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De-Age review: Anti-wrinkle 74

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12:06 pm EST
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They do not give a physical address or a web site! Only a telephone # !
I have been contacted several times by De-Age, and encouraged to try their "miracle" wrinkle-remover product! Finally I called them, however before I ordered the "free sample", for only "shipping carges", I asked some questions- I finally got some answers after a great deal of probing a reluctant representative.
1) Shipping charge was outrageously high!
2)Along with the "free sample", they also ship me a full-sized product at approximately $90.00 (and my credit card would be charged accordingly) of course I could always return the unused full size (at my expense) and they would deduct the full-sized product amount from my credit card!
I politely declined their offer!
I have seen, on varioous sites, complaints by people ordering a "free" sample and getting billed much more than they expected--this is how it works folks!

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arlington hts, US
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May 20, 2010 9:08 am EDT
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If the company is so great, why does the company pitch to 80 year old women who have no chance of youthful skin. Get off it. You must own the company.

Nancy LW H
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May 28, 2010 9:30 pm EDT

Thanks for the heads up everyone! I am so glad I found these reviews due to the way my letter came, just as all of your letters did with the no return address and magazine add and bogus writting! It made me suspicious, (I thought my brother was playing a good joke on me at first) so therefore I got on the web since I havn't ever seen before. This helped.

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Jun 02, 2010 11:43 pm EDT
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I just received the same unmarked envelope with the looks-like-it-was-cut-from-a-magazine advertisement with an unsigned personal hand written note addressed to me in the upper left-hand corner. There's no name, no company, no address, not even the name of the product, just the phone number. I have a feeling this unsolicited mail is connected to another ripoff artist "Dermitage" whom I recently filed a complaint against for their shady business. When I saw the ad the first thing that came to mind was those [censor] couldn't get to scam me so now they're passing my personal information onto their friends (maybe they are one and the same!) as a means of harassment. Isn't it illegal for these criminals to use the United States Post Office in such a manner? I was almost scammed before so I knew not to call the number. Instead I typed the number into a google search and a host of complaints came up.

Lonestar 22
Edwardsville, US
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Jun 07, 2010 12:27 pm EDT
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Sorry that so many have had bad experiences with apparently unscrupulous vendors. I've been using Re-New and De-Age for several years now and wouldn't be without them. I'll be 70 this year, and, unless I scrunch my eyes or furrow my brow, absolutely no wrinkles! This wasn't the case when I first started using these products. Of course, I combine them with a very good eye creme and moisturizer (which change from time to time), but De-Age and Re-New have been constants and have made an enormous difference. By the way, I don't pay anywhere close to the amounts mentioned above, and the people from whom I order have been extremely nice to deal with. No scams! I just pay with PayPal for whatever I order -- nothing more.

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Jun 19, 2010 9:53 pm EDT

My neighbor called last night to ask me how she looked, if she put her makeup on okay, etc. etc. etc.;
the bottom line being she had just received the same ad others have mentioned here - and she too thought some 'friend' had sent the info
anonymously. She was furious.
She showed me the ad today - and I felt it was a mass mailing so
I came online to look for an address so she could send the letter
back with her personal comments about the marketing tactic.

I suggest everyone contact the Attorney General's Office for their
state ~ at least here in Texas that would be the office to contact.
Furthermore I would contact the Federal Trade Commission
about this company and their tactics.

Ft Myers, US
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Jul 06, 2010 6:53 pm EDT

Thank God for the Complaints Board. The best thing on the internet!

lil tay
Coffeyville, US
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Sep 21, 2010 12:55 am EDT

mother age 85 got several of these so called magazine ads
envelope looks to be handwritten, no return address or name
upper left corner it again looks to be handwritten with persons name on it with a note, like it is from one of your friends
she's been trying to guess which one of her friends has tried it & sent the letter to her for her to try it

this is a scam, specially targeted towards the old
people keep your wrinkles & your money
they just want your credit card info to over charge you for something that probably does not work anyway

go to the store to get any product to try if you really think you need to get those wrinkles gone

Wichita Falls, US
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Nov 10, 2010 12:45 pm EST

I got one in the mail yesterday. I could tell immediately this was NOT from a "friend" - I guess it is supposed to look like it was torn from a magazine, but EPIC FAIL! At the very bottom of the page, in small fine print that would probably remain unseen by the elderly, or someone not on the lookout for scams, it read "2010 Personalized Promotion", the final clue that this was a hoax. If anyone you know has received this advertisement, look for the fine print at the bottom of the page, and you can show them immediately that this is a rip off gimmick. I check the complaints board for lots of things, because recently I seem to have become very popular with scams and rip-off "lotteries" that I haven't entered, but need to send a "processing fee" to collect my "winnings". Thank goodness for this website! I just thought I should post here, because I wanted to alert everyone that even after all the complaints to the Attorney General and BBB you have been making, these crooks are still operating here in 2010. The number is the same [protected], same blue ink in cursive at the top, made to look like someone who knows you sent it to you - mine had my name, and read "Kelly - call fast, it works! I only paid shipping!" I am at the age I am beginning to get wrinkles, but no one I know would ever send me something like this without telling me their name. I can see how our older, more naive friends and relatives might fall for this, though. It really makes me mad, and I'm going to the BBB now to report them here in my area. Thanks again everyone who commented!

South Pittsburg, US
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Nov 13, 2010 5:19 pm EST

Obviously, the scam is still going. I received in the mail yesterday, Nov.12, 2010, a page that had been cut with craft scissors. The date on the magazine page was 10, October, 2010. I called the number just to find out the name of the product. I then googled and found this website, so thank you for your informative posts. It does infuriate me that they sent this as if it was from a friend who was giving you a good tip on skin care. I have decided I will just stick with the products you can purchase over-the-counter from your local store. They work just as well as any because there is no "miracle cream".

Report SCAMS
Van Nuys, US
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Dec 12, 2010 6:44 pm EST
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This is an advertisement phishing...please delete the above comment. Thank you for ousting this non-contributing "gkhjgj" account.

Report SCAMS
Van Nuys, US
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Dec 12, 2010 6:45 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is an Advertisement above. Please Delete the above non-comment and oust the non-contributing account of "gkhjgj". It's an abuse of your user guidelines and wastes the forum for others.

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Jan 27, 2011 6:59 pm EST

I received the same letter and ad in the mail made to look like it was from someone that knew me. I was impressed by the before/after pictures and called the 1-800 number, talked to "Buffy" who was friendly enough. When she asked for my credit card number I had 2nd thoughts and hesitated, asking if I could send a check. She said just providing my a/c number would be sufficient. I then decided I would not give my number to a stranger over the phone. I'm glad I even gave a fake phone #. One of these people who lost money should have alerted the BBB by now.

unbelieving this
Forest City, US
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Mar 09, 2011 10:25 pm EST

I recieved one of their mailed flyers today..and to say the least, I was not impressed, firstly, because there was no return address or representative behind it. Secondly, the woman it was sent to has been dead for over a year...This company discusts me..if they can't even sell their own product, giving a return address nor website to leave remarks, then it doesn't deserve any attention..and to note, I ripped it up, spit on it and crushed it in the trash can..I should have let the dogs piss on it too and if ever do find their website to leave a comment, I will let them know how [censor] they really are.

Saugerties, US
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May 17, 2011 1:45 am EDT
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Very avasive & rude when I asked A question. Became suspisous thank goodness for the information on the web very helpful.

Topsfield, US
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Aug 19, 2011 7:24 pm EDT

I also recently got a letter with the same handwriting on the top of a page torn from the July 2011 News Today - Finance and mailed from Area code 85282 which is Tempe, AZ.This is a slimy group. Glad I checked!

using two different company names
Pho, US
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Sep 01, 2011 2:59 am EDT

I used to work there and what they do is the biggest scam ever. They sold senior citizens products called De-Age and Re-New under the company name of Perfection Intl Skin Care and now they are selling same clients products called Firming Cream and Peptight 3 under a different company name, SX Cosmeceuticals, that way they don't remember the original company name.

Riverside, US
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Oct 29, 2011 9:09 pm EDT

Okay, okay! You're all angry about the mailer - when I received the same thing, I knew it was an ad and was not offended. Have you tried the product? I have and it works! Wouldn't be without it - I am a little over 60 and play golf and am outdoors a lot and Re-New and De-Age have saved my skin from sun damage. Try it - you might like it!

clara d
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Nov 16, 2011 4:42 am EST

I'm so relieved that I searched their phone number and found your webpage comments. They trully are scams! And yes, they make us believe that a friend sent us the torn up page...but it would be unlike that a real friend would say something without signing their name. Hope they will get caught!

Winnipeg, CA
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Apr 18, 2012 6:57 am EDT

Thanks for all these comments. I got the same personalized message in the mail and at first glance I thought what anonymous friend is trying to tell me I'm looking old. While I was on line waiting for my call to be picked up I googled "Amazing Discovery Anti-Wrinkle" and D-Age came up and voila, saw all these comments. I quickly hung up the phone. Thanks so much...I may be keeping my wrinkles but I will also be keeping my money! I too am thinking about calling the BBB. It should have been a clue when there is no company name listed on the personalized flier. I had to really search to find it. Very smart because it is hard to make negative comments on what is difficult to find.

Toronto, CA
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Apr 29, 2012 4:22 am EDT
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How can I tell whether all the positive comments are NOT made by people who work for "Perfection Skin care International"?

The BBB has nothing on it:
"Perfection International Skin Care Ltd. Business Review in Scottsdale, AZ - Akron BBB"

carla s
Redcliff, CA
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May 06, 2012 2:27 am EDT

Well, I got the same "ripped out of magazine" type flier. Looks like they haven't changed their marketing in over 3 years. I thought it was a competitor who was targeting me because I am an Executive with an anti-aging company. I know my products work. We also have a 90 day 100% money back guarantee!

Toronto, CA
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Jun 18, 2012 4:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To carla:
Regarding your "money back guarantee"
Do you refund the UNused and USED product or only the UNused?

Scottsdale, US
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Aug 31, 2012 2:39 pm EDT

The parent company is Perfection International Skin Care LTD [protected]. They have two websites and This company is a SCAM. they have three different lines of Anti-Aging Serums: De-Age & Renew, SX Cosmeceuticals Firming Cream, and A Younger Look. All three lines are anti- wrinkle cream or serums where you can get a free sample when you call, but you have to pay the shipping. For the US its $13.95, for the UK its 10lbs then once they get you to set up for samples and have your Credit Card info they pitch you on the "Full Size Bottles" which last 30days. They claim these bottles come with a 60 day unconditional money back guarantee whether the bottles have been used or not. Its a SCAM. people have waited months to get refunds some never do. depending on where you call from you get the center located in the US. They claim to be a UK based Company (which is located off of 124 Baker Street 3rd Floor, London, UK yet they have a sister company in the US (call Center) on 8350 E. Evans Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, or the main hub in the US is
15560 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, B4-407, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. The BBB has this company listed as a C- on there website but because the company uses so many different names its hard to pinpoint. Its awful how they pray on older people not just women but men too. They claim the product can be used on anyone aging from 40-90 years old with an emphasis on "MORE MATURE SKIN" they claim the samples have a retail value (for the US & Canada $65, UK 60lbs) yet the samples are no bigger than a tub of chap-stick. Its horrible. I understand that people have to work, but you would think the reps in the call center in the US would have a little more respect for them selves and not work for such a shady company. The woman on the Aids is an employee of the company and I have to say she does not look like she has ever used the product, and if so that's proof enough it DOES NOT work. Be aware the aids sent out are either a post card that states "Call Fast, I only paid shipping" or a page that looks like its been torn out of a magazine that will have your first name printed on the top stating the same thing. So people think that a friend or family member has sent this to them when in reality they were sent out by the company itself. The product varies from a 1 month at $170 to a 4 month at over $500 for the US & Canada, and 1 month at 130lbs to a 4 month of 375lbs for the UK. This company sells to all of the US, Canada and the UK. So PLEASE BE AWARE!

Cardiff, GB
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Dec 28, 2012 2:20 pm EST


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Mar 25, 2013 8:12 pm EDT

I got this letter today 3/25/13 and called. Shipping $15.00 on 2 samples and access to my credit. I looked them up and found this site. So glad, I told her I would call if I wanted a sample and hung up. It sure looks like a scam. Glad I found this site. Also she gave the name SX so I was able to find this site. Thank goodness for this site!

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May 27, 2013 6:15 pm EDT

I'm so glad I found this site and read all the comments from those who had received the same mailing as I did. I was immediately skeptical due to the lack of return address on the envelope, unsigned note on the ad, and no product name given. I called the number on Memorial Day hoping they would be closed and the message identified the company as De-Age. I Googled the name and "800" number and found this site. I'm so thankful so many of you were willing to take the time to type out your complaints for the rest of us.

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Jun 21, 2013 10:31 am EDT

Call the Better Business Bureau the area they are shipping from. We had to for another product that keep shipping and charging the credit card. We could NOT get anyone in customer service but they ere able to :)

Anna Aldredge
Encino, US
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Jul 16, 2013 7:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just received one of those letters that has a "handwritten" note that says "Call Fast, it works! I only paid shipping". Well I called them and it was SX COSMECEUTICALS. And it lead me to this site. Thanks for all of you who posted here!

Terri A
Myrtle Beach, US
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Aug 20, 2013 9:18 am EDT
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I just get my "magazine page" yesterday, and stupidly called and gave my visa # to pay for the shipping fpr their sample.
Then this morning I thought I'd go on line to look at the product line - and realized that the add didn't have a company name.
I called the 800 # again and got the SX Cosmeceuticals name, and found this site. Now I'm afraid that they will send me and charge me for more than just the sample. Is there any way I can stop them?
Thank you, Terri

West Hills, US
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Dec 10, 2013 7:58 pm EST

Hate to be the only one but I frankly love the stuff and prefer it over anything else on the market. I was very skeptical but I am not a lotion person so the serum idea appealed to me. I kept with it because it wore well under my makeup and didn't leave a residue. I did seem to feel moisturized and that was enough to keep me using it. It wasn't until I ran out of the last of the 4 sets of bottles that I had purchased and could afford that I realized how different my skin felt as I went back to using other products. Within months I noticed very visible differences. I didn't notice as my skin was improving or not so much because its gradual. It wasn't until my skin was being denied the benefit that I could actually see fine lines coming back in that I hadn't seen in years. So yea... complain all you want about whatever you want. This stuff works for me. I had to stay with it for awhile but I notice and I'm my toughest critic. Every chance I get I buy what I can afford. I stretch it out the most I can and try to make it last. I will continue to buy until the bad rep you guys are making for whatever bad business they did with you consumes them. Or until you all realize its like any other product, unless you actually apply something for long enough and regularly, you simply aren't going to see the intended results. Good luck...

Huntington Beach, US
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Feb 10, 2014 11:23 pm EST
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I received the same ad, yes I thought one of my friends sent it to me so I called... the sample is around 14$ and yes they offered me some options on different price points. I have tried many things and they were clear when they were explaining to me that it took me 60 years to get the wrinkles and that it would take some time, I am not very good at taking care of my skin but they also told me I needed to be consistent, I was skeptical but decided I would give it a try, I ordered the 1 month sample that was a far cry cheaper then the dermatologist office product, I can honestly say that I am seeing a difference, I can feel the difference and I am glad that I am using it and plan on continue to use it, my neighbor just received the same add, something that I had missed before it clearly states ADVERTISMENT and recently when I was at my Dr. office I did see a add in Health & Wellness, I am happy with my decision and even more happy with my results. I am a older women, common sense says " why advertise to a younger generation" they don't need it yet!

West Carrollton, US
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Jul 16, 2014 10:01 pm EDT

My Mother who is 91 told me about buying the whole set of products because she thought a friend, but she didn't know who, recommended it. She said its been a couple years ago. She never even used any of it. I thought she knew better, but like most of these comments say, they target the elderly who can be naive. It makes me so angry that my mother was taken advantage of. They got her for 150.00!

Bonaire, US
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Aug 02, 2014 4:26 pm EDT

This is August 1, 2014 and i see this exact same letter has been used since at least 2009! and they are STILL at it! Today i received this very exact scam in my mailbox.. I was confused as certain parts of it looked like a scam (the postal stamp machine mark for one) and other parts looked real (the ripped edge of the page). I was so hurt by the whole thing that tears slid down my 'wrinkled, baggy, dark circles' as i stared at it. ... I was very attractive until a car wreck mutilated my face when i was a teenager. With some aging added to the disfigurement i can only be described now as downright coyote ugly. I'm extremely sensitive about my appearance, but have learned to live with it as it is what it is and nothing will ever change my face for the better, and i have reached a point of take me as i am, like it or not, i'm just thankful to be alive... So to have a coward telling me in this manner that my face is so offensive to them that they just had to send this ad to me, anonymously, was crushing... Even if it was a scam how was I chosen to receive this letter? Thru my stunned tears I wanted to rush to the post office and ask them where this zip code originates from, but then figured i could find out online. One thing led to another and thank God i ended up here. Thank you to all of you who have left your comments on here. I am still angry with whoever did this but at least now i know it IS a scam and not someone i know personally. I'm taking the letter and a printout of all the comments here on this website to the Post Office and file a formal complaint. Even if this is a legit company with legit products the fact is that their advertising method is very hurtful and needs to be stopped.

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Van Nuys, US
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Aug 24, 2016 2:52 am EDT
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I read most of the complaints, I am glad for anyone else who sees what a scam this product marketing is and cared enought to let others know. The BBB rating of D+and the fact there is no website, return address or not even the name of Product listed on the fake rip-off magazine page is a major sign of a ripoff! The print on the envelope as well as a tiny note in upper-left-hand corner is handwritten type so as to make you think a friend personally sent it to you! I wonder if the postal regulators are aware of this company yet? Isn't this mail fraud? I hope others will report this because it's not the savvy ones who are victimized, it's the elderly and naive who are obviously targeted!

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.