It's annoying to have to look for something and look through hundreds if not thousands of ads that are duplicates. One prime example is US storage. If you do a search in Orange County California and you look at housing and parking and storage and type in US you will see hundreds if not close to a thousand ads every day. They are clearly abusing and violating many terms and conditions of Craigslist and they are making millions of dollars at Craigslist expense not to mention the fact I'm sure they are not paying. Also there are large numbers of people who post the same ads in various categories and also run ads for services under items for sale using the same process listing in different categories. If you would use artificial intelligence and charge some of these other businesses you would make a better experience for all users on Craigslist. I have messaged the legal department before regarding this and nothing has ever been done and it truly is not fair to the people who abide by the rules. It would be pretty simple to monitor accounts to see who is running large numbers of ads.
Also I have searched for DJ's before in Orange County California Craigslist and if you look under the category of all items for sale and you search on DJ you will see hundreds of ads and most of them are multiple ads created by the DJ Rick and many other ads under entertainment wedding DJ if you put Rick in the search you will see all of the ads that he spams on a daily basis. He is advertising service ads under items for sale and for not paying for the ads. He literally runs a hundred or more ads every day and he also uses different names and titles to his ads to circumvent the Craigslist filters. Once again if you used artificial intelligence you would see that this is happening and if you look at the pictures in the ads you will see that they are all the same to confirm the fact that he is spamming out of control.
Desired outcome: Use artificial intelligence to review and monitor ads to prevent constant spamming
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It’s no secret that Craigslist is bombarded by spam and duplicate ads. Its lack of enforcement rotation supports an ad free-for-all. From “US Storage” to “DJ Rick,” businesses and violators are freely gaming the system. All they did was put a band-aid on the issue instead of providing an actual fix. It is very clear that they do not care in figuring this out. There is no response from their legal department, and contacting them willingly feels pointless. Users who do follow the rules are having to deal with an infinite amount of junk ads. If changes aren’t made, the site will continue losing users.