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Dorrance Publishing

Dorrance Publishing review: Fraudulent company 50

Author of the review
5:07 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Dorrence found me by a manuscript that I sent in to be copyrighted. After they viewed my manuscript I was contacted by mail. They stated that they would like to publish my book. I was very excited immediately I sign on the dotted line. And sent in 500.00 dollars to get my book started.

They put me on a payment plan.They sent me the style of my book and the way it was going to look, and the needed my signature for my approval. And I signed it. Immediately after my first deposit I become unemployed and could not continue to make te payments I tried to contact some body in the finance department and let them know my situation. but every time I called I was giving to their voice mail.

I left several messages but never got a called back a few months later I received a letter stating that I owed a total of 7, ooo dollars. And that they were going to put my book on hold until a payment was made I felt that I was treated very unfairly considering that this is my first book that I dedicated to the devastating time of my life and I really wanted it to be heard it is about a women who fought long and hard for her children in the judicial system.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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David Jay Ramsden
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Mar 17, 2010 11:12 am EDT

I have recently completed two novels even though I have been writing for 15 years. I was scammed in 1999 by Minerva Press and I am trying to use the traditional methods, i.e. Literary Agent, Publishers etc. Someone once said that the road to publication is long, hard and full of potholes! That is so true, Dorrance, Origional Writing, AuthorHouse, Xlibris and several others almost throw contracts at you without even reading a single word you have sweated over so how can they justify saying that they 'care' about writers? If they cared they would not put anyone into print as they do now. I have sacrificed for my art, I am a serious writer with a long, long pedigree but I still cannot find the right publisher so how can a first time writer have any chance? I have spent most of my working life in sales but self publishing does not produce the same quality of product as the traditional publishers and he bigger bookstores will not give you the shelf space which they know will sell if a well known writer parks his books there. I have sevral offers of publication but only through self-publish/vanity publishers and e books. I am going to research every single possible avenue before making a decision, I believe in my work and believe I can make it pay but I need to know in my heart of hearts that I am making the right decision. David Jay Ramsden

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Feb 13, 2017 10:01 am EST

WOW! My name is James Smith and I published a book several years ago with Dorrance called " Bring On The Pain" A murder/mystery book that unfortunately went no where because I found out later, I was the only real marketing force behind it. I've written two more novels since then but never tried to get them published due to my experience. I guess we'll all try to navigate these pitfalls together. Good luck!

Julie Devlin
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Aug 14, 2018 1:40 pm EDT

I have seen nothing but mad authors say Dorrance is a scam. I agree 100% I am going on social media and let people know and I will continue to remind them. Julie Devlin.

David Jay Ramsden
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Jan 08, 2011 2:09 pm EST

Since making this comment I was offered and accepted a publishing deal with Pneuma Springs and my book was published in June 2010 at no cost to me. My book is the first in a series of detective nivels and is titled 'Inspector Doyle Daly: The rise and fall of the Phoenix.' If you like good reads then buy this one... you wont be disappointed.P.S. I still get offers from the vanity publishers every few days! If your book is good enough then a publisher will come along. Keep trying and keep your faith in your ability.

Sandman 999
Sandman 999
Hudson, US
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Jan 21, 2011 3:54 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yes, I agree too! That "Dorrance Publishing" is the most fraudulent entity I unfortunately have ever done some business with. I wrote a sci-fi manuscript back in 2005, upon completion had it copyrighted with the Library of Congress. After some bad advice from a former friend. I too made that big mistake and sent my copyrighted work to them. (big mistake) It was three to four weeks later when I received this confirmation in the mail that my work would be a great seller. Also included in the paperwork was some contract info to the tune of $30, 000 bucks just to start the ball rolling. So like everyone else I thought about that payment plan jazz too for a few days then wisely rejected the whole ludicrous scam of an idea. I wised-up after reading this review crap that said the following words. "Thought-Provoking Read" this was followed by some (computer literature read software front phrasing jazz) that would fit any & all works sent to them. With my suspicions now aroused, read all the paperwork several times, examining every paragraph carefully. When it finally dawned on me like a revelation come to pass. This was all about money and lots of it too. "Nothing! To do with me or my literary work ." I had now discovered a contract flaw that stated the following, "Dorrance Publishing" does not "guarantee" a buying market for any work." In other words, I would take all the risk's even though I was paying thousands for everything already, & they would cleanup up on both ends of this one-sided deal.

That prompted me to send several strongly worded e-mail letters calling them in essence "Crooks" thus, demanding the immediate deletion of all materials sent. Furthermore, to my discussing amazement one reply told me in plain English that I had the potential for a number 1 best-selling sci-fi novel here, & I should rethink my harsh decision to cancel signing that "fraudulent one-sided contract." We'll I didn't refrain for my decision stands even today. This book Publishing jazz has become a big bad joke. The overall caliper of writing is quite poor indeed with little or no real imagination to it. In other words, these new rich sci-fi writers truly do stink--big time! I can only surmise that to be a rich well-known novelist in this day & age, one must have some big connections and a damn good agent too. Everyone else he or she (no matter how good the work may be) has a fat chance in hell of ever getting anything published without taking out a loan or remortgaging one's house.

After several failed attempts, more fraudulent heartbreaking deals that collapsed right in my face. I have decided to convert this sci-fi manuscript into a movie script. Thus, like that "Print is dead jazz" these publishers are just as dead...

"Hollywood" here I come with an absolutely cool fresh movie script, that will put to shame movies like, clover field, Armageddon & 2012...

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Feb 13, 2017 10:05 am EST

Hey I wish you nothing but much success. I too was taken for a fool. It hasn't stopped my creative writing spirit but I will navigate these publishing land mines a lot closer going forward.

J.A. Hopson
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Apr 05, 2011 11:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can appreciate all the comments about Dorrance and the other publishers like them as I have also been courted by them. I've made no arrangements and probably won't now as a result of hearing these reports from those who have been disappointed. Here is one thing to think about though: NO PUBLISHER can "guarantee a buying public", not Viking, not Wm Morrow, not Knopf, not Harcourt Brace, or any other. THOSE big time guys take all the chances up front and they cannot predict whether or not the book will sell. Advice i was given (which i will follow) is to get short fiction published in magazines and enter contests. If your work truly stands out, publishers will take notice. Good luck, all of you.

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Jun 10, 2011 10:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Now i have just completed writing my poetry manuscript but am just about to submit it to Dorrance publishers.I have just lead some of the heart breaking complaints relating to fraud of manuscript. please could somebody assure me whether am making the right decision.

Donna Dillon-Truckenbrod
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Jul 27, 2017 12:23 pm EDT

Publishers pay you..not the other way around

David Warrior
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Mar 29, 2012 3:47 pm EDT

I don't know if Dorrance is a scam but I have a book in process that I first submitted almost 18 months ago. The process has been very slow, with no correspondence or reporting on progress except an email to tell me my 2nd (and many months later 3rd) payment was overdue and work would stop on my book. The idea that they may send an invoice or some kind of reminder BEFORE the payment is due seems to be beyond their managerial skills. I just received an email out of the blue, informing me that they have sent 24 free copies of my book to my office. Unfortunately my office moved to a new building a year ago. Had they informed me that this shipment was ready to be sent I would have given them my new address. It is very possible these 24 books will be lost. So I would not say this is a scam exactly, but I get the impression it is run with minimum staff and minimum understanding of what 'service' means. If I treated my clients in this way my company would be bankrupt within 3 months. I shall not be a returning customer that's for sure.

David Warrior
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Mar 30, 2012 1:25 pm EDT

NOT A SCAM. Since posting my comment regarding the poor service quality of Dorrance, in particular the lack of any correspondence, progress reports or information other than notices when my (never invoiced) payment was overdue, I have been contacted by a Dorrance employee responsible for shipping 24 free copies of my book to me without any prior notice. The books were shipped to my old office address. Had I been informed that Dorrance was ready to ship the books I would have given my new address. (See my posting above).
But, to the credit of Dorrance the lady concerned took quick action and was able to retrieve my package from the US mail service and re ship to the correct address. So I do not think there is a scam going on here. This one employee took the initiative, (thanks Katie), and responded professionally to my email. The problem I see is very poor management, poor systems for dealing with clients beyond "have a nice day" and far too much emphasis on getting their money with the minimum of time spent (wasted?) making their clients feel valued. Basically an author pays them to prepare a manuscript and print the book for a fairly hefty fee. But it is not a scam. Just lousy management and corporate attitude. I suggest the managers should talk to Katie and take some notes!

Julie Devlin
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Aug 14, 2018 1:42 pm EDT

They are very rude. To do this to authors is a disgrace. Your publishing company should be put out of business.

Laqaixit Tewee
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May 13, 2012 10:19 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was recently courted by Dorrance Publishing. I decided to look into their Publishing Co., and was glad I did before submitting any manuscript to them. Up until now I have submitted children's colored illustrated books through Xlibris and find them pretty reasonable for returning authors. Laqaixit Tewee

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Aug 28, 2012 1:26 am EDT

RoseDog Books (Dorrance Publishing) is playing a tiresome royalties-statement-got-lost-in-the-mail game with me and won't return my calls. Since my profit is a trivial $1.50 per book, I can only conclude that they are covering up profits to evade taxes. My book has almost 20, 000 likes on Facebook now, and I see they only have 2, 000, so this game of theirs will not last. I would be personally honored if my book itself, a study in personal and progressive devastation, became their utter demise. I'm very concerned that no one else is posting about this problem, but I guess with a statement due only every 6 months, the publishers get more comfortable with neglecting to mail one, then they're clear for a whole year! This is not the first time they've done this to me! It's a classic scam of sleazy vanity publishers that are put out of business, like Bookman Publishing, and I don't give a ### if they've been around since 1920...their days are numbered!

Beverly Hills, US
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Jun 29, 2013 9:18 am EDT

You people need to realize that publishing is a job and that real authors never ever pay one penny they get paid. Paying for vanity publishing makes you a fool no matter which vanity scammer you go with. They are ALL scams. They flatter you to steal from you. You make a joke of yourself.

Beverly Hills, US
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Jun 29, 2013 9:21 am EDT

Please be warned the person on here pretending to be happy with Xlibris is an Xlibris employer trying to draw some of you into another scam. If your book is any good a REAL publisher will want it even if it is digital only at least youw ill never pay one penny and will get sent money even if it isn't a lot. instead of stolen from by thieves and you should always type the name of your publisher plus scam into google Xlibris Scam!

John A. Thompson, Jr
Elyria, US
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Jul 18, 2013 12:29 pm EDT

I have also submitted material to Dorrance for consideration for publishing. To date, many telephone messages plus written letters, all to no avail, have been made to Dorrance. They have sent nothing to me in the form of a written contract to publish, no apoligies for delay, absolutely no contact of any kind. This is all very dissapointing. I would think a reputable publisher would at least have some courtesy. Thank s for nothing, Dorrance. John A. Thompson, Jr.

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Aug 05, 2013 12:27 am EDT

Dear Michael Knapp 4/8/2013
Author Services Representative
Thanks for your email dated Friday, August 2/2013 regarding the Rose Dog Team.
Refer to my letter dated 03.08.2013 I say sorry to you while acknowledging the hard work that you have in your hands and head of you in helping build peace stability and prosperity to Authors in different nations.
This is in respect to your you have only once you receive payment on the sales invoice would that sale be eligible for earnings to the author earlier
Promise me to change the lives of the people for the better during your tenure.
After all this I would like to know when I will receive my earnings. ? I would like to know when you will receive payment on the sales invoice.? Would like to know my charge I will be paid according to my contract or payment on the sales invoice?
Beg clarification on only once you Receive payment on the sales invoice ? Please let me know soon.
I humbly request you to look at my attached documents and advise me accordingly to my contract.
Thanks and hoping to hear from you soon.
Yours Sincerely.


Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 9:24 AM
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• hussein ally


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From: LinkedIn Customer Support
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 10:06 AM
Subject: RE; only once we receive payment on the sales invoice [Ticket: [protected]]

LinkedIn Customer Support Message

Subject: RE; only once we receive payment on the sales invoice

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Original Contact:

Member Comment: SPAM SPAM 08/03/2013 02:06

Dear Michael Knapp 3 /8/2013
Author Services Representative

Thank you for taking the time to submit your comment to me dated Friday, August 2 2013, regarding the Rose Dog Team.
You wrote to me back on the Friday, August 2, 2013 that some one would have responded to me in Although orders may have been placed prior to the end of the earnings period, only once we receive payment on the sales invoice would that sale be eligible for earnings to the author.
Until you have only once you Receive payment on the sales invoice.
Please late me know till when will I get and how many days it takes is here and that only once you Receive payment on the sales invoice.
Please late me know if there is any problem about in only once you Receive payment on the sales invoice.
In your letter mentioning is when will I receive my earnings?
Please forward to me information of my earnings.
a body that will allow me to send my earnings definition notify me.
L humbly request you to look at my attached documents and advise me accordingly to my contract.
Thanks and hoping to hear from you soon.
Yours Sincerely.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Knapp
To: hussein ally
Sent: Friday, August 2, 2013 2:40 PM
Subject: RE: only once we receive payment on the sales invoice

Dear Mr. Sultani,

There is no question included as part of this email, so I'm not sure what action you might be expecting. If you have a question, please let me know what that question might be, and I can respond.

Michael Knapp
Author Services Representative

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Leonard McMillian
Richmond, US
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Sep 11, 2013 9:22 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Before with Dorrance Publishing you publish a book,
Please! have an attorney take a good look.
Like the virus protection tells you WHOA!
This is not a place you should go.

Beverly Hills, US
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Jan 04, 2014 7:46 am EST


Beverly Hills, US
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Jan 04, 2014 7:47 am EST

Listen you dumb bunnies real authors don't pay anything they get paid so stop being dumb.

Beverly Hills, US
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Jan 04, 2014 7:47 am EST

Listen you bunnies real authors don't pay anything they get paid so stop being dumob.

Beverly Hills, US
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Jan 04, 2014 7:51 am EST

This is not real publishing in any way shape or form why do you people not realize this? Real publishers never ask writers for a dime. They PAY them but your book has to be good enough.

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Mar 05, 2014 11:37 am EST

its a big scam i sent my full mauscript in and they said they had never recieved my story and i have my files saved all on my computer can i sue these ### everytime i call they say they never received it im going to call a lawyer for copyright infringement some man i talked to from the company told me no need to be copywritten we would send it back to you then afta they stole it they sent a letter sayign didnt receive it was erotic fiction and the people on here saying its not a scan i bet u work for dorrance

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Mar 08, 2015 9:40 pm EDT

Before you sign up with a scam artist, google the name of the so-called publishing company with the words "scam" or "complaints" and see if anything comes up!

Steven Hutson
Lancaster, US
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Apr 21, 2015 9:41 am EDT

It appears, from Susan's own complaint, that she breached the deal first. Am I missing something?

Steven Hutson
Lancaster, US
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Apr 21, 2015 9:54 am EDT

Not sure I understand this complaint. It says she's the one that breached the deal.

Stupid me!
Point Clear, US
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May 11, 2015 12:49 pm EDT

They keep all earnings if you switch banks and don't notify them within 45 days. I wonder if they are affiliated with any "companies" selling my "book" on at 300% mark up.

Chitra Adjoodah
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Jun 07, 2015 4:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've been courted by Dorance Publishing and Authors House. Luckily I did not fall in their trap. The asked for money upfront and I did not have that kind of money.
I also thought I worked hard for my books, they should pay me for taking my work.
Chitra Adjoodah

kamisha Ramsey
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Sep 29, 2015 5:16 pm EDT

September 29, 2015
I recently receive a letter from Dorance Publishing telling me they would like to publish my book Life in the fast lane I am a first time author and I worked hard on this book I put my blood sweat and tears into my book. I am so scared they will end up being full of it. I have read a lot of the complaints that a lot of you made and now I regretting sending them a copy of my book. I have kept all emails that we sent each other I have not signed anything as of yet I am waiting on a proposal they are going to send me. I worked too hard for this I am just wondering if I made the right decision by sending them a copy of my book. I don’t want my book getting into the wrong hands and someone trying to steal it I worked too hard for this. I guess my question is have they ever stolen anyone works?

David Pearson
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Dec 06, 2016 3:31 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Dorrance/Red Dog has just published my memoir, So far, my relations with them have been satisfactory. The
printing is fine. I am doing my own promotion, so I cannot judge their abilities to promote the author's books.
Next step is to see how the ordering process goes, for those who order by email or phone. Then, according to
the contract, they will "square up" with me twice a year -- i.e. pay whatever royalties I have accrued.
We'll see how that goes in six months.
David Pearson
Author of JFK and BOBBY, ARNIE and JACK...and David!

Hussein Ally Sultani
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May 23, 2017 11:29 am EDT

Hussen Ally Sultani

P.O.Box 24172

Dar es Salaam



Thank for your interest writing to me.

I am writing in connection with a letter dated Mon, May 15, 2017 that I sent you concerning activities and how you may assist me solve a problem that is bothering me.

You wrote to me back Mon, May 15, 2017 that someone would have responded to me in Thank you for your email.

We answer questions on the work, history and membership of the House of Commons and are unable to forward on correspondence.

You may like to contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office who may be able to advise. I have provided contact details below:

I humbly request you and your team to look my documents and advise me according .

I humbly remain yours,


Hussein Ally Sultani

Michael Terrence Grossman
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Jun 20, 2018 4:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

After reading the heartbreaking comments from so many authors, my advice to you is - write and polish the story for yourself and your own enjoyment! The list of scam publishing and literary agents is endless. The LGBT companies are even worse from my experience as a member of the LGBT community. After bringing home from the local library thousands of books which I classified as c-, I decided to write my own book which was pure joy writing about the things I love - animals, food, being in a happy and committed relationship ( no threesomes or four some thank you), young & old romance, the handicapped in romance, stuttering remedy, the homeless and women of domestic violence - stories intertwined with humor and laughter and compassion. Your copyright is good for 75 years, so do some good for the world and will the copyrights to your favorite charity who may decide to self publish it and use it to raise money. Money makes the world go around - not great literature or being a great writer. Good Luck & Live a Happy Life! Michael Terrence Grossman

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Aug 27, 2018 2:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can't believe I have been scammed $4, 000 from a vanity press publisher. Everyone told me That you were a fraud. How can you get away with this for so long. First of all, I wrote a damn good book compared to many others. Over forty people told me they got the book, but I never got any money. I graduated with Honors, published thousands of stories and got paid. I worked for a newspaper and have dabbled into publishing in college. When I said to( rude) Melinda Where is my money. I have not sold any. Your full of it lady. And your tracking excuses are as lame as the company. Melinda. Mr. Knapp. he has no balls for he won't call me back. I have spoken with the BBB it is not over yet. I have told everyone I know and people I don't know that your a fraud and I am thinking of suing you. I have a donor set so I can get help, monetary wise. I am going to raise so much Hell as well in ways you would never think of. Karma!

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Nov 09, 2018 3:43 pm EST

Dorrance Publishing has screwed me over as well, I have paid them 4000.00 total to publish my book Lucas Whitney and the Inauspicious Deaths and so far I have not sen them do any real marketing like my contract says. Also, my contract says in writing with them that i will receive 100% of all royalties Now it has not been quite six months so they haven't paid me yet, but from all the things in which I have heard just on this site alone I do believe that hey are a scam. An d a true Publisher they like an author's work will pay that Author to do their book for them for a percentage of the royalties earned and the real publisher will pay for the marketing, printing and put the book in both stores such as Wal-mart and online outlets like Amazon as well. "Also, the Author has the publishi9ng rights not the publisher the hard part about all this is finding a true publisher to do it. I have already wrote two books and have self published them myself on Amazon in Paperback. I never even heard of a vanity publishing before in my life and after Dorrance g3etting a hold of me wanting to pay 4000.00 to publish my book Lucas Whitney and the Inconspicuous Deaths in Hardback copy and charging 30.00 for whomever buys it online it made me think after it was all over with and signed by contract of me receiving 100% of the royalties, then here yesterday they send me about 100 postcards for my own personal use to send out in the mail. All i know for sure is I feel that they are scamming me around and i don't like it if i have too I will hire a layer and sue them. I will never use them again or any other publishing service if i find out that they are a vanity publishing service for vanity publishers are scammers. I now am typing up the first book of a six book series called "Our Unsung Heroes" Volume One. Yours, Truly, Chad Cathey (Author).

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Dec 17, 2018 10:56 am EST

I see the words scam and complaints. But has Dorrance Publishing/RoseDog Books been sued for FRAUD? The publishing house could use some good public relations! But, perhaps the time has come for a possible class action law suit for FRAUD.

Sticks California
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Nov 05, 2019 11:05 pm EST

Hi ..I too have experience what most here have posted.

First, Shaina Ott keeps using that I have yet to turn in the BLURP, to which would be on the back of the book. Well, I emailed it to her numerous time, and to Mary Feraganno. So, I took the time to find the email to Mary, and voila - it was emailed to her Oct 2017. It is now 2019.

Shanina also made a remark that have since BOTHERED ME TO NO END. She stated that I DID NOT OWN MY BOOK - DORRANCE PUBLISHING DID.

When my book was FRIST EDITED, the EDITOR annihilated my book - it was unrecognizable.

I have to discern that I have to agree with the assessment that they are NOT ON THE UP AND UP. I was give on more than one occasions that I DID NOT MAKE MY PAYMENTS, and this would STOP all PRODUCTION ON MY BOOK. I stated, you received a check and a MONEY ORDER (THIS MEETS MY REQUIRED MONTHLY PAYMENT, WHILE THE CHECK WAS AN EXTRA PAYMENT.) See below for common e-mails address NON-PAYMENT ISSUES:

Hi Irene,

Has this check cleared your bank yet? I am not showing it received. Please let me know so I can look into this further.


Vickie Kowalecki
Account Receivables
[protected] Ext. 27154

On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 1:35 PM irene rodriguez wrote:
Inclusive is a check from my mother for $700.00 (Concepcion Mendiola). Please credit me for this as well.

She is going to help me pay this off.



Dear Rodriguez, Irene,

Thank you for your payment on your Dorrance Publishing Services Contract.
Payment Received
Invoice NoINV-001755, INV-001756, INV-001757, INV-001758

Payment Date07/10/19


Delays I believe are purposeful, and believe that Shaina Ott deliberately DOES NOT WANT MY BOOK PUBLISHED as she is finding DELAYS AFTER DELAYS. Another example, when my BOOK IS GOING TO BE PUBLISHED - SHE LEFT IT OPEN ENDED. Then adds it's BEING REVIEWED, THIS IS ABSURB - I have gong through the FINAL REVIEWS, AND I HAVE SIGNED OFF ON IT.

After reading everything here, I have to say, I AM CONCERN that I made be dealing with a bunch of scammers

Irene Rodriguez

Sticks California
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Nov 06, 2019 7:49 pm EST

From this site and other sites filing their concerns about Dorrance Publishing, I'll have contact the FBI Fraud Investigation.

We have sufficient number of complaints to make this happen. Well, I'll look into it.

Before I seek an attorney, I'll put this off through the end of November. But I contact the FBI, next week.


Sticks California
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Dec 06, 2019 9:40 pm EST

Well, the saga continues.

Definitely, Dorrance Publishing ensues tactics to milk you for more monies.

Well, I was congratulated for my book being published. Then another email, delineating costs to market my book. Well, what happen to the first one thousand dollars? Moreover, what happen to my other twenty or so copies that I was suppose to receive, and have not?

I paid them in full in September. So, why are they NOT MARKETING MY BOOK? It was stated it would be uploaded to Amazon this week, and this action item did not happen. Thus, my first check January 31 shall not happen.

So, does this mean that I join the club of not ever seeing our book marketed?

This does NOT MEET OUR AGREEMENT, that is, the authors and Dorrance who are not honoring the said contract entered into.

Knowing the process of publishing, I shall publish my second book and avoid all Vanity Publishers.

Write your book.

Retain a PROFESSIONAL EDITOR who work under contract to review my book.

Retain an Illustrator for ART.

Push book to a PRINTING HOUSE.

Upload to

Sticks California
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Dec 19, 2019 4:34 pm EST

Ok this is how Dorrance scams work.

Whoppers they reel you in, by it's AFFORDABILITY - 500 BUCKS.


Well, note above where they attempted to use not ever receiving the requested API, completed and sent to them Oct. 2017. Winter of 2018 the attempt to use this over and over as to the reason why my book has not been sent to the printers.

Earlier on, like first requests FOR CORRECTIONS - the EDITOR ANNIHILATED MY ENTIRE BOOK (guess their hoping, I did not have a copy).

As recent as last Thursday, Ashley had the AUDACITY to accuse me of not meeting with her, when in FACT, OUR APPOINTMENT WAS FOR TODAY 12/19/2019 AT 9:00 AM.

What Book Promotion Services Phone Appointment (Ashley Austgen)
When Thursday, December 19, 2019 9:00am PST (30 minutes)
This is a reminder your appointment for Book Promotion Services Phone Appointment is on Thursday, December 19, 2019 9:00am PST


Our Exclusive Silent SalesmanTM – $495
This one-of-a-kind display features you, the author! We take your image and attached it to a reusable, freestanding display that holds up to 50 books and features your book’s cover. The uses of this unique item are limited only by your imagination! (Books not included)


1, 000 PLUS 495

Wonder why this was not disclosed from inception. I can understand why the majority did not have your book marketed - THEY INTENDED TO SCAM authors such as ourselves.

I did check out their Amazon Book site. Quite frankly, GRANDIOSE DISAPPOINTMENT - MOSTLY NO SALES.

Barnes and Noble - well, if folks KNOW ABOUT YOUR BOOK, they can ORDER IT FROM THEM.

Sticks California
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Dec 23, 2019 11:27 am EST

Dorrance Publishing, I suppose met their contractual agreement where PRODUCING ONE BOOK. Though in the beginning, Shaina, I believe showed total disgust for having to work on my book. Is it TOTAL DISBELIEF that the United States could devise such EVIL upon the population? I don't know.

It's my memoirs. Events encountered and all of it's TRAVESTIES impose, and the injuries continues to this date.


I have gone abroad to seek medical attention, and I was amaze to the extent of fabrication by all concern, that is, doctors, attornies and so on.

Well, the long and the short, I did not appreciate the treatment received by Shaina. All the MISDIRECTION/REDIRECTION to be non-productive with my book. It negates all that is promised by Dorrance Publishing.

I am now in the MARKETING stage of my book. Noted the cost could be upwards of $30, 000 or more. Why not disclosed this at the beginning of the contractual agreement?

Sure, not every book is going to be successful in gaining market shares. But not every author is interested in that, really?

I am glad though to see that I do not have to use their services for this stage. I am opting to try another service to market my book, as the angst of having to endure their DISTASTE OF THEIR STAFF TO work on my project.

Though I am considering their WEB SITE and other affordable service.

I am not interested in the Social Media as I don't see that as a positive marketing tool. Be careful with the book announcement criteria - they blurp Barnes and Noble and this can be misleading. If you read carefully, THOSE INTERESTED IN YOUR BOOK may ORDER your book from Barnes and Noble. Moreover, if you use their SILENT SALESMAN, you have to PURCHASE AT MINIMUM 50 BOOKS. This would be for me one thousand dollars added to their fee of $595.00 So, this would be quite a large sum should you use this for a handful of brick and mortar book stores.

I know that I am coming into this on DISABILITY and it's pittance (far cry from what I should be worth had not this MURDER ATTEMPT had not incurred. Would be nice to have had the HEADS UP regarding the MARKETING COST.

Dorrance a SCAMMER.

Hmmmm interesting supposition - if they publish one book to your specification, then no.
But in my case, they initiated in the beginning to annihilate my entire book. But in it's conclusion, the BOOK is something to be PROUD OF.

Whether the profits are there, I AM HOPING SO. This is my next project - MARKETING at minimal cost (what I can afford) in it's beginnings.

Sticks California
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Jan 16, 2020 1:01 am EST


Well, I went to Borders, as I wanted to see how NEW BOOKS (NEW AUTHORS) are previewed. Hard Backs are placed on a shelve directly where audience can SEE THEM, as they FIRST enter the store.

While paperback books, are placed on a table adjacent to the check out line, which quite frankly are not seen as well as the HARDBACK BOOKS.

No where in the store did I see being used the "Silent Salesman". I decided to forgo this option. I also decided to forgo the "Promotional Products".

I thought to try another venue, and to my DISAPPOINTMENT appears to be one of those schemes to get you to BUY BUY BUY USELESS PRODUCTS. Same venue taken when I pursued Real Estate with the Dotson Group.

I want to SEE THE COLD HARD FACTS REGARDING MY BOOK. I decided to go with the following:

Clarion ForeWord Reviews – $995
Clarion ForeWord Reviews magazine is an invaluable resource for bookstores and libraries. It was established to bring increased attention to the literary achievements of independent publishers and their authors. Each issue features dozens of reviews on forthcoming titles, feature articles that preview category trends, and peer editorial and opinion pieces.

You’ll receive a professional review and critique, written with the quality readers expect from ForeWord Reviews. You’ll have the opportunity to read your completed review and decide if you’d like to have it posted and archived in top title information databases:

Baker & Taylor
Google Books
ForeWord Reviews Website

It is my opinion, why go any further should I get BAD REVIEWS. Cut my losses and find another mechanism to raise my needed funds.

Sticks California
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Jan 16, 2020 1:06 am EST

This NEVER TRANSPIRED TO DATE (Today is Jan. 15, 2020)

..."Dear Ms. Rodriguez,

Our website designer is currently preparing the necessary files to be uploaded to and the other online listings. You should expect to see those listings in the near future, most likely within the next 1-3 weeks.

Anyone who wishes to place an order in the meantime can order by contacting our Book Orders department at or toll-free at [protected]. However, once the online information is available, interested parties would also be able to order through those outlets.

We’re currently working on the various aspects of the promotion as outlined in the contract, but no promotional materials have yet been finalized or distributed. As soon as the book industry and media promotion has been finalized, we will send detailed reports showing you exactly what is being done in hopes of generating interest in the book. We’re also working on postcards for the book. Please keep in mind that this is an involved and time-consuming process taking place over the course of several weeks.

Michael Knapp" ...

(I imagine they are WAITING FOR RESPECTIVE FUNDS, AND HAVE DECIDED FOR ME WHAT TO DO FIRST. I won't be going with their suggestions, because it could be a WASTE OF MY FUNDS, if my book IS NOT WELL RECEIVED BY THE CRITICS.

Sticks California
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Jan 16, 2020 1:09 am EST

Michael Knapp sent the above email on November 26, 2019 at 5:23 AM



Sticks California
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May 28, 2020 9:25 am EDT

Well, like all the authors with dorrance publish - looser's club who made not one sale.

Cut my losses - requested a refund on the recent payment to place a la ad classified ad.

We shall see, if I can get to join the other looser's club - fck you - you don't see your refund.

Anticipated this with everything said about dorrance publishing.

Going to plan b immediately, cease writing my second book.

Seems though no matter what publisher you use, you'll promised to be scammed, so the moral of this story "don't ever be an author"

Importantly: warn others

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