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CB Telecommunications T-Mobile USA unauthorized credit card charges
T-Mobile USA

T-Mobile USA review: unauthorized credit card charges 331

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5:32 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I noticed a charge on my credit card statement from Vesta T-mobile in November. I have never heard of this company before and I have never purchased anything from this company before.

I called Vesta at [protected] and the receptionist was well aware of the number of callers who have complained about un-authorized credit card charges from Vesta T-mobile. She connected me to a claims dept who wanted to assist me with my inquiry but she required my credit card number which i did not provide for obvious reasons.

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Aug 16, 2006 12:00 am EDT

What is this site, if not a place where people can gather information in order NOT to go through a variety of bad experiences that other people had to? And here is a fresh one for you, reader, who deserves to know this things so that you're not suckered into the dark wells of incompetent / dishonest / lazy / disorganized / out-to-screw-you businesses (you know who you are).

When sending those rebate forms to companies such as the one mentioned above, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, send it through certified mail, because when you call them, and they say they've never heard of you, you can tell them that trick is not going to fly, because you have a receipt from the post office that shows you sent them the paperwork. And guess where I learned that little trick? HERE! HA! They thought they were gonna get me, and it didn't work! HA! HA! HA! Consumers 1, big bad business 0!

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Sep 21, 2006 12:00 am EDT

After having service with T-mobile for a year I added another phone line for my son. When I spoke to the respresentative I told him I needed the cheapest plan they had. He gave me some plan that gave us 300 minutes. Which i did not know can be used up in one phone call. I am not cell phone saavy since i don't have a phone the phone are for my children. Anyhow we get our phone bill it is close to $400.00. They shut of the phones stating that we needed to pay that before our phone would be turned on. I made payment arrangements. I paid $137.00 and then another $100.00. Still no phone. They told me they would not turn my phone on until the full amount was paid but that we would be able to receive incoming calls never saying anything about them charging us for those call. Next phone comes in it is $507 and some change. I had asked them the keep the phone off until we were able to pay this amount. After talking the a customer services representative which was of no help. I asked for a supervisor which i never got they directed to to dispute it on the web-site. Yeah right like that is going to change anything. Can you please help.

At this rate who know how much more I will be charged by the time that this is resolved.

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Oct 13, 2006 12:00 am EDT

T-mobile refuses to honor its rebate offer for $30 on a T-mobile To Go prepaid phone owned by a friend of mine. My friend sent in all the right proof of purchase and original box panel and receipt information but never got the rebate. Called to the Customer Care number and others,where they told her they supposedly never received the material in the P.O. box. She never got it back so she knows they got it and before the deadline date. She also sent complaint letters to the only different Box they'd give her to send complaints to, and got no answer at all. This seems like fraud or bait and switch, they can't simply refuse to honor the rebates. She says not only was she ripped off on the price of the phone, because down the street they were giving away the phones for free if you also bought minutes, but all those were gone. She bought her phone in a T-mobile store, not from some guy on the street, but she had trouble with the number of correct minutes that came with the phone. T-mobile won't respond, won't send her $30. This is despicable. I want everyone to know. She is so angry she has told me she's thinking of a business reporting agency or something. I hope she does that. T-mobile makes offers and tries to get away with not honoring them, it looks like. Any advice about how she can reach the corporate people who seem well hidden, I can pass along to her.
Thank you.

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Oct 28, 2006 12:00 am EDT

Tmobile Account. Hi my name is Margaret Carrube and my son has just been enlisted into the coastguard. We have a family account with T Mobile for our cell phones. There are 3 of us on this perticular account. I called T Mobile and told them my son was going out of the country with the coastguard cutter cambell the ship he is assigned to. I specifically asked for a plan that would allow him to call home without any extra added charges. They told me the plan is 19.99 a month and he could call home from the virgin islands, cuba etc. When I received my phone bill it was over $400.00. I called to complain about this bill and they said there was nothing they could do but take off the charges for 19.99 a month it was for a blackberry international phone account. Now we don't have any blackberry phones. The woman I spoke to did not tell me anything about a Blackberry account.

They are willing to deduct the blackberry charges but say we are responsible for the calls for the virgin islands to here. They have mislead and lied to me about the plan I selected. I cannot afford to pay this bill. I am on disability and I feel that they are at fault.If they know they are wrong about the plan they gave me then why should I still have to pay for the extra charges? Please Help Me. Thank you Margaret

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Mar 31, 2007 4:01 pm EDT

OK I can feel bad about some of the complaints out there I see, but this is totally absurd. Do you not think about things before you do them ? You Bought a Mobile phone for your kids ? and you thought 300 minutes would be enough? please, absurd. Were you not smart enough to monitor the minutes your children were using? and WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS ALL TMOBILES FAULT? YOUR KIDS USED THE MINUTES ! tmobile is not the ones who used the phone, all people know that incoming minutes are deducted from your rate plans bucket, and if you didnt know why were you so naive not to ask ? There is nothing in your entire complaint that shows tmobile doing anything wrong, after the first month you could have changed rate plans to prevent it from happening again, you STILL DIDNT EVEN BOTHER TO CHECK THE USAGE. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others, YOUR THE PARENTS, your responsible for them... not tmobile.

Bill Riley
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May 01, 2007 12:19 pm EDT

I got cheated on the promised rebate on $30 T-Mobile To Go Nokia 6030. I sent in all the required documentation and on time. I received 3 letters refusing the rebate. After each, I contacted customer service and was assured the rebate was forth coming after the first 2 letters. On the third I was told the program was over and nothing could be done. They never intended to send a rebate. I recorded the last 2 conversations "for training purposes".

Bottom line is; only a few will get a rebate. The program is conducted to deny your rebate regardless of whether you follow the rules.

In the future, rebates will not enter into my purchase decision. How can you trust a company that treats its customers the way we were treated. Don't do business with them!

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Aug 04, 2007 12:00 am EDT

It has come to my attention that my service was stopped for a day. Things were taken care of and restored. NP ... Now, I see on my bill a restore fee of $20 which after going through the 4 corners of t-mobiles contract states nothing about how any additional fees nor does it state the amount of said fees...

I asked to speak with their supervisor. Matt (0840732 employee ID )which has been the subject within these pages numerous times.

Quote unquote Matt stated that " Its a t-mobile fee!" Oh, really, Matt NP show me where ,anywhere that its stated in the contract I signed that I am liable for ANY specific amount if my account needs to be restored? Again, it;s t-mobile fee. Im sorry Matt you can not simply add something to an account if its not stated in writing or Terms and Conditions. (which it does not) You would not tolerate someone calling you saying you owe $20 for something that is not in the contract. Again, he said "Its a t-mobile fee and again I said show me your rate list and fees and this call will end right now... Didn't happen

Bottom line is this this is a Business scam adding $20 here and there and not giving the consumer full disclosure.

Delvonia M. Bradshaw
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Aug 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My family have had the phones for about 3 months - already my sisters had to be return because she could not receive any phone calls - and had to pay shipping charge for it to be returned and for them to replace it.

Now my phone keeps cutting off - power. I have done everything as far as removing and replacing the battery, etc. It is still doing it, and I don't feel that it is right that we should have to pay for anything to be returned - when it is the companies defect.

There needs to be a class action lawsuit!

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Sep 03, 2007 12:45 am EDT

I agree with the post above mine. No one's fault but the cell phone's owner. T-mobile has numerous ways to check your minute balance. To not use any of them and call foul on t-mobile is ridiculous.

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Sep 11, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I purchased 3 Razr phones from T-mobile in Jan 2007 with a 2 year contract. By May, one of the 3 stopped working.

I called T-mibile, they said moisture got in because a dot was red. So therefore, the warranty does not covere it-- I was screwed. I did not complain back then, cause I thought I must be stupid to let the the moisture into the vulnerable phone.

So I switched to a different phone. (so I am now officially paying for 3 numbers, using just 2 phones). Yesterday, after I got out of church, I turned the phone back on. I discovered I could no longer use my phone book or any menu service. I called t-mobile, they said it is a hardware issue, not a software issue and their 1-year warranty only covers software issue.

What kind of warranty is that?!

I sincerely hope the company can get its act together and really start to serice its customers. They did a good job training the customer service reps, they were cordial and polite -- but the company needs to work with Motorola to make sure they do NOT sell lousy product in the market place. 2 out of 3 broken in 8 months is not a good product.


Yousong Wang

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Sep 18, 2007 6:21 am EDT

it's something that's not stated in writing perse, but is stated when you call and are past due on your account. not all the reps do that. in my experience with t-mobile none of the reps did that and i had to find out the hard way. i got half of it waived because i was persistant and if you get a cowardly supervisor that doesn't have a back bone or a rep that actually cares you can get met atleast half way on things.

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Nov 02, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have three day weekends, and 600 whenever minutes on my T MOBILE plan. I was getting close to using all my minutes this billing cycle, so I used the #646# code frequently to make sure I didn't go over. It would take an hour or two to show the new total. It would also have- BILL CLOSE 11/01. I made it, SO I THOUGHT. Late in the evening on 11/01 it showed that I was over by 57 minutes. I got UPSET. NOW, early in the morning on 11/02, it's saying I'm 110 minutes over. 2 days after my BILL CLOSE?!

They also charge me for text messages that never reach the recipient.

My last bill was TWICE the average due to extra text messages. (texts that people say they never got) My two year contract ran out 2 months ago, so I think they may be trying to get whatever money they can out of me before I switch to another provider, where I can get UNLIMITED EVERYTHING for LESS than what they're SUPPOSED to charge me now. BEWARE OF T-MOBILE AND THEIR CODES! If you use #646# you better wait AT LEAST 2 to 3 days for your total.


Wilaim McIntosh
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Nov 23, 2007 10:50 am EST

I ordered a mobile off the internet. It was supposed to arrive before 1pm the next day no later than 6pm. I did not arrive, i phoned then up and lke usual waited on hold for hours and they were no help. I am disgusted so much that literately feel sick to my stomach. The people who i were talking to on the phone did not even speak english, i had to spell everything out about 25 times and the person still did not understand, which made me want to ram the phone down his throat. If the phone does not arrive tonight, they will regret it. Believe me!

Damacio Reyes
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Dec 13, 2007 12:00 am EST

I am writting in regards to T-mobiles poor customer service. my problem started on 11-10-07
I called because my son's phone which was still under warranty broke and I spoke to a rep. and
he assured me he would send a replacement whithin 3 business days. to no avail, Ive been getting
the run arround ever since system down, no order formes ect.
the last person I spoke to is supposebly the suppervisor and his name was Mike employee #1325
he gave me the same excuses and told me he would call me within 72 hours to give me a confirmation
number and once I get that number it will take 3 business days to recieve my phone, I told him the last
person I spoke to gave me confirmation #[protected] he told me that number did not exist. it is now
12-14-07 so my son has been without a phone for a little over a month.

Rosalinda McCain
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Dec 18, 2007 6:58 am EST

Poor quality company. Refuse to give written agreements to end of term contract. Always make excuses, and have the audacity to be rude. This company should be sued!

Dayle McKenzie
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Jan 31, 2008 12:00 am EST

I had called T-Mobil to upgrade my phone and she would not give me the Sim Card that should have come with the phone. I talked to her over and over and she refused to send a Sim Card w/ the phone. Now, I need a new Sim Card for my phone because of my Sim Card being old and not working anymore, and I just had to buy one when I should have had a new one w/ my new phone in the first place. I have been a customer for 2-3 yrs. and I have never heard of paying for a phone and not getting the Sim Card w/ it. That is underhanded business, if you ask me.

Dallas, US
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Feb 06, 2008 12:00 am EST

This is for those that are tired of getting stuck with charges that don't belong to them. I noticed my T-Mobile bill going up in price each month, so today, being tired of paying more than what I signed on for, I started to do some research on our bills. Apparently T-Mobile raised the price of our text messaging WITHOUT informing us. We have kept every single piece of paper T-Mobile has sent to us over the last two years... we use one of the phones for business so we had to keep any and all documentation for expense reports and taxes. We never received any "insert". On top of this, for the last year of our service, we have had dropped calls, static on the lines, no service, etc. We have called many times to get the technical problems resolved-even went as far as purchasing new phones (at full cost) for both lines and replacing sim cards-and still-the service is below par. As far as the texting goes-I did my research and then looked at our plan online... I signed in, clicked on "Plans", went to the bottom of the window and clicked on "See Other Included Services", went to the bottom of the next screen and clicked on "More Information About Services", On the next page...First paragraph under the heading "ALL PLANS" If you read the first couple of lines-you will see that T-Mobile themselves say that text messages are only supposed to be 5 cents a text. This is for ALL PLANS-Not just for mine. Yet they are charging everyone more! As far as I am concerned-this is deplorable-and earns them MILLIONS of dollars a month! A month-not a year or more. Think on it-every one of their customers is paying more than what they say they actually are charging. I called T-mobile and explained that we were very unhappy with the service and now we find out that our Text cost went up. I spoke to a lady and explained what I found on their website and started to ask why they were charging me more than they themselves state the charge is supposed to be. And here I have been paying more for TWO YEARS! She said this was a tax, I said no it isn't-read the paragraph. She put me on hold for a few minutes. When she came back, I asked what would they do for me since I have been paying more than required for 2 years. She didn’t know-so I asked for a supervisor. It took a few minutes-but I got one... She came back and actually thanked me for finding the "typo". She couldn’t believe that no one had found it before. She even confirmed the “typo” with her supervisor and then their business department. When I did get the supervisor, she was very defensive. I wasn’t-I was actually pretty nice. I explain everything again, and I ask her-what was T-Mobile going to do for me since I have been paying over their own rates for the last two years. She states that she has documentation that we received the insert explaining about the Text rate change. She stated that I HAD to have received the insert. I told her I was more than willing to send her every paper I had for the last two years, it isn’t here. Unless I signed it and gave it back (which if I had received it and they had asked me to at the time-I probably would have), she cannot say I received it. I am not a dishonest person-I would take a lie detector test to prove we never received it. She refused to give any-she only offered me a rate of .10 cents for our texts for the last month, but as of right now-I am officially notified that my rate of texts from here on out would be 15 cents per text. I couldn’t believe she said that-I repeated ”So you are saying, as of right now-you are officially notifying me?” She said yes. If that is the case-I should be able to cancel my contract because I am just now officially informed of my text rate change, and since we are still having service problems after trying everything they suggested, we no longer want to keep the service. We especially don’t feel that we should have to pay even more for services that we are not happy with. She said no-and I said-but you stated yourself that people had 30 days from the time of discovery to cancel their contracts without an ETF if they did not approve of the rate change, and you just “OFFICIALLY” let me know of my rate change. She started to get a little more rude now and told me she could not waive the ETF. I explained that this didn’t make sense, from what she herself said in the beginning of the conversation. We keep going round in circles repeating the same points of view. I asked to speak to her supervisor. She told me they weren’t there but she would have them call me. I have “print screened” the page with the 5 cent text rate-with the date of 2-6-2008, so they can’t say it didn’t exist. If 5 cents per text was on their site and I saw it-they should honor it, and have it retro-active for the last 2 years. I just feel that they are cheating everyone, and they aren’t even letting anyone know about it. We shall see what happens.

Johnathon Stevens
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Feb 22, 2008 10:20 pm EST

I started my plan with T-mobile, purchasing my phone and service plan online on the last day of June, 2007 (activation was in early July, 2007) and that's when the first signs of trouble began. The very first issue I had was on day one of having the plan (To be exact, day one of receiving the phone, they activated it before I received it by a day or two...) where the data plan, which I'll start by saying isn't optional on my phone when purchasing it and which I did have on my account when I checked out online buying the phone, was not active on my account (should have taken note there that they can't make their own systems work, but didn't) but that was relatively easy to fix by way of a quick phone call (though at that time the rep said I lied about having purchased that plan even though I had... Oh well.) For the next couple of months I had no issues other than the occasional dropout of service in "covered" areas. Then suddenly, my voicemail box dropped off the face of the planet. To the date of cancellation (over 3 months, 1 email, and 2 phone calls later) they never restored my voicemail service, nor did they attempt to. Instead I received the runaround, via email and over the phone I was asked if I wanted to "report a service outage" but was never offered any help in repairing and restoring my voice mail inbox. The customer support representatives that I talked to were unable to comprehend the problem that I was having and continually read from what seemed to be a script rather than actually helping me out. I called today (February 11, 2008) to finally cancel my 'incomplete' service once and for all on the grounds that they refused to help me fix my problem and was informed that (quite suddenly) they had no records of my previous calls.. (Even though they saw the first time I called from their system the second time I called about the voicemail problem, I found that strange..) They ended up saying that I would be paying $200 to cancel my service because of their error.

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Mar 13, 2008 4:21 pm EDT

I had two accounts because I exceeded the maximum number of phones for the Friends and Family Plan. When kids started leaving the house, I merged the two plans. T-Mobile automatically increased my subscription by 2-yrs without notifying me. I never received any phones or promotions. Now I can't get out. Then when my son went to T-Mobile to move his line to his own account, T-Mobile added a new account for him, but "parked" the line on my account. A year later they were charging me $200 for cancellation fee even though they still have my son as a user. I was forced to reinstate the line, but I have no SIM card to make use of it. It would cost me additional funds to get a phone that could actually use the line. T-Mobile practice SUCKS. I have already reduced my services to the minimum possible and will drop phones starting this month as the subscriptions end. By next January I will no longer be a T-Mobile Customer. They have already lost more revenue from me from plan reductions than they stood to get from the cancellation fee. And, they are losing a customer who pays over $1500 a year just to seal a few dollars. Talk about penny wise and dollar foolish. Yet they could care less. Their practice is nothing more than bait and switch and should be considered criminal.

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Apr 27, 2008 7:11 pm EDT

I rely on cell phone to stay in contact with my wife in case of emergency and while traveling. Recently I came to Minnesota for a business purpose and since the last 7 days my wife, who is a busy doctor in New York, is unable to call me on my cell phone (but can call everyone else). We both are in the same family plan and each others Fav5. We call the customer service, account specialist, and technical support day after day and spend hours trying to solve the problem but to no avail. T-Mobile won't neither tell us what exactly the problem is nor when it will be solved. They don't want to compensate for emotional and mental distress (past one week and continuing) caused saying they don't compensate for "few days" of inconveniences and they don't allow us to opt out of the contract. One of the customer service recently told me:
"However she has been able to send you text messages, I understand that this is not the same as a phone call but is sufficient in an emergency situation"

It has been very frustrating for me and my wife and we want a service that we can truly rely on. But each time I tell them that they either provide me the service in full or let me go- they apologize for the inconvenience and then slam me with the contract. T-mobile is definitely a "world class customer service" disaster and extremely unreliable and potentially dangerous service and I would like to warn all those thinking of purchasing a cell phone service to be ware. YOU CANNOT RELY ON T-MOBILE. IT WILL LET YOU DOWN WHEN YOU NEED IT THE MOST. YOU WILL REGRET SOONER OR LATER IF YOU GO FOR T-MOBILE.

musleh ahmed
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Apr 28, 2008 1:35 am EDT

Im just appaled at the service y-mobile provides these. It has turned into an absolute joke! The managers at t-mobile are not properly trained and have not the slightest idea how to deal with a problem or a query. I have been on the the phone with a member staff from the business department who i was not very happy with, i asked her to transfer me to someone else which she was`nt capable/willing to do so! The team manager who`s name is ALEX HUGHES took over the from the member of staff then started to speak very rudely at which point i reminded him that i am a business customer and not an ordinary customer!. But he still continued talking very rudely, then i just told him get lost and terminated the conversation. T-mobile`s reputation and customer satisfaction has been going down and under for some time but now their telephone staff has turned it into a circus!

Miramar, US
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Apr 29, 2008 7:06 pm EDT

I purchased two Blackberry pearls from one T-mobile's retail stores. When purchasing I requested to have insurance on both of my items. Two months down the road, one of my phones gets damaged, I call the insurance company to make a claim, but to find out that I do not have insurance on my phones. I call the branch in where I made my purchases and to get a representive to tell me that there is nothing they can do, my only option is to purchase another cell phone but at retail price which mind you double the price I had paid for. And to top things off I cant even add insurances to my phones today because they have a 14 day policy from the date of purchase. I feel scammed! I have never purchased a cell phone with out insurance, its like buying a car without insurance, it just doesnt make any sense. The customer service was horrible due to my frustration, its like they dont even care. "No insurance, no problem buy a another phone at retail price because you are a valued customer." Gee thanks! Because money is falling from the sky and its so easy to dish out $250+ for a cell phone.

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Jun 03, 2008 9:16 pm EDT

I received a text message earlier today notifying me of a past due amount on my account. I am on T-Mobile's EasyPay system so they directly charge my credit card monthly. I was not sure why I would have a past due amount. I called Customer Care and the lady on the other end was very unhelpful and notified me that my phone will be suspended as of tonight. I asked to be transfered to someone who would be able to assist me and she hung up on me!
I have been an extremely loyal customer for the past two years who has paid the phone bill in a timely manner. This is the second time this year I have had inadequate and rude service from T-Mobile.
The first incident was when I was told I would get a new phone when I upgraded my phone plan, turns out either I was either lied to just so I would upgrade my phone plan or the second person I spoke to just did not want to help me.

Debbie Moll
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Jun 19, 2008 8:40 am EDT


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Jul 24, 2008 5:04 am EDT

We recently purchased the T-Mobile Service. I have spent more time on the phone with their support folks than with the people I bought the plan to communicate with.

They started by selling me the service and telling me I was getting more than I did. Much to my surprise when I got a bill for over $300 when it should not have been more than $100.

I have yet to get more than 2 bars on my phone anywhere in the city, and half the time it says searching for network. I would understand if I was in the middle of nowhere. I have called them several times on that, before my trial period was up. They told me to give it a few days that they were having problems in the area. Now I am out of my trial period and the service still is terrible. I have called them several times since and was told I would receive a call from the engineers. Nothing. I have on several occasions had to use a land line phone to call in as I couldn't get a signal or if I did I got cut off shortly after dialing the call. I continue to get complaints from customers that are unable to reach me, and they don't even get sent to voice mail half the time.

Last night we got a letter saying that they will not honor the mail-in rebate that was promised to us when we signed up for the phone.

I never had this type of experience with my last provider, I wish I could go back.

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Jul 29, 2008 2:57 am EDT

I ordered a t-mobile phone saying that I would receive a rebate if I filled out all of the papers and sent them in 3 months later I am still fighting for my rebate. I called 5 times and spoke with 2 supervisors. Each time I was given a different story and it said my check would be on the way. One time they even told me they had already mailed my check. T-mobile is the worst phone company as far as customer service. I doubt that the rebate even exists, I don't know anyone who has actually received one.

Calvin W.
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Jul 30, 2008 12:05 am EDT

as having purchased many phones from t-mobile I have gotten all my rebates. One did take like two months after mailing but I got it. B the way you do know tmo does not Handel thier rebates all go thru young America and they decide if you are eligble. If you miss one thing you are denied. Tmo rocks!

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Jul 30, 2008 7:12 am EDT

Today, I was switching my SIM card from one phone to the other. When asked for my PIN number, I put in the correct number once, and my PIN was blocked. I talked to a representative online who was unable to help besides giving me my PUK (PIN Unlock Key), so she suggested that I go to a retail location and have a sales representative help me there. I went in and the woman took one look at my phone and said "You're going to have to buy a new SIM card. They are $20 plus tax." After about 5 minutes, I finally convinced her to at least try and unlock it. She couldn't figure it out either, so again, she told me to buy a new SIM card.

I'm not one to spend money if I don't have to, so I took my phone and SIM card home and transferred it into the other phone. I was able to input the PUK number and new PIN. Then, I transferred the SIM card back to my other phone and entered my new PIN. Voila! My phone works again. So, I really didn't need to spend $20.

By the way, I have no other phone so I couldn't call customer care and the sales rep at the store would not call, nor would she ask another employee for help.

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Jul 31, 2008 6:43 am EDT

I purchased the router for the hotspot@home which come to find out is not compatible with Verizon FIOS and now I do not have a home phone at all. This has been a week without a landline and T-mobile's management staff was very unprofessional and rude. Lawrence the manager disconnected my call and continued to interrupt me each time I talked. PLEASE don't waste your time changing. I will be leaving the company after more than 5 yrs as a loyal customer. No one attempted to assist me with my complaint and transferred me to different departments that were on no use. I would NOT reccomend them for nothing. I am going to shop for another company who will know how to treat their customers. Tmobile is NOT ready for the home phone business unless you have DSL or Cable. Don't bother its not worth it.

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Jul 31, 2008 5:25 pm EDT

I have been charged a fee for shipping that Customer Support refuses to reimburse or credit. This was for a replacement phone to be shipped to me when mine stopped working. UPS (not my choice of carrier) failed to deliver the phone correctly for 4 delivery tries - I finally got it 8 days after the initial delivery attempt. I think T-Mobile should not pay for the delivery service and I should not be charged. It was a very frustrating experience. Not only that, but Customer Support was so unhelpful and unsympathetic when I called to contest the charge. I felt really unvalued and disappointed in the company.

Calvin W.
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Aug 02, 2008 8:37 am EDT

well it is not tmobiles fault or UPS either that you weren't home to accept the package. You know how they work you could have easily called ups and asked them to deliver art a certain time or have it held to be picked up at their location. Welcome to the world of being a responisble adult. I think you should credit back tmbile for wasting their time. Stop whining. The warranty is not even theirs to hold they are doing you a favor by allowing you to exchange the phone thru them and covering the return shipping for to. I would love to see your comments if you needed to to back thru the manufacturrer like in the old days

Calvin W.
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Aug 02, 2008 8:45 am EDT

while definately a bad experiance I have been there before. But you complaint isn't to Tmonile but the store at the time. I have had the store call for mr a few times and have had no issues. See to me only logical hat you should have tried your sim back in the other phone and all would have been sweet in the first place. Who's to say that the phone for the one time didn't read the sim correctly. But if the code is pun that only happens by entering in a incorrect pin ten times and is no fault of the aim maybes the phone and is basically user error so you would need to purchase a new som card. Good day. And by the way your orignal complaint is to that store employee and should have had a manager involved riitht away

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Aug 03, 2008 1:33 pm EDT

ditto on those other comments. Seriously, if you have a 300 minute plan for 2 kids, and don't curve their usage, of course they are going to go over their minutes, they are kids, thats what kids do! Nobody's fault but your own. Moreover, people that make stupid complaints to bodies of any organization or company, ruin it for the people that have real issues that need to be dealt with as they are "clogging" the system with useless complaints that shouldn't be responded to in the first place.

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Aug 08, 2008 10:19 am EDT

I have an unlock cell phone that I bought in Europe. I used it with several providers including Cingular, with no problem.

After using T-mobile sim card, it is lock. It can only accept the T-mobile sim card.
Customer service say they can't unlock it, even they say they didn't lock it. We call to the manufacturer, and they say only the cellphone provider can unlock the phone. Still T-mobile, don't want to unlock the phone or replace it.

I paid 100euros for a cell phone, and T-mobile rendered it useless!

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Aug 12, 2008 11:50 am EDT

It is a technical limitation that T-Mobile cannot unlock any handsets it does not sell.

As I understand it, it is also technically impossible for a carrier to re-lock a phone. It would be extremely difficult to re-lock a phone that it can't unlock in the first place.

There must be an issue with the phone.

anna azagra
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Aug 19, 2008 2:12 pm EDT


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Sep 14, 2008 5:00 pm EDT

i have no phones coverage at my house and tmobile does not care and i am in a contrack untill jan. and all tmobile will do is tell me thay will help me after i get in another contrack i will never have tmobile again

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Sep 19, 2008 7:11 am EDT

October 2007 I decided to go with T-Mobile. I called them up and found out if I did it online that I could get a 1yr contract instead of the 2yr normally you have to sign up for in the store. The lady I spoke with was extremely nice, answered my every question and got me all set up. I ended up getting the T-Mobile wing (most expensive phone they had at the time). I got the MyFaves 600 ($49.99) plan with Unlimited Texting ($14.99), Total Internet Addon ($19.99) and the Insurance ($5.99). Two days later I got my phone, called to activate it, and about 10 minutes later everything was set up, enabled, and even had my number transfered in record time!

I promptly filled out the rebate forms. Since it was a phone order I was missing an order number. I called customer service and they assured me that since it was a phone order that it would not be a problem and
they would 'note my account'. I verified all the information needed for the forms with the representative and sent the forms off the next day.

The problem started a few weeks later...

I realized I was going to need more minutes on my phone so I called and SPECIFICALLY asked if I could upgrade the minutes on my phone (to the MyFaves 1000 for $59.99) with no problems. I wanted to ENSURE that I wasn't going to incur any additional fees, or have my account 'renewed', 'extended', or any of that other crap. I was assured that since I was upgrading it wouldn't be a problem (I figured if you downgrade they hit you with fees pretty hard to discourage downgrading).

I downloaded Google Maps on the phone (the *ONLY* thing I ever installed on the phone). After about a week of use I noticed the phone was locking up. It would show the home screen, and you could hit the Power button to turn the light on and off, but it would never receive any phone calls, or text messages. It wasn't until I would try to make a call, or send a text message that I would realize it was locked up. I would have to pull the battery out of the phone to get it to turn off to reset it. I thought it was me trying to run too many things on the phone, or having too many text messages in my Sent or Inbox, so I tried to keep a better eye on it.

A few weeks later I received a note that my rebate had been denied since I didn't supply all of the information requested. I once again called up customer service to find out what was going on since I was 'assured' that this wouldn't be an issue and that my account was 'noted'. They were pleasant enough, apologized, and credited the rebate amount to my account. I then mentioned my issues with the phone and she said she'd put me in touch with the tech guys who handle the smartphones. I was on the line with them for about 2 hours. They had me clear out my text messages and checked to ensure I didn't have too many things installed. I told them the ONLY thing I had installed was Google Maps. In the end they had me do a hard reset of my phone, without telling me all my data would be lost. They assumed that I had my phone backed up on my computer. I use Thunderbird, so I can't backup my Contacts though. When it was all said and done my phone was completely reset and I was told not to install anything on it since it would cause it to lock up.

The next week my phone locked up several more times. I made sure I had no more than 10-20 text messages in my Inbox and Sent, and I did not install any programs on it. I also had all kinds of problems connecting to the internet (just checking gMail). Actually, it wasn't the internet, but T-Mobile's network that wouldn't connect. It would try for several minutes and wouldn't connect. Sometimes I could turn the
phone off and on and it would connect, but usually it still wouldn't work. I was lucky if I got connected 1 in 5 times when I wanted to. After another week or so, and several important missed calls and messages, only made worse by the fact that I have no land line so the only way to get a hold of me is via cell phone, I once again called support. After going round and round with the tech and doing yet another hard reset, I insisted that a hard reset wasn't a 'fix'. The tech finally leveled with me and said the problem was with Windows Mobile, not their phone. He said that doing a hard reset always fixes the problem. I was pretty upset, I bought this phone to use it as a smartphone, and now I'm being told that I can't install anything on it, and that I'm going to have to do a hard reset at least once a week to 'fix' my problem. I flat out asked why they were selling the phones when they (T-Mobile) know that they don't work. He once again said that the 'phone' isn't the problem, the problem was Windows Mobile. At that point I was livid. I said I wanted to swap out my Wing for one of the Blackberry that was at the time $100 less than my Wing. I said I didn't want any kind of rebate or refund, just a straight up swap. He said he'd transfer me to customer service to speak to them about that.

So, I'm blind transfered to CS and I have to explain everything to the CS rep, who of course knows nothing about the technical workings of the Wing. I go round and round for 15-20minutes and they finally tell me
that my only option is to pay full price for a new phone since I'm not eligible for an upgrade discount, and suggested I have my handset replaced (with another Wing). At which point I hang up the phone before
I throw it across the room.

Fast forward about 6 months...

I'm sick of the lock ups and my friend tells me she pays less than $50/month for local calls and unlimited text messages (vs the $100 or so I pay for virtually the same thing). I ask how much it would cost to cancel my account since I only had about three months left. She then corrects me, informing me I have about four and a half months left. I told her my date of signup and asked how that was four and a half months left. She then tells me the date that I changed my plan, and how my year was extended from that date, and since it was in the middle of a billing cycle it was effective the next cycle. So basically they added almost two months my account even after I SPECIFICALLY asked to ensure this VERY THING wouldn't happen! At this point I'm doing the simple math... I could downgrade to the lowest NON MyFaves plan without extending my plan (the MyFaves is the key to the extension) and pay it for the next 4 months (approx $30 * 4 months = $120 or $175 flat). I could then pay $50 for the new service through Revol and the COMBINED total is less than what I'm paying now!

The lock ups are more and more frequent, and I receive notice that T-Mobile is changing their insurance offerings and the new offerings are terrible. I figure now is a good time to get the phone replaced. I
called up tech support, go round and round explaining my issue, and they run me through the same things as before and have me do a hard reset. I insisted that I wanted my handset replaced as I have been offered a replacement before. I was then transfered to someone else (not entirely sure who with), who had me pop out the battery and check some sensors for color (to ensure there was no water damage). They set up the replacement for me in about 20 minutes.

A few days later I receive the new handset. The 'handset' was just the device (no battery or backplate). I wasn't expecting any of the other accessories, but I at least expected the backplate, and hoped for a new battery since mine has a very short life compared to less than a year ago. I followed the instructions in the box on setting up the new handset and checked the Windows Mobile version (since T-Mobile keeps blaming everything on Windows Mobile), and I knew Windows Mobile 6 was out and fixed many of the previous issues. It was an updated version, but only slightly CS OS 5.2.1622 vs something like 5.2.1486.

I set up my contacts and I called up T-Mobile and asked if I could have a free month of the Internet Addon since I paid for it for six month without being able to use it before I canceled it. The short answer was 'No', but they would let me 'evaluate' it for a month and if I canceled it within that time my account would be credited for the time used.

As it turns out the new handset suffers from the exact same issues as the previous. I guess it confirms that the issue is Windows Mobile, but the fact still remains that they are knowingly and willingly selling
these things when they don't work right. I called and canceled the Internet AddOn since again I couldn't install anything, and connectivity was shoddy at best.

Couple weeks later I get my bill. First thing I noticed was that it's twice as much as usual. I immediately flip through the pages and look at the details. First thing I see is that I'm being billed for a partial month for my Internet AddOn. Second thing I see is that I have a $100 charge for 'One time charge for Out of Warranty'. I immediately call up CS. They apologize about the Internet AddOn and refunded me those fees. I then asked about the $100 fee and was told that the phone had water damage and therefor wasn't covered under their warranty. The only water my phone has seen is some rain while it was in my pocket, never a puddle, sink, toilet, etc. I tell the rep that we checked the sensors before the exchange was processed and I was told that it was fine and would be covered under warranty. I was told that the warehouse gets them and they check other 'internal sensors' which showed it to have water damage. At this point I am furious and want to scream. I insist that aside from being in the rain with my phone in my pocket my phone has never seen water. He tells me that rain is enough to set off the sensors. Okay, what I've gotten from this so far is that there are hidden sensors INSIDE the phone that the consumer doesn't have access to see, and that they are so sensitive that they pick up the water before the external sensors. I'm told the phone are tossed as soon as they are deemed to have water damage. So, I send back a phone in complete working order, and some warehouse guy checks the hidden sensors and says my phone has water damage, and that's that, and I'm charged $100 with no say, no recourse, and no proof! I find it hard to believe that the internal sensors showed anything on my phone.

I demanded to speak to a supervisor at this point. the supervisor gets on the phone, I briefly explain the situation (and am amazed that he hasn't been briefed on it already). He states insistently that the fee
*WILL NOT* be refunded. I explained several times my reasons for how/why it isn't possible, and he just states very clearly and very boldly that they *WILL NOT* refund the fees. I tell him that I have no intention on paying the fee. He says that is my choice and then subtly threatens my credit. I went through an extremely rough time several years back and I have busted my butt for years to get my credit in decent shape, and T-Mobile is going to wreck my credit because of this?! I finally remember that I've been paying for insurance on the phone for the last 10 months. I tell him this and ask why this wasn't covered, and I swear I can hear him smirk as he says, 'It would have been if you filed a claim, but you didn't, you replaced it under our warranty, but since it was water damaged it wasn't covered and hence the fee.' Point in fact was that I stated I wanted the handset replaced, I did not specify how it would be replaced, nor did I realize specification was required!

I'm at my wits end! I cannot believe my experiences with this company, I feel they have lied and cheated me from day one. Selling faulty products, lying about contract extensions, and now this 'Out of
Warranty' fee?!?! The normal channels are obviously no help. I'm looking for any other way to deal with this that doesn't end up with my credit damaged, or me paying the $100 fee. I am in complete awe that the company didn't just swap my phone when they were given the chance and ended up with a happy customer. With the announcement of the new Android phone I figured I MIGHT give them another try, but after this last round, there's no way I'd ever do business with this company ever again, and I will make it my personal mission to ensure that every person I know, and ever meet knows how badly T-Mobile has treated me, and screwed me over.

Lourdes Tsukada
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Sep 30, 2008 11:15 am EDT

After a saga of complaints and working with T-Mobile on issues of erasing information, data placed on laptop which cannot be erased because it is tied into my Outlook, lack of knowledge on products (T-Mobile Dash), screw ups on invoices, etc.

I have discontinued their service after 8 years of loyalty! Now I am with Verizon. I do not recommend ANYONE to use T-Mobile.

Should you have complaints, see my previous emails and have your answers directed to the Board and the President's office. Do not mess around with Cust. SErvice - this is a waste of time and I have spent over 80 hours with total mess ups along the way and have purchased 3 phones or more in less than 2-3 years. Can't remember. See previous notes and all of the information is displayed there.

Good luck!

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Oct 03, 2008 6:15 pm EDT

My daughter and I both received Sidekick phones for Christmas. My phone began acting up and malfunctioning right away. They gave a new remedy (i.e. turn off phone every few hours) each time which seemed to work. The phone did have intermittent reception, but I was told it was because I lived near the mountains. After seven months, my daughter's mouse-ball (?) became stuck and was difficult to move, so we both headed to the T-Mobile store. They literally took each phone apart and spoke with tech support for the 1.5 hours we were there. They finally said we were to send both phones in exactly as they said, because if something happened between then and the time they received it and we didn't follow instructions, we would be charged $100 for each phone. We followed the instructions to the letter for both phones. Two months later, I received a bill for an additional $100+$23 for shipping/handling.
When I called, they said that they discovered water damage and that I am to pay because it was out of warranty. Now, my only recourse was to send a fax disputing the charges. I sent a fax and five days later received a message on my home phone threatening me with additional late fees if I did not pay the entire $234 by the due date. I called and asked if the additional charges could go into some sort of arbitration and that I would pay the remaining $125 only.
They threatened me with disconnecting my phone. At this point, I pray they do. I have never experienced such poor customer service with any company. They act like a bunch of outlaws. One can only wonder if the people at the top know what’s going on in customer service. If they are, in fact teaching this, then the whole bunch deserve to go down!

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