I can't understand how the law allows this kind of business to exist with the body of complaints that are out there. I just spent 90 minutes listening to some guy go on about how spending 9-10K+ for vacation membership was "putting money in my pocket". (He said that at least 5 times) I knew it was all a joke, just do the math -- you'd have to take 5 BIG trips a year to "break even". but when they try to get your guard down by asking what you do and then they say, "my wife is a nurse" that is all part of the reeling in. The want to make you vunerable, playing on your hopes, dreams, wishes and sense of guilt. "It cost me $500 for you to sit here..."
My 23 year old son and I, however, shut them up pretty good and left them to say nothing to us. First, the guy asks my son who probably looks more like an easier mark, "What are your travel plans? My son kind of smiles and replies, "Well, I have a different type of travel plans" The guy then asks my son what he
does, (me, to myself... this will be good, ha, ha) My son answers he's in the army to which I add, "Yeah, he enlisted when he was 17" And the guy says, "Me too!" (Sure, sure, buddy!) The guy is slick, "I was in the Marines" so I ask him, "Really? Did you go to Iraq the first time?" Now he's sweatin' "Well, no, I was on an island". My son rescues him and says, "Where, Barain? I was just in Jordan." and I look at the guy and say, "yeah, Do you have any five star hotels in Bagdad? Needless to say, we get jettisoned out to recieve our "free" plan tickets. Of course we got the same form all of you got and when you see "send
money order or chasiers check only" it automatically should raise suspicion. In retrospect, I should have known; there wasn't even a website on the promotional coupon I received in the mail (a good question to ask when they say, "Any questions?) I
could have saved myself the grief by googling this before I went but I did get to share a good chuckle with my son and we had quality time in the car.
In the end, YOU decide how you are going to spend your money and nobody else. There is no way you "save money" or have "extra money in your pocket" if at every turn, they are asking you to shell it out. It's a complete scam.
Just got back from a presentation at DIRECT BUY, items looked like you would save a bundle but these were their posted prices in the back of their "special book of manufacturer cost price list" you know, the one we "normal people " should never see. I was to get 2 round trip airline tickets through VIP travel reservations, and thought, what the hell we are taking a cruise next year and this would be a great help. Well you read the fine print and after all the fees and espenses for sending registered mail and taxes you spend over $180 on two tickets you ay never get in time for your vacation. hey specify that you confirm your dates no more than 30 days before departure. meaning that if you book a cruise for a certain date, then request the flight tickets, they are going to say, so sorry, nothing available. STAY AWAY FROM THIS OFFER AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM DIRECT BUY, IT IS A RIPOFF!
Thank you for all these comments. You have saved me a great deal of time and grief. I am sorry any of you have had to go through these experiences, but I am very grateful you have shared these problems with these people. I wanted to check out my "gift": a 5/4 cruise leaving from most major ports on Carnival Cruise Lines. My tip off was the back of the sample voucher: "This promotion is not sponsored by or affiliated with Carnival Cruise Lines..."
Thanks again, and ALWAYS check out these too good to be true offers!
This VIP travel reservation is a scam. I attend the 2 hour presentation that they were trying to sell their worthless servive. They waste all my time for a night to give me a free flight tickets and hotels for 2 nights.
At the end and after all paper works they make me frusterated with some stupid terms and conditions so that I quit for whatever they promised to provide for me. Don'tr ever never work with them. i wish I would have read all these complains before I go.
Hope the business finally get closed. Becarfull not to get in to their trap.
VIP travel reservation is nothing except a scam. They play you around and you won't get any customer service at all. the people are so rude and not helpfull at all.
This was one of the worst experiendce ragarding travel reservation. They are terrible.
I just got off the phone with the rudest person on earth KIM from VIP TRAVEL RESERVATION she was really the worst person whom I've ever spoken to - rude - unhelpful- & the best thing is she won't even transfer me to the owner as she said all the only way to contact the owner is by mail & that too all mails addressed to the owner comes to her so it was like back off from complaining about me.
Crazy lot of people I had to deal with..The only nice person was Donna in the Cruise dept who I was passed on to by the customer service rep when i requested to speak to a supervisor.
I don't really understand when a supervisor is so rude how can somebody deal with a company like this. I am totally frustrated at this point and I wish I don't ever have to deal with this company in my life. I would definitely warn people reading this to not even go close to this company leave alone dealing with them, all you will get is misery and will be wasting your valuable time.
I really wish the owner could hire someone better as a supervisor in any customer service dept if there is a supervisor like KIM the future of that company does not seem to be too bright.
I really wish I can complain about this person KIM to the owner but i know it won't happen. Everyome out there please save your self from talking to this RUDE person & do not deal with VIP.
They are fraudulent and must be STOPPED ! VIP TRAVEL RESERVATIONS, INC.
You can email, write, call your state's Attorney General, the BBB, your Governor, you States Department of Real Estate, etc.
It is time to stop these crooked operations. Who is the Company president ?
A Kara Gallagher says she is the office manager for VIP TRAVEL [protected] x 224 FAX [protected] and
Bombard her with your complaints, get the CEO's number and email I know we have a class action lawsuit here somewhere, and if we all ban together we CAN do something about it.
It will cost you NOTHING as most of the legal organizations have web sites. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE INTERNET ! Somewhere along the line a lawyer will pick up on this and be willing to help do something about these SCAMMERS.
To get more information you can email me at: d7baran@juno.com
IN CALIFORNIA A DEL RAY TRAVEL IN VALENCIA, CA [protected] Springfield Court # 170
[protected] & [protected] PERPETUATES, AND IS PART OF THIS SCAM.
BEWARE ! DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE CROOKS. The so-called "gifts" are fraudulent and will cost you more, once they HOOK you. Their "vacation club " a scam too, You can do better on your own, ie: agent, internet, etc.
My husband & I spent two hours at Del Rey Travel in Valencia last Saturday being hammered about their "wonderful" Travel Club. We had decided before we went in that no matter what they were selling, we were just going to grab the four day cruise and run! Ah, if only it had been that easy...They paired us with their youngest, greenest sales rep, you know, the kind you don't want to hurt the feeling of. We had to sit there and listen to the whole blessed thing and then they turned one of the big dogs on us who started with the guilt trips about how our marriage was probably suffering from never getting away together! THEN, when THAT didn't work, they brought out the CLOSER, and she tried charm, flattery, then borderline intimidation, but we stood firm together, the cruise still our goal in mind!
Finally, we wore her down, and disgustedly, she threw the certificate in front of us and said "We upped everyone to a seven day cruise to thank them for their time, be sure you read the restrictions that apply, sign here, goodbye".
I think the BIGGEST red flag that goes up is that they tell you that the decision has to be made right then, you can't go home and sleep on it (or possibly look them up). No legidimate company would do that. In the end, everyone has to make their own decisions, but I hope I can save at least one person from sitting thru that horse poopie.
I am working on a law suite for Postal Fraud but it is slow going.
Brewski says: I am confused by all of this babble. I'm debating about sending in the deposits for a vacation we otherwise couldn't afford. Half of the comments are complaints, but half of those come from people that can't use the English language correctly or follow directions, seemingly. Kim doesn't "sound" rude on this board, just frustrated if not as polite as possible under fire.
Kim - I will contact you personally to make sure I understand the terms before committing.
Complainers: I don't think I remember reading any negative comments that spelled out why or how you were "ripped off, " or why you are convinced this is a "scam." If one of you is still reading, please post something of an evidential nature so the rest of us can come to an intelligent conclusion. Much obliged...
Ricker 57: First we are not Direct Buy so I do Apologize for any issue you may have had with them however, we can not be responsible for that. As for "$180 on tickets you may never get" ? I'm sorry I'm extremely confused, of ALL of our certificates there are only 3 deposit amounts, $50, $75, or $100 depending on what the certificate is for. Yes, all of our certificates are required be sent certified mail which, last time I used it, was $1.36. I am not sure who's certificate you do have but if it is requiring $180 it is not ours. As far as availability, all of our certificate do advise you not to make your vacation plans until you have confirmation from us and as you stated you were going on the cruise anyway before even knowing about us. Sooo, if for some reason a flight isn't available for that, since you were planning on doing it anyway to begin with you could always use this for something else. I do apologize for your frustration but until you have actually sent something in to our office, please don't assume we are out to fraud you, we do travel hundreds of happy travelers a month.
Sayee: VIP Travel Reservations does not solicit people for any type of presentations, nor do we sell any services at all, I would greatly appreciate knowing what company you are speaking of before speaking badly of them. But so maybe you will be a little more clear in the future, VIP Travel is a privately owned and operated third party travel agency in Port Orange, FL. There are over 400 sponsors who purchase our certificates through third party marketing companies. And yes, we do go very strictly by our terms and conditions and all of the sponsors are aware of this so if you were misled in anyway it was not by our company. I apologize for your frustration, but I can assure you it is not with our company.
VERY UNHAPPY & FRUSTRATED CLIENT: Not sure what on earth could have been said to you by apparently me, but I am the supervisor in our airfare department, not customer service, that would be Jane. But rest assured the only way to contact Julie, yes is in writing, and she does answer all of her own mail, I do apologize if you misunderstood there, and if you felt I was rude, that is never my intentions. We do travel hundreds of very happy travelers a month with no issues, if there is anything we can do to help you out or to better understand our terms and conditons, please let us know, our intentions are never for you to walk away frustrated.
demko: We are not, nor are we affiliated with Del Rey Travel. We do not have travel clubs, nor do we "HOOK" customers, and never in the entire time I've been working here has travel through us, with a certificate, cost anyone of our customers more than booking travel on their own. Each reservations request is checked individually and all of our customers are only responsible for the taxes and fees per the terms and conditions.
delzy: This is apparently turning into a post about Del Rey and not VIP Travel! I have been to the presentations (in a former life) and everything your saying is exactly what happened to me so I do completely understand, and must admit I giggled a little while reading your post because it really is all too familiar. However, we do not solicit people for these things. Our certificates are acquired through a multitude of ways, these presentations, car lots, charity raffles, mary kay agents, event drawings, soft water heater companies... so in the end you did get the certificate, and regardless of what they put you through, that should have no reflection on us.
Bill: this is more of a response to everyone reading than to you, but to each there own. While I am aware of the mail pieces that go out soliciting you to presentations or whatever, carrying the promise of ultimately a certificate to either us or a multitude of companies that offer the same type of services... we do not send mail, solicit anyone for anything, or go by any other representation other than what is listed in our terms and conditions. Your post should really be directed at someone it at least has something to do with, as the only thing we even you the postal service for is to mail confirmations and refund checks after travel.
Brewski1: sounds good, our phones are on Mon - Fri 10-12 and 1-4, [protected] opt 6, let me know anything I can do to help. Do please keep in mind all of our certificates per #1 require activation within either 21 or 30 days.
Kim we just went through a presentation from Grand vacation Club..They were very professional...we'll see if the service actually works...specifically for you i am getting ready to write the deposit checks as we DO want to take the cruise and use the flight certificates...what are the chances of us using them both for the same trip? it seems you are not a popular service and this process is not very customer oriented. Is your company making changes to create a positve experience when redeeming these certifcates?If so what are they? If not maybe we can be the first? hers your chance to make thisg right!
JJ in San Diego
JJ San Diego, we have over 78, 000 active clients with a "positive experience, " of all the complaints, whether online, to a government agency, etc these amount for less than 1% of our total customers. As for can both of your certificates be used for the same trip? We have some that can be used together and others that can not be. With out knowing what you have I can not answer that, however, it would specifically state that the certificate is not valid with any other offer if you could not. If it does not state that then it is strictly based upon our availability, while no I can not guarantee you they can or will be used together we do actively try to coordinate them.
If I could have had this kind of replies to my situation with VIP, maybe I would still be happy with the offers. Instead all I got were negative letters that I had screwed up and that I should learn to read, or the likes.
I requested my deposits be returned and all VIP was interested in doing was investing them in some other sort of program.
I have gone back to the providers of this program, Resort Stay International, AKA GeoHolihay, STARPOINT resorts etc. for legal action.
Bill: I do apologize for any bad experience you may have had. While yes all of our terms and conditions must be followed, I do find your post to be an extreme exaggeration as we would never tell or imply someone needed to "learn to read." We have no problem going over any or all of the terms and conditions with anyone not quite clear on them. As there is no contact information in your post or way for me to locate your file if you have further questions please contact us at [protected] opt 6. I can tell you that when a refund is requested with out travel, yes our marketing department does, in most cases, send out an offer for a different travel offer. However, this is in no way binding, and has a place at the top if you are not interested to go ahead through with your refund. Some chose to take advantage of it, some do not, but it was in no way meant to be personal or offensive.
We sat through the presentation and got the free gift but after reading the terms and conditions decided to check the company out. I went to the Better Business Bureau website and checked on VIP Travel Reservations Inc which is where you are supposed to send the "deposit" so you can then book your rental car and airfare. Below is what the BBB had to say about them. Make up your own mind but we will not be sending them any money.
BBB Rating
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F on a scale from A+ to F.
Reasons for this rating include:
•199 complaints filed against business
•2 complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
•95 serious complaints filed against business.
•Overall complaint history with BBB
I am waiting for Kim to respond to this information. It will be interesting to get her point of view!
Della B: I did already answer your original post, so Bill you may be more interested to read that as it will surely be of more detail as this is someone who has never even attempted to use our services. However, Della we are well aware of our BBB rating which, yes, is public information. And if you choose to take the time to ready those complaints filed there the overwhelming majority of them are those that did not follow the terms and conditions in some way or another. Again, I did answer your original assumption of a "travel scam" in more detail if you choose to read it. I am sorry you feel this way, however, those of our clients who do chose to follow the terms and conditions in most cases do become one of our current 78, 000 active travelers.
Kim, I strongly disagree with you that I "didn't attempt to use your service". Your lack of "service" is why I have filed a complaint and request that the Time share group, Resort Stay International, AKA GEO Holiday Resorts, Starpoint Resorts etc requesting them to Rescind the Contract and release me from any further harassment.
October 15, 2010 we returned "Your Certificate To a Lifetime of Real Savings" at which time we again requested you to return our $125.00 refundable deposits. To date you have not even had the courtesy as to even respond to the request.
Guess you better check your mail box!
I just recieved two vouchers after siting through a 90 min. presentation. After reading most things on here, i'm convinced it's a scam. Kim is also very convincing. Kim could you just explain one thing to me? Why are these "terms and conditions" so important? I do business with various companies all the time and there is never a set of instructions to follow. It's almost like these "rules" are in place just so that people can't claim thier vouchers. Then you make it very hard to get thier refunds back. Why on earth would it take 6-8 weeks to process a refund? The federal government works faster than that! Just please explain these rules to me and why they are what they are before I send in my vouchers. Please just don't respond that all terms and conditions must be followed, I understand that.
Again Bill, as you have left No contact information in these posts, this information is all general; my reference to people never even having used our service was to Della B, who not only left the comment here that you said you were waiting to see my response to, but she also has a board she started on her own posting our BBB rating and stating SHE had never tried to use our service. I wasn't referring to you in any way sir, I had already answered you. Where you came in was your comment about wanting my reply, I was directing you to her other board as it was more thorough. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but again, I was under the impression I had responded to you, I was referring to the person I was replying to. As you have still never given me anyway to reference a file with us you may want to call in to the office if you have further questions [protected] opt 6.
tomes1978: My intentions aren't to convince anyone of anything just to provide facts to those looking for it. And help out those in need of direction that are currently using our certificates. You are trying to redeem a promotional offer, you are not out right doing business with a company as you state. Any promotional offer is bound to have terms with it, and obviously, we are not the only ones involved with the offer, there are multiple marketing companies selling our certificates to hundreds of sponsors with thousands of end users; and fair is fair, some of the terms have to do with state laws in particular area, some have to do with protection both of the consumer and VIP, some have to do with verification of who, where, and when it came from. As far as how one sends in a request, there are rules with every aspect of your life, whether it be the speed your driving or where you stand and wait at the post office, this is to stream line the process, same for us. We have certain contracts with vendors: hotels, airfare, condos, car rental companies, cruise lines, etc they require certain things like advance notice, no groups, etc. So when you are dealing with a large volume of clients (currently 78, 000 active, traveling), procedure must be followed across the board or we would never be able to keep up. As for why it takes 6 - 8 weeks to process a refund, the majority of our clients do receive a refund weather traveling or not and there is a certain amount of research going in to every check leaving this office, certain state laws require particular deposit accounts, did the customer stay as contracted, board and return on flights we booked, was the car returned as contracted, etc. So honestly while it may seem excessive to you, consider it take 8 - 10 weeks to receive a $.75 rebate from crest toothpaste and all they require is a receipt? The bottom line is, the terms and conditions are what count, we travel hundreds of people a month that have followed them.
Wah Wah Wah... My husband and I get invited to these types of things all the time. We did a timeshare tour last year and got 2 Angels Game Tickets... a Free Wine Tour in Temecula, CA... and 2 Free Tickets on the Catalina Flyer to Cataline and a Hotel Room for 2-nights. It was amazing. Sure the tour and presentation you have to sit through SUCKS, but in the end you only end up paying a minimal amount of what you would have had you paid for the full vacation yourself. We also just recently did the VIP Reservations presentation, of which only took about 45-minutes, and in the end we recieved 2 Airline Tickets and an 8-day cruise. We aren't expecting a totally free trip, ever, it just takes away the bulk of what you are going to spend; and with 4 children when we are in our 20's really helps. I feel that if you follow the regulations on the certificates and save your receipts for your money orders until you have received what you ordered you aren't embarking upon too many risks. We have had a great time on the trips we have been offered. I think you would too, so long as you don't go into it thinking they're going to put you up in 5-star accomodations and that it is all going to be 100% free.
We are undecided. We have been to the 90 minute presentation. We have the 7 night cruise activation form and fly U.S.A
form. We now need to know what to expect. We do not know what or how much the fees are. Are there any surprises? If someone could give me a heads up, it would be greatly appreciated. Are there booking fees? Thank you, UP IN THE AIR
Kim, My wife and I sat through a presentation where your companies Travel Certificates were offered.
I have read every post here and you have stated in your 2009-06-11 post that the reason you only accept the refundable deposits in the form of a money order or cashiers check is because “people are dishonest, not all of them, but it ruins it for the ones that aren't. every time someone sent us a personal check in the past, when they were accepted, about 1 in 8 came back NSF which cost us $35 each. So unfortunatly now, yes, we do have to protect ourselves from that.” As a business owner and having had my share of NFS Checks, I can appreciate the fact that you do not accept personal check as a policy. But I also make available to my customers the ability to use credit cards or debit cards which seem to do quite well in protecting ME as well as THEM.
The last time I was looking at some numbers on the travel industry it seems to me and I'm sorry I don’t remember the exact numbers, but all most 96.8% or 98.6% of all travel was paid for by CREDIT CARDS! And as outline in the FLY USA as well as the World Class Cruise Terms & Conditions Item # 3 “…., and a major credit card ….” as part of your Terms & Conditions. I would assume that you take credit cards at some point from customer to pay for their travel book through your company. I understand there is a cost in accepting credit cards but, I'm sure with the volume of your “over 78, 000 active clients with a positive experience, " your rates would be very low (certainly not the range of $35 dollars NSF fee) as it seems your set up to accept credit cards anyway. Other than that, do you PAY interest to those whom deposit(s) you’re holding for 6-8 week or as some have reported longer? I don’t know for a fact if you do or don't (if I was a betting man I would bet that your company is making money of the deposit while they are being held or they are used as cash float for the operations of your company). With all these complaints posted here about how long it seems to take for people to get their "refundable deposits" there is a lot of money floating around. Somebody is making money off the deposits. Let me take a guess the owners of VIP Travels Reservations, Inc. How do I become one? :-)
Kim, it just seems to me that most of these negative posts about YOUR COMPANY would go away with one simple change in your “refundable deposit” requirements. But what do I know I’m just a business owner.
I will agree with you on one thing. How people get your “FREE Travel Certificate” is a whole different story!
In the mean time, I am waiting to give you my credit card for MY refundable deposit :-)
By the way here is my contact information mis4@hotmail.com
Kim, I just sat through the 90 minutes blah blah blah... I received the 7/8 day cruise and Airline tickets, my concern is not knowing the additional fees and why you don't allow people to call and find out anything until they have mailed there deposit (perhaps that is why people feel scammed), I don't mind paying port charges and taxes, it does seem to me that you do address concerns here and mainly everyone is receiving there refunds after time, so I'm not so concerned about that. My interest is in the 7-8 day cruise, I am from New Jersey and see that cruising out of NY or NJ is additional fees, I would like to know how much additional out of NY? Also, the cruise says it is for 2, we have 2 kids (5 and 6) I would like to take with me, is that optional for an additional fee ? Also how much are the processing fees? I see also it says that the travel is for off peak September through December, can you travel at other times for an additional fee and if so around how much are those additional fees? I know what cruise I am interested in and wondered if you could give me the breakdown of prices (if it was available that is), again I don't understand why you need the deposit before I can get an estimate of the cruise, that just seems fishy, I'm sure it is cheaper with the voucher through your company, so why not let people know that first? Anyway lets see if you would be willing to answer my questions and give an estimated price on a Family of Four, leaving from New York, October 8th 2011, on the Norweigen Jewel with the World Class Cruise Certificate. My assumption is it would be around $1200.00, see I don't expect free. If you feel you want to address some questions here and then send me a price through email thats fine its... lisastavi@yahoo.com
Guess they only address customers who have already lost money and are complaining about them..hmmmmm wonder why, maybe because they are a shady business
Over 80 days ago, I returned your offer for another program and I DID mark the box on the top that I wanted the refund sent to me. All of my pertinent information was on the request, as well as my forms for air and rental car forms. If it helps you locate my information, My name is WILLIAM SHUSTER, Mistrbill@juno.com, Las Vegas, NV 89131. Hopefully this will speed up my request for refund of my money.
I mailed a fully-documented request for refund via certified mail to VIP Travel Reservations, Inc., on 12/19/10. The signed return receipt shows it was received by VIP on 12/28/10, fully 108 days ago. On 2/21/11, I mailed a second letter requesting a refund via regular mail, and enclosed a complete copy of the first letter. Today, I called [protected] at three different times in the morning, and each time received a busy signal. Like Bill, I hope this posting on Complaints Board will accelerate VIP's refund of my deposits. I will re-post on this site when I receive my money. My name is Peter Hellmann. My email address is PHellmann@Secure-res.net. For VIP's reference, the FLY USA Activation Form is No. FLYUSA75CA-52128, and the DRIVE AWAY Activation Form is No. DW50CA-51674.
We also sat through a 2 hour presentation (it seemed like four hours after our salesman sat down with us). I wonder where they get these sales guys and I use the "sales" term lightly since they now nothing about real salesmanship. But we expected that except the presenter swore that all we had to do was say NO. I guess he didn't say the salesman would go away.
Our deposit fee is $99. My wife went to the bank to get a Money Order and the teller whispered to her to be careful with this company. Well, that sealed any doubts we may have had. My wife said "thank you" to the teller and walked out.
I mean, if bank tellers are waving you off, need I say more?
Avoid using this place. We were told if we sign up for an internet service we get a 2 night stay with no strings attached. Then we had to mail in our deposit of $60 to get our options on where to stay. After picked our options we started to get more bits of information little by little. Eventually we found out we had to go to a "90 minute presentation." Later we found out we couldn't take children to the presentation. We cancelled our reservation two weeks prior after we got another letter explaining the sneaky terms. They had the nerve to keep $25 of our deposit (which took 2 months and numerous phone calls to get) and called it a cancellation fee. We never would have book it had we known the terms up front. Good luck trying to call to find anything out as well. No one answers the phone and it takes at least 3 messages to get a return call.
Aaron Christensen
See my previous post above.
I finally received the refund of my $125 deposit on 5/28/11, 160 days after I sent my first letter request, 96 days after I sent my 2nd letter, and 10 days after Kara told me someone "forgot to push a button" and the check would be sent that day.
In my opinion, these guys are very unethical, but probably not crooks. They appear to make their money by selling travel certificates to fly-by-night time share operators, and by holding deposits from certificate holders who ultimately give up or forget about getting them refunded. Their rules seem purposely opaque and confusing, and they make it difficult or impossible to communicate with them, so they can deny travel awards based on a flimsy claim that you have violated a previously undisclosed rule or have been insufficiently flexible in your desired travel arrangements. I'll bet they actually do grant a few travel awards, but only so they can assert some claim of legitmacy with civil, state and federal authorities. Otherwise, VIP's principals would be in jail by now.
Bottom Line: It seems too good to be true because it truly is. You should pass on the opportunity to send these people your hard-earned money, and be happy you didn't have to sacrifice your core values in order to work for an outfit like VIP Travel Reservations.
My dad got a Happy Birthday Card in the mail and it says get your complimentary net book microsoft and 300 dollar food certificate and a 4 day cruise ALL of them for just listening to their spill. I called it and my dad didn't qualify because you have to be between 25 and 72 ( i think that is what he said) But the gentlemen asked me my age and said I qualified and between my husband and I we had to make at least 40.000 and have a valid drivers license and credit card. We have an appt. for Sunday, for a 90 minute presentation. Is this a waste of my time, never got any thing free in my life and it is hard to believe that there is no purchase necessary. hmmmm should I go or not! This is a promotion from Premium Destination and they are in Ormond Beach, FL telephone # [protected] or [protected]