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HealthyYOU Vending

HealthyYOU Vending review: Scam 25

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3:23 pm EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Healthy You Vending is one of the biggest scams ever. I own several Healthy You/1800 Vending combo drink and snack machines. After paying over $9000 a machine I found out that they were actually made in India and cost less than $2000 to manufacutrue. I was very excited about entering the business. It’s mine and I know my productivity will be reflected by my effort and time invested. I did 2 months of research before I narrowed it down to Healthy You Vending/ 1-800 vending. Negative reviews were hard to come by. I don’t remember seeing any about this company. The staff seemed very knowledgeable and encouraging. They solidified my choice to join the industry. This was the worst mistake I ever made. I come from a very technical background. From the moment I received my first machine I noticed the low level of quality. When I first opened the machine some of the insulation fell out. Luckily this machine was in my garage. My first machine on location was a nightmare. The back gate for the drinks was a pain to adjust, but I finally got it. The next two weeks I thought all was well until I kept receiving one or two complaints a week about people getting ripped off. That gradually increased. They would put their money in and only get change. THE MOTOR WOULD NOT EVEN SPIN. I talked to Seaga, the manufacturer. Their philosophy is that if you cannot duplicate the problem it doesn’t exist. Likely so because there is little you can do about it. I tried to duplicate the problem on my machine in my garage, but I was unable to do it on either of the two machines after continuous maintenance vending. Seaga’s actual recommendation was that I sit at my location and wait for it to happen. Who has time for that and why would the location want the vender at their place of business staring at his machine all day? Why would I have to do that for a brand new machine. Finally while responding to an unrelated complaint. A potential customer was patiently waiting on me to finish trouble shooting the machine before they got their drink. Then finally they put their $1 in for a 0.75 cent soda and all they got was a quarter. Another customer in the break room told me that happened to her as well. There is WAY MORE, but I’ll keep my grips to a minimum for now. Long story short I lost a 100+ employee location. It was very embarrassing after I sold them on how new the machine was and the card reader (also gave me issues). This is also the same location where I had multiple thefts. You can reach your hand in the drink slot and pull out the drink in the shoot (auger). It’s incredibly easy and a major engineering defect. The only reason why the theft stopped was because the director threaten to fire any staff member who was caught and they would not have a machine at all. The parts in the drink machine also fall out. If they are not in place this cause 2 drinks to drop at once. Seaga did send me plugs to modify this engineering default. I mainly talk with Seaga when I have issues with the machine. I rarely talk to 1-800 vending. They are salesmen who glue awesome graphics to an awful product. These machines are not designed for high volume locations nor are they worth the price. I am grateful that I have some technical experience so that I do not need to rely on Seaga because they are not very helpful either. I have more machines and more complaints, but I can sum it up with this, if you choose Healthy You Vending or 1-800 vending. You have been warned. I do not recommend these machines. Do not buy machines from these bloodsuckers. It will be the worst mistake you ever make.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Unhealthy Business
Little Rock, US
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Apr 15, 2014 10:49 am EDT

Thanks for sharing your experience and sparing me from making the same mistake! I too was impressed with Healthy You Vending's glitzy marketing and positive testimonials until I did the deeper research and found complaint after complaint of fraud. At least two states filed charges against the owners. These guys have nothing more than a high school education and sound like a couple of con men based on the feedback out there. I hope anyone considering Healthy You reads this and the other negative posts out there and reaches the same conclusion: HEALTHY YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED!

HealthyYOU Vending
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Apr 25, 2019 12:23 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The “experience” you are referring to is a bogus complaint filed by Christopher Wyland, the owner of Grow Healthy Vending. Grow and Wyland were ordered by a federal court to cease posing as Healthy YOU operators and filing fraudulent complaints. Grow has since ceased operations and has been sued multiple times for fraudulent business activities.

Our company is entering our 20th year helping people start their own vending business. We are an accredited company with the Better Business Bureau and have an A+ rating. We also have the best rating in the industry with Dun & Bradstreet. We are a top choice for franchise seekers.

horrible healthy you
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Aug 30, 2016 9:33 am EDT

The crappy machine quality isn't the only scam. The location services are HORRIBLE. They have done little to nothing to help me place machines from my HUGE investment and I am almost ONE YEAR into it! When something goes wrong, they all point fingers at the other and it's rare that anything gets resolved. The SOFTWARE is the WORST I have ever used. It's so outdated, time consuming and cumbersome, it's easier to keep spreadsheets! I have never regretted a business decision I have made but I've never been a victim of fraud before. Now, I am!

Karen Richards
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Sep 13, 2018 10:49 am EDT

I’m seeing a lawyer tomorrow for all of the above. It’s been a year & 1/2 and 2 of my machines are in the original srorage, and the other locations were ridiculous. When I was doing their 2 day class I found out that they had snuck on 5 media links to my machine order, I had no idea what they were, I assumed that they had something to do with card reader or whatever. I was never told about them or asked if I wanted them and paid for the machines before I received all the literature. I was the only person in the class of about 30 people that had them so when the guy Dirk was talking about media links he addressed me . When we had a break I asked why and he said “you’re the only one here that has media links, and when I told him I never wanted them or was asked he said “ oh I hate it when that happens” . I asked if I should call the sales guy I dealt with he said “ you’ll probably never be able to get ahold of him again”. Obviously at that point I knew these guys were shady [censored] and when I went to the head guy Scott & told him what happened he said to email him tomorrow and if the machines haven’t shipped yet he’ll see what he can do. I did, & he never responded and the next day I received an email that my machines had shipped. The only reason I didn’t pursue the matter was that they needed to place them for me and I was afraid to piss them off. I had just moved to San Diego and didn’t know the area and was counting on their help to find good locations for them . Well all five machines will be in storage tomorrow, 3 in one here and 2 in the origanal storage that are brand new. They have stopped contacting me about locations, won’t return my emails. So like I said, I’m talking to a lawyer tomorrow to see if I can do anything to get some money back, 60 K wasted on this BSin last year & 1/2. I wished I had found reviews like this site when I was doing research I didn’t see anything bad and now it’s everywhere. Oh and yes, the machines are crappy and pain in the but to deal with. I hate these guys so much!

HealthyYOU Vending
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Apr 25, 2019 12:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We are sorry if you invested with our company and did not have a great or even good experience. Since you did not leave your name on your post we have no way of identifying you. Please reach out to us and let us help you in your business. Since your review is not typical of the experience of the vast majority of our operators and the many Better Business Bureau reviews we have received we wonder if you could be mixing us up with a competitor in Las Vegas who has copied our name and our program. We look forward to talking with you.

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Oct 06, 2016 10:55 am EDT

I gave Healthy You a down payment (3500) for machines, then had a health issue come up. They dont refund your money. That to me means something is wrong.

HealthyYOU Vending
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Apr 25, 2019 12:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of jeniles

Jennifer – we have no record of ever receiving a $3, 500 deposit from anyone with your name. Could you contact us so we can arrange a refund if the deposit was paid to our company?

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Dec 04, 2016 5:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I wish I had seen this sooner. I thought I did my homework and checked this company out. I spend $84, 000 on 10 machines after they assured me that they could get locations at the rate of one every 2 or 3 weeks. It has been 3 months and none of my machines have been placed in locations. They offer a training class and some of us exchanged emails. in the last 3 months people have received 1 or 2 locations each . Some people have no machines in the field making money.

HealthyYOU Vending
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Apr 25, 2019 12:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of JosephM3

Joseph – we are not sure why your records and ours are so different. We show that several of your machines were located when you wrote this post and that seven of your 10 machines were located by us and you found locations for three. A school, a Hyatt Regency and two corporate offices are some of the locations we provided. We do not show that you requested a replacement on any of your locations so we have assumed all were working out. We have not been able to reach you. Could you contact us?

Lawsuit Update
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Jun 12, 2017 5:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


The postings/reviews above have been identified as fraudulent. The person posting it is not a customer of HealthyYOU.

A Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction has been ordered against Christopher Wyland, CEO of Grow Healthy Vending by United States District Court Judge Clark Waddoups (Civil No. 1:14-CV-00121-CW). Wyland, Grow Healthy Vending and other persons in active concert or participation with them, are prohibited from making any further false or misleading misrepresentations about HealthyYOU Vending. Wyland/Grow are also enjoined from making further false statements regarding the geographic origin or quality of the machines.


Please contact HealthyYOU for any questions on this or any other fabricated post.

Jamie P.
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Oct 03, 2018 9:57 am EDT

Going into purchasing the Healthy You vending machines, Healthy You stated that I would be 100% covered against fire, theft and vandalism, which was also printed out on the purchase agreement. After two years of being on the second floor of a hotel, one of my machines was severely vandalized. I contacted Healthy You and the 100% coverage claim they made turned out to be an absolute LIE, as they stated they wanted over $4000 to replace the machine! Had they just been HONEST in the first place, I would've had the option of purchasing my own private insurance, instead of trusting in their false claim that the machine was covered. Despite many phone calls, Healthy You NEVER tried to rectify the situation in any way. Do NOT fall for any of Healthy You's DECEITFUL LIES! Avoid this company at all costs!

HealthyYOU Vending
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Apr 25, 2019 12:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Jamie P.

Jamie – we have no record of having sold machines to you. We have had our fire, theft and vandalism coverage for nearly 20 years. While few people have ever needed it we have ALWAYS covered any affected machines under this policy. Please contact us if we dropped the ball.

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Oct 29, 2018 7:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ugh...i'm in the same boat. Bought 4 machines. 4 months later, none are placed. They are trying to push me into finding my own locations. I have a full time job which helped me pay for the machines, and they won't even expand the search to include places open until 5pm. I'm beginning to feel this will be my biggest mistake as well. God, I hope I'm wrong.

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Jan 29, 2019 6:40 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of beals1978

Resolved. I got my dates wrong and half of my locations had been found by the time I wrote my post. I am satisfied with the progress being made. I was not able to attend the company's two day training and that has kept me from moving forward as quickly as I could have. I do talk with the company on a regular basis.

Grandpa Peterson
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Aug 21, 2019 6:11 pm EDT

Considering this, but quite honestly, most of these posts don't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about this business opportunity.

a owner
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Jul 14, 2022 2:22 pm EDT

Go with your gut.

Lookz Asian
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Sep 30, 2020 10:32 pm EDT

HI, I am doing research on this business. As I went through all those reviews I found that most of the HUV Machine operators has been the victim of the third party or mainly the scammer claiming to be the HUV associated, so how do we figure out that we are dealing with the right personals, how to identify weather we are even talking with the main company associated.

Lookz Asian
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Sep 30, 2020 10:35 pm EDT

Note: HUV ( Healthy You Vending)

Billy Pettijohn
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Mar 18, 2021 2:17 pm EDT

I was not a victim of a 3rd party. Before you buy any vending machine from any company, you should try to place a machine in a business. You will find out it is extremely difficult to place a machine. I bought 5 machines about April 2020 I have placed 2 machines with 1 making money. You will need a business with at LEAST 175 employees to make money. I'm paying storage for the 3 remaining machines, and it could take another year to place them. DON'T BUY A VENDING MACHINE!

Billy Pettijohn
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Mar 04, 2021 9:10 am EST

a week ago
READ ALL OF THIS REVIEW FROM THE FIRST WORD ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO THE LAST WORD. The title of this review is “How to Avoid A Snake-pit of Pitfalls”. (I USED 5 STARS BECAUSE PEOPLE READ THOSE FIRST) THIS IS ACTUALLY A 1 STAR REVIEW. READ ALL OF THE 1 STAR REVIEWS FIRST, THAT'S RIGHT READ ALL OF THE 1 STAR REVIEWS FIRST THEN RUN DON'T WALK AWAY FROM THE VENDING MACHINE BUSINESS RUN, RUN, RUN! READ ALL OF THIS REVEIW THEN RUN AWAY. The people who attended the training was offered $500.00 to write a 5-star review, and the review that was deemed the best won the $500.00, and NONE of the 5 star reviews I’ve read describe how much money they are making. I REPEAT DON'T GONE INTO THE VENDING MACHINE BUSINESS. READ AND HEED ALL OF THE 1 STAR REVIEWS!
You may contact me at don'
I was looking for a more steady and stable income. For years my income and employment have been controlled by the rise and fall of the price of oil. I wanted a business that I did not have to deal with a lot of employees. I found “Healthy You Vending” while looking for franchises; however, this is not a franchise, so there are no franchise dues. The support is great, and so was their 2-day training at Layton, Utah. I felt I had made a great choice...Ok well I was WRONG. If you want to call yourself a stupid fool every day, then buy a vending machine.
Before anybody buys any vending machines from any company the FIRST thing you MUST do is to have a company/business that wants a vending machine in their business DON'T BUY ANY MACHINES BEFORE YOU HAVE AN AGREEMENT TO PLACE A MACHINE. To make any money you will need to place a machine in a business that has at least 350 employees; this will be extremely difficult if not impossible because they already have vending machine(s), and they are not really interested in talking to you. I’ve got a machine in a business with 45 employees and I make 1 or 2 sales a day that’s about $1.00 per day. Remember you must place a machine at a business that has at least 350 employees to make money. I finally placed 1 of the 5 machines about 6 weeks ago, and I’ve sold about $35.00 worth of merchandise. These machines cost over $8000.00 each (Oh by the way Discount will sell these same machines for approximately $4345.00), SO THAT’S 8000 DAYS TO BREAK EVEN THAT’S 22 YEARS. Had I been told that I would have to place these machines in businesses that have at least 350 employees (an extremely difficult task) to make any money, I would not have bought these machines.
Ask about the warranty. I had to replace the refrigeration unit in a machine 6 weeks after it was installed. The warranty they have does not mean a technician will come out and repair the machine. The warranty only covers the cost of the spare part. I had to remove the unit and the install the new unit. If you are not mechanically inclined this will be very difficult to accomplish. Also, if you are still working full time you will have to take off from work because YOU are the technician. I had to return the old refrigeration unit, and I had to pay for the shipment ($136.00) the warranty does not cover this expense it only covers the price of the part for the first year and then 50% after that. I was only told they had a limited lifetime warranty. I was not told any of the details. Had I been told the details; I would not have bought these vending machines.
Once the machines have shipped, you will get 2 months of free storage, then they will start charging a storage fee (GET AN AGREEMENT TO PLACE A MACHINE FIRST); I was not told about the storage fee in advance. This is another reason I would not have purchased these machines.
Rule # 1: Get the agreement to place a machine first THEN buy a machine. In that order, DON'T DEVIATE. If you still buy a machine after reading this review remember ID TEN T (ID 10 T)

Tami Goeke
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Aug 21, 2021 8:14 pm EDT

I would love to talk to you. Advice. Etc. Like your the only honest reviews. So I wanted to know your thoughts

Gabe Rodriguez
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Jun 17, 2022 3:08 am EDT

LMAO this was a great read! I will pass on the machines then! You were heard!

San Bernardino, US
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Sep 13, 2022 7:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been in vending for around 20 years. so sad about these biz op scams. I buy used machines for around 1500 i paint them learn how to repair them myself. I buy product in bulk fill them up and collect money I also use eport credit card readers. their is NO need for a franchise? Do not buy these chinese

piece of junk. Buy American made USI machines or old Rowes or vendos which are work horses Find your own locations or buy routes or find a locator do your research

Bobby Mascio
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Jan 05, 2023 10:16 pm EST

Yes. Healthy You is a complete rip off! I’ll sell the new ones I bought from them for 1/4 the price!

Your loss is my op
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Aug 06, 2023 12:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

If they work and you deliver I have cash on hand in the pnw!

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HealthyYOU Vending - healthy vending machines 4
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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