I have been trying to get my info off of this site for a year with repeated emails and phone calls. I am a victim of severe domestic violence
that almost ended in my death. What did they do, all of my info comes up on the search engine. What good is it taking it off the site when everything is right there under checkpeople.com after searching my own name. This didn’t happen before. I see they’ve done this to other people and put their lives in danger. I am part of an address confidentiality program in my state which I have stated to them multiple times. What this company is doing is illegal and ours real people’s lives at risk. My next step will be bringing a lawsuit against them
Recommendation: Beware of them, don’t trust them and keep complaining to everyone and everywhere you can think. I see they charge people fraudulently as well. This is a dangerous company
I have repeatedly asked this company to remove all information about me because I was the victim of such severe abuse it almost led to my death. I have been asking since last year. Enough info comes up on the search engine for me so a person can find me who is still a threat to me. I have a protected address I use from the state I live in yet this stupid site still has enough info come up about me to find me. It is putting me in great harm and triggering my PTSD from these horrendous past events. This is disgusting and possibly illegal.