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CB Fast Food Chains Jimmy John's 411 Tate St, Greensboro, NC, 27403, US
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Jimmy John's
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Jimmy John's

411 Tate St, Greensboro, NC, 27403, US
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1 complaint
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Working hours
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:00 am - -9:00 pm
11:38 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Jimmy John's - rude employee

When we entered the building the staff seemed generally upset that we were walking in to bother them to have to make us a sandwich. I went with a friend who also realized the awkwardness when we arrived. We quickly ordered and paid, but seeing as I paid in one dollar bills and change seemed to make the one who took our order even more irate. I also came to order for a friend that was not there. Before I even had time to say I had another order he was asking the guy behind me what he wanted over top of me. My friend and I repeated several times "we still have another order, " but he only strained to hear the guy behind me and ignore us. Once he finally sighed and looked at us I quickly tried to order a veggie sandwich. As I read of the list of vegetables and cheese she wanted, he angrily stated that some of the items were not available. I hurried and got our sandwiches and left as soon as possible. I have never before been made to feel so badly by someone I was giving my business to. While the other employees smiled and thanked me I could not get over how terrible I felt for the way I was treated in the beginning. I seriously doubt I will ever go again to this particular Jimmy Johns for fear of feeling the way I do now again.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Pittsburgh, US
Dec 05, 2023 2:10 pm EST

NO update from jimmy john's at all, JIMMY dosn't give a damm about 2 lulu's tossed in my nothing and they want .our money..NEVER again..IF YOU CAN't CALL OR TEXT ME BACK?AFTER 2weeks...JUST BAD BUSiNESS.

Pittsburgh, US
Nov 27, 2023 3:53 pm EST

Went into store..order two lulu's cut in half, after finding out wasn't cut..returned to store, Said can't cut you already open subs?..Well thats how i know you didn't do your job. After going back and forth She tossed both subs in my face, I ask for manager and got my money back...This.. was last week .

Ocala, US
May 28, 2023 3:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sheli Mae gore is having a sexual relationship with her general manager.

They are dating and they have had sex with each other in the bathroom multiple of times

Saint Louis, US
Sep 21, 2022 7:53 am EDT

I had a birthday reward that I received on my birthday 8/14/2022. I tried to go use it today and it says it’s expired. When it said 30 days. Well this would be day 30 and I cannot use my coupon.

Tammy Sexton
Mar 02, 2020 3:09 am EST

This store is known for rude and crude customer service. Anytime someone calls in you are assured to get a rude response. No one is gonna pay for someone else's bad behavior

Diana Roljjeskki
Nov 24, 2019 3:16 am EST

The gm was very heplful with my catering order, i never order catering and it was wanderful! Thanks Jimmy johns!

Diane Shtaida
Oct 23, 2018 3:44 pm EDT

Now here in Milwaukee, WI, JJ's makes great subs. I stopped in one time & it was delicious. Everyone were all smiles. So another night I thought of ordering another sub to be delivered, as I had taken a menu the 1st time I was in there. As soon I got through ordering, the girl said we can't deliver it to your house, we only go down to S. 76th Street. She suggested I call the other JJ's on Miller Parkway in West Milwaukee. They said the same thing. They couldn't deliver to my house as their boundary was W. Lincoln Avenue. I am right in between these two JJ's and not one could deliver? She said that "I must be in a dead zone." I said what the hell is that? She stated that in order to get our customers their orders fast (which is their slogan), we only can go so far as the map says we can go. I'm like, I only live a few blocks from Lincoln Avenue, but no they cannot cross that line! So basically I said, "So I'm [censored] outta luck." She giggled and say yes, I'm sorry. I asked for their corporate telephone number and she said that nobody has that # there at the store. (ya right). So I looked up their corporate # online, called, and had to leave a VM. I did get a call back, but haven't had time to get back to them. The CSR had said the phone # so fast on my VM, I had to play it several times to get the #. I called that # and it was their fax machine number! Had to go back onto the computer to get the # again. I called and get a little girl on the phone, I asked her for Christine the original girl who left me a VM. She insisted she would help me. Well, blah, blah, blah, and there's nothing she could do. I asked to talk to someone who ranks above her and she said they're all out of their offices but would leave my name & # for when one came in, to call me back. Doubt if that'll ever happen. I'm sad because I did like the one sub I picked up in person, and mad now because I can't get delivery a couple blocks out of their way. Wouldn't a business like to serve more customers instead of being speedy in deliveries (which I can see by the other comments, even that statement isn't true). I'm going to call and call and call them until I get a real manager, not some 15 year old who giggles at everything I was telling her. And these workers want $15/hr? F that. They don't deserve it. I will never order another sub if I happen to be passing by just because I think, after reading about all the other JJ's in other states, that they all pretty much suk big time! Anybody who reads this, go to and you can write your complaint for EVERYONE TO SEE. You can also go on and do the same. I say we put'em out of business. That's how pissed off I am having to relive this when I already wrote a review on JJ's site, but now it happens to be non-existant! Corporate's telephone number is [protected]. Let's hound them and demand answers!

Jeffrey Alan Lindeman
Sep 02, 2017 5:17 pm EDT

I will never go to a Jimmy John's ever again, worst place to get a sub, meat is so thinly sliced you can see thru it, I went to two different jj's and same exact thin slice, they suck suck suck!

jeannette cavallaro
Feb 06, 2017 10:17 am EST

I contacted your store in Elmira ny to get a phone number for disability for grand daughter who works for them they are very rude they have no customer service skills .they wont give a phone number they say they don't pay it .I know they have to pay it on employees it should not have to be a hassle to get a phone number.she just had her baby and she needs paperwork to fill out for this .some one should really train these people how to react to customers as with these actions I can see why customers and employees would not want to shop there .I will never shop that store and will inform all people I talk to about how they treat people my name is Jeannette cavallaro I live in Elmira ny I would like to be contacted on this matter my phone number is [protected] thank you

Jul 08, 2016 5:32 pm EDT

On my way to school, I stopped at Jimmy Johns to get something to eat on my break. There was one customer ahead of me, and the manager motioned to the worker to call me to the register. I ordered my food, and she started making the sandwich. Once my sandwich was done, she put it on the counter. I also ordered a drink and a cookie. I was not given a cup until I went to the other end of the counter, my sandwich was sitting there, and she did not even tell me that it was done. I asked her if this was my sandwich, because there were other people in the restaurant at the time. The worker said yes. I asked if she had the cookie and the drink, and she motioned me to go back and get the cookie and cup. I'm guessing it was a self- serve restaurant, but she had the worse attitude. The gentleman that ordered after me received his sandwich in a bag, but not me. When I asked her why he received his order in a bag, she said oh well, I'm sorry. I asked to speak with the manager, and she put the order in a bag, but said that they don't typically put it in a bag. I said, so why did he receive his order like that without asking? My point was that they are not treating everyone the same. Either they put the orders in a bag or not. I left angry.

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