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Frontier Communications

Frontier Communications review: ripping off customers! 41

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12:00 am EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I used to have phone and internet with this company when I moved I had my services turned off and asked to have a ket sent to me so that I could return the modem that I had but nothing ever came so I called back and asked agene but nothing came but a bill for $99.00 I called agene and was told that they would get the box right out to me but it has never came so I sent the motem to my mom and had her return it to them and they are still trying to bill me for it so I have called and they said that yes they have the motem and now here I am getting another bill for $179.00 I think that they are trying to rip off the customers. they don't know what they are doing they have a lot of stupid people working there.

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Robert oakley
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Jan 11, 2008 11:56 am EST

I am in totol agreement here. This company could no longer supply me with service because I purchased a house outside of there service area. They told me because they could not supply me with service, that I had no problem paying, I had to pay them 300 dollars. Frontier breaks the contract but I have to pay for that. AWFUL COMPANY. POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Carolyne Wood
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Nov 03, 2020 12:50 pm EST

They are thieves!

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Feb 15, 2008 4:56 pm EST

Frontier breaking the contract? Werent you the one who moved? Frontier Im sure was willing to provide you service but you left. Frontier has worked with my on modem fees and promotional discounts. I have never had a bad experience with frontier. sorry u all have.

Carolyne Wood
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Nov 03, 2020 12:52 pm EST
Replying to comment of Christina

Yeah, well wait unti you get fed up with them. you better wait intill the end of your billing cycle to cancel or else tghey will bill you anyway, they aqre crooks! glad I left!

Kathy Hinz
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Apr 30, 2008 3:59 pm EDT

This company has the worst customer service I have seen in along time. I have been using their online billing and what a nightmare. They have taken funds out of my account twice for March's bill and twice for April's bill. I have called them so many times. They continue to take funds even though I have canceled the online service. They don't know why it is happening and pretty much say too bad. They will mail me a check but that will take at least a month. In the mean time I am out the money. I am so scared they will continue to take more. I have never talked to such ignorant people. If I could I would get rid of everything with them. I don't think there is another service where I live but I will be looking.

Carolyne Wood
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Nov 03, 2020 12:49 pm EST
Replying to comment of Kathy Hinz

I agree tgey are a rip off! they cahrged me for service u didnt have, I canceled the end of august and they billed me for september too! and they arent willing to settle for less I hate thses rip offs. if you want to break a contract go to spectrum, they will pay up to $500 for a buy back, I love spextrum, wish I wouldve went there sooner!

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May 10, 2008 11:53 am EDT

I have frontier, has it is my only choice for phone service. I must read my phone bill every month as they seem to add things and hope I will not notice. The lastest new addition is for Security software. I never order this software, never used this software, it just appeared on my bill. I spoke with tech services, they said to call customer service to have the charges removed. They are NOT open on the wekends, so now I will have to go to work and try to call them on my break. The only reason I have them is due to having an internet service. Last year at this time, when my contract was up, the customer service guy siad if I didn't renew, I might have to wait in line to get hook up again. I stated lauhing so hard I had to put down the phone for a sec. I think I am now ready to switch over to comcast. Frontier has no idea about cosumer service. Al they relly care about is how to get the most money out of your wallet.

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Jun 21, 2008 7:22 pm EDT

When a modem is not returned, Frontier will go ahead and remove the 100.00 modem return fee. whether they got it or not, but you do have to call. There were issues with billing during the months of March and April due to a conversion nationwide to a new billing system. Cust service reps worked overtime to resolve the issues with customers. It is always a good idea to read EVERY bill you get from EVERY public utilitiy company. Make sure to watch for extra items on your phone bill from companies such as ILD teleservices and such as the FCC requires all phone companies to bill for them if someone has enetered into an agreement with a company to be billed on their phone bill. (such as 'no credit card necessary' internet and such) Some of those companies do get you to agree without you actually knowing you be careful what you write your phone # on or call your phone company and ask them to put a third party billing block on your account.

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Nov 11, 2008 1:57 pm EST

I am a previous Frontier Customer Rep and I am sorry to hear so many had a bad experience. But not all of us Reps are stupid and do try to do what WE can to help our customer. There are times our hands are tied and do not have the resourses to take care of a issue right then and there but have to rely on another department to go further with it.

I went through that conversion and let me tell was pure hell and I hated the frustrations it was causing my customers as well as for me. But there are Reps with that company who do care about our customers and do all that they can to solve any issues you may have.

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Nov 21, 2008 11:54 pm EST

I wish that Frontier customers could understand that Frontier doesn't treat their representatives right either. I completely agree with the person above, I am also a previous employee, I got out of the job quick because it is up to other departments to get those forms to the customer and a lot of the time these other departments don't do their job and the representatives that actually speak to the customers are blamed. The whole company is bogus. They don't treat their employees right when it comes to attendance and refuse to accept doctors notes and just as they lied to me as an employer they lie to the customers as well. Maybe customers should understand that many of the representatives in the front line are doing the best they can for their customers and totally agree that the way the customer is treated is wrong. But what can the representative really do to change a company that in itself is out for money and will go to any lengths to get it, running over whoever they can to get to it.

Bangor, US
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Dec 21, 2008 11:56 am EST

I made the mistake of calling to see if they were running any specials and they told me i could have unlimited long distance and my dsl for the same price i was paying $68.00. My first bill was $127.00 They fixed it then it came to $81.00 They would not fix it they told me prices went up when I told them I wanted to go back to no long distance they told me there was a surcharge and my friend who canceled them surcharged her $600.00

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Jul 23, 2018 6:18 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

that is complete BS there is no charge even close to 600. The first bill was pro rated and possibly had a install fee. These are one time charges and on the next bill you will see the 68 rate. unbelievable

Redmond, US
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Nov 08, 2010 7:50 pm EST

These idiots over at frontier just cost me a $30 stop payment charge on a $27 phone bill.
Frontier bought out my Verizon land line phone service a couple months back and have already lost one of my mailed in payments. So I got double billed for this month billing. After a heated phone call I was instructed to pay for both months and contact my bank about a stop payment on the lost check. So I wrote a new check and put everything in the envelope when I noticed that only the word Frontier was showing through their address window in their envelope. Both the PO and Address lines were being hidden in the envelope. ...Ding Ding Ding !
I think I just found out why my early check never made it to their mailing address last month.
This would not be to much of a problem with most postal carriers however there are a large percentage of USPS workers who could not pour a yellow colored liquid out of a rubber boot even if the instructions were printed on the heal.
You might think that huge company might measure their return billing paperwork and the window in their I said before, they are idiots and you can not even be trusted to make their bill fit in their envelope.

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Jul 23, 2018 6:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Ramrodncf

do you possibly think it was the post office that lost your payment? Maybe it is you who cannot put a bill in the envelope. I'm sure it fits correctly or everyone would have this issue, not just you. Frontier will even provide a payment investigation to find your payment and if it was proccessed they will post it to your account. It is your bank, post office or you wrote the wrong account number on the check. Blame the right people-who's the idiot now!

Chris Allen123
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Sep 06, 2018 11:55 am EDT
Replying to comment of golfer1200

You sound like Frontier customer service

Ellen Hutchinson
Fort Wayne, US
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Dec 23, 2010 5:21 am EST

Frontier bought-out Verizon. I bought "a $69 month bundle" for internet and phone. My bill has been $189 month every month for a year. $120 more a month than their "bundle" In a years time because I keep paying or they will disconect and damage my credit. Verizon/Frontier THEFT of myself $1, 340

Bullhead City, US
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May 26, 2011 9:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My internet bill has gone up TWICE in 18 months..When I called about it the other day.. I was told by 'Angela', "I will be happy to add more on your bill...then it will be more you have to pay!" I cannot believe the type of people they have talking to customers... I have 6 months left on my contract.. I may just pay the disconnect early fee! It is worth it!

Oak Harbor, US
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Jul 12, 2011 9:06 pm EDT

I am going to speak with a Lawyer on base. Frontier is guity of fraud. They told me my bundle with Direct TV would only cost 65 then 45 dollars a month. Each of my bills has been over 125. Every Rep I speak with has a different story. I am searching the internet for class action lawsuits against them. If I find anything or start one I will post on this web site. They do not have any consistency across their departments and no communication set up. They are not living up to their sales contracts and therefore breaking their contract with us. They also told me I would get 20 then 15 MBS download and I have been lucky just to get 6.

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Jul 22, 2018 9:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

your total bill is only 10$ more than you were quoted. 65+45+110. those are taxes that make up the rest. Direct TV also charges for the equipment. Your bill is correct. The speed is actually "up to" 20 Mbs. No company can guarentee speeds- It depends on what and how you are using it. Also, everything is in writing and legal. They are a public utility and cannot just make things up. Geez. The price also depends on your TV package. The phone and internet pricing is a set rate

Tualatin, US
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Aug 31, 2011 2:40 am EDT

Frontier Communications operates within a self-created culture of lying and mismanagement. When they bought out Verizon, their CEO assured the local cable regulatory commission that Frontier would continue to provide their customers with the same level of service that Verizon had provided. That was an intentional lie or a promise that was conveniently left lying by the wayside in the company's quest for profits and its disdain for treating customers fairly. Frontier has already begun opting to decide to not renew video service for communities in the "outlying areas" of urban/rural counties. The cable regulatory commission's spokesperson has indicated in press conferences that Frontier has clearly signaled that its "end game" is to dump its video customers over to Direct TV. I spoke to a Frontier technician who was doing work in our neighborhood about the likelyhood of being dumped as a video customer. He indicated that the technicians had been called into a "training" meeting to hear a presentation about how wonderful Direct TV was going to be for the customers who would no longer be allowed to buy video services from Frontier in 2012.

I allowed myself to be convinced that the best move would be to switch from Frontier to its primary competitor in the area, Comcast. I believe that I have made a move that is only a miniscule improvement over the treatment I got from Frontier. A Comcast salesman reassured me that, in his experience, Frontier does not charge an "early termination fee" for customers who opt out of their service packages. Well, I was lied to by another cable company representative; Frontier did indeed charge an early termination fee. However, I believe that I am marginally better off dealing with a "mainstream" video provider like Comcast. At least I feel there is reason to believe that Comcast sees cable TV as the core of their business and has no agenda to dump customers. I toyed with the idea of simply "caving in" and signing up for Direct TV. However, one member of the household wants to continue to get the "Comcast Sports Net" that provides complete coverage of the local universities' games. I checked and found that Direct TV does not provide that service as any kind of option in any package. I am beginning to understand why a significant portion of the customer base (more than 10% as of current reports) has optioned out of cable TV altogether in favor of the expanding role of streaming video ala Netflix and HuLu +.

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Jul 23, 2018 5:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

direct tv is an AT&T product-Frontier is partners with Dish, so your entire comment is incorrect

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Jun 27, 2013 7:08 pm EDT

i recently have changed to frontier mainly for the "high speed" internet service.From the time it was switched I have had nothing but trouble with my internet.Two times I have had someone come to fix the problem and it still has'nt made a difference.If you are paying for high speed shoud'nt that be what you get?I not only cannot look up things but I am a hidden object game freak and now I am not able to download or play that the computer does'nt freeze up and shut down.I can't say that the customer service was horrible because they was'nt, ( atleast not to me).But...the internet I can definately say has not been acceptable!

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Jul 23, 2018 6:08 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of sad1

increase your speed, gotta pay more for what speed you need for all your connections. you can't stream movies, play games, have 10 people on the wi-fi with only 6Mgs.

Fed up!!
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Dec 29, 2015 7:54 am EST

I only had Frontier for less than a month and had 3 problems with them. My router was delivered and didn't work. I called support and was told there was a problem. The tech that came out the first time didn't do nothing. I had to wait 5 days for another tech to come out. That tech advised me that if the first tech didn't come inside (which he didn't) my internet would never of worked, So then Frontier tried to charge me for the five days I was without internet. For less than a month it has been on problem after another. I am going to cancel Frontier and would not recommend this company to anyone!

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Jul 23, 2018 6:05 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Fed up!!

again, you internet speed is determined by where you live. You can get credit for outages, quit whinning. You probably have 5-10 people trying to use the wi-fi at once-ain't gonna work- you have to pay more for speeds to fit your needs-19.99 isn't gonna get it-up your service. You knew what you could get when you moved there.

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Sep 06, 2016 9:49 am EDT

I have NEVER had a company deceive, cheat and scam me like Frontier. I was promised a lower bill by bundling my Dish and switching to their company, and they promised no contract. What an idiot I am for not getting it in writing, because not only did my bill go WAY up, but they now tell me I am in a two year contract! If anyone out there is wanting to start a class action suit, sign me up.

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Jul 23, 2018 5:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of jetskigirl

it is Dish that has a 2 year contract, not Frontier, but the price is locked for the first 2 years, it is in writing (read your bill) Your first bill is pro rated(a month or 2 months, depending on your bill cycle), it actually is lower if you can add and divide.

Ron c Collins
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Feb 02, 2017 12:26 pm EST

[protected]-5 5222

To Manager and CEO of Frontier. 2/2/2017 Tues AM

My wife Helen I Ron Collins have had Frontier service for 3 years, but the last year every month our invoice amount changes$
It should be and was told $135.00 per month. Why does it keep changing?
85% sales calls on this number-[protected] that Frontier gave us. No need for this phone and all the taxes that go with it!
basic cable and internet is all that we require. I am ready to switch to Comcast and depending on your response will let this country know about
your corrupt billing business- ASAP. The negative word really travels fast these days.

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Jul 23, 2018 6:00 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

there are fees that federal, state and TV stations forward to customers. If it increased, it was only a couple of dollars. All companies charge these fees, some are just hidden in the billing. And no company can control who calls your phone number. GET ON YOUR INTERNET AND BLOCK THOSE CALLS. NOMOROBOCALLS.COM OR GO TO THE FCC WEBSITE TO REPORT THEM. All phone surcharges are approved by the FCC and legal. Get informed

Elizabeth Puls
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Oct 04, 2017 8:40 am EDT

If you have a problem with a charge that you feel in unjust, contact your state attorney general. They will help you.

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Jan 03, 2018 7:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

worst company I have ever dealt with. Looks like the comments by prior employees even say their company lies and sucks. Every person I talk with that has Frontier says they SUCK. WHERE IS THE FCC. Fine this company. Spent 1 1/2 hours with customer service to cancel service and they dropped my connection. What a rip off company. CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT...PLEASE!

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Jul 26, 2018 11:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was a Verizon customer in Southern California, before Frontier bought out their customer base here circa early 2017. Around the time of the changeover, various reps called me aggressively leaving 800# to call them back about "better plan for you". After a number of such calls I agreed to a plan that I thought included FREE UNLIMITED INTERNATIONAL CALLS. Other than internet being down for almost a week when they had local problems, and mysterious non-ordered changes to my Voicemail, I had no problems. Until I recently got my bill in the mail. I had called a friend stuck in a German hospital with a blood cancer, and talked for a total of 70 minutes. Before having seen the first bill, I allowed my lady friend to call Lithuania (38 minutes). Imagine my shock when the bills, including taxes/fees, amounted to approximately SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS (yes, $600) for less than two hours of international chatting, that, in an age when Skype/WhatsApp are free AND you can see the other party; and when calling cards at sold at every newstand and 99 Cent store, permitting int'l. calling at pennies a minute. I was charged $3.20 a minute for Germany and$6.20/minute for Lithuania, plus taxes/fees etc.. I called Frontier and was polite, expecting this to all be reversed. Wrong! After many calls to their Virginia, Texas, Arizona and Missouri call centers, during which I was on long holds, or, worse, cut off, I got absolutely nowhere. When I demanded to talk to a supervisor I could almost see them laughing. Finally I researched and got to "The Office of the President" (presumably, Dan McCarthy, who got his "MBA" at the online University of Phoenix!). There I talked to several rude and unusually arrogant women, who researched, "pulled call" from a year and a half ago, that call supposedly proving that I had no international calling plan ($5.99 a month), therefore she/they consider the outrageous charges valid. To which I respond, even if I have no "plan", how can $3.20 or $6.20/minute be justified, in 2018? And how can they even let a customer get into the kind of trouble they could conceivably get into, in this situation? I calculated that a chatterbox who talks even 2 hrs. a day, every day, for a month, at these rates, could ring up possibly a $25, 000 long distance bill, BEFORE EVEN SEEING THE FIRST BILL IN THE MAIL! When I had Verizon previously, if I tried an international call I would get a recording saying "you cannot place this call".

Having reached a dead end with these thugs/criminals, I have written to the Better Business Bureau, Rochester NY office (where the thugs are headquartered)----and they have a resounding "F" rating, with nearly 12, 000 complaints, there! Then I wrote to office of Congressman Ted Lieu, FCC in Washington, California Public Utilities Commission, and California Attorney General, asking for major government investigation of Frontier's business practices. Indeed, where is the FCC? The abuses seem to go back at least ten years, judging from social media/internet complaints.

Tomorrow I will be picketing, with signs etc., the firm's booth at the Hermosa Beach Volleyball Tournament, of which they are a sponsor. I hope to dissuade at least one person who might otherwise have considered opening an account with these thugs. Some regulators in Sacramento and Washington need to undertake a Wells Fargo-type investigation of Frontier Communications. NOW.

I am adding photos to prove the charges they say I owe! Just google "fraud Frontier Communications" and go to Yelp, and to Better Business Bureau, and to YouTube, to begin to comprehend what this outfit is all about!

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Aug 20, 2018 10:25 pm EDT

On October 01/2017 I was charged $43.90 from FRONTIER . Then that money never went to my account. Next thing I know I was paying $120 then $170 in 2 months. Frontier has been stealing money from my bank and not to my FRONTIER account. Frontier is still not accepting the fact I have proof my card was charged $43.90 and not posting it to my account.

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Aug 20, 2018 11:29 pm EDT

Please refer to correspondence that has been shared with the FTC. Please respond via email at


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Chris Allen123
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Sep 06, 2018 12:16 pm EDT

They cut our cable line to the house while working on their lines in the neighborhood and said they would be by in a week to hook it back up. We canceled service and swapped to dish. 4 months later I am getting collection notices for 2 or 3 moths of service we did not use. We called and had the matter cleared and went on with our life. A year and a half go by and my wife and I go to purchase a car and find out there is a $1, 030 collection on our credit. While it did not stop us from purchasing the vehicle it is frustration to have to call again and sit on hold for latterly hours while you are transferred from person to person. Forget collections, go straight to customer service and ask to speak with a manager. I found that no one will give a last name or personnel number so every time you call they have start all over again.

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Oct 22, 2018 3:00 am EDT

SE567 High Speed Internet Gateway Modem

Rarely able to stream video. Kicks me off internet near 7am; 4am; 6am; 8am.

Service and connection very unreliable. I have called repeatedly with the same response of rebooting the modem, which never resolves the problem.

Seenu Raju
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Nov 04, 2018 10:52 am EST

I don't have internet for 4 days and it's not still fixed When I calls the technical support they tell that someone will come to check it tomorrow and no one shows up . This is ridiculous We pay this much money and we don't getany service

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Nov 11, 2018 8:20 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Called January 2017 and they sent me a modem. The modem was too slow and my TV would not run on it. Called 5 times and each time they promised to resolve this. Never did I receive new modem but I got the bill. $125.00. I cancelled. I never had service. I sent back the modem. I received a new bill $527. I just want to be done with them.

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Jul 26, 2019 3:52 pm EDT

They are a rip off - read the contract completely, especially Pg.2 under service terms before signing up - we had adequate service for most of the two years. We lost the internet several times, was unable to view Hulu and Netflicks on several occasions as the speed would drop on late afternoons and after 8pm, we were getting hesitations on both apps. And it had to be on 'High Definition Channels' if you wanted to see a clear picture. After serval complaints, they "fixed" the service and then it would start all over after a couple of weeks. We finally decided to 'switch' companies. The billing cycle was 6/19/19 to 7/18/19. We cancelled on 6/25/19 after 7 days into the billing cycle. We paid the invoice the full amount of $132.55. When I called to asked for a pro-rated invoice, they said read Pg.2 under 'Service Terms'. It states "... no partial month credits or refunds will be provided…". So if you have Frontier, cancel on the last billing date or don't use Frontier. In the future, I won't recommend them to anyone. And I just received an internet disconnect invoice for $9.99...

Mark 111
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Feb 16, 2020 1:35 pm EST

So once again Frontier has decided to drop several channels (10 this time 5 each) Starz/Encore in standard and HD format. These were channels we watched routinely as part of our Frontier "Triple play" movie package. We recently renewed our contract for 2 years to keep ALL the movie channels we wanted for a fair price and now this [censored]? Well Frontier our contract is null & void now. You WILL issue us a credit and we are doing what others have done. Dumping your worthless asse's for Netflix and other providers. We know you are filing for bankruptcy on March 15, 2020 and are a company about to close its doors. So to put it in simple terms you can understand? ...Go [censored] yourselves...! We're done with you.

Anna Marie Menendez
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Apr 06, 2020 4:24 pm EDT


My mom and I are responsible for the local phone service. We have a package which includes phone service, email, voice mail and called id. In the past 6-8 months our bill keeps going up $5-6 per month. We never received the bill. I only use the internet because I work and I have a cell phone. We don’t use the phone much, but we need it because we live in a rural area, (Dolan Springs) and unfortunately Frontier is the only one to service our town. If I had a choice I wouldn’t deal with Frontier. We have been customers for 21 years, and their service is very bad. This past month we paid $96.68. When you call their company they never seem to know what they are doing.

I think someone should be overseeing their service.

Thank you,
Aura Ramirez
Anna Marie Menendez

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