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CB Mortgage Companies CitiMortgage not following home affordable modification program guidelines

CitiMortgage review: not following home affordable modification program guidelines 49

Author of the review
9:44 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Tangi smith
2896 via palma, lake worth, florida 33461

july 2, 2009

Citimortgage, inc.
Loss mitigation department
1000 technology drive
O’fallon, mo 63368

Fax number: [protected]

Re: loan number [protected]

Summary of situation

Due to financial hardship as a result of an unexpected divorce at the end of 2008, I contacted citimortgage, inc. at the beginning of january 2009 to explain that I needed help getting my loan modified.

on january 14, 2009, I faxed over my citimortgage workable solutions application which consisted of fifty-eight pages.

On january 26, 2009 I called citimortgage, inc. they stated they had received my fax but were still working on reviewing it. they would call me back soon. I never heard from them.

On january 23, 2009, I called citimortgage, inc. and spoke to representative “mark”. he stated that the fifty-eight pages of my citimortgage workable solutions application had not been “scanned” in yet and he would have to transfer me to “whitney” with citimortgage, inc. loss mitigation department. “whitney” explained to me that I would need to do a “trial run” of modified payments of

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July 2, 2009
Loan # [protected]

$ 995.00 for four months to prove I could afford them and pay on time. after paying these four payments I would then qualify for a permanent modified mortgage program. she stated that she would be mailing the documentation regarding this arrangement to me for my review and signature and then for me to return them to citimortgage, inc. “whitney” instructed me to call citimortgage loss mitigation department back immediately after paying my june, 2009 payment to complete the process. I never did receive any documentation during these four months even though I had made several telephone calls requesting them. I did pay the modified payments of $ 995.00 on time in march, april, may and june 2009 as requested.

June 29th and july 1st, 2009

Listed below is a summary of important details that were covered in telephone conversations with “ms. rachael, supervisor” of citimortgage, inc. and myself on monday, june 29th, 2009 and with “ms. aaron, supervisor” of citimortgage, inc. along ms. ivy with the hope for homeowners organization and myself on wednesday, july 1st, 2009 regarding my pending home affordable modification for the above referenced loan number.

• on monday, june 29th, 2009 “ms. rachel, supervisor” of citimortgage, inc. gave me information regarding the payments I would have to pay under the home affordable modification program. I stated that the amount citimortgage, inc. was requesting from me as a monthly payment was higher than I had been paying for the past four months and did not reflect a modified mortgage payment of 31% (thirty-one percent) of my gross income (as specified in the home affordable modification program guidelines). “ms. rachael” stated “we don’t have to do anything for you but this is what we are offering. you can review and sign the modification agreement or you can pay a balloon payment of approximately $ 3, 400.00 which is due july 25th, 2009.” she stated that I was never on a trial basis for a modification program but in forbearance. never at any time since my conversations started with citimortgage, inc. on january 23, 2009 did anyone state to me forbearance or a balloon payment being due in july 2009.

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July 2, 2009
Loan # [protected]

• on wednesday, july 1st, 2009 ms. ivy with the hope for homeowner’s organization and myself contacted citimortgage, inc. again regarding this situation. when speaking with “ms. aaron, supervisor” at citimortgage, inc. regarding the issue of my modified payment not meeting the 31% mortgage payment goal “ms. aaron” stated that “these are the figures our computer system is giving us”. we pointed out once again that the figures where not correct. according to the guidelines of the home affordable modification program, the borrows’ monthly mortgage payment, including principal, interest, property taxes, property insurance, etc. should be set at 31% of the borrows’ gross order to reach the target affordability level of 31%, interest payments can be reduced down to as low as 2%. if at that rate the debt to income level is still over 31%, then the lender needs to extend the term or amortization period up to 40 years and finally if needed, forbear principal at no interest, until the payment is reduced to the 31% target. “ms. aaron” then placed ivy with the hope for homeowner’s organization and myself on hold to discuss this problem with her supervisor. she came back and stated “my supervisor has informed me to tell you there must be a glitch in our computer system. he will have a technician look into it. you will have to call back in two weeks”. I was advised then by hope for homeowner’s that we should end our telephone conversation with citimortgage, inc.

I will be calling back in two weeks along with a representative from the hope for homeowner’s organization. I can only hope the “glitch” in citimortgage, inc.’s computer system that is giving incorrect information will be fixed in order for myself and possibly other citimortgage, inc. customers to get accurate modified payments equal to 31% of the borrows’ gross income as outlined by president obama’s home affordable modification program.

Meanwhile, I sit for another two weeks with this so called “balloon payment” hanging over my head and my children and I wondering what is going to happen to our home. I have honestly done everything citimortgage, inc. has asked me to do

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July 2, 2009
Loan # [protected]

For the past four months and have researched the u. s. department of the treasury’s guidelines for their “making home affordable” program to the fullest extent only to find myself in an unfair business situation.

I clearly understand that lender’s, including citimortgage, inc., are receiving funds from the u. s. treasury for participating in this program. I would like to believe that citimortgage, inc. is following the making home affordable guidelines accurately since they are financially benefiting from the u. s. government. I guess in two weeks I will know the answer to this.

I would also like to state I have also been advised to call the state of florida attorney general’s office regarding this “glitch” in citimortgage, inc. computer system and also discuss with them the details of my situation. I will be making this telephone call along with mailing this letter to the below listed organizations and businesses. if citimortgage, inc. or any of the following carbon copied businesses would like to contact me, you can reach me anytime at [protected].


Tangi smith

Cc: mr. bill mccollum, attorney general/state of florida
federal trade commission& fdic
better business bureau
hope for homeowners
wpec news 12

Note: the spelling of the employee’s names at citimortgage, inc. may be incorrect and no last names are ever given out.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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gladys lewis
Bloomfield, US
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Jul 30, 2009 3:10 am EDT

on the 30th of june i receive a package from citimortgage loanmodification dep. with the document that i need to fill out and sign and also to furish other document, when i went through the document i notice that some of the paperwork was in another homeowners name along with her loan number .on july 1st i call citimortgage and they went over the package with me then she took my phone number and said she would call me right back after she talk to her supervisor, i waited for days but nobody called on the 7th i call again i heard different story i call on the 14th different story i have been bounce around from one department to the other and nobody seems to be helpimg me to correct the mistake they made in your office i call again on the 21st an the supervison ashured me that i will receive another package at the beginning of this week now today is thursday and no package before the supervisor told that story there was a guy who promise me that he is going to mail the paper work off right away .i dont know what to do about your company they frustrate me they always push you around from one call center to another with no result i need my paper work to continue with my modification that mistake was due to bad office help, there are too many people giving advise and most of the time is bad advise for a big company as yours you need to have better costomer service and dedicated workers to help the public if i dont get the help i need intime i will have to report this company to my states attorneys office and other public agent so they can know whats going on at citimortgage modification department.thanks gladys lewis of connecticut loan#[protected]

angry about citi
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Oct 27, 2009 9:33 pm EDT

I would like to file a class action lawsuit against citi as well. In June 2009 I was put on a payment plan and told that I would get my package within 30 to 45 days. I never got the package I called back and was told that I should get the package in about two weeks. The next time that I called back I was told that I should get the package in about another 30 days. I got the package did everything that I was asked to do. I then get a call from some group saying that they needed additional documents some which had been included in my package already. I then was given a fax number to fax over the documents which I did when I called back to check with citi to find out if the documents were received I was told that it takes anywhere from 10 to 15 working days for the documents to be scaned into the system so I could not be told if the documents were received. I get calls every two days about the same documents that I have faxed. It has been about two weeks now and the items still have not been scaned I am told that it could take another week and that know one can verifiy if the documents have been received at this time. I was also given another fax number which is now being used which is going to make the process more smoother so I am being told to fax the items again but I will still need to wait and see if the documents have been received. I called citi and now I am being told that my property will be forclossed on in 14 days because I have not made my payments which is not true. I have not been notified by anyone asking for any payments I have been making the payments which I was told to make when the modification was set up now for more than six months which only three of the months were to be a trail period which is trunning into a much longer period. Prior to being set up on the new program my house note was paid on time once i was given the new amount to pay citi has ruined my credit and will not honor the home affordability plan. I say let's all get together file a lawsuit and stop paying our mortage let's put the bank out of business. I think everyone should go see the movie Capitalism and fight back.

my # is [protected]

angry about citi
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Oct 27, 2009 9:37 pm EDT

Citi is also telling people who are disabled that they do not qualify for the home affordability program.

hates citi mortgage
Ypsilanti, US
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Nov 06, 2009 11:20 pm EST

I just got off the phone with Citi and am in tears. We started our modification, sent all necessary paper work back in. I have spoken to several diffrent people several times in regards to our modification. Upon recieving the package it stated our trial period was Oct, Nov and Dec. I called about this issue since that seemed like a long gap between payments. I was assured it was a glich in ther computer system and they needed to fill out a form to get the dates in the computer changed to the dates on my documents. We have made Oct and Nov. payments before the first of the month. Today I recieve a letter stating they have cancelled our modification. I proceed to call them and be told we did not make our payment for Sept. I am beyond upset right now the gentlemen on the phone stated they screwed up but there is nothing they can do. I am at a loss right now as to what to do. I hate this company and will be writting letters to everyone and anyone who will listen.

minnesota stressed
janesville, US
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Nov 09, 2009 1:43 am EST

All of my husband and I nightmares began when we got involved with CitiMortgage, Inc., this whole thing is way beyond ridiculious. We bale them out and this is what we all get for it. We have lived in our house for over 20 years and it wasn't till Citi came along that we got to the point of loseing our home. We have been through the same thing as all of the rest of you and it sounds like it's time for someone to do something about the incompetence. No one knows what is going on there. We gave up on the modification program a long time ago and have given up at this point. We are now just waiting for the sheriff to come knocking on the door. We are just plain tired. I also think the only thing that would change anything with them is a class action lawsuit. You can't trust them to give you the right amount for a house payment I sure don't want to trust them to pay our taxes and insurance. Everyone should send a complaint to the If enough of us do this can't hurt to try. Frustrated in Mn

Long Island
Comma, US
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Nov 18, 2009 8:54 am EST

Though my loan has been successfully modified, I was lied to by Citi. When I was asked to start making "trial" payments I asked if this reduced payment was going to affect my loan in any detrimental way. I explained that I could still make the full payment, and would unless it would have no detrimental effect. I was assured that the reduced payment reflected a new payment amount, and would not impact my credit in any way.

When my payments went into the "trial" period, which it turns out lasted nearly 9 months, Citimortgage's automated account phone center kept stating that our payments had not been made, and that we owed for as far back as March of this year. So, I got a regular customer service rep (csr) on the phone to ask about that. She told me that my account was in forbearance. I said that couldn't be, and she said that is what the computer said.

I called "loss mitigation" and they explained that the accounts office wasn't right, that the record would be corrected once the terms of the loan were re-written.

I recently received my forms for my new loan terms and learned that the reduced payments are used against you as leverage to accept the new terms. In other words, my normal payment was $2400/mo. My trial payment was roughly $1700. Over 9 months, I came to owe $6300 to CitiMortgage. As such, I can either accept their terms or pay them $63000 immediately. THE NEW TERMS REQUIRED ME TO STATE THAT I HAD DEFAULTED ON MY LOAN! I never defaulted!

I did sign the form, but as soon as this is all said and done I plan to file a complaint with the NYS Attorney General's Office. I'm really pissed off!

palominos #1
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Nov 23, 2009 2:15 pm EST

This is a messed up company, I finished my Chapter 13 in dec.2008 everything current, then citi says we can't except Jan 2009 payment or Feb 2009 says I'm in foreclosure I have fought with these guys for months trying to prove my case, Have actually had trustees office send docs. to prove payments made now in Oct.2009 they out of clear blue ( because I gave up talking to them in May) say you are in default heading for foreclosure, now tell me if you are in foreclosure in Jan 2009 how can you be heading for foreclosure in Oct.2009? They just give you the run around it pisses me off they get the money to save there butts and still won't give you the time of day.. I even tried the workable solutions.

Tinley Park, US
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Dec 22, 2009 7:20 pm EST

I was told by a Citimortgage representative to pay $889.23 of my 1423.00 mortgage as a trial for three months, and after the 3 months, my mortgage would be modified with a lower fixed interest rate. I now have a 5-year ARM. So I complied and sent in (on time) for the months of October, November and December the 889.23 I was told to send until my modification was approved. Not once was I told that if it was denied, I would have to pay all the money that I was not sending back to them. I was told on December 19, 2009 that I was denied the modification and that I would have to pay back all the money that I had been told to not pay for the three months trial period. Now the way I understand it, this program was suppose to help me, but it has placed a greater burden on me than before I selected to try for it. I have to pay all this money back, plus the same amount of mortgage that I started off with. I was told by Citimortgage [protected]) that my mortgage was in default and that the 1617.77 that they told me not to pay was due at once or I would have to pay interest on it, but if I pay 270.00 extra a month, they would kindly forgo the interest on this amount. Either that, or they could take my house and sell it on a short sell basis. This is the biggest scam since the prime loans scams. These banks have not changed, they are still scam artist. Same ###, new smell.

Down with Banks!!
Aurora, US
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Dec 31, 2009 5:58 pm EST

These American mortgage companies are run by nothing but greedy, souless hyper-capitalists! Just like the automobile industry, foreign mortgage companies should be allowed to deal directly with American consumers so we have more competition to force the quality of business to go up just like the option of buying a high quality/valued Japanese car made (almost) U.S. carmakers step up their game to stop churning out crap in Detroit!

Just like the American medical and pharmaceutical industries, more Americans are seeking care and medicine OUTSIDE of this greedy country because the services here are crappy and overpriced! Hyper-patriots are always whining buy American, use American, blah blah blah, but then look what we end up with when we do...

Greedy American companies need to be allowed to fail, and foreign companies can come in so we can benefit from the competition that will eventually raise the quality of care and products in this country and force bad companies out of business! It has gone on too long and will only get worse!

kelly adragna
Send a message
Jan 15, 2010 9:54 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Me TOO! Citi Mortage took me exactly the same way took over 7 months over 6000 back pay I was denied I am in a worse off position than before. They also lied to the credit bureau this should be illegal and stated I paid my mortgage late 3 times. Which not one payment ever sent was late. These people need to be stopped. Maybe not paying them will get their attention and then I will be approved for the modification.

I honestly feel like selling everything I own in this house and just leaving it it is not worth what I owe and it is falling apart let them get stuck with it. They will not be able to sell it.

I work so hard for me and my daughter and this is how my country pays us back no healthcare also scams, no college tuition we need to pay this (with some financial aid help but not enough).What we get is taxed more than any other country when you figure we pay taxes on the same money over and over again. and we get nothing in return.

What do we get for our tax dollars that we do pay not even safe travel.

Obama may have meant well but his modification bill put more people in worse off positions than they were before.
Sorry Obama but you failed here.

All we do in this country is worry about health care bills, college tuition, paying our mortgage, the crappy streets we have to drive on, you have to worry when you die. You can not even die in peace here with some dignity.


Pasadena, US
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Jan 27, 2010 5:56 pm EST

Wow, it's great to hear others have had the same nightmare experience as I have trying to modify my loan. Here's my story. Was set up on a trial period of modified payments of $1209/month. I made all my trial payments timely - my trial period lasted 6 months. I then received my modification agreement documents to finalize the home modification. My new payment jumped $324/month to a payment of $1535/month! I called the underwriter of my modified loan every day for a week and never got a call back. I finally asked to speak to anyone in the home modifcation dept. Today I was given an explanation for the big jump. Ready for this. According to Citimortage they are allowed to adjust my gross income by 25% per the Treasury Dept and then determine my mortgage payment. Basically, they falsely changed my income by increasing it $988/month. I told them if I had the extra $988/month I wouldn't need a modifcation. They told me my complaint is not with them, its with the Treasury. I've now called the Treasury and filed a complaint. I think I'll follow your lead and also file a complaint with my State's Attorney. has any one else had their gross income changed, literally, by an increase of 25%? What the heck.

Tujunga, US
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Feb 23, 2010 5:41 pm EST

I have been trying to modify my loan since March 2009 and they have been giving me the total run around. Is there anyone there who has successfully modiefied their loans? We need to know that such a group exists for us to belive that
CityMortrage is doing something. I have totally lost faith in the American Banking system. What is the treasury doing about the rouge banks? and this administration that we put so much faith on. Rather than continuing to grip we need to mobilise and file a class action suite. Let us join together and take these dishonest people at citiMortgage to court, including the CEO. Rd

Deana Blanco
Sahuarita , US
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Feb 23, 2010 9:39 pm EST

I haven't heard of one success story about CitiMortgage. My story is pretty much the same as all of yours. Given the run around for months. In a bigger mess now than I was to begin with. I wasn't delinquent when I started the trial payments in Sept. Made 6 trial period payments and am now told we don't qualify. When I asked the CitiMortgage rep what their success rate was for these modificatoins I was told it was very high. But it seems to me based on the stories that I've seen on the internet that many of us have the same story.

Took me 2 months to have a packet sent out to me. Now that we have not been approved have been hit with the $15 monthly drive by fees to take pictures of my home. Not only that but now being charged $59 late fees for each and every month I was in the trial period phase.

I agree with a class action lawsuit. Not sure of how to do that but it seems that this program and CitiMortgage has gotten us all in a Catch 22. Something isn't right here. Now I'm gettin the line that the only thing we can suggest is a short sale.

Dallas, US
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Mar 01, 2010 9:38 am EST

Hey, guys im in the same situation as all of you and guess what?they just added the $20 fee for just making a payment over the phone.i was pissed!how can you do that without telling anyone or mailing a simple letter saying that they will start charging.1 thing after another with this bank.first its not getting paperwork needed, fax not scanned, call back in two weeks, i mean i had to pull out everything out of my ### just to let them no i dont have any more paystubs or tax papers.i hate this bank!theyre ###s!stupid!i could of written a book on excuses and ### from these im in so much debt!

Mad At citi. bank
degraff, US
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Mar 08, 2010 5:00 pm EST

I had the same problem with citimorage, I called to get a deferred payment, they talked me into a home modification. They said it wouldn't affect my credit score and i wouldn't owe any more if i was deiend, that it would be tack on to the end of the loan. they set me up with a lower payment. I applied for a parrent plus loan for my son for college i got turned down becuse of my credit. So i pulled my credit report up and citi. reported i was on a modified loan arrangment but was back 3ths. They denied me the modificaton loan and said i owed more money! They said i would go back to my orginal payment! I can proably save my house but i dont know if i want to work with a dishonest company! How many others are there? What can we do? My E-mail address is:honda_lady1960@hotmail .com

Everett, US
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Mar 11, 2010 7:17 pm EST

I have been trying to modify my loan with Citimorgage since October2009, but it still pending, because I refused to sign the modification agreement that they sent to me. Under their modification my payment has been reduce only on $147.00. I tried to get some explanation from Citi why they didn’t comply with the government Home Affordable Modification Program base on this program my payment should be 31 % from my gross income not 61% like they offered to me .I spent hours on the phone but their right hand doesn’t know what their left hand is doing . The Citimortgage doesn’t want to cooperate; seems like they sabotage the modification program in purpose. After reading all customer complains I realize that will happen next with my modification, ( Citi do it almost for each customers who want to modified the loan) they will deny my modification and then ask more money for debt repayment plus late fees and so on. I would like to file a class action lawsuit against Citi as well. e-mail

david scheffler
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Mar 13, 2010 10:33 am EST

i have had they same problen with usfinancial relief center. paid 995.00 and was later told my mortagase co. has it, s own modification programe. tried to work with my mortage co [american home mortage] but all i get is letters saying i did not give them enough information. we help people all over the world, but our goverment can, t help there own people. david

Lynn, US
Send a message
Mar 18, 2010 8:47 pm EDT


Patricia in Crestview FL
Crestview, US
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Mar 30, 2010 2:49 pm EDT

I too have been and still am facing problems with CitiMortgage's loss mitigation. I now loathe CitiMortgage. They think they are too giant of a corporation for the little person to stand up to. After stringing my modification out for 16 months, countless fights with them through phone calls, I finally received my "denial" letter of absolute contradictions in what I was told originally that a modification is based on. All LIES. Just another way to save CitiMortgage their $8 billion bailout. I know it won't do any good but I'm now sending my complaint to every office and organization there is to expose what they did to my modification and the lies CitiMortgage tells. So far, I've gathered a very long list, all the way up to the Federal Congressional Committee who gave them the bailout. Sorry business practices is too mild of a description for CitiMortgage. I live in Florida and can't go up and pound on CitiMortgage's front door! Patricia Evans, email

Sun Horizon
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Apr 04, 2010 2:14 am EDT

Same situation. Going on the 8th month of my "3 month trial period". I still not have recieved any documentation to finalize the modification. I call 2-3 times per week and everytime it is the same story, 'We don't know why your paperwork has not been sent, but I will talk to my supervisor and get it out right away'.

Something is seriously wrong with Citimortgage. Everything is 'verbal agreement' that the Citi represenatives somehow have the authority to say over the phone, but when you ask if they could send you a written letter or an email in regards to the conversation you just had, they can't do it because it has to go through their legal department? So basically they can tell you whatever the ### they like over the phone.

Like many on this thread, before trying to work with the Loss Mitigation Department for a modification my loan was current and paid in full. Now I am recieving letters and phone calls claiming I broke the terms of our contract, my home is in jeopardy of forclosure, it's deliquent, I owe thousands of dollars, I will be reported to the credit bureau, etc.

The majority of responses I recieve from Citimortgage representatives, is that loss mitigation is a different department from collections or whatever department calls and sends their 'demand' letters. So they say to ignore them. Once again, I ask could please send me a letter or email stating that? Nope, can't do it. I actually had one representive suggest I send a letter to them, stating I was dead, because that would put a stop to the calls.

They told me in the begining, that during the trial period I would stop getting the monthly statements and I did. Then around the 5th or 6th month I recieved a mortgage statement. I called and asked about it and they representative told me that somehow, my loan modificaton 'fell out' and he didn't know why because all the modified payements were made on time in the full amount and he could see that no paperwork had been sent to me as promised. So he put it back in the system, which I have come to believe, their system is ran by hamsters and carrier pigeons.

From the very begining I have documented the first name and employee ID number of every single Citimortgage representative I have spoken with. Along with the date and what was discussed. I don't know if it will do any good, but I will still call them 1-2 time per week and make sure everything looks right. I would suggest doing the same because if you do not stay on top of them and ask question and demand answers they will just put their head in a hole and hope it all goes away.

Our country, without a doubt has been seeing a very unfavorable economy. I myself do not look to blame anyone nor am I looking for a handout or believe I am owned something.
I do however, would appreciate the insitute that financed my home (or in Citi's case bought it from another lender) to be truthful, honest and possess business integrity.

They don't own this country, we do, the people. This is our country and it was founded on this belief, so do not let them take it from us. Do not take an idle seat and hope something good may come, stand up and take action.

Atascadero, US
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Apr 06, 2010 10:38 pm EDT

We are having the same problems as everyone else. I AM IN CALIFORNIA, PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS CONTACTED A LAWYER I WOULD LIKE TO GET SOME HELP! We always made our regular payments and trial payments. I just found out today that we were denied the program Feb 2. This is 2 months after the fact! now they want a balloon payment of over $9000 by May 1st or they will forclose on our house. We are way worse off now than before. wendi

thanks for any info...

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Apr 07, 2010 7:25 am EDT

We have been through quite a struggle with Citi Mortgage. Since July '09 we have been on a 'trial' pay period. They keep saying that the paperwork was waiting to be reviewed. Finally we called and asked what the status of the application is...they said it had been denied because they never received some additional paperwork. It turns out they were sending to the wrong address! Finally we got a letter from them that was handwritten and still addressed to the wrong condo number. There is much more to this saga, but will refrain from posting all the details.

I am sick of dealing with these giant companies who have no respect for their customers. It is obvious that Citi is too big for its own good and is a disorganized mess.

We are ready to file a lawsuit in New Hampshire...anyone else?

Pittsburg, US
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Apr 10, 2010 9:35 pm EDT

I've had the same problem with Citimortage. I made payments on the trial plan for 7 months and never missed a payment. Without notice by letter or by phone to explain that (or why) my modification was denied, I stated receiving calls from Citimortgage collections. Apparently my loan was now in default and they want a $7, 600 payment. A few days later, started receiving default notices. Not only is my home in default, the credit reporting agencies have been notified. My credit rating had been perfect before this whole process, and I worked hard to keep it that way.

After talking with them on the phone, I was old not only that my mortgage was in default but I'm being assessed penalties and late fees on the amount due.
This all happened in a few days after the mod denial, I still haven't received a notice of explanation. credit is ruined, I owe over $7, 000, I'm paying late payment penalties and my home is going to be in foreclosure in a few days. All for complying with all of the terms of the trial period. I was never told any of this could happen when I applied for the mod plan. It's all just F-ing unbelievable!

Littleton, US
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Apr 11, 2010 2:07 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I, also, have been going through the exact same problems with Citimortgage. There are far too many to list but my husband and I applied for the loan modification and have been given nothing but a run around. Nobody ever has answers. Upon being denied, which we had no idea we were as they never send any paperwork to let you know what's going on, they are now demanding penalties, late fees, etc. which we are supposed to come up with in a short period of time or face foreclosure. We were told our case has been turned over for review for a traditional modification but there is no phone number for the counselor handling our case and we are supposed to wait for her call. No call yet. I think this is a huge scam and it is just a stall on their part to add more fees and create a further hardship. I have written a letter and sent it to: President Obama, Citimortgage, Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, the Senator, Attorney General, Congressman, and Tom Martino - Fox 31 News. I think that everyone experiencing this mess should write letters also, and if anyone can think of someone else I should send a letter to please reply.

Andy Bilda Oak Creek WI
Oak Creek, US
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Apr 17, 2010 11:21 am EDT

I too am having issues with Citi. I have been working on this since August of 09 with no results yet! My issue should be a simple one, due to my divorce decree they thought I didn't live in the house. I was denied my modification in December, however they NEVER sent me a denial letter. I had moved back in when my ex stopped making the payment and moved out of the house. I TRIED to do the right thing and have been doing everything to keep the house. There is no way I could afford it while paying child support without the modification. The only thing that they say they need from me to unlock my account and do my modification again is for me to fax information in showing I live in the house again. I have done that 4x now! I have been making my Trial Period payments for eight months now. I'm about to give up, but I have to continue to fight. I am trying to do the right thing, as it seems everyone else here is doing. The only people not doing the right thing seem to be Citi! They usually end my phone conversation with them by saying, "Thank you for choosing CitiMortgage." That is a bunch of crap, I didn't choose them, my mortgage was sold to them within a week of closing on my house, I'm stuck with them it wasn't any kind of choice what so ever! Now I can't leave them, I'm stuck.

Miami Shores, US
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Apr 20, 2010 10:59 am EDT

I live in Miami, Florida and I also applied through Homeowner Modification Program a.k.a H.A.M with Citimortgage in April 2009. The Bank put me in a trial period which was supposed to last for 3 months. However, the period lasted from June 2009 until December 2009. During the trial period my mortgage payment was reduced from $3, 079.39 per month down to $2, 064.33 per month. After 3 months, Citimortgage was suppose to inform me (the homeowner) if I qualified for a permanent mortgage modification rather than being in a trial period. As previously stated, they inform me after 7 months that I did not qualify due to my equity in my home. They stated that I had enough equity in the home and that I can sell it to liquidate my mortgage in its entirety. However, I only own one house and its my primary home. I always paid on time prior to the Trial Period and during my Trial Period. I never missed a payment. In December 02, I made my December trial payment of $2, 064 and days after I received a letter from Citimortgage demanding the amount of $9, 238. This amount derived from the fact that since I did not qualify for the permanent modification, they demanded the amount of 7 months of regular payments rather than 7 months of trial payment. In other words, 7 months of regular payments totaled $3, 079.39 x 7 months= $21, 555.73. But the bank collected $14, 450.31 which derived from $2, 064.33 time 7 months=$14, 450.3 which was sufficient to cover for 4.69 months of regular payments. As such, I needed to cover for 3 more months to cover for a total 7 months I was under the Trial period. As such, per their demand letter I needed to come up with $9, 238 (to cover 3 months) within 30 days from December 02, 2009. As you can imagine, I was in shock to learn that the bank had 7 months to decide if I was going to qualify, yet I only had 30 days to give them the money before January 02, 2010. In December 2009, I became unemployed. I used to work as a Sr. Credit Analyst for a Community Bank which closed its doors in Dec. 2009. I could not pay the amount the Bank demanded in 30 days. I called Citimortgage the second week of February 2010, to pay the amount of $15, 533 according to their February statement amount only to learn that my loan was in foreclosure and that my case was handled by an outside attorney by the name of David Stern in Plantation, Florida. I learn that this attorney was being investigated by the FBI and had a bad reputation all over the [redacted]s. So I had no choice than to hire an attorney (costing more money) to fight for my case and obtain figures ASAP from the law offices of David Stern. I went to see my attorney for the first time on Feb 22, 2010. I don’t understand how this Bank took me to Foreclosure if I paid according to their Trial period Terms an amount of $2, 064 until December 2009. In February 2010 Citimortgage stated they sent me to foreclosure due to the fact that the amount of $14, 450 only covered 4 months of regular payment and as such I owe them 3 months of regular payments automatically making me 90 days delinquent. Since my career has always been in the Banking Business, they have drawn my credit down the hills by lowering my credit score by 150 points, and stating that I am currently in Foreclosure. Now I am not only in Foreclosure but can not get a job as a Credit Analyst. Their action has created a lot of damage in my family, my person and my career. I am even trying to bring my loan current and they are taking more than one month to give me pay off figures. I believe, someone needs to help homeowners like us, who applied for this program in lieu of reducing their mortgage payment only to find that their credit score decrease by more than 150, the Bank puts you in foreclosure and you now can not get a job. This is not right and I believe, Banks such as Citimortgage need to pay. By the way, my attorney told me I will most likely end up paying Citi’s attorney’s fees (Fees for Law offices of David Stern) because banks these days can do whatever they want. This is the reality of our country. Also, David Stern file foreclosure, without notifying me in writing and this is why they want me to sign a waiver of foreclosure. Is this the price to pay for applying for a loan modification? If you are interested in a Class Action Law Suit agains Citimortgage call Attorney Carlin Phillips at E-mail:
Telephone (toll free): [protected], Ext. 112

Chicopee, US
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Apr 26, 2010 5:47 pm EDT


Chicopee, US
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May 01, 2010 4:23 pm EDT


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May 27, 2010 5:11 pm EDT

Okay. The names anonymous=) and I am a call center representative and the program I do is the Homeowners Hope Hotline. Which I'm sure you all have heard of, because you've probably called before. But anyway, I take probably about 100 back to back calls and lately it's the same story every time!
"I was on this modification and now I'm delinquent, blah blah!" It's very annoying, but not because I don't care but because I hear it every day and the problem should be resolved. The WORST mortgage companies; Bank of America, Chase Home Finance, CITI MORTGAGE, Litton Loan Servicing, American Home Mortgage Servicing, Americas Servicing Company, Wells Fargo, PNC Mortgage. Most of the time when I'm answering the call I can almost guess the mortgage company*cough cough BANK OF AMERICA!*But no one who this is happening to should feel like their the only one, its happening to almost every home owner with these [censor] mortgage companies! I myself am not a homeowner, however, if I was and this happened to me I'd sue the [censor]. the most common story: "I've been on this trial modification for 6 months and now I'm denied and they say I owe them 20, 000 dollars." Honestly, I think the government is full of [censor]. It's like all those mortgage companies got together and made a plan to scam money off of the government. Get yourself off of that program! I need a break at work=)
and I do wish you all the best of luck!

Steed A
Cameron Park, US
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Jun 07, 2010 4:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I started the modification process June of 2009, I had not missed a payment but I had used money from my 401k to keep up on payments.
I was told the process would take 30 to 90 days. I was in a trial period for almost a year. May 26th 2010 I was approved, however the trial payments were considerably less than what the final payment is. Close to 90 days in I was worried why my loan had not been approved.
Citi told me the original paperwork was lost and that they would have to send it to the treasury again. I didn't realize that my loan was being recorded as being in default and I was responsible for the difference between the original payments and the trial payment until I noticed it was on my credit report and my credit was now getting ruined. I thought the trial payment was retroactive when I was approved for the modification. I received a letter dated May 25th, One day before I was approved for my modification stating I was in default on my loan . So I am being charged for their incompetence in losing my paperwork.
Instead of trying to work with me they told me if I didn't like there offer I could always short sale my home.
I never saw any of the terms from Citibank until May 18th 2010,
Beside my credit is now ruined I am now responsible for about $10, 000 in back payments and penalties which would be added to my original loan, the terms are now 36 years which adds 10 years to the 26 years that were left on the loan, and my loan payment increase 250 dollars more than what my trial payment was .

If interested in a class action suit also, you can email me at or call me at [protected]

Nevada, US
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Jun 15, 2010 12:32 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Join our Facebook page! People Against HAMP!

These lenders (Wells Fargo in particular) are taking advantage of the HAMP program by deceiving customers. They literally lie throughout the entire process so that they can make money off of your foreclosure. The mass media needs to get on this! This is fraud and it is happening to thousands of people nationwide! They put you on a "three month trial" they tell you to if you continue making the modified payments and submitting your paperwork you will be approved for the mod and done. Throughout several months to even years they string you along telling you to just keep making your payments and we will get you on the mod. They did this to us for 10 months, constantly losing our paperwork. They tell you their will be no fee's while you are on the program. What they fail to tell you or simply lie to you about as in our case is that after the 3 month trial period they put you back onto your original payment - while you are making modified payments that they tell you to make they are tacking fee's and penalty after penalty. You find out (in our case $40, 000 later) when you get the sudden foreclosure notice on your door that your loan has been penalized the whole time you were supposed to be on a modification. They then tell you you have been kicked off your modification and you have a few weeks to vacate your home, when it goes to auction. They auction your home at a fraction of the price owed and then are reimbursed for the remaining amount by the government. They then come after you for the back fee's and penalties after everything you have gone through. They are taking advantage and making money off foreclosure's, the more money they get out of the loan, the more money they make from the government. The gov. is encouraging and supporting this. This is pure, outright fraud by the people that are supposed to be protecting us! These lenders are pure criminal. Journalism excellence is the efforts that go towards helping the people, this is your job, to be the watch dog. This needs to stop!

Steed A
Cameron Park, US
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Jul 12, 2010 3:22 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CitiMortgage Loan Modification Class Action

Did you sign up for a loan modification with CitiMortgage and were placed into a trial program with reduced payments, only to be rejected from the program and imposed late fees and experienced other financial repercussions?

Milberg LLP has filed a class action against CitiMortgage, on behalf of mortgage borrowers who have been wrongfully charged late fees and had their credit-worthiness ruined after being rejected from the permanent loan modification program, despite complying with the trial period guidelines.

Consumers that were rejected from the permanent loan modification program through no fault of their own should find themselves in no worse position than they entered it. Instead, CitiMortgage failed to honor its agreements, and its misrepresentations about the program, enacted to help homeowners reduce their payments and keep their homes, have left customers financially devastated.

For more detail regarding the class action, you may view the complaint here.

Although we are prosecuting this case as a class action, no class has yet been certified, and there can be no guarantee that one will ever be certified, or that you will be a member. If a class is certified, we will post further details here. Please visit the Milberg website for more information about the firm. If you wish to discuss this matter with us, or have any questions concerning your rights and interests with regard to this matter, please contact either of the following attorneys:

Jeff S. Westerman
Sabrina S. Kim
One California Plaza
300 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 3900
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone: [protected]
Facsimile: [protected]

Andrei Rado
Jessica Sleater
One Pennsylvania Plaza, 49th Floor
New York, NY 10119
Telephone: [protected]
Facsimile: [protected]

Attorney Advertising.
Prior Results Do Not Guarantee A Similar Outcome.


Simi Valley, US
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Jul 27, 2010 6:39 pm EDT

Citi are crooks of the highest order! I have been in a modification for 18 months and was than denied because of missing paperwork. The same paperwork I was asked to send via UPS (check), and than fax to several different fax numbers (check) because the UPS was never received. Although I called in every 2 weeks to ask if anything was missing, I was told each time that all documents required are there and that my file is waiting for the underwriter. Well guess what, the underwriter denied the file because if missing paperwork. So I applied for a 1st lien supplemental modification (for which I hired a lawyer and paid big bucks, which I don't have and had to borrow). This modification was approved by the underwriter as final on June 30th. Six days later the mod was declined due to missing paperwork. How could it be approved if things were missing? You following me ... they come up with crap to kick you out regardless of what you do. Now my file was sent to foreclosure review, because the trial period payments I have made under the HAM program (which was denied in March) will not be counted towards my account, but rather used to cover Citi attorney fees (was told so by a citi rep). So I paid more money to have the file appealed and also filed a complaint with the OCC and NASA. I have written to the White House, my local Congressman, several new stations and spoke with HUD who basically said they can't help me.
Today I finally got a Rep with brains on the line who was able to tell me that the 1st lien supplemental mod is still approved and that the denial goes back to the already denied HAM file. This was caused by a computer glitch and unless the glitch gets repaired they can't proceed with the approved mod. So when would that IT problem be solved, I asked (silly me) and was told that they have been working on it for months and other files have the same problem and they do not have a time frame in which they expect this problem to get fixed.
Now how many home owners will loose their houses from under their feet while Citi is trying to fix their f-en computer?
There is a class action law suit which was filed by Milberg LLP, however, I was advised by them to persue this matter on a personal level as well as such a law suit can take years. Who really needs a $ 200.00 check in 3 years after you've lost your house to their BS?

Vero Beach, US
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Aug 04, 2010 9:29 pm EDT

I have info on the class action on citimortgage on the modification. I am in a court battle now with them and could use some help. I need some info on what happened to all of you on your modification. Most of what you state is to the letter what happened to me. I may or may not win my case but we can fight. To many lies they told us to let them walk away with our homes. Please help me with my case. I need letters on what citimortgage did to you notarize and sent to me by US mail so I may use it in my case. Email me and I will give you my add to send it to and any info you may need to help you. We can beat them, it’s time to get mad and put a stop to all of this. Vero Beach Fl.

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Aug 09, 2010 10:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hmm, I see now what I am in for. I have been kicked out of the HAM program like 3 times for no reason! They state that they were missing information but couldn't tell me what it was? So, I started recording conversations of their nonsense. I have several managers on the phone and you can hear the whole story because I had them go over the whole process so that it was recorded. I am planning on posting it on youtube and discussing routes with my attorneys on how to proceed with this. However, I have to remove my personal info out of the recordings before I post them. Anyone interested in learning more. my email is

Minneapolis, US
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Sep 01, 2010 11:54 am EDT

I have had similar experiences with an addded twist . Citimortgage transfered my loan to Acqura Loan Servicing with no record of my loan modification trial period payaments. There fore my records have shown a year of non payment and 28, 000 in default. This was the time I was on the trial period but my participation in the trial loan modification was not transfered with my loan records.
No one from Citi will talk because my loan is no longer with them and Acqura is acting extremely fast to foreclose on my house. What a wonderfully executed trick by Citi, this is our corporate America in action. What a disgusting shame.
I do feel they had this planned all along yes Citi said to themselves " how can I make more money off this loan modification deal, instead of helping the people of America". Yes we as individuals need to act-Call everybody Attorney Generals, HAMP, Senators and Representatives. Don't believe Citi mortgage, Citi bank, or Acqura when they say we don't want your house-They do.

Sick of Citimortgage
Bainbridge, US
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Oct 25, 2010 3:14 pm EDT

I have been fighting to get my Citimortgage home modification load done since Jan 2008. Everytime I fax dozens of documents I am told they recieved them, time goes by and no one acts on my file and then am told the file is closed. I send again and again...on going. I have every document in to them on time and they fail to get the work processed and I am told they need the most current paystubs. It has been exhausting. When I started I was 6, 000.00 behind for major unforseen construction needed on the house that was not covered by the insurance. I have made 18 trial payments and now my account shows I am over 20K behind on payments because they keep rolling the difference from my original payment less the trial to my account as past due. I just got off the phone today and was told the file is closed until I send in the requested documents which is the last 60 days of pay stubs and bank statments. The rep who answered verified that "Jessica Walker" has been sent mulitiple emails the documents are and have been in the system since October 6th. I have NEVER been so frustrated in all my life. They have damage my credit beyond repair for nearly 10 years at least. I am to call back today to see what her response it to my morning call. This is rediculous and I don't know who to escalate this too. Every supervisor has been as useless as the next. Rediculous.

chesterland, US
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Nov 10, 2010 2:22 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

in may of 2009, I started my home modification. they reduced my trial payment from 1300 to 1000 (rounded off), it's now nov, 2010 and they are still screwing around with it and i was just told that I have to fill all the paper work out again because my documents have expired. how's that my problem?

Hesperia, US
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Nov 13, 2010 7:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been going through the same problems with CitiMortgage. They either can't add or can't read, maybe both! Send them a fax - they'll never receive it! Tell them you are recording their call and they will hang up on you - but they can record your conversation! Their loan modification program is a scam - almost quaranteed you will lose your home to them if not, your sanity! You can never reach the same person twice and you never get a last name - your lucky if you can get a phone number! If there are any class action suits going against them, I'd like to be included. Reach me at

mike pryor
Baltimore, US
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Dec 20, 2010 1:27 am EST

hi mike here you all have just about covered has givin me the run around for 18 months forebearance trial mod they say paper work not right. i want to sue them. mike in baltimore md [protected]

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