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CB Society and Lifestyle Review of Larry Bryant
Larry Bryant

Larry Bryant review: Liar, Cheater, Womanizer 313

Author of the review
3:16 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Larry Bryant, National HIV advocate, is a womanizer and a cheater! He has no discretion when it comes to his choice in a woman. By that I mean all the women that he dated (simultaneously) are very different, live all over the country, and are from all walks of life. So, if you meet him and say to yourself, "wow, I must be special because he want s to settle down with me and open his heart for the first time", don’t fool yourself as it is all part of his game. He meets you and within a short time the words of love, fidelity, trust and commitment are rolling off his tongue! But in 2009, Mr. Bryant's lies caught up with him and all 13 woman he was seeing found out about what he was doing and saying TO ALL OF US!

One of us put pen to paper and sent him the following letter:
Dear Larry,
This letter is collaboration by all THE WOMEN! You see, we came together and added bits and pieces of our dealings with you! Who are all the women?…read a little further, you’ll see.

How do you sleep at night knowing how you use women, fill their heads and hearts with your crap? And you don’t think women talk and compare stories, Larry? We are not stupid! Your BS about wanting to belong to someone/something, finding “home” with each one of us, having the ability to open your heart for the first time, never feeling this way before, wanting us to TRUST you , saying I love you before the first week of dating is up, only one I care about is one, you”….BS, BS and more BS.

How could you think we wouldn’t figure you out when we are all looking at the same exact written words from you or hearing the same messages!?

Considering so many of us overlap, it is probably hard for you to recall what you said to whom! You have been a busy boy!

You don’t get it! Why do you think you are alone now? I’ll tell you. It is because you wouldn’t know the truth if it fell on your head! You throw around words like “completely honest and open”, please, you are full of it! “My dreams might not come true”, no they won’t because all you do is LIE! Don’t you see, you LOST EVERY ONE OF US because you couldn’t and didn’t tell the TRUTH! NONE of us want anything to do with you…so stop sending emails, messages, and calling…we aint interested! And now, your lies have come back to bite you in your ###! Difficult for YOU to trust people, dear, it is the other way around!

And you need to stop lying about going to church and catching’ the Holy Sprit! Don’t lie about having a relationship with God! You are playing with fire there and if you continue, not only will you be playing with it but burning in it for eternity! Don’t lie about GOD! Don’t!

You are not missing your heart…you can’t miss what you never had!

Please seek some professional help! You need to talk to someone that can help you get to the bottom of your self loathing and dishonesty with yourself and everyone around you! And while you are at it, go see a dentist, because your breath, DAM it could wake the dead!

All the women you have lied to!
So ladies, take heed! If you are approached by this Casanova on Facebook (he trolls it for single women) or any other online site, you have been warned and made aware of this playboy's lines!

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Update by anonymous
May 20, 2009 9:05 pm EDT

Looks like outing cheaters is on...damn Gabby, u r almost as bad as LB!

I am happily married to a pretty famous athlete and I am quite successful myself. I have known Gabrielle for probably as long as I’ve known my husband. I often heard disgusting rumors about her, but dismissed them. I am not one to get caught up in gossip, as my husband and I are often subjected to it ourselves. In any case, the rumors would not even affect me if they were true, as long as they had nothing to do with me. I have heard about Gabrielle being very promiscuous, but that never bothered me. She was always very pleasant when I came into contact with her and that’s all that mattered. She seemed to be working hard at her “success” and I respect ambition. Rumors flooded even throughout her marriage with Chris. Her affairs with so many…young, old, married, divorced…were no secrets. Boris, Darren, Jason, Derek, Jamie, Hill, Ludacris and the list CONTINUES!

Again, it had no affect on me. I certainly did not agree that she was the mistress to several married men, but it was not
my life. I felt as though Gabrielle was searching for something she would never find and I often felt sorry for her. Two years ago, while attending the NBA All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas with my husband, I ran into Gabrielle there as well. At this time, she was telling me about a man she had been interested in, but i didn’t pay much attention to it. About a week later, I heard a rumor that she was romantically involved with Dwyane Wade that same weekend (while might i add, his wife was there). What I found ironic was that…Dwyane was not who she had been telling me about. Again, I let it slide.

For the following year, Gabrielle continued to do as she pleased, I saw her on several occasions with a variety of different men. The rumor of her and Dwyane continued as well. This past year, the news seemed to be that Gabrielle and Dwyane were officially a couple. Although I knew in my mind that Gabrielle was not settled in this supposed “relationship” with a man who is a decade her junior, it was not my concern. I no longer felt sorry for her, but rather for Dwyane. He seems to not know any better. I can understand that he is newly single and is more than likely exploring his options. But to hear that he has assumed Gabrielle as his girlfriend disappoints me. I have met Dwyane a few times as well through my husband and he seems like a true gentlemen, someone with traditional values…but who has become caught up in the “celebrity world”.

The reason for my article is not because I am thaaat concerned with Gabrielle or Dwyane or anyone else mentioned here. The reason for this is because Gabrielle has now gone too far. She has approached MY husband. Over the past 2 weeks, I have found SEVERAL emails from Ms.Gabby. When does this woman stop? Although my husband is not innocent, as he did give Gabrielle his email address and phone number, he was smarter than to engage in her UNACCEPTABLE behavior. This is a woman whom I know, and have spent time around. I cannot grasp what goes on in her mind. I asked my husband why he was not inclined to be drawn in by Gabrielle and he gave me an honest answer, he said “she’s DANGEROUS”. When will this woman stop? To me, she seems to have Dwyane fooled…so why not continue to fool him and leave other women’s men alone. At almost 40, it is revolting to be acting as a 20 year old. Someone help her please. I will post this article AS MANY PLACES as I can to ensure that women (especially those with rich and famous men) are aware of this woman. I hope no other man or woman has to fall victim to Ms. Gabrielle Union.

Damn, Gabby.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Apr 16, 2009 3:01 pm EDT

I personally don't care if Larry done what was said or not. Everyone has their own opinion and I have mine. I don't have to know him to comment on the issue at hand. Did you honestly think that only people who knew him would comment? If thats the case, you should have only contacted people who knows him.

As far as me contacting the two people brave enough to post their picture isn't going to happen. For one I don't care because I know that the same person posted most of the comments against him. No need to waste anymore time denying it because my mind is made up. If you read through all the post, I never said what was true or not. I'll let you reread because I'm not going to explain myself anymore, but I will continue to comment until i'm ready to stop.

Hell where is Missy's picture since is the one thats behind all of this. She didn't deny it when I name who I thought was her. And no need to do it now because I'm going to believe what I want.

funcity, US
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Apr 16, 2009 5:40 pm EDT

You are being corrected: First of all, why do we have to know Larry to post on this? Did Missy know the people she contacted? This is a form for people to post their complaints, not for someone who is upset that their relationship didn't work out. That has been my point throughout all of this. Also, the fact the some of these so called people couldn't have had to much of a relationship because they have never met him. I have read some things about Larry and would say he does has character, if he didn't this person wouldn't be trying to ruin him. He didn't want her and she couldn't see all the signs that he threw at her. That's her fault not his. Heck I have said all this before. The best any of them can do at this point is to move on. Maybe is she wouldn't have changed her story so many times I could see her point. I know she changed her name and posted these comments. Hell move on and find someone who wants you or sit here and wait for me and Tangy to post something you don't like. LOL (Tangy you have to be related to me, we think alike.)

Besides, didn't she post this complaint to warn people, so they want get involved. Well if we all knew him there wouldn't be a need to complaint. Larry if you are reading this, I can almost bet you aren't phased about it. I wouldn't be. And send me that picture someone, anyone please. Deuces

Arlington, US
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Apr 17, 2009 9:26 pm EDT

I knew Larry MANY, MANY moons ago - when he live in the south. At the time, an opportunity to develop our relationship was his alleged reason for moving south from the east coast. This was way before he was in his current role. In any case, I knew him off and on for many years (this was between [protected] - like I said...MANY moons ago). Nonetheless, my clue came when I was visiting him one evening and a "friend" from work showed up and he kept her at bay and didn't invite her in. Later that evening he went to shower and I was looking through his movie collection, which like his music collection was phenomenal, and found an adult video of a very peculiar nature which led me to question many things about him. To make a long story short, I asked him about it and he declined to claim ownership, but it just wasn't right to me so I just took the clue. It never worked for us, but I don't recall having the feeling that he wasn't sincere. I think he firmly believes everything he says to be "his" truth, which means that it doesn't have to be anyone else's as long as HE believes it. My truth, what I deemed to be real and true, was very different from what he presented and would have me accept as the truth, so I did what I needed to do for me. I think he's a good person at heart. I don't think he would ever intentionally hurt anyone, because he never intentionally hurt me. It's awful that as many women had to experience heart ache and pain, but we all live and learn and hopefully grow.

I accidentally happened upon this site today and was jaw-droppingly shocked to see what I saw here! All I can say is "Wow!"

Macon, US
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Apr 19, 2009 8:50 pm EDT

Okay, I just want to make a comment. I do know this guy or any of the women involved with him, I was just on this site researching an internet company's email about a fake medical transcription job, and came across this, and it snagged my interest.

First, I want to offer my condolences for those of you that were hurt by this man. I know what it's like to be played and hurt and the anger you suffer for so long, even after that person is gone from your life. It does leave a huge scar.

Next, i just wanted to leave a couple of suggestions. Number one, see a therapist. I am NOT being glib or being sarcastic by saying that, or suggesting that any of you are mentally ill. I am saying it because most people don't realize the lasting damage something like this has, and how much a counselor can help you work thru it. You have this board and each other, and that is a great place to start, but I have seen a therapist after being deeply hurt by a man, and it helped tremendously. But the main thing I want to say, is that if this man is indeed HIV positive, and is having unprotected sex, you can all file a class action lawsuit against him for reckless endangerment of your well-being. Of course, his lawyer would try to throw you all under the bus by saying you should not be engaging in unprotected sex with anyone, and therefore, it is ultimately your responsibility. But it does not mean anyone deserves to get infected with HIV! NO ONE deserves that. I know a lot of you may feel that this is not my place to say anything, and I do not want to intrude, but this guy is causing a public health hazard and if he is having sex (protected or unprotected) KNOWING he is positive for HIV, that is tantamount to attempted murder.

Good luck ladies and God bless!

Macon, US
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Apr 19, 2009 8:51 pm EDT

In my above comment I accidentally typed "I do know this guy". It should have read "I do NOT know this guy"


funcity, US
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Apr 19, 2009 10:31 pm EDT

Heather please keep your dumb ### comments to yourself, when you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Everyone don't have to see a damn therapist because a man lied to them. Hell stand up for your damn self sometimes. ### happens, cry about it then move the hell on. As far as him having sex with anyone them probably didn't happen because if you read everything none of them mention it. So keep your stupid ### comments to yourself. I hate scorned women who don't know how to bounce back.

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Apr 20, 2009 4:25 am EDT

OMG, I thought this mess was over, then her comes somebody else saying something completely stupid. First of all Heather, Larry has put his whole life on the internet, his not hiding the face that he's HIV positive, so if anyone is stupid enough to have unprotected sex with him should be thrown under the bus. You are so right to say its not your place because what you are saying doesn't apply here. Its bad enough that he has had to deal with this immature little girl(s), because he lied to them. If you had to go to a therapist because a man hurt you, then how in the hell do you handle other terrible life situations. I know being hurt by someone that you care about is hurtful, but you don't handle it by going our of your way trying ruin him in return. I have learned that you have to get up and show that person that they didn't break you. Find someone else who really wants you. If there are signs that he is clearly putting in your face, don't wait until you are into him, something goes wrong, things don't workout and you do some stupid ### like put it on the internet. Take responsibility for your own actions.

Steven Baxter
New York, US
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Apr 20, 2009 1:39 pm EDT

Dont take it personal! It appears that Notahater and Tangy (funny how they seem to always post right after each other) thinks everyone else's opinion (BUT THEIRS) is stupid, out of left field, shouldn't be stated, has no merit, etc.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH, right ladies?

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Apr 20, 2009 1:53 pm EDT

Steven now i'm posting after your dumb ###. I receive an email notification when there is a post, so I assume everyone else does. I don't care what anyone say, if it don't make sense to me, i'm going to say so. What's the different is that everything I say is the truth. It's obvious she didn't or haven't read everything before she decided post. That's why I commented on what she said. So Steven you can kiss my ###.

New York Mills, US
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Apr 20, 2009 3:45 pm EDT

Notahater/Tangy, I don't have to keep my comments to myself anymore than you have to keep your's to yourself. You know nothing about me and never will. I am happy and in a relationship with a man for a long time now. Not that it's any of your business. I will not waste any more of my time dignifying the personal rancor reflected in your remark with comment. Grow up.

Steven: I am not taking any of this personally. I posted my comment before I read all the other comments; I wrote my sappy comment when I'd had too much rum, and was feeling emotional. Now I have a different point of view on the whole thing. I think it's all BS all the way around.

New York Mills, US
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Apr 20, 2009 3:50 pm EDT

Notahater/Tangy, you guys need to go back to school and learn grammar before calling me a [censored]. You talk like you have no education whatsoever...and ebonics doesn't count.

New York Mills, US
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Apr 20, 2009 3:52 pm EDT

Oh and BTW Steven, thank you for your comment "It appears that Notahater and Tangy (funny how they seem to always post right after each other) thinks everyone else's opinion (BUT THEIRS) is stupid, out of left field, shouldn't be stated, has no merit, etc.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH, right ladies?"

I couldn't agree more.

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Apr 20, 2009 4:47 pm EDT

Heather while Steven is kissing my left cheek you can kiss the right. I don't have to explain myself to any of yall. I stand by what I have said and you don't have a choice but to like it. So go see your damn therapist about that. If you was so damn stupid like the rest of these tricks, you both would know that I didn't say you couldn't comment, but to know what you are commenting about. But I guess since you didn't ask your therapist you didn't know what to say.

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Apr 20, 2009 5:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm not on anyone side but you must admit that those two have some good points. Plus they are funny as hell. We look forward to reading the post at work and most of agree with tangy and notahater at some point. We feel this isn't the place for a failed relationship. Its obvious that whoever post the complaint was angry. They have freedom of speech also. Later

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Apr 20, 2009 5:10 pm EDT

I wonder what your new man that you are so happy with Heather feels about you drinking and thinking about the man that caused you to see a therapist. lol

Washington,DC, US
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Apr 20, 2009 5:30 pm EDT

This has gone on long enough! You two gay ### queens need to get a life! Or better yet eat ### an die! Miss Tangy an Miss Notahater, come up for air when you go down on his dick like this!

Heather there a mess, Steven your cool.


New York Mills, US
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Apr 20, 2009 6:08 pm EDT

LOL do have to wonder if these 2 (if they aren't the same person) chicks, or "tricks" as they love to say, are boinking Mr. Bryant...b/c they sure are rabid regarding this mess. Of course, you need a translator to decipher their crappy version of the english language. I especially love this comment: "If you was so damn stupid like the rest of these tricks, you both would know that I didn't say you couldn't comment" doesn't even make any sense. I don't know (or care) what their problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce.

funcity, US
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Apr 20, 2009 8:17 pm EDT

Heather you drunk ###, you can kiss my ### too. Can you understand that. I don't give a damn what any of you think, you will never be on my level. As far as Steven and wow, which is probably Heather or Missy can go straight to hell. Wow get your mama off you dick the come talk to me.

Big J
Merced, US
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Apr 20, 2009 8:42 pm EDT

Plain and simple quit ###ing crying about sleeping with this guy move on and try to find a good man unless all u need is some dick then call LB tell your friends too

Washington, DC, US
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Apr 20, 2009 8:46 pm EDT


Your one sad ### ###! Wipe your mouth after you eat my balls! I see its hard for your gay ### to type Miss Notahater.

Who wants to be on your " level", what ground zero? Oh wipe your nose, you have ### all over it from where your lips were on Larrys ###!

Where can we find you? In the food line somewhere? LOLOLO!

We just love when you people ACT A FOOL, LOVE IT! Are you and Miss Tangy on meet the browns also? LOL! Eat more ### please an just go somewhere and just DIE already! LLOOOOLLLOLOLOL! Oh you can find me at Tryst in DC, come get a beat down, Miss Thang!

Big J
Merced, US
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Apr 20, 2009 9:15 pm EDT

See WOW has the right idea unlike a bunch of misused whiny little ### that come online to cry for the womans movement against LB if u were dumb enough to fall for him oh ###ing well get over it he used u like u use tampons so move on with your life me im faithful to my lady and to LB keep playin playa

funcity, US
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Apr 20, 2009 10:30 pm EDT

Honey, you are on the wrong site, this isn't porn WOW. Go there your mama is waiting for you. lol

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Apr 21, 2009 5:45 am EDT


Big J
Merced, US
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Apr 21, 2009 6:46 am EDT

just curious did LB give u and std is that why your piss off or is it that u wanted him as your baby daddy? Look the truth is no one loves u and no one ever will so why dont u just set up a web cam put it on you tube and kill yourself and do it in the name of this ### love u still have for LB thats why your still swinging from his nutts

Birmingham, US
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Apr 21, 2009 6:46 pm EDT

This has been a fun read. And I will admit that I have no life. But let me point out a few things.

1. I believe that Larry really did lie to these women. All 13...or more. He is probably lying to a woman right now as you read this. He is a Black Man...a player, a DAWG. Now I am not saying that White Men don't lie and cheat, but Blacks are born with that nature.

2. To the 13 women...I don't know any of you personally, but I don't really fell sorry for any of you. I hope that none of you have aids. But I don't feel sorry that you got hurt. I'll bet money that at least 7 out of the 13 women have played a man at one time or another. All of the women that he played and all the women that he will play in the future have things in common. A) They all see a successful Black Man with money...which is rare. B) They will all fall for Larry's game becuase he is good at it. He is so good at it, he tells them he has aids and they still want to sleep with him. Mostly because they see dollar signs, but also because Larry's game is tight. He uses his aids situation to gain sympathy from women and he gets it obviously. It is obvious to me now, that women will take a chance on a aids ridden dawg, as long as he has money.

Ladies, get over it. You got played. Don't act like you have never played a man, because you probably have. How many of the 13 of you are innocent. Karma is very real. Karma is a vengeful ###. And obviously, Larry Bryant was your payback. Live and Learn. Move On. PEACE.

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Apr 21, 2009 8:36 pm EDT

Our President is Black and I'm a white man!

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Apr 21, 2009 8:57 pm EDT

I just love when racist white trailor park trash hides behind a computer screen. Go up to the first black man or woman for that matter and make comments like that. If you have the guts to do that, then I would give a damn about what you have to say.

Macon, US
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Apr 21, 2009 9:14 pm EDT

Okay, this is a first for me, but I have to agree with tangy on her last comment..."The Wise Man"...dude, you are a racist, and a woman-hater, and methinks not so wise. Of course, I bet you're just posting all this crap to get a reaction, good or bad, which you did.

Denver, US
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Apr 21, 2009 9:16 pm EDT

Wow, (not wow the poster just WOW!) I could not stop reading these posts! Very entertaining, I must say that I think that putting a dog like this on blast on the internet was totally AWESOME! Whether it is going to warn other women not to be with this man, who knows and who cares. Honestly you should have posted it and left it alone and not responded to any of the comments from the people who are not in your situation and that don't even know him. Minus all of the errors in grammer, especially words like yall and aint, what I found absolutely hilarious was the mindset that all men are liars and cheaters, and then the correction that said that there are some men who don't cheat out there, but not many. Where are you from?!?! Really, you might want to look into moving. There are many many guys out there who don't cheat. I must say that I love Heather's comments --minus the first that said the women needed consuling. The only thing that I really really disagreed with was the last comment I read from THE WISE MAN, why did you turn this into a race thing? I must ask again... Where are you from?!?!? You too may want to look into moving. I was pretty bored waiting for laundry to dry, but thank you guys for entertaining me for the hour.

Macon, US
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Apr 21, 2009 9:19 pm EDT

LOL Michelle, glad you enjoyed it...I admit I too was bored and ran across this while looking up something else, and it is pretty entertaining!

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Apr 21, 2009 10:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Michelle, I sorry to tell you that most men do cheat. If you have one, you might need to check up on him. lol I can say that because I'm a man. Yes, i've cheated and have been cheated on. The reason why I say most men is because I don't know all of them. The proof is out there, so whatever rock you are understand you might need to stay.

Macon, US
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Apr 21, 2009 11:00 pm EDT

I totally disagree with you chesnee. I know my father has never cheated on my mother, my grandfather never cheated on my grandmother, my boyfriend has never cheated on me...and several other men I know have never and would never do that. You all can laugh and post your cynical comments but it changes nothing. And I think anyone that does laugh is just bitter. Yes I have been cheated on, but I have and do know men that would never do that. I don't understand how anyone can make a blanket statement that "most men cheat". You're right, you don't know all of them, and it cracks me up how you tell Michelle that she has been living under a rock b/c she too believes as she does... I feel sorry for you.

Birmingham, US
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Apr 21, 2009 11:43 pm EDT

tangerine-you listen up.
heather- good and bad, ying and yang, black and white, wrong and right. everyone has two points of view. some of us have more. some of us try to look through GOD'S eyes and HIS point of view. How HE would judge this situation. Because one day HE will. HE will judge the Black, the White, and any other color you care to name. HE will view my comments and judge them on their merit. Re-read my comments and ask yourself if anything that I said wasn't true. The actions of everyone involved in this thread, including mine, are a sad statement in the eyes of GOD. What have we become? GOD created us all, every color, every animal, everything that you wake up to every single day of your life. Now I ask you all, does that sound like a racist?

My comments were intended to be racist. It is the only thing that people seem to understand or feel a passion for these days. Well that same passion you have about racism or politics, GOD wants you to direct that passion to HIM. Will you ignore HIM now? Will you ignore GOD'S word or will you see the errors of your ways and stand up for GOD? GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND KEEP YOU FOREVER, IF IT IS GOD'S WILL. AMEN.

Denver, US
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Apr 22, 2009 1:58 am EDT

I fully believe that you are a product of your environment, if you are not exposed to it you more than likely will not do it. I do not live under a rock, I just know how to take care of the man that I love and chose to spend the rest of my life with, he is well taken care of and does not have a reason or urge to go elsewhere and vice versa. I am not as naive as you have implied. I think that we can agree to disagree on this matter as you have no evidence to make a case. Perhaps you should surround yourself with men with better morals? I know that men can be dogs believe me I am surrounded by Military men on a daily basis, some good some bad, but can honestly say that I only know 1 bad married seed, the bottom line is cheating is a choice, it is not hard wired into men’s brains to do. I just want to make myself clear here... I did not say men don't cheat, I've been cheated on before, but I learned my lesson and dated a few “good” men before I fell in love with my husband. I'm sure many have been cheated on or will be at least once in their life whether it be by a man or a woman. Nothing about cheating is acceptable, no matter how much you like someone, love someone, aren't really that into someone... whatever the case is bottom line is it's still a lie and you always have a choice to be honest with your partner. For you to imply that my husband is cheating on me is ridiculous, If I implied that you were umm I don't know screwing your sister last night so your dad could watch... that would be wrong right? Lol, but just like my not knowing anything about you, you don't know anything about me or where my husband’s "junk" has been. So perhaps you shouldn't disguise your opinion as a fact. Please show me what proof you are talking about because I know a lot more men that I would consider honorable than not. Argue with my post all you want, but unless someone makes a valid argument, I really don't think I have anything more to say on this topic.

funcity, US
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Apr 22, 2009 2:20 am EDT

I don't have to justify myself to simple minded people. I can't type what I like, when I like and how I like. Also, I don't have to name any names who i'm directing this to. Cheesne I do agree with what you said, they will learn one day.

Yes our president is black!

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Apr 22, 2009 7:15 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Did I hit a sore spot with you Michelle? I didn't say that your husband was cheating, I said you need to check up on him. Men cheat, women cheat its something that happen and just because you don't know that they cheated doesn't mean that they haven't.

But the point that you made about assuming that you husband cheated can be applied to the fact that the person that posted this about Larry could be a lie. Some of you assumed that it was true, but when things was thrown back at you for something you said, all hell broke out.

You hear on tv all the time about marriage breaking up and 9 out of 10 has to do with someone cheating. There's your proof. I did say that some men cheat not all. Its my opinion and I'm sticking with it.

No need to feel sorry about me, but I would keep an extra eye on your relationship, just to be on the safe side.

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Apr 22, 2009 8:04 am EDT

Why do people always talk about GOd when they know that they are going to hell?

I don't always proof read what I type because I don't give a damn. Hell you know what I mean rather its slang or ebonics. If you don't like it don't read it. I'm moving on. I'm tired of this topic, but you know if someone say something I want to comment on I will. See Y'ALL later.

Bethlehem, US
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Apr 22, 2009 3:34 pm EDT

wow. . .you should but him on that is a forum that most women look too check up on men. I believe that maybe it may be a woman scorn but who gives a darn! If he is dishonest and mislead women and didnt give them choices as to whether or not they wanted to share him with other women then he opened himself to ridicul and I dont feel sorry for him. What I do feel bad about is women who by nature are nurturers that give their time and love to these selfish savages!

I pray that these women are able to move on because it is not fair to them to allow him to have any control over them and by harvesting anger he is still controlling them. In order to move on we have to let go and let God and TRUST and believe God is very capable of doing this. . .

It is unfortunate that women against women is viewed in these comments. . .if this man is bad and hurt someone and didnt give them the right to choose, then why should he have a right to choose whether or not he is exposed for his dishonesty. I thank you for the information. . .not that we should believe everything we hear but it will sure make anyone who gets involved with this joka look a little deeper and maybe they can see for themselves and avoid the pain of the dishonesty and whatever else he brings.

Remember ladies if he is broke we can't fix him. . .a leopard doesnt change his stripes. . .it is what it is so dont be surprised in the end when he treats you just as bad as the previous ones. It may take him 5 years to do to her what it took him only 2 years to do to you. . . but he is who he is!

God Bless!

Vancouver, CA
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Apr 22, 2009 3:41 pm EDT

I wonder if ''notahater' is in fact Larry Bryant himself? I agree with all who have reported on this excuse for a man. What is wrong with someone warning others about a predator? Some have said to those who have been hurt 'grow up' or 'you asked for it', don't forget that one aspect of women's personality is that they wish to believe good in everyone, and if they see bad in someone, they want to correct that and really believe they can do what others including the guy's mom and sisters weren't able to do.

That is how some of these losers end up getting together with a woman who is working, owns a car, or apartment and has a bank account, and they end up leaching off her forever in some cases. In other words they got lucky and found a sucker to support them for their whole lives. She will be running out to work at 6am while he sleeps in her bed, then come home at 5pm to make supper and clean up almost all the dishes in the house because nothing has been done to tidy up after himself all day long. He has emptied the liquor cupboard and now brags that he read two whole pocketbooks today! Oh wow.

These losers can't be reconditioned into decent men, but us women keep trying, and wishing it were so. Therefore we will hang on to the useless guy, sometime believing that he is all we can get. Sometimes believing that if we don't have him, then no one will be interested in us. That is called 'low self esteem'.

Wake up women, realize that you are much better than that. Life is long, and believe me, it feels deadly long if you end up living with a loser. Those first few months of adoration and affection (mostly phoney) are not worth it in the long run.

By the way, this type of guy is a dime a dozen. Women should be on the lookout for ### like this. Do not get suckered into 'giving it up' on the first date, these guys are just into taking freebies. Heck they won't even buy condoms, that would be too expensive.


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Apr 23, 2009 1:07 pm EDT
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LOL, somebody has had it rough.