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Briarbrook Kennel

Briarbrook Kennel review: Puppy Mill 29

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7:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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Dont buy a puppy from these hacks. Picked up a German Shepherd puppy from this place, sent home with the wrong dog, a dose of antibiotics just in case it had kennel cough and then tested positive for Giardinia when I brought to my own vet for a health check. Unsocialized puppy, born and tossed in a chain link kennel until 8 weeks old and sold to familes as an in-bred sub standard dog. This was a big mistake, the place is dirty, breeds 3-4 different kinds of dogs and is all about the money. They truly are a puppy mill,
Briarbrook kennels in NH - don't make the same mistake I did.

Update by Lobsta
Jun 27, 2013 2:44 pm EDT

I didn't realize it was different dog until I got it home and compared to the pic's I took when first looked at 7 weeks. Different markings and size. I've had 3 other puppies that I raised to be great dogs, as we will with this one, but dissapointed this will be more work. I did the research and just didn't see anything good or bad online about this place and wanted to get the word out. It's a factory!

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Hampstead, US
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Nov 15, 2013 12:59 pm EST

A letter I sent to Monique, owner of Briarbrook Kennel:
In June 2013 we purchased a German Shepherd pup from you. We named him Jake. You may remember because I was crazy about the possibility of him having hip dysplasia. (His hips have been no issue.)

Jake was born on February 27, 2013. Breeder was Ginger Wise. Sire - Apollo / Dam - [censored]. I'm telling you this as the vet says that the breeder needs to be contacted. Jake has been diagnosed with Juvenile Renal Dysplasia. Although the vet cannot say how much time he has, he does not sound optimistic.

Our hearts are breaking as we didn't notice any symptoms until Wednesday night when he threw up. Even then I thought he had possibly eaten something he shouldn't have. I never imagined that I would go back to the animal hospital to pick up Jake and hear the vet say, "I'm so sorry . . ."

Since I cannot find any contact information on "Ginger Wise" I am hoping that you contact her on our and Jake's behalf, as JRD is genetic. I pray that "Ginger" is responsible and cares enough to do what she can to prevent, as much as humanly possible, other puppies and families from going through this pain. I need to believe that those who breed these beautiful animals really do care about the health and well being of the breeds. Otherwise, I have to live with the guilt that I have perpetuated a serious problem.

We love him and he has added so much to our lives. His life may be cut short, but it has been a pretty freaking awesome 5 months. He's been to the beach, he loves the dog park in Kingston, we love hiking with him through the woods, his favorite activity is chasing squirrels, birds, and leaves. He has been the perfect dog for our family.
He's our baby . . . he's only 8 months old.

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Dec 09, 2013 11:32 am EST

Please file a complaint with the State Vet Dr. Crawford. What she is doing is against the law and she needs to be held accountable for it. Please contact me for more details. I had a very similar experience!

Melissa Lynch
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Apr 02, 2017 5:42 pm EDT

I'm having issues with her too. I got a sick dog. Said she'd pay for meds seen nothing. Now another emergency visit her left hip is barley in socket she only 7mo old. I'm pissed off now. Thinking dysplasia. Will confirm with more xrays

Odenton, US
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Dec 25, 2013 9:39 am EST

I purchased my boy Vegas from Briarbrook back in 2004. He was born in Nov 2003 and I believe he was the runt of the litter and put in with a diferent litter all together. I was young, just 24 at the time, and was so excited to be picking up my own first bundle of joy. I should have been more skeptical of my surroundings. Crates stacked on crates and the awful smell of urine and feces was overwhelming. The pups were kept in giant bins that you see vegetables in at the grocery store, and the kicker was they were selling "rare blue-eyed german shepherds." Since I KNEW after my extensive breed research that that eye color was completely freakish, I figured my brown eyed handsome boy was fine. They gave me antibiotics because he was snuffly and snorty and "may have a bit of kennel cough." Upon his first vet visit back home (I lived way out in western MA, a solid 4 hrs drive away), the vet asked me where in the hell did I get this pup as he has been in-bred and was a genetic disaster. I was devastated. I emailed and called the breeder, to which the response was, "There's nothing wrong with your puppy, your vet is clueless. If he has a specific diagnosis, drive him back to NH for a vet check with OUR vet (yeah, right) and if he agrees, we will give you a new puppy. Ended up keeping my boy and so thankful I did as he was wonderful and the best friend a young single woman could have ever asked for. He was sick for a long time as a young dog with irritable bowel syndrome, but battled through and grew to a healthy 110lb protector. I just said goodbye to him 32 days ago after 10 years, he had cancer. While I ended up having a great dog, I would suggest you look and think long and hard about buying a pup from these back yard breeders. It isn't fair to families who get attached to the pups or the dogs who get so sick only to have it thrown back in your face by the breeders, as though WE the consumer have done something wrong.
RIP Vegas 11/8/2003-12/23/2013

Rachel Daley
Brockton, US
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Jan 31, 2014 3:12 pm EST

I bought a beautiful white male boxer from briarbrook kennel yesterday & he seemed fine..well not even 12 hrs later he was figity, puking, coughing & would not sleep.All night we stayed up with him & by morning he would not move or even lift his head & now not eating so we took him to our vet even tho we were given signed vet papers stating he was fine & checked the day we bought him.Our vet within minutes heard his lungs & immediately ordered an xray which showed a fluid mass the size of a baseball in his left lung which that size in a 14 week old puppy is pretty much his whole lung. We cannot afford what the vet said he needed [protected] $$ .We payed for meds to start & immediately called briarbrook to return him. They at first said it's impossible till we told them we got it on disk for their vet to see. We drive the 2 1/2 hrs back up there, give her the meds & she throws them in the trash goes to a cabinet & pulls out a needle.I say what is that? She says it's steroids & goes to inject him.I say are u a vet? She says no. I say so is that why he was fine for a while cause u hide their sickness with steroids? She started getting angry well at this point I'm pissed & had to be escorted out by my hunny. I will be calling the neccesary people & a news crew on them. After seeing all these stories it disgusts me that their STILL LEGALLY OPEN

Pembroke, US
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Feb 02, 2014 10:24 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The allegations on this board are completely untrue! I have been to Briarbrook Kennel, I have purchased 3 of my dogs from them in the last 25 years. This place is immaculate! Anyone that is saying it is filthy is LYING! Go see for your self. I know they are licensed, and that would mean having to pass inspections from their state of NH. The state would never allow "filthy, disgusting" conditions. The puppies are always well socialized and healthy. Could a puppy get sick immediately upon going home, I'm sure it is possible! But these people take GREAT care of there dogs!

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Feb 03, 2014 10:32 am EST

Rachel please message me! I would love to speak with you regarding this kennel. I also purchased a Boxer from them and had an awful experience. I would urge you to contact Dr. Crawford the New Hampshire State Vet and Ann Taylor the Pittsfield ACO.

Trailhiker the puppy I purchased recently was deemed unfit for sale by my Vet less than a week after purchasing her. She has been struggling with her health ever since we got her. I have loads of proof from my Vet and I know for a fact there are others that have had the same problem recently as well.

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Feb 27, 2014 9:42 am EST

I went to a place called Birken Wald Kennels in Pittsfield NH for a german shepherd, It has been one issue after another from the start wtih constant battles with Teri Townsend who is the owner, she will not assist us with a known issue that she listed in the original health cert and states to me now that if we cannot afford what the dog needs maybe we should not have a dog, I love my dog and he is part of my family but I should not be treated this way, I reached out to the AKC as he is registered as well as his parents - as well as the German Shepherd Club of America which she is not registered through, This dog now needs an abdomen surgery just to neuter him and the breeder will not take care of the extra cost of the surgery knowing that he had the issue from day one, this dog is still under the age of 1 which makes her responisble, Can some one please help me and email me at, I dont know what else to do but never use this lady seriously.

Methuen, US
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Mar 03, 2014 10:14 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

So it looks like there are two shady breeders in the town of Pittsfield. I wonder if the town looks the other way because of connections they have or just don't know what is going in. Anyways why on earth would you purchase a puppy with a known health issue? What kind of health guarantee did you get? Briarbrook atleast gives one year. If they gave you nothing then you are out of luck. After all you willing purchased a puppy with a known health issue when that should have a been a sign to walk away. That's like purchasing a car that you and the dealer both knew there were problems yet now are upset that you have to pay to fix it.

Yarmouth Port, US
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Mar 07, 2014 1:00 pm EST

I also have bought 2 Germany shepherds from Monique. Shadow lived till 12 with no problems except her old age at the end and I have 3 yr old named rex. Again no issues and a beautiful dog as we get compliments all the time on his looks. People need to realize that when you buy a dog many issues can come up. It sucks that your dog is sick but this could have happened to any puppy from any breeder. Also Moniques briar brook kennels is nothing like a puppy mill. I have been there twice and found the place very professional and have nothing bad to say about the conditions. FYI I am so against puppy mills I would never buy from a mill. Just Mt two cents.

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Mar 17, 2014 5:45 pm EDT

I have only, and will always only, purchase my German Shepherd Dogs from Briarbrook Kennel. My dogs have always been gorgeous, healthy dogs with amazing temperaments. They have been amazing with other dogs and children and have never had any health issues. I also send my dogs to Briarbrook for boarding when we are out of town and would trust no one else. My dogs are always in the best hands when I leave and enjoy their play time with other dogs. The facility has never been a cause for concern for me, and the fact that is passes all its inspections is another peace of mind. The people that are complaining that it smells amaze me-first you complain that it smells like pee or poop (I know its crazy to think that your animals go to the bathroom) then you complain that you can smell cleaning agents. It smells exactly as vet offices do and as I am a stickler for what chemicals my animals are around I am happy to know EVERYTHING that is used in the kennels is safe. I think those who are saying that their dogs are inbreds are, well to put it simply ###S, you have your dogs papers to show you that they are not. Also if you are saying your vet simply looked at your dog and could tell their lineage then PLEASE tell me who these world renowned vets are...because they would save a lot of people who are interested in DNA testing their mutts a lot of money if they can tell things like that by just looking at a dog, simply amazing! Also the mere fact that you are associated with other licensed breeders means that have built relationships with reputable breeders so that if you have a family that is looking for your help with the search for a healthy puppy coming from a good home you have somewhere to start. Briarbrook Kennel helped my brother find his French Bulldog this way and we wouldn't change a thing about the process! I would highly recommend Briarbrook Kennel for puppies or boarding!

Hill, US
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Apr 23, 2014 6:24 am EDT

I bought a yorkie there two years ago. His paperwork stated he was pet quality because of a slight underbite which I was aware of. Paperwork also stated that he was certified healthy by their vet . Took him to my own vet the next day, and he had kennel cough, parasites and fleas. Briarbrook would not return my phone calls. Got ahold of the vet who supposedly had examined him the day before I bought him. He said he was not at Briarbrook on that day...papers were phony. Love my little guy to pieces, but he has severe allergies which have cost me a fortune, and would indicate poor breeding practices to me...beware.

shi, US
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May 10, 2014 10:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We were just about to purchase a Rotti named Micky that she had sold as a pup but the owned and had another baby and couldn't Handle it. The ad said championship blood lines, registered etc. I contacted Ms. Townsend told her what we were looking for. She for some reason dropped the price and her lack of professionalism came shining thru when I asked about documentation of shots for my vet and insurance. She gave me the run around, vaccinated him she said today herself and wormed him. She then warns me he has a rash from his plastic collar it looks bad, I cleaned it good I'll send him home with med and it should heal. I asked if she would please send me a picture and shared our hopes of Shutzhund training with him and our female. She responded she is giving him to someone else and I have no clue and what insurance. I thanked her and had to tell our kids. I have email proof of conversations, she gave me a Vet to call she was selling a sick rotti who is intact she claims going crazy being around In heat females. I am concerned. I'm Sad it didn't work out but I have a puppy to worry about too. nasty rude ignorant person. don't buy from her

Pittsfield, US
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May 12, 2014 4:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

loveourrotti, you are talking about Birken Wald Kennel owned by Ms Townsend.. this complaint that you are commenting on is about Briarbrook kennel owned by a Ms Lemay. Please be careful of what business you are talking about as to not give a business even more of a bad name. Thank you.

Hampstead, US
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May 13, 2014 3:18 pm EDT

UPDATE to my comment dated November 15, 2013 . . . A letter I sent to Monique, owner of Briarbrook Kennel.

Unfortunately, I uploaded my comment before I gave Monique and Briarbrook a chance to respond. I'm sorry I have been delayed in writing this, but I would like to set the record straight. After the news of Jake's illness I was very upset and immediately jumped on the internet looking for any information regarding (1) JRD, (2) Ginger Wise, the breeder, and (3) Briarbrook Kennels. I never had a complaint with Monique or Briarbrook. I was more desperate to get the word out to Ginger Wise.

That is why I want to give an update and a fair comment on Monique and Briarbrook. Monique did respond to my email. She responded with surprise and obvious, sincere regret that this would be happening to my puppy. She requested copies of Jake's vet records so that she could show them to her vet. Monique and I have been in frequent contact; she has handled this very difficult situation with kindness, professionalism, and great concern for Jake. I have stated to her numerous times that I truly appreciate that I can contact her regarding Jake and that she will respond in a timely manner. She has never been rude or abrupt.

Also, in reading other posts I would like to mention that on my visit to BB I did not feel that the kennels were dirty. Actually, I thought that the kennels were clean looking with there was no noticeable odor. I had my young kids with me, if it was smelly and dirty you can believe me that they would have noticed and mentioned it (or at the very least held their little noses while repeating P-U -- didn't happen). We asked and were allowed to visit with a couple of the German Shepherds. The dogs looked healthy and happy and were social.

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May 20, 2014 12:48 pm EDT

Briarbrook Kennel was just featured in the Humane Society of the United States 101 worst puppy mills publication! After the experience I had with this place and everything our puppy went through I am glad to see the truth is finally starting to catch up with them.

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Jul 16, 2014 10:35 am EDT

I agree with everyone who is stating do not buy a puppy from this breeder. I have had nothing but problems with the Shiba Inu that was purchased from here. Thousands and Thousands of dollars at the Vet. I agree that Monique is responsive and does try to help but the fact is they are selling PUPPIES THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BREED. DO NOT BUY. Most of the puppies are not breed by her, she buys them from other puppy mills in the medwest.

Kimberley G
Lowell, US
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Oct 31, 2014 6:58 am EDT

Hi, My name is Kimberley G and on Feb 27 2014 someone posted a comment on this page under the name KimmieAnne regarding an issue that I was having they illegally took my complaint from another site and listed it here, I did not in any way post this review to this site. This matter has already been settled between the breeder and myself and I believe this review needs to be removed as not coming from the original source which would be myself. I have already removed the review in which I myself posted. This one was not authorized by me or supported by me. I think this website should remove it at my request as well as the owner of the Birkenwald Kennel Teri as being invalid.

Hudson, US
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Feb 27, 2015 9:29 pm EST

You may have seen my complaint from a year ago about my sick yorkie puppy I purchased from Monique at Briarbrook Kennel. An update and new complaint on this puppy mill! My Yorkie Angel is a year old now. I reported the company to as many places as I could. I could only be hopeful that my puppy would get better and live a normal life. She is my child. Best thing that would happen to me. A year ago Monique only contacted me due to the complaints and having her be investigated. She asked me to take my post down. But i put it as resolved instead. It is not resolved. My puppy was sick for months. Finally she got better and created herself a loving personality. She became healthy and loves to run outside. I ended up noticing that she had 2 rows of teeth! Her baby teeth were not falling out. They never did. I had to get them surgically removed to prevent gum disease and pain. This is a genetic issue some dogs get. Monique did not breed my dog. She came from Missouri.(disclosed on her pedigree) This was not dosclosed to me verbally before purchase. I had the option to trade my puppy in for another yorkie. Absolutely not. After speaking with Monique that day i never heard from her again. She wanted the complaint off and that was all! A year later i went to bring my puppy for her yearly exam as well as a check up due to her left eye beeing white and cloudy...something that just came on a week ago. My vet tells me that Angel is 100% blind in her left eye and is likely to happen to her other eye. She has juvenille cataracts. The cause of this is genetic. I now need to go to a specialist for further treatment. I will keep posted on what i find out from a specialist about her disease. Do not buy from Monique and Briarbrook Kennel. She also sends her puppies off to be sold at neighboring pet stores! She has no love for these animals. Just a way to make money! I have spoken with A LOT of dog owners who have bought from breeders! Breeders keep in touch and check in on their animals! Others like to follow on facebook to be able to see them growing and post on their website. Others get letters in the mail hoping all is well and reminded of the contact info and hope to be repeat customers. Others receive collars and name tags. My dog received a year of suffering and will continue to suffer. And we all know who is to blame!

Twilight Kennels
Jericho, US
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Mar 10, 2015 3:29 am EDT

My daughter bought a GSD puppy from them 31/2 weeks ago. The poor thing has had diarrhea from the time she was picked up. Paperwork states that pup was seen @ their vet and treated for Giardia. Well, she has it still! In my 35 years of Animal Services I have never owned nor supported a Puppymill. I would never sell a sick puppy or one with explosive liquid stools. I have always and will forever send a healthy pup or Rescued one home with a 3 week supply of good food, Eagle or California Natural, all pups or dogs that have papers the papers are turned over once that Animal is spayed/altered. ALL my registered puppies go with a puppy registration form, a photocopy of their parents lineage and photos of the parents. This "Kennel" won't even give me the Sire/dams registered names for me to look up! So, we paid $800.00 for a sick puppy mill puppy that has cost us another few hundred dollars by itself. Now I get to call my clients and tell them that their beloved pet has been exposed to Giardia. Pay for their fecals and treatments. And it puts a stain on MY name and business. 35 years I have been Rescuing, training, breeding Service dogs, boarding and I have not ever had a dog with Giardia. Until we got "Abbie" from BriarBrook!
Not amused. Next complaint is going to HSUS and AKC as the papers were NOT transferred with the puppy! Horrid horrid treatment of Animals. It is all about the $$$$.
Ps. "Abbie" is a spastic pup with NO house manners! Very typical, of Puppy Mill pups! She has never seen the inside of a house to learn basic house rules. Just dumped in a kennel room to spread Giardia to all the other puppies there. BEWARE! BUYER BEWARE! Do NOT support this Puppy Mill.

Twilight Kennels
Jericho, US
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Mar 16, 2015 9:45 am EDT

I need to post a retraction to this comment as I cannot delete it. I have been in touch with Monique since last week and she has done well by this situation! The one who first answers my complaint was NOT her. I have found Monique to be very helpful and upfront. She is standing behind this puppy and our purchase. Please do not take all the complaints as Gospel and give Monique a chance to respond. If there are any issues, please talk directly to her before jumping the gun like I did.
Sincerely, Wanda Chapman.
Twilight Kennels

Mi-hye P.
Tivoli, US
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Jun 19, 2015 10:10 am EDT

Hi, I'm 12 years old (almost 13). But I'm very mature for my age. I've been doing so much research on dog breeds and my family and I have been looking for a dog for about 6 months. I love the Shiba Inu, and then I found Briarbrook Kennel in Pittsfield, NH. I want to make sure that the puppy we get is healthy and perfect; so we can bond with a new part of the family without worrying that it's going to get sick soon. On their website, all of the reviews are good, saying that the kennel is clean and the puppies are healthy. But these complaints sound terribly awful, and I'm sorry for all that has happened to your beloved puppies. I'm not sure whether to trust the Briarbrook Kennel or listen to you guys. Help?

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Feb 02, 2016 8:30 pm EST

I got a German Shepherd puppy from them as well. He had diarrhea the first day. We went to their vet after about 5 days of his non stop diarrhea. He said he is a very healthy puppy but did have tapeworms from fleas most likely in their kennels, but this isn't uncommon for kennels he said. The puppy had gone from 20lbs to 17lbs. Claimed it was just due to two different scales. He gave the puppy a single shot and said he'd be fine. Week later, puppy's diarrhea had not gone away but his appetite did. He stopped eating after that we brought him to our vet. Our vet says the stool sample we brought was packed with tapeworms, bacteria, and the next day the results came in positive for Giardia. Our vet said that these worms must have been in him since he was at Briarbrook because they had already been through their full cycle and then some. Our puppy has also gotten too thin to ignore. Other things we told our vet seemed to concern her, but Mr. Smiley had no concerns whatsoever. I hadn't looked at reviews for this kennel or their vet "Mr. Smiley" but once I did... sure enough other people with the same issue. Mr. Smiley may or may not be a bad vet but I have a hunch that if your dog comes from the Briarbrook, which he checks up on every 10 days (so he says), then he has less thorough approach to checking over your puppy's condition. His review in general though seem to point towards him doing as little as possible. Do yourself a favor and don't get a dog from this place but if you do BRING THE PUPPY TO YOUR OWN VET!

Xuan Mcc
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Mar 17, 2017 8:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We bought a male German Shepherd puppy from them on March 15th, 2017. He has been very calm, healthy and easy going with my two young children (3 and 8). Today is the third day at our home and this 8 weeks puppy already knows to go to the bathroom outside! He is amazing. I don't see the same problem as the other people complained. It looks like a regular place to me - I mean if you want it clean and nice then go to a 5-star hotel? So far, we are very happy with the addition to our family. Not like the other breeders, this place does not ask you to fill an application form, and tell you if the dog is a good fit because you have young children, or you don't have young children, blah blah blah. Attach a picture of Max sitting in our yard. He is so cute!

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P Haddad
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Mar 30, 2017 11:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased our Hazel in 2007. I 've seen all of these bad issues and I feel sorry for all of you. I did not find it dirty at all. We met her parents (Grand Kaymen and Gert), who were wonderful. We have never had any health issues with her. She has been the most amazing dog we could ask for. She is so smart and kind. Wonderful with my kids She has the best temperment that I 've ever seen in a german Shepherd. It is with great sorrow that she has cancer. We are devastated and not ready to lose her. We will never find another dog like her. We are considering getting another pup after she has passed. It will take us quite a while to get over it, but we definitely will consider Briarbrook again. It has been 8 years and I am going to be a little skeptical after all these bad reviews. I hope that's not the case.

Mum’s Kins
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Jan 17, 2023 12:24 pm EST
Replying to comment of P Haddad

Well, it is now 2023. We purchased a female German Shepherd from briar Brook in 2019. They were a lot of red flags when we went this time. The parents were not on premises. Never supplied me with any information about a pup. Like I said, in the previous review on another page, she came loaded with worms, and it cost me lots of money to get rid of them. I didn’t even bother with her veterinarian because I’ve heard nothing but bad things about them. She was the sweetest dog, but definitely had some inbreeding going on. When I looked up the information from her paperwork online, it stated that she came from Kentucky. We love her unconditionally. She had a lot of health issues and unfortunately passed away three weeks ago due to genetic illness called IMHA. It’s not something that can be picked up. It just kicks in. It’s a disease where her immune system kills her red blood cells. She had to have three by transfusions and they did not take. The survival rate was only 30% so we had to put a sweet girl down because she was suffering so bad. I absolutely do not recommend them! My son also purchased a dog from them and had to put her down last month due to an illness that I can’t think of at the moment. Now they’re selling their dog supposedly out of Ohio, but the area code that they have listed is not in Ohio. Beware!

HUSKER Triple Deuce
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Jul 17, 2017 2:42 pm EDT

I purchased a puppy from birarbrook kennel and i have to say the place is nothing like a puppy mill. its emaculate! The people are very professional. My pup Arlo when i brought him home he had come back positive for giardia but there were no eggs so he had been exposed to it at some point and i contacted them via facebook and i dropped off poop sample to their vet and they took care of it. I'm sorry about all of your dogs and the bad experiences youve all had but some of what im reading is on all of you not the breeder. Also that whole she is sticking the dog herself with a syringe of steroids... Big DEAL! you do not have to be a licensed vet to do that. Also with fluid in the lungs steroids is probably what a vet would do anyways. I think some of most of you all are complaining about things that the kennel could not prevent they were very open and honest with us and They do sell some unregistered litters and were very honest with us about the litters they had there. THey do breed other dogs as well but that doesnt make them a puppy mill. And to the original poster saying he got a different dog then the one home with the wrong dog.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? you didnt know? Did you visit the dog at all while it was there? i mean you didnt say to yourself hmm this dog doesnt look like the right one. you all need some help. Dont buy from that breeder again if you guys are unhappy. I mean some of you say that you didnt like the conditions you saw the dogs in before buying so why did you buy? I think Briarbrook is a very clean very nice facility and nothing of it resembled anything like a puppy mill.

Wampus World
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Dec 14, 2022 3:43 am EST

Bought 2 sheperds at briarbrook and today they are 7 and 8 yrs old. No medical issues there entire life. Briarbrook is NOT a puppy mill. These are disgruntled people who might of got a puppy and it unfortunately became sick. I read some of these posts and I do not believe Any of the issues are briarbrooks fault. I will someday buy another shepherd from them knowing they do there best to deliver you a healthy animal but sometimes things happen in life.

jlf Foe
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Aug 14, 2018 6:53 pm EDT

The kennel you guys are all reviewing is on this list. I would stay far away from there.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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