Larry Bryant, National HIV advocate, is a womanizer and a cheater! He has no discretion when it comes to his choice in a woman. By that I mean all the women that he dated (simultaneously) are very different, live all over the country, and are from all walks of life. So, if you meet him and say to yourself, "wow, I must be special because he want s to settle down with me and open his heart for the first time", don’t fool yourself as it is all part of his game. He meets you and within a short time the words of love, fidelity, trust and commitment are rolling off his tongue! But in 2009, Mr. Bryant's lies caught up with him and all 13 woman he was seeing found out about what he was doing and saying TO ALL OF US!
One of us put pen to paper and sent him the following letter:
Dear Larry,
This letter is collaboration by all THE WOMEN! You see, we came together and added bits and pieces of our dealings with you! Who are all the women?…read a little further, you’ll see.
How do you sleep at night knowing how you use women, fill their heads and hearts with your crap? And you don’t think women talk and compare stories, Larry? We are not stupid! Your BS about wanting to belong to someone/something, finding “home” with each one of us, having the ability to open your heart for the first time, never feeling this way before, wanting us to TRUST you , saying I love you before the first week of dating is up, only one I care about is one, you”….BS, BS and more BS.
How could you think we wouldn’t figure you out when we are all looking at the same exact written words from you or hearing the same messages!?
Considering so many of us overlap, it is probably hard for you to recall what you said to whom! You have been a busy boy!
You don’t get it! Why do you think you are alone now? I’ll tell you. It is because you wouldn’t know the truth if it fell on your head! You throw around words like “completely honest and open”, please, you are full of it! “My dreams might not come true”, no they won’t because all you do is LIE! Don’t you see, you LOST EVERY ONE OF US because you couldn’t and didn’t tell the TRUTH! NONE of us want anything to do with you…so stop sending emails, messages, and calling…we aint interested! And now, your lies have come back to bite you in your ###! Difficult for YOU to trust people, dear, it is the other way around!
And you need to stop lying about going to church and catching’ the Holy Sprit! Don’t lie about having a relationship with God! You are playing with fire there and if you continue, not only will you be playing with it but burning in it for eternity! Don’t lie about GOD! Don’t!
You are not missing your heart…you can’t miss what you never had!
Please seek some professional help! You need to talk to someone that can help you get to the bottom of your self loathing and dishonesty with yourself and everyone around you! And while you are at it, go see a dentist, because your breath, DAM it could wake the dead!
All the women you have lied to!
So ladies, take heed! If you are approached by this Casanova on Facebook (he trolls it for single women) or any other online site, you have been warned and made aware of this playboy's lines!
Looks like outing cheaters is on...damn Gabby, u r almost as bad as LB!
I am happily married to a pretty famous athlete and I am quite successful myself. I have known Gabrielle for probably as long as I’ve known my husband. I often heard disgusting rumors about her, but dismissed them. I am not one to get caught up in gossip, as my husband and I are often subjected to it ourselves. In any case, the rumors would not even affect me if they were true, as long as they had nothing to do with me. I have heard about Gabrielle being very promiscuous, but that never bothered me. She was always very pleasant when I came into contact with her and that’s all that mattered. She seemed to be working hard at her “success” and I respect ambition. Rumors flooded even throughout her marriage with Chris. Her affairs with so many…young, old, married, divorced…were no secrets. Boris, Darren, Jason, Derek, Jamie, Hill, Ludacris and the list CONTINUES!
Again, it had no affect on me. I certainly did not agree that she was the mistress to several married men, but it was not
my life. I felt as though Gabrielle was searching for something she would never find and I often felt sorry for her. Two years ago, while attending the NBA All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas with my husband, I ran into Gabrielle there as well. At this time, she was telling me about a man she had been interested in, but i didn’t pay much attention to it. About a week later, I heard a rumor that she was romantically involved with Dwyane Wade that same weekend (while might i add, his wife was there). What I found ironic was that…Dwyane was not who she had been telling me about. Again, I let it slide.
For the following year, Gabrielle continued to do as she pleased, I saw her on several occasions with a variety of different men. The rumor of her and Dwyane continued as well. This past year, the news seemed to be that Gabrielle and Dwyane were officially a couple. Although I knew in my mind that Gabrielle was not settled in this supposed “relationship” with a man who is a decade her junior, it was not my concern. I no longer felt sorry for her, but rather for Dwyane. He seems to not know any better. I can understand that he is newly single and is more than likely exploring his options. But to hear that he has assumed Gabrielle as his girlfriend disappoints me. I have met Dwyane a few times as well through my husband and he seems like a true gentlemen, someone with traditional values…but who has become caught up in the “celebrity world”.
The reason for my article is not because I am thaaat concerned with Gabrielle or Dwyane or anyone else mentioned here. The reason for this is because Gabrielle has now gone too far. She has approached MY husband. Over the past 2 weeks, I have found SEVERAL emails from Ms.Gabby. When does this woman stop? Although my husband is not innocent, as he did give Gabrielle his email address and phone number, he was smarter than to engage in her UNACCEPTABLE behavior. This is a woman whom I know, and have spent time around. I cannot grasp what goes on in her mind. I asked my husband why he was not inclined to be drawn in by Gabrielle and he gave me an honest answer, he said “she’s DANGEROUS”. When will this woman stop? To me, she seems to have Dwyane fooled…so why not continue to fool him and leave other women’s men alone. At almost 40, it is revolting to be acting as a 20 year old. Someone help her please. I will post this article AS MANY PLACES as I can to ensure that women (especially those with rich and famous men) are aware of this woman. I hope no other man or woman has to fall victim to Ms. Gabrielle Union.
Damn, Gabby.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Queetipp, please dont take this personally. A man who cheats has most certainly calculated the collateral damage that would come from getting busted-potential loss of the woman he loves, etc., -and he recognizes that this would be a devastating blow to all the things that matter in his life. We think we are slick and go through great lengths to hide our infidelity from the woman in our life, always! Women will put up with some things, but not infidelity. If you start asking questions, we will lie and deny.
That's if we care about you.
But hear me when I tell you this. If a man doesn't see you fitting into his life plan, he wont even bother with all of the story telling. He will be up front with you from the beginning about how and who he wants to see and where you fit in.
Now, again hear me. I am not saying a good man will not be honest upfront. What I am saying is a "cheater" or a man that wants to see multiple women will tell you upfront of his intentions to see these other women and if you walk away, oh well! No love loss.
Now before you ladies get mad, run what I've said by men you trust and know will be honest with you. Ask them to be objective and ask them if what I am saying about how we think is true.
Steven, im not sure why you are addressing me. All I said was he's not perfect, but not as bad as she is trying to say. Just a man and who can figure them out. Things just didn't work out for her, so she is putting him on the internet. Why haven't she shown her face, if all she is doing is trying to help other women. Maybe she don't want everyone to see how stupid she was. The signs were there and she ignored them because she loved him. ###...a sign is a damn sign.
Oh and believe me he isn't bother with this at all. I have seen him recently and it has not phased him one bit.
Queetipp, my apologies again. I only addressed you because yours was the last thread I read and you mentioned man told you his intentions up front, and perhaps deceived the other lady/ladies because he wasn't into her/them. I was simply explaining your theory on why he was "honest" with you was off base.
Also, I must admit from reading through this very, very long thread it appears as though this man has more than one person commenting on their "relationship". Look, I am not defending him or trying to bash him, but if he is not phased by the stuff being said, perhaps its because he knows it to be true. He has been down this road before, no skin off his back. Look at the first thread, the "letter". Did he receive this letter? If not, this chick is really crazy to create a fictitious letter supposedly sent to him and then put on the net! If it was really one woman scorned, then why bother sending him a letter from "all the women". Why not just bash him in the letter for what he did to her? Or personally bash him on the net? Why create this "letter"? Why not reference things the 2 of them said/did that only they would know about? When a person is really hurt by someone, they want that someone to know "this is payback and this is who is paying you back"! Not hide behind a "collaboration", they want all the credit for outing you/hurting you! To me, there is too much reference to a "collaboration" in the letter and threads for me to believe this is just one person. I have seen women bash men and vis versa on the net. When its one on one, the attacks are more centered around things that only the 2 people involved could identify. Its A LOT MORE personal, if you know what I mean (size, performance, etc).
I investigate this kind of stuff for a living and sometimes it carries over on my off time! Either way, I hope you run my theory by some of your male friends and provide feedback.
Signing off,
Well this is a point view from a woman. I'm not saying Larry didn't do the things she said he done. My thing was why put it on the internet. If you read the posts you can tell its from the same person, by the way she refers to him. She signs on under different names to make it look alot of women are posting. She also refers you to other sites and they say the same things almost word for word. Now come on you can't tell me she contact 13 women that he was dealing with and they all agreed to do this. Some of the women have never end met him and only chat with him online or maybe a phone call. Where is the commitment there? When you meet someone online, do you honestly think he not talking to other people, just because he started talking to you. Did she or (they) stop talking to other people too? She is trying her best to get back at him in everyway possible. Even by involving his job. She is the one with the issues. From what she said they couldn't have had that much of a relationship. No one can juggle 13 women and a job like his. She called him out, now its time for her to move on. Obviously he has!
You women need to stop! Come on! I know Larry and he is a good person. He is constantly working and traveling for work, i really can't believe him juggling this many women. The truth is, women also throw themselves at him. Obviously, all 11 or 13 of you did. He isn't by any means perfect, but who is and honestly knowing him, he told you in his own way he isn't sure of what he wants. People should leave religion out of your actions. Please don't call yourselves Christians and yet be trying to destroy someone's reputation and life because of what? He wasn't into you, you let yourself believe yourself in love and you got hurt. Anyone remember "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord?" Sorry, but move on with your lives. How about you pray that God touches Larry's heart and God is revealed to him and he can forgive the people who have hurt him, forgive himself, be forgiven of hurts he has caused.
Like I said, I know Larry and he is a good person, but he is a man searching for peace within himself .
Finally, if you CHOOSE to meet someone on an online dating site, please be careful?
I agree with Getreal. Leave the man alone!
I as one of the 13, I have been following this thread. I chose not to comment until I saw there was a question about the validity of our existence and the conclusion that all the posts were put up by one person. What has not been brought up, until now, is the identities of the women.
The original "letter" sent to LB had all thirteen names on it. The version seen here does not contain the names. LB sent a response to the letter, via email, to all 13 women with the following comment:
Thank you to the contributers (and those you missed).
I am much better for this...
"Peace consists, very largely, in the fact of desiring it with all one's soul."
- Oscar Arias Sanchez
XXX XXth Street Floor, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202)xxx-xxxx office
(202)xxx-xxxx fax
Now, if WE didn't exist, wouldn't he just brush off the letter as one scorned lover's bashing?
If he never said what we claimed he said to each one of us, why didn't he challenge the letter on that merit? i.e. I never said that to you, that is not what I meant, you are crazy, etc
If one person was behind all this, why didn't he just send the reply to the one lady?
If he was monogamous, he would know which lady on the list to contact, right?
If he wasn't involved with all of us, wouldn't he appear crazy to us by sending the reply to women he wasn't involved with? ie. if I received a similar letter, with a bunch of guys signing off on it and it wasn't true, oh they would be challenged by me.
These are rhetorical questions.
If you are a true friend of his, I cant knock you for defending him. You have his back. If you were a lady misguided by him, this too shall pass! As I can only speak for me, I categorized this experience as a lesson learned, end of story.
OMG, you honestly want us to believe that you all got together to sign this letter. LIE, LIE, LIE. It said that you lived in different states, so you are going to tell me you all drove and met to sign a letter. One girl was in a different country. lol Get a ###ing life! What the other post said is that most of the post came from the same person and thats true. He didn't meet everyone of you, so how can you all be effect by his lies. Are you that desperate for a man? Why aren't you revealing yourself? You post his picture, where is yours? I mean you are doing this to help other women right. Show your faces. Anyone can type this and say its different people. You know it really doesn't matter how many it was. One person came up with the idea and talked the rest into it. And you like a big dummy agreed. Who in the hell is she? Have she never had a man before? Surely he wasn't the first man to let her, ie.. all of you down or you would be in wedded bliss by now. Where are the post from the other guys who let you down. Get over it wenches! I do believe by the other post that this isn't bother him. If he did respond to the letter and didn't deny anything, that should tell you that he don't give a damn. This was stupid of you to try and ruin this man because you were hurt and for the must part, it was your fault.
It has taken me some time to read all the post on different sites and I must say that I'm shocked. What stuck out to me is that someone said that they were going to turn up the heat when Larry commented that he wasn't phase by this. She said it on two other sites. Now why would you need to turn up the heat if what you already said was true. It led me to believe that you would do and say anything to get back at him. Yes Larry can be an ###, I will admit that. He is not phased by this. I was with him recently and believe me, he wasn't thinking about any of you or what you have said about him. I agree with Getreal, Notahater and Tangy. Still not sure what Steve is talking about. One person is the main source of this. How she got the others to follow I don't know. It obvious that they are easily influence. Missy Islor is the one posting most of the comments and started all of this because she allow a man to lie to her. Wake up honey, its not the first or the last time its going to happen. Instead of trying to ruin Larry, how about getting over this and try to find someone that wants you. Look for someone that closer to your age, might help. Larry is going to be Larry and you can't change that.
Oh my god, these have been the most hilarious posts I have read in my entire life.
Well I take that back, I've read better, but these have still been pretty hilarious.
Dear Larry Bryant victim(s),
Wake up! How much time and energy have you dedicated to "Larry Bryant"? Every second you spend complaining about him or defending your case against him in dumb little complaint comments like these is time and energy you are dedicating to Big L (Big L = Larry Bryant - hahaha). How much more time and energy are you going to dedicate to him?
So please,
reply to this comment,
or someone else's comment,
show me that you don't understand,
and show us you don't have a sense of self-worth.
Dedicate another comment to Big L, come on ;)
tangy, notahater, your comments were great.
Thanks, I've been trying to tell them. I understand that they are hurt, but this isn't the way to do it.
My comment read- "The original "letter" sent to LB had all thirteen names on it. The version seen here does not contain the names"- you inferred that ment SIGNED by 13 women! What century are you in...who actually writes and signs letters on paper? (ok maybe our parents do) But this is 2009 and correspondence is sent via email. We combined the emails/text we recieved from this man and put them in a letter. Our names were TYPED in the body of the letter so he would now who participated PERIOD. He inturn sent the reply to all of us
But this is not about what one side thinks vs. another. We, everyone on this thread, has an opinion. We dont have to agree. So no, this comment is not dedicated to LB. It is only to clarify my point and what I said.
As I said in my post lastnight I am over it, but felt the need to clarify my words.
Have a good day all!
Anyone can write 13 names on a letter, that does make it true idoit. If you are over it, then we shouldn't see anymore negative post about Mr. Bryant. I hope you have learned a lesson. lol
Lies, lies, lies and more lies. This chick has typed so much under different names she can't keep her story straight. Let me remind you what you typed (One of us put pen to paper and sent him the following letter:)
Ok, in this century pen and paper mean writing not typing. A letter is a letter and an email is an email.
Honey you are busted for your lies, so please stop. I think you owe Larry an apology, because you haven't been completely honest. You are trying to ruin him because you wasn't woman enough to reel him in trout. Notahater, you were right to type not write what you did.
Ladies, anyone with a college, heck high school education, knows the phrase pen to paper is to compose, to put together, either actual pen, quill, a writer, etc. Go to the free dictionary online. You will see the following definition for "put pen to paper"-
An instrument for writing or drawing with ink or similar fluid, especially:
a. A ballpoint pen.
b. A fountain pen.
c. A pen point.
d. A penholder and its pen point.
e. A quill.
2. An instrument for writing regarded as a means of expression: "Tyranny has no enemy so formidable as the pen" William Cobbett.
3. A writer or an author: a hired pen.
4. A style of writing: wrote plays with a witty pen.
5. pens Pinions.
6. The chitinous internal shell of a squid.
But your belief or disbelief doesnt matter! Larry Bryant knows it is all true. And having him face himself in the mirror after all he has done is what is important. You dont have to believe a word of it! LARRY KNOWS every word WE have said to him and about him is true.
One of the 13 posted on ddhg and despite her "youth", she is wise and I will take her advise (thanks girl)! I'm OUT 2! Now, I know you 2 "supporters" of Larry's will spin our departure as we stopped corresponding because we had nothing else to say or you scared us off, or you caught us in lies...WHATEVA! Nothing could be further from the truth. We have given that man the spotlight for too long! God or the Universe or Karma(depending on your faith) will take care of the rest!
Love you ladies!
I thought you were finish little girl. You are pyscho! This huzzy actually went to the dictionary. No one ever said that you were lying. Queetipp actually called Larry an ###, but its obvious she knows how to handle him since she seen him recently. You notice that she is quoting things from another site and thats because she is typing it. Missy Islor is a lame duck who thought she could get this man because he was HIV positive and when he played her she set out to try and destroy him. You said yourself that the signs were there and you didn't follow them. This is why I fault you, not that I'm for him and against you. I really wish you wouldn't leave because this ### has been fun. This is the first time I did the blog thing. Larry if you are reading this, post this tricks picture. If anyone knows who she is post her picture so she can see how it feel.
LOL, this is funny. Larry has no problem looking in the mirror, I saw him doing so while he got dresssed.
if you are seeing LB then good luck to you maybe he has changed or decided to tell you the truth about his womanizing and you want to deal with it. As I have said before LB should have given the women a choice to deal with his womanizing or walk away. He took away that choice.
Why are people who have never met this man taking this whole thing so personally? LOL crazy ###
Dear Larry,
This letter is collaboration by all THE WOMEN! You see, we came together and added bits and pieces of our dealings with you! Who are all the women? a little further, you'll see.
How do you sleep at night knowing how you use women, fill their heads and hearts with your crap? And you don't think women talk and compare stories, Larry? We are not stupid! Your BS about wanting to belong to someone/something, finding "home" with each one of us, having the ability to open your heart for the first time, never feeling this way before, wanting us to TRUST you , saying I love you before the first week of dating is up, only one I care about is one, you"...BS, BS and more BS.
How could you think we wouldn't figure you out when we are all looking at the same exact written words from you or hearing the same messages!?
So who did you tell what? Angela, Gloria, Hatina, Jacque, Kimberly, Mechelle, Sharon, Tanika, Tara, Tracye, Vallerie, Vanessa, Yvette...considering so many of them overlap, alphabetical is the only way to keep them straight. I am sure there are some names missing as you have been a busy boy!
You don't get it! Why do you think you are alone now? I'll tell you. It is because you wouldn't know the truth if it fell on your head! You throw around words like "completely honest and open", please, you are full of it! "My dreams might not come true", no they won't because all you do is LIE! Don't you see, you LOST EVERY ONE OF US because you couldn't and didn't tell the TRUTH! NONE of us want anything to do with stop sending emails, messages, and calling...we aint interested! And now, your lies have come back to bite you in your ###! Difficult for YOU to trust people, dear, it is the other way around!
And you need to stop lying about going to church and catching' the Holy Sprit! Don't lie about having a relationship with God! You are playing with fire there and if you continue, not only will you be playing with it but burning in it for eternity! Don't lie about GOD! Don't!
You are not missing your can't miss what you never had!
Please seek some professional help! You need to talk to someone that can help you get to the bottom of your self loathing and dishonesty with yourself and everyone around you!
All the women you have lied to!
Why did you post that lame letter again. It was very childish anyway. Why did you post it if you didn't want people to comment on it? Your reason for doing it was to warn other women right. See you never thought that people would think that it was you that was wrong. Everybody is suppose to feel sorry for Missy IGOR poor, poor baby. Larry hurt her feelings. Bad, bad Larry why did you hurt Missy IGOR feelings? I thought you were finish with this. Haven't you been beat up enough.
Good Times
Who are you calling a ###? The truth really hurts doesn't it.
SMDH! Is she calling me a ###? Well if you are it's Ms. ### to you loser. SMDH= shaking my damn head.
If he has it, you gave it to him. Oops, no he didn't because he didn't touch your ###. Nice try lol!
This trick just can't leave things alone. I knew something else was going to be said. You deserve everything you get past and present.
You are doing a great service, Anon! What makes me angry about these guys is that they mess up every woman they get involved with and to them, it's all just a game! It will be a great day indeed when players like this are exposed and they get to the point where they can't get any action at all. When a loser like this scams a woman, other men have to pay for it.
Don't worry, though. One day this lowlife will get a hold of someone who will even the score. I've seen this happen many times and I can say from these observations that it is definitely true: WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND! The hurt that's headed his way is going to be huge.
Remember, God never sleeps and when you crap on others He makes sure that it WILL come back to you!
Just keep praying, remember the lesson you learned from this, and don't make the same mistake again!
God bless you, Anon and all the others who have been hurt by this walking pile of garbage.
What's up with men all of a sudden wanting to advise women on what a man does and how they operate. Steve Harvey did it for the money and for him to know about he had to do it. It's a given fact that men will lie and cheat. There isn't anything anyone can do about it. You have to have eyes in back of your head when you are in a relationship period. Even if he loves you and will never leave you, he will cheat in some way. The same goes for women too. Now you tell me what person who has or is in a relationship that don't talk, flirt or cheat with other people. No it shouldn't happen but it does. The issue I see with this post is, he clearly wasn't hiding to much if he was posting it on facebook for everyone to see. If he isn't answer the phone for a whole weekend or over in the morning are clear signs. Don't blame the him if you decided to deal with it, until you found proof.
I know that there are some men and women who don't cheat, but there isn't many. Bottom line is wise up and don't blame him for your blindnesss.
OMG! Why would anyone post anything negative about someone ( or probably the same ) that they don't know. All any of you know is that trick is just upset because things didn't work out for her. Stupid ###!
Notahater, you might want to consider changing your name based on your last hateful comment (lol) You are quite defensive (lmao)
I'm fine with me name thank you. Maybe you should change yours. not lmao
Ok this Guy is a Mysygonist and some of you woman take his side. He used his work to get hold of me in SA guys Common this is kinda sick i bet alla yall saying good things about this idiot are waiting in Line to be next . You see larry is an idiot and a womaniser anbd i dont care how manny we are but just glad his ### is caught out you see these days you google him and all this comes up before all of those soppy stories about him Yeah happy all the girls are safe now and kuddos to the woman who put this up on the Net. I met him in canada at the Aids conference and not ohn the internet was not hurt but saw fast that he needs a warning Label. I am in SA by the way
Larry needs to admit his shadyness we all know that he has learnt from his past that is what got him the aids the herpes and all of those things he says he has. The tattos are such a give a way that he hates himself and that he is a mysogynist is out now i googled his postive brown name oce and saw his name on a very shady si=te hating woman=, OOH that dude is sick very sick and this is not from one woman i am in SA and met him at the aids conference he was so smooth ooh but i saw warning label when he wnted me to pay for his drink even that in Africa is cheap. knowing his sppot ooh his nipples was such a secret but sure alla yall know what i am talking about. and those girls thinkubg we are sick you so Right sick and tired of this crazy dude invading our spaces and using us to prey on women. Larry is the worsy=t example of a man. He is an excuse of a man i he feels bad for what he did and is still doing to Woman. Pity his mom though for exposing woman to such a creature waiting to Exhale my Foot this Guy is sick Please do not respond to me was passing through and had fun Reading and yeah this is not made up that not a hater is in denail i bet you dating Larry and ur Hopping this is all a bad Dream when i confronted Mr bryant about all this he was telling me i shud trust him and Him alone damn he kew he was being roasted Kudos to the woman who strted thisand thanks to you our african queens will be spared larry is lucky he is not in Sa But I told Hoim whe shall meet and i am gonna embarass his ### Big Time give him a big ### Slap in Public and twist his testicles that is how we deal with sick men here in Africa
what the heck was that useless rambling? please get real girls, you are embrassing me. lol
Ok Not a Hater or shall i say Larry
Sorry, honey i'm not Larry. I have never met the man.
We Americans are so arrogant! "zawa" is clearly from from another country (SA might stand for South Africa..."i am in SA and met him at the aids conference he was so smooth ooh but i saw warning label when he wnted me to pay for his drink even that in Africa is cheap.").
We are such a great country, however if others dont command the English language the way we think they "should", we call it "useless rambling". For this, I say shame on US (as in "us" and United States)!
Don't get me started on you Steven. Yes it was useless rambling and I don't care what country she is from. Do you honestly believe everything you read on internet. Hell all I know she was sitting on your lap typing that mess. This whole complaint is useless. I'm glad im strong than theses girls. Suck it up on move on, hell he is.
Steven who are you? I don't think notahater said anything about her language. But i'm going to say, if you come here (US) you should learn the language. Hell what Zawa type didn't make sense and I think that was notahater point.
So Zawa, you knew Larry was problem just because he wanted you to buy him a drink. HMMM, then you need to go back to Africa, because men here want you to buy them more than a drink. Did you buy it? Probably get over it. He just wasn't into you either.
Now you little girls are bring his mother into this. What does she have to do with? Have any of you never made a mistake or done something wrong? Your mothers should be ashame of you for being so naive.
Ladies please move on from this. He is just a man and he's not going to be the last man to do you wrong. It's in their nature and that's sad, but what can anyone do about. Nothing any of you said would keep me from talking to him or any man. I would have to see for myself. I mean was it really that big of a deal...this so called relationship?
Are you stalking this man? Let it go! I thought that you had moved on. I see why he didn't want you now.