In September 2024, I started the process of transferring assets from ETrade to a bank trust account (I'm the trustee). ETrade has been consistently obstructive and bullying, first asking for another form, then another, then another, then threatening me with their lawyers, and finally ignoring New York Trust law which governs the trust I'm administering. I've dealt with 7 other brokerages and all but one has been polite and helpful. (T Rowe Price is the other bully). It seems that ETrade is using any tactic they can to hold on to this money. I've have been talking to Shawn whose number is 888.402.0653. My case number is [protected]. It's been 6 months! This is ridiculous. They have the bank account information. They need to complete the transfer now.
Desired outcome: Transfer all monies in the George Boras Trust account to the George Boras Trust bank account at Chase. They have all the info.
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