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Vancouver Career College

Vancouver Career College review: Fraud 20

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7:38 pm EDT
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I was mislead (lied to) by the admissions rep who earned at least part of his salary on commission. He lied and conned me into signing up for a one year course when all that I required for my training was the short 6 month course. This put me in school for twice as long and cost me twice the debt.

Tuition rates were exorbitant and grossly inflated. The school itself was located in an old bank, the staff were unprofessional, and the rep who got me to join was later fired for misleading numerous students into larger courses/loans/debts. My professor was an ex-nurse with no teaching experience who sat gossiping with the girls in my class all day long like cackling hens. Anybody who didn't join in the gossiping, backstabbing or extra-curricular activities was mocked, bullied and treated poorly. The curriculum was very poor and mainly was just reading out of text books and repetition. There were constant issues with the school itself, the staff, paperwork and all kinds of problems - it was a horrible experience.

VCC did not reimburse me, refused to deal with my complaints and issues, and to date I am 20K in debt thanks to this FRAUD of a school whose sole aim it is to make money. The rep rushed me into class by stating they were "starting soon" and that the class was "filling up" and pressured me to make my decision quick. I was naive and ill-informed and rushed and manipulated by various staff into taking courses I didn't need and getting a huge student loan from the government to pay for it.

To date, my "career" has not profited me one bit, I am massively in debt, many people won't hire me once they know where I've graduated, I am told my "qualifications and training" aren't applicable in various jobs and other cities and provinces - and it's been an utter misery.

I've come to find that hundreds (if not thousands) of students across the country have my exact same complaint, and that countless have been conned, lied to and ripped off by this fraudulent organization. It's owned by the "Eminata Group" which has been in the news several times, and all of its owned schools (including Vancouver Career College, CDI, and others) have dozens of pending lawsuits and are being investigated for wrongful and illegal practices.

Peter Chung, the executive chairman came to Canada to set up his business after being driven out of the USA due to his corrupt practices, sued, losing his business and having his assets frozen -- he now does the exact same thing up North that he did down there with no repercussions thus far.

DO NOT GO TO VANCOUVER CAREER COLLEGE ! It is a waste of time, a HUGE waste of money and it will put you in big debt, waste your time and ruin any potential 'career' you are aiming for by association. HUGE CON JOB.

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Mar 04, 2021 12:56 pm EST
Vancouver Career College customer support contacts

626 W Pender St. № 1100, Vancouver, BC, BCV6B1V8, CA

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Apr 15, 2012 4:33 pm EDT

I am looking to start the LPN course at CDI College- Surrey and would like to know if i shouldn't beause i dont want my money or time wasted... ?

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Feb 21, 2013 3:24 pm EST

Having been at Vancouver Careers College at the Burnaby Campus, it sounds like a completely different experience I had. The Practical Nursing teachers seemed to really care for us there. They were so involved in our education!

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Jun 28, 2017 10:19 pm EDT
Replying to comment of bbystudent


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Apr 29, 2018 1:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of bbystudent

Total fake. Worst experience at Burnaby Campus in the LPN. If you don't pass a semester they put you on a waitlist and give spots to paying students that are new. They change policies when they want and get students to sign new policies. Changed the repeat semester from 2 free and now to 1. WORST COLLEGE STAY AWAY

Vancouver, CA
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Feb 26, 2013 6:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


I think I know you, but don't want to guess your name here. Both of us we took the same practical nursing program at the Vancouver Career College. I secured my job a month or so before the graduation. I have been working at the St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, BC for about a year now. The staff is happy about my expertise and knowledge, and I have never ever heard any complaints about my education or my work ethics.

Nobody will come to you and give you a job. It is totally up to you. Go out, ask questions and apply for jobs. Let your potential employers know that you exist and are willing to work. As simple as that!

Vancouver Career College has an amazing reputation here at the St. Paul's Hospital and my ex-classmates tell me the same about the places they have been working at.

Stop complaining and blaming others. Go and do something!

Truly yours,

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Jun 28, 2017 10:20 pm EDT
Replying to comment of BrendaFo

These are so fake! Lol!

Vancouver, CA
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Mar 08, 2013 7:00 pm EST

Perhaps you should have done your research first...

My rep was pretty understanding. They understood that I needed to make a big decision in my life so they gave me all the facts that I needed. They did tell me that the class were filling fast but only because they were small classes sizes to ensure that everyone gets a great learning experience.

So it definitely isnt everyone that works there.

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Mar 11, 2013 1:22 pm EDT

My experience was way different. I took health care assistant. My teachers were really good and the campus was pretty fun. The best part about it was I got hired on from my last practicum. Started out as causal but worked almost full-time hours from the start. I am a permanent employee now. Definitely not a waste of my time.

Salmon Arm, CA
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Jun 07, 2014 6:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I went to the surrey campus. Such a joke. Wish I NEVER went there. I've been advised to sue them, just don't know how.

J Toft
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Jan 12, 2015 11:38 am EST

well here is an old horror story, my hubby went to VANCOUVER CAREER COLLEGE in Abby back in 2002 or 2003 he was taking a pharmaceutical course .. Now he had been talked into a HUGE student loan, with the provincial and federal student load ... While taking his course the school moved to a "new location" where they are now off of Ware street. In this moved they apparently LOST ALL info on my hubby being a student, just before he was to start his practical and do the last test.. I have said a HUGE HELL NO to repaying the student loans, now we are in 2015, and in November of 2014 my hubby was contacted by the two different student loan companies wanting there money.. So I phone the V>C>C> and told them they better look into finding my hubbys info ( since we had a house fire we lost everything in 2011) and my plan is to pay them both all off and then im going to start the works of suing them.. to get MY money back... and im still waiting to hear back from V>C>C> about the whereabouts of all my hubbys info..

Salmon Arm, CA
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Jan 12, 2015 6:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm worried they've discarded of my certificates and work. We were not permitted to keep our original tests, exams or transcripts. I've been trying to get ahold of my records but I keep getting the run around. It's been 2 years! Some campuses are probably alright, but where I went I got royally screwed. I would rather have gone to a REAL college-- not a " career college ". Private colleges can screw you anyway they want and get away with it. NSLSC says I should cut my losses and redo the course at a community college. It's a same that I cannot transfer any credits over from CDI or VCC to my new college bee cause thy are private and crecits can only transfer between campuses. What a shame.

melanie jermain
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Nov 05, 2015 12:37 am EST

Vancouver career college was really good when i joined the LPN program. The PN coordinator was so organized and professional, now they have this sorry excuse for program coordinator named anju. She doesn't know her job, never keeps schedule, complains form practicum sites and students are going unheard. In one word she is unprofessional and she just might be what might bring a good school down. If you are by any chance considering Vancouver career college rethink and please do your research. If Anju is there then its not worth going there.

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Jun 28, 2017 10:24 pm EDT

In 2017 the problem still there just new coordinator. If u want a voice don't bother with this college unless you enjoy getting kicked around

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Feb 09, 2016 8:26 am EST

I had a similar experience but mine actually completely destroyed my life financially. When I was in my first month the financial admin convinced me to pay all my tuition right away. I was 19 and didn't realize I would owe much more than if I paid it monthly.
A few months into the program i was diagnosed with PTSD from childhood trauma. I was mentally stable and my doctor encouraged me to stay in school but inform my teacher as I fell behind a bit.
The head guy of the school ruined my life. I made a big point to keep my private info from my parents. I was not at the point where I was ready to tell them. The dean or whatever he's called disclosed this to my dad right in front of me. After that I struggled. They told me if I dropped out they would partially refund me since I hadn't completed my first semester.
I never saw that refund and I was too busy dealing with my trauma to fight them. When I did call and ask they said they couldn't refund me as the money was put towards my iPad, uniform and textbooks. I'd also like to make the point our tuition "included textbooks" but we only recieved a few. The others were digital copies and the iPad app was always crashing. The schools wifi didn't even work properly so getting any studying done took twice as long as it should have.
The school had major staffing issues. One of our teachers was fired in front of us in the middle of class. When I complained they told me that if I couldn't handle change nursing was not the right career path. Anyone in nursing knows how important consistency is within the program.

4 years later I am still $20 000 in debt as I can only find min wage jobs. Which barely covers the cost of living alone. I've overcome my PTSD and even run a support group for survivors of sexual abuse. I'd love to go back to school and go into a career to help others, but I can't get more student aid.

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Jun 28, 2017 10:26 pm EDT

Don't get your life ruined pick somewhere else

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Aug 28, 2017 2:45 pm EDT

For all students that have stories like this, do what I did and complain to Private Training Institutions Branch, not online! This company governs private colleges, including Vancouver Career College. Nothing is ever going to change with this place unless you complain to the right people!

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Jun 19, 2019 3:53 am EDT

I lost my time with Miss Ritu, she was very thick and clearly just wanted to sell a program, no matter what my career path. The college was very messy and the staff did not seem to understand each other.

Surrey, British Columbia, CA
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Feb 27, 2021 11:22 am EST

I went to Vancouver career College Surrey (gateway station) in 2012 for my medical office assistant. MOA

The most Sales like type intake assistant constantly remind me she was not getting bonuses for signing me up but pressured hard to sign me up.

Living on my own since I was 14 years old. I did not have anyone to fall back on if things went badly so, I put my best foot forward trying to make this work but there were entire weeks at a time where we would come to class to sit in front of computers with no work being handed to us because the school was so unprepared and unprofessional.

I think our teacher was a kind person but I don’t think she was qualified for the job I think she was grateful to have a job but I think she knew we were not dumb enough to believe that she was properly qualified.

She was often just as annoyed with how the college was run. I think at times she was embarrassed.

Certain classes like computers accounting etc. we would have different teachers. The computer programming teacher did absolutely nothing and would not communicate well with most of the women in the class. I myself ended up having to teach them the program. Honestly that teacher made me sick and often would get in arguments with me because she didn’t understand what she was doing.

Often times I would be able to prove her wrong by showing her and she would get annoyed because I’ve embarrassed her in front of the class. I was not out to be rude or disrespectful but I was annoyed that she was not informed in what she was supposed to be teaching as all of the workbook was right there and explained it.

As a lot of the women that went there English was not their first language. They would really struggle with the computers they would constantly come and interrupt me as I was doing my work so that they could get the help they needed because they weren’t getting it from the teacher.

This college is a waste of time and this college is incredibly expensive for its value.

You will learn some things but you will spend way too much time and money learning them.

I made a mistake in picking this college.

I truly feel that they do need to refund at least half of everyone’s tuition and shorten that course to have made it have been valuable. I graduated and got my certificate. Overall 92%

But let’s be real tho they knew they we’re screwing people and the systems are designed in their favour so students are not protected the goal is to get you stuck in an entire amount of debt you will struggle to pay off for your life and be fed and conditioned that you need to go to school at any level.

Onward and up anyways is the only option.

It’s 2021 covid 19 hit my business hard.

My income was affected badly like many people. I have been making my student loan payments still paying for this program and still owe about $4000 for it to be completely paid off. It cost me $13, 380 for MOA certificate.

I worked in the industry for one year after I graduated and that was it because I didn’t make enough money to survive and build a future.

I ended up building a business from the ground up in something completely different.

Just this last month collections called me because I missed two payments due to being financially crippled by COVID-19.

Years of building my credit this is the only debt I’ve ever let myself have and in two months it has taken what I built in credit down.

I ended up opening up a company of my own and moving on with my life I’ve done well and have children now life does move on and it is what you make of it but learn from your mistakes.

Wasting time being bitter doesn’t help but sending your review to warm those behind you is why we get earn wisdom in the first place.

Vancouver Career College
Vancouver Career College
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Mar 04, 2021 12:57 pm EST
Replying to comment of Earnbetter

Hi there - We can’t find your profile in our student database but would like to connect so we can help resolve any issues you have had. Can you connect directly with us at

Burnaby, CA
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Apr 12, 2023 12:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Horrible college, all they care bout is getting your money. Big scam do not go here

Lynne SSD
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Nov 06, 2023 1:56 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

One teacher who’s been a complaint from almost all her students gen and now for not teaching well,very strict,not supporting her students and loved failing them did the same to my daughter and over students on he same class.I am now questioning the school on what credentials all their teachers has before they can teach to their college to teach nursing students.Did they take the Adult education program before they teach to know and learn how to teach and how to support their students to become successful in their class?Do I need to call them he ministry of education about it?

After that teacher failed my daughter and other students,the school accountant told me that my daughter has to pay more than $18,000.00 of student loan plus I gave a cheque of $859 when school started a month ago and within two months exact,Sept.5-Nov.6, I was told that the school will take a total amount of almost $19,000 from the student loan because my daughter is already two months in school and we have ti follow the school payment policy.

Other than the non supportive strict teacher ruin my daughters dream and future they left her a debt of student loan of $19,000 and she’s only almost 18 years old :( !

I contacted the student loan office and I definitely will contact a lawyer coz it looks like it’s a fraud if only in 60 days we end up of paying an amount of almost $19,000 or maybe more coz the accountant is not sure yet about the other extra payment :(

Do not go to Vancouver Career College

Vancouver Career College
Vancouver Career College
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Nov 10, 2023 12:34 pm EST
Replying to comment of Lynne SSD

Hi Lynne, we can’t find your daughter´s profile in our student database but would like to connect so we can help resolve any issues you have had. Please send us an email at and we'll have someone help you with your concerns.

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