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Kay Jewelers review: ruined engagement ring 11

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12:07 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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After 21 yrs apart, (we were kids and circumstances beyond our control separated us. Families moved and addresses got lost) my fiance' and I have reunited. Only DREAMED of ever finding each other again and having a future, never thought it would actually happen. We are still living in seperate states, but see each other as often as we can and can't wait til we are married and together every day. Well, our dream has happened and our engagement was the happiest moment for us and Kay took that away!

February 20th, we got engaged, with the ring we both picked out originally from Jared's, but economy has hurt us both and we decided we had to get it from Kay instead. BAD DECISION! I needed to get the ring sized to a 4 1/4 and we didn't have the extra $100 for the warranty immediately, so we were told we could get the warranty any time. So, we came up with the money within a weeks time. I took the ring to Kay at Chapel Hill Mall in Akron, where we purchased it and they told me it would be 10 days before we got the ring back. I asked if they could put RUSH on it and they said they could try, but with Valentine's orders from week before, they weren't sure it would matter. Said they would call me if it came in earlier than the 10 days. Well, I hated to give up my ring for that long, but it had to be done. We had taken photos of it and sent them to our families so they could see it. My fiance had put it as a screen saver on his computer and showed it off to everyone.

Well, Kay gets their rings in, in the afternoon, so, when I called first thing in the morning 10 days later, Sarah said pretty rudely that they had the ring in. I was trying to remain calm so I didn't say anything about when it actually came in because hey, I just wanted my ring at that point. I went straight down to the mall to pick it up and Sarah was obviously still in a bad mood because she pretty much just threw the ring on the counter at me. I signed the receipt and went to the food court, took a couple photos with my camera phone and sent it to my fiance so he could see I got the ring back. I went out to the car and I kept looking at my ring. I quickly noticed that there was a knick in the gold on the top of my channel band next to the baguettes. So, I took the ring off and looked at every detail of my ring and there were scratches all inside the band. I mean, deep scratches you could feel! I was mortified and tried to wipe them off with my t-shirt, but no, they were really deep and covered the entire inside of my ring. I called my fiance and told him and we decided I needed to take it back in. So, back in I went, and knowing Sarah was still in a bad mood, I hated to go back in there.

I told Sarah that there was damage done to my ring that wasn't there previously. She looked at the knick on the top and the scratches inside and said they would send it right back out. I begged her if there was anything else they could do because I had already gone 10 days without my ring. She said they could probably get it made for my size and swap the ring out when it came in. I said "Great!". Then she said they couldn't do it because it was discontinued. So, my heart sank. I didn't have a choice but to give up my ring again. I asked if they could get it back ASAP as this was damage done during the sizing. She said they would call shop manager and make sure to turn it right back around, but couldn't promise anything. Now, this was on a Friday. So, I knew shop wasn't even going to get the ring til Monday.

Something else had been bothering me about the ring, but I kept telling myself it was just my imagination and they would think I was crazy for bringing it up, BUT I had photos! So, I put the photos on my computer and printed them out. I was NOT crazy! What I noticed was that the channel bands were pulled away further from the center stone! Now, with this ring, they are pulled away a little bit to begin with. Kind of makes the center stone look like it is floating. Well, now ther is just this HUGE cavity on either side making the ring look awful! It looked like we couldn't afford a stone big enough for the ring cause now there was all this space on either side of the stone! My fiance had already called the store to try to talk to the manager about rushing the ring back anyway and let her know how unsatisfied we were already with the service we were getting.

So, when I sent him the photos of the returned ring, he noticed what I was talking about. It actually completely changed the entire look of the ring. I just kept telling myself it was just me and I only had it for a few minutes before I returned it and maybe it just looked that way. Thank God for the photos!

Sunday we decided I should go to Jareds and see if the ring was discontinued. They looked it up and said their vendor has not discontinued it and they could definitely order it for us if we decided to do that. I told them what happened at Kay and they said Kay should be able to fix the situation and help us out, but if not they were there to help us.

So, I called my fiance and we decided I should go back to Kay while the ring was still out being repaired and it hadn't even gotten to the shop yet, so, they should be able to fix it. I went straight from Jared's to Kay and told them I had another concern about my ring. I spoke with Christine and the shop manager. (Lady, I don't know her name) I showed them the photos and I was told I just needed to return the ring because I wasn't going to be happy with it. I told them I didn't want to return the ring, I wanted them to fix it. Manager told me it wasn't going to be fixed, that it was impossible for them to bend the channels back to the normal position and that my fiance as an engineer would understand that. They had other rings in the case and felt that sending any of them out to get sized would only result in the same issue. I said they custom design rings, couldn't they design the same ring in my size since they told me it was discontinued. Manager said well, they could, but it would cost alot more. I said "It shouldn't cost me anything because I wasn't the one who damaged it". She just kept saying I needed to return it. I was in tears and so upset because I didn't want to give up my ring. It was the ring we both picked out 2 years ago and had been working towards purchasing and now we did and Kay says it is discontinued and I should have known it would come back differently since my size was a 4 1/4! I said, "if you knew it was going to come back looking that much different why didn't you tell me that when we bought it?" As a matter of fact, they should have told me that BEFORE we bought it and said we needed to have it ordered for my size from the vendor. If they had done that we would have found out right then that it was discontinued and wouldn't be able to be made for my finger and we would never have bought it in the first place! Especially if they would have said it wouldn't look the same!

I walked away so I could call my fiance and talk it over. We decided to go ahead and return it and get our money back since they made it sound so final it wouldn't get fixed. So, I went back in there and told them we needed to return it if there was nothing they could do. The manager again said it would never look like the original and it was the best thing to do. She then told one of the other girls to immediately put a stop order on the ring getting repaired. I said, "But the ring still needs fixed no matter what. There is physical damage done to the ring on top of it not looking the same. There is a nick on top of the channel band next to the baguettes and it is all scratched up inside." She looked at the girl and again said to put a stop order on the ring. So, I guess it doesn't matter to them that the ring was damaged by the repair shop anyway.

The girl at the counter told me it was going to be a check because they didn't have enough cash to give me my refund. I said, "So, we pay cash and you have to give me a check?" She said that was the only way to get my money back. Then she told me it was only going to be $800 something instead of the $1224! I said, "I don't think so!" We had returned a ring and they gave us the $350 or so for it and then we put the other $800 something towards the purchase of our ring which was $1150 or so and with tax it was total of $1224. I had to fight for the correct refund too! I mean, every which way I turned I was having to make sure the right thing was done! It literally took 4 of them over 20 minutes looking at my paperwork to figure out I was correct! It really isn't that difficult! The one girl kept trying to say they credited me the $350 they didn't refund it. They all 4 finally came to the conclusion I was owed the $1224. Then, they were going to have it done in my fiance's name since his name was on the paperwork and that it would be 7-10 days to get the check in the mail. WHAT?!? My fiance was coming in town on Wednesday and he planned a nice romantic Post-Engagement weekend. This was Sunday, so, obviously we weren't going to be able to replace the ring during this trip since the check would take that long. He would be gone again before the check came. So, I told them that wasn't going to work. He lives in another state and if they send the check in his name I wouldn't be able to put the money in my account because he wouldn't be there to cash it! So, they did put it in my name.

I don't understand why when Kay's corporate headquarters is in Akron, and I am in Akron, why it would take 7-10 days to get the check and why couldn't we go pick it up when he came on Wednesday.

So, he called customer service about the check and was told that it would go out Wednesday and we should get it Thursday or Friday and we could call daily to see if the check had been cut. So, Tuesday I called to see and the lady told me we probably wouldn't get it til the NEXT Friday! So, again, I was in tears, telling her my story and that we were both so upset that now I will never have the ring he proposed to me with and that Kay took that from me when they decided they couldn't help me. 21 years dreaming of this day and now it came and I don't have my ring. Told her he was coming in the next day for our romantic Post-Engagement weekend and I don't even have my ring. I had it when he left and now I don't when he comes back. What if I was getting married this weekend? I would be getting married without my ring! There is nothing you can do? She said she was sorry and she understood but there was nothing she could do. I asked to speak to her supervisor.
Cynthia who was her supervisor got on the phone and she listened very carefully to my whole story again and she said she was very sorry that this all happened and she understands because she has a 4 3/4 ring size and has to special order all her jewelry and she was very surprised that the store knowing my ring size, didn't tell me anything about having to special order the ring since my ring size was practically a 4. She said that I should certainly call the customer relations line and see if there was anything they could do for us. Even if it was to give us a gift card to Jared where we originally wanted to purchase it anyway. It obviously wouldn't be for the full amount of the ring, but any token to say hey we are really sorry for the bad experience you have had and we want to try to make things right with you by doing this... Nothing! Nothing at all was done when I called and spoke with Michelle. She was nice and she listened to my complaint, but nothing was done to try to keep us as a customer or to offer us any sort of consolation for what happened. She just said that she would call the store and inform them of our complaint and that the district manager would also get involved with the store. I said, so, you guys aren't going to do anything either? She said all they can do is deal with the store and take my complaint. She said she was sorry for the experience, but there was nothing they could do.

I said, so, even though Jared is a part of Sterling's jewelers you can't do anything in way of a gift card for all our heartache and trouble. We have his ring picked out at Kay, but we don't want anything more to ever do with Kay since we now know what kind of customer service they have. Sure don't want to ever deal with them ever again! Now, we will go with Jared or another local jeweler. She just said all she can do is take the complaint.

I have had nightmares about my ring, and have obviously been emotionally scarred from this whole ordeal.
He was trying to be romantic and had the photo of the ring we took in front of some roses he gave me (beautiful photo) and had it framed and was going to mail it to the hotel and have them put it in the room before we arrived. Because all this happened, he tore it up. Tore the photo and said it isn't the ring anymore. We will never have the original ring he proposed to me with, so he doesn't even want the photo. I mean, it has affected us both so greatly. Probably because it is something we really never thought would ever happen, and when miraculously we found each other again through, our dream came true and now we have this heart wrenching engagement nightmare. So, thank you Kay for putting all this negativity into our engagement. AND not ONE time did the manager or anyone in the store ever say they were sorry this happened or show any kind of sympathy for us. All she could do was just say, return it, there's nothing we can do. Not even I am sorry there is nothing we can do! So, please don't go to Kay, you will only be sorry! After reading all these other horror stories on here, I wish we had looked them up before we made our purchase. Our situation is apparently not unique, they just have really bad customer service and God forbid you need any kind of repair done to the ring. I cringe just thinking about what else might have happened had we not purchased the warranty before we sent the ring out for repair. I am attaching before and after photos of the ring so you can see for yourself how horrible it looked after the repair. Channel bands are pulled further apart from stone. I regret I did not have my digital camera with me to take the pictures of the scratches and the nick in the band. Camera phone isn't clear enough to show those marks.

Totally distraught,
K.H. Akron, Ohio

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Update by OneLifesDream
Mar 17, 2009 12:38 pm EDT

Btw, I forgot to mention that when my fiance' called to talk to the store manager about rushing the ring back and that no one had called me the first time to tell me my ring came in early, the store manager said they NEVER call to tell anyone their ring came in early! The only way they will call you is if the actually write CALL on the slip and even then there is no guarantee they will do it! Can you believe that?!?

When you ask for it to be rushed and they write RUSH on it and it comes in, they don't call you! How insane and utterly disrespectful is that?!? As far as they are concerned there is a promise date and you are just supposed to come in and pick it up when it is promised to you. All I can say is their customer service is horrid! BEWARE OF KAY JEWELERS!

Totally Distraught
K.H. Akron, Ohio

Update by OneLifesDream
Mar 17, 2009 5:49 pm EDT

Just found out Store Manager's name is Lynn Essy. AND they LIED TO ME! My ring has NOT been discontinued! I just found it on their website and it is available for order in any size! So, why did they LIE to me? I could've worn the damaged ring until the personally ordered one came in! Why all the rude and cold behavior? They have no idea what they have done! Shame on you KAY! I just filed a complaint with the BBB of Akron too.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Atlanta, US
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Apr 02, 2009 10:32 am EDT

Hello to you i'm James The Jeweler in Atlanta, Ga and i also have my own jewelry discussion here under "JEWELRY & WATCHES" i was reading your complaint here and i GOT ANGRY AS HELL READING IT! this is the very reason i decided to become a member of this site to educate the jewelry buying customer on the jewelry industry. I'm a real ONLINE JEWELER who can get any item of jewelry within my customer's budget, and from what i've read there's NO WAY IN HELL YOU WOULD'VE HAD THIS EXPERIENCE WITH ME.

I've had jewelry made for online customers i've never met in person, and i've never had any returns of my jewelry, nor any complaints filed against me here nor any other complaint site. I don't know if you have a ring at this time, but if you decide to want another one, i'd LOVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE YOUR ONLINE JEWELER WHO WILL MAKE SURE YOU GET A "QUALITY" DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING WITH NO DAMAGES.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like here or at my contacts below:

James The Jeweler's Email Address:

Phone: [protected]

James The Jeweler's Jewelry Blog:

Nashville, US
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Aug 15, 2009 9:58 pm EDT

I understand you want your ring to be all you want but grow up! Are you really going to let this cloud a relationship? It is a material thing and the relationship is supposed to be the most important matter here, not some ring!

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Aug 23, 2009 12:16 am EDT

Shouldn't let that experience make your engagement miserable... If that gets your blood flowing wait till you plan your wedding nothing runs smoothly. Besides I didn't go through Kay jewelers( I don't like corporations) I went through a local jeweler; I got the ring from my fiancee on Oct. 3 2008 took my ring in just to have the center diamond swapped out for a diamond that's been in my family for generations at the end of oct. I didn't get my ring back for 3 months! meanwhile his family and my family were around for the holidays and had no ring to show off. We were pretty burned about it then, but we look back on it now and laugh.

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Feb 07, 2010 10:30 am EST

I work at kay jewelers and we are a sister store to jareds all they had to do was to tell you to go there so that you could get it back asap cause thats where they send them too. And on top of that you could have gotten a rush on that ring because it was for an engagement and am very sorry that you had a bad experience thats not how we handle things at my store.

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Mar 02, 2010 1:22 am EST

I am also a manager a Kay Jewelers, been there for 13 years, could they be a better company yes, but so could ANY company. What went wrong was the they way the manager and the store associates handled the situation. First of all they probably tried to order your ring in a size 4 1/4 which comes up in our system as "unable to determine, need to research", so people think that means it's discontinued...WRONG all they had to do was order it in a size 4 and send it to the repair shop and have it sized up 1/4 size...problem solved. The reason it does take 10 or more days for sizing's/repairs is that Sterling closed ALL mall repair shop down to cuts cost so all of our repairs have to be shipped to our Jared stores, trust us we are not happy, work is rushed and sloppy sometimes. As far as your refund, I don't know what to say, the employees I guess just didn't know what they were doing. If I was that store manager, you would have at least received a gift card for your troubles and a sincere apology, I like my job because selling engagement rings is a happy time in people's live and the whole experience should be. I am truly sorry you had to deal with horrible situation in that store and hope you have a wonderful engagement and congratulations!

PS pretty ironic our home office is is Akron and you'd think the manager's and sales associates would be on their toes and know what their doing!

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Aug 14, 2011 3:00 pm EDT

Did they give you your money back, yes.Did you have to work hard and have disappoint about the event yes. But hey, slow down life to short to have a fit over things like this, wait and see all the adversity that life in wedlock will bring that you will have to overcome. I shopped at Kay over sixteen year ago and still do my wife and myself, have we has some problems yes. But the took care of us because we had cool heads and worked out the problem.

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Aug 14, 2011 3:10 pm EDT

Wow I just read my post. It is full of bad grammar and missspelling I must need glasses, hey that why I really never had any big problems with kay's. LOL . No I use my phone to make the post, big hands little phone. May life only get better for you.

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Feb 19, 2012 2:59 am EST

Hi K.H. I know this happened to you a few years ago, but my husband and I just went through a similar situation, and we found your post while we were doing some research. We got married in September, 2 weeks before our wedding, I asked to have my ring cleaned. They said they would send it out to the jeweler for a "high polish." When it came back a few days before our wedding, it was completely ruined: it was scratched, dented, the band was egg shaped, and the prongs were bent to where the diamonds were at an angle. After the wedding, we had them send it out several times to be fixed. Every time it came back not fixed. Finally, we said forget it, we'll just live with it. 7 days later, a prong breaks and the diamond on the inside of the band (LEO insignia) falls out and is lost. My $5, 000 ring has been sitting in my jewelry box for the past 5 months, and probably will be indefinitely because they refuse to replace it or give us our money back. Just wanted you to know you're not alone, I hope everything worked out for you.

Dayton, US
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Aug 12, 2012 11:31 am EDT

I am going through a seven year problem like yours. My husband purchased a wedding set and proposed in 2005. when we had the engagement ring sized they destroyed the design of the engagement ring. Now the engagement ring and wedding band do not match. I have been trying to get them to fix it for seven years now. They currently have both my wedding band and engagement ring (and have had them for over six months) and refuse to return them until I sign that I am satisfied with their repairs. I am not satisfied. At this point I have filed a complaint with Ohio's Attorney General's office, I have contacted a lawyer to get my rings back, I have alerted fox news of the issues, and I am going to file a complaint with the BBB. The lawyer my husband and I spoke to said that we will have to sue to get our rings back and sue to get them fixed even thought we purchased the ESP.

bell J
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Dec 28, 2016 12:06 pm EST

Wow! I can't believe I took all the time to read all of that... Honestly girl, you need to get a grip. It's a ring. It got messed up. Many rings cannot be sized down to a 4, they need to be remade or altered before sizing down. From the pics, it does look like they screwed it up. But I just don't get the level of drama from all this. You are marrying the man, not the ring. I got married 15yrs ago, just with a simple diamond band, no engagement ring. Life is not all about the material. I hope that the ring situation gets fixed and you are able to see what is really important at some point in this lifetime because if you were apart 20yrs you many not have a lot of time still left.

Crooke Peter
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Feb 23, 2018 9:27 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Kay Jewelers sucks and there staff seem like used car sales people ..crooked. i will never shop there again. Cant wait to get my refund check and wipe my hands with them. im sorry about your situation and its more than just a ring Bell J

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