Discovery Channel’s earns a 1.1-star rating from 316 reviews, showing that the majority of viewers are dissatisfied with programming.
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cancellation of the last alaskans.
I have always held discovery channel in high esteem. Up there with National Geographic. Please get your reputation back. Alaska bush people is an embarrassment to you (because it is trash and a lie) and to the great people who actually are from Alaska. The last Alaskans is an incredible show that helps many people find peace in simplicity. The filming has been wonderful, and the people are real. Yes I'm sure it gets hard to create new material just because of the simplicity of life out there. I'm sure it's dificult because of the location. But please, don't cancel this show. You don't have a whole lot of good programming going for you anymore and this is the best that any station has. If you give up on the last Alaskans you will lose many of your viewers. especially if you give up those amazing people and keep the "Browns". That will really expose what discovery is all about now.
My choice of shows to watch on television are limited to what educates, makes me laugh, intrigues me, gives me a glimpse into wonder. The Last Alaskans does that. If the show is being canceled because the families no longer want to participate, then so be it. I can respect that and wish them well, grateful for the years they've shared. If, however it's a network decision, I'm curious as to what it's based on. There are enough silly Alaskan based shows I never watch. TLA is about people, their ethics, morals and love for others and country. It brings me into a world far removed from my own and I appreciate that so much!
Please consider keeping the show on the air.
Ivette Cirino
Brooklyn NY
the last alaskans
Please keep the Last Alaskans on your channel. These families are so soothing to watch. I love their show! I have watched it for years and to see how the families have evolved and how they live their lives is beautiful. Bob Harte was wonderful and missed dearly. They live such a solitary lifestyle that is not easy being so many miles from civilization, but their ambitions to succeed to live in these harsh elements is phenomenal. Please reconsider not taking them off air. They are great people and a wonderful show!
the last alaskans tv show
Why would you not renew The Last Alaskans? One of the only Alaskan shows left, that keep your channel credible. Give me one Edna & Heimo, instead of insulting me with the Brown's. You keep pulling good programs like this and leave on ABP, which has been listed as a documentary, which it is NOT. The Brown's don't even live on the properties shown. They live in rental property or hotels. You try to make people believe they are going to live on the property, when it isn't currently zoned for that. Hence the infamous barn. Again another fabrication. The Brown's couldn't even hammer a nail in straight. They didn't build the barn. Funny you run the credits at the end of the program so fast, so people won't notice the construction crew. This is just a tip of the iceberg. With The Last Alaskans, the families actually lived the lifestyle. We enjoy seeing the way they live and survive. Please renew it.
I am so disappointed that you chose to cancel the Last Alaskans. I looked forward to watching and was captivated with their lives. What a disservice to Bob Hart's legacy.
Aloha. Please do not stop filming in Alaska. The Last Alaskan show was one of the best Discovery has put out.
I think you should rethink this grave error!
Eileen Lovell
I love The Last Alaskans show and look forward to watching it each season. Can not believe you are cancelling this wonderful show. No reason to tune in to Discovery Channel anymore.
Please don't cancel TLA. I've told so many people about this show, they've watched it & then said thank you for cluing us in. So many families where I live in MI love it. Been watching it since the beginning. You keep taking good shows off to put awful shows on (ABP, Naked & Afraid (who wants to see naked people trying to survive like they do) Live Free or Die, YUKON MEN, etc. It also takes us away to a more real life. Please reconsider.
I agree 100%!
OMG please, please, renew this show, we look forward to this every week, we even spend time watching reruns, we want to see ow they all keep living a life most of us only dream of ...
they are removing the last alaskans show
Please do not take the last alaskans show off.. This is such a wonderful show, it's real, no cursing, no sex, realllly good real people.. Please keep this show on, please! My husband and I live in texas, and we are hunters.. Whitetail, turkey, etc.. We do no go out of south texas, but, we learn soo much from all these people that hunt.. Cook, how to live in wildreness, in case we ever have to.. We do have a little deer lease we rent from family, but it is nice to get in the country and try some of the things they do on this show.. How to build a smoker.. And use for meat.. How to not set trap, and the correct way how to. Please keep this show on the air, and take off those nasty brown people.. Those people are nasty looking and I watched them a few times... I make a point not to watch them. Thank you in advance... Keep the last alaskans show please.. Pretty please!
They keep, promote and continue the fake "reality" shows like Bush People and cancel real reality shows like The Last Alaskan's and Mountain men that people actually watch, learn from and enjoy. They go for the cheap Kardashian model instead of the shows we subscribed to watch. It's not discovery any more, it's fake drama. There are Facebook pages, web sites and blogs trying to get The Last Alaskan's back, people love that show and are invested in the real people's lives on the show. The cast wants to continue, the customers want it to continue...
Cancellation of tv show: the last alaskans
I understand that running a TV channel is a business, and that a business's goal is to earn money. Cancellations or extensions of existing shows are primarily based on the number of viewers who watch a show. The more viewers, the more money that can be charged for advertisements. I know that no filming for The Last Alaskans was done during the trapping...
Read full review of Discovery Channel and 35 commentsshark week
After watching as much as I could, which was only a few minutes, of your last year's Shaq Shark Week. I hoped things would change and the Discovery Channel would go back to the original intent of Shark Week. Sadly I was wrong. The first show this year of Shark Week about those 4 complete idiots far out did Shaq in stupid. I started looking forward to the commercials and rooting for the sharks. The channel was changed and Shark Week is not something worth watching any longer. It is really sad that the Discovery Channel would ruin such an important message about the shark species with such a pitiful programing twice in 2 years. You should be ashamed.
Don L
shark week... past couple of years!
Sadly, I am sure this will fall on deaf ears and gain no response but I will voice my opinion at least. I realize the need to attract rating/a viewing audience however Shark Week has become a disgrace. I am 45 years old. I've enjoyed Shark week for many years. The past couple years have been absolutely apauling. Shark weeks original intent was to educate the public on sharks and save species. The past few years, sadly, are very little on sharks and less education.
The pathetic hosts and shows are an insult to education and survival of sharks. Crazy gadgets, guest host who don't know a shark from a cow and very little forage of sharks and far too much of persons acting like overpaid idiots on television. Really? Is this what we've come to. So sad... Thankfully past seasons are available and can be watched for real education and the true meaning of shark week. It used to not all be a dumbed down attempt at ratings. A great series ruined... I known I am not the only one who feels this way.
Please, bring back the real Shark Week. This garbage isn't worth watching sadly.
Shark After Dark also is a huge slap in the face to the REAL Shark Week as well.
Just in case you care to reply, which I highly doubt...
My name is Steve Dowdy.
My email is [protected]
Thank you for the opportunity to voice the opinion of myself and many I know whom enjoyd Shark Week as it was a few years ago and sine it began.
Shark Week is an epic FAIL so far. A bunch of "comedians" acting stupid is not educational or fun. Why don't
you go back to doing what it is you do best Discovery? Go out and discover! Leave the stupid stuff that has
nothing to do with educating the public about sharks to the idiot Shark After Dark. Judging by the comments
I've seen about last night's shark week programming, you won't have many viewers by the end of this week,
or beginning next year, unless you dump the junk! Leave the stupid stuff to the Sharknado crowd, please!
Those 5 idiots were comedians? I'd of never known if you hadn't told me.
watching discovery channel program
While watching a good program there is a very annoying message moving at the same time in the upper right corner of the TV screen telling me that Shark week is starting in two days. I don't want to see this on a continuing basis during a program I like. It means nothing to me and it can easily be flashed up for a SHORT amount of time to get the marketing message across to the viewer. It doesn't have to be there for the entire program. VERY ANNOYING!
Similar complaint to above. I pay more to be able to watch The Discovery Channel and I pay even more to receive it in HD then they put adds running continuously in the right hand corner of the screen. This channel has gone from being my favorite to my less favorite. Why do they have to advertise continuously on a channel that I have pay to get.? I pay also for the HD and they ruin the wide screen by running ads on the screen during the whole show.
It's bad enough that you show 5 minutes of commercials, return for a 20 or 30 second bit, go back two more commercials, and then return and make us watch a recap of the past few minutes before you continue with the program. But now you have a freaking shark swimming around in the top right of the screen well Adam Savage is having the dog fight on his show. Same thing during Naked and Afraid, and any other time I turn on your Channel. How annoying to have this sharp distracting from everything, including an aerial dogfight. I'm all done Discovery Channel. You are nothing but one big annoying ad.
TOTALLY AGREE! How annoying.
I like watching this channel but now you started adding reminders off shows on my top right corner and the logo at the bottom this is very annoying to me and distracting from the show I'm watching .if this continues I will not watch this any longer and other feel the same way . please stop. Let us enjoy the show without any distractions this reminded about shark week going round and round the worst .
I agree, I just got on the Discovery Channel to watch Savage Builds for the first time. I won't be back. That shark in the upper right hand corner drove me absolutely insane. If they do ads like that all the time (and it sounds like they do). This channel is definitely NOT for me. I had to get on the net to see if it annoyed anyone else as much as it did me. Apparently it does.
Goodbye Discovery, that was short lived.
I tried to watch Fast and Loud and Battlebots today but couldn't because anything that happened in the top right corner of the screen was obscured by an ad for Shark week. Guess they're desperate for viewers for that show if they're willing to drive away their regular viewers in a misguided attempt to get people to watch a whole week of sharks. (I'm a boat captain and don't care that much about sharks). Plus, desperation means a show stinks, so I won't watch that either. Looks like the Discovery Channel has permanently lost my family as viewers. Shame cause I generally like their shows, but not enough to only see 3/4 of the picture.
P.S. I notice they don't do it during commercials. Guess that shows who they care about impressing and who they don't
continuous advertising
While watching Airplane Repo, which I really enjoy, you continuously use a portion of the screen to advertize. Bad enough the commercial breaks are taking up about half the time of the actual program slot. Now you continuously advertize other shows and at times even two adverts at once while I'm trying to watch, it really kills the whole experience. The time was between 11:30 AM and 1 PM on July 26th. The shark week advert remained on screen for the ENTIRE SHOW! And at times another distraction would crawl across the bottom as well. A real distraction/ bummer, and was enough that I found other things to do other than watch. Too bad, I did like the show but the distraction was just too frustrating. And I'll be sure to find other channels to watch and let my cable provider know, also.
killing bigfoot
I would like for y'all to bring back the show killing bigfoot, they are the only people out doing the hunt and work to show people what kind of preparation it takes to get after these critters. The hunts they go on are real. Other bigfoot shows are entertaining as well but these killing bigfoot guys are the real deal and you don't have to worry about them killing one these things are incredibly hard to get a glimpse of much less get a shot at. Tell them to change the name to make you happy I already know their not gonna kill one you have to see it first. I hunt these things also not to kill one bit have enteraction you can get the bigfoots to eat candy and peanut butter easily but to get one on a therm is very exciting. These thing can get extremely big and powerful but don't seem to want to have a face to face interaction killing bigfoot are doing everything they possibly educate the public on a creature that science hasn't proven to exist but they do and the government knows they do. Thx.
information about bigfoot
This show provides more information on the subject matter than any other show about it. They are trying to put an end to rumors of Bigfoot and proving it exists. The show is entertaining while actually factual. Please bring it back on tv once again. I know many who would like to see the show that missed it the first time around. I has real information about this ape creature. It's sure not human.
channels with way, way too loud “symphonic” sound
Please, please, reduce the music to a background level (or eliminate it completely). If I want music to overwhelm the dialogue I can simply go to a concert or theater where the sound blares beyond making sense. Your various programs or channels have reached the same degree of overwhelming!
It is impossible on your channels to hear the dialogue 80-90% of the time. It is becoming too annoying to neighbors when attempting to watch your programming due to the music getting louder and louder.
It would be much more comfortable, and educational, if viewers/listeners could actually understand the dialogue. No dramatic music wanted, or needed. Your programming is excellent without the loud noise.
Thank you.
how the universe works
I have watched every season of How The Universe Works (repeatedly) over the last few years, and I find it an incredibly insightful, well researched, engaging and informative programme. Every series has been well made, populated by intelligent guest experts, and (until now) beautifully narrated.
Why, o why?... Have the makers suddenly decided to switch to Erik Todd Dellums as the narrator of the latest series? He reads his scripts like the trailer of a cheap American action movie, or as if he has suddenly jumped out of a 1970's washing powder advert. His delivery is that of a condescending nanny talking to retarded children. Please stop this man from insulting our intelligence and bring back the understated (and by total coincidence, British) Richard Lintern.
naked and afraid xl on discovery go
As a customer of a service provider, (I pay money every month for cable) it's absolutely ridiculous that I have to sit through 8 commercials every 5 minutes. I also subscribe to other streaming services, some have no commercials and others only have one or two. I don't think you guys are hurting for money that bad. Cut the commercials down to 2 or 3 with more time in between. No need to be greedy guys
deadliest catch
Please remove "Harley" Davidson, the new unethical Sea Captain on "Deadliest Catch"!
Watching him take up the "pots" of other captains instead of doing his own prospecting work is unethical and so unfair to the other captains who have sweated blood to bring about the ability of "Harley" to be on television!
Please do not give him another second of TV time!
my little pony
What does introduction of a same-sex couple have anything to do with a children's cartoon!?!
Life is difficult enough for young children growing up in this strange crazy politically correct environment. Why can't you just show cute ponies sharing adventures and friendships and how to have fun.
Totally disgusted, will write sponsors and not allow my children to watch your show again!
new voice over on the discovery channel
I used to watch the Discovery channel ALL the time! Now the addition of a voice over explaining what I am watching is SO annoying, I can't watch any longer. What idiot thought this was a good idea, I can't imagine.
All I know is that you have lost one loyal customer forever! If you start losing other customers, this might be the reason why. Please relay this complaint to your programing development department.
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YA GET RID OF THE BROWNS. They are the #one reason I seldom watch this channel any more. Discovery is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to be showing that kind of scripted crap. I hope it changes soon or I will.