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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting
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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Reviews 15

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting DO NOT GET IT IM WARNING YOU

This app is horrible when you get it it just says free trial if you don’t buy the free trial you just stare at it my sister got this game and I thought it looked fun she had no problem she got straight and she played and I was like oh this looks fun so I get the game and it’s a trial I am thinking that since I’m on my phone I should go on my iPad so it doesn’t have a black thing that might be blocking the acts so I decide to go on my iPad So I go upstairs and I get it and I go on still no wax so I’m like there’s something wrong with this game or is it just me because it worked perfectly fine for my sister so I delete it I I download it again and still no X so I decide that I’m going to delete this game and before that I tried to read the reviews to see if it was just my problem or if it was a problem with everyone else’s and there are a lot of complaints so I do not recommend this game do not get this game it’s a horrible game bye have a good day

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Um I don’t think so

Ok, SO. I’m playing a game and I get a ad and it’s like, “BOOP KIDS, PLAY FREE TODAY!” and it’s this boy with curly hair making his avatar and I’m like, “Oh well wHy NoT, gO tO tHe aPp sTore BeG mY dAd fOr 20 mInuTes tO lEt Me doWnlOad IT wItHouT lOokinG aT rEviEWs! :,D” and that’s exactly what I did finally my dad gave up and was like, “sUre-“ he downloads it and I ran to my room. I open the app and I’m super excited to play with my best friends and my family! So I open up the app it looks So cute! And then it says free trail and I’m like, “oh okay, lots of good games have free trials!” I notice there’s no X and my mind is instantly like, “…wUt .-_-. “ so I pressed quick start , AND IT SENDS ME TO THE FREAKING IPAD PASS TO BUY YO THINGS! and I’m TRIGGERED. These ppl rlly think that kids parents r so tired of them they just get them these things and gets money thrown at them but no- .. just stop already!

-With love, Zodaxy

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting WARNING READ THIS BEFORE THE DOWNLOAD⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

This is an app where you can play and make your avatar I can’t afford to buy this and I wanted to try when I saw this on YouTube it said the app was a free use but it’s not like what it said I saw another review saying the face tracking was fake and this is not good I do recommend the person who made this app change it or make a change so it is free I wanted this app but nvm I wanted to have this app and have fun bc I have currently deleted most of my games on my phone to have this bc I didn’t have enough storage I’m very mad that it’s a rip off and an app that kids can’t have for free no parent or guardian is going to pay 3$ to have an app that kids are probably going to delete I hate how these ppl and apps don’t let you have them if you or going to put a price on the app to where if you want the app you have to pay for the app and the rest is free but no I’m going to say this rn this is an over rated app for those who put 5 stars I do not recommend this app sorry for all those who have paid already and is reading this

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Uh sure but needs to stop trials

Ok let’s start off with the thing that annoys me I saw the add for this game so I downloaded it quick I opened the app and all I got was “GET YOUR FREE TRIAL FOR 3 DAYS” I was disappointed I thought my sis and I could finally get along but now what? You want to make a free trial I saw people complaining about it too but you said “You now longer need to subscribe” but I’m sad cause we only have 3 days to play Boop kids for free then pay each month my family needs to pay bills so can you change it? I have it a 2 stars for effort but the other star was for please change so plz update it to no trials and no subscribing I don’t want everything in boop kids I just want half of the stuff so I can play for real can you change that I’m not forcing you but please change it someday -Your not very satisfied customer Edit:Can you please read this? Your saying I don’t need to subscribe but 3 DAYS? FOR FREE? ONLY THREE? WHAT? This game is for kids! Why only 3 days? Please update it you only updated games but not trials why do we need trials? Please update this

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Why do you have to pay to play?

The game looks fun but when I downloaded it.I have to pay 14.99 just to play for 3 days.Like I thought when I was a kid I was hoping it to be a fun game for kids an don’t need to pay for anything to play.But when I saw that you need to pay 14.99 JUST TO PLAY FOR 3 DAYS I deleted the app.Why? Why are you making the prices so high just to play for 3 days. TELL ME I REALLY WANT TO KNOW.Like parents have to pay Bills every month.And if a kid downloads this and see they have to PAY 14.99 JUST FOR 3 DAYS.They will probably will be telling their mom or dad that”mommy/daddy can U get this for me PLEASE”.Like maybe their mom or dad has a like only a bit of money just barley enough to pay for the bills and their kid is wasting 14.99 of it.Or maybe thief parents are millionaires or billionaires who will do anything for their child I don’t know but please read the thing on the bottom

That is my reason why the prices should be lower or the days should be higher
Oh and by the way they don’t read anything off of the reviews they won’t even see anyone’s comments and I bet they all agree with me.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting DO NOT BY THIS LAME GAME

Okay I was on YouTube and I saw this ad of Boop Kids I thought I looked fun so I downloaded it (and don’t think I just downloaded a game without looking at reviews) I saw lots of 1 starts and people saying that you have to go on a 3 day trial to play I wanted to see for myself so I downloaded it and yep they were right and 14.99 A MONTH I CAN FEED A WHOLE FAMILY WITH THAT MONEY. LIKE YOU COULD’VE AT LEAST MADE IT LIKE 5.99 OR 4.99. Don’t buy this game at all if you download it without looking at reviews it’s not gonna go good for you I bet you like 10$ as soon as you try to play it your gonna delete once you see that you have to go on a 3 day trial to play or just don’t play. I have never seen a game like this, and plus nobody’s following or subscribing these Game Devs if they make you pay money to play the game but it’s free, if you had to pay like 5$ for this game and you had to pay double because of the 3 day trial it will be like 20$. TWENTY DOLLARS, I CAN FEED 10 DOGS WITH THAT MONEY. If you buy this delete it immediately. And something you’ve probably learned from reading this, dont ever download a game without reading reviews.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Scammed

So I saw the add and I was so excited to play but when I tapped on the I couldn’t play because that trial and I didn’t even get to design my avatar other people got to design before that trial came up! And they kept saying that did not have to do the trial ( they were replying to people’s reviews) but there was no “X” and whenever press the circles there’s no mention of a 3 day free trial! So I may edit this if I find out more information anyways have a great day! Edit: So you have to pay 14.99 to play so I kept searching and I found something terrible it used to be nine dollars! Now it fourteen honestly they want money! Some people are getting very little because of corona! And 14.99 is a lot every month you have to pay 15 dollars just for a app?! I was very mad I know they need money but can’t you lower it down because more people would be playing! If you want to make people know that your game isn’t free you should not make it free so people won’t get hyped up!( like where it says “insert number here” on the buy button)that means it’s money! So yeah just do that because most people don’t like that.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting MORE LIKE POOP KIDS ITS STUPID


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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting More like poop kids scam!⚠️

Play abc mouse or adventure academy don’t play this game this game risk your money on 14.99 dollars it’s cost lot this is scam hole for dumb noobs play ,but I am not being mean I am just saying at so no one don’t play it trust me it’s scam Boopkids is lied to you about this game and does are not real youtuber does are fake youtuber this circle the game red flag and red mean scam be careful about scamming if good to be true but lie risking your life on Boopkids is worst say like *umm this game is not scam but how?*play different game that isn’t a scam at dose’t mean you have to play Boopkids it’s just scam if want risking you money on Boopkids be careful it’s is dangerous ⚠️ this only for rich people who can play we are rich but we save money not spending on stupid scam game is bad so be careful about your money on Boopkids ,but I don’t know so try on your own risks ,but does are bots who try scam you it’s possible for yourself get scam who are Rating the game for 5 stars BOTS! don’t listen to them they are lying to you right across your screen if to good to be true but it’s lie the owner of Boopkids are running all the bot make more popular because they hack in to your account for good forever:(

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Do not download!

Ok so first it needs some changes so first about the free trial I saw a bunch of reviews and it was about free trial free trial free trial! And only FOR THREE DAYS ARE YOU KIDDING WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO PAY! This game is for KIDS .K.I.D.S. SO JUST FIX THE FREE TRIAL THING OK? AND 2ND… Me and my friend were at school doing a doodle on a partner thing and we were on iPads and we saw an ad of someone drawing Huggy Wuggy and my friend was scared to death and it was on Friday so when I got home I opened my iPad so I got on YouTube and I saw the same ad and I was like stop the adsssss so this is why I am writing a review plz fix all of this it’s like a mess in my room trust me my room is very messy… And I thought it would be a fun game but no you have to pay like I said how would you like it if someone made a game you liked and you had to pay plus it’s for 4 and up it should be like 10 and up so please fix this stuff all of it if you do I will rewrite and download the app again but you should think about this stuff like the ads the paying and the age stuff I think you should rethink about this stuff ok fix all of this all of it! Do you hear me all of it! From your very very very very mad customer and very very very very sad customer plz fix this bye

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting I hate this app so much (CAUTION LONG REVIEW) LITERAL SPAMMING

First of all where do I start I got this app I’m 5 years old my mom helped me write this review. It brings you too a screen A S SOON AS YOU BUY THE FLIPIN APP TO PAY the first thing I thought was why. I lied about being 5 just like you lied to us.I’m really thirteen and I got this app for my lill bro and I swear I flipped when I saw that screen I thought that it was different and would give you a free thing and just limit the options but no.Dis app is the worst kids app and I’m gonna tell all my family and friends about this app and I’m more popular then you think I am this app is trash and if you wanna fix all of the problems that this app has then be my guest because this app is the trashiest app on the face of Mother Earth! I hope you read this and respond because this app and whoever made it lost there brain and dumped it down the drain as soon as I opened the app I told my brother he got upset I deleted the app as soon as possible. Long story not short I’m gonna SUE You guys and if you don’t believe me then guess what I’m a influencer so guess what if these problems don’t get Fixed then I’m gonna sue. Oh and btw if there was a 0 star version this app is first place if the was a bad app club yours would be in it if there was a penny for each flaw of this app you would be rich for the fronting and you would be upset how rich you would be!Yall are maniacs.I am disgusted by this app.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Make it free please

So I downloaded it once but I deleted it because it wants me to pay and I hate games that I have to pay for so please make it free or maybe nobody will play if there parents say no,and people will hate it if you do no make it free and they will and write a review ab it being free for those parents are broke..SO MAKE IT FREE BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN RATE THIS APP ZERO AND PEOPLE CAN NEVER PLAY IT AGAIN SO MAKE IT FREE!...anyway it is boring so add more stuff and make it free people will delete this app if you don’t and I am never playing this again because why should I? I can’t even play..any way who does this when you first get in the game? NOBODY THATS RIGHT NOBODY SO MAKE IT FREE..btw I feel like everybody rated this game 0-1,everybody will probably will delete this app if you keep having to pay on this boring app, so change it fast before EVERYBODY I MEAN EVERYBODY ON EARTH DELETES IT OKAY! It is not fair for poor people who can only pay for their needs your like.. A BIG BIG BULLY TO THISE HAVING TO PAY A LOT OF make it free right away because like I said everybody will delete the app if they keep having to pay for it... btw I read a review saying you do not have to pay anymore BUT YOU DO...and you keep telling these players you can now play but u can’t I am not giving it about her chance at all it is not playable if you have to pay so I ain’t giving it a second chance you know your company can get low on money for doing this,right? So don’t respond what you do for other players cause it ain’t playable and that is final cause I am just a normal seven year old trying to hav Erin BUT THEN THIS GAME RUINS IT SO PLEASE CHANGE THIS NOW

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Horrible App!

If your thinking about downloading this app, think again because this app makes you think it’s free because it’s free ON THE APP SOTRE but you have to automatically pay if you want to genuinely play the games. This app is a waste of money because there are many other apps for kids out there that can save you money and are better. I also feel like the games they give you are a bit stupid in my opinion because they aren’t very fun for kids. This app is horrible, I do not recommend downloading it and having to pay money to customize some character and play stupid games. This app is a children’s game, right? Then why are there apps that kids probably have no interest in?! All the Boop kids ads never say anything about the subscription you have to pay for 3 days free then $15 A MONTH!? That is a total waste of money. You might think it’s a great app but getting rid of that 3 day free trial page is impossible because you HAVE to pay to play the game and customize your characters. I severely DO NOT recommend paying money for this app. I’ve also heard some very bad reviews on the Boop kids avatar creator being rigged and not working on a iPad or a Laptop. I have tried this trick our myself on my iPad and my laptop and I found it is in fact rigged. How? Well, it freezes the screen every time you try playing a game. You then have to remove the tab and try again but it still won’t work. For these reasons I really don’t recommend or understand why anyone would pay $15 a month for a stupid app like this. I hope this all finds you well if you thought/are thinking about downloading this app and wasting your money on an app that doesn’t deserve it. Thank you for reading!

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Are you guys still asking your parents about this?

This is just worse than other games I hate this. It has a free trail!? You have you waste all your money on this dumb stupid game to play it for FREE? Very fun, NOT. This game looks fun, but when you download it as a parent..You have to waste money on a game! Downloading this as a kid is even more FREAKING Worst! You have to pay to play it? This game is literally fun on ads? It’s Some Radom Kids speaking but when it’s on a ad, THEY VOICE IT OVER ON THE KID so you can’t hear their real voice! They put a more exciting voice changer on THEM!? They are forcing little kids to be on their ad and have some exciting voice, but they really may sound like they can’t trust this Radom person to make them sound like a happy child when playing a game they have! And once the ad of the game is done, INSTEAD THEY MAKE THEM SOUND EXCITING WITH A VOICE CHANGER! It’s very disturbing to hear the weird voice changer! Please let the people watching the ad hear a REAL VOICE SPEAKING! Not just a dumb stupid Voice Changer speaking to us! And the last time I will see this ad, the Answer is FREAKING NO. I won’t download this GARBAGE! Your forcing kids on the ad to be happy and sound exciting and then they tell us to download this app with a weird voice changer? I’m not now. I feel bad for the kids on the ad speaking to happy children to download this game over and over and over. You know what? One star. No I’m not downloading it Please and for only, when I download this I was asking my mom about this app with the free trail and she said no. I’m not downloading it and please if they keep asking me again. It’s No. No. No. No. That’s the same word I’m gonna say if they tell me to download this game. It’s one star outta of five don’t ask me if I’m enjoying it, I deleted it. The answer is no. Thank you for wasting my time have a bad day.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Oh god, I’m about to start controversy…DON’T TAKE SERIOUSLY

WARNING: DO NOT TAKE THIS REVIEW SERIOUSLY. I WAS BORED AND DECIDED TO TRY THIS APP. KIDS ARE KIDS AND LET THEM LIVE. The avatar creator menu is like if boop asked Wii if they could copy their homework but just make it slightly different. Case in point: THEY LITERALLY STOLE ASSETS FROM THE WII MII MAKER AND CALLED IT THEIR OWN. now sure, give credit where credit’s due. They did put in some original assets whether that being The whole team of Pumpkin Heads! Or hats your can put on your…how do I call this creature…A Boop I guess. Aside from that. The ad campaign. I just got a Halloween ad IN THE MIDDLE OF MAY. Now this could just be another greedy plot to get the money and cheap it out like Mr. Krabs, or they just couldn’t get the funds to make another one. Speaking of ads, Why is there a little girl drawing Huggy Wuggy? Granted, he’s not really scary to older audiences, but what kind of five year old kid is gonna see this ad and go “oh yayyyy! Huggy Wuggy! Mommy get me this game!” Also, the first time I heard boop kids was when there was the girl who was talking about it. I wasn’t looking at the screen, and when she said “boop kids”, I THOUGHT SHE SAID BOOB KIDS. might wanna rename that title. I have an idea. Bop Kids. Actually, no. That’s way to close to Kidz Bop. But whatever, wait. They still make these? Why am I even ranting on this kids game? Let them live! I watched IT when I was seven, and wetted the bed! Ok. Moving on to… Is it original? Or a ripoff. Now. This is the JUICY part. Toca World came out 11/21. Now Boopers came out the literal next day. Boop kids is literally the exact same as Toca World. Some guy made this in their basement. Next topic is…I can’t think of anything else..REMEMBER, DON’T TAKE ANYTHING I SAID IN THIS REVIEW SERIOUSLY. (I WAS JUST BORED AND DECIDED TO THIS FOR (FUN) PLEASE DON’T AN ASSASSIN TO KILL ME. Like PaRappa, You Gotta Believe!

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Complaints 16

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting This game is not taking my date of birth

I got the app then clicked Quick Start.So it said Enter your date of birth so I Put in my date of birth and the last number was not going in the slot.I do not know how to rate it. So I have no choice but to rate it as one star cause I can’t put zero.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting This isnt free and im mad

This game was thinking it was gonna be fun at first because it was free but when we got it my kid was so mad he was crying, he did it because YOU ACTUALLY HAD TO BUY TO GET THIS. THIS GAME SHOULD BE FREE BECAUSE IT SAYS IT IS, please just make it free already.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Stop the free trial pls

So toady I saw tome this one but the tepid free trial page sold up and this is for kids so don’t you wan kids to have fun?and a lot of people feel me when I see a cool game FREE pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls put the free trial to an end until then one⭐️

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Is Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Legit?

Boop Kids - Smart Parenting earns a trustworthiness rating of 100%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: Boop Kids - Smart Parenting stands out for their exceptional legitimacy, according to ComplaintsBoard’s detailed analysis. This highlights Boop Kids - Smart Parenting's reputation as a trustworthy leader in their field. Customers can rely on Boop Kids - Smart Parenting's services, assured they're dealing with a highly reputable and fully legitimate company.

Boop Kids - Smart Parenting resolved 100% of 16 negative reviews, its exceptional achievement and a clear indication of the company's unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. It would suggest that the company has invested heavily in customer service resources, training, and infrastructure, as well as developed an effective complaint resolution process that prioritizes customer concerns.

A long registered date for can be seen as a positive aspect for Boop Kids - Smart Parenting as it indicates a commitment to maintaining the website and its domain name for a long period of time. It also suggests that the company is organized and has taken steps to secure its online presence.

The age of Boop Kids - Smart Parenting's domain suggests that they have had sufficient time to establish a reputation as a reliable source of information and services. This can provide reassurance to potential customers seeking quality products or services. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats. regularly updates its policies to reflect changes in laws, regulations. These policies are easy to find and understand, and they are written in plain language that is accessible to all customers. This helps customers understand what they are agreeing to and what to expect from Boop Kids - Smart Parenting.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • has relatively low traffic compared to other websites, it could be due to a niche focus, but could also indicate a potential lack of traffic and popularity. The may offer a niche product or service that is only of interest to a smaller audience.
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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Hate it scam worst game ever!

I know this game is for kids and bla bla bla but the money you pay to play is crazy !83.99 dollars is way to much yeah my DAD is rich but others can you can’t! So make it free or I’m telling everyone don’t play in my school!… so pls make this game free so I can try it out!

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting WHY

So I was playing a game and saw a add for this game so I downloaded it and I open the game to find a screen that said “ unlock the best content for your kids” so ya you need to pay 9.99 to play the game and I’m bored and I’m stuck inside because of the Coronavirus and have nothing to do

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting FIX THIS I AM SO TIGGgERd

I click the mom and click her it’s like oh please pay and I am like YOU WANN STELL OK Then I start hit the app and I have felling its talking Angela then look to see much and its like really REAlLY priceeeeee the I click restore then it get out pay thingy and IT WANTS STELL YoUR MoNEYS

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Worst game EVER

So I got this game to try it out and I had to pay to play. So how can any kid pay this game just to play something stupid. And if it is for kids then why does an adult need to be there?and this app does not sound fun at if you see this don’t get this game it is trash and it is a waste of your time

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On ads it makes it look like it does NOT involve MONEY

U are wrong it has $7.99 for 6 months per month then there a LIMTED that cost $9.99 for one month then there is one that is $6.99 for a year and 2019 is about to be 2020 SO THAT ONE WILL NOT LAST LONG


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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting I don’t wanna pay!

So I got this app so I could play with my family I was so excited then I opened the app and then there was a offer I tried to fine a ‘X’ mark on the screen but I can’t fined it! I didn’t want to pay for it cause my mom was tired so I tried everything I could do but nothing worked! I’m am really mad now! Please delete the offer!

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting One star

I don’t get why a kids game cost money. I’m nine and I think it would be a good game if you didn’t haft to pay why do you need to pay if you want money then just make the whole app cost money. Some parents want a safe game for there kids and they haft to pay and they don’t have the money to afford it so please change it Boop kids.

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting WHAT A SCAM!

I know, I know– It looks fun, but–

" DoWnlOad noW fOr frEE! "




if not— your using your parents id card for it!

Good luck!

( Sorry if I'm being so harsh )

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting I don’t like this

So,I downloaded this app...buttttt when I was creating my character,I didn’t know how to get into the real game.There was this add that said...well... I forget but it really annoyed me.oh now I remember!The add said you could get membership but unfortunately...YOU NEEDED TO PAY !The people that made this apple is cra-cray!All you do is force people to pay and get the membership.And my would never ever pay for this.‍♂️
So,try to make this app better ‍♀️

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Great game but how do I start?

Hey! I was downloading the game, super excited to start playing! It started loading and oh boy was I ready! But when the game finally loaded this add thing pops up it said “Get the best experience for your kids!” It was a thing to pay money and free trails, but how do I start playing for free? Is the game not free? Am I missing something? I even restarted the game and the page still popped up, now it was associated with the game, but when I got it from the app-store it didn’t cost money. Please help me so I.can play the game!

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting How do I play :3

Ok so in teh beginning I try to log in because i have already played it but...I deleted it so I tried again and...again wouldn't work so i was like”Hedge no i am N.O.T paying this!”But did i listen to myself...NO i listened to meh heart but dont worry i did not pay it my heart said”do not pay it just...get it”so i was like well...maybe so i got it and blah blah blah but!just but it said are you ready!”ASK A PARENT FOR FLIPPING HELP!”so fudge the person who made “Boop kids”more like “BOOB kids” and thats meh story and im never in my life getting this game like never ever! :3

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting WHY WOULD U DO THIS?!?

Ok so I saw the ad and was like Oh this could be a way me and my sis could bond but when I downloaded it it INSTANTLY brought me to a screen that said at the top “GET THE BEST CONTENT FOR YOUR KIDS” And there were things u had to pay for to play there was a 6 months 1 month and 1 year but I didn’t want any VIP thing or whatever, at least I think it’s a VIP pass. But I DONT WANT THAT so I was looking for an X or something so I could just play the game and THERE WAS NOTHING! There was only Terms and services, privacy policy, the buttons to get the things, and a restore AND THEY DONT DO ANYTHING! Please fix it. Like now cause I AM SO DANG MAD!

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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Not worth downloading

I really don't like this app. When i first saw the ad for game i got really excited because you can design your own character since my daughter really loves to design characters,but when I downloaded it was on this white screen with little people then a random thing popped up at first while it was saying “downloading coolness” or something like that i thought it was going bring up the make your character or make a account.options of what you wanna pay. I feel like this is horrible. Why would you make a kids game that you have to pay for. It really isn't worth buying for a game that kids play,enjoy,and love,until you dont have the money to pay your membership. Boop Kids please fix this it would make so many people happy.

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About Boop Kids - Smart Parenting

Screenshot Boop Kids - Smart Parenting
Boop Kids is a website that offers smart parenting tips and advice to parents who want to raise their children in the best way possible. The website is designed to provide parents with a wealth of information on various topics related to parenting, including child development, education, health, and nutrition.

One of the key features of Boop Kids is its focus on smart parenting. The website provides parents with practical tips and advice on how to raise their children in a way that promotes their physical, emotional, and intellectual development. The website also offers a range of resources, including articles, videos, and podcasts, that are designed to help parents navigate the challenges of parenting.

Another important aspect of Boop Kids is its emphasis on child development. The website provides parents with information on the different stages of child development, from infancy to adolescence, and offers tips on how to support their children's growth and development at each stage. This includes advice on how to promote language development, social skills, and cognitive development.

In addition to child development, Boop Kids also focuses on education. The website offers resources on a range of educational topics, including early childhood education, homeschooling, and online learning. Parents can find information on how to choose the right school for their child, how to support their child's learning at home, and how to navigate the challenges of remote learning.

Boop Kids also provides parents with information on health and nutrition. The website offers tips on how to promote healthy eating habits, how to keep children active and engaged, and how to prevent and manage common childhood illnesses.

Overall, Boop Kids is a valuable resource for parents who want to raise their children in a way that promotes their physical, emotional, and intellectual development. With its focus on smart parenting, child development, education, health, and nutrition, the website provides parents with the information and resources they need to help their children thrive.

Overview of Boop Kids - Smart Parenting complaint handling

Boop Kids - Smart Parenting reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 9, 2023. The latest review DO NOT GET IT IM WARNING YOU was posted on Jun 13, 2023. The latest complaint This game is not taking my date of birth was resolved on Jun 13, 2023. Boop Kids - Smart Parenting has an average consumer rating of 5 stars from 31 reviews. Boop Kids - Smart Parenting has resolved 16 complaints.
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    May 13, 2024
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Boop Kids - Smart Parenting Category
Boop Kids - Smart Parenting is ranked 9 among 15 companies in the Baby Clothing category

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