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Hollister review: Sizes to small!!! 52

Author of the review
11:29 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I love Hollister cothing! BUT... it is way to small. when i see other girls wear Hollister an my friends wear it they ask me, why dont you wear hollister? An, i feel embaressed... i say that i dont like their clothing, ... but... i really do, but i just cant fit into the clothing. thats the truth. even, a larger size at a regular juinors department fits me properly, but i wear an XL, or a large depending on how i want the fit. An it is wrong that they dont have a plus size line of clothing and it is not like they wouldnt make a TON! of money with it, because i know that i am not the only girl that has these feelings about wanting to me in style an keep up with what you really want to buy and im NOT complaning about prices but I AM complaniing about thhe sizes that they carry. it is very wrong that they do that this sorta thing is what causes eating disorders and problums expecally in teen girls. i hope that no one feels bad that they cant fit into Hollister Co. cothing. i personlly no the feeling when your mom asks is they carry larger sizes like Aeropostale does. that is why i love Aeropostele! they are in style and carry sizes that all girls could be? i love who i am, and i am happy with who i am. but when my mother asked do u carry the sizes that aeropostale carrys like an extra large? they say NO! we only carry up to a large sorry. An its like, i really dont need your apollagy. what i really need is for your store to carry a larger size so i can fit in to the clothing that my friends wear. i am not a follower but my style IS my passion. i love my style it is part of who i am!, alot of people love the way i dress and i am very prod of what i have acopplished! :)
but i really do love their colthing and i went online to check it out and see what sizes they had so i ordered a large thinking it was like aeropostale but i payed full price for it, and i got the smallest large you could have thought of. and i was just like okay that is not goin to fit me! i was extreamly angry and dissaponted! i felt really bad i could not fit it i had to give it away to my little cuz. I felt so embaressed in ther store. An, i could have just cryed!
Hollister and aeropostale, shoujld carry larger sizes IN stores and i really hope on store manager sees this and understands that their are big girls who have growing hormons and have came in all shapes and sizes and should be ables to have the same outfit as their skinny friends! or there ordanary friends and not have to pay shipping online!... thay should just make larger sizers not a whole store for the plus sizes just add the new (LARGER SIZES!) to the bottem or back of the rack it doesent matter! i should be able to enjoy wearing clothing in style and not get the look that other girls get when they dont wear those clothing but i thank aeropostale and american eagle for the larger sizes and i really will keep my word on how girls and boys men and women should be able to shop at the same clothing store.
I, now rest my case about larger clothing style and how Hollister is very pregidest agensit larger people.!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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pawt, US
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Sep 12, 2009 12:38 am EDT

our clothing line is made to target girls in middle school and high school. so yes, our sizes run small. but we are also not a plus size department store so we are not going to be selling xl and to people who are overweight. we have a style, and a target audience. get over it and shop somewhere else. hollister isnt the only place in style

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Sep 26, 2009 9:11 pm EDT

Your FIT friends? How about your FLAT friends.

OP, don't feel bad, I'm not overweight and I cannot fit into the larges either at Hollisters sometimes.

What is worse? Abercrombie or Charlotte Russe? They don't even have X-large in either store, but they sure have x-small?

So.. we do NOT want to be 104 lbs soaking wet? Why is THAT a problem McObabe? hehe.. maybe the fact that the OP has curves makes YOU angry!

Nothing wrong with being curvy if you are a teen age girl.. i wouldn't think...

And though Hollister TARGETS the young teens to mid 20s crowd. they need to know alot of people really LOVE their style of clothing and would like to find something in their size too.

They make good clothing, no doubt about it. It washes well, holds up well, is cute... well-sewn. I have to give them a THUMBS UP for the styles & quality they use.

But I agree with OP! They need to up their sizes to include something a moderately sized teen girl or woman could fit into!

So, what, we are not all skin & bones. I really do not think that ALL guys like that kind of woman, anyway!

So.. hoping the manufacturers of Hollisters might be reading this and will start making size x-large, or make some size 12 or 14 jeans, etc... That is not asking too much I wouldn't think and yes, it WILL expand YOUR MARKET and your PROSPERITY Hollister's..

Love your Surfing culture atmosphere btw! It rocks! Great selection of skin lotions too.. woohoo, plumeria and Hermosa Beach are my faves!

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Oct 08, 2009 10:15 pm EDT

Actually, if you get in the store and try something on instead of just looking at the rack and saying, "I can't fit into this", you might find that something will fit you. You can find something. Every single one of the tops in that store fits me and I am not a small girl. I am a size 13/14. I can admit to being a bit over weight, and I understand that it's my RIGHT to be the size I am. I also understand that in being the size I am, there are consequences to follow it, ie. not being able to wear jeans from certain stores/brands. It sucks, but the right way to deal with those kind of things is to set a goal for yourself and get into a pair of those pants. It is not to be mad at the world for being smaller in the waist then yourself. No one is telling you to be anorexic. Hollister makes a size 11, though it may be another store's 9, fact is, a 9 isn't that small. I was once a size 17. I was still able to fit into somethings at the store. You don't have to look like the sticks that work there, trust me. Getting to where I am is an accomplishment. I am now able to accept where I stand, and being able to realize that I am bigger then I should be is the best thing I've ever did for myself. I'm starting to have more confidence then I ever did. I'm not telling you this because I am backing up a store. I am saying it for your own good, and to make you see that sometimes you have to see the real picture.

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Oct 08, 2009 11:12 pm EDT

although it is annoying that the only x's hollister uses are infront of s's, thats not the problem i have with them.
the problem i have is the fact that by running their clothes so small, they make girls like you think that XL is plus size. please do not believe that XL is plus size or huge or something to be ashamed of.
and XL is only about a size 12. a size 12 isn't even what the average woman is anymore. it used to be size 12 but now the average woman is a size 14/16.
at least you're happy with yourself. its amazing that even though you can't fit into all the stuff you want, you're still positive and you still love yourself.
unfortunately, hollister doesnt realize that every girl isnt like you. they dont realize the harm and sadness they're causing other girls who dont have the self love and respect like you do.
and they would totally make tons more money if they just carried larger sizes.
they just need to get on the tyra banks train and embrace the fact that not everyone is a size 0/XXS, for their benefit and for the customer's benefit.

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Oct 08, 2009 11:20 pm EDT

If you're company's target range is middle and high school aged youth, then why the hell are your models barely dressed (if they're even dressed at all) and making out and being all touchy feely? and why do they all look like they're 22 through 26? if you're going to advertise with people that age, you need to provide sizes to people of that age.
also. since you are all either busy running around barely dressed kissing each other on the beach or in your stores getting MASSIVE headaches by the overwhelming strong perfume scents, extremely dark lighting, and music that makes a jet plane seem mute, you all may not realize this, but middle school and high school kids don't always fit in the childrens sizes you offer. people in high school tend to be the sizes of adults and therefore dont need clothes that run small, and middle school children are surprisingly bigger these days. people are getting bigger and bigger and not only due to obesity. so if you still want customers 10 years from now, you might want to up the sizes.

also y'all might wanna fix the atmosphere of the stores. the dark lighting is bad for vision and the music is too loud and can hasten deafness and there is too much perfume being sprayed which could cause allergic reactions in customers. one day you'll have a deaf and blind former employee filing a lawsuit for pain and suffering because of the loss of hearing and sight that was brought on by your stores atmosphere.

one more thing ms hollister [censored].

XL does not mean overweight so get your facts straight. Like I said in my previous comment, XL equals a size 12 which is average.
besides, yea someone might need an XL shirt. but maybe they just have huge boobs and need an XL so they don't rip the size large shirt they would normally wear with smaller boobs.
you don't know why every size 12 person is a size 12 so quit being a snobby know it all rude insensitive stuck up ignorant prejudice [censored].
just because you work at hollister or wear it does not mean you are entitled to be prejudice and rude to people based on weight. hollister does not mean you are entitled or better then anyone else. hollister doesnt mean you are special or elite or divine. so please get some humility and learn to be kinder.

so why don't y'all get over it when your [censored] attitudes, bad store environments, and sizes for newborns gets y'all extinct.

San Pedro, US
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Nov 18, 2009 6:41 pm EST

I can not agree more.. Holister does sale a lot of nice clothing.. But, if you have all the curves I do .. I can not even put one boob in the tiny sweaters they carry.. I am not fat at all... I have an ###.. boobs.. thighs.. I do not want to be a skinny ### broad anyways.. I was once one.. I use to wear a size 0 and people told be I was tooo skinny.. now that I am a beautiful size 10.. the stores suggest that I am to big to fit their clothing.. People cant handle a curvaceous women like me..

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Dec 07, 2009 1:08 am EST

Before you complain, you should check your spelling. I don't think people should complain that clothes at hollister/abercrombie and fitch/aeropostale wherever don't fit them. It isn't their fault that the clothes don't fit you. I used to not be able to fit into their clothes when I was younger, but i didn't complain, I just shopped elsewhere. When I grew into my shape I was able to shop there. But never once did I complain. Making plus size clothes might make them some more money, BUT it appears they are doing just fine without it.

Newport Beach, US
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Jan 04, 2010 4:08 am EST

Next time you go into Hollister, look at the posters on the wall. It's all skinny women and ripped guys, not overweight people. Skinny people are their target customers. They are selling an image. If you really want to fit into Hollister and Aeropostale's clothes, lose some weight. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but seriously. It's not like its a department store that carries larger sizes. Hollister isn't to blame for girls getting eating disorders and making girls think their fat. If you really want to blame someone, blame yourself. You obviously don't care enough to get to a healthy weight so you can fit into Hollister's clothes. You eat unhealthy foods and you don't exercise. What do you think is going to happen when you stuff your face all day and sit on your ###? You should be less concerned with what Hollister and Aeropostale are doing and more concerned about your health. Why should these stores adjust themselves to fit your size? Wouldn't they just be promoting obesity? That's not a good thing to promote. Also, read a dictionary or spell check because your spelling and grammar are awful.

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Jan 13, 2010 10:47 pm EST

im my opinion hollister should make bigger sizes.u dont even have to be over weight.the sizes come small anyways im a 15 year old average weight but a bigger ###.and i get very upset cause i cant fit hollister.soo for all yall who talking about lose weight calling people fat ### and stuff u dont even have to be fat or over weight hollister clothes(pants) should come like a size or two bigger.cause i know im not over weight.but i can fit the shirts just not the pants or shorts.but for all u nice size girls who cnt fit hollister u still have American Eagle and Aeropostale and lots more!

Seattle, US
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Jan 25, 2010 11:57 pm EST

you dont alter hollister, you alter your self to fit hollister, and so what if they dont sell xl sizes? you can always loose the extra pound in as little as weeks so

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Mar 02, 2010 10:56 pm EST

I absolutely agree that the sizes are way too small. They should make a larger range of sizes to fit everyone. It would bring in plenty more money for them and isn't that the main goal in a business? American Eagle and Aeropostale have larger sizes and I see way more people wearing them than Hollister. I've even heard that Victorias Secret - the store known for being sexy - is expanding their clothing sizes to a XXL. I find it disgusting that one of the main responses to this is that 'people should lose weight'. Especially the guy that was ranting and raving about not being a healthy weight and how creating larger sizes would just be promoting obesity. Have you ever thought maybe being overweight isn't the only reason why people can't fit into the clothes? Maybe some girls have a larger chest or a fuller back-end - which is generally considered sexy. Hollister tries to sell a sexy sort of image (Thus all of the 'making out on the beach' advertisements) so wouldn't it make sense for them to sell larger sizes to accomodate some of the sexier shaped women/girls? (By no means do I mean that flat-er women can't be sexy). Besides that it shouldn't matter if someone is a little overweight. It really irks me when people who have been thin their whole life tell someone to go lose weight. Karma is a ### and I bet any money someday you'll be overweight too. People should love their bodies and should be able to buy cute, in-style clothes that make them feel good about themselves. If Hollister is interested in making more money - especially in todays economy - then they should definitely expand their sizes.

5555 21 ave S, US
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Mar 02, 2010 11:21 pm EST

Not everything has to fit everyone! Shop somewhere else its not like hollister is the only store in the world and you have to go naked if their clothes dont fit you. Who cares if youre too fat or too skinny to fit something there is more then one store out there.

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Apr 05, 2010 3:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree, and its not only Hollister that has smalls sizes.. the other day i walked into a store and a large shirt looked like it was for a 9year old...
Not all people are over weight... ME for example i have huge hips, and thighs, not much boobs but my shoulders are broad, and i do NOT want to get so skinny to the point where u look at me, and u can see my bones stickin out, that is disgusting.
People before you go judging and pointin fingers look at yourself, you are not flawless, and even though u might have a skinny frame and that is why u can be skinny, i bet in other things ur horrible... no one is perfect... so dont judge...
I have hypothyroidism, and let me say i can gain weight easily i got to size 17 for jeans... right now im on size 13to15 depending on the fabric or idk... because like i said some cloths are smaller than they say they are...
Yes Hollister is not the only store in the world... but look at the world... not everyone is a stick... and not everyone can have a model body... no matter how much excersice u do, if ur body frame says till here u can be, or else u will be boney, than that is that...
Yes excerise and be healthy... but still i think its a discrimination towards people and they make people feel bad, for not being small... and for us people who have a bigger frame, like huge hips and thighs and what not, we are not fat, we are curvy and beautiful who have taste in style just like the next skinny person...
IF ur belly is hangin all over the place, than excersice so u can be healthy and achieve the right size for ur body frame...
P.S-Beauty ends with age... but the inner beauty will remain if u dont let no one sabbotage who u are.

Chicago, US
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May 01, 2010 12:47 am EDT

well i wear an XL in Aero and a Large in AE and Aerie but i wear Hollister too. you just have to havcourage in youself that u look good and that you dont hav to be f*king skinny!

Lake Zurich, US
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May 08, 2010 10:13 pm EDT

i'm 5 foot 7 inches. and i ALWAYS struggled with my weight. i will say, i am over weight. and not by like 2 or 3 pounds... but like by 30 pounds. and trust me. i exercise all the time and eat healthy. i can run a 3 mile jog easily. it's just my body type. some people just CAN'T loose weight. and guess what?! i can;t fit into hollister either! american eagle is my place to shop.! but hollister REALLY needs to have at least the size xl! nowadays, kids aren't as thin as they used to be. even if you are a "skinny mini." nobody is perfect. and yes, i would love to fit into hollister, but im just not built that way. big deal! i love myself and all my curves and so should any other girl!

Effie White
Philadelphia, US
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May 22, 2010 11:25 pm EDT

hi my name is ephenie fieffe i totaly agree they clothes are created for skinny people and are not created for people of color mostly blacks, n honestly even if i was skinny i would not shop at their store i love american eagle they have more things n hollister is so corny, they think every one looks the same and honestly i think thicker people know how to dress better and look better in clothing becuz they fill it up and sorry but most skinny [censor]es are cocky when they look like those kids who r starving of hunger, n guys also luv thicker girls better becuz we give it to them better lol :P

LifeGuard L.I
Long Island, US
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Jun 06, 2010 11:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

personally i feel pretty neutral about this whole thing i'm an average size 5( dresses) and i can fit into holliser. what im trying to say is YES hollister does target the skinnier figure girls and i dont see too much is wrong with that. Exept i dont rlly like the posters of the very skinny girls and their ripped boyfriends on the walls i mean it's really great photography but it gives girls the impression that you NEED to be that skinny to get a guy thats that hot which isnt true for the most part and for all of the girls that THINK they cant fit into hollister, , , look around the store trust me you will find something that fits you and if you truly cant then stop complaining and loose sum weight because if ur a teenager and your that big then you def. got sum weight issues. ALSO hollister does carry stuff other then clothes. they carry amazing perfumes and makeup try looking at them if u dont agree with the clothing sizes... jeez get over it. but one thing i dont agree with is them hiring morbidly skinny cashiers now that can give off the wrong impression...

Indianapolis, US
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Jun 15, 2010 2:04 pm EDT

certain brands are for certain people get over it they have clothing lines for thicker people. but when they have lines for just skinny people you "thicker" people wanna get get mad. I'm short so it's hard to find goood pants but I deal with it so stop [censor]ing about being over weight. loses weight or shop somewhere else. hollister is doing just fine, and there clothes aren't made for curves thier made for skinny people

Oceanside, US
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Jun 16, 2010 12:41 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

there goes stealth pilot flaming again.. you should be more concerned that you appear to the public as a jet fighter named the stealth pilot. then you are about her spelling. you should see a phycologist to check out your aggression issues, and why you feel the need to cut every one down.

Oceanside, US
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Jun 16, 2010 1:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

LOL... I have an old immature flamer.

Trenton, US
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Jun 30, 2010 1:14 pm EDT

I dont understand why all of you people are trashing and putting down this girl. You all should be ashamed of your selves! She has a legitimate complaint about a this store. Her complaint is not necessarily that they do not make plus size clothing (a lot of stores do not). Her complaint is that if you are going to label an pair of jeans or a shirt a small, medium, or large, it needs to actually be that size not two sizes smaller. Hollister is the only store that i have to buy my clothes two sizes larger than the size i would buy anywhere else. And i can forget about finding a shirt from there! I where a 36 D and my boobs arent fitting in any of there little bitty shirts. I do have a few items from this store in my closet but if you really pay attention, all of the women, or girls you see wearing nothing but Hollister, thier bodies are not jaw dropping and by no means sexy. The only way you could possibly were the majority of thier clothing (as a woman) is if you completly skipped puberty and still look like a little girl. So 'HcOBABE" it is a really good thing that your store is only targeting middle and high school consumers! Since your store is not interested in marketing to normal women mabey you should look into merging with childrens place, that way you can start making children feel bad about them selves at an even younger age! That way when they hit puberty and they really want to wear your clothes, they will already have eating disorders and self esteem issues and will fit in great at your store!
Also, a little advice from someone that is in charge of a business. Customer services is always number one! with out customers dont have a business. You need to start giving your potential employees a personality screening, because every store that i have been into, the employees SUCK! No personality, stuck up, and rude! I dont get why thier employees get off acting so self righteous! I dont know if they have noticed but they are low level employees at a retail store!

who cares 20
Kingsport, US
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Jul 01, 2010 1:16 pm EDT

alright i understand your frustration put down the bag of cheetos go do some sit ups maybe jog and stop [censored]ing

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Jul 26, 2010 10:46 pm EDT

Actually, I would prefer that they stock more smaller sizes. At the Hollister I go to, the only ones left on the racks are larges. I'm pretty sure they have plenty of XLs, which no one buys because they're unrealistically gigantic. Compared to for example, Urban Outfitters, Hollister runs pretty large.

Anyways, there are plenty of other stores that stock similar styles. Forever 21's Heritage line is pretty close. Unless you're buying the little seagull logo stitched on everything, you're better off shopping somewhere else. One of the only reasons I go there to shop is because the clothes smell amazing, and the fit compliments me.

LifeGuard L.I
Long Island, US
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Aug 17, 2010 9:28 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

angelonearth5000, i can sypathise with the pants thing lol im like 5'2

Hobbs, US
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Oct 20, 2010 10:47 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Actually, I think that it's pretty dumb that people are over there complaining about not being able to fit into hollister clothing. If it doesn't fit you, then shop somewhere else, pretty simple! Gosh, hollister has an image it wants to keep, and it's their choice. People who don't fit into these clothes just needs to quit complaining and shop at another store! Hollister isn't the only store in the world, geez! Just stop complaining already, seriously. That's their style, so if you don't like it, I suggest just shut the flip up already! I love hollister, but i'm not super skinny either. I have a nice, normal body(size 5) but I have big boobs. Despite this, their medium to large shirts still fit me! You don't necessarilly have to have an anorexic body image in order to shop there, that's just a stereotype. It's also very annoying how older people past their 20's are trying to shop there. This clothing line is for middle schooled kids to young adults in their early 20's. But you can still wear hollister if you're 29. I'm talking about ladies and old men in their late 30's and early 40's, that's just so wierd. These clothes are for YOUNG people, not trying to be mean! But i'm just pointing out that some people just need to grow up. But seriously, if you're really that concerned with being a follower and fitting in with your group of friends, then just buy a large, and stretch it out or something. otherwise, please grow up and just quit complaining already.

Tampa, US
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Nov 10, 2010 2:47 am EST

I am, black and 13 and I do think it was made for all types of ethnic groups and it does go for skinny girls but if it went for the bigger girls that means nobody would care about their weight and thats not good. Love Hollister and lose some wait.

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Dec 04, 2010 9:38 pm EST

Ok, I love how Hollister's clothing looks. I love it, love it, love it! But I am a little overweight (its mostly curves), so I can't wear a single thing from there. Before you say, just lose some weight, you have to know that I have tried dieting and exercising and everything. I just can't lose weight. I do think that Hollister should some bigger sizes. They would make more money because there are a lot of people out there who just pass Hollister by because they can't fit into their sizes. So, unless I magically get skinner or Hollister gets bigger clothing sizes, Hollister has one less girl who will shop there.

Matthews, US
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Dec 08, 2010 12:50 pm EST

[AERO]So I went to Aero this weekend to purchase a hoodie for my teen Daughter and walked out EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED! What body type are you exactly sizing up when you are designing the XXL Teen Girl Hoodies? It is evident and quite obvious if someone is coming to your store or website to shop and they are looking to purchase an XXL they obviously do not want it to fit like a TIGHT LARGE! This problem really needs to be looked at! There are teens that have health problems just as my daughter does with a Thyroid Problem and cannot help the fact that she is a little on the heavier side this does not mean she doesn't want to be just as fashion forward as the girl in class next to her or that she doesn't care how she looks or that she is heavy by choice! If you really catered to a TRUE PLUS SIZED TEEN you may realize that there is a TON of money to be made in this area! We have always been loyal shoppers of Aero but I am guessing we no longer will be as my daughter is 15 and LOVES your hoodies all though you truly have dropped the ball when designing the size XXL! I bet if you re-looked into this and took a size 10 model or a size 12 model even and put them in the size XXL you would then realize it is not truly catered to TODAY'S Plus Sized Teen it is very disheartning when you take your child into your stores and everything that is her normal size XXL fits her like a size L Spandex! As a parent I am truly disgusted that my daughter left your store so upset we will not be coming back until we see that you have taken note of this problem and have attempted to fix it! I will share my disgust with everyone I know to see how they feel about this as well. Not every parent want's their teen girls wearing clothes that are skin tight revealing all of their goods girls need to be empowered not selling themselves short by wearing tight clothes and attracting the wrong attention no matter what SIZE they are!

Matthews, US
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Dec 08, 2010 12:52 pm EST


[AERO]So I went to Aero this weekend to purchase a hoodie for my teen Daughter and walked out EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED! What body type are you exactly sizing up when you are designing the XXL Teen Girl Hoodies? It is evident and quite obvious if someone is coming to your store or website to shop and they are looking to purchase an XXL they obviously do not want it to fit like a TIGHT LARGE! This problem really needs to be looked at! There are teens that have health problems just as my daughter does with a Thyroid Problem and cannot help the fact that she is a little on the heavier side this does not mean she doesn't want to be just as fashion forward as the girl in class next to her or that she doesn't care how she looks or that she is heavy by choice! If you really catered to a TRUE PLUS SIZED TEEN you may realize that there is a TON of money to be made in this area! We have always been loyal shoppers of Aero but I am guessing we no longer will be as my daughter is 15 and LOVES your hoodies all though you truly have dropped the ball when designing the size XXL! I bet if you re-looked into this and took a size 10 model or a size 12 model even and put them in the size XXL you would then realize it is not truly catered to TODAY'S Plus Sized Teen it is very disheartning when you take your child into your stores and everything that is her normal size XXL fits her like a size L Spandex! As a parent I am truly disgusted that my daughter left your store so upset we will not be coming back until we see that you have taken note of this problem and have attempted to fix it! I will share my disgust with everyone I know to see how they feel about this as well. Not every parent want's their teen girls wearing clothes that are skin tight revealing all of their goods girls need to be empowered not selling themselves short by wearing tight clothes and attracting the wrong attention no matter what SIZE they are!

sharon hewitt 40
london, GB
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Jan 03, 2011 7:19 pm EST

I took back two top today that I brought for my 12 year old for christmas that she did not like, bearing in mind that I had already spent 400.00 in there for Christmas.I gave the bag over with the receipt to be told that she needed the manager.A school boy lookalike came back and stated that the items smelt of smoke.I said that there is no way as my 12 year old does not smoke and nobody else smokes indoors.He then stated that it does not smell s it should do even though all the tags and stickers where n there and she had left one in the bag and he other I hang up to take back.My partner ask to speak to the manager and whilst i asked customers if they smelt and they all said no whilst doing this left a queue of people waiting.Another school girl type with an attitude came over.She said that it smelt smell the other clothes on the hangers they dont smell the same.I told her that I would not smell the same s I brought them for Christmas.She then turned and laughed at another member of staff.I walked out cause I was getting really anored.He stayed in there to be told that they sprayed there shop every morning before the shop open thus spoiling our clothes before we but them.

Dayton, US
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Apr 09, 2011 7:33 pm EDT

Well maybe it has a little to do with you because its not hollisters fault you are over weight but then again they should have xl. I wear large there but i need an xl in jackets so...Im overweight in jeans 13/14

Asheville, US
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Apr 23, 2011 9:08 pm EDT

If the store is for middle school and high school people, then don't we juniors hit puberty as early as age 10? They should really get bigger sizes, and I'm not trying to complain. And no, its not that only overweight people can't fit into this, but also curvier people, aren't over weight and they still can't fit into this stuff! I'm just saying, if Hollister is going to make a girl feel bad because she can't help they way she naturally grows, then good luck keeping business when no one is shopping there.
But, I also think maybe Hollister makes clothes for people who WISH they had a curvy figure. I mean, skinnies probably felt bad as much as overweight people do, so maybe Hollister wants to help them with style.
I also heard the store isn't made for anyone who has a different race other than light skins. I'm 13 and I already had wide waists, but I'm asian and black but I still think it should be for everyone, despite their race.
Now, please, before you go telling people to "lose some weight and stop [censor]in' out!" Maybe you should know not all people are NATURALLY made for this.

um get over it
Liverpool, US
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May 11, 2011 2:14 am EDT

I as well work with Victoria's Secret & the return policy is definitely the number one issue we deal with on a daily basis...I have never heard of the scanning of the driver's license for a return or exchange. That must be for only certain stores. We only ask for a DL for a return WITHOUT a receipt. The tags unattached issue...that goes for A LOT OF RETAIL STORES & not just VSS. To return merch and get a full refund, you have within 90 days (which is a long time) with the original receipt & tags attached. And if you don't have the receipt, you can do an even exchange or receive merch do I know you made the purchase with your credit card if you don't have the receipt? We need that as your proof of purchase. A lot of retail stores are like that as well. It specifically says on the back of the receipt what our policy is. I agree with 12321. Take the time to try something on in our fitting rooms that we provide if you are unsure of the size. When it comes to returning defective merch, we are happy to allow you to exchange it for a new one whether it be a body mist that doesn't spray, a hole in a bra, etc.

Atco, US
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May 12, 2011 11:44 am EDT

I could complain the exact opposite way and say that stores make clothes TOO BIG AND I CANT FIT INTO THEM but its just annoying. i AM NOT ANOREXIC, I PROBABLY EAT MORE THAN YOU AND I DONT PUKE! im cursed with superhigh metabolism. while some may say this is a blessing, it is not. it didnt pass when i hit 25, it didnt pass at 28 when i had a baby, like everyone said it would.. stores make colthes super big now. im the same weight i was when i was 15 and i was a size 3 then, now 00's are too big.

Atco, US
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May 12, 2011 11:50 am EDT

that being said, i havent tried hollister clothing. if you want clothes that run big, try the gap.

Van, US
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Jun 21, 2011 6:31 am EDT

I am 20 years old and I agree with Tasheluva1234... Not everyone is a size 0. Women are made of all shapes and sizes! All of these RUDE people saying to "loose weight and get off your fat ###" can suck it because there are alot of people out there that have health issues that lead to being a bit bigger and some people DO workout and eat healthy but cant lose weight. And another thing.. All those people saying the rude and mean things, just think if you werent a skinny little [censored]... you would be complaining JUST AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE. Personally I just had 2 kids and I now cant fit into anything other than American Eagle. For those of you that havent had children yet... you wouldnt understand. I dont think it'd kill anyone if Hollister made larger sizes or just made TRUE sizes instead of their rediculous baby sizes. I used to be a size 9 and that was SMALL for me. I was beautiful and could fit into ANYTHING. Not so much now. but all I can say is bigger girls get and give better lovin! I went into Victorias secrettheotherday to get a paor of free underwear and got looked at llikeI was a size 50...but I read all of these and there were [[13]]] year olds posting things! 13...REALLY! Look at that... A little GIRL cant even feel comfortable about herself because of these things, all people are made differently so things need to change, people should really consider this subject. With all of the statistics out there of weight and such, more people are overweight than anything makeing bigger clothes would rack in probably over 70% more money for all these retail stores that make all these size 14-16 people feel HUGE. My husband thinks I am beautiful and thats all that matters but it would be nice to be able to go into a store and wear the same things a super skinny person does...just saying.

Van, US
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Jun 21, 2011 6:34 am EDT

And wouldnt you rather see a nicely dressed in style big girl than a skanky looking big girl?!?

Bronxville, US
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Aug 23, 2011 1:32 am EDT

first of all yall need to shut the f*** up no of yall know what yall talking about hollister should have bigger clothes to fit the people that wanna wear them like are you serious? what they want some girls or guys to be all skin and bones? hello, have you seen the world today? seriously, you dont have to be over weight or skinny to fit into anything do for the people that says get up and loose weight yalls can shove it up yall ### and ### it in yours mouth because none of yall know what your talking about hollister is like the only people go to and yeah theres american eagle and aero etc.. but hollister should provide bigger sizes for the people that are over weight high schools and middle school girls can be over weight not all of them are small some of them have hips some of them have fat ### some of them have big boobs some of them has a stomach problem yall need to think about other people and stop thinking about all these little skinny ### [censored]s in yall store and worry about the rest of the world worry about who wants to wear it not how hot it will look on a skinny ### im not over weight but i damn sure will like to waer hollister and for once im not the only person who agrees so this is to hollister learn how to make sizes at least to an XL and jeans maybe to like a 15 then you will get more money then what you are getting because if you make sizes bigger then people will go into the store and will buy and the more people the more money so why not care about everybody else people have different body types not everyone is a f***ing XS and SMALL or fit into jeans that are a size 1 or 3 get real stop worrying about yourself and make the store good for everyone not just white skinny [censored]s like yall

thats right its tru
Melbourne, US
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Sep 13, 2011 9:11 pm EDT

shut the hell up about the spelling and get in it your obvisouly to scared to tell the complainer how u feel about wat she said i totally agree with her...if your not guna have a damn extra large dont have a damn extra small easy if u guna have extra large ppl feel bad because they cant fit the cloths because there too THICK not fat and make them shop somewhere else have the xtra small ppl feel bad because the clothing is too big for them let their ### shop somewhere else and as i say wieght races f*** i dint giv a ### if u think im stupid because how im spelling im telling yall how i feel let me hav a complaint those two hco ppl need to sit their ### down and go somewhere because you dont know if they have a sickness that cause them to gain weight..! its not always about being lazy and those ppl who are saying stop complaining your on a damn complaining sites for ppl could tell ppl how they feel gtfo then ###(angelonearth500)AND THATS HOW THE f*** I FEEL HOLLISTER FANS AND HOLLISTER CO!

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Jan 08, 2012 4:29 pm EST

Well You Could Try Streching Them Out And If I Doesnt Work Than Dont Wear The Clothes Cuz You Know Your To Big For Them Big (Fat) Or Loose Some Weight Thats The Only Thing Hoped It Helped Im Not Sure It Will Work Cuase I Fit In XS So I Hoped It Helped

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Hollister is ranked 1 among 3 companies in the Casual Apparel category