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eFootball™ 2023 Reviews 11

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eFootball™ 2023 Be prepared to fight fate

It has been said before but I will reiterate. Overall great game, good flow, real thrills and skills, genuinely challenging, nice flowing moves that you feel proud of scoring and not just playing long ball speed merchants. It has some issues, it's not always intuitive, the view is just a little too small, you often have to pass beyond your view and therefore pass to no one. And if you are dash dribbling a defender is coming at you, he can be on you before you see him on your screen. The throughball pass is brilliant 1/3rd of the time and incomprehensible the rest, which is tragic because it is crucial to play. At times it will just knock it 1 meter in front of you to no one at all, you can't really direct it at someone, and if it decides someone on the far end, the rest of your team will just watch it slowly roll by and get intercepted. The same with deflections, you can only control the intended recipient, plus some wwe tackle moves. But overall, really good.

But the rage quits... so, many, rage quits. If the game decides it was supposed to win that match, there is no fighting it. Up 5-2 with 8 minutes left, my defender makes a back pass, my keeper runs towards it... and then past it, own goal. 11 minutes of extra time! later and it's 7-5. Blocked shots that deflect 4 times and fall into goal, neymar starts getting outpaced by bronze defenders to a ball, Suarez takes 12 meters to control a ball, running from outside the box all the way out of bounds, the BLATANT offsides. When you play at harder levels, the opposition is supposed to get better, you are not supposed to get worse. You can not beat fate. Be prepared to rage quit 50 times, but keep coming back...

I'm not that good, but it's horribly, obviously stupid. Outrageously so, but it's so good the other times, you want to keep playing. Please, please fix the U.I. And this is a glorious game

I've had to go back and reduce my rating more. The passing errors, blatant game throwing, and overall ui, all lead me to say I would not ever spend any money on this. I will play it, but the overall bias guarantees I wouldn't trust it enough to spend on it. Mission accomplished konami

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eFootball™ 2023 2 Easy fixes, 2 Huge flaws. (Will update to 5 if fixed)

•The thesis/ gist of my argumentཿ
۱. Make the bottom left analog stick fixed and not floating/moving, or make it an option to check or uncheck in the settings.
۱۱. Fix the shooting. Shooting does not work while you're running so one has to literally stop and then double tap the right.

OPTIONAL suggestion ---
Dribbling / move skills are very vague or not even explained in any way..
PLEASE list what the movements are with the directional stick in order to pull them off; including the way to activate the players special skills.

The detailed explanation why/how:
1. The floating analog movement control at the bottom left corner makes it nearly impossible to see the actual screen, let alone play the game. The thing is by the time I'm half way to half court and my left thumb is literally in the middle of the screen and cannot see anything, not only is it not acceptable it makes the player stop completely if you go barely a little further than the half mark on the screen ( keep in mind I have a 7 Plus so I'm not on a small screen, and still have no space to see or make the player move like they should ).

2. How can one play a game that requires one-touch shots if they are jogging
as they are trying to reach the through ball/lob pass, if as the player reaches it jogging, you cannot double press the right to shoot?
While defending, a player can be running (pressing on the left side of screen) and at the same time also press on the right side of the screen to contain/tackle...
so why is it that while running on attack we cannot double press the side right to shoot without having to lift up our left finger from and off the joystick so then one can be allowed to double press the right side to shoot and press down on directional dribbling to aim the shot? we should be able to run and immediately double press on the right while still directing our player while holding down the left side of screen.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read my review and I truly believe these to be critical flaws/ problems,
as I spoke /play with many people that agreed to those same problems/fixes, so I'd be incredibly grateful&thankful if these issues were, at the very list, looked into.

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eFootball™ 2023 The defending needs Jesus

I’ll start off with the good:
1. Everything in the menu is fine, from special events to getting special agents is fine, they can stay just the way they are.
2. The graphics in the gameplay are great, like the celebrations and the look of the players

Now with the bad:

MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, is defending even a thing in this game? First of all, I have a reasonably good defense which includes all black ball players. Why is it that they are conceding AT LEAST three goals a game? All it takes is a simple one-two and it’s a one-on-one, resulting in a goal every time. The goalkeeper is almost useless for my team, from reaction time to the positioning, but yet the opposition goalkeeper is stopping 50% of one-on-ones that I have. Also every low cross that comes into my box always ends up at the feet of an opposition striker and 95% of the time ends up as a goal. Also another thing that hinders the defense is the switching of players, which the AI always gets wrong, even if you need to switch to a player that is right in front of the attacker in possession of the ball, it switches to a defender that is across the field. And when trying to defend, you are in control of one defender but the AI just makes the other defenders just stand in one spot and ball-watch while a striker runs right past them. My defenders also completely ignore the ball if it’s close to them, as in they don’t just simply reach out a leg to intercept a pass or block a shot when the ball is clearly in their reach, their reaction times are AWFUL. So every time the computer is starting an attack, all I hope for is that they miss because it’s GUARANTEED that they’ll just pretty much walk through my defense, no matter what level of players (white, brown, or silver ball players) are attacking. Also any time there is a deflection, stray pass, or save that puts the ball back in play, there is a 90% chance that it ends up in the feet of the opposition and that’s just ANNOYING.

So PES2019 please step it up, cuz with those type of defense mechanics, you’re only going to be losing players of the game. And it’s not like I’m bad at the game, I was reasonably good in PES2018 but you guys just brought the level of gameplay way down.
These issues need to be fixed and honestly, I wouldn’t mind if the maintenance is a week or two long, as long as the defending is fixed.

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eFootball™ 2023 :p

Muy buena plataforma de hecho es interesante , aunque por otro lado parece un juego creado por niños que no tienen nada de conciencia ni conocimiento sobre un juego de plataforma online:
1 como es posible que las energías se demoren un día entero en estar en completas?; 2 como es posible q es margen de ganancia de gp es un 70 o 60 % más bajo de lo que se gasta?; 3 como es posible que el modo SIM los equipos solamente empaten con equipos de más bajo nivel?; como es posible que solamente pongan 16 o 18 balones negros en un representante especial que solamente se paga con monedas my club y solamente garantizan 1 balón negro después de 10?; 4 como es posible si hay una plataforma online los partidos entre amigos tengan que ser del mismo sistema operativo? Si para eso es el modo online para jugar entre amigos y usuarios de otros lugares y tampoco se puede comunicar entre usuarios ni entablar charlas dentro de juego lo que hace casi imposible relacionarse con otros jugadores; 5 como es posible que en las subastas solo se compren giros con una cantidad de dinero absurda en lugar de poder ser comprado por una cantidad de dinero (x) el jugador que cada quien necesita; 6 como es posible los técnicos se cambien cada día? En lugar de tener una lista permanentemente la que se pueda seccionar el técnico deseado y pagarlo, aveces pasas semanas enteras eseperando que aparezca otra ves el técnico que necesitas; sin el técnico adecuado no se puede jugar bien si tus jugadores ya pasaron el coste y tendrías que jugar con un equipo en desventaja por que no hay técnico disponible o no el que necesitas casi nunca; es esto una clara señal que todos los jugadores debemos interpretar como una clara droga que busca apoderarse de los usuarios spenders y que se vean casi que obligados a gastar dinero en giros e incluso en energías ya los desarrolladores buscan acortar cada avance a lo más mínimo? O es solo cuestión de malas ideas implantadas por el equipo desarrollador ?
No siendo más les dejo estas claras dudas que seguramente tienen ma gran mayoría de los jugadores y no se atreven a comunicarlo, también espero que hagan cambios en la app no la van a dejar así de mal
Cómo está ya que algunas personas conocidas bajan el juego por mi recomendación y al 1 o 2. Día ya se están quejando y han borrado ya la app de sus teléfonos segura mente utds entenderán .
Gracias por su tiempo

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eFootball™ 2023 Обратите внимание на меня пожалуйста, Разработчики это очень важно для меня

Здравствуйте дорогие Разработчики, я хотел сказать что: Почему нет до сих пор Оригинальной команды Реал Мадрида, Исправте прошу вас, а то другие фанаты других команд получают удовольствие от своих команд, а такие фонаты Реал мадрида как я не получают того же, у тех все Оригена, Эмблема и Форма, а у моей команды нет, будто просто ребята в футболке и шортах играют. Оборотите внимание пожалуйста на это, это первое.

'торая просьба добавьте в игру легендарнейшего игрока Pele я просто жду его в этой игре уже с старой версии вашей игры, и даже с обновлением я этого не увидел, что могу сказать и за Команду Реал Мадрид, так же не сделали лицензию даже в обновлении. Прошу вас реализуйте это.

И третье с чем согласятся все игроки мира верните в игру возможность играть по сети с другом, с обновлением вы почему-то такую возможность убрали, прошу вас верните все.

Я конечно понимаю что я не один с просьбами вам пишу, таких как я в день силиконы наверное, но я вас прошу сделайте что я попросил и вы станните ещё сильнее моим любимыми кумирами и эту игру я буду любить ещё сильнее.

Просто у ваших конкурентов, ну можно так сказать, я про FIFA mobile, у них это всё есть, но мне их игра не нравится честно говоря, как то не заходит, и я хочу чтобы в моей любимой игре это тоже наконец было, реализуйте пожалуйста.

Может моя просьба с Реал Мадридом не получится бог с ним, на счёт лицензии команды, бог с ним, но добавьте хотя бы то что есть в списке пожалуйста.

И если возможно, добавьте для Русских, русскую озвучку пожалуйста, а то не смотря на санкции у FIFA есть русская озвучка я видел а нас до сих пор нету.

И поработайте с правилами игры, а то очень часто бывает со стороны других игроков форы и подкаты а за них очень очень редко что говорят, судья столбом стоит и часто из за этого бывают голы.

И я пока писал ещё вспомнил: Умоляю вас добавьте в игру дополнительные таймы с людьми и пенальти, а то когда ничья как-то глупо, и все матчи так заканчиваются, я если игрок ещё и в конце последнего тайма сравнивает 2:2 допустим, то бомбить начинает а добить его не получается так как нету возможности ДОП таймы сыграть. И думаю было бы ещё прикольно и реалистично, если бы в игру вы добавите игру рукой, можно будит и пенальти пробивать и штрафной по случаю, если в руку попадёт, если это все добавить это будит новый уровень я думаю и в эту игру будит ещё приятней играть.

Обратите на меня внимание прошу вас я думаю это всем нужно не тока мне. С любовью ваш фанат Георгий ❤️

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eFootball™ 2023 باید اجابت مزاج کنیم رو سر سازندگان این بازی

بعد از ۲۰ سال تجربه در این بازی شما هنوز قادر نیستید تشخیص بدید که کدوم بازیکن و به عمد درحالی که نتیجه را عقب هست از بازی خارج میشه و بازی ناتمام اعلام میشه !
یعنی شما خودتون این بازی رو انجام نمیدید که ایراد رو برطرف کنید؟
خارج شدن از بازی و بازی ناتمام ماندن راهی است برای فرار از باخت و این جدای از تقلب هایی است که در حین بازی مرتکب میشوند
در موقعیت های حساس برای لحظه ای از بازی خارج میشوند در این حالت بجای اینکه بازی قطع شود و به حالت استپ دربیاید ،سرعت بازیکنان بازی پایین میاید و بازیکنان گیج میشوند و همین یک لحظه کافیست که یا موقعیتی تبدیل به گل شود یا مانع گل خوردن شود ! با این تقلب پاسکاری هم با کم دقت ترین حالت انجام میشود همه اینها به این دلیل هست که شما راه تقلب را نمیبندید !
مبتدیانه ترین بازی های آنلاین جلوی اینگونه تقلب ها را از بازیکنانه متقلب گرفته اند اما شما گویا توانایی اینکار رو ندارید و تمام متقلبان در این بازی امتیاز های بالا را کسب میکنند چون شما طرفدار تقلب و تقلب کننده هستید
از سال ۲۰۰۰ تمام بازی های شما را دنبال کردم اما واقعا در بازی آنلاین مشمئز کننده عمل میکنید !
با این شرایط راهی جز پاک کردن این بازی متقلبانه ندارم
خجالت آور است
شرم بر شما
اگر توانایی ساخت بازی که تقلب در آن امکان ندارد را ندارید چرا بازی طراحی میکنید و میسازیذ؟

After 20 years of experience in this game, you are still not able to recognize which player deliberately leaves the game while the result is behind and the game is declared unfinished !
You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh?
Getting out of the game and staying unfinished is a way to escape defeat, and this is apart from the cheats that are committed during the game.
In sensitive situations, they leave the game for a moment. In this case, instead of interrupting the game and entering the step mode, the speed of the players decreases and the players get confused, and this moment is enough for either a situation to turn into a goal or prevent a goal from being scored. Be! With this fraud, the pass is done with the least care, all this is because you do not block the way of cheating !
The most basic online games have prevented such cheats from playing cheats, but you do not seem to have the ability to do so, and all cheaters in this game get high scores because you are a fan of cheating and cheating.
I have been following all your games since 2000, but you are really disgusting in online games !
With these conditions, I have no choice but to delete this fraudulent game
It's embarrassing
shame on you
If you do not have the ability to make a game in which cheating is not possible, why design and build a game?

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eFootball™ 2023 Could be the best but terrible online matching

The game could be great, however when playing online the matching systems between the opponents is not fair because the players with the high rating don’t have a real chance because they end up getting paired with players that have low ratings, and when they lose their rating goes down by a preposterous amount which is not fair because if they end up winning the game their rating only goes up by two which does not compare to the amount taken off when they lose which is between 16-22.

Another issue which I think PES player would agree with me on is the terrible sportsmanship that is shown when playing online games. To elaborate when playing online games the players tend to force a lag to make the buffer which ultimately makes the opponent lose control of the game and allow the player causing the lag to easily take the ball, we know that this is an issue because it only lags when the player that is not causing the lag is attacking and when the player that is causing the lag is attacking the game runs smoothly. To add on to the issue the players tend to quit while losing in online matches, and even though some players don’t mind it as they see it as an easy victory, others find it annoying because we are looking to have fun when we play the online games and when the player quits it takes the fun out it.

Now it might appear as if I am hating on the game and the way the game is being manage, but I assure you I have nothing but love for the game I’ve been a PES player since it first launched back in 2017 and I’ve been playing till this day. But I just feel like by fixing this issues it could boost the ratings and attract more soccer aficionados. And I’ve had in mind a way to fix this. For the rating issue I propose that an algorithm should be put in place to give the players opponents that are in the same rating range as them meaning if your rating is 1256 your opponents should be between [protected], for the lag cheaters I propose looking at the reports that the players are sending in and looking at the players sportsmanship online and reprimanding them when ever they do it. Last but not least for the players that quit the game now this is not that big of an issue, but it affects me because when I’m winning by ridiculous goal difference I’d like to have the score saved , but it’s a great game and if this issues were to be fixed, undoubtedly it would be an even better game. But anyways I hope see my review and take some of the issues into consideration.

Sincerely, Nathanael.
YouTube: Nate gamer
Konami ID: [protected]

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eFootball™ 2023 Very bad 2020 update

Firstly I love PES2019 and all its previous versions so I’m not like a random hater. This one star is solely dedicated to this 2020 version. I love PES so much that I’m so disappointed at this game.

The 2020 update is ridiculously trash. I understand it is intended to make the game more realistic and so on but the control is so dumb that is just intimidating.

1. You get so easily dispossessed and 1v1 with the defender is almost impossible in legendary difficulty and maybe some lower difficulties. The defender could easily get a hold on you, yes, he’s holding you with his hands...and get in front of you, and dispossess you:)
2. The crossing is also weakened a lot as 80% of the time you would cross it out of bounds, or directly to the keeper, or hitting the defender(like bruh what the...)
3. Your teammates become insanely stupid, so much worse than those in 2019. They had no idea where they at and you would run into them very often. They also don’t run plays as well, when you try to make a through ball, in many cases you would see them run backward like bro you are supposed to run forward...
4. Opposing goalie are gods; minor problem though this is just old news:/
5. All the skill moves are not available now if you play with your FINGERS, that the only move you can perform in the game is like some basic side dribble and sudden acceleration etc. no idea what that’s called but you know it if you play the game (I don’t know if you can do the skill moves with controllers but c’mon is a iPhone game like who the h brings controllers with them all the time)
6. Stamina; it seems that PES has “thoughtfully” added some console features such as when you have low stamina you make mistakes. But the stamina slot seems to be very misleading as it doesn’t turn red until like 1% of your player’s stamina is left.
7. Uncalled fouls. Yeah I see PES added a lot of physical effects of people getting pulled or pushed over etc. but all of those are in many occasions not called as a foul? Like bro you just bulldozed me without even touching the ball. There’s one time my Hazard was dribbling and Pogba from the opposing team just ran over me, like Hazard literally did a backflip and landed 2 meters away. What?
8. Again with the teammates. In a lot of cases when you pass to someone, he would just behave as if he’s not on the court and when the ball hits his foot he doesn’t do anything and just watch it bounce away:)
9. Auto switching! I’m so so many occasions, it’s so obvious that the ball is closer to one player, like it is 30cm away from his feet, and the games just forces you to use someone a mile away to chase it. And if you hit switch player, the game won’t switch the closer player to you! It switches someone 2 miles away for you. Ridiculous.

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eFootball™ 2023 Fun, but extremely frustrating

I normally don’t write reviews, but this game has infuriated me so much that I need to warn the people of the amount of stress you will go through playing this game.

The game itself isn’t bad, especially for mobile. In fact, it’s probably the best mobile soccer game I’ve played. I do like that you can “train” your players to give them a higher rating and build a great team if you’re lucky or buy lots of coins. However, a lot of the gameplay has issues that really brings the anger out of me.

First, extra time seems like a mere suggestion than a set time meter. Of course, this is what it’s like in real soccer, but how does the game go to the 98th minute after 1 additional minute of added time? I’ve lost many a game because of this broken concept that the computer knows how to exploit. Even if there is 0 min of added time, they always find a way to go way beyond what is realistic.

Second, the computer pays the ref to be on their side. It is nearly impossible to steal the ball without the ref giving you a foul, and they love to give you a yellow card also. Oh, you’re on a counter attack and the computer slide tackles you from behind? No foul. Or if it is a foul, no booking. Somehow, the computer can do as it pleases with tackling and get away with everything.

Third, if you play against a stronger computer (Top Player +), their goal keeper plays like in-form David de Gea while yours is 2010 WC Robert Green. Don’t expect to score “easy” goals unless you play Professional downwards.

Fourth, player switching won’t happen often when you need it to. Especially during headers, if the ball spills out, the game won’t let you switch players even if another player is closer to the ball. Instead you have some slow defender chasing a ball that is 30 yards away when there is a player right in front of the ball. And your teammates won’t help you either. They just watch this slow guy run to the ball and get out of the way for him.

Fifth, the teams rating system means absolutely nothing. This is extremely noticeable when you simulate matches. Your team of Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappe, van Dijk, you name it, basically play like they’ve never touched a ball in their life. The AI that controls your team has one of the worst decision making processes I’ve ever seen. On top of that, your team rated 4000+ will often times lose to teams rated in the 1000~2500, which makes no sense whatsoever. Simulating is basically a waste of time if you’re trying to win games, but it is nice to use if you want to improve team chemistry without having to do any work.

These five aforementioned issues aren’t everything that’s wrong with this game, but for me, these are the most infuriating issues that’ll make you want to rip your phone to shreds. So before downloading this game, be aware that this game will most likely enrage you at times, but it is also fun and 10 times better than any other mobile game.

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eFootball™ 2023 They could make it much better and they know it

The game is good, better than competitors in a lot of ways and i’ve been playing since 2015.

This new update changed a lot of things that stayed consistent throughout years prior, like the way player rarity worked, as well as stat balancing and other things. I welcome most of it, but there are a few things about the game that are pretty frustrating.

The first thing is about legendary players. I get that since they are a cut above they can be hard to get, but why make them hard to use too? It could be a balancing thing or whatever, but that still shouldn’t take away from the fact that we did earn the player ourselves with earned or bought currency. We can’t even use them unless we buy a really expensive contract renewal. I can’t used my ronaldinho or my gerrard without grinding endless events to eventually purchase the contract renewal which, by the way, only lets you use that player for 2 MONTHS.

The second thing is campaign. Before, campaign wasn’t that good, because it was just a game after game kind of thing; earning points to get promoted to the next level. I and many others have voiced for the campaign to work more like most other games, where your team gets placed in a league and you play for points on a table setting. Being able to choose what league or working through leagues can be up to Konami, but at least make the campaign more creative, since there are some who never play online. Now, that mode is just gone. Your only options are vs ai events, and pvp. There’s more online pvp in the game now more than ever, which is not a bad thing, but it should not come at the expense of the regular vs ai campaign.

Third is about player training and duplicate players. In the past, there was always a way to make your duplicates useful, especially for leveling up the player you used. Dupes would always multiply the base xp they gave if they were made into trainers. Now, dupes mean nothing to each other. If you want to get rid of a dupe, the only worthwhile dupes to drop are the 4 and 5 star dupes, since they give 4k xp trainers and 10k xp trainers. That wouldn’t be a problem if trainers were not such a limited resource. The only other way to get a decent amount of trainers is by doing the events, and if you are a player that does not like online, then your chances are even slimmer, since you wont get the epoints needed to buy the SMALL amount of trainers in the shop. Oh and speaking of which,

The eshop is such a useless addition to the game. In that shop, you can only buy up to 4k trainers, (not even a 10k) AND the crazy expensive, almost useless contract renewals. Honestly I don’t get why they made the shop like this. Oh, there’s also some players you can buy, but no one uses them. Most of the players that can afford them already have better players to use, and those that can’t wont have enough points for a while. I’m not gonna sit here and complain about what they could do to make it better, but i will say that they do need to FIX the shop, because the prices and what is being sold are not in balance. If not me, you can go to the reddit and find someone saying the same exact thing.

Trust me I don’t hate the game. I like it a lot. The only reason why I say these things is cause i want the game to be better.

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eFootball™ 2023 It’s ok

This is a game that has great potential to be really fun. However, it has a lot of faults that can make game play and building a team not only hard but un fun to play.

Gameplay- the gameplay is fun and the match commentary can keep you interesting and feels like an actual commentator (I don’t know about English I use Spanish) the game feels like it always on non stop action.

Controls- the controls are decent. The passing is good and easy to make good plays to potentially score. But, the control stick does not move sometimes when I move it. It seems if I move it real fast it won’t respond. But that could be a problem when dribbling. And even when it shows the arrow pointing at the goal for some reason it still misses even though it’s on target. This throws you off since you won’t know what will score and what won’t. The skill moves are not useful and hard to pull of. The should have it when you press dash and the control stick at the same time or something. Like if you press dash and down you do a chop. Or double press dash do a roulette. Or anything to make skills easier to do. FIFA mobile has done skill moves well. So hopefully that changes. The free kicks are very hard to score. Even when arrow shows to go in always misses. You can’t see how you curve for free kicks and corners.

Player Transfers- I don’t like how you obtain players in this game. The bidding system is fine. But you should not bid for a pack of players. Like if Messi is part of the pack and other players were silver. You would wast a lot of money just to get someone you did not want. Either you can sell an individual player or you can choose who you want from the pack. And the seller can choose any price no matter how small or good the player is. Again this is something that FIFA mobile does that is better then this game. So then this makes it where you don’t get repeats, make a decision on players you want get both. The system with scout is fine but do with choice like I said before. But don’t have most be just 1 star teams cause no one would use it. Or you can choose what star level you want. Like 1 star is the easiest but worse players. Or 5 stars have amazing players but really difficult to win.

Computer AI- it seems like the opponent for campaign is that they always are better at dribbling and defending. Even when I have better players they seem to have more control then I do. And they seem to have an easier time to defend. I might not be the best but I can dribble but they always seem faster. And when they commit a foul it does not count for them even when I commit the same or really similar foul it counts for me. So the game feels waited on their side. Online it’s even just not campaign. And when we both hit the ball when it bounces seems to always go to them.

Music- the music for the main menus for this game is amazing. It keeps you interested in squad changed and other stuff while you listen. Keeps you interested in the game.

Level up players- I like the level up system in this game. This is one thing better then FIFA mobile where instead of buying like a 92 Messi when you can get a 98 Messi is you don’t have to bu better versions of characters. Where in this you can get them at their lowest level and level them up. So you can turn Messi 88 to 93 overall. So you don’t always have to buy players just to get a better team. They don’t level up to 99 all they level up to their max overall the can go.

Conclusion- this game is decent by have potential to be amazing. It’s flaws can be easily fixed. So if they want to be the best FIFA mobile game they have to beat FIFA mobile and improve. I would recommend this game if you like the normal match style of gameplay. So that’s why I say this game is ok or decent.

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eFootball™ 2023 Complaints 6

Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

eFootball™ 2023 Mediocre because of too much gameplay scripting

Well I never thought I would write a review about this game but I couldn’t but do it after playing. I’ve been playing this game over 6 months now. And I gotta say I’ve been more disappointed in this game than I’ve liked it. The gameplay is quite good and realistic. But the problem is with further difficulty it becomes too much scripted. Seriously developers make games hard so the players can’t easily win it. But for this game if they don’t want you to win a match you literally can’t win it.

The referee decisions are unfair at most of the time. When playing campaign and opponent is in possession doesn’t matter even they play with much low rated players than me it’s like I pressure them with 2-3 players still they get past them. And if I somehow take the ball from them referee whistles for a foul. It’s opposite when I’m in possession even opponent with much lower rated defenders than me takes the ball from me just with single defender most of the time. And after taking lead I don’t know what happens like you just magnetically stick the ball to the legs of opponent players until they score and level back. And my team spirit after taking lead like decreases a lot. Players miss pass even short passes with no pressure. Also there are cheaters in online.

These problems should be looked upon. This is a great game. But these things take away realism and fun and makes you dislike the game.

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eFootball™ 2023 Realistic yet unrealistic

The game offers a very unique and compelling visual that other mobile game just cant represent. However, I’ve learnt you don't judge a book by its cover, and that’s certainly the case for this game. The gameplays are repetitive and boring, it’s just match after match without any new event or game mode being added. There is nothing to do except online match and cpu match, no events no nothing. After 2 years of experience, the mechanic and physic is predictable and foreseeable. The CPU matches are pure stupid, the higher difficulty doesn't make the CPU play better, but also immensely boost their stat, drastically decrease your stat, force your player to go into offside position when you're close to the net, CPU make magical interception, loose ball always end up in the opponent’s feet, etc. Also, the game planned ahead when they want to score, it is extremely predictable when the game want to score, CPU dribble pass your player and the ball goes through your defender’s feet and the worst striker out of nowhere hit a top bin with roberto carlos’s power. Basically, you just cannot touch their ball when they want to score. They say they try to simulate realism, but there’s nothing real about positioning CPU in front of every player to intercept passes, defender’s tackle are 99.99% accurate and insane dribble, finish, and pass that just been gifted to the striker out of nowhere in the 76th minute. It’s horrible

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eFootball™ 2023 Far better than EA FIFA Mobile

UPDATE: Had reinstalled the game, but I’ve again removed it from my iPad. There’s so much potential in this game, but I find the controls difficult and imprecise, and my 10.5” screen is insufficient because of the view - I can’t imagine playing this on a smaller screen, much less a phone.

Still a better game than EA FIFA, but I wasn’t even frustrated with this game when I removed it this time - it’s not a bad game, it’s just not good enough to be worth wasting my time on. Can’t justify more than 2 stars for that.


The title says it all - you get to play soccer, not play a bunch of drills and watch ads. To advance in the game, you play soccer. When your players participate in a match, they gain experience. And unlike FIFA which lets you lose (or occasionally win) by unrealistic score like 9-2, the scores in this game - win or lose - look like soccer scores.

I would give it 4 stars, but I did just uninstall it from my iPad out of frustration. I don’t know if there’s a lag in the server, or if the controls are just stiff, but my players always tend to dribble toward the bottom of the screen no matter what I tried to do, and especially if there is a defender there.

And while I was accepting that I was losing my final match 0-1, giving up a 2nd goal at 95’ when it was a +2’ kinda irritated me, in a way that I don’t need in my life.

So if you need a soccer game, go with this one. It’s not perfect, but it’s far superior to the big name competitor.

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Is eFootball™ 2023 Legit?

eFootball™ 2023 earns a trustworthiness rating of 91%

Highly recommended, but caution will not hurt.

Our conclusion: After a detailed review, ComplaintsBoard finds eFootball™ 2023 to be a trustworthy company. Although there's a 0% resolution rate for customer complaints, which deserves attention, eFootball™ 2023 is known for their high standards and safety. If you're thinking about dealing with eFootball™ 2023, it's wise to check how they handle complaints.

eFootball™ 2023 has received 5 positive reviews on our site. This is a good sign and indicates a safe and reliable experience for customers who choose to work with the company.

eFootball™ 2023 has claimed the domain name for for a long time, which suggests that the website is established and has a history of being in operation. This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has been around for a while and may have a reputation to maintain. has a valid SSL certificate, which indicates that the website is secure and trustworthy. Look for the padlock icon in the browser and the "https" prefix in the URL to confirm that the website is using SSL. has been deemed safe to visit, as it is protected by a cloud-based cybersecurity solution that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to help protect networks from online threats.

eFootball™ 2023 as a website that uses an external review system. While this can provide valuable feedback and insights, it's important to carefully evaluate the source of the reviews and take them with a grain of salt.

We looked up eFootball™ 2023 and found that the website is receiving a high amount of traffic. This could be a sign of a popular and trustworthy website, but it is still important to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the site before sharing any personal or financial information appears to have online shopping features, it's important to know that the platform supports an extensive range of payment methods, making it convenient and easy to complete your transaction. The payment procedure on the website is also relatively simple and straightforward, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for buyers.

However ComplaintsBoard has detected that:

  • While eFootball™ 2023 has a high level of trust, our investigation has revealed that the company's complaint resolution process is inadequate and ineffective. As a result, only 0% of 6 complaints are resolved. The support team may have poor customer service skills, lack of training, or not be well-equipped to handle customer complaints.
  • eFootball™ 2023 protects their ownership data, a common and legal practice. However, from our perspective, this lack of transparency can impede trust and accountability, which are essential for establishing a credible and respected business entity.
  • While eFootball™ 2023 offers various gambling services, it's important to be aware of the potential risks and consequences of excessive gambling. If you feel that you may have a gambling problem, seek professional help immediately.
  • We conducted a search on social media and found several negative reviews related to eFootball™ 2023. These reviews may indicate issues with the company's products, services, or customer support. It is important to thoroughly research the company and its offerings before making any purchases to avoid any potential risks.
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

eFootball™ 2023 You guys are doing it wrong

First of all, it’s easy to misupgrade so please make a stat reset item so people can fit the players to their playstyle
Next, the contract renewal is too expensive, and it should also be obtainable like the way it was, like why you sell a player who is available for a year for 5k and sell a contract renewal which gives 60 days but is 25k
Like please these are the most important things, Ik you are fixing the problem by making challenge events give coins, but we don’t really need that, like make the iconic moments stay forever and no contract renewal, it was it special thing until you make base players better and give them a better contract
And about the gameplay, it is absolutely garbage, like remove the script where if you lose the ball in front of your box people can just score by an easy shot, it is so unfair because players after the game change to e football keep the ball so bad, and on top of that, players are not flexible and keep watching the ball passing their feet. Besides, the out wide strat is way too op since you can just cross the ball in and the defender can’t even defend header and the striker easily score a goal.
The online matches is so bad since when a player lag the other can just play normally and they can just score goals easily
I hate you all for changing the game this way, the game is so pathetic and these changes should be made in order to regain players. The game was really bad in 2021 and now it is falling downhill, I’m just trying to help you all so please consider doing these changes

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eFootball™ 2023 Beautiful game, but can be improve

I’m not going to lie but the game is a good game even tho it gets me frustrated sometimes, it’s still a berry good game. For me it’s even the best on mobile (Soccer wise Ofc). But their is some changes people being asking for ages like there’s no referee on the pitch and whenever I press the tackle button myself I will get a yellow card or a Red. That’s why the tackle button is off limits for me. It’s almost impossible to get penalties against the AI, and I always give pens always whenever I tackle or auto tackle in the box. Whenever the goalie comes out to me someone they always live the near post open why. Whenever I shoot at far post there is a 90% chance of the AI saving it. Fouls is something that needs to change and we need to be able to see the difference between a 99 rated player and a 89 rated player sometimes the lower rated player play better than the higher rated player, please change that. Online match, we should be matching up against a player that rating is 300 or 400 less because if by any chance the game ends in a draw your rating drops by more than 7 and when you win your rating goes up by at most 5. Please change that. There are some stuff I would like to see in the game but I don’t expect to see it in this new update but sometimes, Yes. Like players instruction it would be a cool featured where I can have my fullback in stay back while attacking or push forward while attacking. I’m just saying it would be a cool feature. Thank You for taking your Time reading my review of the game. It’s still my favorite game even tho it gets on my nerve sometimes but nobody or nothing is perfect in this world so yea there can be some glitches and bugs. So Thank You again. And Thank You for this beautiful game.

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Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

eFootball™ 2023 Efootball 2022 update

If you’ve been playing the PES mobile game for awhile now like I have you’ll definitely feel a difference in this game compared to the rest. In recent year years there is always an adjustment period with the lastest version but for some reason this game isn’t doing it for me another. They’ve changed to much and the game feels completely different. They could’ve just kept building on top of the last game by adding new players, updating stats, putting a new skin of the menu, things like that. Just improve/ add onto the game instead of completely changing it. The iconic moment cards were there crown jewel and users would do anything to get them because they could make a big impact to your squad but now they just feel like regular legend cards. I would’ve loved to see them add more iconic moments. The movement feels slow with the players and this new system with customizing your players traits is too complex and I feel as though it allows zero uniqueness to each player. I would get excited to sign a new player because their stats were unique to them and performed better in certain places then others but now you can just boost any stat you want to make them just as good as another player card. The defending part of the gameplay is terrible. It was bad is the previous titles but this one is by far the worst. A through ball gets sent against your defenders and just it seems that they are going to intercept the play your player stops running and allows your opponent to run onto the ball. Another thing that I really don’t like is that they took the solo campaign mode out. It was a fun and easy way to go up against a CPU to improve your skills instead of having to get destroyed in online matches. Efootball has just let me down so hard this year. I was expecting so much because I enjoyed the previous one so much.

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Overview of eFootball™ 2023 complaint handling

eFootball™ 2023 reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 18, 2023. The latest review Be prepared to fight fate was posted on Jun 14, 2023. eFootball™ 2023 has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 17 reviews. eFootball™ 2023 has resolved 0 complaints.
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