They have a very clear policy on returning the defective devices within 15 days after you receive and activate the replacement device. I returned the defective device one day after I received the replacement device!
EXACTLY ONE MONTH LATER (TODAY AT 11PM), I was charged $100 to my account! When I called them immediately after the charge they found the returned device and profusely apologized for the charge! I am a single mom who is looking for employment after being laid off last year in April. The only income I have is my child support. I have nothing else and every penny is valuable! FOR THEM TO STEAL MY MONEY ILLEGALLY IS UNACCEPTABLE!
They knew they received that tablet back! Had they not, they would have charged me after the 15th day cut off passed! Instead they waited a full month to try and sneak a charge in and gambling the risk of me not noticing! HOW MANY OTHER PEOPLE HAVE THEY DONE THIS TO AND GOT AWAY WITH IT?!? They are running a theft factory by holding our payment information when they have no reason to after that 15 day holding policy passes!
Recommendation: DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY!!!!