There are many articles on press releases on the internet about YoNaturals. although the concept is a good one, the real shame is the people behind the scenes at YoNaturals. Just to give you some information, the owners of the company, Mark Trotter and Nick Yates, have both been indicted in previous vending industry scams. Furthermore, Nick Yates (google his name) had a multimillion dollar fine against him in Australia for running a vending scam. YoNaturals also has no business license in San Diego, Solana Beach, or anywhere else for that matter. If that is not enough, Mark Trotter ran one of the largest email spam operations in the world. Google his name (out of Encinitas CA).
I would hate for people to get sucked into their scams and left penniless...
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I am a YoNaturals Operator, both Mark and Nick contributed to the setting up of my succesful business. In fact, Nick secured the locations (schools) for my machines and Mark was the person who sold me the equipment. I have since expanded my operation and purchased additional machines. I think you can see how reputable this company is by reading the many positive stories posited on the internet. Such a shame the internet defames characters who are actually providing a socially reponsible solution to a nationwide epidemic.
The person who posted this comment on YoNaturals is an ex employee who tried to start his own healhy vending business and failed. He is now a vending machine installer, basically he drives a truck. He is overweight, under paid and completely disgruntled. Jealousy is a very evil attribute and some people will stop at nothing to ruin othrs success to make up for their own failures.
YoNaturals is doing a huge service to the community by offering healthy snacks in vending machines... It is that simple!
These are the 2 individuals associated with YoNaturals who have some questionable business ethics:
Nick Yates vending machine problems in Australia:
Mark Trotter legal issues USA:
From what I hear ... they have not changed their ways.
I am interested to hear these comments. YoNaturals has a huge network of distributors in the US. I took the time to speak with five in whom I researched myself to ensure they were not recommended. My findings were that all YoNaturals customers were provided with exceptional service, quality locations, a great re-location policy for machines that do not perform and an overall sataisfactory service. I have since spoken with Mark Trotter the CEO of YoNaturals to find he had settled a previous law suit and it was not vending or franchise related. The other complaintant Nick has left the company and is now back in Australia. He was never a full time employee.
One last mention, Mark scanned and copied a copy of thier San Diego business licence and I am gald to say I have since purchased 5 YoZone vending machines and am waiting for my locations to be secured in Virginia. I will keep you all posted.
The people who posted the positive comments on this board ("Simone" and "Ketherine") are fake, these comments have been posted by Nick Yates himself. He regularly scours the internet looking for sites that mention anything negative towards YoNaturals and pretends to be other people and posts positive comments to dampen the negative ones he comes across (I've seen him do this). Nick has good reason to worry about these sites because YoNaturals is a scam and a complete fraud! Him and Mark Trotter regularly dip into the YoNaturals business accounts to fund their own personal lifestyle! Mark even has his wife, Maria, on the payroll even though she is not an employee she doesn't do a darn thing!
Mark and Nick regularly scam the business models of other more reputable vending businesses- check out Stonyfield Yogurt, which has been in the healthy vending business way before YoNaturals. Nick would have the site up every day copying their business model and copy--- what a scammer!
Mark and Nick both have been involved in multi-million dollar lawsuits--- be very aware of these guys! See links below:
Nick Yates vending machine problems in Australia:
Mark Trotter legal issues USA:
****If you google Nick Yate's name, you will see that you come across many "empty" looking sites that display his name over and over again. Why might you ask? Wel, Nick is trying "remove" the vending lawsuit article link that pops up #1 on google when you search his can't erase that big of story Nick!
Hello my name is Daryl; I actually work with Yo Naturals. You can contact me directly at with any questions regarding this company, management, structure or services offer by YoNaturals. I have worked with several of the very satisfied customers who have purchased vending machines from Yo Naturals. Additionally I have personally assisted in getting these machines into qualified locations that are generating some great sales every day. I have been involved in the sale of these machines and can personally attest to the fact that no false claims or empty promises are being made to the potential buyers. I have also reviewed the many comments posted here and am a little disheartened by the individual who keeps rehashing their false accusations about the Ownership and status of Yo Naturals.
When looking into erroneous comments like those posted here, you need to carefully consider the source. First this site is an open forum and clearly anyone can post anything about any company regardless of the validity of their claims. Also because the negative postings are usually done anonymously there is not way for a company or individual to directly confront the accuser. Now we all know in business you cannot please everyone all the time, some of the most profitable, stable companies and businesses in the world have negative comments posted about them and on the same breath some of the worst companies in the world are touted as the best. Unfortunately the tactic used here by the ex-employee/co-worker of YoNaturals, who left to try and replicate what YoNaturals has successfully done is nothing new… it has been used since the beginning of time, dating back to the Garden of Eden when the snake told a partial truth wrapped in a deadly lie to Eve. With that said I would like to point out a few misrepresentations made here.
Let’s look at the Partial Truths wrapped in deliberate lies...
Partial Truth/partial Lie # 1: “the owners of the company, Mark Trotter and Nick Yates”
Full Truth: The owner of the company is Mark Trotter. .The company was officially incorporated on April 24, 2006. Mr. Yates is not an officer, director or employee of YoNaturals. He is an independent consultant. He is a friend of the Trotter family and has been given an opportunity to consult with YoNaturals.
Partial Truth/Partial Lie #2: “Mark Trotter and Nick Yates, have both been indicted in previous vending industry scams”
Full Truth: Mr. Trotter did have a civil lawsuit regarding spamming while he was involved in a marketing company, however it was settled. There was NEVER an indictment nor did it pertain to vending. There was unfortunately an issue that happened many years ago when Mr. Yates was involved with a vending business in Australia. It is actually this situation that has helped him refocus his intentions and desire to be part of a true solid company. Mr. Trotter is a friend of the family from a past business and has given Mr. Yates the opportunity to get away from the unfortunate incident.
Partial Truth/partial Lie #3: “YoNaturals also has no business license in San Diego, Solana Beach, or anywhere else for that matter”
Full Truth: YoNaturals does have a business license with the State of California (Lic # [protected]) and has since 6/15/06 and has a permit from the City of Solana Beach, Certificate number 3901. Both of these documents can be obtained by contacting YoNaturals directly. This is one of the saddest and most erroneous lies and just shows how determined the poster is to smear the good name of YoNaturals.
Partial Truth/partial Lie #4: “… I would hate for people to get sucked into their scams and left penniless...”
Full Truth: WOW... lets look at this. The Company now has over 40 successful distributors in approximately 300 locations nationwide and they have posted live testimonials on their home page for interested parties to hear about the success directly from distributors themselves. The machines are aldready in countless schools, businesses, YMCA’s and other great locations. The products offered are the most popular on the market such as Cliff, Luna, Vitamin Water, Pirates Booty, Cheddar Bunnies, Stacey’s Pita and others. The machines are manufactured by a company with over 20 years of experience and come with a full warrantee. The machines are owned by the individual operators and there are no ongoing fees or expenses to Yonaturals… how would that lead someone to be penniless, when they own the machines, the products and have contracts for the locations and have direct access to all the products offerd thru YoNaturals?
I hope this information helps you as you complete your due diligence. I can back up any and all of my claims and I will put may name and contact info here if you want… lets see if the accuser would be man enough to do the same…
I would be happy to share my experiences in dealing with YoNaturals. My wife and I became distributors back in February of 2008 and have since decided to sever our relationship with the company. There are both positive and negative aspects of their business model. I would caution anyone who is considering entering an agreement to research the actual costs of comparable vending equipment and the services and support structures that are available on the open market. You can reach me best via email:
This is too too funny, Daryl Ragsdale doesn't even work for the company anymore. Nice try there Nick!
These guys are a bunch of scammers, Nick Yates has ripped off hundreds of people in Australia and the local records show he is a bankrupt, i would reccomend not dealing with him or any business he is involved in!
You can run Nick but you can't hide...
Yo Naturals Owners Have Long History Of Scams, Ripoffs & Unethical Business Practices
Healthy Vending Franchise 'Yo Naturals' based in Solana Beach, California is owned by two convicted criminals*, Australian National & current La Jolla, Ca resident Nick Yates (aka Nicholas Yates / ) & Encinitas, Ca resident Mark Trotter.
In 2007 Nicholas Yates was convicted of fraud involving vending machines by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and fined 3.5 million dollars.
In 2007 Mark Trotter was a 'spam king' who in addition to being sued by Microsoft for breaking the "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solictied Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM)" was ordered to pay 10 million in Texas for "Hijacking Consumers' Personal Computers" with 'botnet' by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.
Yo Naturals is also known as 'Healthy Student Vending, ' 'Health Club Vending, ' & 'School Healthy Vending'
1) YoNaturals' Owner Nick Yates & $3.5m compensation ordered after ACCC stops phone card vending machine scams:
2) Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (AAAC) wins $3.5M compensation to Yo Naturals' Owner Nicholas Yates's vending machine scam
3) Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (AAAC) battle to recover legal fees from Yo Naturals' Owner Nicholas Yates:, 24897, [protected]-15306, 00.html
4) Attorney General Abbott Cracks Down On Spammer Who Hijacked Consumers' Personal Computers:
5) A den of rattlesnakes: Yo Naturals CEO Mark Trotter Fined 10 Million:
YoNaturals Scam and cheating!
YoNaturals — Scam and cheating!
YoNaturals Vending Scammers! Solana Beach California:
/URL removed/
Yo Naturals - Health Products Scam:
Thinking about starting an organic vending machine business with YoNaturals? ( Think twice. YoNaturals claim to be a booming natural & organic vending enterprise, but these franchise opportunities have been created by the corporate criminals who have been convicted for fraud, scams and similar unethical business practices.
This information was researched in a matter of minutes by conducting a google search (google: yonatural & scam, yonaturals nick yates fraud & yonaturals). Furthermore, you will notice that Nick Yates is trying to prevent the multi-million dollar Austrailian vending scam news story that pops up when you google in Nick Yates & phone cards. If you just try google searching his name, you will notice many "empty looking" sites that display his name over and over again. This ploy is just to try to "hid" the major news story that used to pop up first in google searches when searching his name. You can't hide that big of a story Nick!
San Diego Based Healthy Vending Machine Franchise YoNaturals is also known as,,, and many more. All of these websites point back to, a site with virtually no information regarding specifics of the healthy vending franchise program. A pricey franchise requires investors $50, 000 to buy in, however, with little information on the website we conducted some research google to check the reputation of the company.
We found numerous negative reports regarding the criminal actions of YoNaturals owner, nicholas yates & his partner, CEO, Mark Trotter. Pending further investigation, it is plain to see that yonaturals has a negative reputation directly related to their current business model.
From the information posted online from reputable sources, it is obvious that YoNaturals is a risky investment. It is also apparent that their competitor ( have a much more straightforward program.
If you are planning to invest in an organic vending machine business named, YoNaturals, please review this information carefully so as to not be a victim of a fraudulent scam.
Who ever posted the above comments, WELL DONE all of you!
You are 100% correct on every point, everyone should be aware that Trotter and Yates are just scammers, unfortunatley for them Google exists!
What they don't realise by posting their coverup blogs is that they are just raising more attention to themselves and their past and present activitys.
Wow they must be really hurtin, just can't get rid of the negative and TRUE reprecussions of the scams they have been inflicted on inncoent people.
Seasons greetings and a happy new year.
check out, I will eat my hat if thats not Nick Yates claiming haha, you have to admit this guys good,
also check him out on facebook he will make you his friend if you give him money
oh i so wish we'd seen all this info a year ago before we invested 50, 000 in this company! we found out on our own immediatly after the loan went thru that all yo's claims are an exageration at best! & now finding all this out doesnt surprise me ----so any tips on what to do now? here we are stuck with 5 machines & not much help from yo & NO money coming in from our route yet...
To not happy, i can understand why you are not happy, join the club.
Nick Yates has scammed many people, you are not the first and certainley wont be the last.
Go to the Authorities, seeing as Yates has a solid and proven history of misrepresentation and lies it shouldn't be too hard to get someone interested in your plight, it seems like the Australian authorities has put paid to his career in Australia, maybe start with them, it seems from the posts that the acc in Australia might help you or put you in touch with their counterparts in the USA.
Good luck, i hope someone stops this crook!
This is just too crazy. Thank God I found this site. I was ready to invest big with company and found all this information. As with all things that I read on the Internet I was careful to do my own investigation and not to just blindly take the information from the blogs. Everyone working at this company is either a convicted felon or wanted by a government agency somewhere for something. I am just so grateful I did not trust these people with my investment money for I am sure I would have lost every penny.
Each and every person in the company has either been arrested or accused of serious crimes with formal charges pending against them. this article clearly tells the type of person Mark trotter is a total scam artist
and as far as Nick Yates goes he is worse yet. This is directly from the Australian government. It is amazing that he is doing the same things all over again
and the sales person I spoke to a Daryl Ragsdale sounds like he has a rap sheet a mile long as a scam artist as well
How could anybody do business with a company where everybody has a rap sheet as a scammer or as a convicted felon. the information on the company and its principals are available to anyone that spends a few minutes researching these guys before handing them over your money. Facts don’t lie but it seems the people working here do so very well and at ease.
SO what is it exactly that they currently do wrong? Is it just the owners have an extremely shady past or are they still practicing malicious business practices? I am completely neutral on the subject but would be interested in finding out more info for sure. It seems like such a volitile up and coming industry and I'm wondering if the owners of yo naturals are just incompetent enough to create a sustainable franchise in an honest fashion.
United States Attorney Karen P. Hewitt and Nathan J. Hochman, Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice Tax Division, announced that Daryl Ragsdale pled guilty in federal court in San Diego to tax evasion and mail fraud. Ragsdale entered his guilty plea on November 7, 2008, before U.S. Magistrate Judge Leo Papas, admitting to evasion of federal income taxes for 2002 and mail fraud associated with a false mortgage loan application submitted in 2003. The plea is subject to final acceptance by United States District Court Judge M. James Lorenz, at the time of sentencing.
According to court documents, during 2002 and 2003, Ragsdale operated a telemarketing business in San Diego that solicited investors for Corporate Deposit Program (“CDP”), an entity that raised capital for target companies through investment funds. According to the plea agreement, Ragsdale caused his taxable income, in the form of commission payments from CDP, to be paid to nominee entities, including Cambridge Consulting Services and Integrated Administration System. He also caused Cambridge and Integrated to transfer income to various other nominee corporate entities that he created and controlled, including Saddlecreek and Everest. Ragsdale also had these entities pay for his personal expenses so as to conceal the receipt of taxable income. To further conceal his interest in Everest, Ragsdale incorporated Everest in Nevada and used an unrelated nominee individual to serve as corporate officer and signatory on a business bank account.
Despite earning almost $300, 000 in 2002, Ragsdale failed to file a federal individual income tax return. For 2003, Ragsdale filed a federal individual income tax return that under-reported over $28, 000 in taxable income that he received from CDP. The total tax loss is over $120, 000, and Ragsdale has agreed to pay this amount as restitution.
Also in 2003, Ragsdale caused a false residential loan application to be mailed to World Savings Bank in order to obtain a residential mortgage for a property in San Diego. With the help of the mortgage broker, Ragsdale significantly inflated his gross monthly income on the loan application to ensure that he obtained the mortgage loan from World Savings. World Savings eventually issued the loan to Ragsdale based on the false information.
Ragsdale is scheduled to be sentenced on February 9, 2009, at 8:30 a.m. before United States District Judge Lorenz.
DEFENDANT Case Number: 08cr3750-L
Daryl Ragsdale San Diego, CA Age: 35
Tax Evasion in violation of Title 26, United States Code, Section 7201
Maximum penalty is five years in prison and fine not to exceed $250, 000
Mail Fraud (affecting a financial institution) in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1341
Maximum penalty is 30 years in prison and fine not to exceed $1, 000, 000
Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Postal Inspection Service
YoNaturals Healthy Vending: Scam
About YoNaturals ( ):
San Diego Based Healthy Vending Machine Franchise YoNaturals website is Its a franchise type business, requiring $50, 000 up front to become a 'location' or 'vendor.'
On first glance, everything seems legit from a simple google search on the company name. With 40, 000 links deep of information about statistical analysis of childhood obesity and the benefits of organic snacks in schools, yonaturals dominates the internet with peripheral search terms.
You'll see links that describe YoNaturals franchise as a booming growth industry and that everyone is jumping on the organic healthy vending bandwagon like BMW and Stanford, etc. You'll see blog entries from a plethora of writers who promise that owning your own organic vending business is the next 'big thing.'
While the concept is a good one, a google search on the YoNaturals owners (google: mark trotter, spam AND nick yates, scam names brings up several articles which cause great concern to anyone considering investing in a healthy vending machine franchise with YoNaturals.
About YoNaturals' Owners:
YoNaturals is owned by two convicted criminals*, Nick Yates and Mark Trotter. Their history involves a long road of scams, rip-offs and unethical practices. In his home country of Australia, Nicholas Yates was convicted alongside by the AAAC or Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and ordered to pay $3, 538, 243.94 for his part in a vending machine scam. In the court's ruling, Justice Gyles found that Nick Yates: 'authorised the initial representations made by advertisements in each case and knew that there was then no proper or reasonable basis for those representations. He could not have believed them to be true. Further he very quickly became actually aware of all of the serious deficiencies that occurred in relation to the successful operation of each of the Vending Machines and the Swisscom cards and of all the difficulties and deficiencies complained of by the distributors in relation to the conduct of the distributorships' According to the ITWire, Yates has yet to pay the court ordered fine.
CEO Mark Trotter is one of the original 'spam kings, ' and has been convicted repeatedly before setting his sites on yonaturals healthy vending. Mark Trotter was sued by Microsoft and subsequently fined 10 million in a prosecution stemming from his involvementin a separate case which violated the 'Controlling the Assault of Non-Solictied Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM)'by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.
How, you may ask are they still in business? Answer: by creating thousands of search engine entries in the form of websites, posts, social networking, blogging and other tricks, their reputation management campaign has all but masked the truth about their shady past. Its the equivalent taking any peripheral search that could contain the words; scam, fraud, etc and writing hundreds of faux articles that hide the original context of the words.
*Sources & References:
Yo Naturals Complaints
YoNaturals Vending Scammers! Solana Beach California:
/URL removed/
YoNaturals - Health Products Scam:
Owner Nick Yates Articles
YoNaturals' Owner Nick Yates & $3.5m compensation ordered after ACCC stops phone card vending machine scams:
AAAC wins $3.5M compensation to YoNaturals' Owner Nicholas Yates's vending machine scam
AAAC battle to recover legal fees from YoNaturals' Owner Nicholas Yates:, 24897, [protected]-15306, 00.html
Mark Trotter Spam Conviction Articles
Attorney General Abbott Cracks Down On Spammer Who Hijacked Consumers' Personal Computers
Attorney General Abbott Files First Texas Lawsuit for Violation of Spam Laws
Abbott Spanks Spammers
Microsoft, Texas AG, Take Down Two of World's Top Spammers
Big Spam Bust, Texas Style
Texas spammer fined 10 million dollars
Texas Sues Spammers
Texas Sues Spam Operation:
Duo Nailed For Mortgage Spam Operation
A den of rattlesnakes: YoNaturals CEO Mark Trotter Fined 10 Million:
Oh my God . . . I have been researching a new business venture and was ready to invest in this company. Thankfully I chose to take my time with this, and by googling the names and using many keywords in my search, I found the answers I needed to make a firm decision NOT to go into business with this company. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to post these kinds of warnings. I owe you my savings account!
Oh my God, i nearly got conned by these guys too, follow the thread:
They are running the same scam in Australia!
Thank god i found out before i lost my life savings.
I am not condoning any business practices that are illegal however all of the negative things posted on this blog are from over 5 years ago. Regardless of the crimes that you have discussed, please let me know the down fall in investing 50k with this company. Why is this a bad investment and please use relevant information preferably less than 24 months old.
You guys are just too funny, but you do raise a good question - What is the downfall?
Judging from your history, "a leopard doesn't change it's spots" and the hundreds of negative article that mention you, and your relations, the people who you have been involved with, who amazingly seem to keep popping up either running vending scams with you or for you or by themselves, the reports from your OWN staff and the association you obviously have had and continue to have with similar scams - one wonders whether you are mentally impaired.
You definitely need get some mental help, your actions have and continue to harm many people.
I believe it is called narcissism, look it up, you may learn something about yourself.
You are tainted for life, your crimes will follow you forever, you will never get the respect you probably so deeply want...
I have been researching the company as well and I found this article on [redacted]. it says they investigated the company and found no worng doing. I have no association tiht the company and just started researching them. here is the article. /URL removed/
Hey, whoever you are, you are whacked. May I please have your name so that I may google it as well. Funny that you are so good at this web attack but such a lousy webmaster (the whole cause for your slander) You really should have just done your job instead of being a corporate spy that set out copy the model and create it on his own. You don't even have an office. Did you even get dressed today? Your operators regret investing with you instead of Yo Naturals; however, I don't feel badly for them, because anyone who is idiotic enough to believe this garbage will, of course, end up being swindled.
So, go ahead, give me your name, tough guy.
oh, and...
GET A JOB and then DO IT!
Word to the wise: Bill Gates has paid many fines, with too many zeros at the end of it. Did you give up Microsoft?
Just a heads up, Nick Yates and Mark Trotter are now running another franchise company FRESH HEALTHY VENDING they are staying behind the scenes and have hires people without criminal records to front the new company, like Jolly Backer, the "new" CEO. Mark and Nick still call All the shots
If you are considering investing with FRESH HEALTHY VENDING, do your homework, then do it again!
These people are not to be trusted, This should serve as a giant RED FLAG if you are considering investing with FRESH HEALTHY VENDING or Yo Naturals (BTW, I believe they are phasing out YO NATURALS)
What BillionBass wrote is entirely correct.
1. Yo Naturals IS being phased out and Fresh Healthy Vending is taking its place.
2. Although Jolly Backer is the nominal CEO, Fresh Healthy Vending is still owned by Nick Yates and Mark Trotter.
3. Nick Yates is still making ALL the decisions and is ruthless with his Franchisees, making promises that won't materialise.
4. Although every effort is being made to distance Nick Yates and Mark Trotter's names from Fresh Healthy Vending and you can't really blame them for that, the fact is that this company is being run by the same people (who ARE convicted scammers) and along the same lines as Yo Naturals.
Potential investors can make their own mind up but it is what it is.
I have 5 machine they cost me Fifty sum thousand dollars I could have bought 50 machines for that. Yes it is a rip off.
In searching for writing jobs on Craigslist I came across several postings in search of people who would be paid to "research and contribute blog content" and "comment on the vending industry in online forums." At first glance it seemed like a simple enough part time job to take on, and they might have actually convinced me it was legit too, except that the bottom of the post does not give contact info or a link for applying to the job, but rather asks the reader to "google 'fresh healthy vending opportunities'" in order to apply. This immediately struck me as unusual. And so as per my usual habit when applying for jobs, I searched to see if the google auto-complete filled in 'scam' at the end of any related search phrases. Sure enough, when googling the phrase given in the job posting, there it showed in auto-complete: "fresh healthy vending scam." Which landed me here, but curiously also on a slew of other seemingly legitimate blog and info sites containing reference articles about childhood obesity, healthy eating alternatives, etc. The strange thing was that almost all of the sites I found on my "scam" search had inserted the words 'fresh healthy vending scam' as the company/product name in the promotional articles, where it logically should have said 'fresh healthy vending.' All of the websites and articles were so odd and awkwardly written that it actually took me a minute to realize that Fresh Healthy Vending was the actual company name. When I read the thread on this website I realized what they've done, and it's surprisingly smart albeit deceitful. They've paid (or I'm assuming they actually paid them) unsuspecting people to write positive, promotional articles that appear (or might actually be) factual, which include the word 'scam' in the articles and the search keywords of the website so that they flood the search engine with their own paid materials, even if the searcher is looking for something else. The more recent and active websites their postings appear on, the higher they rank in search engines. So when people like me are looking to see whether a company is legit, they don't immediately or easily find negative commentary, or really anything at all that the "company" doesn't want them to find. So this warning goes out not only to investors but also to writers. I can't say whether or not these people actually pay for any internet work done as I did not apply, but regardless, it seems a colossal waste of valuable time, not to mention a tremendous compromise of personal integrity, to get involved with this type of organization. Aside from which, you could never include this type of absurdity in your writing portfolio or resume.
Any recent updates on fresh healthy vending? They appear in so many TV news and newspapers - How are they getting away with it, if it is really a scam?
Has anyone seen this page about Nick Yates?
It has since been taken down, but CEO of Redbox?