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Bank Atlantic

Bank Atlantic review: worst bank ever 32

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I suggest no one ever use this bank. They hold checks from 4-10 business days; if you have any charges go through before they decide to "clear" the deposit, they pay the charges but charge you $32 return fee. The charges would hit my account after the money was available, but would move the debit card charges up to a week previous... needless to say, after 5 years of this, we switched banks. We finally decided that it wasn't "our fault" at all and numerous others had the same problems.

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Mar 27, 2007 3:30 pm EDT

My husband and I had the same experience with Bank Atlantic. I finally had to close the account because I couldn't afford their fees. Also they would clear the biggest check first so they could charge overdraft fees on all the smaller ones regardless of the order they were presented. I'm angry that they could get away with this practice. I am sure we paid thousands of dollars in fees last year. They held my deposits too, to their convenience.

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Apr 23, 2007 12:14 pm EDT

Regulation CC is the same for all banks. It seems to me that the problem is that you're account has been determined to be at risk, because you probably don't balance your check book, and therefore end up consistently overdrawing your account. No bank is going to hold your hand.

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Jul 16, 2007 6:37 pm EDT

Bank Atlantic stinks. And, I am starting to think by what I hear from others that I talk to. That all the banks are becoming shady in handling our money.
I'm in my 40's & my husband is in his 50's. Now, all of a sudden we can't balance a check book if our lives depended on it (by the way it does!). We have Direct Deposit. You think that means your money is in the account. Think again. If your Direct Deposit is in the bank on Friday 12:00am and you use your ATM 12:00pm You get charged an Over Draft Fee. We checked our account on a Sunday had money in the account. Monday afternoon we are over drawn. Why? Because we have a check pending! Even if we put cash money in the account. The Bank charged us an Overdraft Fee. Got a copy of our Bank Statement From The Bank Atlantic. Going over the bank statement with Bank Atlantic.

They couldn't explain how we were charged overdraft fees when we had money in the account nor could they explain their own printout that shows we have money in the account when they say we don't. If a petition is out there to investigate their banking practices I'll sign it! If not we need one! We live paycheck to paycheck. I'm sick of being ripped off!

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Sep 12, 2007 5:12 pm EDT

I got a good one, I can make a deposit with one teller, they clear the check the money is there by midnight(even though they sate there is a 1-5 day hold) Now if I get a teller that doesn't know how long I have been a customer or knows me, the deposit is held, I called and they stated it depends on the branch and teller, since when do they make the regulations? Also I have pinted out my account activity in the a.m, and again in the p.m and they move transactions and deposits, that is crazy.. And what topped it off with me, is I have alot of equity and applied for a loan, I told the rep that there is a error on Equifax, I have the dispute info and paper showing the account closed 7 years ago and was paid, she said not a problem, I have a 687 credit score, I make good money and I have over 50,000.00 in equity, the next day someone else calls says I was declined because of the account on my credit report, I said can I bring my proof of error to my branch or talk to some one, they said wait for the denial letter, I was shocked, I was told it can take up to 60 days to get to me, they stink at customer service, and I will get a loan from a different bank...

joe grullon
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Apr 24, 2008 1:43 pm EDT

Bank Atlantic is the worst of the bunch. They will steal your money in the blink of an eye.
overdraft fees is their main source of income for this bank.

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Jun 06, 2008 10:14 pm EDT

I am so angry at Bank Atlantic I did a google search just to see if other people were having the same issues as I am! While I am not happy to see I am not alone, at least I am glad I have a place to vent. Bank Atlantic is basically a modern thief, they do the whole dance and pony show to get reel you in, they wave their fancy marketing gimicks at you and lure you with their late branch hours, but then the darker side soon rears its ugly head, and I'm talking about getting raped with $32 fees back to back, they don't let up! My only regret is that I let them get away with it for this long. I even called and asked them to turn off their "feature" which causes the card to be accepted even if there are no funds available or the account is negative, to my surprise they told me they would turn that on for me so the card would be declined if I tried to use it, so I thought, great, finally, no more damn $32 fees, right? wrong! a few days later I check my account online, a hotel did a hold on my card to the tune of over $700 on the day that I checked in, this was not at checkout when I figured they would place the charge on my debit card, no, they did an authorization on my card which made that amount of funds unavailable to my account, and therefore triggered a cascade of $32 fees, their system automatically and gleefully tacks these fees on as if it's no big deal, as if they actually deserve to steal that money from my bank account! I feel so robbed and pissed off, it feels like as if I caught someone in my house stealing out of my wallet while I was asleep, that's how angry I am. Unfortunately there is nobody for me to beat their face in. I really let them have it on the phone, the supervisor said they wouldn't be able to do anything for me and even when I told her I was going to take my direct deposit paycheck and go to another bank she said she couldn't do anything (liar), this is their shady business model, beware! STAY AWAY FROM BANK ATLANTIC! And if you are a customer of theirs, leave! Now I just have to find another bank that isn't going to put me through the ringer constantly.

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Jun 19, 2008 7:32 am EDT

yes Bank Atlantic is horrible...for instance a few months ago they lost our deposit and charged us over $100 in overdraft fees bc of it. When we went to the bank they told us it was our problem even though we had our deposit receipt...we didnt give up we had to go through 4 employees and a manger to ge tthe fees removed and the deposit put back. Recently, we had fraud activity in our account and the took every penny out and then some and used it to buy gas $ 400 worth in some town in SC and hello I live in Tampa, Fl. I called customer service immediatly and they said we will shut down your card but it will take 10 to 20 business days to resolve the issue. I asked how i was suppose to pay my soon due bills and already pending credit card payments with all of my money stolen and my account out of commission? and this was the response "that is all we can do for you, thats our policy." Needless to say i was infuriated since I was the victim of fraud and they offered me ZERO protection as a customer against it, they didnt flag the transactions or anything. I spoke to a supervisor there and she was so rude and said the same thing.
That day we went to the branch and NO ONE, not one teller knew how to handle the situation. We had to wait til the next day before they would even start the dispute. I was at work and my husband had kept our son that day and he called to ask them to prepare everything over the phone w/ him and then he would come sign the paperwork, of course they refused. He went up there and the guy took an hour to get the paperwork ready and still they refuse to do anything faster for us. Meanwhile, my 2 year old falls off the stool and the paramedics had to come and then and ONLY then did they say well we will try and get a provisional credit put on your account to get back all that was stolen until the dispute paperwork comes back. I kid you not I use to work for 2 large banking companies and this is exactly what i asked them to do from the very beginning. It took an event like that for them to finally say that would, and even then they called 2 1/2 hours after they said they would with the decision and I called back during that time frame to see what was going on and the teller hung up on me! This bank is a joke! They get away with anything and everything... oh and P.S. when they were filling out the paperwork they had to call and get my ssn bc they couldn't find my debit card # in the system...the same bank that issued the card could not find the card # in their system., please note i have only been with this bank for 8 months and i am out of there this weekend. save yourself from going to this so called banking institution.

tom b
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Jun 29, 2008 12:36 am EDT


I had the displeasure of being a bank atlantic customer for 9 months. There are a lot better things that can happen to a person in nine months other than your bank stealing $600 from you in a two week period.

Here is what happened exactly and i have proof of this because my cousin works for one of the branchs. I went to bed one night with $ 35 in my account and woke up the next day with no money in my account to even buy a bottle of water at work the next day.

I signed into my online banking when I came home from work that day and my account was negative $147. After my direct deposit had come in the day before. The minute my direct deposit was going into my account they were taking my money away from me. So i called Bank Atlantic's 800 number and asked what had happened to my account and they told me about the HOLDS that are put on the accounts. I questioned further and found out that holds are put on the account when you purchase something from a merchandiser(resturant, gas station, grocery store, you get the point). THE PROBLEM WITH HOLDS ON A CHECKING ACCOUNT IS WHEN YOU USE YOUR DEBIT CARD TO BUY SOMETHING IS COMES DIRECTLY OUT OF YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT AND THEIR SHOULD NOT BE A HOLD ON THAT EVER.

My friend told me that this is how banks that are not credited by the federal goverment (BANK ATLANTIC) make there money. This interested me so much that i hired a lawyer almost immediatly. I suggest that anyone who has had the same experience to do the same because it is not right for them to take the money you work hard for.


visit soon

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Jul 15, 2008 2:59 pm EDT

We have been very displeased with Bank Atlantic and their customer service. They have also hit us up with over $243.00 in fees and this isn't the first time. I should have closed my account but didn't realize how far Bank Atlantic had taken this fee scam! I believe the Federal Government needs to look into this bank and its practices and found guilty prohibit any of its corporate officers and management from working in the banking industry a minimum of five years, in lieu of jail time and reimburse all over draft fees to all customers. This is ridiculous and no wonder Americans aren't getting ahead. I would like to know how many people's homes have gone into foreclosure due to overdraft fees and I believe that the Governer of Florida might have issues if it proved that Bank Atlantic has damaged the Florida economy because of this scam!

Everyone should be warned to stay away from this BANK!

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Jul 26, 2008 3:48 pm EDT


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Aug 03, 2008 8:42 pm EDT

First of all, for those of you who are saying that we need to learn how to balance our checkbook and quit blaming the bank...even the teller at BankAtlantic told me you cannot count on your checkbook balance anymore because of all of the holds that different merchants put on your account. I was also told NOT to use my debit card, to only use cash or write a check. I will be going to the bank tomorrow because I, too, had an incident where I had checked my account online one day and it showed that several little charges (about 10 or 12) were already pending and debited from my account. Later that afternoon I checked again and found that a check, that wasn't there before, had been taken and posted BEFORE those litte amounts so I got an OD charge for all of those little amounts that had just that morning showed pending and debited, instead of one for the check. Sounds like they have a nice little money making system going here. Not only that, but I have been charged transfer charges when there is nothing to transfer...I was already in the negative! I have no problem admitting when it's my fault, but is it just a coincidence that so many people are experiencing the same problems? I don't think so.

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Aug 07, 2008 12:39 am EDT

they have d#cked me around for awhile now...ive finally had it..this weekend i was at a hotel..used my debit card..2 weeks prior i booked the room..the hotel takes out there money instantly (aside from taxes which you pay when checking out)...well needless to say when i checked out (note-the hotel also puts a hold 4 a extra 100 for anything that arises during your stay..when you check out the hold is released by the hotel and all should be hunky dory)..well its been 5 days now and bank atlantic chooses to "release" MY money when it feels like it? ive had checks from other states clear in less time it takes for MY OWN cash to be released back into my account...sure my current balance shows the money is real and exist but my avail doesnt have access to it..WTF? to top it off people like me have 2 accounts..1 thats real with real cash in it and the other for daily incedantals like gas, sandwich, water, etc...well thanx to there "holding" policy i dont have any cash available to play with now because of this F`n hold..i dont have a card to withdraw from my other account (for reasons i have the account-important bills and stuff shouldnt have access to cards and what not which is why i keep another account for that petty stuff)...
another example...using there dreaded debit card has cost me 100's in over draft fees BECAUSE all there crap is run by computers that have a mind of there own...i have X amount of money taken out of my main account into my petty account for certan bills.its scheduled to be put into the account on the 1st of each month..guess what? sometimes they just dont feel like deposting the money when there suppossed to and wait till the last 2nd of that day to do so which cause more errors, etc...and dont forget if the 1st falls on a weekend...OVER draft fee coming your way...after 6 over draft fees they will tell you to F yourself...ive had to pay 32 bux on severl items that cost no more than 2 that right? becase of sum error your not responsible for? i used up my 6 because of there f`n errors not mine!
sure the people u talk to arent responsible for the errors but there hands are tied and cant help ### either..
heres conveniant for you...its been 5 days..i called them earlier today to see when the hell did they plan on releasing this hold.there reply was sometime after 12am...well here i am ready to get to a after hours supermarket cause i wont have time during the day tomorrow...guess what? its not released yet..i have nobody to call cause there closed and i have no access to my other account cause there not open yet...f`n A! i wonder if they'll send a car to my house to pick me up for work in the morning cause i cant even get gas now...doubt it..
and lets not get into using your "debit" card at restaurants...that ### might not clear for 10 days at times! which =? u know the answer..overdraft!

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Aug 20, 2008 6:49 pm EDT

All of you guys are ridiculous. Learn to balance your damn checkbook! I have been banking there for five years. I also work for another bank and know the ins and outs better than most. Reg CC applies to all banks...yes. HOWEVER as a courtesy some branches and tellers will extend a courtesy allowing your check to clear sooner... THIS IS PUTTING THEIR JOB AT RISK! They are basically telling you that they will do this for you but if it comes back it comes back on them! Instead of getting upset at different answers you should be happy that someone is trying to be nice! The bank actually reserves the right to hold your deposit up to ten business days on a reqular check! and if your account has been previously overdrawn they can hold it even longer. In this day and age the banks have to protect themselves in order to protect you. You have NO IDEA how many checks are returned after the depositer has already used the funds... just because an account has money in it does not mean that the check will be paid. If the signature does not match, if the check number is out of order, if something simply doesn't look right the check could be returned. It is for YOUR PROTECTION that banks hold these items. DAILY we get people come in because they made a deposit and used the funds two days later when it had cleared. The check is then returned on the third day and it is too late... the person has already used the money and now owes the bank. I saw this happen to a poor girl in her early twenties just the other day. Someone gave her a check for 3200 dollars and she used the money on the second business day. The check was returned and now she owes us. NOW that is sad!

Learn to just balance your checkbook. Yes the bank... MOST BANKS... will pay the largest items first. Usually these are the most important.. ie your rent, carpayment, insurance etc. I am sure you wouldn't like them returned!

Also, the bank cannot read minds or predict the future despite the advances in technology. If someone authorized your card for one dollar amount and then take another... there is nothing we can do... This is usually restaurants, gas stations, hotels and car rentals. Try not to use your debit card at these place as THEY WILL PLACE ADDITIONAL HOLDS and there is nothing the bank can do!

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Aug 30, 2008 7:11 pm EDT

When you open an account whether it is at BankAtlantic or anywhere else you get all the policies and disclosure...IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO READ THEM! Don't you guys read the manual of an appliance before you start using it? THE SAME IS FOR A BANK ACCOUNT!...Reg CC applies to all banks, if you have been overdrawing your account a lot then the bank can hold your check up to 11 business days. Also, just because you deposit a check (regardless of the amount), it doesn't mean that the funds are automatically going to be available. The other financial institution can return the check if they see something they don't like (like britney said...wrong date, check number out of sequence, NSF, etc)

And yeah! Largest items are paid first ...but IT IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! wouldn't want your $1200 mortgage check to bounce would you? The bank is doing you a favor by paying this item instead of returning it when you don't have funds in your account!

Complaining about the bank charging you $32 when your account overdraws by $2...guess what...AN OVERDRAFT IS AN OVERDRAFT!...LEARN TO BALANCE YOUR CHECKBOOK AND KEEP TRACK OF YOUR EXPENSES...CHECK YOUR BALANCE AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, DON'T JUST ASSUME THINGS!...and by the way...saturdays and sundays ARE NOT business days because the federal reserve is closed, therefore, any checks deposited on the weekends or holidays won't post until 2 business days after the weekend or holiday.

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Sep 11, 2008 1:08 pm EDT

yes bank atlantic is not looking out for their customers in these hard economic times they are parasites i went to the bank and took 30.00 cash in the morning . a check came in that night and overdrew me by 3.00 i was charged 33.00 i understand that but then they charged me 33.00 for an overdraft fee frok the 15.00 i took out that morn when i had funds in the account this is robbery

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Sep 16, 2008 11:44 am EDT

I am always very careful with my finances and I always make sure I have enough money to cover whatever charges are coming ...BUT Bank Atlantic post their debits before their credits and you end with a negative balance and some fees... I raised my voice (very loud) and they fix their mistake ...
I was so upset I told them I will close my account as soon all my checks clear up..I do bussiness with other banks and they always wait until close of the bussiness day to pay to post debits and credits to account and ALWAYS credits are before debits ...I even deposit a CASH amount on Friday ..BEFORE 2 pm ... and they posted that as available on next TUESDAY! .., Cash depostis have to be available inmediately! the meantime some checks came and they return them! ...Oh they heard me clear. I do not recommend this back to no one ... I live in Tampa area .

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Oct 25, 2008 9:52 am EDT

This bank has horrible customer service, and I believe is using deceptive practices. I have a CD whose maturity was coming up. I sent a closure letter USPS delivery confirmation. The letter was delivered 10 days before the maturity date. BankAtlantic shows no record of receipt and rolled the CD over, when confronted with the delivery conformation I was shuttled around, and am nowwaiting on some branch manager to return my calls. I live out of Florida, and would never again entrust my money to this bank.

Very angry customer
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Oct 27, 2008 8:56 am EDT

For all you people that work at a bank, explain this to me. If you deposit cash face to face with a teller first thing monday morning at 9am, (and yes I did read bankatlantic's policies; cash is supposed to be available right after you deposit it) why did I get charged $32 overdraft fee for using my account at 5pm monday afternoon? When confronted with this same question, the representative told me it was not bankatlantic's fault, but since I have been with the bank for over five years, they would credit me for that overdraft fee as a favor. They wanted me to keep in mind that they were not at fault and this was just a courtesy. Please explain this reasoning to me "bank tellers who do not have to have a college degree to handle other people's money". Did you all take a pledge to these banks (thou must not admit fault, thou must always lie to protect the bank)?

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Nov 06, 2008 12:02 am EST

It's really not THAT hard people. Times are rough, I agree. Everyone always wants someone else to blame when there is a problem. If you're living THAT close, to the PENNY, don't use your debit card to make [protected] purchases over the weekend and expect not to get charged. Merchants place authorizations which hold your money, in the mean time, the purchase follows through within a few days. At the same time, you may still have an authoriation holding FROM THE SAME MERCHANT. The merchant places an authorization to make sure that they are going to get paid. The bank DOESN'T place these holds, when you swipe your card, you are authorizing this. Oh also, those people who SWEAR up and down the bank is stealing your money, get real. Build yourself a cushion (an extra hundred or so) and it won't happen. If you can't, use cash. Atleast you'll be spending what you actually have.

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Nov 06, 2008 12:11 am EST

hi Stuti plz call me at [protected]

bank employee
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Nov 16, 2008 6:52 pm EST

I can not believe the lack of accountablity that is going on here. It sounds to me like there is quite a few people out there who try to "float" checks or forget what purchases they have made. I would recommend that you all start using your check register again and stop relying on your mind to remember what withdrawls you've made. Or better yet...sign up for overdraft protection! Bank Atlantic gives you until the end of the business day to make a CASH deposit w/a teller (not the atm) in order to avoid fees. Or you have until 11pm to make a transfer from your savings either online or thru the automated phone service. I'm so tired of people not taking responsibility for there own mistakes. I understand that some people dont realize that hotels, bars, airlines, clubs and some restuarants place holds on the acct but is their policy, I recommend using a credit card for these items so that it doesnt hold up your money. These holds will generally stay on the acct for 3 business days. As far as holds on deposits...get real people, checks are not guaranteed funds. The bank will usually place a 2 business day hold on personal checking accts but please keep in mind it does take longer than that to clear these checks. Keep in mind all this info can be found in your depositors agreement...READ IT!

Tampa, US
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Mar 10, 2009 6:01 pm EDT

I went in to close my four accounts because i knew the IRS was going to freeze the accounts. Two accounts were overdrawn by a couple of dollars with nothing currently pending. The branch manager told me that my account had to be positive to close it. When i asked to see that policy she stated "it's an unspoken policy". Needless to say they charged me 100.00 per account for their legal fee (the two that were left open) which started the ball rolling in additional fees. I know have owed them over 600.00 for four years and unfortunately it never leaves telecheck's systems!

Fort Lauderdale, US
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Apr 08, 2009 10:48 am EDT

I applied for a NSP firt time home buyer program. This is the only bank that charged me $15.00 application fee, which i paid. I sent in all my personal information and the money order the packaged said 10 bussiness days... It has been over a month now and have not gotten any one of my numerous telephone messages or emails answered... I WILL NEVER EVER USE THIS BANK... STAY AWAY FROM THIS BANK...

Clearwater, US
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Apr 19, 2009 12:34 am EDT

Bank Atlantic is the most awful bank I have ever dealt with! The are domestic violence enablers. I was assaulted by my husband with a knife and then his fist, and he went to jail. I am disabled and in a wheel chair and depend on my husband for support. The night of the assault my husband went to jail, and the next day I went to Bank Atlantic, where my husband and I have a joint account, and I moved the joint money into my newly opened personal account. 3 weeks later, my husband called the bank from the jail and complained that the money was his and I couldn't have it. The bank froze both accounts and for the past 2 weeks I have begged and pleaded with them to have a heart and understand that what they are doing is illegal. I did not break any laws by doing what I did. I am a victim twice. Once by my husband and second by my bank. I can't get a lawyer because every penny to my name has been frozen. How do these banks get away with such criminal acts?

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Apr 24, 2009 2:53 pm EDT

Yes I agree they are practicing unfair and deceptive trade .
They just overdraft charged me twice when it should have been once.
Before you say balance your account better, know this:
I make cash deposits because they do take to long to clear checks, even if they are local, they show you your balance and change it later to their advantage.
i.e.- I have an available balance of $ 140.00 on 4/20, a debit comes in on 4/22 for 97.00 leaving a balance of 43.00.
The 97.00 is an automatic deduction same day every month, hits at midnight on the 21st.
On 4/22 at 10am I make an emergency visit to the veteranarian.
The cost is 45.00. I'm a couple dollars over, okay I accept the 35.00 overdraft fee. What I don't accept is the second overdraft fee for the $97.00 that posted and cleared first.
They do lie and try to make extra fees this way and I for one am reporting this to the FTC and whoever else I can.
This is Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practice and they should be stopped
from conducting business in such a manner.

Cooper City, US
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Oct 29, 2009 5:54 am EDT

Bank Atlantic (and others) use sophisticated software (so it is claimed) to deliberately REARRANGE deposits and withdrawals to MAXIMIZE their profits. They will give you different balances depending on whether you call the automated system, call a teller, or check on-line. None of them will agree. Their own tellers can't figure out what happened, so they give you a supervisor who invents a scenario. You can't get anything in writing. If you spend countless hours on the telephone with them, and you finally exhaust all of their BS, they simply delete the bogus charges. They do not make correcting entries showing their errors. This is worse than loansharks. Anyone who defends their practices, probably works for them, or another sleaze bag bank. If I treated my customers like they do, I'd be out of business. They need to be (out of business) without the CEO getting a golden parachute, just a pink slip.

Bank terror
Palm Beach, US
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Nov 19, 2010 3:15 pm EST


Dont use this bank, i prefer to have my money in a shoes box at home and pay with cash and money order

Bank terror
Palm Beach, US
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Nov 19, 2010 3:22 pm EST


I suggest no one ever use this bank. I prefer to have my money in a shoes box and pay cash and use money orders
and spend the $35.00 fee and put a local news paper complain about Bank atlantic unfair practices.

Victor Med
Miami, US
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Apr 15, 2011 10:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Thanks got i close my account with them. They stole from me thousands dollars on the past few years.

Think twice before you open account with Bank Atlantic.

1. They always hold for long time debit card transactions. Some of them for a 3-5 or more business day. This transactions is our life today. $3, $5 or $10 for gas or snack.
2. When Bank see it big transaction going on?!? They STRIKE right there! Bank placed all little transactions after big one and collect from you so many overdraft fees. Which today is $35 dollars.
3. Account balance never correct. You can not track your balance home. On the Bank system totally different data. This way how steal your money.
4. For me was most disgusting and horrible experience with Bank Atlantic.
5. Customer service extremely nice with you for your money, but they not will fix any problems. What they can do for you, just a smile and say hi and sorry.
6. Before you make decision to open account with BANK ATLANTIC, please read all complaints on this board.

Thank you.
Victor Med.

Henri Des
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Apr 20, 2011 1:35 pm EDT

Since 2008 Bank Atlantic became very creative in finding ways to charge their customers overdraft fees by using artificial intelligence to monitor their customers accounts
it is sad . I have an account with this bank for over 20 years and paid maybe less than $100 fees until the 2008 to 2011, the bank got me for over $20, 000 dollars. For most people the first reaction is to blame yourself . " I am the sucker" and that is exactly what Bankatlantic wants to feel. However the truth most people thought they could handle their account and prevent these charges by paying more attention to their bank account not realizing that the bank was using algorithm rules to create accounts with low funds to overdraft . no matter if you are a CPA or a plumber because most could not figure out that bank is using a technology that is unknown to most people called AI or artificial intelligence basically BANKATLANTIC is a guestapo or worst the mafioso.

As technology expert It took $20k for me to come that conclusion after monitoring my account. Even their own branch manager could not explained this situation. because it is highly sophisticated computer program.


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Jun 21, 2011 7:39 pm EDT

Bank Atlantic's online system says it takes 3 days to transfer funds from an external account, but it will not let you transfer any more funds until the 4th day. Be aware. When you call them, they state it is a problem with their vendor, CashEdge but this bank needs to be responsible for who they contract with. Also, "Florida's most convenient bank" is a joke. Since they've been losing money, they have cut lobby hours and drive-thru hours to be less convenient than other banks. And if you don't have your account # and the slip all filled out by the time you drive up, they won't help you but get impatient and want you to go to the lobby.

Shawn T
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Jun 23, 2011 6:56 pm EDT

Screw all of you who want to stand up for Bank Atlantic and tell these victims of Bank Atlantics fraudulent practices that they need to learn how to balance thier check books. Fraudulent fees are how these shady banks survive. These fees account for as much as 30% of thier revenue and is a result of the economy, the credit crunch and the banks greed. They had to get creative and come up with new ways to make money. Deposits are held and then purchases are held and re-aligned to ensure maximum fees are paid to the bank. These shady banking practices where put in place to exploit the lower and middle class who are already struggling to make ends meet.If you are not aware of these new banking practices, then I understand why you would jump in and support the bank. I too, strongly feel that people need to be responsible and live within thier means. This however is a predatory issue that effects people who are simply trying to access thier own money. I'm guessing you either work for the bank or have been fortunate enough financially to have plenty of money in the bank at all times so that these practices have not effected you. If this is the case, I warn you, carma is a ###! Don't be so smug and act like your better than anyone else because you have more money in the bank, that may not always be the case.

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  1. Bank Atlantic Contacts

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    (954) 522-7100
    (954) 522-7100
    Click up if you have successfully reached Bank Atlantic by calling (954) 522-7100 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have successfully reached Bank Atlantic by calling (954) 522-7100 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Bank Atlantic by calling (954) 522-7100 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Bank Atlantic by calling (954) 522-7100 phone number
  3. Bank Atlantic address
    1750 E Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33304, United States
  4. Bank Atlantic social media
  5. Maria
    Checked and verified by Maria This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 05, 2025
  6. View all Bank Atlantic contacts