I decided to pursue a career change by going into the commercial trucking industry. I saw an ad in the local newspaper for Central Refrigerated Service which offer me an opportunity to train for my CDL and would give me a job as a truck driver. It sounded like a great opportunity a one stop chance to get my CDL and get a job.
The Company sent me a ticket to go to Texas (this is where their training facility was located) Upon arriving I realized that there were many trainees and not enough trainers. There were approximately 25 students between two trainers. There was 3 different levels of training amongst the 25 students some were studying for the written test, some were studying for the road test and some students were there to retest for the road test.
Trainers were stretch to the limit of teaching all the students on all these different levels you need to get your CDL class A license. The problem with this is that over 70% of the students were failing and retaking the Motor Vehicle exams over and over which entailed rolling over into the training of the new arrivals. Luckily I did a lot of studying and practicing on my own and with other students and I was able to past my written and road test the first time. All students practiced their road test on a 9 speed tractor pattern as well as take their road test exam.
After passing my exams and receiving my Class A license I was sent back to Conley, Georgia (my home base) for my 3 day orientation. After passing my orientation, I was assigned to a trainer for over the road tractor trailer training for 28 days. My trainer's tractor was W9 Kenworth with a 9 speed pattern. He was a very nice and patient man and taught me everything he knew about over the road trucking. For the entire 28 days I was trained on the 9 speed pattern.
On my 25th day we were in Iowa, I was suppose to head back towards Conley, GA for a my driver's upgrade (which mean I would receive my own tractor) and go solo over the road. But instead of heading back the Company sent me and my trainer back to the west coast region and on my 26th day my trainer was instructed to drop me off in Salt Lake City, Utah for my upgrade. On the 27th day my trainer dropped me off in Utah for the upgrade that would take place the next morning. My trainer gave me an excellent evaluation for my performance in his tractor.
On the 28th day, I started the upgrade by taking test on the computer after passing all my computer test I was ready for the road test on the tractor. My upgrade examiner took me to a tractor for my test to my surprise it was a 10 speed pattern tractor. Out of my 49 days with Central Refrigerated I have never trained nor driven a 10 speed. So I asked my upgrade examiner did they have any 9 speeds that I could take the test on and he said 'No, you should know the 10 speed pattern' and also told me that 'The Company is getting rid of all their 9 speeds and that they were obsolete.' Again, I stressed to him that I have never driven or been in a 10 speed and that I would need a few hours to familiarize myself with this pattern. He told me 'No, take the test' Well it would be no surprise to let you know that I failed this test. By not knowing the new pattern, I grinded the gears.
I went back to the office and they informed me that I had failed my upgrade. When I pleaded with them to give me a chance to practice on the 10 speed pattern. They said 'We don't do that.' This was Friday afternoon and they said I will be retested Monday morning on the same truck. I asked them to let me practice over the weekend on the truck by myself. But they refused and told me that I would have to find a owner operator, if I can and maybe they would show me the 10 speed pattern. I was not allowed to ask a trainer, a student or any employee of Central Refrigerated to help me. Unless it was an owner operator.
By Monday morning I was unable to get anyone to help me with this new pattern. On October 20, 2008 after 49 days with Central Refrigerated, I felt it was a 'No Win' situation and I had no choice but to leave the training facility.
To say the least, I was disappointed with the Company. I believed that with all I had went through with the training in Texas and being able to pass all my test the first time I took them and to get such and excellent review from my over the road trainer that after the 49th day Central was unable to give me 3 hours to practice on the 10 speed pattern.
Being persistent and determine to become truck driver, I decided to go to an independent trucking school to get my Diploma and most of all learn the 10 speed pattern. I paid $2, 560 for this training. Most of the time I sat around because I had already received my Class A license. When it was time for the Driving training I spent 3 hours in a 10 speed and maxed it. My trainer asked me what I was doing here he said you are an excellent driver. I graduated on December 18, 2008 with a 97% average.
Now this is the kicker, I applied for a trucking job and the Company pre-approved me to work for them and then I found out that Central put on my DAC report that I was terminated from training and the Company told me that they couldn't hire me, because I was terminated from training. Which was not true I left them. I never worked for them . I was never upgraded as a company driver.
Now Central wants to charge me $2, 900 for training. Training that never produce me the career that I wanted and wasted 49 days of my life and time with my wife and 5 year old son.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
All of you are [censor]s! I spent 35 dollars to obtain my cdl and your goin to fork out tons of money to learn how to shift gears. pfffft! yall need to be smart about it. driver local before you try otr. im only 22, I have almost 5 years of experience. and you dont see me getting charged three grand from a cxompany thats gunna [censor] you in the long run. go work for oilfield serice companies. you will make better money and be home more often!
What the [censor] every company out there has reviews like this if u let ur self be influenced u will never get to ur ultimate goal of having the experience or being a o/o stop being [censor]en pussies
I have read a lot of complaining about this and about that over trivial [censor]. I can tell most of you sniveling little [censor]es don't have enough common sense to even wipe your [censor] the correct direction. seems to me most of you need to still be baby sitted like when you was age 5 with the [censor] attitudes you have. looks to me that your mommies and daddies spoiled your rotten [censor] and no matter what a company does for you or not, you cry like you been beat with a belt for 15 minutes. maybe that's the problem, you didn't get your punk [censor] beat enough as a child when you acted up and made a scene. [censor] all you cry baby losers. you people are [censor]ing [censor]ed and should be taken off to the side of the road and have a bullet shot through the back up your head to stop you from [censor]ing all the time. I bet most of you would even find a reason to [censor] if someone walked up and gave you $89.00 free. i'm sure you would say, what an [censor] mother [censor]er. only $89.00 dollars you cheap [censor] and he should have gave me $100.00 dollars the cheap [censor]. that would most likely be what you [censored]ers would say.in fact one time in my life I did give a friend $80.00 and his mother $100.00 because they needed food, etc and do you know that the son of a [censor] almost wanted to punch me because I gave his mother $100.00 and him only $80.00. you stupid [censor]tarded [censor]s should do the world a favor and go kill yourselves. you dumb [censor] [censor]ing [censor]s.
All you whine babies.. if you don't like it go work for mcdonald's and get out trucking.. you whine about everything.. the one's that cry because your sitting around and your dispatcher doesn't have a load for you should become a lot lizard then.. do you think these companies like having there trucks sitting in a truck stop and you not working.. they have to pay for the truck,, fuel that you use to either keep warm or cool, your medical insurance ect.. that means they have high costs with no income.. so I guarantee they do not want there trucks sitting..
and if you notice your check is short why didn't you keep a copy of your paper work so you could show them what work you have done then wait to be reimbursed on the following check..
I loved reading the one of the guy crying because he had only one more gear.. damn does he need training wheels too.. it isn't rocket science here people it is just a little common sense..in your off time quit sniffing glue so your brain works and you will find things a bit easier to deal with.. all I can say here is you all sound like a bunch of rookies who need a diaper to keep you from complaining..
just remember these companies will be in business while you are under a bridge holding a sign bagging for money.. hey there is a thought you get paid and it is tax free.. then what would you all whine about.. some [censor] just gave me free money the jerk.. get a life dumb [censor]..
OK so can someone please tell me what Central makes you do. I'm a 21yr old african american female and I weigh 116lbs. what kind of stuff do u do, and did any of you go into this only knowing how to drive automatic? I've only driven a stick once or twice trying to learn, but I'm about to learn. I live in Texas and all these complaints about the training is weirding me out. If you guys don't recommend Central, do u know of another trucking company that offers the training?
Also, how long is the actual training?
Yes! Swift Trucking offers free training and their benefits are awesome and their milage pay is way higher then Central Refridgerated.
Centrals Benefits suck because you pay for them all out of your pocket for many years before they pay just a small part of it.
Here is Swift Transportation website. http://www.swifttruckingjobs.com/
Don't do Central. They are [censor]s. Go Swift
If you want to see Swift Transportation's pay scale here it is. It ROCKS
There are no perfect Trucking Companies. The world has turned to [censor] when it comes to any job; but if you want into trucking, Swift is a good hit no matter how many complaints they have.
You have to also realize that there are a lot of stories that are told that are leaving out the whole story because that is how people are when they get upset. They won't tell the whole truth of the matter to why they say they got screwed.
im heading out on sun to fontana, ca for centrals training.i already have my permit with endorsements, so wat should i expect when i get there.i dont knw how to drive a manuel all military vics r auto so u think they will fail me.
All you have to do is pay attention to the road trainer when you finally are out of school and get into the truck with him. You will learn by trial and error and there is no getting out of that at all. I went to Bates Technical College years ago for Long Haul Trucking and it was a 5 month course. it took me about 40 hours of driving before I was any good at shifting. You keep getting better all the time; but once you start getting tired, you will miss some gears. My brother has been a trucker for 20 years and he says he still misses and grinds the gears when he gets tired and says that is when it's time to pull over and take a break. Get some sleep too if you can.
cool thnkxz for the headsup..any1 that has been through centrals training can give me an insight on it.i went through bootcamp so it cant get badder than that.i tlkd to alot of recuiters and centrals seems like the best one out there.im not to worried bout hometime im all bout the money, my wife understands and has dealt with this before with my deployment.i hope i get a cool [censored] roomate.
jzt got bck from centrals training.i dropped tha course because they only give u 2 hrs of drive time, 1 in a industrial are with little r no traffic an 1 on city streets an freeway, its an excelerated program.i didnt feel safe with only 2 hrs on tha road so i dropped it.tha people who work there are proberly the best you can get, the instuctors r awesome they help u alot.i wanna say thankxs to central for the experince.if you want a good program to go to with excellent instructors go to central training in fontana, ca.only road time is my complaint.its a make r break program literalli.any questions r want to knw anything about the school let me knw ill tell u straight up
My husband is there right now, or he was. He failed the DOT for Blood pressure which he has NEVER had a problem with 12 other people that day were kicked out for various reasons. They made him pay 100 dollars up front did the DOT then said sorry you have an hour to pack your bags. He didnt have enough money to get home. I had to call every realitve I have ever met to help us get him home. Now in 36hrs he will be home. How in the world can you tell people to bring 300 dollars get them there 2 days early to where they HAVE to buy food. Take 100 of it and say alright well your 1200+ miles from home, start huffing it! I am appalled and plan to take action!
Sad that it is always the little guy, the conscientious obliging faithful employee that
Repeatedly, over and over znd over gets abused and screwed by management and
Swivelbuts that couldn't do the job of any one of their otr employees if their very
Lives depended on it... and can any one tell me what happened to the web site
That went by some such thing as "compare trucking schools" that specifically
Charged central refrigerated"s driver training activities as"a ten year scam between
Their recruiting and training departments" (direct quote)?
I have driven truck for 18 years over the road and local. Everyone will have a complaint about any trucking company out there. First and foremost, I have always found that attitude is the biggest problem with a lot of drivers. So many think they are going to get in, make tons of money and be home daily. That is not true for any company. You have to work hard, many hours, and a lot of time away from home.
Life on the road is tough, and take a lot out of you. Not everyone is cut out to be a truck driver. Just like me driving for 18 years and knowing all i know about trucking (not saying i know everything) I am not cut out to be a dispatcher. It is a whole different game. You will have to learn what you want, research the company you want to drive for, and get on with a company that offers you exactly what you want. It is not talking to the driver recruiters, they are sales people and get paid for each person they bring in. It is talking to the drivers themselves.
You will have drivers that hate the company and talk crap about them, and put them down. You will find drivers that have been there for years, loves driving for them, and has a great career with them. It is feeling out who the liars are, and finding what you truly want.
Do not drive over the road if you do not want to be away from home. If you want to drive and be home on a regular basis, find a local small company that works for dedicated shippers and recievers. Most of them will have decidated routes, and get drivers home on a regular basis.
Always check your attitude at the door, cause a lot of people working for trucking companies know that drivers are a dime a dozen. They can be replaced. So if you have a bad attitude it is easy for them to let you go and get another person to come in and train that will not give them the attitude.
I just got let go from Central for bonehead mistakes..The thing is I called and told on myself- nobody else was involved- of course they have nothing to lose and your future means nothing to them - if you are terminated they send you to collections and you owe all of the training back and they bash your DAC so you can't even get another job driving- They are thieves and the whole training agreement is a farce- You are misled from the beginning, as to what they will provide you with and how the company works and half of the stuff you do you don't get paid for. I filed a complaint with the labor morn this morning. And yes the nepitsm at that company is crazy..
My husband has been working with them and is now a l/o. he has changed dispatchers a few times, one was fired and the other two were not getting him loads or ignoring his requests. his dispatcher now he has only been with a week and he has gotten my husband almost double the miles his previous dispatcher was. his class started with 25 students 3 instructors, ended with 9 students, one of which didn't make it through otr because he got in an accident. his otr training went smooth until the end when his trainer's truck broke down (which central paid for the rpair as well as their time in the hotel). unfortunately his trainer's truck wasn't fixed in time so they sent my husband to conley, georgia (they bought his bus ticket as it was a 13 hour ride there). once he got there they set him up with a new trainer the next day for his last few hundred miles. he had no problems upgrading, or in general with the company. they have handled all the recalls on his truck so far and he has yet to pay anything out of pocket aside from fuel and the lease payment. they are paying his school now that he is a l/o or else he would be paying that back until summer.
Everyone has different experiences with central ref. there are many that have had a good experience and many that have had a terrible experience. you just need to take it with a grain of salt and if you want to take your chance with them go for it, if you want to just listen to the negativity then be my guest as I cannot tell you what to do or not do.
"Wow" to all of the complaints noted here. I now hold the honor of being the latest deleted from Central
Refrigeration trainee Class #296. 16 December 2010 at 3:00 PM I criteria'd out with three errors in two days. (To be explained)
My experience within this organization is almost laughable if it wasn't so insulting.
To describe the experience which was endured I have to go to the moment where it all started... on Day 1 Monday 6 December 2010. (I participated with Central Refrigeration a total of 10 days) My sweetheart "Anita" and I noticed an advertisement on the back of a Central Refrigeration trailer on a vacation to Utah from Colorado Springs, Colorado. My sweetie has family in Tremonton and Ogden. I fell in love with Utah, and desired to relocate to this beautiful State.
One Day 1; endured Central's worker physical stress test; picking up weighted boxes, walking around cones with said weighted boxes, and picking up 75lbs and placing it up high. Every student was required to fill out documentation, and provide a history of earlier involvement regarding drug usage (I am a good boy in that area of life - don't smoke or drink either), and law enforcement involvement; my past injustice was a momentary arrest for arguing with an ex mother in law in 1980, and an infraction with Colorado Springs, Colorado's Code enforcement regarding "Dog's on the loose." I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 5 years. Dear God, I am really a boring guy, and this event shows how boring my life has become since leaving the Space Command in the US Air Force as a college educated Master Sergeant in December 2000.
They had each individual in the group (over 35 of us) pay up $100 after filling out our paperwork. In my case the paperwork was never collected after the "Law Enforcement Review." I will get back to this event in a moment because it is very revealing to my claim of "Hostile Work Environment." They had my sweetie "Anita" drop out for an event she was honest about in regards to over 2 years and 10 months earlier; an argument between a neighbor in Arizona that resulted in "Domestic Disturbance." Anita is a saint, and just as boring as I; a Walmart greeter with the warmest wonderful personality that brightens up any room she walks into or any hallway she walks out of. We intended to be Owner Operators for Central. This remains a dream for the two of us; to obtain our CDL, and to see the country while working the long grueling hours without complaint.
Day 1 continued I continue through the hoops and hurdles that has deleted several of the class which is now reduced to approximately 22 total. We would lose more classmates as the days progressed beyond day 5; lacking
documentation, no Social Security card, immigration issues, and other company concerns. I ultimately faced
"Security" to hear they washed out Anita for a matter that would fall off their 3 year criteria in 2 months. I was
told I was "clean" and capable of remaining in the program.
"Rick the Recruiter" stated that Anita was out her $100, and thanks for trying. My explanation that we financed the trip to Utah with no support from Central fell on deaf ears, and he encouraged me to stay and complete my CDL training.
Anita and I received room # 121 a "Couple's suite." No one stated Anita had to vacate the premises, and she spent
her time watching movies, and playing on the Wi-fi Internet in the room while I attended class room training during "week 1." "Karen the Store Clerk" was aware that Anita and I remained in room #121. This was never hidden from my surviving classmates, nor denied on my part, or evaded in any form. We claim ourselves as a couple, and "Married." Colorado Law allows for this claim as a Common Law condition. We intend on finalizing this process within Utah and it's statutes in front of our family members, and our church. I will be back to this matter in a moment as furthering my "Hostile Work Environment" position.
Day 2 Tuesday 7 December 2010 - Pear Harbor Day - "A Day of Infamy".
Survived the DOT physical, and everything from the day prior. The cough test was conducted for hernia check, and my right nut was in pain! The attending DOT doctor grabbed it, and it throbbed for three days!
We are in the classroom, received our training book, and watched training videos.
"Ron - the Type A Personality Police Officer and animal wildlife murderer." Before I begin to slam on poor mentally insecure Ron I must say that I admire hunters and have participated in hunting myself. However; I didn't feel it necessary to record my hunting skills in large photo form and mount such an effort on my desk for all to see. One could analyze such behavior as "needy." This means something is seriously missing in Ron's life. He was a prior police officer, and when I heard the word "prior" I instantly perked up. Anytime someone states "prior" it means something occurred to cause a change; as in, "he is no longer a police officer." Was he fired? What was he fired for? Was he let go for his dominant controlling of others personality? Possibly in this instance.
Mid morning on Day 2 (Tuesday December ) I was called into "Ron - Type A personality Police Officer Animal wildlife Murderer's" open cubicle office. He was clearly unworthy of a private office, and had to endure the honor of handling truck driver piss bottles several times a day as a duty. He played the game of "I am more important than you" by stating a fact - and then demanding an answer to the fact. On day 1 someone clearly didn't obtain my filled in paperwork which I retained till the next day. Ron stated; "You will not last in the truck driver world, because you cannot follow direction. You were directed to turn in your paperwork yesterday by Mendy, and you did not do so."
First thing's first; the only thing I heard from Mendy "The $100 cash collector" was that I was required to pay the $100 to be considered for employment by Central. Failure to pay the $100 would terminate any possibility of training, or consideration of hire. I paid $200 for Anita and myself to Mendy "The $100 cash collector." Central as an organization obtained $200 from me. I didn't get kissed, but I most certainly was fondled and had a very sore throbbing right nut to show for it.
I learned a long time ago how to defang class A personality idiots; let them blow off their steam, and smile. Yes!
Smile at them because it states clearly to them that they are idiots, and their seeing that smile annoys them to no end. As a police officer this type of class A idiot could abuse people daily for the abuse he took as a child; a
lacking father figure, and his being beat up daily by the meaner Class A idiots in his high school. So I smiled,
and I asked him directly about his animal murdering prowess. He instantly forgot the session because he knew I knew he was a type A Class idiot which had to brag about how much his elk weighed and the horns on it's head. The fact that Mendy never uttered a word directly to me was forgotten, but Ron knew that I knew he was a beat up child which had to validate himself by becoming a police officer, and he clearly became a prior one. My smile was too obvious to such a bully.
Ron thumbed over my paperwork and was clearly annoyed that he could not find an error. It was written on his face that he wanted to find such error, and it may have been my overly filled urine sample (I went over the line drawn on the bottle by "Ron" and my not following his expressed directions surely pegged me as "Unwilling" in the performance model affecting controlling Class A @ssholes. He stated; "We will be checking into everything you documented on these forms." These are the words uttered by someone contributing to a "Hostile Work Environment."
This would not be the only run in with "Ron." He would glare at me in the dinning facility; staring at me (perhaps I reminded him of someone in his childhood that beat him up, or someone that fired him), and once attempted to play the game of "Bull in the China Shop" while walking in the entry doorway to the building One dining facility. (On a positive note: Fernando get's many prop's for his effort at feeding some great grub and it has an affect on the growing girth of "Rick the Recruiter" so it must be good. I really enjoyed the food too! Fernando is a great guy and deserving of the favorable Kudo's - unfortunately mentioned here) Ron walked towards me, and I refused to give up my space. He was clearly annoyed that he had to walk around me and not through me. Yes... I smiled at him. I also uttered the words class A idiots hate to hear; "thank you."
Day 3 and 4 (Wednesday 8 December 2010, and Thursday 9 December 2010) was classroom discussion regarding the 18 wheel truck; it's parts, and information required to passing the DOT written test. Possible Test questions on the DOT test were discussed and shared by the instructor I will refer to as "Mr. Jovial the 2 million mile man." Every student was his "Favorite Student." "Mr Jovial" would be the final decider on my fired fate, and "Rick The Recruiter" deferred to his decision capacity. "Mr. Jovial clearly holds the hats of instructor and Human Resources all in one.
Day 5 - Friday 10 December 2010
The class took a bus ride to the Salt Lake City DMV. My efforts at studying the material resulted in scoring a
"tie" for 3rd place highest test score out of the entire class #296. A fellow student would be bitten by a recluse
spider hiding in his building 2 dorm room - the one he would have to share with three other "smoker" students. He would be denied medical coverage for his spider bite even though it happened on Central Refrigeration property.
In 5 days time I now hold a DOT physical card and a temporary CDL.
"Rick the Recruiter" called me into his office; he wanted my last three years of employment, and requested
admittance of any unemployment benefits being received; I immediately pondered if they were pursuing additional funding from the US Government for calling us "Hires." Receiving payment for creating a non existent job. I will be following up on this feeling, and reporting it to those involved in government oversight. I rarely get a tingle such as that moment without something being amiss; simply call it Senior NCO sensory capability and capacity. When we feel it... we act upon it... and we follow up on it. I was made to feel violated, and questioned as if I was a liar. Why was this imposed upon me? Perhaps this organization is filled with liars, thieves, and is a racket scam?
Day 6 - Saturday (11 December 2010)
Practiced backing, and drove the 18 wheel truck for the 1st time with a 9 speed transmission. I did fairly well for not driving a truck since my Mobile TAC's Forward Air Control Post (FACP) days of Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina with the 73rd FACP ground radar group of the 557th Wing. I shifted fairly well, and kept the tractor and trailer within the lines. I was learning backing but was nowhere near being an expert on Day 1 having driven the black rig two times in the yard with two instructors.
Day 7 - Sunday (12 December 2010) Finally a day off! I was exhausted mentally and after a week of hostility in an environment that clearly was designed to bring them in and spit them out like a meat grinder I needed to rejuvenate spiritually and emotionally. My wife's hopes were shattered by this company; she showed integrity and honesty, only to be punished and denied advancement for doing so. I was looked upon as a liar who touted his military service with no proof other than my word, and they refused to believe anything uttered without seeking such proof from references requested on Friday.
I am a Mormon son. I am proud of this fact, and I have openly revealed it to my classmates. I stated to them that I am an imperfect Christian with faults, and must continuously adjust myself towards betterment. I called each one of them as my brother, and stated that I embraced each as a "friend." I am not a liar. I have integrity that I will fall on a sword to protect. I promised "Rick the Recruiter" that I would bring the requested documentation filled out in full along with my DD Form 214, and 1099's from the US Government.
Day 8 - Monday 13 December 2010
Afternoon of 13 December resulted in dock training and coupling sign off. I was able to practice offset backing
Finished up the matter of my military retirement with "Rick the Recruiter" An obese yet very friendly smiling
recruitment officer with fangs who was totally clueless in regards to prior military member service and the
documentation that proves such matters. I believe the guy to be mentally inept and without memory. He clearly didn't remember me from 3 days earlier. I brought my dd-Form 214, my military retirement ID, and 1099's. It was as if nothing could prove my retiree status to him. He refused to accept it. I had to explain it in baby steps; I asked him if someone who was retired could somehow be un-retired, and smiled afterward. Clearly his IQ level isn't in the upper 140's, and the ding dong's, twinkie's, and sweet grub had done it's toll on other areas of "Rick the Recruiter" other than his large gutt. His engaging with me as if I was a liar is furthermore a position of "Hostile Work Environment." I believe no one should be forced to work with idiots like "Rick the Recruiter."
Day 9 - Tuesday 14 December 2010
The first part of the day involved driving in the Industrial Park; Eddie Rickenbacker Rd, Jimmy Doolittle Drive, and Neil Armstrong Street will be etched in memory as I practiced left and right hand turns over the shoulder,
learning how to properly and improperly drag a trailer behind the tractor. Mirrors, mirrors, and more mirrors!
Vehicle tracking was pounded into me, as was properly revving it up to downshift after slowing down. The Instructor "Jim" will be remembered; he too was involved in drag racing, as a participant from New Jersey in the 1960's with Big block Chevy's. Clearly a good guy, but seriously he should give up his golf game and get back into drag racing. You only live once, and chasing a little white ball with a club is not as fun as running a 10 second quarter mile.
Day 10 - Wednesday 15 December 2010
The first part of the day involved inner city driving. Covered more cornering, and highway efforts.
The afternoon consisted of my getting to practice offset backing, and alley docking a total of "twice." I tested on
the pre-inspection twice, and blew it; two times. The first failure was chocking the tractor prior to performing
the ALE test. Second failure was not pushing in the Tractor and Emergency buttons and engaging the brakes. These errors are critical, and the training in Cab was little, and I was exhausted. I was on 4 hours sleep. Excuses
being what they are; in the REAL WORLD I should not have been inside a truck let alone driving it.
Day 11 - Thursday 16 December 2010
The first part of the day was driving in "Park City." I received the long trip home, and the steepest part of the
drive. It was fun and enjoyable.
Lunch was interesting. I observed Ron look at me, and utter to the CEO of Training that I was not married, and that I lied. It was uttered loud enough in my presence to make me notice. He made it obvious he was discussing me. The blonde haired older gentleman "CEO of Training" asked Ron, "Are you going to arrest him?" and he chuckled. Shortly afterwards "Jim" stated to me;"You need to see Karen after lunch." Colorado allows for Common Law marriage and Ron's opinion doesn't mean much when I am the one paying shared bills since February of this year. I ignored him, and read a newspaper while eating. The USA Today on page 13A had a far more interesting topic than Ron's obsession with me; Big City Nuke Attack 'a survivable event.' Having worked in Space Command I found the article interesting in that they are touting a 10 Kiloton weapon that would engulf 150, 000 people as "Survivable." The world has gone nuts has it not? Everyone is losing their jobs, their homes, and it will be an Obama Christmas.
I finished my Grilled Chicken Salad and went to see "Karen - the Store Clerk." The question was "Is Anita still
with you? Didn't she get out of training on Day 1? She was supposed to leave the premises after being failed out."
I explained that no such demand was uttered to Anita or myself, and that we had been living openly in room #121, and was now residing in the "Econolodge." I asked the question; What possibilities are offered in this instance? Especially for a couple that financed the entire efforts themselves with no assistance forthcoming from Central? She then referred me to "Matt." Karen was playing the role of information gatherer. "Matt" would have to wait because I had a responsibility to be on the practice lot at 1 pm. I learned such ploys and game playing by some of "the best" in the USAF - the game of "You need to be here" when a prior order was placed upon you. This is a Hostile Work Environment, and the game playing was evidence of it. "Karen - The Store Clerk" was such evidence, as was Ron's loud mouth during lunch.
In the afternoon I passed my pre-inspection with 47 out of 50.
I then took the backing test with offset backing included. I had an issue with getting the truck to line up inside
the box. That was criteria fail 3.
I paid to get myself and Anita to Central's school in West Valley City, Utah. It was on my dime. Each time I
failed a criteria item there was no effort to look at the company training efforts. I came to this school to gain
an education, and to learn how to drive an 18 wheel truck as a career. The training I received is questionable. I
did not know that I would face a "Training" environment that fosters failure. I would believe the organization
would seek someone such as myself and Anita to be part of their growing organization. I can see such a thought is as crazy as the USA Today touting a nuclear device killing 150, 000 people as survivable. How can an organization like Central Refrigeration survive with such a backed position?
After I criteria'd out a 3rd time the instructor who is a smaller version of Buddha stated to me; "Louie you are a
good guy but that is your third error. You are out of the program. You are going home. You must go see your
recruiter." It was as if it was expected and desired; a program of failure, few Instructors, few training trucks,
and very little training time.
I sought out "Rick the Recruiter" and explained my position. He clearly had his hands tied, and he promised he
would rip up the contract regarding my failure in training. So Who really failed whom? It wasn't my unwillingness that determined this outcome. I expressed nothing but "willingness."
As I walked down the hall leaving the classroom area of the building TWO second floor who other than "Ron - the Type A Personality Police Officer and animal wildlife murderer" would be in the hallway. As I walked by him he uttered the words; "Go home." I responded with a pursed lips a "kiss" in response and kept on walking. Someone else will surely deal with Ron and his lacking self esteem personality disorder; my days of punching out idiots are over unless being forced to have to do it. A younger student with excessive amounts of testosterone, or a truck driver with less mental capacity which he ruins will deal with him in the unknown probably not too distant future. This written effort will outlast any commentary he uttered at me, discussed behind my back,
or plotted in front of his dead animal portraits. I suspect the owner of the company may delete him after reading
this; as nobody in the company seems to be secure in any position within the company with such a high turn over rate.
If Central wants a real training program perhaps they can hire the one who assisted in building such a program from scratch at Cape Canaveral, Florida, or who ran a training shop at Nellis AFB for "Red Flag." They would have far less spelling errors on their training documentation and review slides doing so. They would have a program that saves their training dollars instead of just tossing them away.
To add insult to injury, "Karen the Store Clerk" contacted the "Econolodge" to lock me out of my room. Check out
for the Econolodge was 11 Am. I didn't get exited until after 3:00 pm, and dd not leave the Central Training
Facility until 5 pm. This is breech of Contract, and "Hostile Work Environment." I will be seeking legal
representation on this matter. It isn't over. If you are a lawyer in Utah and desire such a case please contact me
with the email address provided below.
Alvin L. Arnold; MSgt, USAF (Ret.)
ElCentroCABoy@Yahoo.com Future Students and/or work conflict lawyers please Feel free to contact me. A "Hostile Work Environment" was experienced on my end, as was a total lack of professionalism on the part of Central Refrigeration.
Central Refrigeration — Hostile Work Environment
Leave commentary as may be required - forwarded to Central as well
I totally agree with Alvin that he was in a hostile work environment, I personally have never been so embarrassed and intimated in my whole career, ever! These people could careless about you and your families especially not telling you some things until they get there hundred bucks. I have worked for the IRS for six years and substituted for the school district on a lot of occassions and never have had any problems... This place is scandalous and condones a hostile work environment to a T.. with threats and intimidation that if you don't write down everything on your background we will find it and fire you on the spot... They treated Louis w/o respect him being a RET VET to question his military background like he was lying was horrible... Anita Barfuss Arnold
(P.s. i would not ever recommend this trucking co. to anyone interested in getting a good school and training... They do not provide enough trainers and the teachers suck.
No read the msgs from others before you judge. The guy who worked in dispatch was told to lie and the guy that had two months under his belt driving for them and they give him a 10 gear truck to drive instead of 9 which he was accustomed to and then watch him fail and fire him, , for christ sake make give him a break... This co is so fraudulent it sucks to even mention there name and then to find all the complaints about them on this website no wonder people want to sue there butts off...
While the classmates of class #296 were attending their continuation of Saturday training; those that passed their Utah State driving exam with the limited training provided by Central; I was driving a 13 speed "International" with 34, 000 miles on it. I was docking it between real trailers and not cones! I was connecting to REAL loaded trailers... not empty ones!
I got more driving time with my "Mormon" family member in one day than I received from Central Refrgeration in the totality of time provided. I feel very blessed to have an extended family through Anita which desires my success, and wants me to be part of their Utah lives.
Central Refrigeration expects and desires failure. I; hereby challenge the owner of Central to contact me and discuss my experience with their company, and to right their wrong.
it sounds to me that noone has anything good to say about any of these trucking companies depending on which website that you go to ... i must say that there is less CRAP being said about CENTRAL than any other company out there... is there anything that everyONE actually likes?!? no, you just need to read these results and be a big boy or girl, and make the adult decision for yourself
I want to put my two cents in central is a [censor]ed up company that has no clue how to do things they LIE CHEAT AND STEAL from the empoloyeses they are all [censor]ing [censor]s and i think thaT THE LOCAL DOT in Conley needs to know about the damaged trailers and trucks that riding the roads LIKE Trk 95295 and trailer 547208 that has serious [censor] wrong, hell thay left me sitting fort three days till they would get a wrecker out to me, this company is the worst bunch of [censor] sticks out their.
All of you that say this is a [censor] company, you are dead wrong. The company knows EXACTLY what they're doing.
It's much like the U.S. government, the bigger they are, the more money they make. Like the government, they're nothing without the workers.
*just some general info for those interested in trucking*
I worked there a year and a half, yes you hardly get home. That is the life of a cross country truck driver. When you want to get home you get [censored]tier loads
because that's usually all there is going toward your home. If you want to be a truck driver here, understand that you will hardly see home. You might sit
around waiting for your next load with little or no pay for many hours sometimes.
This isn't a hard job at all, but you need to be prepared for the lifestyle. You won't unload trailers yourself, unless you really really want to. Just like any job,
sometimes it's fun and even challenging, and sometimes it really sucks.
When I trucked for central, I made 32 cents a mile, I went home every three months for 4 days off at a time. The money I grossed in a year is exactly equal
to what a 40 hour a week job at 15 bucks an hour would pay.
If you're single, you won't need to keep an apartment anymore, you live in the truck, have your mail sent to your family or friend's house. Most people want to
travel sometime in their lives, you get paid to do it here, but you don't always get to do the touristy stuff. You shower and laundry at truck stops. Truck stops
will give you shower coupons when you fuel at their pumps. These showers are usually pretty nice, your own private bathroom with toilet/sink/shower and
towels are provided.
When I trucked for central, I made 32 cents a mile, I went home every three months for 4 days off at a time. The money I grossed in a year is exactly equal
to what a 40 hour a week job at 15 bucks an hour would pay.
For all the people complaing about the people who complain. go [censor]ing read something else or go back to your porn sites. you cry baby bullies who take there aggression on people online becouse you dont have enough balls to say something in person.. go suck a [censor]
Hi, Class#301 here. I just finished reading your complaint about central and I find it funny and helpful. Unfortunately, I have already gone to central and gone through their training. I have my Class A CDL and spent two weeks OTR with about 10000 miles in that two weeks. I was also sick three days prior to being seated to a trainers truck. Also in the last three days of orientation to me it seemed like they were trying to talk us out of working for them unless we became owner operators. The recruiter who called me said I would make $700+ a week. They said unless we became owner ops we would only make $500 a week if we are lucky. I spent 2 weeks on a truck sick as a dog. Central knew I was sick and did not seem to care. The guy who drove the central van would not take me to walmart to get cough medicine or anything and I still have no idea why. My trainer went on vacation and I chose to come home to see my kids and my fiance for that week. Turns out my trainer got into a motorcycle accident and would not be returning to work anytime soon. I had decided I wanted to stay home a few extra days to decide if this is the career for me and told central that. I have two kids that are 14 boy and 9 girl and my fiance and I have been together for 6 1/2 years. The longest any of us have ever been apart has been a week. Basically, I had direct deposit set up and when I checked my account there was no deposit this week from central. So, I called the payroll department and she stated they told her I quit and was not returning. I told her I never said I quit and I wanted a few more days to think about whether I wanted to return or not. She said they put the check towards my tuition for the school and I would not receive a paycheck. I am now completely frustrated with them because I had not decided to quit until they did that. The last thing I have to say is I am still kinda sick. I have a continued cough and sore throat at times.
All these people are telling the truth.. My husband went to work for Central. He already had his CDL.. They talked him into leasing his truck.. After the lease was signed they hardly gave him enough miles to pay his lease payment of $529 a week payment, besides be able to pay bills at home. He was told to keep two sets of books ( Logs ) for miles. Get to the drop ASAP knowing he didn't have enough time to get his load there, due to weather condistions or what ever. This really stress him out.. He didn't get enough rest, good food, or hardly ever got home. In a year in a half I saw my husband maybe 10 times. On December 24, 2008 I had a dream that he died and and didn't have any insurance. He left me holding the bag. On Christmas day he called as he did every day. I was so mad at him and Explained my dream.. He told me that he had insurance.. I believed he believed he did have it.. I also believe That Central lied to him or they lied to me. Oh I know if he died in the truck there was a insurance of $380, 000. My husband unloaded his truck in Jerom Idaho stoped at the Flying J at Hwy 84 in Twin Falls to fual his truck. He was on duty... He was walking back to his truck and died in the parking lot... Central artherized him to be transported to the hospital by med flight.. They sent me the bill. I saw my husband On Thanksgiving 2008 and never saw him again... Ever!... I didn't have any money to go to Twin Falls. He was Cremated and UPS'ed home. When I talked to the Lease department they told me to tell the insurance company that he was " on duty" . Please listen to what everyone else said about Central... They lie to you. They get you into a lease and you pay their truck payments. Then hardly ever give you enough miles to pay the lease, fual and bills at home. My husband had a beautiful brand new black Kenworth that took blood sweat and tears then his life.
My experience was similar and as fore as safety is concerned I must add that for two months I was trying to get horribly loose steering fixed repeatedly sent QUALCOMM messages and made attempt to entice mechanics to troubleshoot the problem, answer always was “all is OK no problem found”. When loose U bolts finely dropped the axel problem was addressed. Sadly truck was totaled and incident almost coasted me my life and to this day I must endure severe pain every single day.
I do not blame mechanics pressure on them is continues not to spend any money and parts cost money.
I do not blame hard working driver managers who are also under continues pressure to move cargo at all cost and to entice drivers to screw up their lives, by roping them self’s in to the lease agreement in order to be able to pretend that they are “owner operators”. In reality slave operators is what they become, but it is legalized form of slavery and no one will help you.
I will not blame the terminal manager who is also typically hard working individual who is just doing his job if he does not he will be replaced in the NY second.
Nop I will not blame John Isakson (the president) he also is just trying to do his job and survive and if he does not make lots of profit 10 new ones are standing in the line to replace him.
Who than is the dirt bag that has destroyed life’s of countless poor people in order to make maximum profit on their labors? Could such a creature be considered human at all? I will not judge him God can do that, obviously he has greater need than we all do and he will never satisfy his greed.
I Have worked for CRS over a year now. Both solo L/O and Trainer L/O. I had no problems making a check or getting miles. I knew how to fuel I knew what I was getting into with the lease. I took my chances and made some good money along the way. Not the best by any means. But it was good. I ran a 2010 T2000 avg over 7mpg. The problem I have with CRS is not there program or the way they run things because its all out there in black and white. When I leased they flat out told me if you wana make money leasing you need to do this this and this. You want to LIMIT home time and fight for miles and if your not getting miles call us and we will talk to your DM. Don't knock a company for making money. My complaint it the ignorant drivers that drop trailers off that need fixed. That cost Time and leads to day latter appointment on loads witch means days I cant run to make a good check. Never once have I ever had a problem messaging OTR and saying hey these tires are shot they need replaced. right away they send someone out or send me to a near by shop. It has got a lot and worse and drove me in the hole to where I have to defalt on my lease. Centrals fault? No.. Its the drivers that are lazy that cost me the most money. Maybe you all just did not read the fine print. You have no one to blame but yourself when you go and work for one of these places and I don't regret one bit of starting out with them because I got experience. I now just got a new job hauling for a MX race team and with my clean (no accidents and tickets) record there were no issues. Just know if you go to CRS England Prime, they are a places to start. I would go back to CRS if I had to but they will not let me because my choice to leave and defalt i'm non rehire able. Do what you have to do to not become a BUM and collect un-employment. sometimes that means sacraficeing a little to gain a little. Don't like the lease program? Don't lease, drive a year as company and bounce out. Sure they will try to talk you into it but remember you have a mind of your own use it. Even as a company driver you may not make a lot and feel like your slaving but remember that you chose to work for that wage. After you work a year move to a company that pays better. Also remember you need to protect your licence if a trailer light is out fix it. That is hugeeee points on CSA. Worn tire FIX it. Mud flap same. Times are changing with E-logs and CSA2010. But if you keep your record clean you will be valuable to other company's and can make a good living. I love how people push blame on other people and no one can take responsibility for there actions. These are the people that refinanced there homes in a high market and purchased items that depreciated the second it left the lot then blame the banks because there now in foreclosure. And before I get Ripped let me say I ###ed up financially and have been working my way out of the hole I dug myself into but am blaming no one but myself for my un-responsible behaver.
To all you whinney butts: I have worked for Central for 21 yrs. They are like any other company out there. There is always going to be something that you like and don't like. The only thing that these trucking companies sell is service. The customers want their freight picked up and delivered on time. All trucking companies want drivers who are willing to do just that. They are not a travel agency. This job is not all about you. They will try to get you home when you want but it is not always going to work out. Occupational hazzard. Learn to deal with it or go bye bye. Most all of the bad experiences on here are most likely the result of self inflicted misery. "You mean I have to work? I thought all I had to do was drive around and get paid for it! The audacity of this company. Thats not what my recruiter told me!" Common remarks that I have heard at least a 1000 times. Enough to make me puke. Why have I lasted so long here when these sniveling little candy ### others haven't? It is simple. I do the job when they want it, how they want it and I don't ### about it. I don't like every load I am given to do but its not about me. Its doing the job. If you can't adhere to these simple rules of conduct please do us a favor and don't apply.
I get a good laugh wan ever I read some pinhead beginning a post with “I decided to pursue a career change”. Read my lips; truck diving is not a career it is dead-end job you baboon.
It is OK to choose as we all did a croppy job with no future but at least be aware of it and admit it. Yes trucking companies rip off slave operators, otherwise known as LEASE OPERATORS. No not OWNER OPERATORS you own nothing. Company owns the truck and you pay the bills on it in order to pretend to own the truck. GET IT?
You are paying for the privilege of self-deception and you deserve it for being stupid. Jerry Moyes the real owner of Swift, Central, and many more companies has great need for additional wealth. It is not that he is a bad guy it is just that his needs are overwhelming and if he was to acquire the whole world it would not be sufficient to meet his needs. Jerry’s need for wealth and power just cannot be satisfied. It is not easy to have all that and to have no peace in your sole. So please do not despise him but pray for him, perhaps with God’s help one day Jerry’s burden can be lifted and he can realize that his greed is destroying innocent lives. Perhaps one day Jerry can stop and enjoy life as he never was able to do.
Fat boy uppppssss BaconBoy are you management or recruiter?
You are so right! one thing I have to add is even you single guys or gals.. give your insurance polagies to someone you trust, because if you leave them in the truck if something happen's give central a chance to remove them. the job "owner opp" (while you pay the truck payments for central) you give blood sweet and tears along with your life and your family is ripped off of the life insurance.. my husband dropped dead in the flying j in twin falls..in their parking lot.. I never seen him again. take care of your families, better yet take care of your selves for them so they don't go though what i've had to do...
I don't know what happened to what I was trying above.. anyway I hope you understood it.. give ALL the important papers to someone you trust.. Central will take the proof your family needs.. for your insurnce.
RichardMarshallswife my heart goes out to you and your family.
If you had documents, doctor’s reports and eyewitnesses that could substantiate that Richard was under extreme stress perhaps talking to a good attorney would not be bad idea. It is a scientifically proven fact that stresses kills and no one should doubt that leas operators (slave operators) endure severe stress in most companies if not all.
I am not suggesting that Central would do such thing but it could be a good idea to bounce of an attorney. Preferably someone that specializes in trucking but does not work for companies that Jerry Moyes has interest in, just so that you could get a fair legal opinion. California Bar Association could be a good source for referrals. Having said that do not expect much Jerry can by more justice than you could ever dream of so be happy if you get little to get your family on their feet. It is sad that decency does not exist anymore in the corporate world.
Good luck and all the best.
"Long tern employee, "
Based on terminology that you used you sound very much like Cody, (the president’s nephew). I agree that company is not a travel agency and should not try to forefeel that function.
Drivers should make every reasonable effort not to be late if on time delivery can be made legally and safely.
I will also agree that substantial number of drivers qualify for DIRT BAG title.
Drugs in the cab, alcohol, late deliveries, deliberate abuse of company equipment and such should not be tolerated. I would like to add dogs in the cab human or animal, filthy pigs that use cab of the truck for a dumpster, theft if committed by employee on the company or Company on employee. Sadly if employee is guilty of theft immediate remedy can be applied however if committed by company GODDDDDDDDDDDD LUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.
Having said all of this I would like to make it clear that Central is one of better trucking companies just because other suck even more. It is ok not to be worst amongst the worst but why not be best among the best?
Perhaps what is needed is a class action law suit ageist trucking companies that use bogus leas program. That would certainly cover many of the biggest. One could easily find many victims of lease scam online in many forums get the people together and present the names to an Attorney who would probably be happy to take the case on PRO BONO and pay you nice bonus.
Whoever would undertake this endower would make some money and perform grate service for humanity.
Damn. Thanks for the warning.
I have to say I agree, I worked for central for aprox 6 mths now I fond myself withour a job and 2k+ training bill They put a preventable on everything run over somthing get a flat tire thats preventable should of got out and looked is what they say, getting off the road use signal, check side clear area look to wher your going start moving a person trys to pass on the right, connects with you preventable you should of raised up looked over the right corner of your truck, even if the car said it was passing you and saw your signal preventable . I am just starting I will check the company that is asking for the money. somthing seems a bit fishy sinse I got the letter so fast and they had me do a few jobs proer to bringing me in and releasing me . out of anything I did wrong 1 thing was preventable and I agree with .