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Herzing University

Herzing University review: Fraud and cheating 10

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6:46 am EST
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I spent one full year in the paralegal program at this college. I barely learned a thing! They expect you to read 10+ chapters a week, (sometimes that is one class!), and then you answer one question on the discussion board and do some cheesy assignment that usually consists of a couple of sentences in Word and sent as an attachment, then you get an A for that.

They gave us temporary access to Westlaw in ONE class, (a law search engine so to speak), and didn't even help us as a class on how to use it.

They don't even have any scheduled class time, which means no direct access to instructors. You try to call your instructor and they don't answer, even if it is during the time they say they will. You have to wait one to two days for an answer from them through email. Once they do answer you back, it is some off the wall comment that is of no help what so ever.

I wrote career services with a couple of questions and they finally got back with me two months later!

They also just raised their tuition! For doing what! In the time I was there, I supposedly owe over 17000.00! My experience with this college was horrible. That is just a few of the negative things that happened to me while going here.

Needless to say, I am transferring to a local college with real instructors. Do not go to Herzing College Online! It is a major RIP-OFF!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Mar 05, 2009 1:20 pm EST

I spent one full year in the paralegal program at this college. I barely learned a thing! They expect you to read 10+ chapters a week, (sometimes that is one class!), and then you answer one question on the discussion board and do some cheesy assignment that usually consists of a couple of sentences in Word and sent as an attachment, then you get an A for that.

They gave us temporary access to Westlaw in ONE class, (a law search engine so to speak), and didn't even help us as a class on how to use it.

They don't even have any scheduled class time, which means no direct access to instructors. You try to call your instructor and they don't answer, even if it is during the time they say they will. You have to wait one to two days for an answer from them through email. Once they do answer you back, it is some off the wall comment that is of no help what so ever.

I wrote career services with a couple of questions and they finally got back with me two months later!

They also just raised their tuition! For doing what! In the time I was there, I supposedly owe over 17000.00! My experience with this college was horrible. That is just a few of the negative things that happened to me while going here.

Needless to say, I am transferring to a local college with real instructors. Do not go to Herzing College Online! It is a major RIP-OFF!

Eden Prairie, US
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Mar 13, 2009 9:21 am EDT

I am sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with your classes with Herzing Online.

I have been taking classes online for the past 3 years and willb e graduating soon. From my experience there is no school that will be 100% of what students want. I agree with you on the tuition increases. I do not understand why they keep increasing tuition but I disagree on the reputation of the College now a University. I took my Associates Degree in a cumpas and 3 years later started my BS degree online. I think my experience has been full of great and challenging times. When you take classes online you are almost on your own. That is why it is convenient. You have to discipline yourself to do the work. The instructors guide you through the classes and they grade your assignments.

I have had great instructors but some instructors expect you to do a tone of work with little assistance where others are always there for students. I believe what ever school you end up in, you will find there is a mix of instructors like the ones in Herzing.

What I dislike is when I am taking a 1 credit course and have to cover 4 chapters or so per week and also have to write legthy assignments on that class. Why would a class be a one credit class yet it demands more than a 4 credit class?

I guess in your situation, paraligal maybe demanding and the best place if you have a flexible time will be to go to a class with an instructor who will explain things to you in person. But if your time is not flexible like mine, Online school is the best way to go.

Jefferson, US
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Mar 31, 2009 4:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree completely! It does not have to be an on-line course to get ripped off by Herzing College. I attended the New Orleans/campus College and was SCAMMED! It is four years since I attended the good for nothing college and I am still battling with them and will continue until I receive some sort of satisfacion.
I have filed complaints with the College, had meetings with the College President, Gail Pena, complained with the College Career Services Coordinator, Kathy Hurley, Complained with the Louisiana Board of Regents, complained with the new College Presdient, Mark Aspiazu, I filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau and I am still getting the run around. The BBB gives me two weeks to respond to College resolutions and when I deny them, they can take months before responding again. The college offered (twice) the opportunity to retake the same course I studied free of charge for books and tuition to refresh my skills. ? What part of I GRADUATED with honors says I need to refresh my skills. The college could not find certified instructors to teach the course. The way the College operates is what needs to be refreshed! I am forced to repay a student loan for an education I was denied of receiving. I will do what I can to let others know what a SCAM this so called College is.
I graduated the course I took with Honors and can not become employed in my field of study. The college promised job placement assistance but could not even find one student from my class a site to do our internship in our field of study much less assist anyone in finding a job. Not one of the students from my class has become employed in our field of study but we are all forced to repay a loan for an education we obviously did not receive.
Do NOT attend Herzing College on-line or in class if you don't want to waste your time and money. Herzing is a SCAM!

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Apr 03, 2009 12:12 pm EDT

I attended Herzing Online for 3 terms in the Medical Coding and Billing program. My recruiter told me that the school only cost $7, 000 for the entire program and that since I am receiving Full Pell Grant from FAFSA, school would be covered and THEN some.

I attended a community college before this and my Pell Grant covered everything (including books) and then they sent me a check for the remainder of my grant for expenses. Since I've gone through this before, I figured that I could believe what this person told me.

Anyways, during my third term my fiance's Grandpa passed away. He passed away in our house after my fiance performed CPR on him for 30 minutes waiting for the Emergency Response team to finally show up. He kept him alive until they got there, and they gave up and let him die. This was very traumatic for our whole family, especially my fiance, which put a strain on me.

Due to this fact I missed one of my finals. I figured 'No big deal, I'll just retake it. Worse case scenario I'll retake the class so no biggie, right?' Wrong. They expelled me.

The FREAKING EXPELLED me. I called them up after I realized that I was locked out of the system and asked them what was up. They informed me 'For a fee we'll allow you back in our school'. At that point, and with everything I just had to endure I couldn't deal with it anymore. I just logged out and never came back. I was so upset/heartbroken. How could they be so cold?

A few months later I got a bill for my loan. I was like 'LOAN?! What are they talking about?!'. Apparently they took ALL of my Pell from the Government, and the money they were sending me was from a LOAN. So now I have $9, 000 loan hanging over my head and marring my credit score. (Yes, you read that right. $9, 000. Not even the $7, 000 he originally quoted me. They took ALL my Pell and then stuck me with a loan of MORE than they said the whole program cost).

I can't believe they can justify charging me (and the Government) all that money for only 2 1/2 semesters. It just doesn't make sense.

Scarborough (Toronto), CA
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Apr 16, 2009 12:03 am EDT

herzing is a private college or a vocational centre. Their sole purpose is to make money off of unsuspecting students and adults desperately trying to upgrade or enter the job market and not truly helping and being there for the students...what scums!
want an education, go to a real college or univeristy which is cheaper and far, in all regards.

anonymous coward
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Apr 27, 2009 3:41 pm EDT

Herzing New Orleans is nothing more than an institution centered around farming desperate people who cannot get a real education from an established school due to real life commitments. For the short time I was lied to and prompted to take loans and give them money for an I.T. program that had NO INSTRUCTORS. They grabbed people off the street that had no business teaching. NO real world experience in the field. Everyone that needed to learn anything left to go to the new Tulane school in Harahan. The half ### staff is not even mostly from the U.S. They have been getting people who need a teaching job to get a VISA to the us or some such bullcrap. All they talk about is the relationship the US has abroad from all these foreign nationals who are so damn openly hostile to the United States. What the hell does that have to do with keeping us on and having SIX different teachers during ONE COURSE? I WASTED MY TIME I WASTED MY MONEY I GOT NOTHING FROM THESE PEOPLE BUT A DAMN LOAN DEBT AND STILL THEY KEPT PUSHING FOR ME TO RIDE OUT ONE MORE SEMESTER!
They have no conscience. When I signed up I was told they had certification programs available since they were suppose to be a certified testing center. Weeks later when I'm in the middle of the classes and want to prepare to take one I am now told they are NO LONGER offered through the school?
Don't believe a damn word these people say! They are no better than I.T.T. or any other fly by night organization.
You do not go there to LEARN a damn thing. The only instructors left proved to be incompetent former students playing at teaching. You sit through a class for a number of weeks (more than half the time there is no need to even show up) then take a freakin high school quiz and get graded on a curve to pass the imbeciles (mostly kids just out of high school there on the parents dime) that fill the majority of seats!
So much lip service, so much RA RA GO TEAM propaganda. They try an make you feel rotten about having an issue with them till you realize the bill you rack up LEARNING NOTHING from a half assed mail order course.
The remedial instructors at the Kenner Xerox building represent the only REAL teachers you will get anything remotely worthwhile out of the time. The courses they promise you - you would spend your money more wisely at BARNES AND NOBLES reading the books and passing your certifications.
I cannot drive past that building without getting nauseous.
If you are going there because mom and dad are making you then fine.
If there is a HELL then they have a spot reserved for most of these people who run the New Orleans offices in Kenner. I mean you Kommandant Krantz. Rotten to the core.

Bakersfield, US
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May 26, 2009 2:17 pm EDT

Has anyone ever tested a course, and found the out-come to be not really what you'd think it to be, but to late your passed your dead-line to with-draw from the course but was thrown out the course right after the dead line, I'm fairly new to online courses $1, 700. dollars short posted on my credit report.

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Dec 30, 2009 8:11 am EST

Yeah.. I know two people that all they are doing is getting more loans.. first a BS now a Masters.. they are over 100, 000 in debt with loans.. now the husband is going for a supposed IT degree you can not tell them anything.. the wife in the masters is in a $12 an hour job and thinks getter her masters will help her get a better job.. well dah if she couldn't get one with a BS what they heck is she thinking..
they continue school so that their loans do not come due. I do not know even how they are getting the loans only she is working and last we heard she thinks after she get her masters she will attend a regular University to get her Doctrine.. well she will be in a real shock when she finds out this college was all a giant mistake and the University will laugh in her face when she tries and transfer credits etc. what a bunch on idiots..

Toronto, CA
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Jan 27, 2010 6:30 pm EST

Thank you everyone for posting your complaints. You guys just saved me and my husband $17, 000 and a hell of a lot of trouble. This is not the first time I heard about private schools ripping people off who are trying to better themselves and earn an education. It's a shame - a real damn shame!

Powell, US
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Mar 21, 2010 10:06 pm EDT

Whoa Whoa...I think some people really don't know the difference between online schooling and the traditional classroom! If you attend a online school versus the traditional classroom need to take the time to read the material and learn it. I know many of us tend to make the required post, complete the assignment and skip the learning crap. No that's where responsibility comes in. You need to make up the difference! Now dont get me wrong...I have some complaints of my OWN! However, it's not really with the school itself but it lies more with the inconsistency of the staff teaching...I had some great instructor's and then I had some anal one's (the one's who don't make anything clear and expect you to read between the lines and then act like their on a power trip and didn't make any mistakes because they may think their better than everyone else...that being business owner's and other adults.) Then I had some who completely expected you to teach yourself...I literally taught the class as a student with other students messeging me with help because I would post them examples, where the instructor would respond with a link to a tutorial, when she could have simply answered the question with an example. I should have been paid for whatever that instructor made for that course. But ultimately, you will have that with any online school as well in a classroom...people are different but, what do I know. I do know this though, you can't entirely go by peoples complaints because some have to due with money and alot have to due with overlooked information, a failed course or some other reason that the student was really the blame. Online schooling is polar oppisite of tradional classroom instruction. It's your own choice and what suits your busy schedule the most!

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