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Enterprise Financial Group [EFG] review: Contract Cancellation Fraud 23

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2:52 pm EDT
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On January 26 2010 I purchased a vehicle service agreement from EFG Companies. I agreed to pay a deposit of $160 and agreed to pay the balance by monthly installment. I was given 30 days to review and/or cancel the contract for a full refund minus $25 processing fees. On February 23, I contacted the company and notified them that I wanted to cancel the contract. I then signed the cancellation notice per the contract same day and put it and a check for $25 in the mail. On February 26, 2010 my account was charged the monthly installment of $140.75. I disputed the amount with the company. They told me I had not sent them the correct forms. I told them I sent exactly what was included in the contract packet they sent me. They then sent me an additional form to fill out which I did. In March they sent me a letter and returned my check. The letter stated they were in receipt of the cancellation and indicated I should contact my financial institution whom they had told they would work something out with me and that they would issue the credit. Per the direction of EFG and MEPCO or DP Warranty my credit card company was asked to again charge my account and stated to my credit card company (USAA) that they would work something out with me. I waited to hear from them and when I did not hear from them I initiated contact. On EFG stationary they told USAA in letter that I signed the cancellation form which officially cancels the account but went on to state the dispute is not valid and that without proper paperwork they are unable to cancel an account. They went on to state in their letter to USAA that I am owed a refund minus the processing fee and that that it will be credited back to my account after the dispute is settled. They never settled the dispute and I was never issued a refund! Brian Maloney Customer Service Manager at MEPCO phone [protected] signed a letter to USAA on April 1, 2010; Joey Cavallaro sent me the additional form on March 18th which I faxed back to him. Absolute Auto Protection (EFC Companies) sent me a letter on March 24, 2010 from Client Services stating the cancellation was processed. I’ve also spoken to Lilly (fax #[protected]) on May 14th and faxed info to her on May 15th and other customer service representatives from EFG.

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Anthony Osburn
Fair Oaks, US
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Nov 04, 2010 12:32 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I purchased a warranty for $2500, after 10 months, and 5000 miles, one Ford dealership maintenance service, and two oil changes, they declined my claim when I went to the Ford because my fule pump went out. $88O repair was declined stating that I did not maintain my vehichle. The service agent at Ford said he has had nothing but trouble with this company.

They had him fax over all maintenance records, then had him do it again because they could not read it, then again, then a 4th time, finally due to his diligence they said OK, then declined anyway. The service agent said their company was nothing but a SCAM and commiting FRAUD !

N leach
Indiantown, US
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Feb 07, 2011 6:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have a policy thru EFG and am getting a very similar run around. Do NOT trust this company! They have NO intention of paying a DIME to warranty anything on your car. It is all a rip-off and scam!I cannot even get a copy of my contract sent to me> Everytime I request one they say they have no previous record of my request. Of course the one thing that happens like clockwork, is the auto withdrawal from my account, which I am stopping today! Don't use this company or thier sister company US Fidellis!

Scott Stuart
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Mar 04, 2011 8:13 pm EST

I owed a 2002 BMW 745LI and I purchased this vehicle back on January 17, 2007 with a MAP contact from EFG at Moritz BMW Arlington TX, they are the best and they paid every claim with no problem, in fact they spend over $19, 000 dollars in claims so far, I had nothing but trouble out of this car, and for you all to say lie about efg is not right, you all probably have some fraudulent intentions like pre-existing and yes they don’t cover pre-exiting. If your transmissions or engine is out and you purchase the contract so they can pay for your already failed transmission or engine they won’t but they will pay for non-pre-existing claims as long as they are not fraud.

N leach
Indiantown, US
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Mar 04, 2011 8:57 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sounds like you work for them! Still waiting for my non_fraudulent claim to be paid! They also do not pay out more than the policy is worth. WMaybhat you are saying makes NO sense.

Daniel Raike
Ivydale, US
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May 26, 2011 8:56 pm EDT

I myself purchaced the same warranty and got SCAMMED . I will file a law suit against EFG and Moter Vehicle Solutions. We as consummers con not let big buisness by with these outragious scams. If you have a simular problem with this company please contact me at . We will be stronger in numbers and file a class action suit against these company's and make them responsible for thier conduct.

Don't get mad get even
Farwell, US
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Jan 16, 2012 12:05 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also purchased a warranty, had a claim and they refused to pay when the dealer talked to them. he told me to call MVS which I did when I got home. they gave me the runaround and told me they would call to let me know about the claim the next day. They did not call so I tried to call them but they had blocked my phone. I tried 3 numbers at St Peters MO and then tried EFG at Irving TX. the phone will ring and then it sounds something like a busy signal. If everyone who has a complaint files a complaint with their state insurance commissioner, this is all states ( ) Also file a complaint with your state Attorney Generals office. Being an election year and all, perhaps with enough complaints something will be done.

karen williams 1
Birmingham, US
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Apr 20, 2012 10:46 pm EDT

This scam has been going on for a while and yes 2002 BMW 745LI does work for them which is sad, Look it even say in the contract that they won't pay over $10, 000 dollars. $19, 000 yea right! I really hope EFG get what they deserved, My husband wanted to meet face to face with the idiot who is scaming people so he can break thier arm. I agree they won't pay out no more than what you warranty is worth. Contact me at so we can sue these rat @*ssh01es!

San Antonio, US
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May 10, 2012 12:21 pm EDT

I purchased a contract from them for $3100 in 2010 when my truck had 108, 000 miles. I heard their commercial on satellite radio while driving on a two hour trip and purchased the contract thinking that my transmission would break within another 100k miles. I was 118k miles, my turbo blew. I had my truck towed to a local repair shop near my home. I was nervous as they told the repair facility not to start any work until I furnished them with my maintenance records for oil changes. I had most of the records "handy" but lacked a couple of invoices. Once I provided them with the copies, they sent someone to investigate my turbo. Everything checked-out and they authorized the repair. The bill was about $1800. Several months later, I had a/c problems and they spent another $1400. They're currently in the hole on my contract and I just heard a popping sound (sounds like U-Joints or rear differential). My truck is at another repair shop waiting to be checked-out. If it's the differential, it will probably be expensive. Hopefully it won't be too bad.
I read all of the negative stuff on this blog and I don't know if I was just lucky or some of the others were unlucky. I've only had them refuse one claim when my a/c broke for the second time. All-in-all, I've had a good experience with them. I'll find out if it's still good within a few days as the repair facility may have bad news.
I hope you have as much good luck as I've had with them.

Theron Reed
Erial, US
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Jul 09, 2012 11:03 am EDT

I just purchased my agreement through Carchex in January and I had an issue with my door. I took the car to the dealer and the service center was told that my door actuator was not cover and it clearly states in the contract that it is. There was some issue with the actual word the service department used however the part numbers matched so it's currently getting fixed. My main issue is the customer service reps from EFG. They were very rude and in my view had no interest in trying to resolve my issue. Their main focus to me was not to pay the claim. I never knew that Carchex didn't actually handled the claims . As much as I researched this I didn't find that out until I had an issue. Before purchasing through carchex make sure EFG is NOT your claims adjuster.

Houston, US
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Mar 14, 2013 7:55 am EDT

I recently purchased a 2007 BMW 750 Li from David Taylor Cadillac in Houston, TX. I purchased the Motorist Assistance Plan (MAP) Classic Vehicle Service Contract. It has only been a couple of weeks and so far so good. Nothing has broken yet. I purchased the Gold level package for around $3200. The car has 71000 miles on it, and the MAP coverage will take me through 100, 000. My deductible is $200 per incident. I will definitely report back to this page if I have problems. The way I see it, it is not a matter of "IF" I submit a claim, but "WHEN". I hope I don't have issues.

Darlene Sanborn
Crandall, US
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Sep 04, 2013 6:06 pm EDT

my daughter and I purchased the gold map when we bought a car 2 years ago, well it was practicaly pushed down our throat fro mt. view Nissan 153 . well the power steering messed up and the exhaust messed up . needless to say we took it back to mt. view Nissan and said it was not covered. this is the biggest rippoff ive ever seen and guess what the car only has 600 more miles till it runs out go figure. if it says the power steering is covered and the exhaust is covered that should include every thing. rip off rip off rip off

Pflugerville, US
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Dec 16, 2013 11:14 am EST

I strongly agree with all those above who claim EFG service is terrible. The company WILL find any and every excuse to deny a claim. Attempts to resolve issues are met with indifference by claims reps who are powerless to resolve any issues. Mangers never call back. Essentially by purchasing a policy serviced by EFG you are throwing away your money and wasting your time. My advice, STAY AWAY.

littleton, US
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Dec 17, 2013 12:15 pm EST

This company is an unmitigated scam. They have denied 2 major repair items on my 2008 range rover despite being specifically covered in their MAPS Platinum protection. Both an oil cooler (internally lubricated engine part) and my suspension spring were denied. They have a standard script that they read off which states that the failure is due to some wear and tear and not part of their coverage. I wasted $3200 on this warranty with EFG / MAPS.

Irving, US
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Dec 26, 2013 10:29 am EST

My name is Alex Drasil and I work for Enterprise Financial Group. I manage our claims division, and the comments shared in this post were given to me by our online customer service group. First, I want to speak on behalf of the company and communicate to everyone here how serious we are about customer service, and about keeping the strongest of ethical business practices. I can assure everyone on this thread that we are in the claims honoring business to legitimately serve our customers. In fact, 96% of payments are made to repair shops by credit card within one hour of invoice receipt. I would strongly encourage you to call me directly to discuss any concerns you have with a claim that you submitted. My direct line is [protected]. I look forward to speaking with each of you, and to hopefully put to rest any issues you have with your contract or working with EFG

Robert 29
Arlington, US
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Nov 01, 2014 6:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Alex Drasil of Enterprise Financial Group (EFG) stated in a comment that he looked forward to speaking to those with complaints and putting to rest any issue you have. Here's an opportunity to put some issues to rest for everyone. When will EFG direct its employees, subsidiaries, partners, and subcontractors to stop making illegal calls to people on the national do not call register and to people who have asked you to stop calling them? When will EFG stop making deceptive, misleading and fraudulent claims during its marketing calls about what its "extended warranties" will actually cover? When will EFG quit stalling and refusing to provide refunds to customers in accordance with their callers promises and in accordance with law?

Vikram Talwar
Jersey City, US
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Feb 14, 2015 5:28 pm EST

I bought a new 2015 X% from BMW of Morristown, New JerseyThe finance guy sold me a $2990, maintenance place which within a week i went back for cancellation and he refuses to do so

Earlier i was told it can be cancelled, i don't understand why tees BMW dealers are such a Ripoff.

99 ford
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Aug 28, 2015 9:13 pm EDT

I bought a 99 F 350 and have had it for just under 3years. Had a break down on vacation on a Thursday July 2nd 2015. Transmission boiled over and had to have the truck towed along with the travel trailer. Cost to me 1350.00 Efg only will pay 100.00. They where called first thing Friday morning and we where told Monday or Tuesday for inspector. Had to rent a car to get around they paid for I day stating they only pay for rental based on shop hours for repair yet my papers say rental return up to max of 175.00. They found that the overdrive on shift handle not working correct and replace which they paid for but would not open transmission to check. 3 weeks later on trip with trailer and trans starts to not sift proper. Take it to local Ford dealer and am told they must send out inspector to test drive. Ford dealer said I needed to provide my TT for them to check transmission. Said not possible as it is in for yearly inspection. Inspector comes and refuses to drive truck without trailer. I call and get trailer out and takes inspector another day to return. Inspector turns in report that transmission has problem. Ford dealer calls on Weds and told they received the report and would call on Friday. No answer and they refused to let me talk to anyone in department that makes the decisions. The part they replaced caused the transmission to boil over and know there is a problem they have drug this out for 10 days and counting.

Irving, US
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Sep 01, 2015 11:26 am EDT

Thank you for your post – we appreciate the feedback, as it enables us to further investigate a claim and all the details surrounding it. We have left you a number of voicemails to call us directly to discuss the claim – could you please do so? Contact me, Alex Drasil, at [protected] ext 8337. I am the claims director and will be able to answer any questions you have about the claim. Thanks again!

Garrick Tracy
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Dec 17, 2015 2:18 am EST

Purchased the silver plan on a used 2002 Dodge Ram 1500...had 98000 miles when I purchased... A/c evaporator out according to dodge dealership and SPECIFICALLY STATES EVAPORATOR ON MY CONTRACT! Received a call at work from a rep stating that since my compressor is ok they are refusing my claim! Wtf? Just because one thing is ok this voids my claim? So I will be contacting Texas attorney general in morning to file complaints and contact a lawyer.

Brian Stengel
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Mar 16, 2016 9:04 pm EDT

I purchase a 2007 BMW from south point Chevrolet in Tulsa ok February 2014 with 99850 mile was sold a premium Map given the sales brochure was was explained that they are really good and the premium warranty covered almost everything on the motor and transmissions, etc. A year and four months go by and approximately 25000 miles and I start having run problem. Car dieing under way and getting all kinds of engine fault codes. Cam position A, B, cylinder misfires, coolant operating out of range. Then one day coming home from work it stars running rough and dies at about 50 mile per hour. It restarts with the engine light on and runs fine. 1 mile later turning in to my driveway it dies again. This time it just clunks and then nothing, so I push the car to my garage and proceed to check all fues, purchase a new battery, still nothing. I take to a local import shop tell the shop about the extended warranty give home the sales card and contract number. About a week later I call and he says the starter is bad and he says that Map said to replace with a cheap aftermarket starter and they would only pay 2 hr labor and it would take him 3 hrs to do it. I told him to buy the good starter and i would pay the extra for the starter and the extra hour labor. Another week later I call the shop and they tell me the starter is done and the engine is running very poorly. I tell him to proceed with MAP for this issue as well. Weeks go by and he tells me they will not call him back. He found several TSB, s technical service bulletins on vanos and cam ledges scoring and he had requested claim to repair. Car has now been in the shop 2 months. Shop calls me and says they are send an adjuster to look at the car. He says they will find a reason not to pay the claim. 2 more week go by adjust take picture of the wheels and tires while he is there for a run issue and leave after other inspections. Next week shop calls me and says they denied all the repairs. Saying no failed parts. I call MAP and they tell me the same thing saying the shop didn't even has the starter. I drive 20 miles to the shop and shop has all the parts in a box excluding the starter. I wnd up paying over$3000 in repairs to the car. 2.5 months later. The car starts the same thing but this time loud ticking sound. This time I trailer the car over 100 miles away to BWM of Tulsa owned by the same company that sold me the car. They inspect and tell me the engine is MAP this time they tell first damage is from me not changing the oil enough then after I show oil was changed ever 3 or 4 months or ever 3000 to 4000 miles. They break down the motor finding metal all through it and in oil pan. MAP adjust comes out again. Asks the service writer if "this guy ran this car out of oil on purpose and is trying to force a claim" So now they are saying they can't find a failed part and say I ran the car out of oil. My diag bill will be $3000 to pick up a still broken car they keep saying I am damaging my self to get a claim paid. I have put calls in multiple time and requested multiple online email request. They have never called me on either repair attempts. Oh I am a director of service and have been in the repair and maintenance of very expensive boat for over 20 years. Completely insulting customer service. this MAP company is a scam to profit themselves and the dealers that sell this crap.

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Vernon Broussard
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Nov 15, 2016 8:03 am EST

There appears to be a continuing theme here. More often than not, the customer seems very disappointed in the service provided. The customers along with the repair shops tell a familiar story from state to state; that the standard operating procedure is to deny claims and/or make it very difficult to get work authorized. Warranty providers offer to rectify issues and post a number to call to discuss grievances but it comes across as lip service. It would be extremely difficult to stay in business authorizing every claim that came across their desk but the pendulum evidently has swung so far to the other side of the spectrum that such a low number of claims are authorized that it looks like fraud. A clear cut scam. The business blueprint reflects such a rate of denial that there is an overwhelming complaints as opposed to compliments. As a company exec, if you pretend you can't see this and continue to read from a script, it becomes painfully clear that you have compromised any semblance of integrity in the pursuit of ill-gotten gains. Though you are obviously and understandably operating a business in a highly competitive market to turn a profit, your reputation of how you go about it is shameful. I have experienced the same negative results posted throughout this thread. The percentage of denials far exceed the percentage of authorizations and ethics and fairness are sidelined. I can only imagine the amount of money rolling in that never gets used to honor the warranty purchased that should, for all intents and purposes, be honored. Highly unethical and it is grabbing the attention of more Attorney Generals.

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Nov 25, 2016 6:31 am EST

Just had to post this, I had bought a plan from MAP through the local Hyundai dealership where I bought my 2010 VW GTI. I have always been skeptical of after market extended warranties, but bought the platinum plan through my wife's instance. My car had a little over 50, 000 when I bought it. Long story short, I had some valve spring trouble and blew a valve in the head. Had the car towed to a VW dealership and they had to dismantle the head and timing chain, etc. They had to send it out out to get re machined and the repairs where extensive. The EFG/Motorist Assistance Plan covered it all and paid the claim, I was very happy with their service. I worked with Jesica Allen as my representative and she was professional and courteous.There was some trouble with the contact with the representative as far as timing the calls, but everything worked out. I was very glad that I had the coverage as it saved me a couple of grand in repairs. D Gordon / North Kingstown, RI

wendy tamayo
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Dec 06, 2016 11:39 am EST

Excellent discussion ! Incidentally, if someone is interested a EFG Cancellation Request Form, my kids used a fillable document here

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