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Barton Publishing

Barton Publishing review: scam 38

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7:37 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

this site says you are purchasing a help remendy for acid reflux it says you can have a refund 100% but they dont answer your emails they have charge me more then stated bus it doesnt let you view your account before it just takes your money i need help what to do can anyone help me please

Update by samantha rudston
Oct 13, 2008 9:13 am EDT

yes thank you joe barton you are not a scam at all thanks for your understanding but dont know what to do about my acid reflux what should i try ? full refund given from joe barton

Update by samantha rudston
Oct 16, 2008 1:55 am EDT

i have look at my bank details this morning and no refund as been done for me at all you gave me a fefund then took it straight back out again what are you doing i want a full refund asap other wise i will take this to a consumer advise refund now please

Update by samantha rudston
Oct 16, 2008 3:26 am EDT

sorry my mistake full refund given ignore my emails xxxxxx

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Joe Barton
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Oct 10, 2008 10:08 pm EDT


We have answered your emails, and we have issued your refund on 10-10-08 at 10:17am (before you filed this complaint).

You probably have an overly sensitive spam filter that didn't deliver our reply to your inbox.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our customer support number at [protected]

Joe Barton, CEO
Barton Publishing Inc.

matthew yong
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Feb 12, 2009 8:40 am EST

Hi, recently i just bought an ebook from a website that shows how to reduce bloodpressure the natural way. The writing was convincing and I gladly give it a try. At first it looks sincere by asking credit card details. Once you provide everything for them to charge you, you bring into a series of pages (I think about 5 pages) of products and subscriptions that default to "agree purchase". I unchecked all products except one that said barton publishing. I thought it refers to the ebook I am purchasing. To my surprise, at the end of the process, it did not confirm the total bill and immediately charge to my credit card. When I saw the email through email, I was shocked and try to reply to the email demanding a refund. I receive no response at all.

I suspect this website unethical practice is one form of internet scam. I hope the authority will investigate such unethical practice so that no other victim will fall into such trick.


Mary Fleij
Cordova, US
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Mar 18, 2009 1:03 pm EDT

I don't care whether they say it's not a scam! The whole checkout system is a scam. Since when you do you just charge a credit card before allowing the person to 'review' and 'confirm' their order?! Nobody does that. And not only that why do you have to go through 4 pages of 'additional offers' and unselect and choose 'no' to avoid being charged all this extra crap and still end up being charged for it. Also, why is it when I call that number I always get a recorded message stating that they can't take my call but to email instead. I've emailed already. 2x's and no response! I want ALL of my money back. I wanted to read this UTI report but I'm not willing to open and read it because I just want my money back now. I guess I'll never know whether or not it was good info because you've scared me off and charged me for stuff I don't need. Not only that my account only had $24 available and you charged $29.90 (instead of $9.95) so now I'm going to overdraft. Thanks for the additional $35 I'm going to have to pay my bank because this charge will go through tonight but any refund (if I ever see one) won't go through for a minimum of 3 days. Thanks again FOR nothing and making this whole thing just a big waste of time.

Mary Ann
I can see from many other reports that come up on barton publishing that I am only 1 of thousands of people who have dealt with this same problem on a daily basis. I know I better not get charged by other companies for all these free trial offers that I removed from the list and unselected because I didn't want them. And apparently I must not know what I don't want because I got stuck with them anyway! Scammers!

Detroit, US
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Mar 20, 2009 9:49 am EDT

This is absolutely a scam. Try calling the number "Joe" gives in the email above - you will get a recording that says to call the other number, where you will talk to a "third party customer service representative" who will say that you have to do all cancellations, etc. through the barton web site - they can, of course, take an order over the phone. I order a pamphlet, just like the other person, chose NO on any extra option, was not able to confirm my order, then was charged $29.95 over my order, and was signed up for a $9.95 newletter. I sent an email back to "support@bartonpublishing" and the customer service rep said to do to cancel. I got charged again a month later and have called only to get the same run around again. I have canceled my credit card, so hopefully none of their fraudulent charges will go through. I hate that they have my email address, though. I also reported them to the Federal Bureau of Consumer Protection under four different counts of fraud. I recommend anyone else who has been scammed do the same:

Donna Catron
Naples, US
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Mar 27, 2009 9:28 am EDT

I also got charged and additional $19.95 for a VIP upgrade and a newsletter that will cost me $9.95 after 15 days unless I call and cancel that I said NO to on the order form. This is unexcuseable
business behavior. I will suggest DO NOT GO THERE to anyone looking for help from this web site. Donna Catron

nur ussakli
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Apr 06, 2009 5:56 am EDT

Barton Publishing and welwatch company is a thief company.They took 120$from me without asking my permishing.My order was just 19.95 $.

Nur ussakli

Detroit, US
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Apr 07, 2009 10:14 am EDT

I have no idea if this is going to work. But because I wanted a report and in good faith submitted my bank information now my Checking Account is overdrawn. I called the [protected] number left my info like it said and I have yet to get a reply. That told me right there they KNOW they are going to have some DISSATISFIED customers because they aren't willing to have live people correct the rip-off on the spot.

Like many of you I did this in good faith, only to find out later, it to a certain degree was a planned mugging of your Bank Info to get your money. The designer of the site purposely geared it to be convincing, yet cofusing enough to suck the unwitting in to get their money. And for that I am not going to stop until that sort of deceptive practices are outlawed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I personally don't know that much about how to design a web site, but I'm certainly going to find out. Because ANY good rip-off has a counter. And the SOONER it is exposed the better an InterNet consumer we can become. I know that the original intent for many InterNet sites are to do LEGITIMATE business. But when the few who cross the line and willingly cheat the consumer that must be dealt with. And I'm hoping that I can get my money back for the items I don't need or want.

kathleen Beardsell
Jindalee, AU
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Apr 18, 2009 6:58 am EDT

I got caught, brought something from 'Barton Publishing', When I wanted to buy one book. I purchased the book then it ask me to pay by credit card and submit I did this and when then noticed once you provide everything for them to charge you, you bring into a series of pages (I think about 5 pages) of products and subscriptions that default to "agree purchase". I unchecked all products except one that said barton publishing. I thought it refers to the ebook I am purchasing. To my surprise, at the end of the process, it did not confirm the total bill and immediately charge to my credit card. When I saw the email through email, I was shocked and try to reply to the email saying that I didn't want the other publishings just the book that I purchsed and to send a link to download just the one ebook. I received an email with a link to click on which led me straight back to the same place (I have to download all their products and subscribe) I sent another email to Barton Publishing stating I did not want to download all these products just the one I was purchasing. They sent me another email with a link. Guess What linking straight back to the same place. I still have not been able to download my ebook (which stated I would be able to do this immediately) as I don't want to download all the other junk they are going to charge me for on a monthly basis. I also emailed all these places to state that if they are advised I agreed to a monthly prescription I did not. The email address on one of these products did not even go through it kept coming back to me as nondelivery. MD and would be charged unless I cancelled in the 14 day trial period.

Baton Publishing are the biggest rip-off merchants as I still haven't got my ebook and their ordering process is a real scam because you can't download the book you purchase without agreeing to and downloading the other publishings and makes you order stuff you have not requested. It doesn't allow you to check any of this before it takes your credit card details before finalising it, then if you do try to change the order they double dip and still charge you for both orders. Now they won't answer any e-mails or send me a link to download just the book I purchased.

I will report them to consumer affairs in USA if they do not send me the ebook and if they take money from my account for the other publishings. Don't deal with any of these companies!

West Australia

Ferne Cooper
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Apr 23, 2009 1:29 pm EDT

Joe, you havebeen very regular suggestions for help with acid reflux, but to date I have received NOTHING you have promised, in my initital agreement to give you my credit card #. Now I receive my Visa charges and there are charges for $34.90 and I have received nothing. Your original ad promises &19.95 to access the info. Where did the charge of $34.90 come from? I am a widow of 90 and find this extremely unfair. I would like a refund for what is due me.

Ferne Cooper, Va. Email

Toronto, CA
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Jun 11, 2009 1:17 pm EDT

I've been scammed by Barton Publishing and WellnessWatchers MD as well. I originally ordered a "booklet" from Barton and a month later noticed an unauthorized charge on my Visa of $9.95 from Barton Publishing and $29.95 from WellWatchersMD who I hadn't even dealt with. I immediately contacted Barton and they said they'd cancel my unauthorized subscription to whatever it was, which they did. However, nothing was done about the WellnessWatchersMD charge and it has now appeared on two more Visa bills. I've been away and missed seeing last months but just noticed the newest charge on my latest June invoice. I called the number mentioned above and they guy said that all he could do was refund two of the three fraudulent charges.

I encourage everyone who's been scammed by these frauds to contact their bank AND credit card to report this matter on both companies. It wouldn't hurt to print out these complaints and others that are also on the net to show to the bank so we can get their credit card privileges revoked.

I should have know this was an unscrupulous, criminal company by the way they wouldn't let me simply purchase the one item I did want, but instead kept a long series of confusing pop-ups appearing.

zipped in texas
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Jun 22, 2009 10:30 am EDT

Do not buy anything from Barton Publishing! I have asked for refund and if I do not get it, I will report to the Texas Attorney general

Olympia, US
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Aug 04, 2009 11:45 pm EDT

Thank you for all these comments that kept me from ordering from this crook! Did anyone notify the Better Business Bureau?
How can a fraud like this pop up when you looking for medical information? There should be something warning for most people to stay away from Barton Publishing..

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Oct 21, 2009 3:15 pm EDT

Folks, just call your credit card company and tell them you want to stop the payment. It is immediate.
PS-Only use a credit card. Most credit cards now offer a VIRTUAL CREDIT CARD. A virtual credit card is produced for a one time use for a set dollar amount and a set expiration date of thirty days or more...however you choose. DO NOT USE A DEBIT CARD or give access to your checking account. Once the CASH is gone you have no recourse.

Craig D
Mayfield, AU
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Dec 12, 2009 8:09 am EST


I am a Chronic GERD sufferer from Australia, and have reached the point of desperation and frustration with my illness, No one seems to get how this affects your quality of life from everyday breathing to eating, to going to sleep. So I looked for a quick cure online, something that advertised to do everything I wanted and needed. I found the Reflux Remedy report which is linked to many many many Health and Wellbeing websites for my condition. Before I purchased the report I ran a scam check online of Barton Publishing and I am so glad I did. I found this website (Complaints

After reading all these testimonials and customer experiences, I know I will be staying as far away from Barton Publishing as i can. Thanks everyone for you cantor and I hope you save a lot more people from grief.

Another Barton Victim
San Antonio, US
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Feb 23, 2010 12:03 pm EST

I completely agree on Barton Publishing being a scam, lucky for me, I check my bank account regularly and noticed that I was charged double that what I actually signed up for. I was originally seeking some advice how how to take care of Kidney Stones and had clicked on a link for Barton when i had searched for Kidney Stone relief on WEBMD. The sight seemed helpful, but I know all you have to do is know how to set up a website and be good with words to sound convincing. I will definitely be much more weary now of online purchasing and will definitely do my research. Now that I think about it, it is pretty shady to ask for your credit card number before showing you an order conformation.

Unfortunately, I have contacted Barton asking for a refund several times with NO response. This is a scam, stay away from Barton Publishing. I have cancelled my credit card and will dispute the charge that they've already charged me, and I will NEVER deal with them again.

Fairview, US
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Feb 26, 2010 12:11 am EST

Barton Publishing = SCAM SCAM SCAM. What I've seen from CEO Joe Barton's blog, he claims to love and follow God... BUT that must take on a different meaning when it comes to honor, integrity, and respect. In trying to make a purchase from, the order page represented a $19.95 price. When clicking "continue" to go place the order, the price jumped considerably at checkout. A follow up request email yielded an even higher price, with a "form letter" type response that really showed this company one that lacked integrity. Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, a second email submission to their support netted the same arms-length type response. Shame on you, Barton Publishing... for your total lack of integrity and ethics. (Order page images attached).

Yukon, US
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Apr 02, 2010 9:12 am EDT

I was about to order his book on Gall stones but I think I will just go to the the health food store where I can talk to a real person. At the the store you can examine the book before you buy it. I am truly sorry for everyone getting ripped off but you have saved me from getting scamed

George Gibbs
Windsor, GB
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Aug 18, 2010 7:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I ordered a book from Barton from England but some how the E Mail add on the page made it look like four books when l printed my invoice the total amount was £34 $54.87 Dollars all i received was a wire bound catalouge not worth more than $10 dollars this is for sure a scam and should be banned and stopped George Gibbs UK

Hesperia, US
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Aug 05, 2011 5:45 pm EDT

I also bought one of their products and was dissatified. I called their number, and was immediately refunded the price. Sometimes we forget that there are still telephones. I talked to a very nice lady that had no problems with my request.

Venkat Velagapudi
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Aug 23, 2011 1:44 pm EDT

Barton Publishing is indeed a fraud.

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Sep 07, 2011 4:17 am EDT

is this the same person from ?

chuck(charles) woods
Libby, US
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Sep 13, 2011 9:16 pm EDT

i consented to order and did order the $19.95 presentation andmy final printout shows to be approximately $109.00. how do i then cancel the entire order ? Chuck woods

Hampton, US
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Mar 26, 2012 10:45 am EDT

THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU! I was about to order the info about diabetes for my hubby! After reading this...I WOULD NEVER order anything from these scammmers!

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May 05, 2012 3:32 pm EDT

Thank you all for taking the time to share your horrible experiences with Joe Barton Publishing. I watched the video on Diabetes Prevention and was intrigued, especially when he mentioned that finding his father's cure was the motivation for his research efforts. How brazen and calculating! COMPLETELY UNETHICAL AND DIABOLICAL! For his father's sake, I hope and pray that Joe Barton finds a conscience and some honor under God and stops manipulating people for his own selfish gain. JOE, YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERY FALSE PROMISE AND MISDEED. I hope you seriously consider the gravity of the consequences. May God help you to wake up and change. It is never too late.

Canandaigua, US
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Jun 18, 2012 5:04 pm EDT

I was about to order information on diabetes from Barton PUBLISHING, but I decided to look up BARTON PUBLISHING on line and found that there have been scamming reports as well as fraud and misuse of credit and debit card information. I have been scammed by other companies and I now i know not to order from this one. I am disabled and only have $757 a month to live on, Thank you to everyone who filed a complaint. BARB IN NY STATE, USA.

Cecil in Texas, USA
Port Neches, US
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Jun 25, 2012 4:29 pm EDT

Cecil in Texas, USA
Yes, I was scammed...! Ordered the presentation bookleet for 39.95 and got charged $105.91 on credit card. Have written two times too ( my money back and have no reply from them as todays date.BEWARE...BEWARE...BEWARE

Palm Harbor, US
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Jul 02, 2012 6:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I should have read these comments sooner...I thought I was getting something to help me for $19.97, but instead was charged $37.77...I have sent three e-mails, and called answer...Now, I'm worried that they will hit my credit card again...I've called my bank, so we will see what happens...and heck, all I was looking for was a bit of relief! Shame, Shame, on you Joe! Remember, what comes around goes around...

Montgomery, US
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Jul 03, 2012 5:43 pm EDT

Thank you all for your warnings. Because of your sharing, I will NOT be doing business with this company. Its such a shame in this day and age, we can't believe anything we hear or read. This sounded great and they are toying with people who are desperately trying to get well - I hope this man and the rest of the company gain a conscience and that eventually keeps them up at night.

Palo Alto, US
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Jul 09, 2012 3:44 pm EDT

I'm getting 10+ spams a day from these lunatics. My spam filter won't block them because they keep coming from different addresses. There's no justification for sending out this much mail about such a useless product. For awhile they had an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page, which I used several times to unsubscribe. Now, four weeks later, I'm still getting spammed. I finally emailed everyone in the company I could find online, and I finally got a reply back from one of the executives saying they can't take me off the list because they handed over all of their spamming to some second party.

Sending out spam with no way to unsubscribe is illegal and underhanded.

I can't believe anyone would choose to run a business this way.

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Sep 01, 2012 6:32 am EDT

Thank you all to posted about how awful this company is. I was hoping to find information to help my husband who has just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. How dare a company take advantage of people who are just trying to find the resources they need to help them get through a difficult situation.

Ed Brammer
South Point, US
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Sep 19, 2012 5:44 pm EDT

ordred from your company on 9-6-2012, was to be shiped in 5 to 7 days, has been 2 weeks and nothing. can not get an answer on the phone, just some kind of run arround, am getting ready to contact the feds about this.

Dayton, US
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Jul 19, 2013 11:11 am EDT

Barton Publishing is a scam, they took my money, first they were only supposed to take $3 and change to try their product and I had time to TRY the product if I did not like the product I could cancel, if I liked the product I would be charged an additional $17, I was charged $33 + on the first day more than I was supposed to be charge ever. I canceled in the first HOUR because I did not see anything NEW about their product. I was indeed charged the additional $17 dollars, now they have $47 of MY money they are not supposed to have because I CANCELED and they will not talk to me, I was instead sent an e-mail telling ME to call them during their hours, of course these hours are during when I am at work, they have no evening and no weekend hours. THEY ARE LIARS AND CHEATS, THEY ARE A RIP OFF AND A SCAM. DO NOT WASTE A PENNY OF YOUR MONEY, THEY WILL STEAL FROM YOU EVERY TIME.

tot, US
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Jul 22, 2013 8:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I want to thank everyone. You stopped me from making a BIG Mistake.
I will never buy any thing from this so called company.

Sally Rose
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Oct 10, 2013 4:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On the 6th September 2013 I responded to an email advert for literature on lowering blood pressure by eating the correct foods. I have not read the whole thing as it is extremely repetitive and boring. The charge was $20.55. The exchange rate at that stage was R10 to the dollar (R205.50) in S.A. currency. On receiving my credit card statement I noted that they had debited my account with an amount of R828, 96 ($82.89).. In spite of numerous emails to correct this they have not sorted the matter out, They have credits my credit card with R209 which would be the amount of the original order. The telephone number that they supply is incorrect as when I dial it the message I receive is This number does not exist. I am at my wit's end in trying to sort this out,

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Oct 04, 2018 11:09 am EDT

I ordered from TruEnergy, and after the first shipment tried to cancel. I got another one, tried to cancel, and just received one from the BaRTON Publishing address - not TruEnergy at all. When I try to call - the number is not working. I'll work with my credit card company. But I've been scammed! BOO HISS!

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Jul 03, 2020 8:46 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought an online booklet from Barton Publishing, as well as some CinnaChroma, a supplement to be used for diabetes. I declined everything else that I was prompted to order. I tried to cancel it, and was told it was cancelled, but I just got another bottle of CinnaChroma in the mail today. Of course, they charged me two times what they said they would charge. This really sucks.

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Sep 08, 2022 1:59 am EDT

I do not recommend purchasing CinnaChroma from Barton Publishing. I would not recommend getting anything from them because even if the product worked, you would still be dealing with Barton Publishing. CinnaChroma did not work for me as it had been hyped up to in their initial advertising and promotion. This was supposed to be so good, and it would provide great results for my type 2 diabetes. And it came with a one-year satisfaction, money back, guarantee.

After trying it for a month I called and told them I was not happy with the product. They reminded me of the one year guarantee and suggested I stick with it a little longer. At my next blood test, my A1c and my glucose levels had both gone up. I had also cut out all sodas (I drank about 4 per day). I cut back my bread and pasta intake in half. And my numbers went up! I called them to find out what I needed to do to get my money back. I was paying $47.00 a month for one bottle on auto-ship. They suggested I double my dose. They said they would drop the price to $33.00 per bottle. I couldn't afford $47 per month. $66 was out of the question. And why would I voluntarily pay more for something that didn't work the way they promoted it?

I had the purchase order numbers for the 3 bottles I received. I had just finished the 2nd bottle and didn't open the third bottle. I never kept the empty 1st bottle. Why would I. I expected everything to work. They told me that they would only refund me for the two bottles I could send back to the. WTF. They said it was in their written refund policy, and I should have read it before I made my purchase. If I thought their product wasn't going to work, why would I purchase it in the first place? The ONLY refund policy that mattered to my purchasing their product was the one year, money back, satisfaction guarantee.

They KNOW I bought their product! I had the purchase order numbers. Which they shouldn't have needed anyway. I was in their system. They knew how to ship it to me and bill my credit card. The one bottle they didn't refund was the 1st one for $67.00. Now $67.00 isn't going to kill me. And it sure as hell isn't going to affect Barton Publishing. I believe they should have refunded me for all three bottles I was billed for. That is my main gripe.

I am hoping this commentary will cost them more than my $67 in lost revenue. That seems like a very unintelligent business decision on their part. Maybe they thought I would go away quietly. If their return policy does tell purchasers to save their empty bottles in case of a future return request later in the one year of the guarantee, and say I was wrong, they know they have it written that way because most people don't save empty bottles. Shame on them. They don't deserve to be successful in business.

God sees what you are doing!

NOTE: The comments above are mine and mine alone. The "Complaints Board" is not responsible in any way for the comments made above. I was the person affected by the actions of Barton Publishing. What I have written is my true understanding of the incident. Barton Publishing did refund me $94.00 for two of the three purchases. And did so in a timely manner.

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Nov 08, 2022 8:45 am EST

While I have not purchased any products from this company, they called me at 5:27 in the morning today to advertise their Diabetic Solutions kit. Why would you do this?!? Do your telemarketers not realize what time it is when they call their customers? It was 7:27 a.m. in the city and state where the call was placed. Do you really think that most of your customers are up at that hour and interested in talking to a telemarketer about buying a product that may not even apply to them? Someone needs to look into this. I was furious. I've been working long hours for weeks, and I do not need to be awakened 3+ hours before I'm supposed to get up for work.

Resolve this, please? Thank you.

(Number used to place call: [protected]. Caller stated they were calling on behalf of Diabetic Solutions. I don't have diabetes, and I have no idea how/why I was placed on this call list.)

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