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CB Cosmetic Surgery Ideal Image 9225 SW Hall Blvd Suite F & G, Portland, OR, 97223, US
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Ideal Image
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Ideal Image company logo

Ideal Image

9225 SW Hall Blvd Suite F & G, Portland, OR, 97223, US
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1 complaint
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8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
1:16 pm EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more

Ideal Image - Unused services

I had a consultation on June 29th, 2023. There was a promotion going on that was ending June 30th and the consultant Tammie Fleming was pressuring me to sign before the promotion was gone. I was sent paperwork rapidly and was uninformed about their policies which now I understand is a tactic they use to scam people. I have medical issues that won't allow me to have any services done by Ideal Image. I've had 2 panic attacks and I am scared they’re not the last one's I'll have due to this matter. The loan company informed me that the loan could be cancelled, no problem but Ideal Image needs to contact them and let them know to start the cancellation process. But they are refusing to do so, which means they are going to keep the loan money and the loan company will not be paid by me as their money is being held up by Ideal Image. Even if I didn't have medical restrictions, I would never step foot in their business as the way I have been treated by Tammie Fleming, Mary Beile and a man I spoke with today. I have been deceived by this company and I do not recommend them to anyone. I should've read the reviews because I would've never even done the consultation. They do not care about the customer at all! They don't care about me and how this affects me, and they won't care about you either.

Desired outcome: I just want them to call Patient Fi and confirm the cancelation.

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Sarah Dillion
Sep 19, 2023 3:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Tammie is deceptive, coercive, and acts in bad faith. She pressured me into a contract knowing that i wasnt a good candidate and that the goals i was shooting for wern't possible given the timeline. I was trying to get coolsculpting for a wedding and after signing up i was informed there were no appointments available in enough time to get the procedure and see any results before it. They dont care - they just want to rush you through the process with no talk about a "Contract" or health issues, concerns, or if this is even the right treatment for you.

I am trying to cancel two days after signing up - no services rendered and they act like i dont exist. I too want my contract canceled, and the loan through Patient Fi terminated.

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