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Family Feud Complaints 164

8:57 pm EDT
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Family Feud steve harvey

This show... I use to love this show..until I started watching it every night. This is what is wrong with this country. I believe this show is rigged. Everyone wants to throw the racism card around, well THIS show is a prime example. Even my 7 year old caught on. It sickens me that this show is still airing, that ABC3 is still allowing it to be aired. I'm going to have to contact someone because as a nation he is the one separating it and implying that blacks are better. Which don't mix up my words, I'm not racist at all, I have family with all different ethnic backgrounds, I love all people, and I am fair to all people. Unlike Steve Harvey. And please if you have not watched it continuously like I have, do NOT comment on this. This needs to be addressed. Let me give you an example on tonight's episode and I will be using ‘white' and ‘black' family so you can understand what I'm talking about... During the last set of questions the ‘white' family's answer was hair change, which was wrong and resulted in an X. But then the ‘black' family answers, gray hair and bald, which if I'm not mistaken is a HAIR CHANGE! And then when they went into sudden death, the guy from the ‘black' family answered the question after the red X buzzer went off because he took too long and Steve Harvey STILL HONORED IT and they won. THAT IS [censored]! Excuse my language, just know if it was the other way around I would still address the issue because it's wrong! It's NOT the name of the game. You side with the colored people no matter if they are right or wrong and you are what's wrong with America! Treat everyone the same, isn't it against the law to discriminate against race, color, origin, religion, and whatever else they deem against the law? But yet, Steve does it every night. Something has to be done about this! I won't let this go, because now my son is being affected by it. I will leave a review every night until something is don't about it.

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Nov 04, 2019 11:22 am EST

This show is the most racist show on TV. With the Black population being 13%, the show depicts a ratio of 50:50 - statistically, only one in roughly 12 families appearing on the show should be Black - not counting Steve Harvey of course. I used to watch this show until the disparity became very, very, obvious and also the content becoming more and more objectionable. No more. If this show comes up on my TV, I can't hit the remote fast enough to change it.

3:28 pm EDT
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Family Feud family feud questions

This show used to have morals. Every other question pertains to sex in some way. I pray every night that the country will become God Faring again. It seems that many of the families claim to be church goers. I would think the constant reference to sex would offend these families and the viewers. I will not let my kids watch this program. Please help the morals in the country by editing the content of your questions.

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9:14 am EDT

Family Feud steve harvey

I will never watch your show ever again! While Steve Harvey is the host. Since he made the [censored] comment about our President Trump that he wants to bring back slavery. What an idiotic comment that's 100% a lie. You know good and well if a white Family Feud host made a outrageous statement about Obama. He or she would be fired immediately which they should. Person hosting Family Feud represents your show and consequences should happen when they do something so stupid

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7:28 pm EDT

Family Feud siding with one type of family type on show!

Why does S Harvey play so much with Black Americans. He does his when they miss the buzzer and he takes their answers anyway, which winds up being on the board. If the buzzer counts that's it! He also does when a family gives and answer tries to assist with changing to a possible one on the board! He starting to make family feud not fun! I like having a comedian, but only if both sides are treated equally!

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7:06 pm EDT

Family Feud the contestants

I will not watch your show anymore, as long as you show race mixing among the contestants. You did this before long ago. It must not have turned out too well, because you stopped for a while. You must have thought you could get away with it this time. With me you can't. Until you stop the race mixing we won't be watching your show anymore!

Kevin Blankenship

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3:07 pm EDT

Family Feud steven harvey

Steve Harvey association with publishers clearing house says a lot of bad things about him and his obvious lack of integrity. Anyone that is associated with the publishers cleaning house has to be a crook also. The publishers clearing house has taken advantage of my Mother and other people, especially the elderly with their promises of winning money to no avail and making them purchase items in order to qualify. It is disgusting - you all are going to hell.

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11:14 pm EDT

Family Feud a way to get more views and help a family in need.

Let me first start by saying I am a 23 African American Female. I love family fued. It is the only game show I watch, I just wish we switch the type of families up. Like why some episodes it can be a family that really needs the money it's always a family that we all know for a fact already has some type of money. Like let's choose a family that really needs it wants to send their kid to to school wants to buy a house needs a car. You guys always choose a family that ones a doctor one owns a business all the kids are in college. Let's switch it up some and really bless people. I bet it would help with the viewings as well. Imagine this " Family Fued helps send 2 teens go to college and get out of a homeless shelter." I hope to see a change my email is [protected] if you have any questions.

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1:01 am EDT

Family Feud answer on one of the tiles

Recently watched this show and the question was. Not exact What would you want to find at a party ? One of the answers that was not guessed was "pot/cocaine"
Seriously both families on the show were shocked.
Why does this need to be put as an answer!
With the growing problems in USA I'm sure this answer could of been avoided.
Yes reality I understand but come on this use to be a family show. My 10 and 13 year old were watching.
Signed Disappointed

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9:54 pm EDT

Family Feud steve harvey

Is Steve Harvey racist? I find myself asking throughout the show. I find that he is extremely rude to any constant that is not African American, rolling his eyes rude comments towards the guest. Why show the world this type of hate? They say that hate is taught. So he is teaching hate! What a shame. I loved this show growing up. I just find this sad. We are suppose to love one another. Want love teach love be love! May god bless him. Mr Harvey money won't get you into heaven. I'm just saying.

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9:56 pm EDT

Family Feud the actual show

I was watching an episode of Family Fued on Saturday 7/20 (the 9:30pm) on channel 9. Steve Harvey asked a contestant a questions. When she answered, the judges needed more clarification. She than responded, "He got game!" The audience laughed and the judges still needed clarification. Steve Harvey responded by saying, "The producers are white!" I find this to be highly insulting and racist. If it were the other way around activists would be calling for the host to be fired. This is unacceptable. Talk about reverse racism at its best!

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1:05 pm EDT

Family Feud show format

The show is becoming more racist and "fixed".. Often, depending on which family won, the questions are so obvious they cant lose and rarely do.. It is important to make the questions tougher.. rather than the answers be rather obvious...
Also, if they take too much time and the buzzer rings... don't give "some" families another chance.. If they missed it they are out... Be fair to all..
Lastly Steve does not have to constantly remind people what happens when they have two strikes and if they miss the next answer the other family wins etc. It is pretty obvious to viewers and constantly repeating it is unnecessary.
Hope the feed back is helpful.

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Jul 18, 2019 6:11 pm EDT

I am not even a republican but I was offended he brought Donald Trump's hair into the show tonight. I am so sick of politics and wanted to watch something that I could just sit back and have a good time with. Question, Donald Trump's hair. Not only does that bother me but Mr. Harvey really shows by his reaction how much he likes a woman's anatomy and the sex she could provide. I will tell you I am pretty young and not a prude but I am not going to watch this show anymore. You don't like Trump, Obama, whoever, just try to entertain and not add politics into the equation. BYE!

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Jul 19, 2019 10:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of kimberly01

I completely agree I was disgusted with the Donald Trump question! Leave politics OUT!

7:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Family Feud inappropriate questions

Why is it called FAMILY fued when none of the questions are family friendly? Todays question was: if you were to make a snowman anatomically correct what food would you use for its naughty parts? Okay so you just turned an innocent snowman into a sex object and now all the contestants and audience has to think of a penis and what foods look like a penis...yes I said penis, why not? Ur show is sex based and if penis is too far then so is making a snowman with a penis! I dont understand. Next question on the board: my man is like a puppy dog because of the way he? The female contestants answer: the way he licks me...this is all truth, I'm watching the show right now and I want to vomit, and this is how it is EVERY episode and this is why I'm complaining and why I'm changing the channel. Family fued producer's are sickly perverted. Grow up!

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Jul 31, 2019 1:41 am EDT

TOTALLYYYYYY AGREE! When "Strip Club" is on the board for every other question...Guess what!? You've turned in to a sleazebag show. Congratulations, Family Feud!

11:31 pm EDT

Family Feud the game board sounds

Every episode and every time the amount of possible answers is revealed(I.E. it begins to show that there are 6 out of 8 total answers possible to answer) on the board, it'll do the flash animation and play a very high pitched sound. I don't know if other people can hear it but I can definitely hear it. It's a very subtle high pitched sound but it's there. The sound causes me discomfort and I can't really watch the show for too long because of it. Would it be possible to remove that part of the sound bit, or is it a trademark?

Thanks for reading.

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8:09 pm EDT

Family Feud changes to show

I don't like seeing black families
every time I turn on Family Feud. Nothing personal but whites out number blacks probably 50/1
But it seems like they are invited like it's a 50/50 population 1 black on 1 white on. It should be a 50 white families to 1 black family to be fair and equal to the population.
Blue birds like to fly with blue birds, robins like to fly with robins, we like to see white people represented fairly to the population.

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Isabel Gray
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Jul 07, 2019 12:36 am EDT
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Big money tournament did not provide equal opportunity to all families. The last 2 families were the only ones to have a shot at the jackpot of 160k. What about the other families that won 20k each going in the pot?
They won 20k for someone else! This is WRONG!
Isabel Gray, Conroe Texas

Anita Bawnghit
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Jun 22, 2019 8:10 pm EDT

Alright Adolph calm down. I am sure Duck Dynasty is on.

11:00 pm EDT

Family Feud complaining about a show

I want to complain about a particular show. Between the Sanders vs The Allens family. The triple bonus round question was 'What kind of animal can kill you with one bite. The Sanders said Stinray. Which was is all fairness it was wrong it was wrong. But the final answer was arsenic/rat poison. Which is ingested or swallowed, not a bite! The Sanders should be allowed back because of technical difficulties.

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Update by Diane Sterritt
Jun 18, 2019 11:00 pm EDT

I want to complain about a particular show. Between the Sanders vs The Allens family. The triple bonus round question was 'What kind of animal can kill you with one bite. The Sanders said Stinray. Which was is all fairness it was wrong it was wrong. But the final answer was arsenic/rat poison. Which is ingested or swallowed, not a bite! The Sanders should be allowed back because of technical difficulties.

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Sherry Nuss
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Jul 19, 2019 11:59 pm EDT

I don't want to complain, I LOVE FAMILY FEUD! What I don't understand is why the buzzer sounds for some when they open their mouths to speak. While others, go on and on, either saying, "well Steve I want to say..." etc. Others are buzzed so quickly. It seems to me that it should be a timed buzzer. That's all, I just think it should be fair!

7:44 pm EDT
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Family Feud host replacement

I have heard that Steve Harvey will be leaving. If so me and my family will no longer be watching. I will pass the word and get as many people possibly to stop watching. I thought no one could replace Richard Dawson, I was wrong
Steve brings everything to the party. Sorry to see him and my family and friends go.😥😥😥

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Update by Yplay
May 29, 2019 7:53 pm EDT

I have heard that Steve Harvey is leaving the show once his contract expires. If so I will no longer be watching. I thought no one could replace Richard Dawson, I was wrong. Steve brings us so much joy and laughter, something we need when watching the show. If he's leaving so is my family and friends. It's said you can not work out the differences. So when the party shutdown on Steve Harvey, my channel at this time will also change. Life time watcher.😥😥

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6:23 pm EDT

Family Feud family feud tv show

Steve Harvey is a wonderful entertainer, and I would love to watch him on Family Feud; however, the questions are scripted in such a way that they are very suggestive and seductive, or just plain disgustingly crude. This elicits answers that are definitely not family friendly! This show began as family friendly entertainment, but I would be embarrassed to watch this show with my children (young or adult) watch this show. Please, writers of these questions, remember the time of day your show is on and present appropriate questions. Steve Harvey is talented enough he can entertain without the "off-color" inuendos!

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11:04 pm EDT

Family Feud ruined family feud show

I think Mark Goodson would be disappointed with the current version of the show that he created to be enjoyed by families spending time together watching television. It is so inappropiate and disgusting now that I change the channel as quickly as possible when I hear the current host introduced. I still watch and enjoy the reruns with Richard Dawson, Ray Combs, Richard Karn, John O'Hurley, and Louie Anderson whenever I can. But what a shame that a great show has been reduced to such a low level of quality in order to attract higher ratings from a totally different viewing audience than it was created for!

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Collinsville il, US
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Feb 07, 2021 6:41 pm EST

Steve Harvey is very racist! I quit watching. It needs to be renamed to
black family feud. Example a white person says and answer at the buzzer they don’t get it. A black person gets it well after the buzzer. Come on never saw a host as racist as he is. Nope I’m done with it until you get a host that’s fair to everyone.

Adam Nugraha
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Nov 05, 2019 8:50 pm EST

I agree, Steve Harvey has to be replaced by a white woman on Family Feud, she could make it family friendly game show again.

2:01 pm EDT

Family Feud suggestion not a complaint

I Love Family Feud and Steve Harvey is the best and funniest host EVER. I watch every day and the show brings me joy.
I would like to make a suggestion that relates to the fast money round. When it comes to the number 1 answer most times there is only one. I would like to suggest that when the second contestant gives a number 1 and only answer, that you allow the answer again and give the second contestant 5 points in order to add to their chances of winning instead of disregarding the answer. And since there's no better answer. To be fair only when there is 1 answer should this be allowed.
I hope you all will take my suggestion into consideration.

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Jerry Allanach
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Nov 01, 2019 3:46 pm EDT

I frequently watch your show and have a suggestion. During the final round, you always stop as soon as the family hits the 200 points. I'm sure I'm not alone in being very curious how well the 2nd family did with the remaining answers. You could even add a new layer of excitement by giving some sort of bonus for a new high total score. It would definitely add an additional level of excitement for both views and participants.
Thank you in advance for considering my suggestion.

Jerry Allanach

4:47 pm EDT

Family Feud family feud app

I recently downloaded the app for Family Fued classics and enjoy playing the game but
Several times Now I have purchased tickets to play the game but did not receive them. I've spent money on them to play and do not want to continue playing if I do not receive what I've purchased. It's very upsetting. Please resolve this issue or Please reimburse my money or my tickets. Thank you. Karen Medford [protected].

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Update by karen medford smith
May 17, 2019 4:52 pm EDT

I recently downloaded the family fued app and really enjoy playing the game but several times now I have purchased tickets to play the game but did not receive what I purchased. It’s very upsetting. Please reimburse my money or the tickets I have purchased. Thank you. Karen Medford

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About Family Feud

Screenshot Family Feud
Family Feud ( offers an online platform where users can play the classic trivia game based on the popular TV show. Participants can answer survey questions and compete for high scores. The service provides various game modes and is accessible to fans looking to experience the game show format interactively.
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3. Writing the title:
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4. Detailing the experience:
- Provide detailed information about your experience with Family Feud. Mention key areas of concern, any transactions you had with the company, the nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve it, and the personal impact.

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6. Filling optional fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses and the 'Desired Outcome' field to specify the resolution you are seeking.

7. Review before submission:
- Review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness before submitting it.

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- Click the 'Submit' button to submit your complaint against Family Feud.

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Ensure you follow these steps carefully to effectively file your complaint against Family Feud.

Overview of Family Feud complaint handling

Family Feud reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on May 12, 2009. The latest review A Fun and Entertaining Experience with Family Feud Signature Game was posted on May 22, 2024. The latest complaint inappropriate questions/answers was resolved on Jan 25, 2014. Family Feud has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 166 reviews. Family Feud has resolved 4 complaints.
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