Larry Bryant, National HIV advocate, is a womanizer and a cheater! He has no discretion when it comes to his choice in a woman. By that I mean all the women that he dated (simultaneously) are very different, live all over the country, and are from all walks of life. So, if you meet him and say to yourself, "wow, I must be special because he want s to settle down with me and open his heart for the first time", don’t fool yourself as it is all part of his game. He meets you and within a short time the words of love, fidelity, trust and commitment are rolling off his tongue! But in 2009, Mr. Bryant's lies caught up with him and all 13 woman he was seeing found out about what he was doing and saying TO ALL OF US!
One of us put pen to paper and sent him the following letter:
Dear Larry,
This letter is collaboration by all THE WOMEN! You see, we came together and added bits and pieces of our dealings with you! Who are all the women?…read a little further, you’ll see.
How do you sleep at night knowing how you use women, fill their heads and hearts with your crap? And you don’t think women talk and compare stories, Larry? We are not stupid! Your BS about wanting to belong to someone/something, finding “home” with each one of us, having the ability to open your heart for the first time, never feeling this way before, wanting us to TRUST you , saying I love you before the first week of dating is up, only one I care about is one, you”….BS, BS and more BS.
How could you think we wouldn’t figure you out when we are all looking at the same exact written words from you or hearing the same messages!?
Considering so many of us overlap, it is probably hard for you to recall what you said to whom! You have been a busy boy!
You don’t get it! Why do you think you are alone now? I’ll tell you. It is because you wouldn’t know the truth if it fell on your head! You throw around words like “completely honest and open”, please, you are full of it! “My dreams might not come true”, no they won’t because all you do is LIE! Don’t you see, you LOST EVERY ONE OF US because you couldn’t and didn’t tell the TRUTH! NONE of us want anything to do with you…so stop sending emails, messages, and calling…we aint interested! And now, your lies have come back to bite you in your ###! Difficult for YOU to trust people, dear, it is the other way around!
And you need to stop lying about going to church and catching’ the Holy Sprit! Don’t lie about having a relationship with God! You are playing with fire there and if you continue, not only will you be playing with it but burning in it for eternity! Don’t lie about GOD! Don’t!
You are not missing your heart…you can’t miss what you never had!
Please seek some professional help! You need to talk to someone that can help you get to the bottom of your self loathing and dishonesty with yourself and everyone around you! And while you are at it, go see a dentist, because your breath, DAM it could wake the dead!
All the women you have lied to!
So ladies, take heed! If you are approached by this Casanova on Facebook (he trolls it for single women) or any other online site, you have been warned and made aware of this playboy's lines!
Looks like outing cheaters is on...damn Gabby, u r almost as bad as LB!
I am happily married to a pretty famous athlete and I am quite successful myself. I have known Gabrielle for probably as long as I’ve known my husband. I often heard disgusting rumors about her, but dismissed them. I am not one to get caught up in gossip, as my husband and I are often subjected to it ourselves. In any case, the rumors would not even affect me if they were true, as long as they had nothing to do with me. I have heard about Gabrielle being very promiscuous, but that never bothered me. She was always very pleasant when I came into contact with her and that’s all that mattered. She seemed to be working hard at her “success” and I respect ambition. Rumors flooded even throughout her marriage with Chris. Her affairs with so many…young, old, married, divorced…were no secrets. Boris, Darren, Jason, Derek, Jamie, Hill, Ludacris and the list CONTINUES!
Again, it had no affect on me. I certainly did not agree that she was the mistress to several married men, but it was not
my life. I felt as though Gabrielle was searching for something she would never find and I often felt sorry for her. Two years ago, while attending the NBA All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas with my husband, I ran into Gabrielle there as well. At this time, she was telling me about a man she had been interested in, but i didn’t pay much attention to it. About a week later, I heard a rumor that she was romantically involved with Dwyane Wade that same weekend (while might i add, his wife was there). What I found ironic was that…Dwyane was not who she had been telling me about. Again, I let it slide.
For the following year, Gabrielle continued to do as she pleased, I saw her on several occasions with a variety of different men. The rumor of her and Dwyane continued as well. This past year, the news seemed to be that Gabrielle and Dwyane were officially a couple. Although I knew in my mind that Gabrielle was not settled in this supposed “relationship” with a man who is a decade her junior, it was not my concern. I no longer felt sorry for her, but rather for Dwyane. He seems to not know any better. I can understand that he is newly single and is more than likely exploring his options. But to hear that he has assumed Gabrielle as his girlfriend disappoints me. I have met Dwyane a few times as well through my husband and he seems like a true gentlemen, someone with traditional values…but who has become caught up in the “celebrity world”.
The reason for my article is not because I am thaaat concerned with Gabrielle or Dwyane or anyone else mentioned here. The reason for this is because Gabrielle has now gone too far. She has approached MY husband. Over the past 2 weeks, I have found SEVERAL emails from Ms.Gabby. When does this woman stop? Although my husband is not innocent, as he did give Gabrielle his email address and phone number, he was smarter than to engage in her UNACCEPTABLE behavior. This is a woman whom I know, and have spent time around. I cannot grasp what goes on in her mind. I asked my husband why he was not inclined to be drawn in by Gabrielle and he gave me an honest answer, he said “she’s DANGEROUS”. When will this woman stop? To me, she seems to have Dwyane fooled…so why not continue to fool him and leave other women’s men alone. At almost 40, it is revolting to be acting as a 20 year old. Someone help her please. I will post this article AS MANY PLACES as I can to ensure that women (especially those with rich and famous men) are aware of this woman. I hope no other man or woman has to fall victim to Ms. Gabrielle Union.
Damn, Gabby.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
alright its party time
notahater, I meant no harm. I guess I am only expressing the anger I feel as an immigrant. When I came here, I was made fun of for my speech. Your statement of useless rambling was heard by me on many occasions. I am simply saying we should not look down or make fun of the way people speak/express themselves...esp. when we are to be a free and open US. The way the lady from Africa expressed herself is common for people that have English as their second language. They think in their native tongue before putting it in English. The grammar (past tense, future tense, word placement) is simply different.
Once again Steven, I was talking about the content of what she said, not how she said it. I don't care where she is from.
Tangy I tend to agree with you about this Missy person. Why is she still keeping up with this man that has done her wrong? If he was so bad you wouldn't continue following him from site to site. Ok he dogged you, but you must look at yourself in this.
Now if anyone don't agree with me about these girls, you are probably following the same path. What does it matter what he is doing? You are rid of him, so you say, but you keep posting things about him. He has posted a profile which is his right, so apparently he has moved on and showing you what you have done isn't phasing him at all.
What's up with this party time? Can we say psycho!
Damn Larry, you sure do know how to pick them. Glad it's not me man.
i don't know about yall but I got a headache..margie
This guy is awesome and would love to buy him a beer and help him find his next in an apperent string of women. happy hunting man.
LoL, now Yaba let's not encourage him.
Hmmmm, I notice that our victim(s) are no longer posting anything. It's funny how ALL of them just decided to stop posting at once. I guess she contacted each one of them and told him not to post anymore.
Yeah, Tangy you have figured us out! One person controls the board and the world...please!
Our purpose was to put LB on blast not to have a pissing match with you. So yes, in that regard there is no need to post because the conversation has moved into a useless direction! Our purpose has been served and conversing with you was not the purpose :-)
Then why did you respond to my post. Oh believe I know that you don't control anything. I have a right to my opinion and you can't take that away from me. I'm not the only one that feel the way I do and if what I said wasn't true you would have ### to say. Your purpose hasn't been served, you just made yourself look and feel stupid.
Gee sounds like my ex-husband lol... not counting the HIV... But womanizer, cheater, liar, verbally abusive, oh yeah... but thats ok, , , , I am happily divorced now and he is married to his future ex wife now...
Who do this chick think she is? You are right Tangy, she was behind all the posting, she contacted everyone she could on his friends list. She got them to agree to sending that silly letter and they fell for it. She must sit a google him to know that he has profiles on different sites. How can you claim you are happy to be rid someone when you do a search on him daily. For the posts to just stop all at once, let me know that she was behind most of them. If you notice everytime it was mention that the same person who posting, a different name popped up. She really think she has done something. Not sure he is a womanizer or cheater because he wasn't committed to any of them. He is just a typical MAN.
I'm number 14 or 24 who know's and it was at the same time as the other women. Please keep your heads up and GOD near. We will get thru this LB bull ###. I would love to chatt with some of the women about this evil that has found us. For I had many sleepless night thinking what did I do, he just disappered on me. In my heart I thought there was someone on the side but not this many! It takes a couple seconds to say Hello, but forever to say Goodbye. BYE LARRY!
May God have mercy on your soul.
Hmmmm, all of a sudden a new one. Well ### happens!
Hmmmmmmm, it does, but life is good and you just ge back up. LOL! Be well. Larry! lol!
For the last time, i'm not Larry. The only thing I know about him is what I read. Why is it so hard for you to believe that someone don't agree with you. Very simple minded!
For the last time; Don't look back, Don't keep going back for more If you feel you are up the creek without a paddle, get out and swim for the shore!
His friends should stand by him. But one really do not truly know the weight of a man's heart. Working with him is one side, and being in " a realtionship" with him is another. I know what was said, and did. And its okay, you were not there, its okay. GOD know's. And it will be OKAY.
To link his job to this I'm not with that, its his life. His personal crap, is just that. Keep the job out of. Keep the battle balance, don't become the greater of the evil.
I so find it funny know. I never slept with him. And our time was short: I have my cookies, gave no money, and my mind is well. Its one lonely person in a sea of many, just pray for your self, and then for him. Its going to be OKAY! Peace to all, now lets just let him be.
GOD is sooooo good!
WHAT!? If you didn't have sex with him or anything was given to him why did you consider yourself in a relationship. That's what has been confusing about all of this. It doesn't seem like any of you had anything more than an online, phone or maybe a visit relationship. No one has mention having sex with hin, which again leads me to believe that they really didn't know what they had with him. What shouldn't have happen is putting his name on the internet like this. He isn't the first man to have lied to someone. I know at one point in your life you have lied, you have played someone. Get mad at him, confront with the other people, but to try to bring the man down like it is wrong, so if God is good then you will get yours too. This is to all involved.
To Whom It May Concern, you sure have a lot of input for people that don’t know Larry Bryant! For you to suggest you know anything about the parties involved because you have read some posts is a joke! You say you don’t know neither Larry Bryant nor any of us, but yet you have so much to say. You think you can get full blow by blow, date by date, session by session, kiss by kiss, dinner, breakfasts, vacations, movies, family outings from posts on the web? The details you read are just excerpts of the relationships with this man! YOU DONT KNOW ANY OF US!
If you want assume the tenure of Larry's relationships/dealings with us, fine. If you want to assume you know what transpired and when it did, fine. If you feel the need to defend a man that continues to act poorly or act like a "typical" man, fine. If you chose not to believe any of our stories, fine. But remember, you said you don’t know Larry Bryant! As was said earlier, this is not about you! This is about making the next lady aware of the dangers so that she can be more informed when dealing with LB. If someone chooses to become involved with him, that is on them as they KNEW the dangers. We were not so fortunate! No one warned me! The problem with the world today is people stand back, say nothing, and let evil run rampant! That to me is unacceptable. You see my God is good. And although good works will not get me into heaven, my relationship with Him will!
First of all if you didn't want me or anyone else to comment on this you shouldn't have put it out there for the world to see. Yes I have my opinion and its not like yours. I don't have to know Larry to comment on this and I have never said that he didn't do what you said. I fault you for putting it on the internet. When are you going to take responsibility for your own actions. The signs were there and you ignored them. Thats your fault. Do you really think that you are going to change him by posting ### about him on the internet. Why hell no. You get so damn defensvise when I don't agree with you. You are upset with him because you fell for him and he didn't fall for you, so you set out to try to ruin him. Do you honestly think that if someone is interested in him, they aren't going to try with him because of what some scorned ### had to say. I mean, you saw the signs, but you continued to deal with him. Why didn't you listen to yourself? You kill me bring God into this. Did God tell you to post slander about Larry on the internet? Please you don't know God, because if you did, you would have just move on. You got other people involved not to help them, but to keep them from the man you could get. So the hell with you trick!
Nivea, I guess your comment applies to me too. I must say I don't agree with how you have handle the situation either. I'm not defending Larry, but i do disagree with you. We have the right to comment on every situation on this site. You can't tell me what to say or how I'm suppose to feel about anything, Who do you think you are? I have said it time and time again to get over it. You are a making women look bad. You are suppose to bounce back with something positive and show Larry or whoever that he didn't break you. You did just the opposite. I'm sure he is laughing at you, hell I know I am.
We can only comment on what you have said. How many vacations, family outings etc could he have went on with 13 plus girls in a short length of time. Oh yeah he only talk with some of you on the computer and in that case they shouldn't have been included at all. I really don't care what went on between yall, you wasn't what he wanted so he looked else where. Hell it happens all the time. I still believe that one person is behind most of this and you all deserve what back lash you get. Since you all are perfect creatures and have never done anything wrong, you should be alright, but I doubt it.
Oh I forgot about you posting a link to his profile on blackplanet. How did you even know he had it? How often do you do a search about him? You even add a new complaint under his profile name. What the hell is that all about? Get out of this man life if he treated you so bad. You can't because you still want him and you are so anger because he don't want you.
Wow nice lunch read-woman bashing women-women letting more men bash women that are already hurt-do you feel the love?
I do not know Larry, and because of this post, if I do meet him, I'll make sure he pays for all my drinks, pays some bills and takes me out to dinner several times, but he will never see the secret garden-lol- there are 3 things men do not like people to mess with; their money; their cars and there women! And I will make sure to mess with them all!
Kudos to the women-y que las otras personas chingan a su madre!
Don't mess my reading with nonsense Cuban. lol I must admit this has been some interesting reading. I'm not taking sides, but think this should come to an end. Boys will be boys. It's in our nature.
Didn't I tell you that this Missy thing was behind all this with Larry. Well on the she stated that she was only behind the facebook page and that she wasn't stalking him. She also thank the person who was doing it. Butttt she posted this on
"Larry I was the one brave enough to start the facebook page. But stalk you I am not, but kudos to the ones finding the info about you. and keep spreading the word about you. Missy "
Now on page 4 on this site she posted a link to his blackplanet page. She also made a new complaint under the blackplanet profile name.
Now I called that a lie and wouldn't believe a damn thing she say.
The situation is both ridiculous and unfortunate, however not at all surprising.Get to know an individual, take your time and do your homework..granted you still run the risk of being lied to...however a little self control, patience and common sense can greatly reduce the chances of a repeat of this unfortunate situation.Crying over hurt feelings IS childish as we have all (male and female) been there and will again.IF ...IF what is being said about this man IS true then He may be hurt and lashing out because of his HIV status.That does not excuse any HIV positive person nor make them justified in such behavior.That person needs therapy, moral support from loved ones and at the very least 1 friend or family member that will dedicate themselves to ensuring He gets and takes the meds necessary to preserve his life and general physical health.ANY person knowingly spreading HIV without informing His/Her partner beforehand of their status WHETHER OR NOT a condom is used is knowingly placing their partner at risk and depending on the circumstances CAN be charged with a minimum of attempted murder up to first degree murder under the law.To any of the individuals professing to know/care about this man rather than posting here should be concerned with His health, his mental state and the quality of His life. NO ONE deserves to be HIV positive.If this man is it may or may not have been a result of his own recklessness.Might He have trusted someone? Regardless, no one deserves HIV.In the event that that is a fabrication used to further embarrass this man that too is wrong.And either way, if He ever manipulated, lied to or played anyone that too is morally wrong.If He was my loved one or relative or friend I'd talk with Him about all of this, because the state of His emotions and the quality of His life if any or all of this is true cannot be in a good place. Bottom line the women that were hurt need to get tested and move on smarter.The man in question needs to consider and weigh the consequences of His actions and adapt a mentality that will promote a healthier, happier lifestyle.
The people defending him and professing concern should instead of defending Him, go speak with Him and focus on Him, ask if any of it is perhaps true as we rarely know about our friends sexual lives and as HIV is not something that one easily discloses to even family and closest friends.I have a friend that is HIV positive...when I found out I was by Her side ensuring that She knew She had me and was loved.
I did not however fuel debates nor engage in discussions about Her that I previously referred to as childish...I wish the best to everyone involved and I hope Mr.Bryant is not HIV positive However if that is the case I hope he receives the support and care that He needs and develops a strong and clear, persistent understanding of what is moral vs amoral adult behavior. May my friend Gloria RIP and may no one ever again make light of nor have to be the carrier of this horrible disease.
The definition of slander -
A type of defamation. Slander is an untruthful oral (spoken) statement about a person.
The key word here is UNTRUTHFUL! I have yet to say/write anything untruthful about LB! Again, I lived it!
As I have never "juggled" several men at once, I am not sure how it is done. However, I am sure where there is a will, there is a way. For example, if you have a full life and your partner does as well, perhaps you carve out a set day/days you see one another. If one does that with the men/women they are seeing, they have a set date night. An impromptu request to hang out might be granted or can use work as an excuse or traveling for business, etc. As long as your date night is not interrupted, why rock the boat? You get your 2-3 nights a week, the next one gets their 1-2 nights, or you get every weekend because you 2 live in different cities is obviously do-able.
Again, a player knows how to play the game! Because we don't know how to play it may mean we need to hate the player and not the game or learn the game!
I will not resort to name calling (I think I was called a "trick"...LMAO). Again, your words don't affect me as mine should not affect you. One more thing, in one sentence Missy was accused of posting the BlackPlanet link on Larry, now I'm being accused (smh). But, it is all good...the conversation has moved off course once again.
Good night and farewell! Seriously, I have said enough...take care all!
Missy, Anon, Anonymous, Nivea etc are the same person. So stop your damn lying TRICK. You did it and you lied about it STALKER.
please keep posting. what we wanted to happen is happening.
As was told to you (those that say we are one person), come on over to our Facebook page called Missy Islor. So whatcha got to say now? So 8 women are 1 person too? And the name calling? so mature!
I have an idea, reserve your passion for posts on people you actually know (LOL)
thank you, anonymous
Hmmmm, both of you show up at this site at the exact same time and posted a comment mins apart. Yes we are posting but we are posting about your lame ###. Who is Larry, this isn't about him at all. Its about you not able to handle the fact that this man didn't want your lying ###. There may be other people but its only you posting on this site and the others. So you keep putting your big feet in your mouth dummy.
Looks like there maybe some truth in what they are saying about the same person posting, but who knows and who really cares. I think you need to give up the fight, they aren't going to let you win. Mr. Bryant sure do have some strong supporters to be so evil. Give it up ladies.
Ha, ha, ha, I knew I was right. You are the same person, but like Chesnee said who really cares. I think you started the name calling, so how mature are you. If you only wanted people to comment that knows Larry, you shouldn't have put it on the internet idoit.(LOL) I will continue posting on whatever I chose. You haven't accomplishment anything by doing this. Keep it coming I love shooting your sorry ### down.
Just because you have 8 friends on facebook doesn't mean a thing. They weren't brave enough to show there faces either. lol You could have made all that up too. Its all the same mess you posted here. Now what?
second page of search let's see if we can make it to page one
Oh god, just go away dang.
why dont you go away? if you are so tired of me.
You don't want me to tell you were to go. You don't know sense and you sounding stupid.
You don't tell me where to go. You don't make much sense and you sounding stupid. You want me to leave because you know I'm right about you trick.
You can't change simple minded people.
Ok, this should be put in a novel. Hard to keep up and correct me if I am wrong:
-some women are not too happy with Larry Bryant...he did typical male stuff
-some other women are supportive of him although THEY DONT KNOW Larry how can they comment on his character or lack thereof?
-There is a Missy Islor grp on Facebook (women against Larry Bryant-catchy name)
-The Missy Islor page does have women's names and pics.
-if there is any question as to whether all the posts on Complaint Board are from one person, why not contact the women on the Missy Islor page to verify they are indeed 8 different people?
I read through the posts and I can see both camps points of view. However, I tend to support the side that actually KNOW this guy! And to those that have doubts about the validity of these women's stories, I say verify by contacting them BEFORE you say they are not telling the truth or saying they are the same person. Just a thought