day and this is normal. Well first off, no its not normal, I am well aware of what is normal and that is not. Second, why do you not show me my pending transaction when the money has already been processed from my external account and is now in clearing with your bank.
The jist of this review. DO NOT BOTHER. Try Chime, already started moving my money over to that bank and so far so good.

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One Finance September 2022 update

Updating AGAIN to add that I found the solution for everyone else upset with this Walmart buyout of this bank. I mean, Wal-Mart can't keep their stores running, but we should trust them with our money? Right. Anyway, Envel is the answer, y'all. They have all the features we loved about both One and Simple Bank before they both sold out. Opening my account now. ***Update to previous review. You can no longer create new pockets. Once a pocket is deleted, you can never create another one. The whole premise of this bank was to be better than simple bank, to use "pockets" or "envelopes" to budget your money, and to be the best financial tool available for budgeting in general. I am now looking for a new bank to replace One, which was to replace Simple Bank (because they also decided to go with a more "traditional" online banking experience). I have no idea why these banking corporations keep changing the entire banking concept that made them popular in the first place. Common sense would tell you to give the customers what they want in a banking experience. One bank did this until about a month ago. It’s a pain in the rear end to have an online bank, and if I wanted a bank that simply showed me my transactions in my savings and checking account, I would have a local bank and not even bother with everything necessary to use an online bank.*** Am I the only one who hates the new way that the app functions? I had everything working like a dream with all of my pockets, and finally got used to switching the debit card around to the different pockets, enjoyed having shared access to accounts with my husband, and now I can’t do that anymore? Why? If you’re going to do it this way, at least fix it so that when a debit comes out, instead of it automatically coming out of the spend account, let me be able to click a button to choose which account it should come out of, instead of having to move money with every transaction. It seems like you’re trying to copy the way the Simple Bank app used to function, only without the features that made it great (and simple), but what you had originally was better. The new look of the app is fine, but can you please give us back the functions we're used to?

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One Finance Great so far with room for improvement

Edit: Updated review after using for several months.
-They implemented early direct deposit, yay.
-auto save with DD works great
-Still waiting for mobile check deposit
-transfer speed seems better
-plaid integration shows up now, but some places I’ve been unable to link. is one example. I reached out to them and they said “we’ve taken a look into this and noticed One Finance is a relatively new institution with Plaid and is currently unsupported for payments in.”
-physical checks, I’ll have to rely on chase or schwab.
-still would like to see statistics/graphs/bar charts for the month visually showing money moving in/out and having information about expected interest for the month.
-the biggest weakness is the transfer section. You can’t rename accounts or schedule transfers on a monthly basis/quarterly basis. Some accounts I need to transfer money into via a schedule or I get inactivity charges. You can’t cancel or edit once you initiate a transfer even if it’s one minute later.

I’m going to be switching my paycheck over to utilize their 3% auto save. I really like the design of their app and think pockets idea is a great idea. Customer service has been excellent.

1) I do wish there wasn’t a 10k/25k limit on the 1%. 2) I’d like to see an actual eta on when mobile check deposits will be ready.
3)I guess there is no option to get physical checks? I still need them occasionally.
4)I hope we will have plaid integration sooner rather than later. I have other services that I use where that is the only method to link, routing/acct numbers aren’t an option and it’s not possible to link via One to them. It’s a one way trust.
5) I’d like to see a 2-day early direct deposit. My current checking account has this.
6) I’d like to see details in the app on how much interest was accrued during the current month and interest paid year to date.
7) It would also be nice to have some type of line chart/graphic that shows your balance over the course of time and how it’s gone up or down. Charles schwab checking does a great job with this. They also show you the value day change in both dollar amount and percentage which is very useful. Hopefully One will implement this.

But overall this is a new banking service and I have high hopes for them and think they will continually get better as they roll out new features.

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One Finance Just another “financial technology company”

One’s customer service seems to be pretty good, but the underlying mechanism they’re providing customer service for is just another “financial technology company.“ Do you know what else is a “financial technology company“? PayPal. “Financial technology companies“ are inherently problematic. They are not subject to the governmental regulations that banks are, and so they can play all kinds of havoc with your money – whether deliberately or because their infrastructure encounters a problem – and you have no recourse. They are also dog-slow compared to banks: it takes a week or more for things to happen – deposits, for example – with these “financial technology companies” that a bank completes in 1 to 2 business days. This is true of One, Chime, and Moves, and I’m sure there are many others…but I’ll never try them because i’ve had enough of “financial technology companies.“

When One suddenly refused to let me log in, telling me I didn’t have an account, I tried many times over a period of days to log in, without success. Finally, in my frustration, I said to myself, “OK, if I don’t have an account, then I’ll try setting one up and see what happens.“ So I tried to create the account I already had, at which point One told me that it was sorry, but that I was ineligible for an account, and wished me the best of luck in my future endeavors.

I expected that all of this was some temporary glitch on One’s end, but it went on for a week and more. I finally contacted their customer service, The person I got was smart and lucid and fluent in English, and she did her best to help, but she hadn’t encountered this problem before and needed a screenshot of the “So long, thanks, bye!“ message I was seeing on my screen, and after I sent that to her I didn’t hear a word back for about another week. Finally, I received an email telling me that she thought the problem had been fixed and asking me to try logging in again. I did, and the problem had indeed been fixed. But had I had any money in my One account and, heaven forbid, had I been relying upon access to that account, I would’ve been screwed for about three weeks. (And after I reported back to the customer service rep that I did once again have access to my accounts, I once again heard nothing back – no “thank you“, no apologies for the inconvenience…nothing.)

So based on a combination of what I’ve read and what I’ve experienced of these “financial technology companies“, I’m done with them, and if you’re asking me, I’d recommend that you be done with them too.

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One Finance Missing features that made things Simple

We all know we are here because Simple Bank closed. I opened a One account expecting it to be the “official” Simple replacement. I was kind of taken aback by the fact that each “pocket” is its own account with its own account numbers. I dont like this at all. It should be like Simple, where everything is actually just one checking account, but the “pockets” are for my eyes only, to set up my budgeting. I thought it was this way, until I tried to pay my car payment from my “Car Payment” pocket, but it just came out of my “spend” pocket instead. IT DID NOT let me change what pocket it came out of after the fact. This is very problematic for a few reasons: 1, it allows people to overdraw their account or have their card declined, even though the money is in their One account, just in a different pocket. This was not a thing at Simple. And 2, we cannot change where a transaction was spent from after the transaction happened. You have to set up the bill with the corresponding account number from that pocket, from the jump. On Simple, you had just one account number. The first time I got charged for a bill, I could then change which pocket that transaction spent from, and it would remember it for the future and spend it from that pocket every time that merchant billed me. I dont want 7 bank accounts, I want 1. The name “ONE Bank” is very misleading. Please research how Simple Bank worked and please make yourselves the official replacement for Simple. This bank seems like it was created by people trying to capitalize on the fact that Simple no longer exists, without actually knowing how the functionality of Simple worked. Get it right, guys. We just want the Simple budgeting tools back. We want one account number. We want to be able to change which pocket a transaction comes from after it has been charged. We want to set up recurring weekly transfers so that 1/4 of our monthly bills are put away every week on payday. We should never have to think about our bills, and only be able to see what is safe to spend. I just opened this bank account but I already have to close it and look for a different bank. This is not at all what I thought it was, and it has actually made my life much harder than a normal bank account would. They were going in a good direction with this app, until they took it too literally and made each pocket its own bank account. I miss Simple :( it seems we wont ever have anything like it again. Also, yall sold out to WALMART? How upsetting. I am not ever going into one of those hellhole stores just to deposit cash. Not happening.

Update: the app signed me out for some wild unknown reason and now wont let me sign back in. When i enter the code that was texted to me it just keeps saying “there was an error fulfilling your request”. That should NEVER happen to a bank app. Reduced to 1 star.

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One Finance Getting worse

The more i’ve used it, the more annoyed i’ve gotten. Pockets and virtual cards are brilliant, and basically the only thing keeping me from switching back to Chime. If all you ever get is direct deposit, and have no use for cash, this bank might be great for you.
I got my first paper paycheck at a new job a few weeks ago, and almost missed fully paying my rent because it took so long to hit my account. 6 Days to deposit my paycheck after it was “accepted” is just too long! Not even just paychecks either, I received a check for my birthday and it took even longer. Ive never had any bank take THAT long. (Chime deposits instantly after it clears).

A new feature was added to automatically add money from your spending account if there isn’t enough in one of your pockets. I enabled it, and actually had a subscription I didn’t know about try to charge me. It didn’t send money from my spending account and the payment was just declined. Only good part about that is i actually didn’t want that subscription anyways and didn’t know it was going to charge me so i didn’t mind too much lol. Still, it failed it’s first attempt.

This one is more of a huge annoyance than anything, but I recently moved into a new apartment and wanted to update my billing address today. First I was just simply asked to submit my name and old/new address as well as optionally some kind of bill with the new address on it to “speed up the process”. Three hours later I get an email asking me to click this link where I need to upload my government ID or passport AND a selfie to prove that it’s me as well as reply to the email with my updated address again. Oh and they threw in a thank you for the SDG&E bill but I still need to verify my identity. Seriously?! That is doing the absolute most. I’m not kidding when i say it takes two seconds to do it on Chime. I clicked “edit” and changed the address and clicked save. That’s it. As it should be.

Also haven’t been able to connect to my partners pocket, but I’m assuming that’s due to her not receiving a direct deposit yet, and her account setup isn’t 100% complete. Guess we’ll see when she stops getting paper checks and moves over from Chime. If check deposit was up to par, she’d already be using One, just saying.

On top of all this, i’ve had to type my login every single day this week and I don’t understand why. Face ID has always worked until the last update, and the “remember me for 30 days” button that i check every time clearly isn’t working anymore either.

I understand that these might be minor inconveniences, but moving over from something where it wasn’t an issue, it makes it feel like a downgrade when i’ve been looking for an upgrade. I think i can speak for everyone when i say we like less hoops to jump through, and we like things being done basically instantly. It’s just satisfying. It keeps everyone happy, and it’s almost what we expect here in 2021.

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One Finance Temporary Rating Until New Features Added

I am praying this review hits the devs hard, and they can understand and appreciate how these features would help One!

I’ll start by saying that the U.I. is very nice. I didn’t like the yellow at first, but I love the whole vibe now. I thoroughly enjoy the ability to have different pockets along with specific virtual cards. My wife and I had issues signing up, but we eventually got it figured out through support (they were awesome). We have goals for school tuition, emergency funds, and a down payment on a house. We each run small non-professional businesses where joint pockets are incredibly useful.

We transitioned from Simple like many, and they had features I deeply miss. I’ve had multiple transaction issues which shouldn’t ever happen, and honestly feel limited inside the One app. Here come the issues and suggestions:

1. Fuel / Hotel transactions.

I needed to get gas the other day, which costs me about $30. I had around $50 in a pocket which I directed my card to pull from. Declined. I tried several times, went to another gas station: declined again. Over and over. I got my Simple card which wasn’t emptied and used it: worked the first time. You have an article on your website describing in effect that certain companies like hotels and gas stations read the balance and decide if a transaction can go through. But I realized that they are reading the balance of the particular pocket and not the whole account, which is a major flaw. This brings me to my second point.

2. Ability to categorize (change pocket) transactions after the transaction has happened

What I loved about Simple was that if I was out for dinner or somewhere and needed to use my card, I could just use it knowing that the cumulative balance easily covered it and I could change which category it pulled from. With One, it’s honestly annoying that I would have to go into the app every time I wanted the money to be pulled from a different pocket and then swipe my card. I might not honestly remember until i’m at the counter or checking out, and then the whole pockets thing becomes a con for me. Sometimes out shopping, you want different things pulled from different pockets. If I forget to change the pocket and swipe my card on an empty pocket: declined. Then while checking out I’ll have to go into the app, quickly switch the pocket, then checkout. It’s logically problematic for this process to continue. My suggestion is that each transaction would pull from the specified pocket chosen, but would NOT decline if there wasn’t enough money in that particular pocket. I would get a notification saying I overspent and it pulled from somewhere else, and if I transferred money to that pocket it would be settled. I have enough money, let me spend it! Declining transactions based on pockets basically limits the amount of money I can spend at a time.

3. Ability to change the name of transactions

Most transaction titles are not very clear and I don’t want a whole bunch of “VENMO (CASHOUT) [protected]” all over, and not be able to write in what they were for. This isn’t such a dealbreaker though.

4. Transferring to and from pockets

Transferring from pockets should be a lot quicker. My main issue is that when I want to transfer money from Pocket A to Pocket B and I am already in Pocket A: I click the transfer button and am asked to re-input Pocket A and then Pocket B or vice versa. Just a lot of clicks either way that aren’t necessary. Also like Simple, it would be nice if there was an arrow that you could tap to switch the direction the money was going to/from between pockets when transferring. Very useful.

5. Transaction tab

I think it would be great if a transaction tab was added between the “pockets” and “move money” tab. I have lots of pockets, and having to scroll all the way past them, then having to click “all” to see all my transactions, then waiting for them to load in… is kind of obnoxious.

6. Pocket Colors.

It would be cool to change the pocket colors. Maybe have an emoji with it as well

If you read all of this, thank you! Budgeting is such an important aspect of my life, and I’ve had a hard time finding a bank that supports my goals and let’s me use my money in the way I want. If these issues were fixed, and these features were added I will be a long-time and loyal customer to One, thank you!

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One Finance Complaints 37

5:51 pm EST
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I'm writing today because One Bank has let me down, taken over 9800.00 in SSI benefits and denied my disputes within 8 days not fully understanding that being a single father of two kids that have needs after My wife was murdered, it's been solely on me, They hang up in my face, they email but when I return the email with the proper documentation they say...

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5:24 am EST
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Item details Logo for Gemini Apps Gemini Apps Prompted Okay, so I forgot to tie everything in. So okay, back up back up, so we need to tie the fact that I cannot access my account currently because of the robbery like. That is the reason why all of this is going on, cuz I read the terms and conditions, and they say that you're solely responsible for...

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3:24 pm EDT
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One Finance Account access

Walmart just deposited my paycheck and for some reason I can't access it, they're holding my money from me and they refuse to answer my questions and when I call them all I get is a recording saying that they will connect me to someone who can help but they don't, they just hang up on me instead. This has been nothing but trouble with this platform. Online chat is not helpful, I get the same answer, they can't answer my questions.

Claimed loss: $420.54

Desired outcome: I just want my money that I earned.

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified One Finance representatives only. If you are affiliated with One Finance, please claim your business to access these details.

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Is One Finance Legit?

One Finance earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: One Finance stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights One Finance's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on One Finance's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

We found clear and detailed contact information for One Finance. The company provides a physical address, phone number, and 2 emails, as well as 4 social media accounts. This demonstrates a commitment to customer service and transparency, which is a positive sign for building trust with customers.

One Finance has received 4 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

The age of One Finance's domain suggests that they have had sufficient time to establish a reputation as a reliable source of information and services. This can provide reassurance to potential customers seeking quality products or services. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

We looked up One Finance and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

This website offers payment methods that provide the option for customers to get their money back, which could be a positive indicator of the company's commitment to customer satisfaction. appears to have online shopping features, it's important to know that the platform supports an extensive range of payment methods, making it convenient and easy to complete your transaction. The payment procedure on the website is also relatively simple and straightforward, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for buyers. regularly updates its policies to reflect changes in laws, regulations. These policies are easy to find and understand, and they are written in plain language that is accessible to all customers. This helps customers understand what they are agreeing to and what to expect from One Finance.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • One Finance protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • The website associated with One Finance sells gift cards, but it's important to be cautious when making a purchase. Verify the gift card's value and expiration date, check for customer service contact information, and use a trusted payment method.
  • The sensitive services provided on this website are hosted on a shared server, which may increase the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. It is important to ensure that the website has adequate security measures in place to protect user data, such as encryption and secure authentication protocols.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to One Finance. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
8:56 am EST
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One Finance Dispute

I hadcc bc a transaction on my account for $580.00 that was supposed to be reversed as it wasn’t authorized the merchant told me to dispute the charge thinking the process would be quicker I’ve had issues with the same merchant before i disputed the transaction 1/4/24 I check the app because I’ve received no notification regarding it and it was closed on 1/9/24 no one reached out asking for additional information and now I’m without $580

Claimed loss: $580

Desired outcome: I would appreciate a proper investigation and communication regarding the details

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified One Finance representatives only. If you are affiliated with One Finance, please claim your business to access these details.

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4:36 am EDT
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One Finance Carbon

Good day,

Kindly help me out Carbon Maintenance service that was done between 8 and 9 october 2023 affected my Savings Investment.

I had 265K on my cash vault investment savings carbon app. But after the maintenance I was wiped. I could see it again.

Kindly help me out to contact carbon.

My email is: [protected]

My tel is: [protected]

You can reach me on: [protected]

Thank you very much.

Waiting to hear from you soon on this

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7:18 pm EDT
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On July 6th my debit card was declined at a grocery store checkout for the amount of $10.35. I checked my account balance and had more than $300 in the account at the time. 30 minutes later I received a email from [protected] Subject: Important Updates to Your ONE Account Message: Due to unusual activity, your ONE account has been restricted...

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8:52 pm EDT
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One Finance Account locked

My account has been locked for over 15 days. Customer service says they will escalate to their "internal team" which no one has access to. They said they will have it resolved in 1-2 business days. Like I said it's been 15. They don't have a way to actually escalate anything obviously if they don't have access to the people shutting down my account. Absolute worst system I've ever dealt with.

Desired outcome: I want all the money I'm losing everyday because I can't fill up my tank to do my job. $150 a day from August 15th. I'll need rent. $1800 and all the fees I'm going to have to pay because I still don't have access to my account.

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1:49 am EDT
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August 21,2023 11:45am made a deposit at Walmart (Texas)to my One account have been using this card for about three months or more. After deposit was made 30 minutes later, I received a email stated, your ONE account has been locked . During this time you will not be able to process any deposits, withdrawals,or purchase.(due to unusual activity)? I alway...

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6:47 am EDT
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One Finance One finance

I tried to pull my money off my one card on August 1st to pay my bills and they put my card under review I can't access my money they said they would reach out in 2 business days and it's been well past that and my money is being held hostage I have a sick daughter and I can't get her medications bc of this and they are doing nothing to help me. I have contacted one multiple times and all I am told is I have to wait. Meanwhile I have bills that are over due and going into collections where I'm going to have to pay fees they have no one to talk to for this matter and it should be illegal there were no fraudulent activities on my card and I made that very clear.

Desired outcome: Unlock my account

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Nae Burney
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Aug 26, 2023 8:29 am EDT
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I’m having same issue!

7:26 am EDT
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One Finance Hold money without any explanation or specific timeframe.

On ju15,2023 , there were multiple international transactions appeared on my card. Because of that my account was restricted for my protection then closed down. I filed the dispute agaisnt those international transactions and most of them were refunded by those metchants. Im still waiting on 2 merchants.

For the remaining balance, i requested and submitted the required documents to have my money transferred to my external account on july 21,2023. Despite of my request, ONE sent me the paper check for $711.45. There are still my money in the account. I requested to have it transferred to my external account again. ONE's phone agent told me to wait 2 bussiness days. I waited and nothing happened. Everytime i called in to asm about my remaining funds, ONE's agent told me to wait 2 business days and nothing happen. It has been 3 weeks since my account was closed and ONE would not release my money. Also it passed the 10th business days since i filed the dispute and no one contacted me like they say in their terms& conditions. No one is responsible for their words to customer. They blame the "internal team" who cannot be contacted by phone for the delay. During that time, i tried to provide documents supporting my dispute, the chat agent refuse to accept it. What make ONE different from the merchants that took my money ? Everyone has bills to pay but ONE will not release money.

Desired outcome: I want my remaining funds transfered to my external account please.

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Update by Khang Khuc
Aug 03, 2023 5:06 pm EDT

As of right now, i don't know how many ONE agents and supervisors promised me that they escalated my case and the "internal team" will contact me in 1-2 bussiness days. It has been like that for the past 2-3 weeks and i still cannot have my remaining balance back.

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11:36 am EDT
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One Finance My account

I have tried. I don't know how many times to tell you people. I do not have access to email. I have been calling every single day since last week. I have three open disputes with you and three more that I still need to file. You decided to close my account when I have money in there and it's the transactions that you let go through who stays in four different hotels in one day. All these transactions that you let go through were not my fault. This is the second time I've had to get a brand new card with you because you've let transactions go through now you owe me way over $10,000 and you want to close my account and not give me my money back. I don't have access to email. I don't have an address that you can send a check to. I have a linked bank account but you won't send my money back to that. Your policy clearly states I should have my money back within 2 days. It's been 7 days. I need to know what's going on with my money. I need it now. I have a diabetic son who needs dinner. I have told you guys that he didn't eat dinner last night because you wouldn't give me my money back. Now you want to send a check to a place I don't live. I need a manager to call me back ASAP. [protected] I don't have email so don't email me

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5:48 pm EDT

One Finance Account closed, funds not received!

Please read the following issue as you may be entitled to legal compensation:

Customer account was closed to to a fraudulent charge on his account. He disputed this charge but “One Finance” took 120+ days to respond to the dispute. This dispute was in favor of the account holder hereon-after referred to as the customer.

Since One Finance terms of service states that if an account balance is negative for more than “120 days” the account will be closed.

One finance waiting till the 120th day to respond to then customers dispute which customer was refunded for the transaction, chargebacks & compensated $299 for the inconvenience.

One finance still decides to close the account due to it being negative for 120 days (note One Finance didn’t respond to dispute until after 120 days).

Customer was told via email and phone support from several representatives that the funds have been deposited to an external bank account. Customer have provided One Finance with their account details.

Fast-forward 3 weeks later and customer has not received their funds. They have been in contact with phone support about this issue but received no solution.

Today, we are in process of a class action lawsuit against One Finance as they will be exposed for unethical practices and horrible customer support. If anyone has been negatively effected financially from “One Finance” and wants to be apart in this lawsuit please email: mailsolely.[protected]@gmail as you may be entitled to compensation.

Desired outcome: One Finance has 10 days to send our client their account balance of $299 to the bank account provide via. Email support or via. “check” to the customers address or legal action will be taken.

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One Finance My $500 credit line turned into $30

Hopefully this gets fixed as the month turns over, but I had a $500 credit line or the “borrow pocket” that I need right now, and was not able to buy medication and almost ran out of gas thinking it was still there. It had dropped to a $30 credit line. Please Help! I have been promoting this to friends and family would like to think this gets fixed and you don’t just pull the rug out from under people like this on purpose. I think it’s a glitch. I was really excited to use this bit of credit to help me get gas to continue to do Postmates, but take more head on, as I have no income right now and government stimulus yet or unemployment. Would Love to change my rating on this app that I was loving and was helping me stream line and organize my finances, and was giving me a little hope.

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One Finance Waste of time

Looked cool, but after taking the time to set everything up and giving them all of my info, it was time to link my bank through Plaid. I got the deposits, I verified the two amounts - enough for literally any other bank and bill pay I’ve used... Not for ONE though! After doing all that, they email saying they want me to send my bank statement with account numbers on it - over email. A bank doesn’t know you shouldn’t send personal information over unencrypted email. Really?! Cannot even believe I was asked to do that setting up an account, it’s unnecessary and total crap asking people to risk exposing their data. Especially after I already verified the amounts deposited into my account! THAT IS ENOUGH. I’ll stick to banks that respect my privacy and safety, thanks. Absolute joke, ignorant.

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One Finance “known glitch” double withdrawal

called the help line, talked to an agent regarding an alert for a transfer on my account that i didn’t initiate. apparently there is a Known glitch, a Known issue (seemingly to the staff and engineering team, not customers) regarding double transactions that the engineering team has been working on. the team gets alerted that my account is affected. i asked to freeze my account and she refused bc then i wouldn’t be able to use my account (that’s the point) to which i said i have other accounts i can use and she said she still won’t freeze it. i asked if they can stop the transaction and reverse it to which she said no, the engineering team has to fix the issue… i asked what the eta for fixing this would be and it was unclear. this institution seems a bit insecure; i’m testing out various banks and i am most likely to close this account.

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One Finance Absolutely terrible bank

Today I realized my usually scheduled direct deposit from work had not been credited to my One account(s). I spent a good portion of my day going back and forth with my payroll department and finally spoke with someone who stated that the direct deposit had been rejected by my bank. So, I call One (after searching online for the customer service number, they absolutely refuse to offer it to you via the app) and after speaking with a couple of different people, a “supervisor” advises me that my account was, “on hold to investigate issues with multiple accounts.” And when I asked why I wasn’t contacted about this, I was offered, “we normally don’t reach out to clients when we perform these investigations.” Excuse me, what?! So far I am being assessed over $500 in late fees from different creditors for delinquent payments. That’s $500 I’ll never see again. Thieves.

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One Finance Premise is great, execution is poor

I was really excited about this idea and still think it could be great. The problem lies in the execution..

The main problems really are based on actually getting money into your account so you can use it. They recommend direct deposit, however my experience is that my payroll company does not recognize the routing number they provide as being valid. I had the same issue when I tried to connect other bank accounts to it as well.

I was finally able to connect one of my other accounts to it and can transfer money to the account but my money ends up in limbo for 4-5 days as it leaves my Chase account and doesn’t show up in my One account for several days.

I also cannot deposit checks directly into the account using the app because that function doesn’t work.

Overall I love the idea of pockets but they don’t do me any good unless I just don’t need to access my money for a week.

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I was excited about leaving my old bank (with terrible interest rates) and moving to this app/company.

When we first signed up several months ago, the app said the ‘Check Deposit’ feature (not to be confused with direct deposit) was “Coming Soon!”

This is an important feature for us because we still get checks a few times a month from various people. (Yes, we prefer digital, but can’t force it.) To say nothing of checks we or the kids may get around holidays and such.

I reached out to customer service for an ETA on when the feature would be available and never got a response. However, when I recently updated the app, imagine my surprise to find that the feature now appears TO BE GONE.

Not just that, I looked over all the recent app update notes and there’s NO mention of them doing away with it. What the heck?

Developers, if you’re bothering to read this and respond, please explain why this feature has been removed.

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One Finance Turned out to be okay

Update 7
I was very happy at first but this turns out to be no better than any of the other challenger banks. I paid credit cards with this account and got a message payments cleared but then a week later I get messages same payment didn’t go through. When you’re trying to get out of that constant return payment fees from your credit card plus late fees and increasing interest rate doesn’t help because your bank isn’t functioning.
I’m going to an old-school brick and mortar.
Oh and when you try to discuss this with one it’s difficult to find a way to contact a live person or get a response.
So I’ve been happy thus far. The main thing that would be great is a clean interface like N26 US app. The colors of the app remind me of the 80s but it’s fine because the important things are working. Transfers, payments and direct deposit. I tried other apps like N26 ( it’s only a pretty face), Revolut, and Porte. All were disasters. One delivers what they state and are accessible. As a former simple customer thank you.

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One Finance Wouldn’t trust them with money

I have an account with One and needed to set it back up after getting a new phone. When attempting to access the app, it asks for my phone number to send a code to. I enter it and receive the code but am then told that no account exists under that phone number. Then it gives me the option to use my email, which I do and no code is received. Thinking I entered the wrong email, I use my backup email and I receive the code there, but when I enter it, it says no account found with that email address. Turns out, the email address that is correct is the only one that their service won’t send a code to. I’ve since been dealing with support for well over a week who answers in nothing more than scripted responses, telling me to check my spam folder and things like that. The message isn’t being sent due to some error in their system, not an issue with my email service. I’m a “computer guy” and I can trace any emails coming to my mail server and I can see that the email is never being sent. Bottom line, I wouldn’t trust this company with any money, if you lose access to your account, you’ll be faced with dealing with support that can’t do much more than send you “canned” responses that won’t result in any solutions.

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About One Finance

Screenshot One Finance
One Finance is an innovative financial technology (fintech) company that provides a modern approach to banking and personal finance. The company's mission is to create a smarter, more personalized banking experience for everyone, regardless of their financial background or education.

One Finance offers an all-in-one banking and budgeting app that is designed to help users optimize their money management. The app features a virtual checking account with no minimum balance or maintenance fees, a savings account that pays some of the highest interest rates in the industry, and a cash-back credit card that gives users cash rewards for every purchase they make.

One Finance also provides a range of budgeting tools, including a spend analyzer that categorizes and tracks users' expenses, a savings goal tracker that helps users set and reach financial goals, and a bill payment feature that allows users to pay their bills directly from the app.

One Finance's innovative banking services are powered by cutting-edge technology that ensures security and peace of mind for users. The company uses 128-bit SSL encryption to protect users' sensitive information, and all funds in the virtual checking and savings accounts are FDIC-insured up to $250,000.

Overall, One Finance is a game-changer in the fintech space, offering users a comprehensive banking and budgeting solution that is intuitive, easy to use, and tailored to their individual needs. With its advanced technology and commitment to customer satisfaction, One Finance is poised to revolutionize the way people manage their money.

Overview of One Finance complaint handling

One Finance reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Mar 8, 2023. The latest review Dispute transactions, account hacked was posted on Feb 28, 2025. The latest complaint My $500 credit line turned into $30 was resolved on Jun 03, 2023. One Finance has an average consumer rating of 4 stars from 55 reviews. One Finance has resolved 24 complaints.
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    2407 J St Ste 300, Sacramento, California, 95816-4736, United States
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    Mar 04, 2025
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