Well god really got me this time. I fell for the 'live forever' and 'burn in hell' lines that they advertise all the time. My god (no pun intended) it was the biggest bunch of horse ### I've ever been fed in my life! This bible ### is pissing me right the ### off! Such total ### this guy spews! I want all the time I spent reading that back! I have never seen such a jealous, worthless, stupid thing in my life. I now have. Save yourself and don't fall for the 'live forever' and the 'burn for eternity' ###. It's all a bunch of lies.
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I like cookies 2...you're response...beautiful example of a believers mind and how they deal with things. so you want to spit on me? i welcome it. why are believers so angry on the inside? maybe they feel the lack of god as well but wont admit it? it would break your hearts to admit to yourself that organized religion is a sham for weak minded people. So I like cookies...what religion are you? how about your parents?
6th dimension...so this world (Earth) was made for us right? the ground to walk on, the air to breathe, the fruit to eat...speaking of the angler fish...whats its purpose? if this earth that is mostly water made for man with no gills, then what purpose does the angler fish hold? wait, god didnt just create this world for us, but this whole universe right? what are you going to do with the billion star galaxy that has been made especially for you 6th?
JDH55, I thought it would be obvious that the 6th dimension is just a user name, but as it has seemed to have upset you some what I will give it a meaning. The 6th dimension is the world of thought in our minds.
Negative Nancy, you like throwing questions my way, but you don't even try to answer mine. Is it because you don't grasp them? You have already categorised me as a Christian, even though I haven't alluded to this. All I wrote was I lean towards life by design other than life by chance. Religions that believe in a creator, base themselves on faith. Evolution bases itself on fact. I believe it more logical that an intelligent being designed life on our planet than chance. How can a being do this you may ask? I can't answer, but just because we cannot do this, we have decided that no one can. Not God, nor any other being. No we have decided that mutations through some magical process is the answer. DNA controls how a being grows, and only changes through defects. It is not a controlled process. An organism cannot forcibly change its DNA to suit itself . When I watch some nature documentaries, I hear terms such as:' Nature in her wisdom has given this creature a unique defense mechanism to ensure it's survival.' This is because the script writers or narrators or whoever think probably without realising it, that intelligent design of organisms is more feasble, than saying:' gee, wasn't it lucky that a chance mutation, or DNA defect gave this creature, venomous fangs or wings or a luminous decoy
I think it's good you read the bible, it'll increase your understandings of religion a bit. Sadly the bible has been rewritten many times (King James etc.) so finding original texts/ truths is difficult. I'd suggest reading into other religions and you'll see how much most of them are a like. The Egyptian god Rah was born December 25th of a virgin named Mary, had 12 disciples, was killed and resurrected three days later. Sound familiar?
Watch ziegiest, will give you a dif perspective on Christianity based off of the sun and stars.
Pilot- you're right. Church is an abomination. The bible can't save you, and most folks who call themselves christians, but live only for themselves are on a fast track to the sheol place. Did the guys in the bible go to church and sunday school? NO. What was their relationship to God based on? A personal encounter and ongoing dialogue with God, who does not always speak audibly, but when you hear his voice there is no doubt. Those snakes that tell you to repeat the sinner's prayer, take 10% of your income and tell you you can go on as usual because you have a "GET OF HELL FREE" card ARE the beast and the [censored] spoken of in the bible. Churches- where the women dress like burlesque dancers, they have fancy coffeehouses and bookstores, TV and radio empires. Jesus would be infuriated at the disgusting, self-indulgent institution we call church. It is no different today than it was during the reformation- they just have a more hip way of selling indulgences. God is not a "group activity" and your frustration with church means you are woken-up and wired correctly. (if any of you reading this are in church and see the truth here- GET OUT before it is too late). When you accept Jesus as your savior, you must make him your Lord- he will NOT be taken advantage of. You must seek him ALONE. You will be required to drop EVERYTHING that keeps you from fitting on the narrow path. HOLINESS is a requirement, there is no room for pride or hypocrisy. It is a lonely, solitary walk that is a small price to pay for the reward that awaits the follower of Christ. If you have ears to hear, hear this- the time of grace is almost gone. Get on your face and seek Jesus. Wait and wait and wait. he will meet you. Die to your own selfish self and your stuff and your idols and obsessions, and be molded into his likeness. You will be reviled and considered a freak, but at the end of the road, you will not be sorry and Jesus himself will carry you when you cannot stand. When you try to pour Dom Perignon into a Boones Farm bottle while there is still Boones Farm in it, it will tast like crap. You MUST pour out the Boones Farm and completely wash out the inside of the bottle, first, then, not only will the Dom Perignon will tast perfect, but it will all fit in the bottle as well. I have now told you what it takes to live. While the Bible is filled with wisdom and guidance for those who seek it, many have encountered God and became saved without it. Good for you that you have not allowed churches and their lies to pull the wool over your eyes, Now go seek the Giver of Life. May Jesus richly bless you.
Ask Jesus to make himself known to you if he is real and alive seated at the right hand of God the Father. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal these truths to anyone. He is not a religion Jesus is a person.
Its so sad to me that people will waste this much energy with these maniacal rants trying to disprove God and creation. It takes more "faith" to believe in evolution than in creation based on all the written evidence of God and his existence (the bible).
Take some time and study both sides and then decide. If you post a bunch of hate speech it makes me happy because the bible says that I will be persecuted for his names sake so it reinforces my faith. I dont want to fight. It really has little to do with faith as it has all been proven . Faith is simply trusting the one you KNOW to be real.
There are many books online articles etc. about book evolution vs creation etc...read some and then decide. Dont base your decision not to believe on what someone else believes, what you were taught growing up or even sadly a traumatic childhood. read, study and then decide. It will certainly be worth the effort as it will be the single most important decision of your entire life and will determine where you spend eternity. PS No one will burn in hell. Translated from Greek hell is eternal separation from God. The hell you refer to is man made by preachers for money. At any rate separated from my creator is not somewhere I want to live forever. Although its not eternal suffering or burning (a God of love couldn't do that to people) it still will be horrible beyond human comprehension. May you have peace as you INTELLIGENTLY seek the truth. I wish you love and peace on your journey.
The answer to that eluded me for years... why does God allow these thigs to happen...IT NOT HIS KINGDOM YET!. Right now the earth is ruled and reigned by the evil side satan if you will. Christ kingdom will come and this will be Gods world (heaven will be a renewed earth
So now I am a devil worshipper because I believe something different that you do?
Who are you leading to Christ with your tyrades? Or is that not your focus?
By their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:6
Are you following the New Testament by loving your neighbor or are you too busy hurling insults and judgment?
Your exactly why people RUN from Christianity and CHRIST. Sorry to say. JESUS CHRIST died for you AND me! He loves us both equally. I never realized there is a " Im a better christian that you contests because I understand everything in the bible you dont NO ONE understands it all completely not even you
I AM a born again christian JUST as much as you are! So I love you and will see you again
Somebody is smoking the good ###! Puff Puff pass [censored]!