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Just Energy Group Complaints 76

8:39 am EDT
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I signed up with Just energy about a year ago, My last month energy charges with NYSEG were 42.64 but my supply charges by Just energy was 92.54. I am disabled and on Social Security Disability. What is wrong with this picture. I do need some resolution as I plan to contact the Public Service Commision in NYS or someone for answers. How can it cost more to deliver electric thanit does for the electric used?

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7:34 am EST
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Just Energy Group Added fees

Just Energy made electric bill go up. We kept it for a while to see if it would change. When we finally got rid of it for the electric we were charged $50.00! At this time we still have it on the gas account but I am calling to get rid of it on there also. I'm sure we will be charged again. Stay away from this company!

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Lisa Wilber
Johnson City, US
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Aug 04, 2014 12:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am having the same problem with them. They are sending me a bill for $100 after over two years with their service. The "lock in rate" was for 6 months... SERIOUSLY? Not paying it! I am going to the better business bureau because they lied about the length of the contract to make me switch.
I am so mad!

Melinda Steil
Calgary, CA
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Jun 27, 2013 7:54 pm EDT

How did you manage to not get charged--They told me they would charge me 700.00 to get rid of them

4:33 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Just Energy Group Lying door to door salesman

Watch out for these vultures from Just Energy or you'll find yourself "Just Scammed"
This young punk shows up at my door - I should mention that I live in subsidized housing and the majority of my neighbors are either single moms or elderly widows. I guess this guy thought we'd all be easy prey.

He proceeds to insist, pretty much *demand* I show him a utility bill (they do this so they can get your account number and sign you up without your permission. Then it's a huge headache to prove you didn't sign up so NEvER show them anything!). Already being wise to this scam (I've had about 5 of these ### try and pull the same scam and unfortunately a few of my trusting neighbors have been ripped off already) I wasted no time in shutting him down. This guy had the nerve to not only keep insisting on a bill even after I said NO very clearly and firmly and then got rude and said "Well fine then, keep paying too much" to which I replied "no, if I fell for this scam your trying to rope me into then I'd be paying too much. By the way if you ever darken my doorstep again I'll let my Rottie Brutus answer the door and he doesn't like con-artists". I then slammed the door.

These guys are fast talking, VERY pushy and forceful in trying to secure victims for these energy scams. The government MUST act to stop these con men because way too many naive and elderly people are falling victim and having thier bills skyrocket with no recourse. Trying to get out of this scam can be a nightmare. If they knock at your door DO NOT show them anything and slam the door. Warn your neighbors too.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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louise greer
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Feb 12, 2015 12:14 pm EST

I have just received my newest utilities bill only to discover just energy charges were over $550, i never signed up with these people whats going on?

Morinville, CA
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Sep 12, 2014 3:50 pm EDT
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Just energy decided to almost triple our bill " as a favor" without consulting us. Signed a contract for $250.00 per month. Our last three bills have been almost $1000.00. In the summer time yet! When you phone customer service they have nothing to say except it is going to help us!

Prof. Joseph Cummins
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May 14, 2015 8:10 pm EDT
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I live in London Ontario, I am a 82 year old a retired professor from Western University. A few weeks ago I was accosted by representative of Just Energy, It was late in the evening after eight PM on a cold wintery night. Earlier in the morning to noon hour I had a kidney dialysis that left me exhausted and difficult to think clearly and ready for bed. However just energy kept banging on my door. I explained to just energy that I had been treated for cancer and kidney failure and that I was sick to just energy who begged for only a few minutes of my time but kept arguing in well into the night. He promised to install a free thermostat on my furnace that was working fine. I allowed that to get rid of him and he descended to my basement to 'install the fancy thermostat. He banged away then installed a 'thermostat 'control' in my hall. He then packed up and ran off. When I tried to work the thermostat control it did not work and proved to be a dummy and furthermore my furnace had been damaged and would not work. In the morning I had thawed somewhat but was very ill and feared for my life.. Just Energy called acknowledging that my furnace had been damaged and pushed me to buy a furnace upgrade from them. I had too sick to remember making any commitment in writing but Just Energy went ahead anyway and insisted I had joined there pricey program for both gas and electricity. Ontario government has turned a blind eye to Just Energy and their targeting and gross abuse of elderly people and other poor or ill people. The representatives are scarcely human in their greed. What will it take to get government action on
Just Energy..

len caverley
North Bay, CA
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Mar 19, 2015 2:02 pm EDT

i live in north usual bill is around 250...after these aholes showed at my door to say id be saving igot slammed for a 470 dollar hydro bill for one month!...and i cant pay it!

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Aug 19, 2013 10:42 am EDT

I am in North Bay too. Just this Saturday, another one of these slick conmen showed up at my door. (I just got out of a 5-year contract costing me a fortune in January, so there was no way I was going to be falling for this stuff again!) As soon as I saw him, I knew. They are all the same, it seems: mid-twenties, attractive, slick in their tactics, binder, badge, etc... This guy, Mike, said he needed to see my hydro bill to verify energy efficiency. I told him everything was fine, I had a smart meter and I was with North Bay Hydro and didn't intend to switch. He said they (Just Energy) were the electricity providers for North Bay Hydro and that NBH did not provide me the actual electricity. During all this he kept insisting I get a copy of my hydro bill. I told him I'd be calling NBH to verify this on Monday and he told me there was no point, if I would just provide him with a bill. Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I didn't give him a bill and he finally left after a sarcastic comment. He added that he'd be around for a while if I saw him on the street and wanted to give him my info. Ha!
Maybe we should start recording these people?!

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Aug 15, 2013 12:47 pm EDT

I had one of these guys at my door- saying he was just here to fill in some paper work, and that we had got some info from them in the last 2 weeks ( we were out of the country so that was lie number one) then after promising not to be signing anyone up for anything he told me that they were offering a rate of 5 cents flat rate anytime of the day . That would be a 1 cent savings off of the current off peak rate and that we had to do this to save money (that was lie number 2). I sent him away on the premise that if I was signing up for any savings I would look into it online and do it myself. Knowing it was a scam, I checked online it is in fact a 5 year contract at a savings of 1 cent off the mid peak rate that is would make it 10 cents a unit all the time . Please how can they lie to get people to sign up, where are the checks, who controls these scammers?

North Bay, CA
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Apr 24, 2013 4:01 am EDT

I had a run in with these scammers last year. It ended when I told the young man " You have three seconds to get off my land before I call the cops." He took off like he'd been shot from a cannon. Now the word is out they're back in North Bay. Round two coming up!

11:44 am EST
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Just Energy Group Overcharging for services

I signed on with Just Energy in April of 2012. Recently they started charging me a service fee of $12.19 plus another fee for paper billing of $4.95. Two months ago I called and they removed the unauthorized charges, but had to be removed from next months bill. Last month they added charges again. I called and they again removed these erroneous charges from this months bill. This month they added the $4.95 charge for manual payment when I let the charge my credit card. I called again and this time got hold of an idiot representative who couldn't even understand the problem, and a supposed manager who couldn't care less about my problems. The rates this company charges are reasonable, but they then flood you with other charges to make up for their profit. The only word I can use to describe them is 'Swindlers'. Be careful if you sign with them. They get their money one way or another. I only have 2 more months with them so I will be looking for another provider soon. Good Bye Just Energy.

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7:43 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Just Energy Group One month charges not defined

Had a charge of 89.49 without details for 48.56 og NYSEG energy usage. No defition on the rate or premise for charges added to my bill.

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12:32 pm EST
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Just Energy Group Teaser rates/electricity or gas price increase

We are investigating potential class action lawsuits against energy companies that entice consumers to switch energy providers, and then substantially increase the prices they charge soon after the switch is made. The energy companies that engage in this conduct often entice consumers to switch by offering them pre-paid gift cards, offering an initial low teaser rate, and/or by making exaggerated claims of savings that could be realized. We are investigating reports that the following energy companies may have engaged in this or similar conduct:

Gateway Energy Services
• Spark Energy
• EnCoaFirst Energy Solutions
• Just Energy - US Energy Savings Corp.
• Hiko Energy
• Mega Energy
• North American Power

If you have switched energy providers only to have the price you pay for electricity or gas increase substantially, please contact us.

Todd S. Garber, Esq.
Meiselman, Packman, Nealon, Scialabba & Baker P.C.
1311 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, New York 10605
Tel: [protected]
Fax: [protected]
email: [protected]

To ensure compliance with applicable rules of professional conduct, please note that this post might be construed as Attorney Advertising. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

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Update by Class Action Counsel
Mar 04, 2014 2:35 pm EST

This continues to occur. Please feel free to continue to contact me.

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Liverpool, US
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May 06, 2014 6:41 pm EDT
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It was unknown to us at first that HIko even existed on our bill. Our bill started to skyrocket beyond anything we could afford to pay. I contacted National grid whom I believed to be my only supplier for a year. They told me this company Hiko was there and causing my bill to go up. I tried for months to call Hiko but they never returned calls. I spoke to National grid again and they decided to switch me back again to them. I am out thousands of dollars

Donna Caesar
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Nov 27, 2013 3:31 pm EST

Thanks for this. I have been inundated with solicitations (PA) from alternative suppliers. Having done my research, these calls are usually short and sweet - A few direct questions- Price to compare, length of contract, hidden costs, penalties etc- Gets me all I need to know to make a reasonable choice. The solicitations can be bothersome, though generally are professional and answer my questions directly. UNTIL the call from HIKO energy . Unbelievable- the guy was vague and slimy- passed me off to a supervisor who was even more vague and slimy and WOULD not answer any direct questions accusing me of being argumentative when I just said "please tell me your price to compare" The closest he would come to answering that very direct question was "We will save you UP TO 7%. ? After giving these guys far too much of my time, I excused my self on 2 counts- I don't feel comfortable with a co. that cannot answer a direct question AND they do not even appear on my state's (very useful) PA Office of Consumer Advocate’s
Electric Shopping Guide. I see there are many complaints against these guys and the less savvy of us need to be protected from them.

12:36 pm EST
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Just Energy Group Contract

I had a 5 year contract for Electricity with Alberta Energy which was passed on to Just energy approximately 12 - 18 months ago. The contract was set to expire In November 2012 at which time I assumed it would become a month to month contract. At the time my contract expired I was in the process of investigating my options for electricity as I was not happy with Just Energy and was frustrated with their aggressive door to door campaign and pushy telephone customer service reps (We had just moved to our new house in June of 2012 and they had visited the house approximately 6 times and were very pushy with both my wife and my daughter each time. I had also called them many times and each time had to deal with a CSR trying to either lock me in or get me to switch my gas to them as well). I do not appreciate that business model and do not want to deal with a company that operates in such a manner.
I received a letter in the mail on December 4, 2012 "Welcoming" me to the Just energy family? Upon reviewing the letter I noticed that Just Energy had automatically renewed my contract for an additional year. I was quite angry with this and called customer service to inquire. When I did so, I was told that they sent a letter stating I had 30 days to respond to it or they would renew the contract. I do not recall receiving such a letter and informed the Customer Service person of that and was basically told too bad, it was sent and since I didn't respond I'm locked in. If I do not want the contract I was informed I will have to pay a $75 termination fee to which I stated I will not pay a termination fee for a contract that I did not agree to or sign for. They stated that because they sent a letter and got no response that I had no choice! I asked how it is that Just Energy can assume that by stating a letter was sent in the mail without any confirmation and then expect it to be binding without a signature, a phone call, or any direct communication or confirmation with the customer. All the Customer Service lady on the other end kept repeating is that they sent a letter in the mail and I did not respond. She stated she can resend it to which my reply was I don't need it as I DO NOT have a contract with Just Energy any longer. She once again reiterated that there would be a $75 termination fee to which I once again reiterated that I will not be paying. She stated that they also called me several times so I asked when as I had not received a phone call from them at all. She was unable to give me a date or time and said only that it was sometime in September and October. The conversation went back and forth like this for approximately 15 minutes. She even offered me a discounted rate for the "inconvenience", to which I refused. I stated they could give it to me for free and at this point I would not take it as I refuse to do business with an operation such as this. I was getting nowhere with this lady so I asked to speak with a Supervisor. She stated that the Supervisor was going to tell me the same thing and I still insisted. She finally stated that a Supervisor would call me back. I proceeded to terminate my service with Just Energy and immediately called and made arrangements with another provider to provide my Electricity. To date, I have still not heard back from a Just Energy Supervisor. I feel this process is an unfair business practice, not to mention morally and ethically wrong.

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Update by Chris in Leduc
Dec 21, 2012 5:39 pm EST

After Blogging, using Social Media, complaining to the Better Business Bureau, filing a complaint with the Utilities Consumer Advocate, and emailing Just Energy directly, they have "waived" the termination fee. How nice of them to waive a termination fee on an expired contract!

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3:26 am EDT
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just energy has been coming to my house every couple of months for over 3 years even though I have complained to them. I have also complained to the ny consumer protection, bbb, ny attorney general to document they are breaking the law by tresspassing. I have documented everytime they have come to my home with a camcorder.I have even called the police on...

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6:38 am EDT
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Just Energy Group Being bullied over the phone

I received a phone call from Just Energy after changing plans to go with IGS. IGS had offered me a lower rate and I took it as I explained to the gentlemen. He said that I was out of contract and he was calling to renew. Then he continued to offer me another year at 6.99mcf when the rate was 5.49. IGS had offered me 4.94 mcf. I ask the gentlemen if he had a lowerr rate to offer me and he continued to say that I was ina contract after he had said I was no longer in one. He kept pushing the 6.99 for the year. Started yelling at me over the phone I had told him no that I didn't want to change from IGS that I had just switched over because of the lowerr rate. He just kept pushing me and saying I was ina contract. I got upset I told him I didn't appreciate him bulling me after I had told him no. So, I ended the conversation with him by handing the phone to my boyfriend so he could finish it. Hows that for rude...

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Dayton, US
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Apr 24, 2014 5:46 pm EDT

A "Just Energy" employee just knocked on my door, I answered in the middle of having dinner and I simply said "No Thank you" and shut my door. Then she YELLS "no thank you WHAT" I hear her yelling things outside in front of numerous neighbors and children. I open my door back up and say "excuse me" she's them SCREAMS "KEEP ON PAYING THAT HIGH ### ENERGY BILL THEN" I say do not yell at me and that is not your job. So again no thank you and shut my door once again..Only to hear her continually saying that same thing about a high ### bill. However what she didn't know is that over half the year my energy bill is only 60.00-70.00$ and around 100.00 in the summer months with central air. So i'm pretty sure i'm already getting thee best rate! Disrespectful and very rude i'm still shaking my head at her ignorance! She was disgusting and should be terminated!

Somerville, US
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Feb 06, 2013 5:24 pm EST
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Just energy just came to my door saying they had just contracted Somerville, Ma. Asked to see my electric bill and explained to me that the " general service contract "under supplier meant that I didn't have a supplier and was being over charged. Made all sorts of general savings claims about seeing my electric go down dramatically. Normally suspicious I had seen them earlier in the neighborhood walking the dogs and had a pleasant interaction about the dogs that when they rang my bell I felt obliged to hear them out. Made it sound like a really good deal for me. Wasn't until I investigated after they left that I noticed they slipped the 5 years commitment in a very deceptive way and speaking fast ran round all the negative point like their price is higher and getting out of the contract nearly impossible. Told them I wanted to wait and they said I could go ahead and do the paperwork and could cancel with in 30 days. Not likely.
Felt like I really dodged a bullet ! Notifying neighbors ...

12:26 pm EDT
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Just Energy Group High pressure misrepresentation

I have just been in my new apartment for a month, and hooked up with a local utility provider from whom I have not received a first bill yet. I was visited by a woman who claimed to be affiliated with my utility provider (she said they were a supplier) and started talking about Smart Meters and fixed rates. She made it seem as though I would be saving between $10 and $45 a month on my electricity bill. Not having ever paid for hydro before, I assumed this was a good deal.

But then things started getting hinky. It wasn't clear exactly what I was being made to do, and I was asked to give my account number with my existing utility and sign papers that I didn't read -- she gave me the gist of it). Before I knew it, I was on the phone with an 'account verification representative' giving information over the phone. When I asked questions of the person on the phone to verify what I was agreeing to, the woman in my living room talked over his voice so I couldn't accurately hear what he was saying. In the end, I was told that I would be contacted within 10 days to conform the account. She then left, the whole thing took about 30 minutes.

I'd like to mention at this point that I'm normally very intelligent and don't succumb to high pressure, but on this particular day, I was sick with flu and had a high fever -- true story. So my defenses were down and I didn't totally understand who she was, where she was from, what she was offering or what the hell was going on. Also, I have not previously paid for electricity and so I was somewhat confused by what she was talking about, especially when she start rambling on about numbers, kilowatt hours and peak times.

Fortunately, the whole thing left such a bad taste in my mouth after she left, that I came to and started doing some research. A simple Google search revealed several links on the first page that cried 'scam' and a little reading revealed that this company has some shady business practices and misrepresentation on the part of their sales team -- these I wont get onto here, but there are numerous complaints on this website and a couple of significant cases involving associated companies in the States.

Once reading all of this, I left my apartment in search of this woman. I found her on the floor beneath me, knocking on doors, and I approached her to tell her I wanted her to call her head office back and cancel this agreement. Naturally she refused, even though she had allowed me to use her personal cell phone to make the initial confirmation. I told her that I objected to the fact she represented herself as a representative of my utility company -- she denied doing so. When I expressed my concern that I had signed something that appeared to be a contract when she told me outright that it was NOT a contract, she began to run her spiel about how their company would be best for a person like me and why didn't I want to save money? It was useless, I realized, to continue this way, so I cut her off politely and went to call the superintendent of my building to have her removed.

Fortunately, by Ontario law, I later discovered, any such energy retailer has to give you government documents which spell out what your rights are when signing a contract and show a comparable rate to what they are offering. These documents also state that

- you can cancel a contract within 10 days of signing with no penalties
- the retailer will contact you between 10 to 45 days to confirm the contact, which you can opt not to confirm, thus nullifying the contract.
- you can also cancel the contract without penalty within 30 days of receiving your first bill from the retailer, although you will still have to pay that bill.

So I got on the phone to Just Energy to cancel it. After being told my call would be taken within 5 minutes, I waited 45 minutes on hold. Eventually, an agent answered and tried to convince me to stay, exactly echoing the speech made by the other woman, but I deflected all attempts to woo me. According to the law, I should now be free of this contract, but only time will tell, as I have read reports that the CS Department of this company has serious issues. But I have recorded the phone call for my own records, and got the number of the CS who took the call, so I think I am covered.

I urge anyone getting a call or visit from this company to simply close the door and not get involved with them. Any company that takes advantage of a sick person to make a sale is not worth the headache you will surely get in the end.

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Brampton, CA
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Oct 09, 2012 7:53 am EDT

Had a woman come to my door from Just Energy and try to pull the same tactics - said she was here to make sure I was being charged correctly for my smart meter and wanted to see my bill - that's when my b.s. detector went off. I asked her straight out if she were from a company that sold contracts for electricity, and she gave me a song and dance about her company having a relationship with the hydro company but the rates were going to go up and she wanted to make sure I was getting the best deal. When I said I wasn't interested, she said I needed to fill out this form to confirm I was turning down this offer - once again, b.s. detector on full alert. I told her not to come back.
We moved houses a few months ago and it amazes me how many of these companies come out of the woodwork and try to get inside your house by saying "I'm here to check your furnace" or tell you, when you decline, that you need to fill out paperwork to say you declined. In the week after me moved we must have had at least 5 different people come to the door and misrepresent themselves.

5:38 am EDT
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Facebook. Learn more

Just Energy Group Still charging after contract is up

My contract for Just Energy was up in January. I had 3 sales people come to my door and try to get me to renew. I told them thanks but no thanks. It is now May and they are still on my utility bill. I called to find out why and they tell me that I have to either phone them or mail them with my decision. This is crap, I didn't resign anything so they have no entitlement to charge me. I can't get anywhere with phoning them, there representatives don't know anything and won't give you any answers other than their standard "we are waiting for your call to tell us that you don't want to renew" If I wanted to renew I would have signed another contract. Also they are saying that my electricity service is not up until August. I don't know how that can be since I signed up for both at the same time. I will be talking to my MPP and see if they can do anything, or maybe I should contact the newspaper. They are ripping people off and making their money illegally.

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Jul 31, 2012 4:48 pm EDT

I've had the sam experience as the previous complaint, in the fall of 2011 Just Energy called and asked me to renew my contract before January 2012 or it would be cancelled. I told the representative that I did not wish to renew my contract and would be quite happy with the much lower rate of natural gas rate from Union Gas. He contiued to try and persuade me to change my mind, but I said no thank you. He asked it he could send me a brocure on Just Enegy's rate agreement and said I said whatever but I AM NOT
RENEWING THIS CONTRACT! Upon several return messages from this persistant and noticabley frustrated representative asking me to renew with them, which I continued to refuse, they started showing up at my front door. First was a pretty young girl with an Ipad who was very friendly and my wife said if I wasn't at home she would have signed up with her, asked me to come to the door to speak with her, , as she showed me how much I'd be saving, I said your offering me 25 cents a cubic meter from which I was being gouged by Just Energy paying 40 cents, I said no thanks I'll gladly pay 8.5 cents from Union Gas without a contract. Sorry for rambling on so much, but it's very frustrating. Then to top it off after working nights I heard the door bell ring, my nineteen year old son answered the door and said my dad is sleeping, just as I poked my head aroud the corner from the upstairs hallway he says Oh I think I see someone upstairs... I LOSE IT, I came down stairs being woken up by this ###, I laid into him saying do you people not know the meaning of the word NO! I said you tell Pierre and who ever the hell else you report to that I don't want to see your face here again or hear from you on the phone either. Now it's the end of July 2012, partially my own fault for not checking my bills closer I noticed that Just Energy is still my gas provider and charging me 25 cents a cubic meter plus a 20 cent addministration fee per month. I called them and blasted them to get me off this damn contract immediately and will file a complaint with the Ontario Energy Board. These people are nothing but crooks, stay away from Just Energy for your own good.

Oswego, US
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Jul 13, 2012 7:51 am EDT

So last night a just energy sales person came to the door (3rd time this week) - when I told the kid that I wasn't interested, he persisted to tell me how much money I could save - I persisted to say I wasn't interested and went to shut the door - he pushed it open and told me he was just trying to do his job... LOL! A few minutes later he and his partner walked down my street screaming they were only trying to do their job - and told me I was a loser (because at 7PM in the evening I happened to be home - must be I don't work). She then again told me I was a F*&^%(* loser because I was home must be I was on welfare and that is why I didn't need there service. I told her I called the police and they are aware of what they were doing - she then asked me repeatedly (SCREAMING) who the F^&**(&^ officer was - she wanted his F()*&^% name! As she left my neighborhood she kept calling me &^**() loser ! What a way to attract business... Not that I would want them anyway!

Cant take anymore
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May 29, 2012 11:43 pm EDT

We should get a class action going...has just informed me we have been paying nearly five times the actual price - for 6 years because they never did cancel our contract when we called - watch out!

4:21 am EDT
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I worked three hours from my residence as an "energy supply salesman" or so it seemed. My house keys have somehow remained in their possession, I was not informed of any company downsizing. I "made" ten dual "sales" in 3 days and was fired in the vehicle I was driven in, and had already coerced me into doing working long past quit time. I was hired around...

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10:52 am EDT
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Just Energy Group Overly aggressive sales practices

This company is sending sales personnel to ring the bell and/or knock on the door of every home in my neighborhood, asking to see which energy supplier we show on the electric bill. When we tell them to leave, they say that another person will just come back again later. We have had them come by twice in the past two weeks. They do not indicate that they are sales personnel and that they are paid by commission.
I am particularly angry because most of the residents on my block are elderly.

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Jul 12, 2013 2:51 pm EDT

I just encountered someone from Just Energy (rang my bell) who spoke in a very thick accent--so thick and so fast that I could barely understand him at all. He went on and on and on--even after I told him I would research it on line and had to go. He just would not leave--he just kept talking, He also had hospital scrub pants on--which gave me pause on who this guy was-seriously, scrubs?. I finally had to raise my voice and ask him to please leave--and I shut the door. I don't mind solicitors to a certain degree, and I am mostly never home during the day--so they are not an issue...however legitimate the company is, the presentation and the demeanor and appearance "smells funny". If they are so great, I'll go on line and look into it. There is no way I show someone a bill or statement that I don't know. It is a somewhat uncomfortable way to do business.

4:18 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Just Energy Group Wasted time on a scam

I applied for a Customer Service Job on and received a call a few days later from a man inviting me to an interview. My caller ID said he was from TELGA Services. The man on the phone told me that they were an environmental company, so I agreed to come and have an interview with a man named Dan. I called back later and asked for more information because I began to suspect that this was a scam. He would not give me ANY information and just said that 'Dan' would tell me everything I needed to know. I drove into Oshawa for the interview and there were around 5 others waiting, none of which knew anything more than I did. And I was surprised to discover that they were not called TELGA, they were called JUST ENERGY. The lady beside me thought they were a job placement agency! Finally, I had my interview and Dan was telling me how amazing I would be for this job and praising my resume (even though I know that my resume is pretty limited right now). He wasn't even going to tell me that they were an entirely commission based company, but thankfully I asked and he started stuttering over how they didn't want to limit there employees to an hourly wage or salary! Then Dan asked me if I liked the outdoors (which I thought was pretty weird) but as I later found out they do door to door sales LOL. Finally Dan told me he would love to have me in the company and wanted me to commit to coming to an orientation. I told him that I still didn't know enough about the company and wanted to look it up on the internet. I think at that point he knew he'd lost me because just look at what I'm finding out now!

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Aug 07, 2017 4:22 pm EDT

I also received an invitation from Richard McCurdy for an interview. Since I'm new here in Ontario, I googled the address 50 Richmond St E suite 112, and the very first search result led me to this website. I am so very glad to have seen these reviews before replying to email and attending the interview. It would be such a waste of time and energy to go there, especially I don't live in Oshawa, if the result is an unpleasant scam.
I must say, I am very cautious for applying to jobs located at East Oshawa. Basically, East Oshawa is known to be a bad area of Oshawa, with many skeptical job opportunities like this, that are very stingy with paid. One time, I had a very similar situation happened to me. The company name is Legacy Wholesales Inc. (be aware of this company as well if you're looking for a job!). That was one freaking lesson learned for me. Now that I discover this website, I am so posting a complaint about that company. It was honestly my worst job interview experience ever!
And yes, as I google for more info about this "Just Energy" or "Janergy" company, it if you only googled "Janergy", you will realize that they have not yet have a company in Canada, therefore, it seems as if they are just using Janergy's company name to build reputation for their own company. Such action alone tells you a lot about how this is a company with issues.
Also, Richard McCurdy's LinkedIn profile claims that he been working for this company for over 13 years. If a company runs like this for 13 years, you know the company is going nowhere. If you're familiar with the term "pyramid scheme" (to learn about this term, you can search a video on Youtube, named Multilevel Marketing: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO), under the channel named "LastWeekTonight"). This is basically what this company is doing. Seriously, I just pray that more people are reading this before wasting time on applying to such companies.

Sharon McIlhargey
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Jul 25, 2017 1:06 pm EDT

You too, huh?

Now they're called Janergy.

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Aug 18, 2015 11:23 am EDT

A guy named Andrew sent me a e mail saying that I would be perfect for the job and all that he said he would have me meet his manager SHE would tell me more ... Why is he referring to Dan as a "she" also he replayed to my e mail way to fast so it was kinda a hint about something being up

Oshawa, CA
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Apr 27, 2015 11:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well I sure am glad I stumbled upon this. I was about to go in for an interview tomorrow. Door to door sales have to be the worst job EVER. Trying to get people to change their gas & electricity providers promising lower prices, with incentives like a 50 dollar cheque upfront? Nope. Back to my job searching! Thanks everyone for all this great information!

Oshawa, CA
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Feb 24, 2015 7:34 pm EST

There are many firms in Oshawa that are touring neighborhoods trying to replace heating equipment and do not advertise who they are until you are hired. I agree with an "F" as awarded by BBB

Oshawa, CA
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Dec 16, 2014 9:44 am EST

I was emailed an invitation to an interview with a Richard Mccurdy at 112-50 Richmond St. E. in Oshawa, ON. No company name or phone number.

I then Googled the address to discover it was Just Energy. The BBB gave them an F and there have been lawsuits in the US over contracts with homeowners. I'm turning down the interview.

Oshawa, CA
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Aug 16, 2012 12:19 pm EDT

Thank you for posting this. I went through the exact same process! I was only told it was an environmental company, so I went in for the interview today, which could have gone better, even though I have a lot of experience, I came in under the impression it was an agency hiring me. Dan looked at a job ad I had posted and laughed at me, but continued to go on about how great I would be for the job. I was applying for a Management position, but I'm told I can't have that right away. When Dan showed me the collection of cheques ranging between $1200-$2500 I asked if it was commission based, and he told me that some of the pay was commission based, and didn't mention anything other way.

After checking many job reviews from all over North America, I have found many that complain about the extreme hours, intense amount of walking, pointless spending you have to just start working, bad management, and underpaid commissions.

I don't think I will be going for orientation tomorrow.

9:54 pm EST

Just Energy Group Scam artists posing for just energy

Two boys came to the door telling us that Just Energy was a supplier for gas and you get your discount by how much the price was that day and it will never go under 7.0 something. Then we signed up and talked to someone you can't hardly hear on the phone. Then they left. Then a police officer came by and saw my husband outside and was asking questions on these people and said it was a scam. So now I am so scared because they robbed a house down the street. They took a mans money from his house. I don't want the company and I am calling natural gas and telling them it. So don't put us down for the Just Energy.

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Royersford, US
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Feb 28, 2012 4:46 pm EST

We were just robbed by an affiliate company Commerce Energy. They came through our neighborhood yesterday and knocked at our door. I was washing dishes and didn't answer the door at the time. Later when I was getting ready for work I went out on our landing (we are the only apartment on the 3rd and top floor) and noticed a pair of my boots were missing. Have contacted the company and we'll see what happens. I plan on calling several times until I get a response.

7:17 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just Energy Group They sent me a cheque which I beleived it was from direct energy for money that was woed to me..

I got a cheque in the mail it was in 2007 and I was to be recieving a cheque from direct energy for my air conditioner, and so when a cheque came in saying just energy I assumed this was a cheque from the one from Direct energy as I have called just energy to get out of the lock up they had me in for my energy bill I had befiore 21 and then thery had me on 37 I was paying over 70 dllars and I have been paying for that for over 4 years now casue they have me locked up and no way to get out even when I called them right away soon as this happend to me I am a single mother unemplyed with no job for over 6 months

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Albuquerque, US
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Jan 28, 2012 7:35 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@pamelajosh - Oh Just Energy is known in your province for all sorts of dastardly tactics of which this is one of them.

Auntie isn't going to chastise you for cashing a cheque from one company thinking it was from another. I think you've already learned about that.

Now here's what you do, dear. Visit the Ontario Energy Board's Web site at:

You'll find the complaint procedure there and an outline about how to complain to the regulator.

Here, dear. Have a nice cup of tea and start reading.


3:10 pm EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Just Energy Group Gas disconnection; termination of service

I signed with US Energy Savings Corp./Just Energy as my gas delivery thrugh Peoples Gas in 2005. They did not delivered the terms in the contract (they were overcharging me). I did cancell my service with them before 4 year renewal and I was charged for it over $50 (against Attorney of General group settelment). Somehow my service was terminated in cold time without notice and it caused my sons illnes. Right now the case is open in court for the dammages to my household and me. In Illinois there is 10 year statue of limitations on contracts. This is a case where gas was delivered from Cannada so International Commerce is involved. DO NOT SIGN WITH THEM or anybody. This company to me promotes just only lies. It is like some inteligance organisations: "...lie, lie and lie so the truth cannot be find out and never crossovered". Basicly customers do not have any rights as with normal energy supplier.

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2:41 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Just Energy Group Penalty for breaking the contract

Just Energy hired a collection agency to collect the penalty fee for ending a contract after moving.

We do not feel it is justified to charge a penalty fee when we do not live at the subject address any longer.

How do we go about winning?

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Peterborough, CA
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Jan 04, 2013 6:23 pm EST

Peterborough, ON. We just got "Just Energy'ied"! An aggressive young man rang our doorbell at 6:00 pm, the dinner hour, insisting that he was authorized to see our latest utilities bill to ensure that our smart meter had bee "reset". What a bunch of baloney! We finally had to as politely as possible shut the door in his face to get rid of him. Beware of this group, Just Energy. A brief net search revealed a long list of complaints about their business practices and they weren't flattering. They are merely trying to lock consumers into an energy rate that benefits only Just Energy. Just say "No thanks" - whether or not you're polite is up to you!

10:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just Energy Group Did not sign up and I am blind

I am being charged on my energy bill, Enwin, by a "retailer" called Just Energy. On the bill that just came in has a charge of $257.72 by Just Energy and my hydro bill (Enwin) is $229.29. A total of $562.47. I never signed up for this program and I have been paying this since 2008, they claim. I called and they said they would send me a copy of the signed contract, but they can't because there isn't one. I am Ernest Lacroix and I am 70 years old. I may be deaf and blind but I am not stupid. I would never sign up for anything like this. I looked up Just Energy on google and found they have a fraudulant background.

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10:56 pm EDT
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Just Energy Group Not working with customers

they do not work with community services, energy partners, or veterans administration and they do not allow even a couple days expansion without paying at least half your bill. their prices are 14.5 cents per kwh. you have to lock in into a 5 year contract fixed rate electric which is higher than alot of other electric companies but claim the fixed rate saves money over time. to break this contract costs $300 to $500 depending on how long you've had the contract. my bill for two people that are hardly ever home is almost 400 a month. my neighbor for a bigger house which has teenagers always in it pays 150 a month through txu. txu works with the va and community services as well as churches and nonprofit organizations to help get electric bills paid for needy families. just energy does not.

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Friendswood, US
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Oct 08, 2013 6:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was offered a sales position by this company today but after reading a lot of these complaints I'm thinking twice about it. I want to help people not hurt them! I don't know if this info will help but we have a very large 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath house. It has two of those large air conditioning units outside. One for upstairs and one for downstairs. Our electric bill averages around $140/month. We have Reliant Energy but we are on the "averaging plan" ...I guess is what you call it. You know, where it is pretty much the same throughout the summer and the winter. This plan has been a blessing to us as we too are struggling right now. I don't know which company you will choose when you get out of your contract with Just Energy but the averaging thing is just something to think about once you are able to do so. Good luck and God bless...

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Overview of Just Energy Group complaint handling

Just Energy Group reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Aug 12, 2009. The latest review Job scam was posted on Nov 13, 2024. The latest complaint Door to door scam was resolved on Oct 03, 2014. Just Energy Group has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 76 reviews. Just Energy Group has resolved 29 complaints.
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