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The Canadian Pharmacy

The Canadian Pharmacy review: Scam and cheating! 121

Author of the review
12:00 am EST
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This is follow up on an earlier complaint as to NOT getting my order and not getting a response from CanadianPharmacy. I put in the header of my last letter to them Email FRAUD and I did get a response immediately. They said to wait another 7 days and if I did not get my order they would reship it for free... On Jan 14 I received my order! (within the 7 days requested) The order was placed on Dec 3rd. So if that helps anyone... the next thing is to see if the product works... it sure doesn't look like the product I get when I ordered it here in the states! Good luck everyone.

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kathryn louise urban
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Dec 10, 2007 12:00 am EST

Placed order 3.5 weeks ago, have ask for status on order for 1 week. They still have not replied!

Bruce Buggs
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Dec 14, 2007 5:21 am EST

The phone number picks up and goes buzy ! I have called them everyday no responds ! E-mail them at the e-mail address ( no repsonds ! this COMPANY NEEDS TO BE CLOSED !

Joe Saunders
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Dec 14, 2007 9:35 am EST

Thanks for the warning. I won't do business with this company. The prices quoted did seem too good to be true, so I searched the internet for complaints. Found many, including yours.

cal wilson
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Dec 17, 2007 3:38 pm EST

I also was ripped off by canadian pharm support, i think the canadian government sould find these crooks and lock them up.

Carlos Medina
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Dec 18, 2007 8:19 am EST

I left several message in the last two weeks, no reply. I have received three emails saying my product was shipped over three weeks ago. Bogus!

Larry Cargal
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Dec 19, 2007 7:32 am EST

I placed order 10-08-2007, todays date is 12-19-2007 still have not received any thing from this company except email updates from them saying that my order had been shipped and would be delivered any day. I don't know why they go to the trouble of sending the bogus emails , when it is a scam from the getgo. I contacted my credit card company & contested the charge . Which they promptly agreed. A lesson learned.

Richard Smith
Send a message
Dec 25, 2007 10:06 am EST

Interesting... I ordered from Pharm Support Group and I got the medication within the time frame they promised. And the medication was the real thing. Strange thing that it was shipped from India though.

steve zoval
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Dec 25, 2007 6:29 pm EST

I ordered on dec 5th and got the supposedly generic viagra a little later than i should of have pills are in sealed pop out dispensers and say sidenafil citrate(which is what viagra is but came in a funny looking papper wrapped home made envelope from india and im kind of affraid to take them. I thought i got ripped off after not getting a phone or email response from them so i went and got a perscription for cialis and payed 145 dollars for 10 pills (i cant figure out who i got ripped off worse from) but the cialis worked great for me the other night 20mg. costco pharmacy is a little cheaper. Before i got the stuff from india i caled my credit card co. And they gave me temp. credit for the 66 dollars while thet investigate but someone did sign for them at my house so it will be interesting what happens. if the india stuff is real its a good deal but is it real? but reading other complaints above some people got nothing or unrecognizeable pills.(what to do?)

C R Onks
Send a message
Dec 26, 2007 11:45 am EST

I was charged $69.36 for nothing . To a 'company' in Moscow, Russia! Long way from Canada. I have disputed the credit card charge and am filing a complaint with the FBI. Please do the same. Lets flush these turds!

Send a message
Dec 28, 2007 3:16 pm EST

it has been a month since my order, still have not recieved it. i received an e-mail on 12-3 saying it had been sent but did not even have an order number.

julie powell
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Dec 31, 2007 11:26 pm EST

i just ordered a drug i ran out of too soon. unfortunately, i am feeling rather stupid for not checking this place out. it did seem too good to be true but, alas, i'm feeling rather desparate at this time in my life (my husband is gravely ill). never thot i could be soooo gullible. i have some serious damage control to attend to concerning my private information. what a way to start 2008. OY!

Send a message
Jan 03, 2008 6:52 am EST

Same story, ordered in early December, Recieved half of the order after 2 weeks in the wierd envolpe. Still have not recieved the other half of the order. Now after reading all these comments I feel I have been scamed too.

Jonathan Chaser
Send a message
Jan 03, 2008 11:15 pm EST


If you gave him your credit card numbers, you better cancel your card and get another one. You will never be certain before then!

He's been known to operating from California. He uses IP addresses from China, Russia, India, Arabic contries, Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, Latin American countries, African countries, ... Almost from everywhere!

I cannot belive some of you actually ordered anything from his business. I am thinking of creating a group so that we can share his whereabout and take actions, mainly disrupting his scam activities! Well, police does nothing! Your credit card companies do nothing. What can you do then?

Note that he also do stock scam! Send spams for share prices. market is look for this type of scam!

Tampa, US
Send a message
Jan 06, 2008 12:55 am EST

ok but ###... where are we supose to order thoses things from then geez. how we know if its real or not.

Jonathan Chaser
Send a message
Jan 06, 2008 6:31 pm EST

Good point!

First, "Never buy anything based on information carried inside spams". Second, search Google and others for potential fraud related to the business. Search using address, e.g., "210 East 59st Street", phone numbers, e.g., "[protected]", and email address, e.g., "", etc. You may be able to find about previous scams of the scammers. In this case, there seems to have plenty of them in the net!

Send a message
Jan 07, 2008 10:31 pm EST

Thank you for your website and thank you all for your feedback. I got hooked as well. I ordered on the 31st of Dec. and was a little concerned that there was no easy way to track the order. There is certainly no way to get a response from either or Amazing. I just called my credit card company and they will investigate the charge; and they gave me a new card number. Fortunately, at this point, that one charge is the only bogus one I have to deal with. Pharm= pharming, not pharmacy!

Good luck.

Dagner Bon
Send a message
Jan 15, 2008 2:27 am EST

It is true. This Companie is not a serius company. I ordered my pills in 12-11-2002 and until now I have not received anything. I have been contact them by e-mail and phone but it is impossible. I will contact my Credit Card Company and contest the charge.

Gabriele Z
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Jan 15, 2008 10:20 am EST

Same things happend to me. I ordered some medicine and a guy with the name alexander wrote back to me.This was his answer after i wrote to him about this hoax webside to check your order.
We have successfully received your order and immediately sent you a notification. This is our third letter sent to you in case if you haven't received the first one.We also inform you that the package was dispatched to your location within 24 hours after payment being processed. You may check your order status You may contact us via email or reach us at:[protected] Thanks for choosing us.Alexander This don,t even exist. It is a shame how they treat people. Lucky it was an order of $ 42.00 dollars, but the point is .This company is fraudulently collecting money from poor consumers like us and we all should get together and report them to the FBI. There got to be something or somebody out there to stop this scam of ripping of people

Send a message
Jan 15, 2008 6:45 pm EST

I just want everyone to know that I ordered generic cialis from CanadianPharmacy on December the 25th 2007.

My order arrived today January 15th.

I had to sign for it as it was delivered to my door.

To be honest, it was after that I placed the order that I did some online research on the company.

I was so disturbed to come across this site and others since there are so many people having bad experiences for some reason.

All I can everyone on the forum know is that I did receive my order. It took 3 weeks which is within the time frame they told me it would arrive.

I am wondering is some people are having bad experiences because for what ever reason their particular order is being held up in customs?

My envelope has the following stamped on it:

B/15 Jamuan
Opp. Shaper St
Andhari (W) MUMBM-58

I am not sure if that is an address or what?

It was sent air mail.

There also is a date/time stamp on the envelope and actually was shipped on the day I orderd! The date is December 24th and arrived at my post office with a date stamp of Januray 14th 2008

All the product is in the envelope. Blister packets of 20 mg pills of Tadalafil which is generic Cialis. The pills have an expiration date of March 2011.

For those wondering about generic Cialis from India. Alot of it is manufactured there and it does work. I used to order it from a "contact" here in Los Angeles but he moved away. His product was from India and indeed the genuine thing.

So what does everyone on here do. I am like a few others who have received the product we ordered and some have not.

This is a mystery that needs to be solved!

r chancellor
Send a message
Jan 20, 2008 10:49 am EST

Placed a order on 1/1/2008 can you confirm my order hsa been despatched.

Lorrie Veitch
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Jan 22, 2008 9:58 am EST

I wish I had known about this company prior to placing order. I tried to call for confirmation, no answer, I tried to e-mail, no answer. I was ripped off $131. What can we do collectively?

Jonathan Chaser
Send a message
Jan 23, 2008 10:52 pm EST

Please report all these crimes to The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The government office handles this type of crimes. You can lodge complaint to the following url;

Let the government do the cleanup.

Jonathan Chaser
Send a message
Jan 23, 2008 11:00 pm EST

This is an internet scam to collect your credit card information!

Please report all these crimes to The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The government office handles this type of crimes. You can lodge complaint to the following url;

Let the government do the cleanup.

Gabriele Z
Send a message
Jan 24, 2008 12:00 am EST

Hello, well I guess there is another way to go forward and I just received my medication yesterday. Tell them about all this scam and fraud and put into the subject line " Internet Fraud! " And tell them if you do not here from them or get your money or medication you will contact the FBI . That's what I did and it worked. AMAZING! But there is another one out there is called " Horizon I ordered from them on November the 4th and still have not received anything, no refund and no medication. I wrote them the same thing, but I guess they just don't care. I will call my bank and see what I can do. Also this medication came from India and not Canada... SO BE AWARE OF THIS... Do not order from " Horizon Drugs either. It is another scam.

Send a message
Jan 24, 2008 9:29 am EST

This Company is Definitely Fraudulant and Uses Other Websites Email Addresses to Spam 1000's of Unknowing Customers. I Know Because They Have Been Using My Domain Name for Many Months & We Recieve 100's of Returned & Undelivered Emails Daily. The Links in the Emails are Always to Another Website Name...Never CanadianPharmacy.Com & All of Them are Created for No More Then a Few Weeks at Most. I Have Researched the Links & they Often Point to an Asian Hosting Company that Has a TX Address Shown as the Owners Name. We are Currently Contacting Any Hosting Companies that List These Sites & Asking Them to Take Them Down but There are Many. You Should do the Same Particularly if You Have Been Scammed by Them. I Would Also Contact Your Credit Card Company to See if They Will Charge Back the Amount Paid for You by Letting Them Know Your Order Was Never Recieved.

There is Another Issue that Previous Customers Should be Aware of & That is That They Have Retreived Your Credit Card Info & Could Empty Your Account or Steal Your Identity.

Good Luck & We Hope This Person(s) Will be Caught & Prosecuted.

bill cummings
Send a message
Jan 24, 2008 1:37 pm EST

I placed an order Dec 30th and have not received anything. I am now worried reading these emails. I have phoned and emailed with no reply. I will follow up reporting them to the full extent I can.

I recieved the identical reply from Alexander.


Jesus Valverde
Send a message
Jan 24, 2008 4:22 pm EST

I also placed an order with this company in Dec. 2, 2007 and never received the medication. I did received the famous e-mails, one from Alexander and another from Daria. Everytime I tried to call the phone number they provide, no one picks-up. I e-mail them and no answer.

We need to get these thieves out of business.

Send a message
Jan 24, 2008 7:39 pm EST

Fraud that is all this company is. I am willing to join to file against this company.

lawrence robinson
Send a message
Jan 28, 2008 11:05 am EST

everyday another email stating I am approved to p[lace another order and have not received my original order yet...Fraud Fraud Fruad

Rodolfo Reyes
Send a message
Jan 28, 2008 6:12 pm EST

heinous ripping people off. I will follow thru to bring legal action to these scammers. Rudy

Brian Day
Send a message
Jan 30, 2008 11:05 am EST

I've placed three orders for Cialis and have had no problem. It takes three weeks for an order to arrive. Be patient is my advice. Many of the problems you all are experiencing are because of the ###ed customs laws in the US, and the current ###ed president in office. Many are a result of the credit card company you use to make the purchase I don't mean to disparage learning disabled individuals, often incorrectly called ###ed, by comparing them to G W Bush.

This is Not an internet crime. It's probably end-user error

B Day

William Hiram Alderman
Send a message
Feb 05, 2008 5:49 am EST

I placed a order on Feb. 3, 2008 and was chedking on it at the e mail address i was given and it came back host unknown so I started to investagate and found this site I am going to stop payment with my credit card company today but do not know if it will do any good any help you can give me would be appreciated

Send a message
Mar 13, 2008 8:15 am EDT

They gave me this # [protected]. Its a woman on the voice mail. I ordered from them a few weeks ago & the tracking # they gave me was fake.

Johnny Paniagua
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Mar 24, 2008 10:16 am EDT

I ordered a prescription ID# X51-257403 from Canadian Pharmacy back on Feb.18, 2008. My credit card was charged on the 23 of Feb. 2008. as of March 23, 2008 I have not received my prescription.

Send a message
Apr 13, 2008 12:46 pm EDT

I think the canadian government sould find these crooks and lock them up!

No email replies, no answers of the phone calls, no products arrived!


Samantha briceno
Send a message
Apr 15, 2008 5:52 pm EDT

I cant believe that this is happening to me! I ordered the medicine 4 weeks ago, now I am the victim of this company. How can I get my money back or report thi case! PLease Help me. I also was ripped off by canadian pharm support, i think the canadian government sould find these crooks and lock them up.

Send a message
Apr 28, 2008 1:20 pm EDT

the company sucks its almost been one year of my fighting them (when they answer the phone)
i found out the phone is in texas..[protected] canada

and they try to tell me the bank will not let them give me back my money...what a fu***** joke that is.
i asked them to send me a check then, and of course they hung up on me and did not answer the phone for a week.
i hope the company burns in hell with the lairs in it...sorry but i wouldn't even piss on them to save their lifes, the company sucks ! they only steal your money.

William Bright
Send a message
Apr 28, 2008 3:38 pm EDT

Order place April 14/08
Visa debited product not delivered
e-mails unanswered

Send a message
May 01, 2008 1:17 pm EDT

I ordered some anti-depressants from them because i was low and would not be able to get into a new doctor for a few weeks.
upon placing the order, they confirmed that i would be getting 4 viagra pills free. this immediately struck me as shady and i immediately emailed them to cancel my order.
a few minutes later, i got a confirmation email from "Alexander" stating that my card had been charged. i tried calling both numbers listed in the email:
neither of these phone numbers are legit.
i tried emailing several times an hour demanding cancellation. no replies, of course.
now my information is out there with this russian/ukrainian scam artist. it frightens me.
i called my credit card company and they immediately advised that i cancel the card.
DO NOT MESS with this company. it's not worth it!

Send a message
May 31, 2008 5:45 am EDT

Ok well, , I placed an order as well, had assumed I had been ripped off.. but low and behold this funky package arrives with the product! has the address of some bakery in shrilanka..wrapped in news print ! but the stuff appeared genuine an I was stupid enough to try it. No problems yet!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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