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CreateSpace review: Scammers 79

Author of the review
6:53 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

In August I entered into business with CreateSpace for the purpose of printing and selling books I wrote exclusively to the Amazon marketplace. I ordered 15 proofs in order to make sure that the quality and availability of the books were up to par with the market standards before posting them on the Amazon list. To date, I have only sold 3 books through them, and I have not been paid timely. Their site help page for payments had said "we pay you within 30 days after the end of the month in which the book has been sold, net of any adjustments or returns." I sold the books in August and September, and when I contacted them in November when I found that the money had not been deposited in my bank account, they suddenly turned around and said that I had to have an accumulation of $20 before I would be paid anything at all. When I went onto their community forums to investigate, I found out that they had changed the accumulation twice since I signed on, without any notice to anyone. Certainly not to me. CreateSpace is a subsidiary company of Amazon, which has grown so complex in its accounting practices that it stands to reason that many people will not get paid, ever. Some authors have complained that they never sold a single copy of a book through CreateSpace for over a year. After having already been scammed by LULU, another self-publishing company offering the same services, you can imagine my extreme anger at this betrayal of my trust. I am not the kind of person who goes into a venture blindfolded. But if I have micromanage every single thing that goes on at a company which is suppposed to know what it is doing, then I am better off not using them in the future. And neither should anyone else.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Long Beach, US
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Apr 13, 2010 2:05 pm EDT

Lulu has the same 20.00 minimum, but with 1 difference: THEY OFTEN WILL NOT REPORT YOUR SALES TO YOU AT ALL! Even if you come up with proof that you sold 10 or 12 books, your "sales report" will show 1 copy sold. If you are an author DO NOT EVER USE LULU.COM!

New Providence, US
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Jul 28, 2010 11:57 am EDT

With Wall Street stealing and conning the public, did you think Create Space would be different?

Anything Jews get into, money publishing movie industry becomes crooked because they are crooked by nature.

Time after time nation after nation generation after generation they are stealers.

Harold Fischel
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Jun 11, 2017 1:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

When ever I read a bigoted remark like you yours, I know I am dealing with a person of limited intelligence and very little education. But I have to understand that they are only striking back at society because they are destined to a live of failure.

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Aug 14, 2018 9:43 pm EDT

Your user name half fits you. But maybe you ought to change it to angryvictimizer10 instead.

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Aug 29, 2018 10:58 pm EDT

YOU ARE ONE SICK BIGOT, ANGRYVICTIM10...I have dealt with Jews over my 81 years of life and some are honest and some are crooked, same as any non-Jews. Please take your hate and put it "where the sun don't shine...", leave it up..that way everyone knows you for the low IQ hateful angry idiot you are.

Nikki Ty Tom
Honolulu, US
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Mar 21, 2019 11:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Disgraceful! I can think of no other group which have contributed so much proportionately to us all than the Jews. From literature to music, from science to physics ... and then someone like you spews the same hatred which led to the holocaust/shuah.

Rosalyn A
Gilmer, US
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Aug 12, 2010 7:45 pm EDT

I am a published author (29 novels published by royalty and advance paying publishers like St. Martin's Press, Harlequin, and Zebra) and have preached against these self-publishing companys all along.
I'm sure in the original contract there was some little something about them being able to make small changes without notice. They will have worded it to sound like it never happens, but it does. Don't expect big money. Customers are leery of these self-published books because there has been no editing, no screening process at all. Just because the author thinks he or she is te next Stephen King or Danielle Steele, doesn't mean the readers will agree, and usually these books are lacking substance. You have to get beyond that perception.
If you go the self publishing route you need to really market the thing. You need to get exerpts out there in hopes they attrack readers. You need to get someone of substance to do a review and get THAT out there. If I read a review by Joe Blow on a blog or website, I think, 'so what?' Why should I believe Joe Blow? Get someone who writes in your genre to read and review it. If you don't know what a genre is, you shouldn't be in the business part of publishing anyway. And that's what you've done, agreed to do the business part of the book as well as writing it. I seriously doubt you paid a professional editor to work on the book to make it better.
If you are in the book writing biz to make money, then let the professionals do it. Sell to a house that does the editing, marketing and distributing for you. Instead of selling three books, you are more likely to be selling 200, 000. 6% or 8% of 200, 000 is better than even 100% of three or four or ten or twelve or whatever.
Don't gripe because reality has hit. Just be smarter next time.

Gary Bloom
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Jan 16, 2017 8:51 am EST
Replying to comment of Rosalyn A

Probably some Jew changed the spelling of "attract" to "attrack" to make you look like a M####. Or...?

self published and proud
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Mar 10, 2018 1:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Rosalyn A

I would like to know how well you've done with a traditional publisher; rolling in the dough, are you? And how much of your own money was put into your publications? As a self published author myself, I can understand your remark that people are leery of us because of the editing. That's why you get someone to edit for you, or go through it until its perfect. But don't think we're all like that, sloppy, careless editors. Even professionals make mistakes sometimes, as I have found typos even in traditonal published books. And I doubt that you are the next Steven King either.

Arthur Wiederhold
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Jul 31, 2018 8:35 pm EDT

Wow. A self-proclaimed professional write who can't spell! I bet her books come with boxes of crayons.

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Aug 29, 2018 11:00 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Gary Bloom

Gary Bloom...another sick hater. You ought to seek employment with Donald Trump. Maybe you can clean his toilet in prison when he gets sick.

Fred Bird
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Mar 19, 2019 7:55 pm EDT
Replying to comment of CraigXX

You are a [censored]

Fred Bird
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Mar 19, 2019 7:56 pm EDT
Replying to comment of CraigXX

Where do YOU get your news? Trump a criminal? You better find better information outlets

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Sep 06, 2010 9:39 am EDT

I used to work at CreateSpace as a customer service representative and I can assure you that a lot of the clients struggled with understanding thoroughly that it is a subsidiary of Amazon, it is a "self" publishing company, and in order to be paid anything there is a minimum threshold of $20. CreateSpace doesn't advertise or market your title for you, but it does give you the opportunity to have your book sold through various distributing channels and a direct link for customers to purchase your title (CreateSpace eStore page). But unlike Lulu, you can moniter your sales through your member account. However, I can definitely understand the frustration that comes with understanding all of that information. I have dealt with A LOT of angry customers wanting their money in a timely manner and better service. Good luck to anyone that goes through with self-publishing their title. There is always a default to something that appears too easy and a good deal.

Wayne Hobbes
Pittsburgh, US
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Sep 15, 2010 8:50 pm EDT

I have been very happy with CreateSpace (formerly BookSurge). You just need to read the fine print in your contract and also be realistic about what POD offers. They pay me every time my royalties add up to $25, which is most months. I like that -- as some companies only pay quarterly or even less often. And of course there's a delay -- they have to make sure books aren't returned or checks bounce, etc. In my online account there, I can look any time and see exactly how many books sold and on exactly what dates, and I have every reason to believe that it is accurate. And no, no one paid me to say this! (My book is "The Pharisee within Me, " listed on and also on

blahh, England, Essex, GB
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Nov 24, 2010 9:19 pm EST

Publishing and promoting a book is work. Publishing and promoting a POD book is twice as much work because people will assume the book is no good (otherwise you would have gotten a "real" publishing contract), so you have to recognize that there's a stigma involved.

POD can work. You have to be creative, you have to be talented and you have to be a good writer. But it CAN work FOR SOME PEOPLE. It doesn't work if you expect to just click "submit" on your files and then sit back and become the next Stephenie Meyer while someone else does all the hard work. If that's your attitude, I'm not surprised you failed.

Cazenovia, US
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Jan 22, 2011 5:34 pm EST

I self-published two books through Lulu four years ago after getting nowhere with two agents. I did so with eyes wide-open. My expectations were minimal. I just wanted to get these books out there and get on with the next project. My expectations have been surpassed. At a very affordable price, Lulu got my books into multiple channels ranging from Amazon to Alibris to B&N. The problem, of course, is that the books are overpriced; also, brick & mortar stores won't take them. I did a full-blown promotional effort and got a NYT bestselling author to give me a blurb. Fast-forward to 2010-11: the Kindle editions have taken off with no push on my part. Suddenly, these books are affordable and people are buying them. I've heard mostly good things about CreateSpace. If I self-publish again, I'll probably go with them or LSI. But Amazon has been wonderful to me as an author and I'm finally making some money because of Kindle.

Chico, US
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Jan 25, 2011 1:21 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

thank you : ) i am desperately searching for something legitimate to help me get my book out, my family and i can do our own promotions, hopefully someone will notice me and help but in the mean time, thank you for your review, i think i am going to go with create space! God Bless!

Sacramento, US
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Jan 25, 2011 9:22 pm EST

Clearly a scam. What they did to me was just plain not right. I wrote a book that I wasn't sure would pass their inspection process. But when it did, I was glad and proceeded to pay the $39. Later, a few weeks they contact me and say they are putting that book on hold because of copyright issues. I was devastated! For them to do that to me clearly shows their self lack of well being towards the authors who are making them a bundle. Not to mention they are a rip off! We hardly get any royalties as it is and they are just in it for themselves. I found another site called Blurb. It is wonderful and you can download the software to use to create your book for free and they let you keep all the profits! I've left createspace forever. I hope they rot or get sued someday!

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Apr 22, 2011 12:32 am EDT

John Grisham self published because no agent would take him. He peddled his books out of his trunk. Let that be an inspiration to us all!

reno, US
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May 01, 2011 12:52 am EDT

I totally agree! Createspace are a scam! Authors beware, and never use them... Go to Outskirts Press instead. They actually will sell your book, and also treat you in a professional manner. I hope Createspace gets enough complaints so that they go out of business!

reno, US
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May 01, 2011 1:39 am EDT

I'd like to add that after I un-published my book from Create Space, John Rizzo, my so-called sales rep went on the Kindle store and he wrote a negative review of my book, which is still visible, even if your book isn't available anymore. He even signed his name.

That's the type of sleaze you will deal with when you deal with Create Space, honestlty. If you don't believe me, go to the Kindle store and look for "Secret Confessions Of A High-Priced Call Girl"...

I now have a "real" publisher, Andrews UK ( and they have sold over 1000 of my e-books since I signed with them in August of 2010. Review THAT, Create Space and John Rizzo! It looks like I'm having the last laugh. But be careful, others might not be so lucky, and that is why I wrote this complaint.

P.S.: I will continue to write complaints against Create Space, until they go out of business!;)

Dimitra Ekmektsis

View 0 more photos
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Jun 27, 2011 6:48 pm EDT

$20 is really not a big enough amount of money for you to be needing it right away. most web based businesses have some like that anyways. if you can't sell more than three copies then either you suck at marketing or your product isn't good enough. i came here to find out if there is a problem with createspace that i should know about, but these kinds of posts are NOT informative at all!

Elaine J Campbell
Rancho Mirage, US
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Aug 19, 2011 2:45 pm EDT

I guess I was lucky after reading all these horror stories. I self published with WingSpan Press my book My Friend Nick the Greek: Life in Las Vegas in the '50s and had a very good experience. I was seriously contemplating, however, to save money going with Createspace this time for my new book on adopting senior pets, but having read the extensive complaints on the internet, I'm going to stick with WingSpan Press. They are very honest and I didn't have any problems at all.

Dante Fortson
Las Vegas, US
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Aug 23, 2011 5:20 pm EDT

I've been a member of CreateSpace since June of 2009 - Before the OP created this complaint. Their policy has been $20 payout since I signed up. I've consistently sold 30+ paperbacks per month and 30+ Kindle per month and I've always been paid on time every time. As someone pointed out, if you can't make $20 per month with your book, you are either bad at promoting or your book isn't good.

The fact that people claim that others are "leery" of self published books is an industry LIE. When you buy an author, do you do it because you like the author and the book is of interest to you, or do you look to see if it's self published? I never once cared who published a book if I already made up my mind to buy it. Furthermore, if you sell through Amazon, no one knows whether or not it's self published, unless you have crappy cover design.

Don't let the brainwashed industry thinkers, bad writers, and bad marketers deter you from self publishing. It's up to you to get the word out about your book, not the publisher.

Moses Nyagaka Okioga
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Oct 04, 2011 3:02 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

But where am supposed to place a complain?Can anyone out there in the USA help?
I self published a novel with the which later changed its name to Createspace.The book RELEGATED TO THE WILD is rumoured to have sold several copies-hundred of thousands if not Millions.Since 2005 I have received nothing in form of loyalties.I only learned recently that the Company plus could be conning writers.
I live in Kenya in abject poverty, I even borrowed the money that I used to pay for the publishing of the novel
I am looking for the assistance of a lawyer or any other person who could help.
My contacts are +[protected] or +[protected] email;

Stanley Brown
Cornwall, CA
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Oct 21, 2011 1:38 am EDT

Re:Moses Nyagaka Okioga LETTER
This looks suspiciously like one of those scams. "Nigerian Millionaire temporarily short of funds." Anyway...
Re: Createspace; I've now decided not to deal with them in any circumstances. Better to be safe than sorry. Good complaints board!

Moses Nyagaka Okioga
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Nov 12, 2011 12:09 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Mr Stanley, sir, I am not lying createspace is.They are now telling stories that goes worlds apart from the truth.When one applies for visa from outside USA is required to present a certificste of good conduct from the Police as proof that he had involved himself in any way in crime.One wonders is the USA authority aware of this massive global crime?

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Nov 17, 2011 4:43 pm EST

I think create space is doing professionally. by abi-pn

Orlando, US
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Mar 21, 2012 6:35 am EDT

I use CreateSpace and it's been great. They do exactly what they say and their service is getting better all the time. They don't do the publicity and they're up front about it. I only wish they did hard-covers, too. Yes, real user, not a CreateSpace shill. My books, Do Angels Still Fall, Letters from the Waiting Room and others are on Amazon, feel free to check (and buy).

Vancouver, CA
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Jun 20, 2012 12:37 am EDT

Hi, my name is Ann and I’m a new out of the closet writer that finds your topic very interesting! I actually created a blog reviewing some of the popular Self-Publishing Companies. You should take a look at my site at You might find some interesting information on my site. If you wish to add anything that is currently not there please feel free to do so. I’m still researching on some of the companies listed and I should have a complete list by end of the month. Thank you and enjoy!

dissatisfied author
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Sep 05, 2012 3:09 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Unfortunately, CreateSpace has declined in service quality to the degree that I am closing my account and moving to another publishing service which is more professional and offers better distribution. One of my bugaboos is that as long as I own the ISBN, the book is not eligible to be available to libraries and other institutions even if I paid for expanded distribution. Lately, minor "nonblocking" issues with the covers and interiors convinced me further that they really did want me to go, and so I go without regretting the move. That's 13 books out of 17 I had planned for this year. Worse, Barnes & Noble had vandalized my listings because CreateSpace is an Amazon company. This war is raging on the backs of authors and publishers. I don't plan on getting caught in the crossfire. When they grow up let me know.

antonio sandoval
kasilof, US
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Oct 29, 2012 1:46 pm EDT

There is an option to distribute your books outside Createspace and, it will cost you 25.00 per book title; however, check your royalty for that option; it is only 1 cent per sale. I have decided that if I want to sell books outside Amazon, I will order them and distribute them myself, or employ a printing company to reproduce the book and distribute it outside Amazon.

R. Severs
Colorado Springs, US
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Dec 18, 2012 9:13 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


The 9 months experience of deception, delay, needless repetition, waiting, so called “misunderstanding”, lack of consideration for my input, intent to do harm all seem to be an attempt to have me give up on the publishing of my book.

This book was to be a follow-up of my first book in 2007 and was to be of the same format and follow the same guidelines of the first book. I thought this being the case the book would be able to move to publication quite readily with little delay or complication.

The acknowledgement of payment was sent Feb. 5, 2010, (2) and ready for Approve Production. All requested information was selected in my Author’s Center and the notation that this book was to have the exact same format as the 2007 book, including the cover and the page makeup. The only change was the cover color and the photo. (9) After several requests to confirm the cover color and photo the cover design was finally approved on May 7, (17) which was 13 weeks into the contract. And then I got another pitch to spend $300.00, for a custom design.

On June 10, (18) I sent a complaint that we were in the 19th week and only the cover was determined. At this point where were the proofs for me to read for any corrections? And when can I expect this?

My cause for breach of contract and damages is because of consistent disregard, for whatever reason, the promise of 10 to 13 weeks for production that has extended into 9 months of deliberate delays. I have no idea as to why this deliberate posture was taken. If it was because of the content of the book or hoping I would just go away. In any event it was a planned posture to do harm to me as a client. I was deprived of 8 to 9 months of having my book marketable and available to the public, therefore my reasoning for the suit being at $7, 500.00.

To complicate the association it was difficult to communicate as in phoning only voice-mail would come up with no response, Outskirts Press had no physical office address just a box number at a UPS station. When the Douglas County sheriff tried to serve the summons he failed to deliver as the box number was all he had. Luckily that I lived nearby that I could find where Brent Sampson physically resided so he could be served. The only evidence I found was that of his personal residence so I assume he must be working from his house.

It seems even the cast of characters in their operation are dubious if they are real people or made-up as being their staff when only 3 or 4 people run the whole business. A business run totally through computer and internet with a fictitious staff and a non-existent printing facility. Through the local library I found Brent Sampson’s residential address and found he was apparently working from the basement of his home with at best 3-4 people and no real physical offices. His book printing and binding must be let out the lowest bidder and they set the final format of the book?

To each delay my response was immediate and corrected by the next day in order to keep the production going.


Finally on October 10, I was notified that the proofs were ready for my review and to make any corrections necessary which were my responsibility.
Over the course of 8 months I sent 4 different CD’s of the book as none seemed to suit their “production team” and always they complained that the CD’s couldn’t be used as compiled? On June 6, I received an email from Jones that the book designer had started the manuscript and now the double talk started about “objects/images” and to resubmit in “Word Format” also best if the text was not in “bold and italics” (of which there were none) and to remove the page numbers or I would be charged for their removal?
Again I asked if they had looked at my first book to produce it just the same.

On July 1, (20) I sent an ultimatum as to continuing with the project and because of the ongoing time element found them at breach of contract. No response.

On July 29, I receive an email that they couldn’t work with the current CD and that they needed it in “straight text”? At this point I sent the entire book to them in an email under an attachment on August 10, (24) and Jones confirmed they could work with this. Why did it take 6 months to tell me to send by email the manuscript?

Finally, on October 10, (24) I was notified that the proofs were ready for my corrections. This was almost 9 months into the contract.

In reviewing the proofs the contents of 250 pages did not comply with the page numbers hence they had 253 pages and didn’t match the contents.
The basic pages nowhere nearly matched the format of the first book as I had requested it was a totally different layout and unacceptable.

Apparently Outskirts doesn’t have its own press but uses several printers in the Denver area to publish for them and it is hit or miss as to who gets the job and no continuity when a follow-up book is published.

I started correcting the proofs October 10, (25) when it dawned on me that even when I completed this part it could well be another 3 months, as the project had been moving, before I had the book in hand.

At this point, moving toward a year, I gave up and decided to go to court. Outskirts Press with malice aforethought to delay or corrupt the progress by contempt. This was predetermination to commit an act without legal justification or excuse, a malicious design to injure, an intent to do harm.

At this juncture it is apparent that Brent Sampson’s scam is to lead a client on a goose chase for weeks and months until they give up and do not get any refund for the contract. Luckily I lived in the county just south of his operation and took him to small claims court where the suit was resolved. I just think of other authors who have been scammed by him as they had no access to him as he keeps it well hidden.

Brent Sampson is an ongoing lie, establishing a fictitious & devious business.
He may be contacted at: 10940 S. Parker Road
Parker, CO 80134, Douglas County

Nathaniel Wade
McKinney, US
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Mar 11, 2013 1:09 pm EDT

I wrote a book and have never got one cents, but my book is selling well. How do I get in contact with someone or have them call me? I'm Nathaniel Wade and I wrote : Cut Boy The Streets Made Me. .My email address is

Olympia, WA, US
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Nov 25, 2013 12:18 am EST

I am about to embark upon publishing with CreateSpace, and was curious at others' experiences. I am a little surprised to find some of the negative comments about CS, since I have two aquaintances who are publishing books through this service, and both have expressed satisfaction with CS.

Lowell, US
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Nov 27, 2013 9:36 am EST

CreateSpace is one of the most useless things on the internet. They have no "Customer Service" - it's a Third Party company that contracts the "Service." When you call them they barely speak English, and they can't actually help you.
And never mind the way they count your sales. That's a joke. I think they count 1/10 of actual numbers.
Move on. This is a Scam.

Ingleside, US
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Nov 27, 2013 11:46 am EST

Createspace is a printer, not a publisher. Part of the decision to be your own publisher is to
DO IT. It's work but promoting and selling your book is your job, not the printer's job. I used a small publisher for my first edition and got small results. I became my own publisher through Createspace and have earned more in two months than I did in three years prior. Selling a book is hard work and takes serious effort on your part. I am often amazed at new authors who become discouraged because crowds of people failed to show up at their book signing. After questioning their plan found they only arranged space with the bookstore owner and never advertised their book. I wonder who they thought would seek them out? Don't blame Createspace for not doing your work. They do very well for me with high marks.

Olympia, WA, US
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Nov 29, 2013 6:35 pm EST

databanka's comment calls for a rebuttal. I've performed an experiment to see if they accurately count sales, and I have verified that in my experiment they did count them correctly. See my experiment, as posted on my blog.

I've communicated with their customer service for something I needed to have done, and got a quick response. This was via email, so I don't know if there was someone who could barely speak English or not, but the email I got in response sounded like a native speaker. Not that it made a difference! My request was complied with, and quickly.

Miavella S. Vernon
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Feb 03, 2014 1:47 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My book Loving Michael been out only a month in print and I only sold two copies, should I be worry?

Martinsville, US
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Feb 18, 2014 7:49 pm EST

I've been using Createspace since 2009 and I have never had any trouble with them. They've never charged me a dime other than when I purchase print copies. The original poster seems to feel like he or she should be able to hit submit and start raking in the bucks. That's not realistic. Not even JK Rowling gets to sit back and count her money. She promotes herself and her books all the time because that's part of a writer's job. When I started with Createspace, the threshold was $10, but when Amazon bought them it went to $20. I stopped promoting over a year ago and I still get $20 from my Createspace title every few months. Createspace puts books into distribution channels. It's the author's fault if the book is bad or uninteresting.

Radion Producer, Author, Music, Movies
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Mar 22, 2014 12:16 pm EDT

Same old issue! No one there able to solve this?

Beyond frustrations: I'm an author, musician, movie maker, radio producer, frequent guest on the radio, blog writer, YOU TUBER, so I can get a lot of exposure with things I write, music, etc. Right now, CreateSpace has got me worried that it's either a scam, ran by incompetent workers, or has customer services that sucks BIG TIME! Back in Sept. 2013, I did a music-movie: 1st Movie of COVERT COSMIC CRUISERS' BEST MUSIC - [protected]. Though a lot other titles have gone up and approved, this one still kept getting rejected in the name of the art work is not the right size, when it IS!

With all the mention by way of radio, blogs, e-mails radio news letter listings, etc., sale for over 58 different items, books, music CDs, radio show archives, movie & another on the way, have been disappointing! No sales for most things, except over a two or three year period, some items here and there. Makes you wonder if sales of items are more than what is actually presented.

9-2013, I started getting notices by e-mails about the same thing.

[protected] e-mail sent from Createspace, claiming that the art work to the movie is not 1200 by 1600. After getting more e-mails about the same issue, I wrote in an e-mail, 12-29-2013: “I did change the Title art work to the 1200 by 1600 and sent in several copies, months ago!”

12-30-2013, Email from CreateSpace: “Upon further investigation I can see that your files are currently undergoing our file review. They will contact you once the review has completed.”

I start getting real mad and wrote: “This is the 3rd or 4th time that I keep on getting the notice that the graphics for this Music film CD doesn't meet the required size, when the others before them did, because I sent them again, and again, and again.”

[protected], email from CP: “Upon reviewing this title I was able to see you have updated your artwork to the correct size and resubmitted it to our Disc team.

2-1-2014: “Clarify, "cannot include the DVD logo" do you mean by this it can have the title of the music-movie that it is going to be listed as, on the art works itself?”“ I am sorry to say the artwork does not meet our requirements, I understand that this can be frustrating please resubmit following the requirements exactly."

So I changed it, made sure it was the right size, didn’t have any so called logos.

Then I get this, AGAIN! 2-1-2014, after so many attempts to get this resolved, I sent a real pissed off e-mail, sent an attachment to show that the new art was the right size, was a jpeg, didn’t have any CD logos.

2-4-2014, from different CS responders: “Your artwork was previously rejected as it was sized incorrectly. You submitted your artwork at 1448x1600 pixels instead of 1200 x 1600 pixels.”

So I double checked it, IT WAS THE RIGHT SIZE! So I wrote: “Here is the art work again, I checked it, it's 1200 X 1600 pixels, this is now the 6th or 7th time attempting to meet all your required issues. Now what?"

2-6-2014, different CS rep.: “Thank you for contacting us in regards to your Amazon Instant Video title. I reviewed the image you attached and I can confirm that it is sized appropriately at 1200 x 1600 pixels."

So now, as of this date, it suddenly becomes the RIGHT SIZE!

3-8-2014, then, about a month goes by and I get this from CS a different rep.: “Thank you for contacting us regarding your title... I got your message, and can see that we need to do some more research. I am connecting with our Disc team in order to get the best answer. You will hear from us within one to two business days.”

Then, [protected]: “Thank you for your patience while we investigated your support request. After connecting with our Disc on Demand Team, I can advise. I can confirm that we have approved the artwork for your Amazon Instant Video title... We will make every effort to have your Amazon Instant Video content live in approximately 60 business days on your detail page..."

60 FREAKING DAYS!? IT’S ALREADY BEEN 9-2013 TO [protected]!

[protected], CP Team: “The Amazon Instant Video image we received for this title doesn't meet our specifications for proper viewing. This image needs to be a JPEG and measure exactly 1200 pixels wide by 1600 pixels high.



Shelley Young author of The Blood Feud
Adelanto, US
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May 20, 2014 3:50 pm EDT

I have published three books through Createspace and I get my royalty payments on time with no issues whatsoever. Createspace doesn't market your book for you. If an author isn't making any sales, it's because they are not selling their product. As an Indie Author you become your everything: marketing, PR, editor, cover designer. You get out of it what you put into it. I published my first book in November 2013, the second in December and the 3rd in February. With luck and perseverance I have landed on the Amazon top 100 best paid sellers three times! Hard work gets results. Authors shouldn't blame createspace for lack of sales. Instead, try doing everything you can to make your book successful. I love helping other authors, so if you need some suggestions or ideas contact me on my website, I don't charge for my services. I do it because I'm a fiction lover.

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Jun 16, 2014 6:13 pm EDT

I was wondering if anyone knew how Createspace handles copyrights? Is it up to the author to obtain one in order to protect their work? Or is this something that is handled in their contract?
I'm looking for a decent way to publish my first book. Originally I was going to use Lulu, but people told me not too.

Don Rankin
Birmingham, US
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Jul 23, 2014 10:14 am EDT

I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties with createspace. My experience is just the opposite.
I self published with Create space in 2011. They have been very good for me. I was published 5 times by Watson-Guptill (now a part of Random House). I have no complaints with Createspace. Amazon has had some problems about confusing two of my books but I have done a work around. You can check me out by going to or search ISBN [protected].
I am a real author and I let my royalties build up and get paid upon request. No hassles, no problems.

Frank Severino
Pittsburgh, US
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Sep 20, 2014 4:12 pm EDT

When you sign on with a POD, the notion that you are going to sell thousands of books becomes moot. That is, unless you bust your butt like some of the folks have said. It can be done, but not likely. Most of us are self-publishing to achieve a personal goal of actually getting one of our works into print. I have published three, and I know that because of the constraints of the POD industry and the fact that everyone and his dog (usually Border Collies) has written a book, it's on me to promote and market my books, which I am trying to do. There are just way too many books being churned out, and many of them are not well written. So boys and girls, sit back and give your self a high five. You accomplished something most people will never do in their lifetimes. And put way those brochures on retirement villas in the Caribbean. You'll be getting up for work like the rest of Monday morning.

Linda Rettstatt
Southaven, US
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Oct 23, 2014 8:52 am EDT

I've published three times with CreateSpace. I'm also multi-published with three independent presses. CreateSpace terms regarding the minimum for payout on royalty is about the norm, in line with those presses. I've had a very positive experience with them so far. You have to remember that they are NOT a publisher. They are a POD company. They provide an avenue for you to get your book into print and offer options for listing your book on a variety of venues. You are the publisher. I've found CreateSpace easy to use in terms of getting my book formatted and ready to go. Their printing is high quality. They don't charge any set-up fees. They've delivered to me what they promise and what I expected. I'm sorry some folks have had a negative experience. But be sure you've read and understand exactly what they offer and what they don't offer.

Clinton, US
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Dec 14, 2014 11:29 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CreateSpace offers wonderful value for what it does. If you are computer savvy you can get a book ready for sale at no cost at all. Then you can purchase your books in a completely finished format at a cost so low that I defy you to find anywhere else where you could get the manuscript copied--much less printed and professionally bound--for the same amount. You are the publisher of your CreateSpace book. They are not Random House. They don't pay you. They don't promote you or your book. Maybe you will never sell any to the general public, but you can purchase copies and sell them or give them to your friends. Meanwhile, someone may buy it and you will be thrilled.

Movie Serpent
Joshua Tree, US
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Dec 20, 2014 12:44 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Seems createspace and amazon publishing can't be trusted. I had an issue with their reporting practices on one of my titles and decided to contact them to get to the bottom of it. Their reply was a general form response, leaving none of my concerns addressed. So, since I lost confidence in their business practices I requested that they retire all of my titles - not only did they, they also closed my account, leaving me with no way to access all of my reporting for the last seven years. And I had a balance owed! I did finally get a level headed rep to make my account available, as to have access to the vital sales information. During the questioning of their reporting practices I was notified that they were pulling my best performing title - "Okay, fine", I thought - when I asked for a reason why they did they wouldn't give me one, nothing, just that they were doing it.
Now mind you, that this was, and still is an account that has been in good standing for over seven years - never an issue until I questioned their accounting practices... Seems that and createspace don't like being questioned about their business practices. I actually made them a decent amount of money over the years... Can't help but to wonder how much money they have stolen from me.

Pembroke Pines, US
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Mar 03, 2015 7:05 am EST

Who wants to collect less than $20.00 anyway. I am very satisfied with Create Space and Amazon Kindle. I have not yet been paid by either, because I have not yet achieved the minimum threshold. But I am not worried. I will continue to use them.

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