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CB Books and Magazines AuthorHouse Authors not being paid for all sales

AuthorHouse review: Authors not being paid for all sales 86

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11:16 am EST
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This publishing company is awful. Not only do they sike you out, they send you a finish product and that's it! Where's the money from the sales? I know i've sold plenty of books and I was sitting at # 1 for sometime... where's my money?

Stay away from this place or you'll be searching for a good lawyer like me!

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david robinson
Brooksville, US
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Mar 07, 2009 4:38 am EST
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Unfortunately, I used Authorhouse for my first book. We agreed on a royalty of $2.00 per copy. To date, I've received two checks totally $3.85. I've checked out numerous book store web sites and a number of them are advertising my book on sale as used. My quarterly statement from Authorhouse always states zero copies sold. When I sent them an e-mail asking how this can be possible. They informed me that these web sites were lying. They actually do not have any of my books used or otherwize. When serching for a publisher I never saw anything negative concerning this company. But now that I've become one of their victims. I see numerous complaints . Be very careful when looking for a publisher. Authorhouse is owned by a very large investment corporation and they have been buying out other print on demand companies. Dog Ear is just one of them. They are able to successfully counter complaints by out numbering and overpowering them through a blitzkreg type of web site advertising. I've been writing to state and federal agencies about Authorhouse's fraudulant practices. PLEASE! CLIMB ON BOARD. I AM ASKING ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN SCAMMED BY THIS COMPANY TO CONTACT THEIR STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES. CHANCES ARE, WE WILL NEVER GET ANY OF OUR MONEY BACK. BUT TOGETHER WE CAN RECEIVE SOME DEGREE OF JUSTICE AND SATISFACTION WHEN THIS COMPANY IS DRAGGED INTO COURT BY THE IRS AND OTHER CONSUMER PROTECTION ORGANIZATIONS.

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Jul 23, 2019 3:15 pm EDT
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I am in total agreement with you! I felt the same way about Authorhouse. The experience, to begin with, was easy breezy, but when the book finally came was not good at all. My children's book had many reviews, people were asking when I was going to write the next one. That tells me that the book was selling and being read. I received a ONE dollar check from Authorhouse. My book was on too many platforms to receive $1.00 royalty check. I learned a hard lesson, but in the process, I learned that I could do it!

Ms. J-writer
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Sep 20, 2019 8:33 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of LadyAC

I was very close to agreeing to a contract with these folks. Very pushy consultant made me extremely leary to agree to work with them? Now I am reading all these negative reviews... Now I don't know what company to go to!?

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:07 pm EDT

John r cole
The vampire trucker
I've been scammed also out of my life my dream my voice my belief my future my America me anytime

Lisa Renee Erickson
Rosamond CA, US
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Aug 01, 2024 7:01 pm EDT
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I too have this same scam going on from AuthorHouse. I never receive any check for more than $2 per year if I get this yet my book 'Unrequieted Love' by Lisa is offered up for sale at Walmart and everywhere. My email is

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Mar 16, 2009 3:41 pm EDT

totally agree with you. I am trying to touch base with people that has published with them as well. I've been asking these croaks for months to stop advertising my book and they still have it everywhere. It was print on demand and it wasn't meant to hit any book shelves. Now they are selling it everywhere and I don't get nothing for it.

Michelle Valdez
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Feb 02, 2020 5:26 pm EST
Replying to comment of kelly

I also have a book that has bern out for a few years now. Many people have said they bought it but only a few dollars residual pay from Author House. Until I ran across this I had no idea so many others were going through the same problem.

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:12 pm EDT
Replying to comment of kelly

John r cole author
The vampire trucker
I've been scammed and robbed and targeted by
Sabatoging me to now I am in hospital and electric nor wat

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Mar 16, 2009 3:42 pm EDT

I've had so much stress dealing with this company. When the book was published a representative from authorhouse in London said 'you wouldn't want people to know that you are making money from your book'.
Shame on them and they are making money from selling other peoples hard work.

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:15 pm EDT
Replying to comment of kelly

Stress killed my girlfriend and now me.the author of
The vampire trucker
John r cole.need help plus new publish company
Contact me to discuss our future

really puzzeled
Denver, US
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Jul 14, 2009 6:54 pm EDT

Did all of you have trouble even getting them to do anything. I sent them the book complete on C.D. Also paper form cover to cover. Still it isn't out.

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Oct 19, 2009 9:49 am EDT

I agree with David Robinson, I have not received any royalties from my book since 2004 yet it is being sold world wide!

Can we all join together in a class action suit?

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Oct 26, 2019 5:13 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of veroniqe

I have been in same situation absolute con can we join in a law suit?

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Dec 09, 2020 2:36 pm EST
Replying to comment of Wispey

I am in the same boat AuthorHouse authors hacked at Barnes and Nobles no contact team and no one seems to know what is going on.BW

big fraud
Henderson, US
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Nov 08, 2009 3:24 pm EST


My royaltie's are being stolen by Author House. Amazon. Com is also involved, along with Ingram's, and the ISBN agency. I have been retained by a class action law firm out of Chicago. Please call this law firm. Kember Edelson. Ask for Michael Aschenbrener. Here is his telephone number. [protected]. Tell Michael that Barbara Lee told you to call. Michael will send you a retainer to join a class action lawsuit against Author House, Amazon. Com, etc. This is a contingency class action lawsuit with no charge to you.

The name of my book is "The Chip Hustler." It has a 5 star rating on Amazon. Com, Alibris, etc. I am on hundreds of websites and not one book sale, except for a paperback sale when my book went live in November, 2008. It was bought by a friend of mine. The rest of the royaltie's are from book vendors. Names of companie's that bought aren't mentioned. I have been paid a total of $70.00 since my book went live in November, 2008. I am mad, mad, mad.

I am working with another author. Her name is Virginia Peterson. She wrote "April Is The Cruellest Month, " by V R Peterson. We are in constant touch by e mail and telephone. She has already signed the retainer with Kember Edelson.

Please call me.

Barbara Lee

Virginia Peterson

Angee Only 4 Good
Brampton, CA
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Dec 21, 2009 10:21 pm EST

I too have helped the rich people at authorhouse get richer, apparently cause my book and copyrighted poem are all over the internet, uk, india, and china? I never said ok to that...

Really glad to see others,, [protected], and I will be contacting everyone I can, soon, enough is enough.


Jellico, US
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Dec 26, 2009 3:27 pm EST

Hi... My name is Ferlin "Clay" Morgan and I to was taken buy Authorhouse. They have not sent me any royality's sence 2002 and my book was published back in 2000. I have not received any royality's to date...2009.
They are for sure a rip-off. I was payed just $70.00 over two years time and I know that there was allot more books sold because I have a large family and allt of friends that purchased my book for me so I just see if I was getting ripped off and sure enough they riped me off and they just did not care. I would like to jump on board with you all in regards to this matter.

Thank you,

E-mail :

Prosser, US
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Mar 06, 2010 9:48 pm EST

I have not received a payment on my book "Your Father in Heaven, Devilish or Divine" published in 2001, since 1stBooks became Authorhouse. I recently ordered a copy from a second-hand book seller, which proves that someone has bought my book (other than me). If us authors don't hang together Authorhouse will hang us seperately. Dale Brown

Long Beach, US
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Mar 17, 2010 1:14 pm EDT

My name is Jesse Griffith i too have been put together by authorhouse. My book is Outside the inner-city, came out in 05 and sold (supposedly) 2 copies. yet i have signed more then 40 of books friends have bought. my number is [protected], anyone wanna ride to the main office in bloomington im down and i WILL bring a big

Pat Gaskill
Greensburg, US
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May 21, 2010 8:44 pm EDT

My book: We Don't Need Permission: A Proposal for Homosexual Emancipation, came out in 2007, via Authorhouse. I received maybe $25 dollars since that time. When I called to complain that I don't believe this to be true because my title was top 20 of new titles on Amazon for some time, I was told by an Authorhouse rep: "If you can prove you sold more books, we'll cut you a check."

They know full well we can't get that information. I called Ingram to inquire how many of my titles were run. They told me I had to go through Authorhouse. This is shadey to say the least. What's more, they are hounding me to pour more money into advertising. Why the hell would I sink another dime into something I have no control over? We should be able to get actual sales numbers.

When we want our sales numbers, we have to contact Authorhouse and wait two or three months while they get the runs from Ingram: supposedly. I'm sure the numbers are doctored for our eyes. I'd be curious to find out what they are turning in to the federal government in taxes. If they had to change their name to Authorhouse, then they'd do it again. I sure this is a lucrative business for them. I'm definitely joining this class action. Thank you for the info.

Autorhouse needs to have their books cracked wide open, and their purses that are overflowing with our sales need to trickle down to us writers. You'd think they'd take care of us for our repeat business. This is discouraging: we work so hard to make names for ourselves, and vultures eat the flesh right off our bones.

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:18 pm EDT

I am with you and want to join in any or all lawsuits
John r cole
The vampire trucker

Bridget Renee Kendall
Miami, US
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Jul 06, 2010 9:26 pm EDT

My royalties are being taken as well. Bond and the Big Green Hill was released in September of 2009. The only books I show sold are the ones I purchased myself. My family alone have purchased more books than are shown on my royalty statements. Bond and the Big Green Hill was reviewed by several well known reviewers and is listed on numerous sites in a number of different countries. Author House states that the royalty statements are accurate. I am looking into applying for a secondary ISBN and publishing it with a different service. Let's help each other.

Bridget Renee Kendall
Bond and the Big Green Hill, ISBN:[protected]

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:26 pm EDT

I'll work with you
John r cole
The vampire trucker
I've been scammed
In hospital with virus
Plus now also
But can work more than
Love writing and making movies and my dreams are to bring my series to film anyone who believe in the American dreams contact me
John r cole
The vampire trucker
Who never dies
Has been in America for 450 years

Daphne Hillier
Griquet 3 fairview drive, CA
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Nov 25, 2010 2:19 am EST

I have published a book of peotry with Authorhouse and I have paid high dollars for this publishing and I have not received one cent in royalities: All they keep doing is calling me and asking me to pay for more marketing. I already marketed with them twice and I not planning on spending another penny. I truly agree and think this is a fraudulant company. I definitely want in on a Class Action against against them.
Daphne Hillier

Daphne Hillier
Griquet 3 fairview drive, CA
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Nov 25, 2010 2:27 am EST

I really think that Authorhouse is a scam. I have published a book with that company. I have spent a considerable amount of money in self publishing and marketing with this company and I have 0 royalites to show for it. I am sure they are getting rich from Innocent people who are seriously working hard writing books and trying to sell with Authorhouse publishing. I would gladly join in a class action against this company. I am sure it would be worth its weight in gold to find out what really goes on.

John R B
Orillia, CA
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Dec 14, 2010 8:13 pm EST
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This Publishing company sounds harsh. I hope you all find some form of redress, for your efforts.
If there is anyone who wants to contact me, find me at

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:27 pm EDT
Replying to comment of John R B

Yes I would love to
John r cole author
The vampire trucker

Marrying a Man, Raising a Husband
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Jan 14, 2011 2:09 am EST

I had a book published by AuthorHOuse in 2007. I was interviewed on the ABC Morning Show in Phoenix, AZ. I had several book signings wherein people brought the books they purchased through Amazon and Authorhouse to be signed. Tower Records definetely have copies of my book in their stores (under a different publishers name - Lightning House). The ISBN number was somewhat altered. I called Author House and asked for the name of their printer and of course it was Lightning Source who had my book on sale using their name, since its release. Fraud, Piracy and Theft are more accurate words to describe the way AuthorHouse does business. I intend to join the class action suit.

Justus Liberty
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Oct 12, 2020 3:28 pm EDT

Add my name
John r cole
The vampire trucker

C.D. Mcleod
Phoenix, US
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Apr 11, 2011 1:27 am EDT
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Itried to contact Miss Barbara one number wirks other not taking calls also check ouit attorney it may be a scam because last week I posted about starting a class action suit these people are scam artist beware if this is legite.
Chris contact me I'm ready to kick butt...

Carbondale, US
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May 15, 2011 5:25 pm EDT
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my name is Daniel G. Stewart Sr. I am the author of A MUDBOGGER AND OFFROADERS SARCASTIC DEFINITION OF A REDNECK SPORT . My book has been out since jan 09. Authorhouse has been giving me the run around even before it was live. Since it has been live my roalty checks have not reflected what i have seen watching the web. my book has been competing with jeff foxworthy and larry the cable guy for the past year running between #17 and #30 out of 140 bestsellers on barnes and noble and has been on god knows how many other bestselling lists i have seen also. After receiving my first royalty check from authorhouse i called them and asked them where are all the rest of my sales from the websites, the only sales reported on my statement were only what i and a friend had purchased. I told them i know i have sold more than that and the only response i got from the guy was PROVE IT! Since then i have watched my book continually ride on many bestsellers lists on the web and have been receiving royaltys of $2.65, $5.00, and $15.33. I know my books doing well and have a fan base on facebook . i know authorhouse is doctoring their report books and i need my money although i know i will never see my money back from my past sales that have been deleted from their files already, but it would be nice to maybe start seeing some in the future, someone definately needs to crack open their files and find out where all of our money is, thanx for this opportunity,
Daniel G. Stewart Sr.

Jim Clark
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Sep 27, 2023 9:32 am EDT
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Can u contact me

Latoya Hilton
sumter, US
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Jun 04, 2011 7:15 pm EDT

I completely agree and can relate with each and every one of you. I almost feel like an idiot but I now realize that this could've and "did" happen to others. I published my book, "Seductions of Her Past" in June of 2009 and received a check in December of 09' for $47.09 and hadn't seen another check since. I don't understand this when Barnes and Noble ordered bulks of books for me to do book signings not to mention my friends and family that went online to order the book. Something really should be done! If anyone gets a class law suit together please let me know. I've invested so much money into this book aside the costs of publishing it with this rip off of a company. is how I can be contacted.

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Jul 04, 2011 3:02 am EDT

I was just told a book I published with authorhouse has sold over 300000 copies I have received royalties for less than 20 copies where is my money authorhouse?

Cleveland, US
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Jul 22, 2011 4:37 pm EDT

God help us all! I too completely agree. My book is for sale all over the internet, new and used but I've not received my royalty checks. I think all the authors should get together and file a class action law suit! The only reason I do not have lawyer is that I can not afford one! From what I have been told, "Class Action Suits" are contingent! We have to have more than one for "Class Action.

Kurt Maxwell
St. Paul, US
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Aug 31, 2011 10:34 pm EDT

My name is Kurt Maxwell and my book is "Race to Damacus". Despite all of the promotion of this book I am told that I have only sold 3 copies and received one check for $2.65 in royalties. My family alone have bought more than 3 books.

I have asked Authorhouse to stop printing and selling "RTD" but they continue to profit from my work. I just bought a new copy from Amazon and now wonder just how many other copies have been purchased without my being paid.

Count me in on any legal action.

Kurt Maxwell

Carbondale, US
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Dec 31, 2011 3:39 pm EST
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ive been doinsum checkin and yep i think i figured it ot somewhat. i noticed my book has 3 publication dates 2 of them are for the papper back version and one is for te ebook which i nderstand hat one but why does my paperback have 2 ones for 1/22/2010 and the other is 1/26/2010 plu i found out the ISBN# i have all rights reservered to has 4 dashes in it. when i went on autorhouses site and put that number in it comes up nothing. because its a 17 digit# with all the dashes. when iet rid of te dashes poof there it is. hence the dead isbn # we are all getting royalties from so check yours. ibet its the same way. im only getting royalties from 1 website on the web all the other webites authorhouse i collecting from. yep i googled the isbn# with all the dashes and only 1site showed up. if i google my isbn# without the dashes dozens of sites pop up and if i google th title of my book its on over700 sites worldwide. and many of them are bestselling sites. im right up there running with larry the cable guys book get-er-dun so authorhouse can kiss my ###! ya'll can quote me on that!

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Feb 24, 2012 1:09 am EST

My book was published Sept, 2009 and since then I've sold, from Hastings book stores alone, 347 copies. I do not know how many I've sold from other book stores due to fact that they refuse to disclose the information, sighting their contract is with the publishing company not myself. However, from the 347 books sold I've recieved payment on only 20 books. Author house claims that they have no record of anymore sales. Recently my book was released on e-books. I found this out, not through author house but from a friend who purchased it through e-books. Again Author house has denied any sales from e-books. Needless to say I'm more than upset and am in the process of finding an attorney to take on my lawsuit. I'd rather go the route of class action suit if possible so if anyone knows of one, I want in! After reading these complaints, I'm even more angered, which I believed impossible just five minutes ago...

Emilio Saenz
McAllen, US
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Jun 27, 2012 10:17 am EDT
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Hi, my name is Emilio Saenz Olivares
I sympathize, with all of you who are complaining against AuthorHouse, me too, have been cheated out of the so called
royalties, I wrote two books from the New Testament in Hebrew/Spanish with key to pronounciation of the Hebrew, and I
am seeing my books being sold all over the internet, but I am glad for that, even though I am not receiving much out of them,
nevertheless I am glad that my books are been read by many, the books have a message from the God of Heaven and the
earth, I am still indebted from the expenses incurred publishing my books, but glory to God and His Son Jesus Christ, for
the books are being bought and read.

Williamstown, US
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Sep 07, 2012 9:01 am EDT
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i was selling on here and made 105.00 in sale they told me to pay 19.99 for annual fee no monthly fees and pay when u sell well i got charged 19.99 then 19.99 again for month one 25.00 for month 2 and 30.00 for month 3 they false advert then i paid all the shipping cost out to learn no money was coming to me they cry they have to wait for money to come in it can take 90 days 2 years later no money yet and now with new sales going out the door i am out another 65 in shipping cost and the company has refused to pay me I am opening a world wide class action lawsuit against this company and did you know in ca its against the law to charge a fee on the sipping cost since they set the shippng cost at 3.99 they can not by law take 1.25 off this price and leave you holding the bal they are breaking the law and false advert there site state far away from this company

salt water croc
Arcata, US
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Apr 12, 2014 7:34 pm EDT

My story mirrors all the complaints above. I am very interested in joining a class action suit or any law suit against AH. Please contact me if anyone knows any law firms who are representing a case against them. I published my book with AH in 2006 and have only received two royalty checks in the amount of approx $3.85 a piece even though my book is listed for sale all over the Internet (Barnes and Noble, Amazon, etc...etc... and in several countries. Today is 4/13/ 2014. My phone number is [protected]. Please call me if anyone has any info on a lawsuit. Thanks

Tom Wigington
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Aug 20, 2015 2:15 am EDT
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I agree with everyone that Authorhouse is stealing royalties, I published a book of rhyming poems with them Jan. 26th.
this year, haven't seen a penny from them yet.
Tom Wigington, author of, Poems Faithful And True.

Tom Wigington
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Aug 21, 2015 12:58 am EDT
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I published a book of 40 rhyming poems Jan.26th.
this year. Haven't received any royalties, or even a
report on book sales, and have requested a book sales
report numerous times. The name of the book is,
Poems Faithful And True, by, Tom R.Wigington.

Tom Wigington
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Aug 21, 2015 1:05 am EDT
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I published a book of rhyming poems Jan.26th. this year. I haven't received any royalties or even a report on book sales.
I'm ready to publish another book, but I'm sure I won't use Authorhouse.

Tom Wigington, author of, Poems Faithful And True.

Daniel Asamota
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Jan 31, 2016 5:00 pm EST

I am Daniel Asamota;
I'm glad others are starting to see what I've been complaining about for years! But why is it we cannot find any remedy for this! It was almost 10 years ago I posted my complaints against this company! I can't find a lawyer who will represent me in this and the state's attorney general where they operate in Indiana will do nothing! It's been so discouraging that I haven't written anything else in years for what's the use? It seems the government doesn't care that this company is flat ripping us off and the laws seem to protect these crooks over the artists! I've demanded that authorhouse stop selling my books for years yet they continue to sell my books and pay me nothing! Please in the name of God, let something be done to make them pay us our money!

Daisy B.
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Aug 21, 2016 12:05 pm EDT

I'M Daisy B., I'll agree with mr Asamota, the same thing has happened to me with this company and no matter how much you complain or even send in evidence of wrong doings nothings being done about it, as you said it seems everyone 's with the company and pretend they can't see that's fraud is being done, even the BBB, I've sent them mounds of evidence and I guess they just turn a deaf ear. I'm looking for a lawyer also, someone's not connected to this company.

Daisy B.
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Aug 21, 2016 12:24 pm EDT

I see my book is being used to promote someone else work, I don't know if it's a movie, book or what, but from what's being said, someone by the name of, Rufus in his venture to America, meet with difficulties as he struggles between his career goals and other things, I think I remember the other things are drugs. My book, " DAISY'S HEART WARMING POEMS", their editions: ISBN1463499248, being sold at Barnes and$12.99, google books.

Scott YoungBartender
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Oct 26, 2016 2:41 pm EDT

Oh my god! I had no idea. I just signed off on my 4 finished books and they are out there now.

Can someone please contact me with more recent info?
Thank you
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Ronald S. Miller
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May 16, 2017 4:05 am EDT

Greetings, I can only agree with the most of the letters above. My experience with Authorhouse has been extremely bad, they have printed it for their own use and profit, As more me they have cut me out of any sales since early 2012. When you publish with them everything is one sided for them, and to Mkw matters worse, they register the work in their own name and have complete control of it. R. Stanley Miller.
(They have all the total control and, accountability and They flaunt it.

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Jul 01, 2017 6:28 am EDT

I published with this company and I was dissatisfied they have a great sell pitch and make promises they don't keep. I have was told by some locals that they purchased my book because; it was Idea for abuse women, a hundred and seventy was purchased. I call and, checked on my royalties and it shows nothing. I have several people to call and expressed how much they enjoyed my book but, haven't received any royalties from Author House now they are calling about a movie deal these people are a rip-off. The Atchafalaya Riches

Rose Sharon
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Jan 11, 2018 9:06 pm EST
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They are called Intellectual Property or I.P. Lawyers who help people with their copyrighted material that's been stolen and sold for
Profit, which is obviously what is going on here, big time, since the very beginning of AuthorHouse, which was '97 or '98. A.H. And ALL the P.O.D. Companies have a very legalistic paragraph in their contracts which forbids any and all lawsuits. It's iron clad but the language is so legal only a lawyer could even understand what it is saying. It was originally cooked up by a huge, very successful law firm in Indiana that got very wealthy by protecting the interests of families related to dead movie stars. For instance, Marilyn Monroes living relatives are entitled to a royalty every time a product bearing her likeness, such as a T shirt, is sold. The firm is called C.B.D.or something like that.
The reason I know they wrote the contracts is because they got extremely furious at me for sending them five dollars to cover mailing expenses of some papers I sent them. I wish I had saved that letter. The lawyer guy just blew his cork and said my little ole five bucks in NO WAY buys their services. Ha Ha, I was just trying to pay for postage. How much time does five dollars buy anyway, about half a lawyers sneeze?
However, besides that obstacle, no I.P. Lawyer can touch these innumerable cases because all the evidence is out there in cyber space. Amazon and Google are complicit and they simply erase the sales numbers every day. They keep two sets of books, one is crooked and the other the real record of sales. Only, the thing is, it's all done in the digital world, not in actual books. To get evidence for the I.P. Lawyers to win a class action in court, undercover has to investigate google, Amazon and A.H. and all the other knock off P.O.D. companies. Amazon warehouses, for instance are locked down like bank vaults, high security, 24/7. Those P.O.D. Machines are very small, like an apartment size fridge and are probably present in every warehouse.
When a book order comes in, workers simply enter the code or whatever and out pops a book in five minutes. Workers have no clue royalties are being stolen. The system is actually stupidly simple, the different sets of cyber books are differentiated by using more than one ISBN number per book.
The tsunami of stolen royalties worldwide, is laundered through one of those so called angel investment companies in San Mateo California, Bertram Capital Management or BCM. BCM wires it to an investment firm in Nigeria, the MOST corrupt country on earth. That firm then wires it back to BCM, who throws tons of money all around to help start up computer companies in silicone valley. On their website, they can never explain where their millions come from because it's all stolen.
The reason I know this is because BCM sued my 76 year old friend who is living on social security and cautioned her "never to mention our theories about BCM ever again" which, in itself, is a ruling against free speech. We had no idea our theories were on target until they brought that preposterous lawsuit. A multi billion dollar world wide company throwing the book at one little old lady. Ha Ha.

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Jan 30, 2018 9:50 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My name is Lynn and I, too, have been victimized by these evil SOBs. My book of poetry was published in 2001 and two years later I was told there were eight books sold. Two years ago I found it was still for sale. I had a lawyer threaten them so it is not for sale on Amazon, etc., however there is a download site which shows hundreds of downloads daily. The Attorney General of Indiana says "sorry, kid" as AuthorHouse can't control what they do. They sell a service (like a library, not the book itself). WHO DO YOU THINK GAVE IT TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, it wasn't me! It ranges from 600 - 900 at the beginning of college classes as it is being sold as a text. I AM BEYOND PISSED and want to start yet another class action suit. Just maybe if enough of us gang up on them they won't have enough money to start up again. I can only hope, and that is all I have.

Carlton Washington
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Apr 24, 2019 9:31 am EDT
Replying to comment of zuccamance

please let me know about the lawsuit but a Federal lawsuit was just dismissed against them.Don't know if
there is much we can do?

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Mar 10, 2018 12:21 pm EST

Hello, my name is Susan. I am another fool too. My book, a novel, was published with Xlibris in 2008. Xlibris is also with Author House or Author Solutions, six of one, half dozen of the other. I have received a total of about $75. They priced the book, paperback and hard back at too high a price, $23 and $32, listed at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders (if they are still in business, I have stopped checking). Receiving no royalties, I foolishly had then do an ebook version. For that I received a royalty of some $12 - tax or $9 and a few pennies. I know the book has sold quite a few copies but I get nothing. Recently looking it up, I found out that it is in Murdock University, don't know if bookstore or library, in Perth, Australia, so it is worldwide. It is criminal. We pay our taxes to a government which does nothing for those of us who are not rich but are trying to use our God-given resources, only to have the fruits stolen. I will be checking Google when I sign off here to see where it is in the world. If there is a class action out there I will be happy to join it. My email is

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Mar 15, 2018 10:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of SYF

Hello, and thanks for your message. Please feel free to contact our Royalties department directly, at .

Perkinston, US
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Sep 27, 2018 3:06 am EDT
Replying to comment of SYF

Hello. I would like to speak with you, I am one of the latest victims.

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Aug 15, 2019 10:56 am EDT
Replying to comment of SYF

Hi Susan. Your comment rings similar bells to my experience, yet I have others tell me the sales of my maiden novel have caused them to sit up because sales are high. Not so according to Authorhouse who sent me £10 about 2 years ago yet still pester me to pay for additional marketing or other promotional matters. I feel so cheated and it has put me off writing any more.

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Dec 21, 2019 3:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi my name is Raymond Taylor and I'm also a victim of Author House. If there is a new class action started please include me. my email address is

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