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CB Insurance Services ASC Warranty Illegal Tactics to Steal Your Home
ASC Warranty

ASC Warranty review: Illegal Tactics to Steal Your Home 39

Author of the review
12:47 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

It's been six months since I put together the information below -- I've had so many people e-mail me with heartbreaking stories that are exactly alike. Please, please, please, e-mail me if you've had problems. We are in the process of putting together an action class suit. If you've been hurt, e-mail me or write me. DO NOT GIVE UP! Go to sites like /link removed/, HUD, RESPA, your states attorney general, and on and on. Don't stop. Look at wonderful sites like

Kelly L. Hansen
12757 W. 108th Street
Overland Park, KS 66210

I've spent an agonizing year arguing with America Servicing Company. They really have crossed over so many lines with their illegal practices. My story is as follows, and before my story is VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!

Cara Heiden

Richard Kovacevich

Mike Heid
Chief Financial Officer

Mary Coffin
Vice President

John Stump

Rick Kephart

Executive Communications Office
MAC X2302-02J
800 S Jordan Creek Pkwy
West Des Moines, IA 50266




In November 2007, Wells Fargo dba American Servicing Company (ASC) decided to escrow on my mortgage loan. For no reason. My taxes and insurance were always paid on time. They’d never escrowed before. My mortgage payment increased from $655 to $1446 a month. I can’t pay it.

Wells Fargo admits their error. They promise to fix it. Then they don’t. Again they promise to fix it AND reverse all the late charges. Doesn’t happen. No one stops the snowball effect Wells Fargo’s mistake is having on my mortgage and my life.

Phone calls and letters threatening foreclosure were relentless. I have spent hours on the phone trying to resolve the problem. Various ASC Customer Service agents promise all your problems are taken care of, and when they call you again the next day, didn't leave a single note regarding my call, or that I even had called, in my record. I started the process all over again with a different agent (weird isn't it that you can never get the same agent because they don't have extensions, won't give you their last name -- just a three letter employee ID code that won't get you anywhere. One agent refused to give me his physical address when I wanted to talk with someone face to face. Many different customer service (?) agents over this six month nightmare assured me, that yes, definitely this time, they had truly made the corrections I thought had already been made. My loan had been approved for loan modification and the loan I’d been told dozens of time had been reinstated, had really for sure this time been reinstated. I was always told I would receive a letter confirming all was well with my loan. But the promised confirmation letters never came. And I was forced once again to start the agonizing process with a new agent. AND, the notes in my records either did not exist (according to one agent) or were very confusing (according to another.)

On April 23 I was emergency admitted into River Oaks Mental Hospital for 10 weeks due to a complete emotional breakdown. Wells Fargo Mortgage made a mistake, and acknowledged it. However, they were unable (or unwilling) to fix the problems their error created. Instead, two days after they told me (AGAIN) my loan had been fully reinstated, I receive notice my home was scheduled for a sheriff sale in 8 days. Two days after they promised the charges resulting in their error would be removed, and they would contact the credit agencies to report their mistake, and remove their negative remarks.

Wells Fargo’s illegal lending practices caused emotional distress that resulted in my emergency hospitalization. I'm bipolar, my condition worsened, my depression bottomed out and I became suicidal. I was unable to function. My sister was given power of attorney, and, even though they were aware of my condition, and that they were the source of the resulting breakdown, they still refused to work with her.

On August 14, I was told, again, my loan had been reinstated. While waiting again for another confirmation letter that never comes, I call them again. I didn't contact anyone else for help because I didn't think I needed to. ASC was always so sorry after they didn't follow through on one of their promises. Then they reassured me all was well. I was very stupid.

My home was my savings account. And it was my retirement account. More important than anything, it was my security blanket.

Kelly L. Hansen
Overland Park, KS

Cara Heiden
Richard Kovacevich
Mike Heid [CFO]
Mary Coffin
John Stump
Rick Kephart
Sharon Cecil
Bob Chapman [President]
Mike Heid [CFO]
James Loving [Vice President]
Londa Gomble [Vice President]
Patrick Sheehy [Vice President]

All the Domains Owned by Wells Fargo -- BE CAREFUL!

Update by Kelly L. Hansen
Dec 24, 2008 2:15 pm EST

My heart goes out to everyone who is suffering at the hands of a predatory lending scheme. I'm going to share my story with you AND THEN follow up with someone who was able to, just very recently, get Wells Fargo to help them. I want homeowners, or recent homeowners, to at least call and/or e-mail Cara K. Heiden, Mary Coffin, and Sharon Cecil in the WFHM Executive Office. I give you their e-mails, direct phone number, and address below. Please try. I'll say prayers for you and your dear families. Remember, keep trying. Expect God to bless you. And I know he will.

In November 2006, Wells Fargo d.b.a. American Servicing Company (ASC) decided to escrow on my mortgage loan. For no reason. My taxes and insurance were always paid on time. Theyd never escrowed before. Then, instead of paying my annual property taxes once, they paid them twice. And I had already paid them. Then they pre-paid my property taxes that werent due for another year. Id never had an escrow account with them, so usually the balance was zero. Now it was -$5500.00. My mortgage payment increased from $655 to $1446 a month. I cant pay it.

Wells Fargo admits their error. They promise to fix it. Then they dont. Again they promise to fix it AND reverse all the late charges. Doesnt happen. No one corrects the original mistake so the snowball effect is creating havoc with my mortgage, with my credit, and on my life.

ASC Phone calls and letters threatening foreclosure were relentless. I have spent hours on the phone trying to resolve the problem. So many ASC Customer Service agents promise all your problems are taken care of, rest assured. When you check the next day to confirm all is well (youve learned to check) they can't even find a note in the record that you ever called. So then I am forced to start the process to correct my loan all over again with a different agent (weird isn't it that you can never get the same agent because they don't have extensions, and they refuse to give you their last name. They will give you their three-letter employee ID code that has never helped me a bit. Many agents refused to give me the companys physical address when I wanted to talk with someone face to face. Over this six-month nightmare I was assured over and over and over, that yes, definitely this time, they had truly made the corrections I had been assured already been made. Yes, isnt it wonderful, my mortgage loan had been approved for loan modification and the loan I’d been told dozens of time had been reinstated, had really for sure this time been reinstated. I was always told I would receive a letter confirming all was well with my loan. I was told not to make any monthly payments on the loan because until the correction had been processed through their system, the payment would be considered a partial payment and would be returned to me. So in February and March I couldnt send in a payment because the monthly payment amount was never corrected. I was forced over and over again to start the agonizing process from square one with another agent. Most agents couldnt find any notes in my record. I had the brilliant idea that faxing the whole story, along with receipts, and other requested forms, would be the answer to our communication problem. I would finally receive a letter confirming receipt of the requested documents. Four days later Im told my documents were never received so my home is in foreclosure.

On April 23, 2007, I was emergency admitted into River Oaks Mental Hospital for 10 weeks due to a complete emotional breakdown. I was suicidal and unable to care for myself. Wells Fargo Mortgage made a mistake, and acknowledged it. However, they were unable (or unwilling) to fix the problems their error created. My sister was given power of attorney so she could resolve the issue. Upon discharge from the hospital an ASC agent confirmed my loan had been fully reinstated, the payment had been corrected, the escrow balance adjusted. They promised the late charges and additional interest charged because of their error would be credited back to the account. I insisted and they agreed they would contact the credit agencies to report their mistake, remove all negative remarks, and change all comments they had made regarding my mortgage account to paid as agreed.

Two days later I received a notice advising me of the sheriffs sale date set for my home.

My home was my savings account. And it was my retirement account. More important, it was my security blanket.

The October 3, 2007, sheriff sale date has been postponed and Wells Fargo has told me they want a satisfactory conclusion to this nightmare. Ill keep you posted. Today is October 9, 2007.

WFHM admitted errors and apologized in two letters received on October 24, 2007, and October 29, 2007, from Todd M. Boothroyd (contact info shown above), credited $12, 000 to my mortgage loan, corrected the negative reports made to the credit repositories, reinstated my loan. I breathed my 1st sigh of relief in nearly a year.

THEN THEY SOLD MY HOME AT A SHERIFF SALE. They took my home, almost $100, 000.00 in equity, and I'm lost without my home. God Bless my 70-year old mother who is now forced to take care of her 46-year old, disabled, daughter. I still believe something good is going to happen. I really do. Two years of fighting for all I'm worth just can't end like this. I will NEVER stop trying to find restitution and peace. And I will NEVER STOP sharing my story just in case it might prevent someone else from losing their home. From facing agonizing months on end. Being turned inside out with fear and pain. From losing their retirement, their live savings, their security. If I had children, I don't know how I'd be able to face it. I don't know how these companies are able to do what they do to famies who have trusted them. It just breaks my heart.

BUT remember, some of the readers of my blogs have been e-mail me sharing good news about the help they are beginning to receive from Wells Fargo Bank. So DO NOT GIVE UP!

I know help is coming soon for all families facing foreclosure. God Bless anyone who helps someone keep his or her home.

Kelly L. Hansen
46-year old now living with her 70 year old Mother!
Thank God for Mothers.
33605 W. 88th Street
DeSoto, KS 66018 (don't hesitate to contact me!)
[protected] Fax

Here are the names and numbers you need -- these women will get you the money that belongs to you. Please let me know if you need anything at all from me. It never hurts to start pushing from every direction.

Cara K. Heiden, CEO

Mary Coffin, Vice President

Sharon Cecil, Assistant to Both

Todd M. Boothroyd
Senior Counsel, Real Estate Division
(address in California, let me know if you need it.)

Executive Communications Office
MAC X2302-02J
800 S Jordan Creek Pkwy
West Des Moines, IA 50266


Subject: Thank You Kelly!
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 22:19:47 -0800

Dearest Kelly,

I left you a voice mail this evening. Thank you!
I've passed along to other ASC victims, my success story, and your info. Thank you!
Your blog comments helped me save my home. Thank you!
You are a God send Kelly, Thank you so very much!
Your efforts were not in vein.

Kindest Regards,

Jeff Taylor / San Clemente, CA / [protected] :)

E-Mail from 'jackie euper' to 'Kelly L. Hansen' (

Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:48:53 -0600




First off thank you for your help. I did speak with Sharon yesterday and I am suppose to receive my check on friday via fed ex. I will believe it when I see it. Thanks again for your web site it led me to the correct people. I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and may God bless you. Thanks again, Jackie.
-------------- Original message from 'Kelly L. Hansen' : --------------

Attn: Jackie Euper & Sharon Cecil

Jackie, awesome, thanks so much for keeping me posted!

Sharon is always a big help. God Bless You & I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

PS: Sharon Cecil - You're so good at getting things done! Thank you for taking care of Jackie Euper. After sending this to you, I'm going to and /link removed/ and saying THANK YOU WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE! It looks like a real effort is being made by the Executive Office to take care of your customers.

That's thrilling!

Kelly L. Hansen
46-year old now living with her 70 year old Mother!
Thank God for Mothers.
33605 W. 88th Street
DeSoto, KS 66018
[protected] Fax

Print - Close Window
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 07:12:07 -0800 (PST)
From: "Kelly L. Hansen"
Subject: You deserve each and every blessing you receive, Jeff. Because you give your heart to others.
To: "."
OK - wow, how do you share your heart so well? You have blessed me with your success story. Can you imagine how many others will be encouraged, uplifted, and energized when they read your words?

I wish you would have been able to do the FOX interview! It sounds like God is using you by giving you so many opportunities to share your story! Very few people go to the forbearance table with a specific plan, a win-win for both the lender and the homeowner. That is key and something I never considered.

Both investors and lenders would most certainly warm to homeowners who calmly expect a successful resolution.

May I ask where you posted your story? I want to go the site and read it!

Now, I ask for your prayers. I lost possession of my home two weeks ago. Your letter, your warmth, delighted my being! Once again, PERFECT TIMING!

You've energized me to get your story out and get back to what I love doing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I really love being thought of as a guardian angel. I so very much want God to be able to work through me. And I've prayed for specifically that just within the last few weeks. So wow, thanks so much for your affirmation. Hugs and Kisses to you, to your family, and may your holidays be filled with joy, and peace. Aaahhhhh. Sweet, sweet peace. God Bless You, all of you.

"." wrote:
Hi Kelly,

Where do I start? I read your letter to my family tonight (taking a deep breath with every new sentence) Thank you!
And yes, you can post any, and all of my stories. We're in this together.

The blog you posted saved our future! The key to ASC success was dealing with one individual, and after sending emails to Wells Fargo's President, V P, And CFO, I had a response in four days from ASC! My wife was the one who took the call that morning while I was out dropping off the kids at school, and when she called me on the road with the news which was:"We are calling you from the executive department of ASC, and are very sorry you have had to go through this, we are assigning you to an individual who is going to get things straight, and it doesn't get higher than this", I could not believe what I was hearing, something that we worked months on with nothing but confusion, misunderstandings, three months delinquent, then all of the sudden...this? It was like seeing 911 all over again, I don't believe what I'm seeing, and hearing!

I wept behind the wheel to the point of almost having to pull over, but continued driving because I needed to get home to my wife and hear it again in detail. As I walked through the door, I saw this look of disbelief in her eyes mixed with a joy I have not seen for a long, long time. When I sent those emails out, I never thought a reply was coming, but something happened. In the subject line of those emails read "Why do you want my home?" I proceeded to explain the 100's of horror stories written by ASC victims, and how they all sounded alike, as did mine. The one question they had to ask when contacting my wife that morning was "how did he get that email information?", and my wife's reply was "you can get almost anything off the internet these days", which is how I found you Kelly.

All I did was Google "ASC Complaints", and OMG, there you were, along with more than I could handle. Fox Television even contacted me based on a blog I submitted, and had been getting so many calls, yet mine stood out, and wanted to do a live interview with me at my home, but I had to decline, for that was the day we were to get the news on the Special Forbearance Option that was about to be put into motion. We got the forbearance, yet within a week, ASC called back, and based on a plan I suggested they use, was submitted to the investor, and they approved it three months ahead of schedule.

All of the delinquent payments were then rolled back into the loan, interest reduced, payments reduced, and the rest goes into the history books. I've got you to thank for this Kelly, and I have passed this info to others whom have contacted me, and told me that they are starting to move forward in a positive way. ASC has also told me that the plan I suggested they implement for us, will now be used in other situations. A plan that has never been used before. I'm a Realtor, suffering like everyone else, yet WAMU agreed to a loan mod on another property that I own, and worked so well, I had to tell ASC where they were falling short, and how this plan could make it a win, win situation for the both of us. 3% year one, 4.5%, year two, 5.7%, year three, and every year thereafter.

So there you go. It's snowballing, and God used you, as he has used me to help those who are at a total loss as to who to trust, and which direction to go. I still look back on that morning when I got that call from my wife, and immediately thought of you. I saved your blog in Microsoft word, and was able to retrieve it. I needed to say thank you over and over again. I'm a firm believer that when you do good for others, good comes back to you. You're a God send Kelly, and I owe so very much to you for what you have taught me. If not for that information I just happened to stumble across that day while on a last chance mission, our home would now be gone. A million hugs and kisses to you my dear, you to are a totally awesome person!
A wonderful Christmas to you and yours!

I believe in miracles Kelly, and whether you know it or not, God appointed you as my guardian Angel!

Warmest regards,

Jeff Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: Kelly L. Hansen
Cc: Kelly L. Hansen
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 9:14 AM
Subject: i'm so happy for you! Thank you for your kind words - they mean more to me than you could know.

wow -- I can't tell you how much your kind words were needed today. 30 minutes ago, I said out loud (only my dog hears me) "God I HAVE to have some good news TODAY!" Your e-mail may have been written a few days ago, and I'm sorry I didn't get your voice mail, but God used you tonight, Jeff. Just knowing you took the time to write is awesome. You will just never know, honestly, what a blessing you are.

So many people are hurting, and your encouragement took a 200 lb load off my heart and gave me double the strength and motivation to keep reaching out.

People are so scared to trust anyone - and they should be. May I share your e-mail with others fighting to keep their homes -- and prayerfully SOME equity? I do understand if you aren't comfortable, and I promise I won't send it any further. I have to ask because I know what it would do for so many facing the same mind boggling struggles. So let me know if you are comfortable with passing along some smiles.


If you have already written your story anywhere, I'd love to read it! I want to know (I promise I'll keep everything confidential) who finally cared enough to help a hurting homeowner!

Yes, I'm still in my home but now after Wells Fargo Bank dba Americas Servicing saga was all worked out, loan reinstated, $12, 000+ credited to my mortgage account -- 20 days later my home was sold at a sheriff sale. I walked with eyes wide open smack dab into the middle of a foreclosure rescuer scam artist LLC. "Equity-Strippers." To just say just the very least, and leave you alone, they forged a Quit Claim from me to them, mortgaged my property to the max hat at one time had significant equity (for me) and now I'm fighting with

BEID: 3016292

under investigation for mortgage fraud, forgery, and sexual battery -- six identical cases in court at the same time all Quit Claim fraud, all forgery, but I'm still fighting just so exhausted. DEAR LORD, WHAT'S UP? I don't know where my story ended with you, but let me know if you want to hear anymore about the pain these lenders lovingly spread around -- if I were you and FINALLY had a happy ending, I sure would understand if you prefer to move on.

If I had a happy ending, well, I'd still stay very very deep in this. Too many people have too much to lose. And they are losing it.

Tonight I'm going to take my legal books away from this laptop, and pray a huge thank you for your happy ending. So, so nice.

Thanks for sharing.

"." wrote:
From: "."
Subject: Thank You Kelly!
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 22:19:47 -0800

Dearest Kelly,

I left you a voice mail this evening. Thank you!
I've passed along to other ASC victims, my success story, and your info. Thank you!
Your blog comments helped me save my home. Thank you!
You are a God send Kelly, Thank you so very much!
Your efforts were not in vein.

Kindest Regards,

Jeff Taylor / San Clemente, CA / [protected] :)


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Add a comment
Kathe Beaver
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May 11, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This company is so hard to contact. I wish we could get rid of them. Using them has hurt our credit.

Kimberly Robinson
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May 15, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I think this company should be put out of business, they are crooks and they need to be exposed. They had the nerve to tell me that my payment was late when in fact I had mailed it far in advance. My loan was sold to them and they have 2 of my loans and they said because I put my payments in the same envelope and wrote one check to cover both that it was not manually entered and that was they error they would have not caught it if I had not called to see why it was not posted to either. They did advise it was not a good idea to do this one check payment. That seams crazy to me they own both loans and its going to the same company. My feelings are they should have caught this error when they had a check that was not posted to anything. So I do not make one check anymore but all other companies you can. Now that is bogus also it took numerous phone calls to get the 2 late fees removed that were not my fault in the first place. They also call you on the phone and harass you for payment and thats when I went off on them and let them know it was not my error. They are pretty close to loan sharks to put it lightly. Once my 2 years is up with them that limits me for refinance without a penalty I am dumping them because it would cost me too much right now just to get ride of them and they are not getting a penny more from me than I owe monthly. I think there name should be on all national broadcast and web sites with a warning sign that say. "Loan Sharks and Crooks do not enter into a contract of any kind with ASC.

Tessa K. Swanson
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Jun 02, 2007 7:38 am EDT

ASC = Wells Fargo. FYI- Wells Fargo is the parent company.

David Steele Vaught
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Jun 21, 2007 12:00 am EDT

After ASC bought out our Mortgage. Our Homeowners Insurance renewal was due. We had our own underwriter and had our new binder which I faxed to ASC at the fax number given by them to prove continued coverage. I kept all paper work including the fax conformation with number, date, and time.

Today in our mail we received notice that they had never received proof of coverage and had set up a policy and would add this into the monthly payment. Illegal as one can get.I have also tried repeatedly to contact these people, where ever they are, probably out of the country and non English speaking, to get information on taxes, no luck.

I am very dissatisfied and will use every opportunity to insult this company and make sure other consumers understand the awful service this so called company gives.

Homer & Gomer
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Jul 02, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Mr. Lopez: First, let me say that you need to learn how to spell. When a person "sues" he is not "sewing" as you stated. Its obvious that your demeanor and attitude is not one that belongs in the mortgage collection business. People who have ASC are not all "horrible credit rating" people. Some of these people have the down payment and good credit, but aren't able to get put with a "prime" mortgage company. You need to understand that there are reasons, legitimate ones, as to why people have their credit marred. Maybe you should look into those reasons before berating people. Do you really think that if ASC walked into a courtroom, where the whole point of the law is JUSTICE that their lawyers have a better chance of winning against opposing counsel(s)? Come on Mr. Lopez do some research before berating and showing your poor thoughts for humanity! I have ASC and I have had no problems with them. Now, if I had to deal with someone like you, then yes, I would have to say my dealings would not be with that of a person in deals with people in a considerate, friendly, and tactful manner. Stop trying to humiliate others to make you seem a better person to yourself!

gloria lamere
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Oct 31, 2007 12:00 am EDT

we need to contact attroney general office and start a petition on this company

andrea labore
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Nov 05, 2007 12:00 am EST

I have read all the complaints about ASC & all has happened to me in the past 6 months ! I no longer have credit. ASC has the gall to say that they are charging me $7500.00 for Flood Insurance, insurance that I have had on this property for years! Now , that wasn't enough, they said that I must pay $22,000.00 for an escrow account! What happened to my account and insurance when this mortgage was sold to them? When I make my monthly payments, I write on the check "for principle only", it doesn't go there & no one at ASC can tell me where it goes! I think that it goes to an off shore account! I have never dealt w/such snakes, to be polite. And yes, forget calling them w/ their smoke and mirrors. This is America, why aren't these scam artists shut down! I contacted the FTC & the DCCA, is Ralph Nadar around? I am afraid to send in this months payment that only puts me further in debt! As for the insurance, I have mailed and faxed confirmation to every number they have, and we all know thats a lot of numbers. I need this nightmare to end! People be careful!

Sheila McHenry
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Nov 14, 2007 12:00 am EST

Last month, I mailed my payment from Ventura to Los Angeles a week before my mortgage payment was due. What is that? A 50 minute drive? After four days, when my payment did not post, I called them. They told me to call back the next day (the deadline day for being on time). I did so. They told me to call later in the day, that by 2:00 or 2:30 all payments would have been posted. I called and my payment was still not there. I was told the payment was not there or it would be in the system as pending. I put a stop payment on the check and paid over the phone so I could be assured the payment was received. About a half hour AFTER I paid the mortgage over the phone, my check was posted to my account. So next thing I know, TWO payments are being charged to my bank account. It took two more days of phone calls to get this straightened out. So by that time, I had a stop payment fee AND a pay by phone fee. I was out money, and they had made their phone fee telling me that my payment had never been received. Although the customer service people I talked to (for the most part) tried to be helpful, it is obvious that there is a ton of ineptness in the process they have going on down there. Absolutely amazing. I can hardly wait to get out of this loan! Eight months and counting... :)

Send a message
Mar 13, 2008 2:53 pm EDT

We went through the same damn thing!

Our agent even attempted to fax our insurance binder to them and got no where. Finally we told them that we would sue for the illegal insure filing they did and eventually got a refund.

Mrs. Navarrete
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Mar 19, 2008 5:23 pm EDT

I just would like to say to ALL of those people who's mrgt. is with this ASC that i understand 100% of how they feel. I myself work for a morgt. company in the Loss mittigation dept (aka Loan Modification dpt) I have been doing this kind of work since 1997 and let me tell you the process for loan modification requires a lot of work from customer, BUT IT REALLY DOES NOT TAKE 60-90 DAY TURN-AROUND TIME for this process to be complete. I feel really stupied writting this ccomments because my loan is with them and I have been trying for them to modified my loan since late november early december and as an luck. My payment went from $3800 all the way up to $5000. I have faxed all the required paperwork and my last contact w/them was just on 3/15/08 they told me that my loan has not even been assign to a counselor yet. Can you image how upsetthing this could be? Especially when I have perfect understanding of this matter. I'm in process of contacting my attorney to assist me on this matter. I have now paid feb/march payment of $5000 each. Every time i called they tell me that this process take time, and that some cust. have been waiting for longer that i have. For my experience, i have began/process/complete/closed a total of 30 modification loans per month. AND it upsets me when they tell me that my loan with them is still in review, and to make matters worse, it has not even been assign to a loan modification counselor yet. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS?

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May 03, 2008 2:05 pm EDT

OMG...we are also with ASC and like the others here, we were mislead and have been hit with foreclosure. We called hundreds of times, with no avail...never was told the same thing twice...was told payments were never received on time...and the straw that broke the camel's back was when they took it upon themselves, without our authorization, to debit our checking account for two payments! They claimed they had our conversation with them recorded with our authorization of the transaction. We asked to hear that recording and of course, they weren't allowed to do that. This all because we tried to work with them by asking for a deferred payment for 1 month and they were going to send us the papers to sign and return. While waiting for those "papers", we were notified our home was in foreclosure! This all began 7 months ago...we contacted a company that works with foreclosures and we were told ASC is the worst company to work with. Oddly enough, through all this, we kept receiving letters from ASC saying they wanted to work with us...I had a odd feeling about that, and after reading all of the complaints here, I now know my gut feeling is justified. What can we all do about this horrible company? I am beyond sick about losing our home...the last letter we received from them stated they would give us their decision in 30 days...and it has been well over 30 days. How can these people continue doing this? PLEASE, someone respond...I don't know how much more of this I can take!

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May 09, 2008 11:18 am EDT

We are having the same problems. You try and try to work something out with them, never get the same story twice, are told not to worry (yeah right). There is no follow through - you have to call almost daily (of course I don't know what good it does). This company does not have the right to destroy peoples lives this way - I only wish we knew what to do...

Send a message
May 15, 2008 10:17 am EDT


Realty Mediation Services
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Jul 08, 2008 6:02 pm EDT

I agree with everyone on this comment board and I am so sorry to hear about all the trouble that you are all having. This is the reason I started my company. I have helped several people that have mortgages with ASC, Countrywide, and other mortgage companies that don't seem to care if they harass people or suck them dry. The comments I have heard are along the lines of trying to get blood from a stone or turnip, or something like that.

Contrary to what some people have said on here, I am not trying to be one of those people I mentioned above. My company is a nationwide company that provides services for people that are at the end of their rope. One of the helpful things that we provide is letting you know, before payment for service, if we can assist you and if we can not. If we can not, we tell you why not and what can be done to allow our company to assist you. Most companies won't do that, but we will also give you the reasons why exactly so that, if you should choose a different service, they will not be able to scam you. Now that's a way of saving money too.

I have a service that actually will take you out of the loop of contact with ASC, or Countrywide or whomever you have servicing your loan. All you have to do is tell me how we can help you. By that I mean, tell us what you are looking for us to do for you and we will pursue the help that you want, no matter what. We have all aspects of the mortgage business covered from being a mortgage mediation company, a title company, a real estate company, all the way to having access to attorneys for litigation or help to avoid foreclosure. No aspect of help is turned away.

Let me tell you, most of the customers that I deal with have told me about the fear and the frustration of working with mortgage companies that don't seem to care or give them the runaround. To be totally fair, mortgage companies have their ways of dealing with people. Some are good, some are horrible. But one thing all mortgage companies love is being vague. When they are vague, they don't have to give you information until you ASK for it. How does that help you? How can you try to save your home if you don't know how to ask the right questions?

That’s another reason why I created this company. I take your number out of their "system". When they mail you something, it goes to me. I take the burden away from you so you can live your life without the phone calls and the letters. And the rudeness! Oh, man, if I told you some of the stories I have heard...let's just say, it’s not pretty.

I know that some people are going to look at this comment and go, this guy is trying to drum up business. Well, you're right. But here's the kicker. I used to work in mortgage collections. I used to make the phone calls and send the letters. I used to work around the people that make your lives hell. And I kept asking myself, why? Why are these people not being told about the help that’s readily available? Why are these people not being helped to make payment arrangements that are realistic? Why does this company care more about the money than about customer service when that is supposed to be their primary objective?

That's why I got out. I can not stand collections. Just because they are hiding behind a company name they think that they can say anything or act anyway they like with the customers, being friendly with one and the next 40-50 they can treat like crap. Where is the customer service?

I take all that frustration away from you and create solutions that work. I know that it may be hard to swallow, but I do. I have done it for several people. And I can do it for you too. If you want more specifics or just want to talk to me, call my office at [protected] and check out the website, which is being updated with a few new options available. And this isn't just for people facing foreclosure, people that are current and want to pay off their home early, call me. I can and will help as many people as I am able to. What have you got to lose? Website address is if not for you, best of luck. In all your endeavors.

Cenobia Quintanilla
Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 6:05 pm EST

Let's put together a class action lawsuit.

I'll research the attorney.

Everyone needs to get involved to take ASC down.

Please clal me at [protected].

Cenobia Quintanilla
Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 6:07 pm EST

Let's all put together a class action lawsuit. I'll research the attorney.

Please call me at [protected].

Cenobia Quintanilla
Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 6:10 pm EST

Let's get together and do a class action lawsuit. I'll do the research on the attorney.

My telephone number is [protected].

Cenobia Quintanilla
Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 6:12 pm EST

let's do a class-action lawsuit. I'll do research on the attorney.

Call me at [protected].

Cenobia Quintanilla
Send a message
Dec 02, 2008 6:27 pm EST

Let's all get together and do a class-action lawsuit. I'll research the attorney.

call me at [protected].

susan blanchar
Send a message
Dec 04, 2008 4:41 pm EST


They should be CLOSED down. Their business practices run contrary to the guidelines of the payout. I haven't heard that good ole Dick Kovasevich is willing to be paid $1 for the year without a bonus. How do the top executives suffer, watching their many ccustomers suffer financially and/or lsoing their homes to foreclosure.

As long as Wells Fargo has made overdrafts an extremely profitable line of business, I'm sure their "foreclosure home sales" is extraordinarily healthy!

What a rotten business. I'm embarrassed to say that I am from a banking business but that in the days that banking was an honest industy with honest executives. It's difficult to imagine that business transactions used to be finalized by a handshake. NOW, it takes "blood, swear and tears...and the promise of your first born" to get information from Wells Fargo.

ICK, ICK, ICK...I would never work there but in case I had to for the benefit of providng for my four children, I would have to thoroughly shower every evening to get all the "### from the day" off me so I could enjoy a pleasant evening with my family without thoughts of the "Wells Fargo thieves".

Teresa Koch
Brandon, US
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Feb 05, 2009 9:58 am EST

We were behind on our mortgage, we were trying to catch up sent them a payment that they would not accept because we were 3 monthes behind and so we went into foreclosure, before I even sent that payment, we were trying to work with them to get the arm rate to a fixed rate because this is what caused us to get behind, we could not afford the amount it went up to when the arm changed. We were not told it would increase by 300 dollars or more. They asked for information to work on it and than repeatedly said they never recieved the faxes.. So I would refax. Than they would have it but it would be the 1st one I faxed them. Also as I work in credit we have to get a decision to someone within 30 days. These people were dragging their feet and said 30 to 60 days well of course foreclosure would hit before they finished. So we took money from a 401k plan to catch up and were told that loan modification would no longer be able to help us we had to start all over with the art dept. which meant refaxing everything yet again. They finally said 30 to 45 days it has been 60 nothing has changed on our loan and we have not recieved any kind of decision from them. So I feel this company wants you to fail so they can take your home from you. They are part of Wells Fargo and it is sad to see such a large company scamming people and than advertising how great they are...

Al Smith
Sherwood, US
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Feb 10, 2009 11:51 am EST

Sorry you had such a bad experience with this company. I personally don't know much about them but I do know a little about the mortgage world. So this comment is to explain some of the things that happened and why. The reason they could not accept your payment is because most ARM loans are calculated monthly and the calculation is based on Wall Street calculations that change several times a day. So they could not accept your payment because the amount you sent would be the wrong amount and would not make the account current. For future reference and for others who may read this, when you find yourself in a position where you are behind on payments and see that you will continue being behind, call the mortgage company and ask the customer service rep for the loss mitigation department. Explain your situation and ask them if you could do a loan modification. The loan modification will put all of the past due and delinquent mortgage payments at the end of the loan and this would bring you current. This way you can continue to make your payments and the mortgage company will not have to loose revenue. Mortgage companies do not make money off of the home, they make their money off of your interest payments. so, no payments no money in the bank for them. I see where you spoke of Loss Mitigation, but it needs to be implemented before things happen. No fault to you because if no one tells you this you would not know.

As for switching a note form an ARM to a fixed rate, if you did not negotiate to have a loan conversion option in your loan before closing they are not going to just change you form an ARM to a fixed rate. This would require you to refinance the loan as a fixed rate loan. When they offered you the ARM, they should have explained how ARMS work. You may have had a ARM that was fixed for the 1st 3 years and after that the interest rate will begin to increase. Some arms increase annually, every 6 months and many adjust every month. But if ones credit is not up to par, they will not talk refinance.

Hope this helps,

Send a message
Feb 11, 2009 11:19 am EST

My spouse inadvertently missed a payment in OCT '07. For the next year we made all payments on time. I recently started paying our bills online and when I called ASC to get billing info, they informed me of the missed payment, 16 months later. I have now learned that it took 12 months for us to reach the magical 30 days past due and our last four payments have been reported to the credit bureaus as such. And just when we had finally gotten everything in order to re-finance and get a great rate. Shame on these crooked, back-handed posterior exhaust ports! They have my phone number, but I guess it was too much trouble to phone and let us know their was a problem.

edina, US
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Feb 23, 2009 1:37 pm EST

call the ftc and file a complaint [protected] fast and easy call your state commerce dept and file a complaint with the BBB

honolulu, US
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Mar 31, 2009 3:58 pm EDT

I will join your class action law suit. This company must be put out of business NOW!


Send a message
May 07, 2009 1:40 pm EDT

I have had 8 mortgages over the past 30 years and this company took over my mortgage about 3 years ago. ASC is by for the worst mortgage company i have ever delt with. They only use automated systems which calculate payments, applications and escrow accounts for the benefit of the company and not the bowerer. The structure is to increase charges/fees to the borrower and set up traps which require constant monitoring. If your payment is changed for what ever reason and is one dollar short the whole payment goes into suspense and you are automatically reported 30 days late. There is nobody to talk to, and if you get a hold of anybody they will do nothing! The provisions of the escrow accounts continue to change and beware of property tax payments. I had ASC pay property taxes on my behalf when they had already been paid. The arbitrarily set up an escrow account and it took me a year to get it removed. They charged fees all along the way which also took me a year to get back. This company is unbelievable! I have been sooo frustrated, I would rather deal with the IRS than these guys


Baton Rouge, US
Send a message
Aug 14, 2009 10:32 pm EDT


Portland, US
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Sep 01, 2009 5:03 pm EDT

Here is about all you can do. Picket a Wells Fargo or US National bank and let people know about this complaint line and what crooks ASC, Wells Fargo, and US National bank really are. These people stole over $28, 000 in fire insurance monies from me. My rental had a fire and they would not release funds to me to have the damages repaired. They even tried to scam an extra $2000.00 from me saying that would be a down payment on a forebearence aggreement which I am sure they never planned on implimenting. They foreclosed sold the property on the courthouse steps according to the new deed for everything I owed them. The entire sum owed was deemed satisfied together with any and all fees or charges of any kind including attorney fees and foreclosure costs. They never repaired the property before they forclosed and they sold it to a third party according to their own documents(I think it was most likely a subsidiary of their's) and so they have no right to the insurance money since it was my loss and not their's at the time of the fire and since the repairs were not done before title changed hands that money is supposed to go to me according to my original deed.

Send a message
Feb 04, 2010 6:36 pm EST

The Evil Bank? I'm confused on a few facts but more importantly on how you "couldn't" afford your home? If your taxes and insurance were paid and so was your mortgage then the annual amount of your taxes and insurance should have been split over a 12 month period (escrow), thus not changing your affordability. The difference of your old and new mortgage payment is $791.00, which is a very large change. A few questions arise when I see such a large change:

1. Did you state change rules for escrowing for mortgage/servicing companies?
2. Did your home value decrease to a point where an escrow was required?
3. Was the bank collecting for your escrow and to build a reserve in the account?

I had a similar problem and my bank was able to spread the difference of the escrow account over a 12 month period.

The rest of the story seems a bit theatrical in my opinion as the servicer can't change or amend your original loan terms, thus the $791.00 came from some where. Did your taxes and insurance change? We're you really ontime with your payment? This is more of an inquiry than anything as a consumer with a mortgage I can understand the frustration when dealing with a large institution. I'm just confused on the details. Elaborate?

lost hope
Madison, US
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May 07, 2010 12:05 am EDT

I am dealing with ASC with a loan modification. I started the modification in Nov 2009 and received my letter that I was in the program in DEC 2009. They will tell you to only pay a certain amount for three months which is a little over half your payment amount, and then they will give you a final amount of what your loan will be after you make that final lower payment. I called ASC the day I made the third payment to ask, what do I do now? I was told that it make take 30 days or up to 60 days to get the final details of what the modification will be. I just want everyone to know that my file was closed because the negotiator who had my file made her one phone call that is required of her and since I didn't respond to the call(that I never received) in four days that my file had been denied! I had waited on them for almost 60 days and they couldn't even give us 5 days to call them. The negotiator is also required to send you a letter that is telling you to contact them about your loan mod, she sent that out on the 3rd of may, but closed the file on the 5th, there is no such thing as two day regular mail from California to Alabama( no, they didn't overnight it, I asked) Since we have made lower payments being in the program we are now behind over 6 thousands dollars. The funny thing is, the the negotiator called my husband's cell number(they say) and the whole time we were dealing with them, they called the house phone. So now that the mod loan has been denied yesterday on May 5th, customer service called the house today on May the 6th to ask for the money that we now owe. By the way we were never over 30 day late on our loan they sent us a letter about the modification because we had paid a couple of late fees, we never let one months payment cross over to the next, so BEWARE of the we are here to help you letter. BE CAREFUL!
Dee Dee

Afraid in NYC
New York, US
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May 14, 2010 7:34 pm EDT

Has anyone gone through or are in the process of applying for the HAMP remodification? They have offered this plan to me but I'm afraid to take a step as I don't know where the landmines are with this plan and ASC? Can anyone help or provide some info/insight? And are the addresses and name of the Wells Fargo executives current?
Thanks so much!
Afraid in NYC

Send a message
Jun 19, 2010 5:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have to admit, I am terrified of what im reading. Im in a similar situation. 6 months ago i recieved my agreement for my modification, signed it and did all the follow up to be sure it was right before i started making my lower payments(which first payment didnt start for 2 months) 4-5 months go by and someone leaves a note on my door to call this phone number, i call it and its asc/well fargo. they told me there was a problem with my loan modification, but it was all their fault, they would fix it and ASSURED me it would not affect my loan or payments. if there was a problem they would contact me. 1 month later i recieve a call from them stating I was in a short sale review and owed them over $4000 because I hadnt made a payment since dec. 2009, when i had paid them every month on time? after several aggrevating calls, what it boils down to is: someone in one of their departments messed something up( several people including a supervisor told me it was their fault) so the aggreement(loan modification) that i have in my hands, was denied months AFTER ALLREADY BEING APPROVED. it took them 6 months to tell me this so every payment i have made according to the new aggreement "wasn't a full payment, and went to a holding?" so to them i havent made a payment since dec 2009, when i have proof of all the payments i made on time, with NO late fees paid according to the agreement in jan 2010. It is now 6 months later, june 2010, no one has notified me proviousally of any problems like this and yesterday i recieved a letter stating if i didnt pay over $4000 in certified funds by july 16 they would start the forclosure process since i was now in a "forclosure review", not to mention they have reperted this on my creit and wont remove it even thouggh they have admitted the're at fault, yet i still need to pay all this $$ so they dont forclose my home, even though they messed up and i have all this proof. I never missed a payment till they told me to for the modification to be approved. When i applied for it, i was late a few months in a row, but never missed a payment till i was told to? Can they really forclose my home for this, when its their fault and i have proof of this? Its been 3 days now, since this has been happening and i have been under so much stress im in pain! Isn't this illegal? I am absolutelly terrified i am going to lose my house over their error!

Denison, US
Send a message
Jul 24, 2010 7:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ASC does indeed have a website to make payments to, now that it has been fixed and has been for some time. Every once in awhile it is down for maintenance, but that is to be expected. The web site address is, and the phone fee is 15.00 oftentimes the representative will waive it for you if you ask politely and it never hurts to tell them that you had only budgeted your normal monthly payment and cannot afford an extra fee for their time since their web site is down if it is indeed down.

Greg Averette
Brent, US
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Feb 19, 2011 2:43 am EST

If at all possible avoid doing business with this mortgage company. I fell on hard times after becoming disabled and losing my wife to cancer over a year ago. This included my mortgage payment causing it to be a month late with no possible chance of catching up in the near future. ASC set up payments to be drawn from my checking account at the end of the month at the time I get my check. Problem solved... Hardly, ASC calls my home 10 or more times a day in collection calls. They set the payment schedule, but cannot change my status in their computers to reflect this, or so they say. I say BULL to this. Why should I have to explain to their employees programs set up by one of their own. This is harassment pure and simple. I did not choose ASC as my mortgage lender. They bought my mortgage from another company, I wished they would sell it back

Disgusted in Yuma
Yuma, US
Send a message
Jul 17, 2011 1:37 am EDT

I live in Yuma AZ and After being laid off in November from my 10 year job, I was thrilled to get my first temporary post forebearance in January 2010, then every 4 months I reapplied. My payments ranged from $350 to $850/month, and I didn't pay the one month they processed me. Each application was terribly stressful and I could never get a straight answer from anyone. Sometimes it would just keep calling over and over again until I got a person who could provide a little more info, but it was never complete. My direct contact Mary Hill never answered her phone and when she did call, I could never find out specifically what was wrong. When I was denied my post forebearance on July 1, 2011. I called over 20 times and finally found out I had to high of a debt ratio from a $420 car payment from my credit report. It told them it was not mine, but my twin sister's. I got esperian to correct the report and resubmitted my application thinking I would be approved because on August 15th, I would be 62 and could get SS (I had told them this from the beginning). They kept saying, make your payments, never be late. we'll work with you. I did everything they asked, but they denied me again. After 5-6 calls I was finally called back by Mary and she said I didn't meet the requirements, I asked what specifically, and she said I could not afford any modification plan. I said I had continually reduced my expenses so what had changed? She said the underwriter's decision was based upon the data entered into their computer there was nothing specific, I asked if it was because I was behind 13 months, she didn't know. I asked why when I submitted my application and they knew in 1.5 yrs I would get SS, they didn't have me pay the higher amount of $850 so i wouldn't be so far behind and also make a payment during the quarterly review process. She said it was the underwriter, she didn't know. Meanwhile I was also receiving foreclosure notices from Tiffany & Bosco. My sale date is September 2oth. I told Mary they had strung me along, deceived me, lied to me in the numerous phone conversations (am not also describing or this would be tooooo long). I have applied for SS but they said it takes 3 months and my first check will be Oct. 1st. MY home is my only savings I have. I put $44, 000 down and have paid the full payment and reduced payments for 2 3/4 years. I helped my twin sister who is deaf get a loan modification on her home when she was laid off, it wasn't easy and it took 9 months, during which she was in foreclosure, that kept being delayed, but we always had a contact person at Citimortgage who could actually work with us and make decisions, and even used a video relay to talk with us. HUD also interceded and was very aggressive. My HUD advisor can't even make direct contact with anyone at Wells Fargo other than the same customer service reps who know nothing. I reminds me of a telephone call center phone scam located in a third world country, but it isn't, its Wells Fargo, someone I trusted. I even went to the loan office where I got my loan and they wouldn't talk with me. I spent days in their getting my loan and now they won't event talk to me to work something out. During this time both of my parents died while under hospice care in my home, while worked fulltime and using caregivers. I never went anywhere for 3 years except work and the store. They lost most of their savings, just enough left for funeral expenses (both flown back to IL) over $20, 000. I could not even afford to go to the funerals. I am so upset, with Wells Fargo actions, I feel liking walking away just so I will be able to sleep or feel like eating. They have designed a system that strings us along, collecting as much as they can, while proceeding to take our homes. One customer rep even said it wasn't worth the trouble to talk with us, I said you get paid to process and application, and she said it still wasn't enough. I have applied for the Save AZ Home program, for a loan to catch up but I don't know if they can help. Other states have similar programs, but some deadlines are July 22 (EHLP)

Send a message
Aug 16, 2012 7:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have an ASC mortgage now...Although my payments are up to date they keep increasing! My mortgage was supposed to be a fixed rate but they keep giving me double-talk about escrow amounts and what-not! I think that they are taking advantage of the fact that I don't really understand all this stuff. I am just a simple mechanic and I don't know what to do. But it is good to know that I am not alone. I hope that these people get whats coming to them.

Robert Dunn
Gig Harbor, US
Send a message
Apr 22, 2013 5:41 pm EDT

I also have an ASC Mortgage I have been trying for 2 years and have been denied 3 times my daughter recommend this advocacy gropu P.J. Stuart at the advocacy group at [protected]. that put me in touch with a law firm that specializes in ASC they helped me and now i can finally relax for now .wow what a long two years

Bakersfield, US
Send a message
Sep 28, 2014 6:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am writing in regards to a breakdown away from home. Our second one while on vacation to be the least times to expect Car trouble! So traumatizing to my family - My vehicle has left us stranded and with very little response from the most recent breakdown. We left messages while being stranded on the side of the (busy freeway in Long Beach Ca) freeway and never got a follow up call the next morning. Called roadside and found out it only covers 3 miles and only a $50 dollar towards the tow. Towing operator took too long to get info or dispatch tow that -We had another tow from Pepboys reward program show up faster! Not to mention it was after dark on the busy 710 freeway! I know it is impossible to xray a car or know when your next breakdown will occur but by all means at least reach out to your clients to follow with peace of mind that you will assist to keep you informed... I had to call to get my own claim started after leaving detailed message to please call us. Car was taken to a Nearest Pepboys to get diagnosed and possible repairs for the cooling fan over heating car and still after two days no call back or to repair facility to pay claim. Advisor or rep had said they could not go beyond value of car after being explained it still had almost $350 dollars in value left on account! I was shocked to find out of a cost cap to the value of car! The warranty had done so well and find out that on your vacation nearing the last dollar amount left for coverage you cant even get home or be more informed to get the car back on the road is so disappointing. Still stranded in Long beach CA covering extra charges for hotel, taxis and all other related expenses out of pocket! Rental company claiming I cannot get a rental cause in not local resident with collateral or return! Never had such a bad experience already complained to enterprise after being a ling time customer! (Another issue) Still have not gotten home to added frustration and worry that no one cares anymore. Worst vacation experience ever. Still haven't gotten peace of mind that they cover the claim to get my car back from repair show. Horrible, horrible incident to go through.

Send a message
Aug 19, 2016 6:04 am EDT

Here's how it started our mortgage got sold to ASC . And every 2 or 3
months our payment would go up.we were getting late fee's
even though we would send our payment on the 1st of every month.
It took us a few weeks to get intouch with them. They told us we were sending our payment to the wrong address? WE USED THE COUPON THEY SENT US! Our payment stared at 400.00 a month but
when our house was foreclosed on it was over 1000.00 a month. And
with things as they are we could not pay it.We tried to get them to work
with us, but we got no help.Because of them my life has been turned
upside down. i have lost all faith in all mortgage companies.I feel as if they just swept us under their rug and hollowed who's next!

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