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Candy Crush Saga Reviews 20

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Candy Crush Saga Love/Hate

I’ve been playing CC for a lil over a year now & I’ve finally found it necessary to review the game! Believe all the bad reviews because they ARE TRUE! I’m gonna break it down. Here u go: Pay no attention to the way levels are labeled! Just because it has a skull on it doesn’t mean it’s going to be hard! Matter fact, chances are the ones without the skulls will be much harder! Beware of levels with 12-14 turns! They’re EVERYWHERE! And nearly IMPOSSIBLE to beat! You will be stuck on one of these levels for days maybe even weeks & then one day you’ll open the game & magically win on the first try because it’s like the game knows when you’ve had enough & IT is ready to let u win! They just want to leave you with no other choice but to spend money & once they see u refuse to do it, they go on & let u win! Then the next level you’ll have 41 turns that u can beat with 3! I see other people talking about AD’s but I’ve never seen any AD’s on CC. I have on Candy Crush Soda but it was always optional to watch em for free boosters & turns on levels. & even that comes & goes. U can’t always do that! But I’ve never seen them in the middle of a game. And I’ve never seen an AD of any kind on CC Saga. My biggest complaint is not enough plays on hard levels & there’s not enough boosters when u do wanna treat urself to a package! You don’t get enough lollipops, switches And unlimited lives! If ur gonna spend money & want more bang for ur buck, I recommend playing CC Soda! U get WAY more boosters for ur money on there! $8.99 will get u unlimited lives for 24 hrs & unlimited of all boosters for 24 hrs as well! Plus a few lollipops & gold bars! Well worth the money! $19.99 on CC Saga only gets u an hour of unlimited lives! U get nothing for ur money! U get more daily rewards to on CC Soda. Usually including unlimited lives. CC Saga should run “seasons” like CC Soda does. You get so many boosters doing that! And not just a cake bomb or a fish at the end! Oh I almost forgot! The crash closing! You’ll be right in the middle of a game & all of a sudden the game just closes! It does that ALL THE TIME! And it’s SO IRRITATING! I have been on a 75 game win streak & the game closed & I lost my win streak! I was on my 6th episode race win streak & got stuck on a level for 4 days & lost my win streak! I was so mad about that! So there it is. My review. Do better, Candy Crush! Do better!

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Candy Crush Saga I finally DELETED THIS GAME, even thou I loved playing !

I got this game as the 1st game when I VERY FIRST GOT MY PHONE! That, was more than 10yrs ago! I remember distinctly, that this game was the 1st game I downloaded & for me, really the ONLY GAME FOR YEARS because I really LOVED IT and I was making my way thru the levels & I didn’t have time to dedicate to any other game! After a few years I began to notice changes that were happening to the game (when this is the ONLY GAME UR PLAYIN, ITS NOT HARD TO NOTICE THE CHANGES THAT THE GAME PROPLE ARE MAKING) the BIGGEST BY FAR AND THE MOST AGGRAVATING WAS WHEN YOU WOULD GET INTO THE HIGHER LEVELS AND YOU HAD 1 MORE MOVE TO WIN THE LEVEL, YOU USED TO HAVE BOMBS TO USE OR WAYS TO BEAT THE LAST MOVE BUT I NOTICED ALL OF A SUDDEN- IT CHANGED TO A SYSTEM OF IF YOU WANT TO WIN, Y O U H A D T O P A Y ! Now, I had played this game for years and I NEVER EVER PAID 1 PENNEY CUZ MY HUSBAND WOULDNT LET ME , I digress, BUT, I sent the company message to advise of the changes and someone sent me a response back stating something like this, if you come to a point in the game where purchasing something ( I don’t remember what they called it) will assist you in winning your level, we want to to absolutely have that opportunity rather than simply just LOOSING THE LEVEL! They absolutely made themselves out to be the hero’s ! This and other things just got worse and I found myself stuck on certain levels for weeks! I was becoming very irritable and finally my Husband asked me, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? For months you have not been yourself? I explained about my once exciting STRESS RELIEVING GAME HAD BECOME A HUGE SOURCE OF STRESS IN MY LIFE, LITTLE DID I KNOW BUT MY BLOOD PRESSURE WAS THRU THE ROOF AFTER I PLAYED WHICH WAS TOTALLY DIFFERENT THAN THE VERY RELAXING GAME I STARTED WITH! I had to go to the doctor who started me on Blood Pressure Meds and said I should ABSOLUTELY STOP PLAYING THAT GAME IF IT GIVES ME THIS MUCH STRESS SO——, AFTER Y E A R S, I DELETED THIS GAME FROM ALL MY DEVICES! I put it back on today so I could FINALLY TELL THE LAST PART OF MY STORY!


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Margaret Cassimatis
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I agree with you, it's all about the $$$ now. There is no more joy playing this game. DELETE!

Going to find other games that don't cost you an arm and a leg. RIP OFFS!

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Candy Crush Saga Candy Crush Saga

The graphics are very fun and cute. The sound/music matches the ideology of what the designers are intending to convey about the land.
The designers pull your interest in with the simplistic music and G rated fun game for all.
Yet, as each of us starts our journey, we find it more challenging and fun ! We never dreamed it would be this challenging and addicting at the same time!
It's fun sharing with and receiving lives from friends. Challenging each of us to see which can accomplish the best score. Now for the dyslexic like myself , lol. We're just happy to reach a score high enough to move to the next challenge !
My only frustration is the lack of explanation or definition (s) from the beginning regarding what's a jelly (how many times will it remain until gone or does it remain with that specific jelly?), instead of learning about 4 in a row , or clearing a row to drop 4 more or 5 to really clear. You have little blurbs appear very fast on the mobile iPhone later in later stops. I finally had to go to the web for questions ie what the definitions of different things are/how best to gain them/use them to clear all jellies or clear all frosted first lol. Just when I think one is the (considered) frosted candy! I look on the web and the player is removing a totally different candy lol. The game does show the packaging ! Thanks. That helps.
Those visual cues do help.
So I applaud your work with this app. The game is totally fun ! It challenges any age groups mind while offering great joy !
Keep up the good work ! It would be a great tool for nursing home patients at a less challenging level initially. Then allowing them to remain at a level until they become more comfortable to move to the next level. It would be nice for the app to be able to allow the players in this type situation to be able to move forward and backward. It would need to be based on their amount of dementia at any given time.
This would be a great medical type package in the sense the patients with various types of dementia would receive sensory and mental stimulation ! It could be ideal in the earlier stages. Because it could be performed when each person is at their peak mental capacity during the 24/7 time frame .
It's just a thought. You may already be doing this. If so - good for you'll! We need to have as many tools as possible to help the people with the various types of dementia stay as alert as possible/as long as possible.

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Candy Crush Saga please let me opt out of notifications i'm literally begging you

i am not the type of person to leave reviews or complain about an app, but games like candy crush are like the only game that helps me relax and it is so utterly and completely ruined by the 6 in a row pop-up notifications that i have to ex out of in order to simply play the game. like it literally causes my shoulders to tense up and my pulse to quicken i hate it so much. and i've looked but there doesn't seem to be any way to opt out of the constant stories and challenges and notifs that come up. i'm sorry, i know you developers spend time coming up with different ways to spice up the game but for the love of god i could not care less about saving some stupid fictional candy monster. all i wanna do is solve puzzles, PLEASE let there be an opt-out option for story mode or whatever you want to call it. i like the race bc i can get gold, and i like challenges that give me concrete rewards that i can use, but i don't need constant reminders and i especially don't need a story, or updates on how i'm doing in comparison to others, or how many green pieces i've collected. i'm at level 866 -- i'm not here for the story, i'm here for the actual game. i even quit once because i couldn't stand the notifs, but got bored on my work break a few months later when the wifi wouldn't work. at this point tho, i'd take boredom over the anxiety and anger the constant pop ups give me. i don't know how much more i can take PLEASE let me opt out.

also, i hate the bombs. so much. so so so much. they make a fun and intellectually stimulating yet simultaneously mind numbing game so stressful. if there's any possibility of creating an opt-out option for bombs or even other challenge things, or maybe a skip option for levels with certain challenges, i would be so grateful. in terms of the races that give u gold it would obviously be unfair to give gold to ppl who didn't go thru all the challenges or did it on easy mode without all the challenges, but for ppl who just enjoy it as a way to relax, or pass the time, and don't care about the competition/story aspect it would be so amazing to just opt out of the stressful stuff (like bombs and notifications).

thank u for reading this (if u actually do) and i rly hope u consider adding opt-out options for certain aspects of the game. i appreciate the hard work u do and otherwise love the game but it's definitely adding stress to my life as it is right now, which i sure as heck hope isn't your intention

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Candy Crush Saga Just read the dev interview on the explore page

He didn’t mention anything about the real history of “his” game...

In 2010, developer Albert Ransom released Candy Swipe, a simple match three game along the lines of Bejeweled, except with candy. His mother had just passed away, and she liked those sort of games, he writes in an open letter on his website. At the time, he filed for a trademark. In 2012, King released Candy Crush Saga, another match-three game that quickly became one of the most powerful and ubiquitous presences on the app store. Now, apparently, Ransom is abandoning his game after a protracted legal battle. He minces no words in his letter:

“I have spent over three years working on this game as an independent app developer. I learned how to code on my own after my mother passed and CandySwipe was my first and most successful game; it’s my livelihood, and you are now attempting to take that away from me. You have taken away the possibility of CandySwipe blossoming into what it has the potential of becoming. I have been quiet, not to exploit the situation, hoping that both sides could agree on a peaceful resolution. However, your move to buy a trademark for the sole purpose of getting away with infringing on the CandySwipe trademark and goodwill just sickens me.”

The company made headlines when it filed to trademark the word “Candy” in the app store, and later when it opposed “The Banner Saga” based on its use of the word “Saga.” A representative from King had no further comment, pointing to its own open letter from a little while ago:

“We believe in a thriving game development community, and believe that good game developers – both small and large – have every right to protect the hard work they do and the games they create.

Like any responsible company, we take appropriate steps to protect our IP, including our look-and-feel and trademarks. Our goals are simple: to ensure that our employees’ hard work is not simply copied elsewhere, that we avoid player confusion and that the integrity of our brands remains.”

Ransom wrote that he’s had hundred of people confused about whether or not his game was a Candy Crush Saga clone, despite the fact that his game came out two years earlier. The app store and Google Play can be vicious places, where outright cloning and all sorts of underhanded tactics sometimes rule the day over hard work and good apps. Large companies gain a massive advantage over indie developers, and it can be disheartening to see just how hard it is for small companies to make it.

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Candy Crush Saga Fun but a few infuriating things

I absolutely love this game! It’s very fun and addicting and I love that it challenges me. I’m on level 4100 and won’t stop playing any time soon.

However, a few things I have noticed that are quite frustrating, especially when you pay to get boosters.. First, when I get a bonus of 5 free lives, I should get all 5. If I have 3 lives when I get the bonus of 5 extra lives, it only takes me to 5 total. But if I get 5 free, the total of lives I have should be 8! What is the point of the bonus if you can’t use it? If you want to do it this way you should give the player the option to bank those lives for later use instead of screw the player out of free lives. Next, when I purchase the coconut wheel booster for X amount of time, I should be able to use it in EVERY level. It’s infuriating to buy a package that includes a coconut wheel for 30 minutes for example- but then to get stuck on an impossible level that doesn’t allow use of the coconut wheel. If I pay for it, I should get to use it any time I want, on any level I want! The 5 life limit is ridiculous. When you’re playing a “nightmarishly hard level,” that has a 10 move limit- you go through lives within 2 minutes. Then have to wait 20 minutes to get ONE life back?! Man, that sure would be a convenient time to get to use your banked 5 lives you got from a bonus… Earned/bonus boosters should get to be banked and use when the player wants to redeem them. I HATE when I earn a bonus when I have 0 lives left. What a waste! I should be able to bank those and use them when my lives are full. I know the point of less lives is so people will purchase lives with gold bars. But that’s my next issue - gold bars are insanely expensive! One life for 4 gold bars?! Or 10 bars for $2. So basically I can get 2 lives for $2? Rip off. Lastly, why is there a limit as to how many lives you can use from friends in a day? I purposely saved up all of my lives from friends for a solid 3 months. I was traveling to Alaska and had a huge layover in flights so wanted to have a ton of lives to play candy crush during my layover. The app wouldn’t let me redeem anymore free lives from friends and said I had used the max amount allowed in one day. WHAT?! And last but not least - the pop ups are ANNOYING. I win a level and get a screen showing my score, a pop up screen for the piggy bank, a pop up screen for my first level won that day, a pop up screen ford scrolls, a pop up screen for any daily challenges, a pop up screen for specials. THEN I can finally move to the next level.

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Candy Crush Saga Awesome Blossom, But it’s clearly a money hungry company!

So sad. A wonderful fun game to play, but then make it next to impossible to advance and less you buy more time or bonuses are whenever. But you actually have to pay to get to the next level, at least in the United States. I’m in the Dominican republic and my taxi driver tells me they don’t have to pay to get to the next level. So it is different in different countries? Does anybody know about this? They make the people in the United States Having to pay $.99 every time to advance to the next level, are you cannot unlock the padlock to progress. Who are they kidding when they just added level 5000. Are you seriously considering paying $5000 to play all the levels? That’s absolutely absurd and crazy. Then there’s all the things they play at you for gold bars and bonuses and all sorts of things or you can spend way more money than that. Which changes the whole standard of any type of gameplaying on a smart phone or a tablet where you just should just pay wants to buy the game to play it, and not keep having to play pay to play, and pay and pay and pay. I finally got so upset that I quit playing back in 2016. But I’m here in the Dominican Republic. My taxi driver said you don’t have to pay the $.99 to advance to the next level. Does anybody have anything to add about different countries not having to pay any money to advance to the next level? I read download it, but I think if I logon with my Facebook account and it’ll put me back to the same level it will put me into the same account and charge me money. I might have to use a different account and a new login username and password and start to the beginning and see if I can play here for free as my taxi driver is. I see a lot of reviews here complaining about the same thing, that this company is clearly money hungry and the extreme of capitalist giving it a bad name. Boo candy crush. And as far as your movie thanking us for making level 5000 possible, I am left speechless to see how happy everyone is at candy crush and all the money that’s flying in making a few or maybe all of you incredibly rich, for playing a game? The minimum to finish the game in United States would be $5000! How could anybody justify that, especially a poor kid, or anyone for that matter. Again boo and more booty candy crush and you people that think up of ways in more ways to put people on the edge to consider pushing the pay button. That just upsets me so deeply and makes me ashamed that this is allowed and we can collect capitalism and this is America. This is absolutely terrible.

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Candy Crush Saga NO PAID VERSION

FinIL UPTAGE I SILP MY LASD EYBAOL NOW I CAMNOT SES ANIMOER I AN NOWA BLINS Sorry, I'm a friend of his. He asked me to type this last update because he sold both his eyes because of this money sucking machine of a game. It is sad to see my friend without most of his body parts. Here is what he told me to type -


I sold both my eyes and can no longer see. My friend is typing this last update for me. I can no longer play the game due to the fact I sold both my eyeballs to try and complete the game. I was so crazed to get cash to complete this game, I was not thinking if I sold both my eyeballs, I would not be able to see to play the game. So now, my friend places candies on my table and I try to hit them with a hammer even though I cannot see anymore. I beg everyone not to get this addicted to the game as I did. My life is over due to this evil game. I hope the developers are happy. Farewell too everyone.


NOTE: Please read my previous updates to this game.

I am on level 2372 and lost it all. As I said I would, I started selling my vital organs. I sold one Kidney, my Liver, my Pancreas, my Left Lung, and one of my Eyeballs. I'm now living in a Cardboard Box with my only asset being my iPhone and a Solar Charger for my iPhone due to the Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars I've spent on this game. This is all due to the fact there isn't a paid version if the game and I have to pay for everything in order to play the game.

This will be my last update because I also can no longer pay my cell phone bill.



I am now at level 789. In order to get there, I had to sell my Jewelry and my 2012 Automobile. I can no longer get to work so I am taking out a second mortgage in order to finish this game. Oh, if I cannot finish the game with my second mortgage, I plan on selling some of my vital organs. Thanks for reading and wish me luck.

Really! No Paid Version?
I find ALL Apps in the App Store are becoming more and more greedy. In order to play this game, you either must wait a set amount of time for lives to continue OR you must purchase lives to continue. I find this greed unbearable. Wouldn't it be great if there was a Paid Version of this App so that one can enjoy the game without the ridiculous application of having to pay every time you run out of lives. Wow, what happened to the good old days before these app developers became so greedy. What a shame. I mean am I the only one who feels this way? What say you?

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Candy Crush Saga Starts to become a scam

The first couple hundred levels are not bad. You don’t need to spend money to beat the levels. But as you keep going, they manipulate the game so you lose at the last second, get frustrated and desperate to beat the level, so you go buy gold bars or whatever. It becomes obvious how programmed this game is. You don’t need to be good at puzzles or skilled to get far, you either need to get really lucky or spend money. I also have a theory that once you spend money, they start to make the levels impossible because they saw that you spent money before and want you to do it again. The game starts to lose its charm because it feels like you just need luck to win or spend tons of money on the helpful features. This is obvious with the races too. When you’re in a race against someone who’s buying all these boosts, they’re obviously going to win. I honestly have to hand it to the developers for being so convincing. Since this app retrieves all your data (how much time you spend playing, how often, etc.), it’s probably safe to say that the more often you play, the more you will struggle to beat levels. I read a review that a person wrote saying they were stuck on a level for a week, stopped playing for two weeks, and beat it right when they came back. So there’s food for thought. All I can say is, AVOID buying ANYTHING because their program is going to notice you’ve purchased before and they’re going to push even harder to get you to purchase again (probably by never letting you beat a level or losing a level at the last second, etc.). Instead of buying, stop playing for a couple days or weeks and maybe that’ll help.

Edit: I’m back. I wrote ^ a couple weeks ago and want to add more that I’ve noticed. Sometimes I go on the app and get a reward for God-knows-what and gives me unlimited lives, candy bombs, and wrapped candies for an hour. But there’s a catch. Usually what happens is you’ll end up beating a bunch of levels with these incentives and will probably win the race, giving you 15 gold bars. Then once your incentives die out, you probably won’t win a level for hours or days. Since you got more bars, you’ll be like “let me just use it for more moves” (usually only 5 moves) and probably still won’t beat that level. Again. A waste. Then you might end up buying more gold bars.
There are also SO many glitches on this game that need to be fixed. One time (or many times honestly) I had a wrapped candy next to a striped candy. I remember purposefully noting how many jellies it cleared. It went from 50 to like 47. What!? I can’t even count how many times I went to make a move and it made the wrong move, like it moved the wrong candy or moved it in the wrong place. Also, after reading some reviews, it seems like some games are different than others? I read that some people still get to watch ads? Whole thing is all over the place.

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Candy Crush Saga GARBAGE

This game is awful.
If I were to run the App Store, my first move would be to banish King and all the companies like it to the deepest depths of the underworld.
It's that bad.
I'm gonna start with what I hate about the game, then what I hate about King.
The people who like this piece of trash are going to think,"WAAAAH HW DARE U H8 DIS GAYM"
I don't care. Here we go.

So let's start with a bit of positivity. Ummm...It was satisfying matching candy? That's the only good thing I can say about this "game", really.
What I think of the other things:
The soundtrack is annoying. What else can I say?
The candy doesn't look anything like candy. It just looks like shiny multicolored shapes. "WAAH U IDIT TATS WAT CADY SUPOSD 2 LOK LIEK" Calm down, calm down. What I mean is it's not any recognizable candy. There's like, two, maybe three pieces of candy that actually looks like candy I could buy. The rest is just shapes. There's literally ONE thing they needed to accomplish with the graphics and they can't get that right. Wow this section was long
The story is the most basic thing you could imagine. Then again, I think King was going for money, not story. "WAAAAH VIDYA GAMS DONT HVE STARY" *sigh*
Matching gameplay. The most basic thing you can imagine. There's not really much depth to it. If you play one level you've played the whole game. So let's talk about the greedy company behind it...

King made this game with only money in mind. "WAAH U IDIT AL GMAES R MAD 4 MONEEE" Yes they are, but most game developers also want to make their games FUN. King didn't want to entertain anybody with this. The gameplay is designed to be addictive so that people will keep playing it. This game also created "lives"(or at least I think it did; it's lazy either way.) The reason lives take so long to replenish is so that players will want to pay to get them back so that they can keep playing this garbage. The levels are also purposely difficult so that players will run out of lives faster so that King gets more money. "BUTT U CAN YUSE GLD BAARS 2 RTRY A LVL" Ah, yes. The classic "impossible to get currency". Every mobile game has it. This currency is here to make you think that the game's NOT completely Pay-to-win(Which it is.) This currency gets harder to obtain as the game progresses which makes you want to buy it so that you don't run out of lives. This whole strategy is so lazy and obvious that I'm surprised people still fall for it.

All in all, this game is trash. It was made by a greedy company who wanted to make money off of stupid people. People who enjoy this game don't deserve to be able to play video games. If less people like them existed, companies like this would be non-existent. If you know anybody who plays this game, explain to them about Kings lazy business strategies and help them get away from this lazy, greedy company. Have a great day.


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Candy Crush Saga Candy swipe ripoff

King copied a game called candy swipe and then sued the creator for rights to it.
Here is a letter from the original creator:

"Dear King,

Congratulations! You win! I created my game CandySwipe in memory of my late mother who passed away at an early age of 62 of leukaemia. I released CandySwipe in 2010 five months after she passed and I made it because she always liked these sorts of games. In fact, if you beat the full version of the Android game, you will still get the message saying ‘…the game was made in memory of my mother, Layla…’ I created this game for warm-hearted people like her and to help support my family, wife and two boys 10 and four. Two years after I released CandySwipe, you released Candy Crush Saga on mobile; the app icon, candy pieces, and even the rewarding, ‘Sweet!’ are nearly identical. So much so, that I have hundreds of instances of actual confusion from users who think CandySwipe is Candy Crush Saga, or that CandySwipe is a Candy Crush Saga knock-off. So when you attempted to register your trademark in 2012, I opposed it for ‘likelihood of confusion’ (which is within my legal right) given I filed for my registered trademark back in 2010 (two years before Candy Crush Saga existed). Now, after quietly battling this trademark opposition for a year, I have learned that you now want to cancel my CandySwipe trademark so that I don’t have the right to use my own game’s name. You are able to do this because only within the last month you purchased the rights to a game named Candy Crusher (which is nothing like CandySwipe or even Candy Crush Saga). Good for you, you win. I hope you’re happy taking the food out of my family’s mouth when CandySwipe clearly existed well before Candy Crush Saga.

I have spent over three years working on this game as an independent app developer. I learned how to code on my own after my mother passed and CandySwipe was my first and most successful game; it’s my livelihood, and you are now attempting to take that away from me. You have taken away the possibility of CandySwipe blossoming into what it has the potential of becoming. I have been quiet, not to exploit the situation, hoping that both sides could agree on a peaceful resolution. However, your move to buy a trademark for the sole purpose of getting away with infringing on the CandySwipe trademark and goodwill just sickens me.

This also contradicts your recent quote by Riccardo in ‘An open letter on intellectual property’ posted on your website which states, ‘We believe in a thriving game development community, and believe that good game developers – both small and large – have every right to protect the hard work they do and the games they create.’

I myself was only trying to protect my hard work.

I wanted to take this moment to write you this letter so that you know who I am. Because I now know exactly what you are. Congratulations on your success!


Albert Ransom

President (Founder), Runsome Apps Inc."

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Candy Crush Saga Candy crush is dead

I recently had to delete candy crush soda saga because the app designers clandestinely reworked the rules in such a way that winning is virtually impossible. As players have gotten better the app designers decided the best way to address that was simply to make multiple levels unwinnable. Ever notice how the highly promoted Jackpot is a scam that cannot be won? Players who have spun that wheel 10,00 times (or more) have never hit it. No one has ever hit it. Ever see your scores mysteriously evaporate? Your bonus prizes vanish? Or simply not work? Ever the notice the "shuffling" scam where they've rigged it so badly no moves are available and the whole thing has to "reshuffle" multiple times in a single game? Usually resulting in no moves either? That's on purpose folks. What honest decent game company does that sort of thing? Sadly the same stupidity and ethical lapses in judgment have led the same people to do the same thing to the candy crush app. Frustration and secret rules manipulations to cause players to lose games they should win is inexcusable. Boycott all these apps.

PS - The key is having a sign or clue as to what they're doing to you and how they're doing it when you're playing the game. Developers designed the app to manipulate 100% of gameplay to your detriment. The game is also engineered to play you differently than other people, fancy coding for "we can screw you anytime we want." Here's a clue - ever notice in the course of play when the pieces drop normally and agitate other pieces for fireworks & points on the screen? That's normal play. Watch for the screen to change whereby pieces suddenly start dropping slowly, one by one, doing nothing to the remaining pieces. You'll go through piece after piece with absolutely nothing whatsoever happening to the board, but your score or your chances of winning are now dead. This is the game screwing you right in front of you and laughing in your face. They also do this with other clever take-your-money manipulations. When this happens turn the game off and delete the app and go back to something constructive. It's a game that only the people making money at your expense really enjoy. Don't let 'em manipulate you any more. Say goodby to being hoodwinked.

PPS - Wanna see one way the game just deliberately screws you no matter what you do (in other words this is not a game of skill, this is a game of cheating by the app developers), take a look at how level 76 is programmed. It's designed to simply stop you in your tracks (You can hear the app guys counting their money and laughing), which it does by putting a single pair of cherries in the upper corner and freezing it there. You get to watch all of the pieces slide down the columns except your two cherries. They just sit there while you use move after move and special treat after special treat to do nothing more then bankrupt your gameplay and show you how much smarter they are than you. This is a game for dunces and spendthrifts.

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Candy Crush Saga Consider carefully before playing!

I am sadly addicted like so many other people. Never thought I would be one of those "Losers". I'm having my name legally changed, now I will officially answer to the name Loser. But, it is Loser Ph.D. I did not want to hide my title because I thought it would be much more, poignant, if I left it in with the new first name.
So, I've worked it out so that I can rotate my playing between all of their games so my lives can replenish on one game as I play the next. So, in essence I can play nonstop. And the funny thing is, they have a feature in the games that I am sure they added simply for my benefit. You can switch from one game to another from within each game. So easy!
You know... I'm thinking... Maybe I should make one of those movies where all I do for 60 days is play their games. And to make it real, real, I will only eat the same kind of candy as seen in their games. No other food, just candy and soda pop. What do you think? Maybe I will even get a sponsorship for it. Like that Sub-Way Jared guy, except without the child pornography. I can dream big now right? Now that I'm retired.
Think about it, the possibilities are endless, Diabetes, atrophied muscles, pale white skin, long gray beard, ulcers, rotting teeth, mental decay. I know, it seems like the exact same things as just getting old, but it won't be, it will be different. Hey, maybe we can even prove a corollary between Alzheimer's and the daily bombardment of radiation from all our electronic devices.
You know, the more I think about this the more I believe it is my duty to do this, for the benefit of all mankind! I'll be a hero, a pop idol, they will write books about me and my picture will be on magazine covers, and I'll have to do the whole late night tv gauntlet and endless hours of tv and radio interviews. I will become so famous and sought after and talked about that young ladies will scream and faint just when i walk by. I will become so famous that I will have to become a recluse. I will have to hide out in my house just to get some peace from all the crazy fans, stalkers, and daytime tv hosts constantly wanting attention. I know for a fact that Ellen Degeneres will be camped out at my front door just to get a glimpse of me... I've heard stories about her. I will have to sit in a darkened living room just to avoid being spied on. I will end up spending countless hours in the dark, just playing video games, eating junk food, and like a rat, making a nest in the couch for myself and never going any further away from it than to grab a soda from the fridge and a fresh bag of whatever random junk food the delivery boy left at my door. All of this in a bid to escape from my worldwide stardom and fame, and to have some tiny piece of a normal life to nurture my failing mental abilities and to desperately cling to my last shred of sanity. This my friends is that great enigma none of us can escape from, it's the cold hard rocky reality called the "Circle of Life", she's a very cold and merciless bch. I heard that her and Ellen are friends.()
Oh, plus I have an iPad that has all these games on it too, with a different character of course, so, I guess, I could play nonstop until I die... I did mention I'm retired right? Now I just can't wait until I have grandkids!

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Candy Crush Saga Cancelling Reset function-Worst business decision ever

No, no, no, no,NO,NO,NO! Why do this change after 8 years.?
Crude, cynical, iron-fisted tactics to try to squeeze money from loyal players? To then call it a “fix” adds insult to injury! People are voting with their feet in droves and closing wallets across the globe! Who is making these decisions? Are you intending to put yourself out of business? That is the only explanation that makes any sense! Use simple psychology and you still have time to recover from this unbelievable debacle. 1)Admit your mistake.2)Restore reset ability. 3)Make a “WISH LIST” for your customers and LISTEN TO THEM. My wish for 2020 is World Peace! Then for CC to add a NAVIGATION TOOL for the over 6000 levels of this game that has captivated millions. Thanks!

I wrote the above comment way before this global Covid-19 catastrophe.
Just cannot believe how from early 2020, things have gone from BAD TO WORSE for loyal Candy Crush Saga players.
On the King community forums ( not really know why they exist at this point!) are cult-like sycophants that spout sickly “fairy-tale pixie dust from another planet” of sweetness & light While back in the REAL world are the painful, heart-felt complaints & suggestions & feedback from scared players ( majority elderly women, like me...) actually needing this distraction while they are confined to their homes around the GLOBE! Psychology teaches that one of the few things that calm nerves is long practiced routines. I played Tetris for 20 years before jumping on Candy Crush at the very beginning. Outside of Solitaire I play no other game. Not interested to learn new tricks now, with so much worry on my mind.
The tone-deaf, near-sighted, selfish, churlish, obtuse, stubborn, condescending and just plain MEAN robotic responses from the Activision/King owners are shocking and increasingly infuriating & deeply disappointing. Almost a complete betrayal that far outweighs the status of “JUST A GAME”.
Hey, it’s not the “end of the world as we know it”.

So in summary:

Because I was brought up with good manners I will thank you in advance. Surprise me! Surprise all the multitude of others around this frightened PLANET!







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Candy Crush Saga They gave up on their old customers

#1 chocolate eats your items and eats your sugar drops!
#2 One bomb kicks you out of the level why more than a dozen? Take points instead!
#3 bomb striped combo sometimes many going the same direction in the same Row
#4 Taffy machines too powerful eat your items and reach too far out!
5 extra turns/items wheel should be only extra turns you have a items wheel already!
6 no we don’t need super chocolate! until you update the players items powers!
7 trapped fruit Game needs to allow you to use one of your turns to move the fruit!
8 Game goes off on its own any combos should count if candies are side-by-side!
9 timer levels shouldn’t start the clock until player makes the first move!
10 Don’t drop the licorice in the way until players candy is used and done moving.
11 striped candy hit and missed jelly don’t cheat the customer for your design faults!
12 update speckled candy ball to attack other types of candy licorice rock candy.
13 party horn should knock out 1-3 slices on pie candy?
14 Changing past levels ruining them with cookie and chocolate candy junk!
15 no easy way to move about the game board when playing older levels.
16 can’t unfreeze frozen candy from a side swipe like it used to!
17 after level 2000make Boosters mandated and increased for every thousand levels
18 advertisements and other items sometimes get in the way of selecting levels!
19 some levels are not labeled correctly for their difficulty.
20 get rid of the Owl or have him help it’s looks stupid staring at every hard level!
21item drops unreliable while enemy candy drops keep coming or don’t when needed
22candy striped/bombs explode from the bottom instead of coming from the top first
23 when a speckled ball is used Candy falls out of the jelly thereby missing it!
24 have extra help for those stuck on a level 50 tries (where’s the fun in being stuck!)
25 most important bomb candy should take points and not kick you out of the level!
26 Candy boosters wheel get rid of jackpot if no one can land on it!
27boosters without losing level have them if you lose once you lose 1#booster not all!
28 one hit Cookie inside of a jelly candy does it takes1or2 striped candy to clear info?
29 frozen candy when you hit it used to melt now pass across it does nothing!
30 no more protecting taffy makers to get items its like (cops release all criminals)
31 lose the level or out of lives they advertise other games in your face this crappy game never gets fixed why should you get to advertise another crappy game?
32what do you mean ops when there’s dropouts that can drop items down you need!
33 king Play levels you made if it takes you more than 20 times to beat it fix it! If the customer asks for a skip don’t say where’s the fun in that. there’s no fun in being stuck! This could be considered customer entrapment get you hooked and stuck!
34 How about When climbing the bean stock once you hit the Goo guy you keep what you got and cannot climb any further he eats the top of the stock better than losing everything! 35 another most important issue is you cannot build up your boosters like you could in the past only when beating new levels! Stay far far away from this game until they change their greedy cheating ways!
36 does anyone ever test this garbage before sending out these new levels?
When people pick up this game they expected play a game and have fun doing it even having a challenge but all the things they taken away and all the things they left out or took out getting past 3000 now try landing the space shuttle on a grain of sand this game is only good before you get to 2000 at three star rating level 3000 at 1 star rating level 4000 -3 star but the addict ability remains at a + five star!

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Candy Crush Saga Candy Crush

Too many no energy boost too often. You play a fee short games and them it wants you to wait or spend money. Sea the more you play the more of these you get loosing interest. Some levels extremely hard and wait time between boost are ridiculous.The further you get the shorter time between energy boost. It is infuriating. I'd rather pay for the e Nd be able to play more without paying. Sometimes it makes you wait 30 minutes to power boosts up again and then you play 3 times and it stops again and you have to wait another 30 minutes. Everyone seems to be annoyed by the same thing.

I think my complaints are along with others. Sometimes it skips numbers and says it's out of lives and this is about every fifth play. I have considered it is fixed so you have to spend more. I'll just buy another game before I will go that. Sometimes it will shoe 24 times left and the next move it says you have no more moves. Great game but too much of a pain to keep starting all over again. VERY disappointed. Had heard so much about it.

I have the exact complaint as the others. Sometimes it misses numbers and says you have 20 moves left and then if stops and wants you to spend money again. It is disappointing and extremely irritating. But me biggest complaint is that under one of my numbers that has a plastic look under the fruit, it is torn below the glass and I can't use that square. Is there anything you can do to repair this. It is under the glass and a corner piece. There is no way that I did it. It looks as though
it just came loose. It runs the entire game. UPSET!I

I have really gotten irritated at the number of plays you get. If it says 30 you may get 25 or 20. It just stops when it wants, which definitely screws your stratify. I wonder if anyone else is having this problem.

Second request. I seem to be having the same problems as all the others so I know it isn't just me. I have the "reshuffle" madness thing when there are moves left. I did not have this earlier. It may reshuffle three or more times in one play and there is no need. The game has lost any skill level and sometimes I win and have no idea how and sometimes I loose, before all my moves are over according to the game. I will make a move and it will do something entirely different to what I intended and mess up and reasoning I was attempting. The skill of the game is gone and the game has just become pay more or loose. Over and over I will get to the place that I just lack one move to win but there is no way to move it. I don't consider this a coincidence, it happens to many times. It plays like you can just close your eyes and move any way and get the same results. I loved this game when I started but when you are on the same level for days or weeks and others are having the same problem, something is wrong. I don't know what you have done, but I am ready to stop playing. Also, I may have boosters showing but they never work. I am not spending any more money to just reshuffle and want more money. Seems someone has gotten really greedy. You have success with the game, but read your reviews. You have one good one. That isn't success. Please Fix this and make it fun and skillful again.

Now I can play one number about three times and I am out of lives and you want more money. I don't mind paying sometimes but it is amazing how many times I would have won with just one more play. Mine doesn't give you the correct number of attempts that you say you have and my wheel will not spin any more. It has gotten to the place if you want to pass a number you are going to have to pay for at least one of the stars. It is the same four games with small changes over and over again. Please revise this this games for
more fun. You have many people dissatisfied.

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Candy Crush Saga Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!

Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!Love it! Keep them coming!

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Candy Crush Saga Changes

I have been playing this game for a very long time. I am on level 4106 and they have changed the game where you can't get bonuses. You have to win the very hard level you are on or buy the bonuses. Now the game is not as much fun. I am thinking of finding a new game to play. I loved this game, but with all the changes, I don't have fun anymore! So sorry they did these changes! Good luck to new comers.

I have been playing this game for a very long
time. I am on level 3036. But I am ready to quit! For some reason this game keeps taking my gold bars that I save for when I need them. Well this is the second time they have taken at least 13 gold bars I had. So if you don't care about your gold bars or boosters then play. I had so much fun, but now it is getting to the point of me quitting! So good luck to you all.

December 20,2016

I deleted Candy Crush like I was just old to. And now I can't get on. I went to level one when I was in n level 660. Now that I am back to level 1 and can't even get on to play. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME, ONCE YOU GET HIGH IN THE GAME YOU CAN NO LONGER PLAY!

December 17
Still can't play. Every time I try to get on, it goes to a black screen. I said I wasn't going to play anymore, but I keep getting try this and get these prizes. All I get is frustration! Please fix for IPAD users.

December 1
Well I was able to play again for 2 days. Then KING updated again. There goes playing! Now I can't play online or off! THANKS KING!

November 19,2013
As much as I hate to do this, I am deleting this game. It doesn't work and is taking up space. I really liked to play this game and I am so upset I have to give it up..maybe King can fix this someday!

November 18,2016
Well, I am over not be able to play this game after the last update! I played this everyday and looked forward to play when I was upset and needed to forget my medical problems. But I can't get on the game anymore to play, so KING when you fix this I will try again, but as of today good bye.

November 14
Ok, now I am getting sick of this! I love this game so much and look forward to playing it on my bad days and any time I want to play. BUT as usual, I can't play it. When are you going to fix this for IPAD players? Please don't make me delete this game and say good bye. Please fix it! I want to play.

November 10,2016
Well same stuff. Can't play still! Every time I try to play, the game comes on and before I can touch the game it crashes! I am over a it. I love this game, it has kept my mind off so many Medical problems I have. But this upsets me every time it crashes! I hope they fix this soon, I don't want to delete it, but if I can't play it then why have it! I won't reinstall because I am not going to start all over after getting up in the 600's. Please fix this game! Good luck to everyone else!


November 9
So I got to play one game today! I was so excited thinking they fixed the problem and NO
It won't let me play anymore games! So I guess KING HASN'T FIXED THE PROBLEM! Is it ever going to be fixed or do I delete the game? I was your NUMBER 1 FAN, not anymore! PLEASE FIX THE GAME!

After reading some of these other reviews, I feel better because I remembered this all happen after I updated the game. I thought it was my IPAD, but it isn't, it is the game! So I have lost lives, sparkle balls, hammer and all of the other ones. I have lost at least 10 of all. I really hope they fix this, because I really like playing this game. I am disabled and there are days I can't do anything and this keeps me entertained. But now I can't get on the game for anything! PLEASE FIX!

I am now on level 627 or around that level and I cannot play anymore. Every time I try and get on the game, it kicks me off. Doesn't matter if I am on line or not! I wish they would fix this! I really love playing this game! but I can't now... PLEASE FIX, I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME AGAIN!

This is the 3rd attempt, every time I hit send it says nickname in use. Oh come on. I am stuck on level125. I think because I won't buy any jellies or the game. I thought this was free.

I have had better luck until now. I am on level 377 and I can't get pass it! I have been playing it for at least one month or more. Again I won't buy the things they want you too, so this game is fun and I enjoy it, but once you get stuck, get use to playing that level over and over until they finally let you win and you get to the next level. This has happened many times. I am just getting to the point of quitting the game all together. So just beware this happens when you don't buy things they want you to buy! Also they took away the lives we use to have for the owl game. Now you can only play one game or the other, not both! Now that STINKS!

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Candy Crush Saga Hello.This game,It has pros and cons

Hello.This game,It has pros and cons.This review is very long and I have edited it many times.Here is what you need to know.

The hints the game gives you are unfair.There could be a game winning move and they will show some move that won't help you at all.And why do they call the stuff jelly?it doesn't look like jelly at all.give it some color or something.

Been stuck on level 29 for almost a week.Also,what I read is true!King is pretty much suing any app with the words "candy"or"saga"!
At first I didn't believe the reviews that said this.But I get GameInformer magazine monthly,and it said in the April issue that"Candy Crush Saga creators King have filed to trademark the word 'candy' to attempt to protect its IP from copycats".it also says it's gotten into "a legal wrangling over developer Stoic's use of the word 'saga' in Banner Saga,claiming its title is 'confusingly & deceptively
similar' to Candy Crush Saga title".Can you believe that?!And so does that mean we can't eat candy anymore because King is the only company who can use the word?!Banner Saga is for a whole different system!Attention other game company's!Please avoid using the words "candy and saga in your games to avoid being sued!

I realized something else.Booster wheel is totally unfair.You spin it once a day.But more than once have I haven't spun it that day and when I try to spin it it says come back later!Glitch!Another thing is this is the second time that I was so close to getting the checkmark and it bounced back to the one before it and I got a stupid lollipop that is worthless.
❌Also I once was so close to getting jackpot and it went to the one after it.Why do you want us to lose?You money hungry people don't want us to get jackpot so we buy the things in jackpot!And,Jackpot isn't the only thing impossible to land on.Everything with a pink background on the wheel is impossible to land on.The developers are stupid for putting them on the wheel if they don't want people to get them.THE DUMB [censored] WHEEL CHEATS SO WHY DONT YOU JUST




(Many people would not like it if you did C though because some of the things you can land on are very useful but it is still an option to take care of the problem)

On level 48.Im angry because I tried several times to clear all the jelly and when I finally DID,it said I failed because I didn't get enough points!Give me a break people.Imagine if I had been working on that level for a week and then that happened.The only time it should matter how many points we get is when it is a moves level!Otherwise it shouldn't!
We already have enough to do.

On level 52,unlocked Dreamworld.You guys will think I'm crazy,but I like Dreamworld better than the regular levels.You need to plan your moves and have skill and strategy to be able to calculate which moves are safe or not.But,please change the dumb owls name.Why Odus?Cant you come up with a nicer name?its dream world;call it Dream.Unless Odus means dream...
And this sounds even crazier,but I think Dreamworld is easier than the regular levels!I got up to the episode in Dreamworld that's like chocolate mountain in like 3 days,while in regular it took me over a week.But,you people need to change the bird.Make him a different animal that doesn't have wings like a mouse or cat or something.Its dumb that he,a bird with perfectly good working wings,has to fall off a moon when you unbalance him.He can fly.I agree with review 268.It said something like,"And why does he have to fall off the moon?He has wings,doesn't he?They work,don't they?Thats what I thought.Learn to fly or go home."

I was on a jelly level and TWICE I cleared all the jelly and it wouldn't let me proceed because I DIDNT GET ENOUGH STUPID POINTS!Why do they matter?What is their purpose?Its so stupid!

I don't get the updates.Why are you adding new levels?Don't you read the hundreds of reviews that claim they can't get past levels 421, 425, 500, 501, etc.?Why add new levels if no one can get to them? There is nothing in updates that says anything about making the levels easier,or at least making them possible.In fact,you are making them harder and not even telling us in the updates!In level 425, you made it "more" impossible by decreasing the bomb timers from 14 to 9.And you say the tornadoes are random?They are rigged!People who say,"it's supposed to get harder!Quit whining!",This game isn't just "getting harder".Its impossible once you get I the 400's. Then it's not fun!They want you to buy boosters and extra moves and lives.You don't have to make it so obvious you are so money hungry.

"Give up"?How negative can you get?Change it back.I liked the little genie.Now there's the girl with the stupid look on her face.Come on people.

In the most recent update,you removed the daily booster wheel.Its not there anymore.That was like one third of the reason why this game was still on my phone.Seriously?Mad.Bring it back.

Greedy developers only get 2/5 stars, game gets 3/5 stars.Which,averaged up,means this whole thing deserves 2 and 1/2 out of 5 stars.Since you can't do halves,I will need to round it up or down.And just because I am a nice person,I will give it 3 stars.Be aware that anyone else would give it 2,and I will if anything else happens.Im not connected to Facebook(I'm only ten)and I'm not allowed to spend money on my phone.So no matter how hard you try,you won't be able to squeeze a penny out of me.

Thank you for reading.


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Candy Crush Saga Candy crush

Best game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdaBest game ever created.
Best game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbda
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdaBest game ever created.
Best game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbda
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdaBest game ever created.
Best game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbda
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdaBest game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdahjhgkhghkgkjhkjbijbknvgmvjhgnkvmmnb,no,by,Ben,bhjvjhvkhvhkbkjbkjb,job,b

VnnjnvjlnelkvejflvnervklernvowjdnviwdnvownfwejlnfirofwjkrekwFnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbda
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdaBest game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdahjhgkhghkgkjhkjbijbknvgmvjhgnkvmmnb,no,by,Ben,bhjvjhvkhvhkbkjbkjb,job,b

Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdaBest game ever created.
Fnipretgdjhkvhjvjkbjknkl dnvsknvsdkdvdalinadjkvbdahjhgkhghkgkjhkjbijbknvgmvjhgnkvmmnb,no,by,Ben,bhjvjhvkhvhkbkjbkjb,job,b


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Candy Crush Saga Complaints 18

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Candy Crush Saga You don’t get what you purchased!

This is the 2nd time I have NOTICED this and who knows, possibly it’s happened way more and I just never payed that close of attention. I had about 4 moves left and decided I needed a lollipop hammer thingy majig and so I purchased the $5.99 package that included “lollipop hammers” (I have and do spend wayyy more than I should in this game and I am usually ok with that, so don’t let this amount I just mentioned make anyone disregard this comment) anyway, and a few other rando’s AND 20 GOLD BARS! Did I receive the gold bars?!?! NOPE...not even 1! I wasn't out of lives, I didn't need or have to use any gold bars to continue this level therefore it should have added on to what I already had! I only had 8 bars to begin this particular level so I clearly remember how many I had. So...I was ripped off from receiving them! It is also why I bought that particular package to add a few extra bars just to have in hand. I have noticed this one other time and figured I just saw wrong but I payed extra close attention this time to make sure I am getting what I paid for as like I said it happened before. Why King/Candy Crush do you think you need to pull fast ones on all your devoted players. Yes, I choose to spend the cash and no one forces one to spend, but give what is purchased fully please! It is not so much about the money or else I wouldn’t even purchase to begin with. But come on! You guys are doing need to rip off the devoted and the spenders. Also, the one and only other time I have ever commented, I noticed this too, my comment was never published and present...why? Because of the truth? Again...just be fair is all I and probably thousands or more others who spend the dough only ask for. No extra benefits or privileges just fairness in getting what we purchase. Thank you! Please make this comment visible to all. Happy crushing to the rest of you crushers!

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Candy Crush Saga BUGS"! - This game is akin to dealers in Vegas cheating!

Beware! This game has "bugs" that are intentionally designed to make the company money! The game is great until you get into the level 60's. (Then, they know they have you hooked.) This is when the "bugs" come out, badly. The game has flaws that encourage/force you to spend money.

Now, this may sound like the definition of the game. Obviously they want to make money. But, I draw the line when making money is basically theft. It's not fair. You can clear a level and win a level, only the and will not register it!

Let me explain... In order to get extra lives or extra turns, in this game, you either have to wait a varying amount of time to get another life, or you have to pay money.

There are levels that you are given a task like "bring down the ingredients". Up in the right corner is a list of how many of each jngredient you must bring to the bottom to clear the level. When you get to the 69's you can clear the ingredients and nothing registers on the too right. Thus, you are in an endless loop and can't clear the level.

If you contact the company, they will tell you to attach the game to your FB account in order to save your data and reset the game. (Look for complaints about FB being attached. This appears to cause great problems with FB.)

I did not do this. I did reset the game and start back at level one- paying attention to the "quirks" in the game. (Taking pictures and screen shots and taking notes.)

Even by resetting the game. The bugs are still there. Each one violates the premise of the game. And each one is in the game's favor.

I contacted the game company again. Same response.

I contacted apple, I was told to contact the company.

DO NOT get this game! AND if you get the game and you start encountering problems, pay attention, it's not accidental! And the company refuses to address it. After all, they are making $600k a day!

This is theft!

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Candy Crush Saga Soda Crush is way better

I’ve been stuck on level 181 for about two weeks now, so I just uninstalled it. The super hard levels are just entirely too hard and they have them way too often; they have them back to back (meaning only a level or two apart) so much that it doesn’t give you a chance to stock up on any of the boosts, making the next hard or super hard level impossible unless you buy boosts.
I gave it two stars because it WAS fun to play but then they started pushing you to buy certain items, like the piggy bank which I’m not going to spend $3 on sorry but that’s absolutely ridiculous, that piggy bank is worth maybe $0.99 not $3; and then the levels just kept getting harder and I wasn’t getting any gold (unless you spend actual money on the bank of course), and the boosts were getting harder to get. Yeah, they have the daily spin thing which you have literally a ZERO percent chance of getting jackpot on - one time it LANDED ON jackpot and then moved to the next one even though it had completely stopped, so they have it programmed where you can never win that obviously - I keep getting the lollipop or the hand. That’s it, those are the only two things it ever landed on for me. If they made this game less hard, and actually have it to where you get gold then it would be good to keep.
I downloaded Soda Crush and I’m already further in that game than I was in this one. Why? Because they didn’t make Soda Crush as hard and it’s very easy to get boosts for that game. Making it fun and where you want to keep playing it. There may be more problems or annoyances with the game that also made me uninstall it but I just can’t remember right now. Those were the top things that annoyed me about this game and ultimately led to me uninstalling it. Not that the developers care for one persons opinion on this game out of the thousands that install it... but I thought I would let everyone know my opinion on it.

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Is Candy Crush Saga Legit?

Candy Crush Saga earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds Candy Crush Saga to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, Candy Crush Saga is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with Candy Crush Saga, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

Candy Crush Saga has received 11 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

The age of Candy Crush Saga's domain suggests that they have had sufficient time to establish a reputation as a reliable source of information and services. This can provide reassurance to potential customers seeking quality products or services. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

We looked up Candy Crush Saga and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While Candy Crush Saga has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 18 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • Candy Crush Saga protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to Candy Crush Saga. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
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Candy Crush Saga I this what gaming has come to

Candy crush... The first thing that comes to mind is somebody crushing candy. Well that's not right at all when it comes to this game. Instead, it's some mind puzzling puzzle-solver game. Not the ideal "fun" game when it comes to teenagers. Yet somehow, 90% of the worlds teen population can't stop playing. Maybe it's the eagerness to want to beat each level, or maybe people think they can get smarter by playing a puzzle game, or maybe this is what gaming has come to. I didn't know what to expect when downloading this game, but I sure didn't expect the same game as bejeweled or jewel rush. And guess what it is exactly like...bejeweled and jewel rush. The only crush candy instead of jewels...way to be creative. At least all the other addicting and simple yet somehow fun games are original. But this game, same concept, same goals, same frustration when you can't "clear all the jelly". I also wondered how they came up with candy inside jelly, to me that just sounds gross. Well, when you first get this game an you start beating the first few levels, you think you are amazing at it. Then you look to your neighbor and see they are on level 235. Two thoughts then come to your mind...they either have no life or they are truly talented. And because the rest of the teenage population is playing this game, you eliminate the possibility that they have no life, because that would mean everyone else doesn't either. And there you sit, trying to beat level 21 (which you have been stuck at for 2 weeks) and you realize you should give up. But 5 minutes later, you catch yourself playing. And you say to yourself "well everyone else is playing, so I might as well so I don't look like a weirdo." Well hate to break it to you, but you do along with the rest of the teens around the world. But at least you are some how "making your brain smarter" (at least that's what they tell you).

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Candy Crush Saga Getting worse

First, for all of you who think you have to pay to get past some levels: you don’t. I’m on level 3614 and I have never paid a cent. You just have to be willing to keep playing and playing until the game finally allows you to pass. Because I do not think the candy combos are random. If you play enough the game finally gives you the right combos to pass. Second, you can get the jackpot in the wheel spin: I got it once. Once. In six years of daily spins. Which makes me think again, it’s not random. Because the law of odds would dictate that over time in a random spin, you’d get all possible outcomes about equally. So why have I gotten jelly fish about half the time, and the jackpot once? It’s fishy . What does anger me is that in the recent past the makers eliminated the ability to restart a level without sacrificing a life if you have not made any moves. That ability was wonderful for several reasons. Obviously the best was to reset the board to give you a better layout if you use your precious boosters to attempt a difficult level. BUT, I also used it quite often when I’d switch devices and didn’t remember that I’d already passed a level on my other device until opening the game board and recognizing the level! That happens if the game hasn’t synced yet; usually if I’d been playing offline and I hadn’t rebooted the app. It’s completely unfair to force me to lose a life because the game hasn’t synced yet. Sometimes I open a level and immediately get called away for a few minutes and have to stop; when I go back I’ve lost a life even though I hadn’t made any moves. I’m about at the end of my tolerance for these fraudulent practices. After six years, or however long the game has been around, I’m finding that it finally bores me. The levels are beginning to be repetitive even though they add a few differences. It’s not enough to keep my interest much longer. And crooked developer practices disgust me.

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Candy Crush Saga I have grown to hate this POS

At one point, I loved CC. I discovered it before it was popular, and was around level 370 when my FB friends finally jumped on board. I then discovered the "secret" (y'all hardcore crushers know what I'm talking about) so I played non stop for hours upon hours. I developed strategies. I planned several moves in advance. It exercised my pea sized brain. Yes, I also spent probably 5 to 10 bucks or so (probably more - I just don't want to admit that) total in the game as well...because I'm a blonde headed idiot. I had been stuck on level 421 for SEVERAL DANG MONTHS (and had just quit playing) when the dream world came out, so I played a little of it. I mean honestly, I was so upset over a stupid game that I even wrote my very first blog post all about Candy Crush, titled "Would Jesus Play Candy Crush"...Like another review I have read, it literally becomes impossible to beat the levels, especially after all the updates. Even if I was stupid enough to spend more money for boosters, level 421 is a match 7 striped candies level, so it would still be impossible to beat it. Now I'm stuck in a level in DUHream world. So I'm deleting you, Candy Crush. You guys might consider adding a skip feature...where if you fail a level, oh say 268 times, like I have level 421, then more people could continue to play your piece of crap. That you randomly dreamed up. And got filthy f'n rich off of idiots like me. More people may be willing to buy more of your crap if they think they have a glimmer of hope. Hello. We all have our noses in our phones playing stupid crap like this to avoid human interaction. Get it? Yes I know I don't have to buy anything, I chose to. Yes this review is extremely sarcastic and funny to me. I'm not complaining about the money. I'm mostly complaining that I invested time and money into a favorite game that can no longer be played because you guys blatantly ignore any user comments and suggestions.

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Candy Crush Saga fix this

i’m pretty sure they have read all the reviews. many of us play this game to relax, not to stress out! in-app purchases are increasing way too much and your updates are trashy. we can no longer play previous levels to win boosters, nor can we use the free moves wheel after a level without HAVING TO USE GOLD BARS! idk if anyone else has had that problem, but it’s more frustrating than it is relaxing. the fish in the game eat up slots that are USELESS to win the level. i mean they should be targeting the slots which will help us win the level, but instead they go ANYWHERE ELSE and as a result, i lose all my progress in the game because i've lost the level. and, when u win a level you get one booster to help u in the next level, but i have never had ONE STRIPED CANDY help me get through hard levels. make the game like it used to be. and in addition to that, why are all the super hard levels next to each other?! at least give the consumers some time to get some boosters so the super hard levels won’t be that difficult to get through and we won’t have to be stuck on them for days.

even levels that aren’t hard levels are getting difficult. u guys say ‘swipe the stress away’, but it’s only causing more stress. it’s not just kids who play this game. i’m not playing candy crush for a few weeks in hopes that you’ll fix this crap. wouldn’t be a surprise if i come back to find NOTHING has been changed. this pandemic is causing all of us stress and this game is the only way i like to de-stress, but it’s just not what it used to be. the game is not fun anymore and it’s actually quite sad. don’t take advantage of consumers by forcing them to buy boosters in order to win the level.

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Candy Crush Saga Mrs

So far this game is O K. Candy Crush lost its luster with me when the Game started doing crazy things. Why am I not allowed to Win the LAST round until there are additional rounds downloaded? Why when you finally Win the LAST Round the game malfunctions and I am not allowed the Win? Why is it in the beginning of playing your LAST ROUND, when you have your Best Shot of winning, the Candy Crush Saga Game blanks out Every time? When I say Every time, I mean Every Time! I Do believe that when I am on Round 500 I should be able to WIN that round. Then if I Choose to continue, that should be my choice Not Candy Crush Saga's. I am forced to download additional games in order to Win my Final ROUND.

Why am I unable to access Candy Crush Saga thru FaceBook? Without being able to access Candy Crush Saga thru FaceBook, I cannot receive Lives from my FaceBook friends. Without FaceBook, I cannot send lives either.

I am on Round 505. On this round, while it is not impossible to win without Spinning the Bonus Wheel, you will have a hard time winning without the help of the Bonus Wheel. I cannot Spin the Wheel because Candy Crush Saga will Not allow the Internet Connection. The Game tells me I am Not allowed access to the Kingdom, Now. Bologna!

To make a long story short. Candy Crush Saga will hijack you by making you download additional games in order to win your final round. This in turn gives the impression that you want more and more games. Not so with me! I want to be able to make that choice All By Myself. When I was finished with Round 500, I was not allowed to Win until I downloaded 30 additional games. I had beat that game 17 times and was not allowed the Win. I guess the game mal-function-tioned? Yeah. Right. That is Not counting the times Candy Crush blanked out when it was clear I had a good shot of winning my Final Round.

Candy Crush needs to stop its deceptive practices and let all who pay this game do so freely. You are taking the joy in playing the game away.

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Candy Crush Saga Candy crush this game is now on FB as a joke

I loved this game! Now not so much! How does the owl fall in just 2 moves or just cuts u off? It was great to play n now u want ppl to pay! Sorry but if this is not fixed, 4 friends already quit, I will b next!
Feb 12
I still am losing lives in 2 moves! How does a bird fall in just 2 moves? In 1 wk if the game is not fixed I will stop playing n delete the candy crush ap, n most of my friends n family r going to do the same thing! Think outside the box instead of the cash flow!

Feb 18
Iv read most of the reviews n most r what I'm experiencing! How can the bird fall in less then 2 moves? Exactly all about money! This game use to b fun n challenging n now it's a joke! I'm going to finish the lives I got, if I don't get past the level iv been on for over 3 wks I will delete this ap. n I'm sure many will fallow n delete this game. I know it takes money but for ppl that can't pay to play a game, shame on u! This WILL B MY LAST REVIEW I SEND! I wouldn't have given u any stars but then I couldn't send my review, huh!
Feb 28
Thanks for taking all my lives again! Is this going to stop? If not I'm going to delete candy crush ap. this is a game n games r suppose to b fun not frustrating n getting angry! This is THE LAST CHANCE I WILL GIVE THIS GAME. Period!

April 5
I was hoping candy crush would fix the bird world. But I c it has not. What I can't figure out is how the owl can fall in 2 moves? Is that so u think I will buy more lives? Cuz I won't! If I have to stay on the same level for mnths I still won't buy my way to another level. All it will do is me stop playing another game of candy crush! It should b about skill, not how much money I can get!
April 14
This game is a joke! It's even now on FB as a money trap, n I agree! Odie the owl can fall in less then 2 moves, really! Or when u get ready to get thru a level Odie just happens to " fall off" really. Does anyone @ this game actually read the reviews? If they do they need fired! This game should b about skill, not rigged to make millions of dollars!

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Candy Crush Saga Game play

I downloaded the game as I had heard family members seemed to enjoy it ...
1. Ask friends for life ... It loads suggested fiends to ask.. I get folks I know for a fact that don't play the game... Never will play the game no matter how many requests I send them... How come I don't get names of folks who are playing when asking for life?
2. I've gotten stuck on some levels for days... Sometimes longer... Often I get close (one remaining jelly square) I put the game aside for a day or more... Ok so usually I complete a level or my son will level me up if I get particularly stuck. My question is and well complaint is.. I get requests for something or other because my game friend has been stuck on the same level for weeks some for months ... So what's wrong that the game play is so difficult that folks have to ask weeks and months later to get past one level? But reading comments on here actually tells me ... They want us to spend money on stuff in these economically challenging times for many Americans... Yet then again some how or another folks are also able to ask for help (have no clue what the item is) for which I can't even find in my game a way I request the item from others when I get stuck... So
3. Only 3 life recharges per hour? Takes 20 minutes to get one life in the game? So I would have to wait almost 2 hours to get recharged? What's up with that?
4. Where's a way for me I send out life to folks? I have two buttons... Ask for life from "suggested" non-players and buy life... In my game so what? Do I have to play via my computer to get
More capability?
As with all the games I've played either by cell or by computer it's always the same thing
The developers rarely fix their games ... Which would require them to actually read these reviews ... Or their support folks provide lip service to those seeking support... Because it is all about their bottom line .. $$$$$$$$$
(Do I need to point out ummm that world cafe game and that vile farm where after a year of not playing going back and the same issues remain)
So yup the game is fun while it lasts.

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Candy Crush Saga Why Crashes?

I would rate this game 5 stars only if it didn't have CRASHES. Seriously very frustrated. I'm on level 88 ( I know not very impressive. ) and I every time I play it crashes. It's probably because I have an out of date phone ( iPhone 4 ) I thought but that's not it because it's meant for an iPhone. I would have been on level 100 or more by now cause I'm addicted. When King finally plans to update Candy Crush I think that they should fix bugs and crashes. I'm highly annoyed. But then I think I should now rate it 2 stars not five like I wanted to. It would have gotten five if it didn't have crashes and everything so EXPENSIVE. Like seriously? I rather get piece of gold for watching an hour ad. I only have 10 gold ( I would have 9 but I won it from the sugar drops. I expect them to give me 2 but since everything is so EXPENSIVE I don't get 2. ) from buying tickets. It's not fair. I know gold is used for trading but I have better uses for buying tickets. And every time I do a quest for a ticket the next quest is like wait for tomorrow or this quest is not made yet. And when I ask my friends it takes so long for them to answer. Like I know it's not King's problem I think it is. The games messages are just at the top of the screen and it doesn't get much attention. I think once you tap play I think that it should have a little message saying you have a message only when you actually have one. And the part I mostly hate is the Spinning Wheel that wins boosters. Once you spin it and claim your prize it takes like 2 days to get the next free turn. I think that the Candy Bank is selfish because they take the players gold for buying moves, turns to spin the wheel, and tickets. I probably missed some but I know that seems little but very expensive. Like 9 gold for moves and tickets and 6 gold for another spin. But it gets more expensive. Like the same level that your on and you bought moves it makes it more expensive for more moves on the level you failed. And the next spin on the wheel is gonna be 9 gold and adds up. I'm sorry Candy Crush for saying this is a bad quality game but haters gonna hate.

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Candy Crush Saga “Chill out and relax”…really?

If you believe that, you haven’t gotten too far into the game. It’s really fun until you reach about level 600. After that every gain you get is quickly depleted, unless of course you want to fill the developer’s pockets by making endless purchases, which I never did. The games become very repetitive in many ways, but at the same time progressing to be too difficult to chill out and relax. The insanely difficult levels multiply like bunny rabbits, stealing whatever joy you had in your accomplishments, your boosters and then quickly your game lives. It’s interesting also that as you progress, a certain candy needed to win is suddenly found nowhere in sight on that side of the game board. Coincidental? I doubt it. Adding insult to injury is the totality of hours you spend watching their ad nauseam commercials to get boosters! Many I “earned” never even showed up. In the end, all lives are burned up, just in time for them to present a real good “deal” to purchase something to help you. I was willing to watch way too many ads to continue to play and to give the developer money for creating the game. Not any more.
I wasn’t a bad player, having won a streak of 124 levels in a row on the first try. But, I started losing everything to games that made no sense on how to win, and suddenly no ads or boosters were available, unless of course I was willing to shut down the game and come back the next day, only to find a couple of boosters. Great, except I just lost all the races I was in the day before when I was in either first or second place! No gold bars won, so essentially back to square one. And speaking of gold bars, you know the 30 gold bars that are initially won and then filled the cute piggy bank? Oh sorry, you have to buy a bigger piggy bank to get them! No thanks!
The fun I enjoyed at first turned into anxiety, and then anger. It took longer than it should have for me to clearly see the manipulation of the game for what it was. But…you know the button that says “Play On” for whatever price is given to stop from losing the game? Well, I found a better button: “Delete App”!

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Candy Crush Saga Candy crush saga

I hope that you don’t make it so HARD for a lot of people it’s just really upsetting when at the end when you complete it it does not give you anything and we should get paid [protected] thousand dollars every time we play I’m not saying you have to change but make it easier i’m sick and tired of that getting past the level of candy crush it’s getting really annoying so I think we should get paid $5000 every time we cub and we should also get paid $50,000 because I get sick of play it and we try our hardest and other people take their time off of their work to get this and they have to pay a lot of money to get this game so I think But I think it’s a good ideayou should fix that and pay us somebody Before you start changing it up we should have an easierTime controlling it part of this because you guys I know how hard you work to get this game done all the time but we should also get paid because we pay you so that means we get paid to not saying you have to fix every single problem telling you right I hope you fix all the problems because I’m not paying this much money to have this game so I most likely would do this if I were you because I can’t stand having this happen and I know this is a long review but I don’t care your company needs to pay us because you can’t just come over and give me a call get it take that call because you guys are just saying I want to work at candy crush I I I love candy crush it it’s it’s really fun I just really want to work there and I want to see what I could fix with you because I want to help and if you can fix every single problem that I told you so just get it up so other people can just be like oh I want to play can you brush because I can get this money like all those other card games when they pay you where you don’t get bills to pay for what you’re playing because we go over
Hope you have a good rest your day just if you can fix some of those problems because I feel like you’re confident and you have those things to do that you have all the stuff that you need since you get paid paid paid paid but have a good rest of your day. Mad emoji face

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Candy Crush Saga The Game Is Fun, But. Is A Scam

This game is tons of fun and very challenging at times. It is overpriced at times. I mean, pay $16.99USD to get 3 more lives that you still have to wait time for? Why not make it unlimited lives for that kind of price? For $24.99USD you can pause time in the timer levels once while contemplating your move; why not include the three extra lives with that ability for that price? Nope, we want money so that will be $16.99 and $24.99 please. Oh, for $39.99USD you can seriously pay to paint ONE candy with stripes once per game. Really?! 40 bucks, but I only get that one ability for one use once per attempt at a level?!?! You would think for that price, nearly full retail of a console game, you would be given the extra lives and the time pause ability, but no. Only the stripe power. Not to mention they limit your lives to a timer if you do not want to wait you can pay $0.99 each time you want a life. Though there is the trick to set your phone's time forward to not wait. Also once you hit level 35 you must bother your Facebook friends to send you "tickets" to continue past or pay $0.99 and I would imagine that because a trend with later levels too. Though I realized after that point that this game is too much of a scam. This is a cash grab game with you purely relying on luck of the drops or paying outrageous prices to not even get a guaranteed win. You could pay all that money and still lose multiple times because not all game attempts are able to be won. This game is literally a modern day scam designed to rip off other cheaper games and to take your money in hopes of winning when it doesn't even help.

TL;DR: This game is fun, but is a modern day scam. It is a rip off of other games giving you hope of victory with overly priced "power ups" that do not guarantee victory. Total price of privileges is $78.97 plus $0.99 for per life and to each continuation of the game also it has many other power ups that are for different levels that costs prices from $0.99 to $7.99 and higher. Save yourself the frustration and get Bejeweled. Or get this game, annoy your Facebook friends and try not to succumb to the overpriced items in game.

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Candy Crush Saga Could be awesome.but

The programmers really need some help. 1-having to play the same level for over a week in order to pass it is ridiculous! If u have to continuously buy the "extras" so u can pass games then why bother? It's crap & a money trap! 2-if the game requires extras then why can't u win them in the game? It should b part of every game in order to make it fair b/c it's not about skill, the computer controls if u win or not, not luck...that is made very clear in the way the game plays. Also I will not tell others about the spin wheel until I'm able to hit the jackpot! I have spun the wheel everyday for the past 4 1/2 months & never hit it. U can time the spin to land on anything u want but when u try it on the jackpot it either speeds up or drags so u never hit... Again, just another programming trap! 3-can't stand the fact the game actually cheats to keep u from obtaining the goals needed to win. It puts bombs where they can't b cleared or when it drops candies it makes sure to prevent combos or when u need certain colors it amazingly will not drop ur color even after 6 or more luck in's programmed that way so u will buy the extras or more lives in order to win!
I have many friends & family members that have stopped playing & deleted the game b/c of these reasons & r now playing bejeweled b/c the programming is far superior & it's much more fun to play! U can actually continue matching colors while jewels r dropping so u don't lose great combos u worked so hard to set up where as candy crush always seems to drop colors that will take ur combos away & the board is frozen until after everything has dropped & played out. They make it clear to us all that it's not about providing a fun's about screwing the player at every turn in order to make a buck! Wake up candy crush...u r fast becoming the most hated game which in turn is pissing people off & they will not download or play ANY "King" game... Kinda foolish on ur part! DONT BOTHER DOWNLOADING UNTIL THESE FIXES R TAKEN CARE OF...ALMOST EVERY COMMENT MENTIONS ONE OR MORE OF THE THINGS LISTED ABOVE & THEN SOME. NOT WORTH UR TIME UNTIL THE DEVELOPERS START LISTENING TO THEIR CUSTOMERS!

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Candy Crush Saga Luck based

Candy Crush is purely a luck based game. The skill portion (how well you play the game) quickly plateaus, and then it's about playing harder levels over and over until you get lucky enough to be able to complete it. After the first couple dozen levels, most levels are not possible to win most of the time - even if you make the obvious best moves, you still cannot possibly win just because of the luck involved with the randomization of colors and not being able to see which new pieces will fall into play ahead of time.
I've played levels where I only had a single move I could make, then after that no moves were available and it had to reshuffle the pieces. That indicates this game is like a casino - the games are designed for you to lose. The odds are stacked against you, and only money can even slightly equalize the inherent unfairness and luck factor of the game.
The levels become harder and harder, which simply means more and more luck is required to win. The pure frustration can only be countered by purchasing in-game "cheats" to try and bend the fundamental game rules (buying more turns or powerful candies) to clear a level.
To top it all off, you only get so many tries based on time. If you are stuck on a hard level, you will only be able to try a handful of times, then you have to wait (or spend money) just to be able to even play the game at all. That's wonderful when you have some down time to fill and the game won't even let you play it. What happened to games you play when YOU have the time and want to play?
I'm on level 97, so I've played this game plenty enough to know what it's about. And no, I've not spent a single red penny on this game.
Studies have been done on how apps make money, and they found that a small percentage of players go overboard and spend a ton on a game and thus most of the revenue comes from a small number of hardcore players that are "addicted" to the game. This game is totally designed to exploit that fact, and make as much money off of the small percentage of people that either have the money to blow, or don't have the self control to realize they are in a trap that screws them over more and more with each level. It's obviously working as this is one of the top grossing apps in the app store. Don't fall for it.

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Candy Crush Saga This game is rigged

Know, now, that this game is neither casual nor relaxing. First, understand that there is a finite amount of gameplay you can achieve at any moment. 5 lives max, 30 minutes between lives, and only about 15 minutes to lose them all on a single level. So, you can't play long, but you'll come running back every few hours cause not using your precious few lives feels like a waste. The first ensnare... Next, you must either accept that newly forming candies are either completely random, and therefore every game hinges on a certain degree of chance, and even the most skilled, thoughtful maneuvers may be rewarded with abrupt failure, OR it utilizes some color algorithm to pick out the next candies, and is simply choosing to screw you over with bad options or unpredictable cascades. Thanks programmers... This game very quickly goes from fun to frustrating with no consolation. Sooner than later, you will hit a snag, and once you've spent more time stuck on one level than you did on all the previous levels combined, the bitterness begins. You want to win just to spite the game. You don't even want to keep playing; you just don't want to give up knowing the game got the better of you. It's insidious... Here's the level I'm stuck on: clear 25 jellies in 35 moves. Not so bad... But wait, they're 2 hit jellies. So, 50 jellies in 35 moves. Ok, not impossible... Oh, but there's also licorice on the jellies. That can only be cleared by popping candies next to it. That'll cost me some moves, but a few good combos should make it manageable... What's that? There's a row of candies trapped in cages that I have to bust before I can move the candy to pop the licorice to make room for more candy to pop the jellies twice over? All that coupled with the "random" candy selection to spit in the face of your best luck and efforts? This is far less a puzzle game, and much more a simple matter of chance. If I lose a game, it should be cause of my own error; not because the game likes to roll snake eyes every few moves. In short, this game is either poorly developed and infuriating, or it's designed to be diabolical. I was happier before I started playing. If you haven't gotten swept up in this addiction, I implore you to just leave it a mystery. This "puzzle" game is not entertaining or rewarding.

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Candy Crush Saga Game Lost ALL my coins I Paid for

I’m a busy mom who never stops to do anything for herself so I decided to start playing this game to destress and unwind at the end of my busy days. (I haven’t played a game on my phone in years!)

I ended up spending over $100 on this game in a few days to get me started. I was in first place the entire time. That was kinda the point in paying for the boosters and extra coins. Duh!

I’d been playing it for a few days at this point and I had just dropped $54.99 on a large bundle of items. When I went to get on and play at night, every last booster and coin was gone, completely vanish down to ZERO!

I was super upset because obviously I’m not gonna go dump more money into a game that just ripped me off. And I was upset that I had just spent all that money for the coins and items for it to just vanished from my account like that. Also that was my hard-earned money. And at this point I put in lots of effort into the game.

At this point I wasn’t sure if people can hack your accounts on there or if it was just a glitch, but when I reached out and asked for a refund I kept getting kicked back that it was not eligible for a refund. Not eligible? You just ripped off a customer and you lost one.

After thinking about it I decided to Google what had happened to me and discovered it’s been happening to people for a long time! And you guys do nothing about it? You guys don’t refund your customers? It makes for a very shady business, and a very poor business. You’re going to lose those customers like myself. Whatever issue you guys have going on with your game fix it. Unless you’re in on a scam?

Because after googling I also kept seeing this Candy Crushed company (KING.COM) pop up where people had complained that the company would double charge them or after making one purchase it would continue to make other on authorize purchases they didn’t recognize.

I decided to take to the betterbusinessbureau ( and saw this company has a F rating. The lowest rating I’ve ever seen myself on the website.

It’s a shame because I really enjoyed playing this game. But if you’re gonna be putting your money into it just be warned you might get ripped off and may want to keep an eye on them and check your statements. But if I were you I wouldn’t put a diamond to this company.

I won’t be coming back to play this game.

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Mona Rue
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Apr 02, 2024 1:03 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I switched phones and even though I still signed into my account, all my boosters, progress, and gifts are GONE, all that work, GONE. Notice the level 4832 is the same but it's different. Why wouldn't the boosters stay, why remove everything, why the change if and when signing on to another gadget, it isn't fair or right.

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About Candy Crush Saga

Screenshot Candy Crush Saga
Candy Crush Saga is a popular mobile puzzle game that has taken the world by storm. Developed by King, the game was first released in 2012 and has since become one of the most downloaded and played games on both iOS and Android platforms. The game is also available on Facebook and Windows 10.

The objective of Candy Crush Saga is to match three or more candies of the same color in a row or column. The game is divided into levels, and each level has a different objective. Some levels require players to reach a certain score, while others require players to clear a certain number of jellies or ingredients.

One of the reasons why Candy Crush Saga is so popular is its colorful and vibrant graphics. The game features a wide variety of candies, each with its own unique shape and color. The game also has a catchy soundtrack that adds to the overall experience.

Another reason why Candy Crush Saga is so addictive is its challenging gameplay. While the early levels are relatively easy, the difficulty level increases as players progress through the game. Some levels can be incredibly challenging, requiring players to use strategy and skill to complete them.

Candy Crush Saga is also known for its social features. Players can connect the game to their Facebook account and compete with their friends for high scores. The game also has a leaderboard that shows the top players in the world.

In conclusion, Candy Crush Saga is a fun and addictive game that has captured the hearts of millions of players around the world. With its colorful graphics, catchy soundtrack, and challenging gameplay, it's no wonder why the game has become such a phenomenon.

Overview of Candy Crush Saga complaint handling

Candy Crush Saga reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 10, 2023. The latest review Love/Hate was posted on Jun 14, 2023. Candy Crush Saga has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 38 reviews. Candy Crush Saga has resolved 0 complaints.
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Candy Crush Saga is ranked 52 among 87 companies in the Computer and Video Games category

Most discussed Candy Crush Saga complaints

Game Lost ALL my coins I Paid for
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