History Channel / A&E Television Networks’s earns a 1.1-star rating from 269 reviews, showing that the majority of documentary enthusiasts and history buffs are dissatisfied with viewing content.
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the curse of oak island 2018
Why are we still viewing parts from 2 years ago, It states on Blaze channel "NEW"
so why isn't it NEW.
Dan Blankenship is dead, and they have found a tunnel and chest of treasure, like shown on one of your adverts.
So where are those episodes?
Ive given up watching it now anyway.
yukon gold
Why are you still showing reruns of Yukon gold? There hasn't been a new season in years. Nobody wants to see these reruns anymore and change the channel everytime it comes on. You are loosing viewers everytime this show comes on. Either put a new season or just give up on this show.
That's my opinion and I hope you feel the same.
Sincerely your history channel fan
Joey Leblanc
jarring insertions of ads into you programs
I watched your three-part documentary on Watergate this past weekend, and although it was fairly well done, my enjoyment of it was hampered by the repeated incidence of commercials being suddenly inserted into scenes -- with no attempt whatsoever on your part to make them graceful transitions. In fact they were very jarring!
Why do you treat your viewers with such disrespect and contempt?
I have been intending to cut back on my TV viewing, so guess what? I'm going to start with the History Channel!
the picture I get is broken up with lines and/or skips on both shows that I follow.
the show, ALASKA THE LAST FRONTIER and COUNTING CARS both show lines and skips through out both shows, even the commercials. wonder if you are aware of this and hope your are trying to fix or stop this problem. this has been going on for some time here and would like it to be stopped as it makes watching very hard. those are the shows i mostly watch but all the shows that i've watched here are the same way.
animated commercial
History channel's owners are committing horrific crimes against humanity by creating their animated commercial claiming earth's land is the source of life!
History channel's attempt to deceive everyone on earth proves they are all fallen abominations and they all know for their eternal existence after death you will all suffer the consequence!
I am just!
I am the lamb back from heaven through death written of in my holy inspired word of revelations!,
My heavenly holy inspired word of revelations has been spread from coast to coast, this is my soul's solar system and you all are my host!,
I am: yh~wh (the breath of life)!
I command you to fix this animated commercial and explain how through my soul's solar system's sun every soul's star light in our universe on my ball of dirt named heavens on earth shines and flows through me your sun of man!
I am just!,
I am the lamb back from heaven through death written of in my holy inspired word of revelations!
The Baby Jesus wants you to calm the freak down.
the timing of the upcoming episode of watergate
I do not believe it to be coincidence that as our midterm elections are less than a month away that you guys decided to put a 3 dy Watergate event on your chanel. Talk about trying to sway people.
You guys are part of the media. The media is not terribly popular these days. Too bad A&E decided to do this now bc I really enjoy watching other stuff on this chanel. Wish u hadn't done it. Bias? What bias? Riiiight.
I have love the History Channel for many years, but lately the reality shows like Celebrity car wars is totally unrelated to History. Furthermore, this show is broadcasted for almost the whole day which is ridiculous. Why don't History Channel make a new program but not show garbage reality shows on History.
I love to see Ancient Aliens which is the real history of our world and possibly where we really come from. Brain washing our children with reality shows is just too sad. What are you trying to do to our generations? Learning about our history is the title of the channel and not brainless Celebrity Car Wars
As a kid, I watched the history channel every morning before school and constantly throughout the week. It was the reason I understand and love history so much. But now you have lost all integrity and sold out. Producing [censored] reality TV that no one wants to watch. American pickers all day? I'd rather chop my willie off. You're already rich. Bring back real history. Children and adults alike need an interesting way to learn. And shows like mail call to make it cool. There's so much money in your network already that you can't lose. Make history channel real again please. I guarantee you will have more traffic anyways.
Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I am hoping that you will pay attention to one of the little people who watch, or used to watch your network. By the by, I just want to say that while I am using the History Channel in this example it appears that this is running across the whole A+E network. You see like most TV viewers, I believed that the entire A+E network had found a way to make a difference yet still sell enough advertising to pay for it. It now seems that y'all are back to the money making mode, I ask, why? Are your children grown and you don't care about your grandchildren's children? So yes, I agree with the young man who's comment I am commenting on. Y'all have sold out the American people who you had a chance to continue to educate.
This observation takes place between 10/26/18 and 11/2/18. The program with about 66 percent of your airtime is the picker's, Mike and Frank. This is followed with a 28 percent airtime allowance of the guys at the pawn shop Rick, his son, the Old Man (RIP), and the kid with the drug busts, Chumley. Sorry, but I live in an area where there is to much methamphetamine so knowing that you promote a show with a known repeated user does not fly around here.
Now you had Ancient Aliens for a 16 hour day on Fridays preceded by 3 or 4 hours of programs on religious history. You also have been increasing the hours of Kount's Custom's and with that you have brought your airtime time percentage to about 98 percent of your airtime. You then mix in a few shows depending on the holiday season with a few hours of paid programming and, wahlah! you have a broadcast day.
I unfortunately have been laid up in a hospital or shared nurseing facility for the past two years so I have watched your channel go to Hades in a handbasket. I am old enough to remember when people had to carry signs and actually put pen to paper (God forbid) to make their voice heard. But now all we need to do is start a web site or even just a blog to be heard or even start a movement.
Maybe that's what needs to be done here, or will you listen early on and stop this before your boss's up the food chain start to notice and you can't even get a job at Public Television.
Maybe you could use some fresh minds to help you come up with new programming, if so please feel free to contact me,
Michael Ryan
Oh yes, I forget to mention, today 11/2/18/ your programming put 16 more hours of Pawn Stars on doing away with the usual Friday line-up of Ancient Aliens. And just when you could have used that for the run up to Christmas!
Damn! And you folks think you have your finger on the pulse of the American people. HA HA ! What a joke.
Michael Ryan
the narrator
Yall have started using narrators on the shows like Alone and a few other shows and its very annoying i dont like it. I have been watching all seasons of alone and naked and afraid and alot of other shiws ur channel is my most watched channel. But i am really thinking about not watching the shows anymore because its so aggravating sometimes. Not always like when it introduces the show but on alone is goes so in depth u cant concentrate on what they are doing and saying. Sometimes the person on the show and the narrator talk at the same time.
Amen! Please, stop the idiotic narration! It's tv not radio.
I want the hit TV show SIX to continue I would be willing to pay to see that show again and so would many of my colleagues. I would like to know why they considered canceling it. My email is William.[protected]@gmail.com and I can be contacted at any time. This is my favorite show that I have ever watched and I do NOT want it to end please fix this and keep working for another season.
I was looking forward to my weekend off with laying around watching the history channel. But instead you guys played the suckiest shows you have all weekend long. Who the hell wants to watch an entire day of pawnstars or american pickers. Try playing those suck shows during the week when the 80 year olds that watch that crap have nothing else to do. Totally disappointed and half pissed off.
historically inaccurate portrayal of the viking age in tv show "vikings"
Dear History Channel,
Even though it had a fairly strong start (with inaccuraries present mainly for reasons of story telling), your show "Vikings" has virtually nothing to do with history anymore. Here's what kinds of things are wrong and why this is NOT acceptable.
Let me break it down,
1. Costumes and Props:
All of the costumes present in the show not only directly contradict what we, through the power of research and archeology, actually know about clothing and armor of the area (which is actually a fair bit) but also common sense. Not only do the vast majorities of armors and costumes in "Vikings" have nothing to do with what was worn during the time period (e.g. You gave the soldiers of Wessex late Renaissance helmets), but would be simply useless (e.g. Everyone is wearing studded leather armor when in fact we should be seeing LOADS of gambesons and a fair bit of chainmail; these aren't bikers, these are Norsemen and Anglo-Saxons). Don't even get me started on your ludicrous refusal to give the Vikings any manner of helmet whatsoever. If you could afford just one article of armor, you would have chosen a helmet. Leaving your head unprotected is just about the dumbest thing any combatant could do ever. I get the whole "Protagonists don't need to wear helmets cus we need to see their faces" thing, but this is pushing it. If, for the first half of the Viking Age, Vikings blatantly refused to don any head protection whatsoever (aside from their copious and stupidly wild flowing amounts of hair you love giving them), Aella would have easily stopped the Great Heath Army in its tracks. Though most of them are O.K., not all of your weapons and shields are exactly up to snuff.
2. Tactics:
In the first few seasons we saw a degree of tactical combat that was sufficient. By the time we hit season 4, however, it suddenly became so that organized fighting and realistic strategy no longer mattered. Everyone just charged at the enemy and then the combatants broke off into neat little groups to have one on one duels. No battle in the history of man has ever been fought this way. It is counterintuitive and results in the maximum number of casualties humanly possible for both sides. No even somewhat sane soldier or general would ever consent to that act of reckless wastefulness. The best example of this nonsense is the battle between Lagertha's forces and Ivar's. Everyone just peels off and takes their time, doing their thing. This is not a battle, this is a joke.
3. The Actual History:
Every season a few more liberties were taken. This eventually reached a point were mister Hirst felt free not just to alter when events took place and who did what, but felt free to make up MAJOR historical events on his own. You/he went from pretending that the Vikings didn't know England existed (which is funny because some of their ancestors partially colonized it just ca. 300 years before the Viking Age started) to changing who besieged Paris and how it was (almost) taken (though the actual Rollo, clearly not a sibling of Ragnar Lodbrok, was present, though he did NOT become King of France at any point) to inventing a civil war that never happened partially caused by the death of a person who did not die (Sigurd lived to a relatively old age as the KING of Denmark). Of ridiculous historical inaccuracies, there are countless. I could be here all day listing them, if I wanted to. Also, what's up with ignoring the existence of Whales, Cornubia, the Picts/Scots (Kingdom of Alba), and Ireland? Is the Viking Age, which is most strongly associated with the British Isles, really just to do with Anglo-Saxon Britannia? Really?
4. It's Offensive:
One of the many reasons why history has to be handled objectively is because those people were somebody's ancestors. That somebody and those somebodies exist today. When you portray Arabs as stupidly extravagant and perverse (and cannibalistic) without any actual historical basis, you insult the Arabs today. When you depict the Sami as animalistic ruthless tree-dwelling killers when this directly contradicts reality, you insult the Sami people and the many Finns with Sami blood in their veins. When you turn the French (or rather Franks) into pompous inefficient elitists you oversimplify things dramatically, you insult the French of today.
5. Miseducation:
Your show is called the History Channel. Most Americans (and many international audience members too) are all to happy to believe everything you say to be fact. Why? Not only do you outright claim that what you are showing them really happened, you even have the audacity to call yourself The *History* Channel. What you wind up teaching the public is, as we've established, unrelated to reality. You're perpetuating myths and creating new ones - nothing more. Instead of thinking of naked savages with horned helmets and ridiculously shaped axes who kill and plunder willy nilly, the average viewer thinks of studded leather wearing people with long unruly hair (who refused to wear goddamn helmets) who just follow leaders without reasonable incentives. You're the "History Channel." Why can you not understand history in logical terms? A historical phenomenon is the result of something. Examine that. Understand and then realistically represent economic and social factors for Christ's sake!
You're misinforming the public. This isn't any better.
Vikings is not the only one of your shows afflicted with historical inaccuracies. Perhaps even worse than Vikings is "Knightfall". Let me put it this way, it was so awful I, as someone who actually gives a crap about history, couldn't even make it past the two episodes. At least the writing of Vikings was relatively cohesive and engaging for the first two and a half seasons or so. Do humanity a favor and rename yourself to something more appropriate or set a MUCH MUCH MUCH higher standard.
At this point you owe us, the viewers, an apology.
channel unlock
I signed into the history channel to watch past episodes of Alone. I'm on a Roku using Spectrum as my internet provider. It showed that it was unlocked but when I went to episode it said user not authorized. What's the deal? It seems in this day and age of computers, phones and televisions all working together you could at least get this right. I watch history channel on directv a lot but wanted to watch this show with my wife at our house in Florida. Correct or I just might shut off directv and not view your channel at all.
The same thing is happening to me and Spectrum is having me to call you guys when in fact your affiliate, Spectrum isn't providing the service that I am paying for. User not authorized, but they are still charging me for content that I cannot watch. It is unfair!
Hi, I am a loyal customer and avid watcher of the History Channel. From it's mini series' such as Barbarians Rising to it's original programs like Vikings and Knightfall, but one of my favorite shows is the program SIX which depicts members of Seal Team SIX performing various dangerous missions to take out the man responsible for the death of their former C.O. Rip. Why is it being cancelled? I understand that it's ratings have dropped slightly, but does that take into account the people that record it or watch it ON DEMAND at a later time? If anything is to be cancelled, why not cancel some of the ridiculous reality shows that seem to be taking over my former favorite channel. What does logging, driving a truck, or being a backwards thinking&living hillbilly have to do with history? Just saying. Anyways could you guys at the History Channel please rethink your cancellation of SIX and give the actors the money they deserve to keep it going? They're great up and coming talents and deserve a chance to continue to showcase to you and the world what they can do.
Thank You For Your Time,
Nick Arnold
Email: [protected]@gmail.com
I also found this to be a very good and important show having worked with a number of veterans coming back from the war. Please reconsider renewing it for Season 3.
In cancellation of the show "Six" please take the time to reconsider cancelling this program as my family and friends are in the military family. This is not just a show to us we can relate. Again thank you and God bless.
tv shows
You guys were doing an excellent job in the past with broadcsting documentaries. Or shows that talk about history, now opening my tv I fall upon re runs of the same shows on and on, I am tired of seing mash, please bring try to bring sone new ideas to the show like history of every country and culture, new interest bringing back the histpry channel
the men who built america frontiersman
Your scholar on the "Live Free or Die /David Crocket", David Eisenbach, is ENTIRELY incorrect in his placement of the Alamo(former Franciscan Mission San Antonio de Valero) (San Antonio, TX). He states that Crocket came to find himself "in the middle of the desert" is so entirely wrong that it should be edited out of the otherwise excellent series. Alamo means "cottonwood" and the never-completed mission was thusly called by the people because of its abundance of cottonwood trees which grow ONLY on riverbanks. Because of the San Pedro Springs the Spanish built a miles long acequia which stretches through downtown and all the way to the southernmost mission. San Antoniois 100 Miles from the Chihuahua Desert and was a lush town full of trees with the San Antonio River and MANY creeks running miles through and south of the town. It was the abundance of river and spring water which made the establishment of FIVE missions possible, and four of them have been active Catholic parishes since the 1700s! BECAUSE of the abundance of water to irrigate farms. Thus, following the river south, within 7 miles of the Alamo one finds Concepción, San José "the queen of the Missions, " where the water wheel and corn grinder have been restored, beautiful tiny jewel San Juán Capistrano, and finally Espada where the acequia comes up from underground, meets up with the San Antonio River, and supplies water, and a gristmill wheel to this day. All are active parishes since they were founded. Water MADE San Antonio the tree filled green city that it is, full of HUGE native oak and pecan trees.
An historian should get his geographical facts straight. Crocket found a beautiful little town with an emerald green river running through it, and Houston defeated Santa Ana BECAUSE the Mexican Army was in the swamp that became Houston, backed up against Buffalo Bayou and unable to escape a battle that won Texas in 20 minutes. I feel that historians should see the places about which they speak (like Shelby Foote) before they teach the nation about them incorrectly.
Ann Alejandro
Uvalde TX 78801
As the history channel is one of my favorite channels, last night's coverage of evel live was disgusting. Spend some money and hire some real broadcasters. That was a pathetic show of how cheap your co. Is. Espn should have aired it but im sure u put out thr low bid. Yes it was history and history in the making but espn should have been given the job. Remember... U have to spend money to make money...
Regarding the Evel Knievel special, it was great to see EK acknowledged, however the panel of experts was disappointing in that they had little to say that was really relevant, and after an hour, what more could they add?
In reality, Pastrana, who is a true daredevil, could have made all three jumps in 15 minutes if he chose to do. The Sands-prepared bikes were comparable to EK's bikes in weight only. The Indian bikes compared to what EK rode would be like comparing a modern-day Corvette to a Model A Ford. Additionally, Knievel rode a Triumph (British) bike for his Caesar's jump, and while it was a twin cylinder, it was not a V-Twin, and certainly not a factory works bike. I would guess that the Sands bike power-to-weight ratio, was close to 10 times what EK was riding in his heyday.
history channel format
You have some wonderful subjects as topics on this channel. Unfortunately, they are presented as though you expect young people to be watching them when I imagine the majority of your viewers are older. The constant anxiety-producing music and the sports-announcer type voices used in every show I have tried to watch is so irritating that I end up turning off the show. Your channel is virtually useless to me.
program discrepancy
In regard to,
Modern Marvels, 'The Cola Wars' documentary.
In the episode, it is stated that Dr. 'P' never recieved medical training but, rather purchased a medical certificate and started calling himself 'Dr.' .
However, during the 'Modern Marvels' facts portion, preceding commercial, it states that Dr. 'P' earned a medical degree at such and such age.
So, which is it?
I watch a&e and History Channel programing for the education of information, which now i must question. It is of little purpose to watch a program about something that, due to content discrepancy, I must research for myself it's facts.
swamp people
Just wondering why you have an entire program dedicated to showing and glorifying a group of people who dedicate their lives to doing nothing other than capturing and slaughtering wild alligators? This ridiculous joke of a show simply has some clowns using baited ropes set to catch the animals in their natural habitat and then they just shoot them in the head and pat each other on the back to congratulate each other about what talented, brave hunters they are. Absurd.in Australia crocodiles are a protected species and if you want to see hunting and capturing massive live crocodiles (much larger than alligators) by hand and then relocating them still alive, watch "Outback Wrangler" on the National Geographic chanel and see how "real men" catch crocs using something other than a 12 gauge!
History Channel / A&E Television Networks Reviews 0

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