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Come2Play review: backgammon site 36

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3:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

The administrators of this game should be arrested for fraud. Absolutely the worst bg game on the internet. Used to be my favorite, now I will never play again on this site. Total rip off scam. So many people world wide have hacked into this game and the admins don't care. Other sites have 'police' that check in and the cheating stops once perpetrators understand they're being watched. These admins r just raking in the money. I have complained about this site numerous times. I'm ranked in my country, in the world and have been playing for 60 years. I know cheating when I see it. If I could find a way to turn these admins
In to fb, to national security, to anyone who gives a flying leap, I would! Never buy anything from this company, never! You will lose your # guaranteed. Play with the very little they dole out to keep you playing. Other companies are very generous with giving you bonuses everyday. Not a fun game with this site, extremely frustrating when they give other countries (iran, iraq, muslim countries in particular the benefit of cheating americans). Disgusting! This becomes quite clear if you play a few games. The terrorists get the edge and if you say anything about it, they cut off your first amendment rights and you are no longer able to speak to your opponents. If that isn't anti-american, I simply don't know what is!

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Scote Mathis
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Jun 29, 2017 1:44 pm EDT

I completely agree with person from AZ. Today alone I lost most of the games 7 out of 9 to "LOST CONNECTION" It only happens when I'm winning. Coincidence? I think not. I play but I do not pay any longer. I show up get my freebies and stop when they run out. I have spent an embarassing amount on this game and when the class action suit comes I will be in it. This must end. Just straight up gangsta robbery.

Oh btw I have sent pic and emails and nothing happens. I think Facebook needs to step up and not allow these type of predators on their website. Or I will just start posting examples.

Howard Bamber
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Mar 29, 2018 2:44 pm EDT

Does anyone know of an honest game? I've played 40 years and BGL is nothing like the real game unless 6 doubles in a row is normal, or trying to enter with 3 open spaces and still out 10 throws later. That's today :(

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Jul 10, 2018 11:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yep, it's uncanny. Yesterday I was on the board, waiting to come in, with 3 empty spaces. I stopped counting at 10 rolls. Really? And I was way ahead and had doubled. Even though they were behind, they accepted the challenge. Of course! Either the account is fake or they had cheat codes or something. Why do I keep playing this game? It's probably because I love the to play Backgammon, and this interface is good... except for the cheating and rigged games, which just makes my blood boil.

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Mar 03, 2019 1:41 pm EST

Post your examples please! I’ve had nothing but trouble and sick of their crap myself. Lost 10/10 games. Rolled nothing but inescapable grabs for the opponent while they continually kept cheating. It could not have been any more obvious. Deleted the app and wish I could receive a refund for all the times I paid for it. Why? I ask why over and over again would any company have a game on the Internet that people pay to play only to continually cheat them? It makes no sense in regard to the fact that every backgammon player learns very early that it’s NOT NORMAL TO CONTINUALLY LOSE BY ROLLING BAD DICE. It’s just not normal for me especially since I’ve been playing this game for 25 years. Nobody loses 10/10 games. Then you run out of chip “money” and they REALLY THINK WERE GONNA BE STUPID AND BUY THEIR CRAP WITH MONEY?
These cheats can go F@@@ O@@!

Cathy Kauffman
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Aug 16, 2019 7:01 pm EDT

I have lost ever game for 2 weejs.

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Jul 01, 2017 10:57 pm EDT

Owners are Liars and Cheaters. Many people like them rationalise that it's entertainment and doesn't need to be honest. Well let's see a notice on opening the game that says "rolls are fabricated for the best generation of money for me. Most of the games with newbies will be false. This is to get the newbies encouraged to play more and one day spend money here". Let's see how many will continue to play. I wonder if their mother taught them how to cheat or if they learned it all by themselves.

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Jul 01, 2017 11:15 pm EDT

Backgammon Live, worst online backgammon game.

Cathy Kauffman
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Aug 16, 2019 6:55 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ash1022

Once I got to 600, 000 coins, I have been losing every single game for 2 weeks. Games easy win and I lose. Wth

Consumer Advocate
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Nov 03, 2017 4:13 pm EDT

It is very obvious when your opponent rolls 5, 6 or 7 doubles to your zero in any given game to win. This usually starts to happen about 3/4 into the game. This game needs to be investigated for fraud. There disclaimer states that you may play against a computer but fails to state that the odds are manipulated in their favor to win $. Where is the Federal Gaming Commission on this?

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Nov 24, 2017 1:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

About 20 games in a row - all losses. They want me to buy coins. It doesn’t matter how far ahead I am, the opponent will eventually get th rolls to win. It’s unbelievable. I hate this game! I’m so pissed. The algorhythms are totally tilted against you when they want them to be.

Howard Bamber
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Mar 29, 2018 2:45 pm EDT

Buying coins makes it worse

Consumer Advocate
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Nov 24, 2017 11:06 pm EST

I totally agree that his game is a complete scam that's rigged. It's pretty obvious when your opponent starts rolling multiple doubles half way through the game to win on a regular basis. I am also sure that the majority of the accounts are fake. This game should be named SCAMGAMMON!

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Mar 03, 2019 1:44 pm EST

Funny. Made me laugh out loud! I agree! I’m surprised fb does not look into this!

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Nov 27, 2017 12:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Totally agree. This is the pattern: if I buy coins, they're "nice" to me for awhile - they let me win in a normal way. But soon they want more money, so they systematically make me lose every single game until I'm out of coins. I had over 100, 000 coins this morning. I've gone down to 2, 000 coins - with NO WINS WHATSOVER. Opponents would double me when I'm way ahead - why? Because they have the cheat codes and they know they can win no matter how far down they are. This has happened so many times to me I don't know why I keep playing. It is fun - EXCEPT for the CHEATERS and the rigged game.

Ms Kenny
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Apr 17, 2018 7:31 am EDT

I live in Australia and I get double amount charge with exchange of dollars.. & extra on top.
These guys are rogues that take your $$$$$$ dollars.
I agree on everyone's comments on double rolls. It's a dodgy app!
I have reported it to the ACCC!
Just a pity because it would be a great game with others..
They are just using your Facebook page...😡
My wonder is no one ever asks you to play unlike other apps?
Shame! Shame! Shame! Backgammon live!

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Mar 03, 2019 1:47 pm EST
Replying to comment of Ms Kenny

Wow! You’re so right. I never stopped to realize that. Why doesn’t anyone ask me to play ? I always do the asking. Very interesting indeed!
I’m going to post this on fbook and let the whole world know it

John Doe555
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Apr 26, 2018 12:40 pm EDT

I've reported the issue to the UK gambling ombudsman. I'm a player of the real game for 40 years and never seen dice in real life like this game. As has been said they set out to steal your money. It's illegal and fraud. Nothing more

Paul Thibodeau
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May 26, 2018 11:42 pm EDT

Not sure if it's admin or players with cheat codes but it's pretty obvious it's bs. Sometimes I'll almost beat the crooks but then it freezes me out telling me my connection is lost until my time runs out and i lose. But if my connection is lost why does the clock keep running until i lose? After i lose like that it lets me immediately play again. How pathetic do you have to be to cheat at a board game?

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Jun 12, 2018 11:21 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The way I know that there is something dodgy going on is when I play other BG online sites. The dice in Backgammon Live are very cruel. There is a difference. I joined another site a couple of weeks ago and I'm winning around 95% of the time. Seriously. Yet on BG Live, I'm on around 52%. It is regarding the dice. on BG Live, there is a pattern that happens to me, and it happens all the time, such that I can predict it. It used to be that if I blocked every column in my space, apart from the 5, and my opponent has a piece on the bar, they would get a 5 or a double 5 at least immediately (i.e. 1st or 2nd throw). For me, if I need ONE space to get off the bar, around 5-6 average before I finally get my one piece off the bar...

The other scenario that is ultra predictable is when the game has just started, I've made an early break and exposed a counter, so I'm on the bar, and there are five free slots to land in, and I get a double 6 ! At one point that was happening like 70-80% of the time. It was a absolute fake.

As I say, I now play at another site, there is no gambling, no doubling, just a straight game and the dice seem very, very even.

Yes, I definitely get the impression that the game is rigged to get me to BUY coins. No thanks !

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Feb 18, 2019 9:28 am EST
Replying to comment of JezUK

Can you PLEASE tell me this "Fair" backgammon site you are now playing at...I have yet to find an "unrigged" backgammon site that is not 100% seemingly rigged to let muslim/middle east players win. Please send me the link to

Domenico Scarlatti
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Jul 03, 2018 7:08 am EDT

I started playing Backgammon Live some months ago. To start with it was quite even. Then my dollars-earned passed a trigger point. I never bought coins, I am an experienced enough player to win enough to play with.

All of a sudden I could not win a game. My opponent would need (say) 6 - 3 to get out of a sticky situation and they would get it every time. All of a sudden I could not get off the bar. All of a sudden my opponent would get lots of doubles.

Not-very-good players would beat me with series of miracle roles.

I agree with other posters. This site is primarily geared up to extort money from you. If you do not pay for extra coins the enforcers come in and punish you.

Do not play it.

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Jul 10, 2018 11:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Totally agree with most of the posts above. It is obviously rigged. I have bought coins in the past (no more!) - and there's ALWAYS a pattern. After you buy coins, at first they let you win. then... things start going downhill. I'm an experienced player, "much better than most" - but EVERY time is the same... eventually they just don't let you win. No matter how far ahead you are, somehow your opponent will roll the perfect rolls to hit you or get out of a bad situation. You can almost predict the rolls they'll get. I think there are individual cheaters as well - they've downloaded bots or cheat codes - (why, I can't figure out - they're not making money from it!) - but I think the game developers are the main culprits. The interface is good - I like the board and it's a very nice interface, but I'm just sick of the rigged games. Oh - and while I have played this game for probably hundreds of hours, I have NEVER gotten one of their jackpots on the designated games. I'm pretty darned sick of the whole app.

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Jul 10, 2018 11:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh - and the longer you go without buying coins, the worse it gets. I haven't bought in awhile, and now I can barely win any game - no matter who the player is, how inexperienced they are, what their "stats" are - the game developers are very clever in getting you to buy coins. Not going to do it anymore.

Vlad Dobrich
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Jan 09, 2019 12:10 pm EST

Backgammon Live is not geared for knowledgeable backgammon players. It is aimed at casual social players - those who know little or nothing about how the serious game is played.
Serious backgammon is played for real money. You risk real cash to win real cash.
Backgammon Live sells you tokens which can never be redeemed for cash. They have an unlimited supply of tokens which they avidly try to sell you and the only way for them to make money is by convincing you to buy more tokens when your supply runs out.
Backgammon Live is created by people who know NOTHING about real backgammon. A serious player will see immediately the many indications that the makers of the site are not backgammon players. They are only interested in milking the 'mooches' out of their cash.
Here are some of the flaws that should alert you (if you are a serious player) -
*When you are doubled, the message posted is you are asked to double. In real Backgammon you are not ASKED to double - the opponent has the right to force a double. You can only accept or decline, but also, in accepting you can also 'beaver' that is an instant redouble in which case you keep possession of the doubling cube.
*Another glaring flaw at this site is when you are offered the double the message note covers most of the board so you cannot see the position to make your decision. No doubt the creators of this site are not aware that cube decisions have something to do with the position on the board!
*Another annoying thing they do here is when you win a game they ask you to post a message on Facebook -
"Do you dare challenge me to a game?" What kind of DARE is involved when playing for NOTHING?
Of course ALL gaming sites are rigged, but in the ones where real money is involved, the site does not steal your money for their general revenue - they take money from the undesirable clients (the winners) and feed it to those who will always lose - the really awful players. They also make sure newcomers win at first and also those who have just made a deposit. In this way they do their best to grow their client base.
I could go on, but I won't.

Tzekoff Zx
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Feb 12, 2019 8:09 am EST

Well, that's not backgammon at all, I don't know why are you complaining. It is a new game of owners of backgammon Live. Try to understand algorithm of dices.

Robbo Da Yobbo
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Mar 05, 2019 11:15 pm EST

Worst backgammon game online in history!
4 double 6s out of 6 rolls?
Guest from israel always wins...
3 piece off the board.. only hole they can get in is 4... and you have one piece 4 places away.. and 99% of the time... double 4! to get all pieces back on the board and hit you...
Do not buy coins for this bs game!
We should launch a law suite against this company for fraud.. they should not be allowed to charge real money for fake coins on a game full of hackers, cheats and guest players... (guest players are robot computer program players!)
I will never play this game again!

Robbo Da Yobbo
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Mar 05, 2019 11:21 pm EST

I've just started playing THIS version !
Please join me and add RobboDaYobbo as a friend !

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Jul 14, 2019 11:53 pm EDT

I happened to see some of the reviews for this game.

Sigh...a few years ago, someone on Facebook found a "help wanted" ad on one of the owner's FB page. He copied and pasted the ad.

He was looking for "players"..those who could play 5-6 games at once. One of the perks I remember was "turkish coffee". Not only are the rolls fixed, which is obvious, but you're playing against fake players.

I can't believe the owners haven't been busted yet.

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Aug 21, 2019 6:04 pm EDT

Ya it's too bad the game is rigged. It's a good interface but obviously cheating in order to get you to buy coins. Never bought a coin and was at over $2000 And then lost 14 games in a row! Won one then lost 3 then deleted the game. I pictured a bunch of greasy guys eating falafels, smoking in some backroom deciding on the dice rolls. Hahaha

Tzekoff Zx
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Sep 04, 2019 9:07 am EDT

Actually it is not backgammon as you know it... it is totally new game called backgammon Live, similar to real backgammon but completely new goal: how to predict "random" dices, sometimes you can be very successful

Consumer Advocate
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Jan 13, 2020 10:33 pm EST
Replying to comment of Tzekoff Zx

Tzekoff Zx, I think you smoke too much crack!

Consumer Advocate
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Jan 13, 2020 10:30 pm EST


Consumer Advocate
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Feb 23, 2020 7:16 pm EST

HOW in the world are these [censored] allowed to continue operate? Anyone who thinks their "algorithms" are random and fair are smoking too much crack! I have complained to these [censored]s so many times and now I can't win a single game. Opponents always roll the perfect combo and when they're behind the doubles start coming. I have over 1 millions coins and have not spent one cent. Come2play are horses [censored]'s and I hope some day they're taken down and charged with a crime. Rischi, you suck!~ Check out these recorded games!

Consumer Advocate
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Mar 08, 2020 12:38 am EST

Lets face it, you guys simply suck! You are nothing more than cheating, fraudulent cowards. A third world country company that rips off people worldwide! Come2Play should be investigated for fraud and theft. How Facebook allows these scumbags to run their game is a good indication of what they're all about as well. Mark Zuckerberg, you should be ashamed of this sham organization! Then they have the nerve to [ost their phoney disclaimer of how their dice are random. Mideast mentality thinking they're fooling people but fooling no one. This game should be banned!

Consumer Advocate
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Mar 15, 2020 10:08 pm EDT

I have these lunatics to pissed off now that they have me losing every single game now. Maria, Rischi, you can all kiss my you know what! You're cheaters and you know it. You can fix the dice any way you want but yet continue to lie about it. Hopefully the Federal Gaming Commission will catch up to these crooks soon. Don't ever gives these jerks money, Ever!

Eye Touch
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Jul 24, 2021 5:36 pm EDT


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