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CB Medical Services and Facilities BioLife Plasma Services 7801 W Layton Ave, Milwaukee, WI, 53220, US
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BioLife Plasma Services
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BioLife Plasma Services company logo

BioLife Plasma Services

7801 W Layton Ave, Milwaukee, WI, 53220, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
9:00 am - 0:00 am
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
11:57 am EST
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BioLife Plasma Services - Poor customer service

On Saturday, December 5th, 2020, the Greenfield, WI center was busy, as usual. I honestly don't know why they even have appointments, as it doesn't seem to matter. There are never enough staff to handle all the people BioLife allows to come in at a certain time. Anyway, everything was moving on as usual until I got to the cot. I sat there for 50 minutes before I was stuck! There was one person working in my section. Two of us were waiting to get stuck and three were well on their way. One of the people started feeling faint, so the one person in my section had to attend to him. Some other staff came over to talk to that one staff member, but help was never offered or requested. Finally, once the faint donor had been sent on his way, the person in my section requested help. Another girl, that I'd had in the past and never had a problem with, quickly came over and stuck me. The stick was not a good one from the beginning, as she had to move it around to get the blood flowing. Immediately after my stick, someone came over and told this girl that she was needed somewhere else. So, she came over and stuck one donor - not a whole lot of help! Sure enough, my machine started alarming. It would go from none to low and repeat. Unfortunately, it took ten minutes before anyone came over to check on me! At that point, the original person in my section tried moving the needle around some more and it didn't work. She took out the needle and tried the other arm. My other arm notoriously is not cooperative, so I knew this wasn't going to end well. Of course, the second stick didn't work, so I was not able to donate any plasma that day. However, I had donated some blood in that ten minutes when my machine was alarming and no one cared. I was told that if this were to happen again the next time, I would need to be deferred for two months, just as if I had donated whole blood. I went on my way. It wasn't a fun experience, but it happened - what could I do about it? The next Friday, I went on the app to check my purple card balance, and while I was there, noticed that all three of my future appointments had been cancelled! Since then, I have tried everything to get a hold of BioLife to find out why I can no longer donate. My center does not have a phone number listed (I guess it's too new?). I called two other centers in my area, hoping they would have my center's number. Of course, both calls went right to voicemail. I left messages at both centers and never heard back. I filled out the "contact us" form on the website, where I was assured I'd hear back from someone within 3 business days. I never heard back! There is no corporate phone number to be found. The number listed on the Complaints Board website is not even a legitimate number! Why would a company cancel a client's appointment and not notify them as to why? Why hasn't anyone gotten back to me with three opportunities? Why is BioLife so hard to get a hold? Why is there no corporate number? What are they trying to avoid? It astounds me how terrible the customer service is. It wasn't fabulous before this incident as the staff beyond the vitals station was never real appreciative. I always felt like just another stick. I looked all the way past the 8 weeks on the app, assuming that I was given inaccurate information and needed to be deferred for the 8 weeks, and I'm still 'not eligible to donate.' I just don't get it, and I am very frustrated with how I've been completely ignored.

Desired outcome: I would like to hear from someone at BioLife as to why my appointments were cancelled. I'd also like to know why no one got back to me.

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Waukesha, Wisconsin, US
Dec 27, 2021 2:16 pm EST

that same thing has been happening to me

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