ordered DVD from the company and found that the TV series were recorded directly from a TV station. Some of the dvds are so bad that you can't really watch. Try to contact the company by emails but no reply. Try to call the phone number listed in my bill also no answer. Be aware, the website is the same as Best DVD Series, TV DVD mania, Planet DVD...
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
ordered dvd box set, looks like they taped it with a video camera off the tv. Absolutly horrible, they wanted me to pay to ship it back to JAPAN! I dont think so, called my credit card company and they took the charge off.
Also bought the Providence Box Set for my wife and the DVD's have been taped from Lifetime Real Women and it even included TV Adverts, quality is not to bad but expected more. DVD set was shipped from China. We do not recommend buying from this site.
Yeah, this place is sooooooo bad. You get stuck with high shipping fees because they ship from China! even when you return the items...which you will try.
Same thing hapened to me. They say the have a terms and conditions before buying policy. let everyone you know not to purchasef rom them!
OMG! I wish I had looked this blog up before ordering. I ordered EARLY EDITION COLLECTION SET and the quality was horrendous! Recorded off the PAX tv network, the logo was even in the corner of the episodes. Ugh, not to mention the boxes were like big VHS boxes with cheap clear dvd inside! I have never been SO angry! 65 bucks gone!
I ordered 3 - Dvd set's from this company, they are Christmas gift's " OMG " I'm afraid to give them now or to check them to see if I can actually give them as gifts ! one was Carol Burnett the whole series, and 2-3 Stoodges . . . paid $ 60.00 for each one, and $40.00 for the other, I wish I had seen this blog first !
I got a Highway to Heaven box set, which included 4 blank discs & 2 pirated copies . I've tried contacting them, but get no reply. They say the charge on your credit card will appear as What-a deal. Yeah right, but only for them.
In the same boat as all of you! Ordered Carol Burnett Show Complete TV Series. Got the package in the mail and was shocked to see that it came from China. Opened it up to find the dvd's placed inside a gungy old VHS case and looked nothing like the nice box set pictured on the web site. Picture quality is sick and a bunch of the dvd's were scratched so they won't even play properly! This too was supposed to be a Christmas gift but how can I give this crap to anyone?! I made a complaint with them and recieved an email telling me that "what I had ordered was an Official DVD Collection that has never been released and what I had recieved was a Collectors/Fan Version". What a load of crap! Soooo please take it from me, diffenetly don't order anything from this rip off company!
I ordered the complete series of Gunsmoke at a price of $179.00 The first of 8 boxes of dvds was okay except for a couple of disks that would not play. The second box of 20 discs are mostly pirated copies off Fort Worth Tx TV39, they were pooly copied and hard to understand. I am very pissed off and do not appear to have any solution. Although I did talk to someone named Tracy who was very helpful in tracing the order on the way from CHINA! I can not wait to see what the rest of the set looks like.! thedukefan@hotmail.com
Ughh I wish i would have seen this site before I have orderd from this website. I am really short on money this year for christmas. I had gotten the wounder years box set for my boyfriend. And I have not recieved anything from them yet! This pisses me off! isn't there something we could do?
I got taken for 115.00 DO NOT ORDER FROM THEM PEROID
I to have been scammed! I ordered the whole series of the smurfs. Recvd my order to only find out, that it came from china. It came in a look alike VHS box with the black and white pictured DVD printed copy in sleeves. Emailed Tracy Wallace indicating that what I recieved (bootleg) is not what I paid for. She then provides me with the return shipping addy. I sent the package through fed ex. I provided her with tracking number and the hole shabang! Since than Tracy Wallace has given me with the complete run around ever since. I am pissed that they haven't caught these sons of bi...s yet. Anyway Dont ever buy from this illegal company.
i want to find out where theses people are and smash all theyre ###in faces in these people need to get ###ed up for treating people like this. any 1 who might know where they are or where i can find them please let me know. rapid_rx7@yahoo.co.uk ( has any 1 tried to take legal action.)
I hate to say this, but I fell for their scam too! I ordered the "Home Improvement" series with Tim Allen. I was a little suspicious when they said it would take 10-14 days to ship. But I gave them the benefit of the doubt-trusting person that I am. Well, two and a half weeks later the package was finally delivered via the USPS and my husband had to sign for it. My heart hit the floor when I opened the package from China to find 2 volumes of nothing but copies of the show. Nothing like was pictured on their website. I only played one of the disks and it is horrible. I'm sick to my stomach about this - it was suppose to be a Christmas present for my son who has asked for almost nothing this year! So begins the saga of trying to recover some if not all of my money. I decided to cancelled my credit card that night as a result of this. I don't trust them to tack on additional charges! I attempted to call the number listed on my credit card statement but got bleeped out after their very nice sounding message. I ran the number through the reverse look-up on White pages.com and came up with an "Unpublished" number in Columbus, Ill. I have yet to run Tracy Wallace in ZABASEARCH.COM to see where she is at. I then e-mailed the company as well requesting a refund and made sure to quote their website policy regard "100% satisfaction guaranteed"! Got the same response as many others have. Today (12/20/09) "Tracy Wallace" told me I have two options: 1-keep the set and they would refund $55.00 or, 2-return the set for a full refund. I e-mailed her back requesting the second option. I now have to wait for the "very detailed return instructions". I most definitely won't be mailing them back to China!-but wanted to be able to show my credit card company that I made a good faith effort in trying to resolve this issue on my own! My credit card company offered to assist in recovering the $120.00 (99.99+20.00 s/h). I'm waiting for the dispute forms as well as my new credit card. What a headache, especially at this time of the year! I'm not done with this. I will be forwarding what ever info I can collect to the the Internet Crime Complaint Center (FBI), Motion Picture Association and ABC. A lesson well learned by this gal who has worked for the WI Dept of Corrections for 25 yrs!
I too fell for this scam. DO NOT EVER ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY! Why hasn't someone stopped this? I trusted that I was getting what was pictured on the website and was so upset when the package arrived and I found them to be copies. I'm contacting my credit card company. These people should be sued.
I too was decieved..purchased series of Kung Fu the legend continues..arrived in vhs boxes with loose dvd's in it..quality is not that good..some were copied off TNT, Showcase and other stations, as my fiancee has wanted this series for years I was stoked to find it and couldn't wait to surprise him on Christmas morning, well I ended up just showing him Christmas eve when I FINALLY got it and in tears had to explain what happened with his BIG GIft...f-----s! DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!
CLICK DVD MEDIA is a phony company selling BOOTLEG material. They are located in Toronto Canada. I found this out after never recieving my order. The phone number showed up with the charge in my bank statement. This was the only means to contact them, since their "contact us" link on their website is only by e-mail. They do not respond to e-mails, and they have no other contact information. When responding to their e-mails they send that gives information about your order, it comes back "undeliverable". Even the phone number I got from my bank statement is an answering machine that gives you 3 seconds to leave a message. In their answering machine they ask for all kinds of information, then give you only 3 seconds to respond.
I left a quick message stating " This is the FBI in the US. Return this call immediately". I didn't have time to leave more, before it was shut off. One hour later I recieved a call from a "private" number. I answered and some smartass girl informs me that she turned over my information to the FBI, and that I am in trouble for representing myself as the FBI. Before the little witch hung up before I could talk, she said "Have a Nice Day". Well, little does she kn0w that the name of my band is "Flamboyent Boys Incorporated", otherwise known as the "FBI". I tried calling back the number I had, and still the same thing. She was obviously there, but not answering the phone. I then e-mailed them again informing them of their hysterical misunderstanding about the FBI statement, but no answer. She seems to think that the FBI will come after me for saying three letters to someone on an answering machine, when in fact, she is the criminal. LMFAO!
I called my bank and I have to fill out a dispute form to try to recover my money. This so called "company", is nothing more than another internet SCAM.
DON'T GET ROBBED like the rest of us did. I hope to get this company out of business. They claim they are not violating any copyright laws somehow, but I am afraid this is not true. Any recording of any material that has already been sold under copyright is most certainly a violation of copyright law. I am sure the "FBI" will be much more interested in her, than in me.
"Misery loves company." I ordered the Green Acres set and was suspicious when the shipping was $17 and delivery was "8-10 days" (UPS could carry a box of 25 DVDs around the world for &17 ...in half the time). The next red flag was when I got an 'automated fraud alert' call from my bank asking if this charge was valid; not recognizing the company placing the charge, I called back to speak to someone in person. The website placing the charge was different frm the website where I'd placed the order, but I verified the charge.
Two weeks later, my postman has me sign for a package from China. Elated, I opened the package to find two VHS sized plastic boxes, each containing 13 DVDs in plastic sleeves. Well, that's what was advertised - a boxed set; though there was no booklet, which was also advertised. DVDs are printed with a Greens Acres photo, containing a small white space where is handwritten "Disk 1", "Disk 2", etc.; no episode listings except in the individual disk menus, which are decently done with thumbnail video clips and episode titles. Video quality varies, though the random disks I've viewed so far are good to excellent. BUT - these were all recorded from TV Land, whose logo is in the lower right corner all the time; and there is an announcer voice-over on the closing credits. Frequently at the very end of an episode will be a few frames of a commercial.
If the quality of all the disks is equal to the ones I've already watched, I won't feel too bad (but how long will it take to find out?). But, given what they charged for shipping, for a few dollars more I could have purchased the "official" boxed sets, one season at a time (six seasons at $15-$20 each).
FWIW, I wonder if clickdvd was operating as 123classictv.com a year or so ago. Similar inventory and prices. Amazed by the prices, I emailed 123classictv and inquired about their source material. They were quite evasive, "our videos come from a variety of sources". Not satisfied with this response, I never ordered from them.
Also, and please forgive me for this, it only recently dawned on me that I may have been part of such a scam, about 12-14 years ago I responded to an ad in our local newspaper for someonme to record Dr. Who. I contacted the man, who told me he was a fan of the show but that it wasn't shown where he lived (Florida). He paid me $20, plus shipping, for each two hour episode; I made $100/month for tossing a tape in one of my vcrs and recording two hours of PBS each weekend. As we had just purchased a home, every little bit helped; but now I wonder...
I too have been scammed by this unscrupulous mob. I paid $85 for a complete set of The Equaliser, shipped to England. They arrived in a vhs box and are complete rubbish. I tried to contact them by email, but bounced back as undeliverable. I tried the website, but the domain name is now for sale. Has anyone been successfull in getting any money back from these bandits?
Cath Oasgood,
I ordered the Carol Burnett DVD set for my husband for X-mas over a month ago and it just came today...from CHINA! I open it up, and he is really excited...it was a gift...and it is an old VHS box stuffed with DVDs with the stickers on them all crooked and scratched up. We put them in the DVD player and they are the worst possible quality you can imagine. They were recorded off of TV Land, and it plays like a VHS that has been around 15 yrs that someones 3 yr old kid with sticky fingers pulled the tape out and rolled it back up and decided to tape it onto DVD. They all skip around, not just in some parts, the entire thing, and the audio is terrible, in some places it skips so much that their mouths don't match up with what they are saying. It also has bars of rainbow lines continuously running across and down the screen! Seriously, and I wish I would have found this complaint website before I ordered from these people. I am contacting my creditcard company tomorrow to have the charge reversed. What a huge WASTE!
uggghhhh! Why didn't I look at this before I ordered! Ordered the complete series of Coach for my husband for Christmas on 12/16, and have not received it yet! I just got off the phone with my bank to try and get my money back. What a load of crap!
After e-mailing them that I was not satisfied with my purchase, that I had read the numerous online complaints against them, and that I would not be ordering again, this was their response:
Re: CV225898 Order is successful
From: Tracy Wallace (clickshows@gmail.com)
Sent: Sat 1/09/10 5:51 AM
Thanks for keeping me updated.
I’m pleased to hear that you have received your order.
Please always feel free to check out our selection of TV DVD series at:
If you see anything there that you might be interested in, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.
I certainly look forward to any possible future transactions!
Customer Support
Either they don't actually read their email, or we're dealing with a bunch of ignoramuses.
What a terrible experience! I bought the entire collection of 'Little House on the Prairie' for my children for Christmas. When it arrived, I looked through the cases and was terribly disappointed and realized it was bootleg and very cheaply done. But I tried the first dvd and it worked, so I thought, "What the heck, it plays and that's all that matters." Well, now it's several weeks after Christmas and we've been *trying* to work our way through the dvds, but the problem is half of the dvds won't even play or some of the episodes skip and give us such a headache. Now, trying to contact clickdvdstore.com, the website isn't even up anymore. What junk! I'm so ticked and hope the folks involved get what they deserve...eventually.
You notice their url changes frequently. I dealt with "clickDVDshows.com", some one else dealt with "clickDVDstore.com"; last year, I believe, they were "123ClassicTV.com". But it's usually easy to find them, just do a search for what you bought and watch for the cheap prices. We're not dealing with a business here but with a "drop ship" operator. Tracy, if that's her name, could be a soccer mom, an eighty year old man, or a teenager. There's no stock to maintain, no inventory; all it takes is a computer. Set up an inexpensive website, process the orders as they roll in, pocket your cut, and forward the rest to a Chinese company with a dozen high-speed DVD duplicating machines. The website gets a bad name, close it and open another. The problem with prosecuting such an enterprise is that none of us can say we didn't get what was advertised; we didn't get what we expected, but we got what they advertised.
Next time you run into a "deal" like this, e-mail them one simple question: "What is your source material?" A legitimate company will either be buying licensed disks and reselling them or they will have paid the royalties to make their own copies for sale; either way they will tell you. If you get an evasive answer, move on.
I ordered the complete DVD set of "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" at the end of last year, and received the same bootleg, cheap copies most people have mentioned, shipped from China. Some of the DVDs did not even play, and I tried them on 2 separate DVD players and 2 computers (Mac and PC).
The ones that did play simply looked like cheap VHS/Betamax copies transferred onto DVD; you could even see the TV channel logo at the bottom right corner!
However, you DO HAVE RECOURSE, if you act swiftly. Contact your credit card company and dispute the charge. They do ask that you attempt to contact the seller, but if you can't, then they WILL investigate. In my case, since the ClickDVD web site still existed, I was able to contact via email and phone someone at the company, who told me to ship the DVDs back to China. Once I did that, via registered mail (get a receipt from the Post Office, and a tracking number), I tried to contact customer support, and that's when I got stonewalled.
So I called the credit card company again, and explained all the steps I had taken. I received a conditional full credit of the purchase while they investigated. A few weeks later, I got a letter from the credit card company telling me the credit they issued was permanent.
My total loss was the amount it cost me to ship back the DVDs, which probably didn't make it back to the seller, and most likely got confiscated by Chinese customs.
For safest results, purchase your DVDs from reputable sellers like Amazon, Best Buy, etc. The price may be higher, but you'll save yourself the hassle. In my case, my decision to purchase from ClickDVD was due to the fact that they were offering the complete set of the entire series, with all the episodes, which actually doesn't exist yet, and is not yet available, from reputable sellers.
I can only concur with all the above, I ordered Hill street Blues and they arrived in the same three vieo boxes with the tabs smashed and all the DVD's scratched, some you could watch and some would not play at all, I complained via e-mail and they sent replacement DVD's for the worst effected ones, I told them in no uncertain terms that I wanted them NOT to be sent in VCR boxes but, that's the way they came and of course, it was the same story but, to add insult to injury, they had greasy fingure prints all over them and are useless, I also got the "return to asia at your expense routine, as if I would spend another cent on this crap.
I too wish I had seen this site before hand, NEVER deal with these creeps.
Greg King
i agree these ppl are scamers i contacted them about my order of the nanny and i reached "the manager" he proceded to insult me and my 10 month old who is just learning to talk as a ###ed dog barking in the background. all this came only after i asked for a simple tracking number these ppl are so rude n need to be shut down. being a vetern of two tours in iraq i believe that is no way to treat ppl at all. we need to work on shutting these ppl down before they scam more ppl out of their money. this is outragous. oh n ordered my dvds three months ago n still have yet to recueve them.
I am very mad. My husband ordered Whirlybirds and it is very poor quality, One disc has nothing on it, One is another show! the Time tunnel!
I emailed just tonight, so we'll see if they respond. We will probably call our credit card co to have charges reversed.
Never again will order.
I wish I knew more too, about this DVD set collection co. I ordered American Idol season 7 and it was in such poor quality. And some of the CD's would not work at all. And alot of missing episodes too. What a rip off! I also email so many times and never, never heard back from them. Does any one know why? The Live Chat help never is up and working too. It came from China.
Another to be aware of ~ Just relaunched under NEW name : TVDVDCLEAROUT, TV DVD Media. BEWARE. Copies of VHS tape
I suspected but didn't listen. When I got to the payment page, it said it was encrypted for protection (i.e., the web site begins with "https" instead of "http". Their site only had "http". So, I use an old credit card that I don't mind canceling if necessary.
I did send an email asking for a phone number cause I had a question and they replied that all transactions were online only.
Well I 'bought' it and now 14 days later, haven't received anything. Luckily, my credit card company removed the transaction from my bill when I informed them of the fraud.
I ordered Mork and Mindy for my daughter last Christmas. THIS IS A SCAM! DO NOT ORDER FROM TV DVD MEDIA! The first dvd started okay and then it began to skip and from the next dvd to the next the quality was so bad it was blurry and seemed to be taped by a video camera on a tv screen. There was even the wrong dvd thrown into the mix (I Love Lucy). First correspondence was great and helpful. After that it was back and forth and then the person(Tracey) started to pretend she didn't know what I was talking about, then it just stopped.
So now I am out $90. Do not bother with this. Order/buy from a reputable company or a department store ie. Best Buy, Future shop etc. It all sounds great but don't fall for it like I did.
This company is known as TVDVD's, YourDVDzone, Click DVD Store, TVDVD Clearout, TV DVD Media.
Basically i'v been scammed just the same as the rest of you.
Foolishly i used my normal bank account rather than my credit card. So this won't be covered by the insurance. Basically people. these people are [censor].
If i wasn't the other end of the world i would literally find their PO Box and wait by it until someone came to collect the mail, and failure to refund my money would result in violence!
I informed them that the box-set i requested was for a present for my girlfriend, who's birthday it was and who's dad is dying of cancer.
Do they give a [censored]? NO. They are heartless scamming [censor].
I hope someone at their company reads this.
You should be ashamed of yourselves and you are filth that the world can do without. People like me work hard and save to provide a gift to someone that will bring a smile to their face, and we just get screwed.
Seriously P1ssed off!
I want to thank all of you for your comments. I just order the Nanny DVD series for my mom and because of this website I was able to cancel my credit card before the transaction went through. And if they do end up charging my card my credit card company already told me I was not responsible for that transaction. Thank you all again!
DO NOT USE THESE PEOPLE. If you see full series DVDs, they are almost never legitimate prints and, if they work at all, the quality will be terrible. If it's not available through Amazon or another legitimate marketer, then what you get will be junk.
Add one more complaint to the list. I ordered the complete The Nanny dvd boxed set. The web site looked professional, there was absolutely no indication that this was being shipped from China. I did not find that out until a week later when the shipping notification arrived. The set arrived and I started to try to work my way through the DVDs. I stopped at the 5th one. Not one DVD was good. Episodes skipped, jittered, pixilated and one stopped dead, with no way to get it to go past the stopped part. One disk gave me an "Incorrect Disk" error and wouldn't play at all. I gave up and have written the company requesting a prepaid return tag and a full refund. I'll wait a couple of days and then check into initiating a charge-back with my credit card company. I sure wish I'd found this site before I fell victim to this scam, as well. Oh yes, they all had the "Lifetime" logo on the bottom of the screen.
Tracy Wallace now additionally works for LifetimeDVD. Disks pirated and defective. My mother, 70, called the number on the credit card [protected], Kansas) and was severly cursed by the customer service rep (prisoner?). Got the credit card company involved and got a reimbursement except for shipping. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY.
I was about to order the complete DVD's of Gunsmoke. My Master Card was handy - then I had this sudden thought. I googled: Gunsmoke DVD's - Fraud? Found this site. Thank God I didn't order. My husband was connected to Gunsmoke and I thought this would be a really special gift for him. So sorry for the Gunsmoke fans who have been cheated. Why hasn't google kicked them off the web?
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