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InvestorsHub review: Message board

Author of the review
12:12 am EDT
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Why is my message deleted?

You should take the blinders off to see where we are headed. You're focus is obviously on the economics of Plug and not the application of this crucial technology. You claim to be an environmentalist while sailing around in your pleasure boat oblivious to the damage it is doing to the environment. It seems your blinded environmentalism is dollar focused.
Granted Plug has jumped in this sector head first without checking the depth, but only because this technology is vital to our survival. It may not be as economically efficient YET but will get there much faster if you would remove those blinders and support ALL companies in the sector.
Instead of shorting to bring a company with a vital product to it's knees you should invest in it so it can grow and we all prosper, especially our planet. This is the ONLY technology viable until we fully develop fusion and I don't expect fusion in my lifetime. So, we need a stop-gap source of energy.
Ask yourself a simple question with an easy answer, why does NASA use fuel Cells? I'll provide the answer to that question if you do a little research but come up empty. Remove the blinders first.
Enjoy your cruises while you can as the Marinas are beginning to flood...

Claimed loss: Knowledge to subscribers

Desired outcome: repost

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