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Leisure Medical UK

Leisure Medical UK review: advertising 40

Author of the review
11:30 am EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I have Reported Leisure Medical UK and its proprietor Mr. P Fitzmaurice and the secretary Wendy Patricia Fitzmaurice to trading standards ( helpline on [protected] and to Action Fraud ( [protected]. This company is a scam and I will stop at nothing to have them shut down. Every review I have read is from other unsuspecting people like myself that are being conned out of our hard earned money and causing damage to our businesses. Do not allow this to go on and take 30 minutes out of your day to see them stopped, named and shamed.

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Meena Kumar
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Oct 08, 2018 1:22 am EDT


Can I please request all the clients of this open fraud company, please contact me on

We must file a case and make sure they will close down; they are really pain for small business like us. We work hard and they just take our money. Please does not deal with one more company (Funding for Education ltd.)

Regard - Meena Kumar from Talent Pool Academy

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Apr 29, 2019 5:20 pm EDT

Are you aware that your email doesn't show in your post correctly?

Newport Pets
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Nov 21, 2019 9:43 am EST

Meena Kumar, your email address doesn't show up. ajonssonuk @

Valentina G
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Jan 23, 2020 7:35 am EST

Hi there I have same problem now I paid 2 years they want me to pay 3th year I’m not paying anymore as I’ve been lied my email is I will like to get in touch with all of you and we can all talk with attorney.

Valentina G
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Jan 23, 2020 8:01 am EST

Hi there the email are all protected my phone number is +[protected] Gaby we should all get in contact

Valentina G
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Jan 23, 2020 8:05 am EST

Click Beautique my salon name Wanstead

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Mar 03, 2019 11:20 am EST

hello, did anyone get threatenng letters from the debt collection agency? What can i do ? to get my money back. They have taken nearly #700 from me? my contact details are shellina sharma @ gmail com.

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Apr 29, 2019 5:12 pm EDT

Hello, is this proceeding? I just signed up with them today, then only checked and found they are a scam. Would be happy to give evidence to police or similar.

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Jun 11, 2019 10:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm also interested to know if this is proceeding. I've signed up with them and am not happy.

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Jul 31, 2019 11:14 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


I'm in the same boat as most of you who have replied to this thread.
I had a representative of Leisure medical uk visit me at my business. What was promised by the rep was not delivered in accordance with the contract.

I contacted the company to advise them that I no longer wished to go ahead with it as they did not print off the cards when they said they would.

Anyway I heard nothing for over a year - nor did I get my money back from them. Over a year later I am now getting threatening letters, emails and calls from a company called Resolute Debt Recovery Ltd. The bill has more than quadrupled and is now in the region of £2.5 thousand pounds.

What should I do?


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Jan 25, 2020 8:12 am EST
Replying to comment of Sam1980123

Hi Claire,
How did this all end. Are they still trying to scam you out of money?

Sally Lloyd, Homeopath, Staffordshire
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Aug 21, 2019 8:08 pm EDT

Oh dear. I've just been scammed by them too. It looks like we don't have a leg to stand on either:

I'm hoping that's wrong. I gather from 'trust Pilot that someone managed to get a refund via their bank and sent a letter [recorded and signed] cancelling their contract.

Carol War
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Sep 10, 2019 7:08 pm EDT

Ignore them completely, they will try to send bullying letters demanding money! They will then allegedly pass your details onto a debt recovery team... Called Resolute Debt Recovery LTD ignore these also as its the same company trading under different names! Legal Research complete and I can now confirm Resolute Debt Recovery can't bully and demand money... it's a scare tactic, the only way they can get money out of you is if they take it to court which they won't because there nothing more than SCAMMERS... Dont let these idiots scare you!

Leisure Medical UK scammer
Leisure Medical Uk LTD scammer
Resolute Debt Recovery LTD scammer

ROT in Hell
Wendy Fitzmaurice
Phil Fitzmaurice
Chris Bentley

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Sep 17, 2019 6:09 am EDT
Replying to comment of Carol War

Hi can I ask how you found this out please

Carol War
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Sep 17, 2019 12:11 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Phenotype

Which part?

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Sep 17, 2019 12:32 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Phenotype

Sorry, that they cant demand the money

Carol War
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Sep 17, 2019 1:18 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Phenotype

If you go on Company House, check out there accounts and you will see they are connected!

Also they cant demand and threaten you with letters and ring you continuously... Thats Harrasment and bullying.

The so called contract wouldn't even stand up in court, there are more holes in it than a block of cheese! Absolute idiots... A "real" debt recovery would apply to the court, these scammers obviously wouldn't do that because they don't want to draw any attention... Completely ignore them they are just con artists who like pressuringly people in making them believe that you owe them money...

I'm sure that HMRC and legal bodies would be more interested to see how much money they have wrongly taken from innocent vulnerable people that they haven't declared!

Carol War
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Sep 17, 2019 2:11 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Carol War

Also the company is dormant... Meaning they haven't declared any takings

S Jennett
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Oct 16, 2019 5:51 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Carol War

I am a therapist who was approached to advertise with them about 2 years ago. They are now sending threatening letters re legal action. I would like to know if anyone has found a way out of this. They have sent me a contract, but they do not remind you that the contract is up for renewal. I have failed to find their adverts on the doctors cards, which I thought I was signing up for. Any advice, please, on how to handle them so I dont have to pay again for a service I am not receiving. S Jennett Easenflow Massage.

Carol War
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Oct 24, 2019 4:52 am EDT
Replying to comment of S Jennett

Do NOT pay them anything! They are conning people out of thousands, it's not a "real" company as I have explained above... Its idiots who are sitting on people's well earned money! Don't be bullied any further, they can demand money all they like, they can add charges on all they like but they wouldn't get a penny from me! Ask them not to contact you again otherwise you will report to the police under the grounds of harassment... Tell them to take you to court! Also ring your bank up and get any fraudulent money you have been conned out of returned that's what I also did! I got a full refund via the fraud team with me bank so technically now I havent lost any money!x if you want to take further I could supply you with my email?x

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Oct 30, 2019 9:28 am EDT
Replying to comment of Carol War

Hi Carol, could I poss have your e-mail? would be interested to talk because we have just discovered we have been scammed.
Many thanks

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Nov 04, 2019 9:33 am EST
Replying to comment of Carol War

As a Business owner i am applauded by the fact you have posted this comment. Putting a picture of someones family on an online forum saying rot in hell is just low. This girl cant be any older than 16 and you have posted this picture on an online complaints forum... get some respect you degenerate. How about you remove this comment and get some respect for a family that are clearly nothing to do with the business. absolute worm

Carol War
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Nov 04, 2019 10:14 am EST

Matthew ... That's rich coming from you! Arent you the same Mr Stinson who I had an email off last week demanding payment under the FAKE company name Resolute Debt Recovery ? Who also work alongside Leisure Medical

FYI this is a forum where grievances and information is to be shared especially when you and others are trying to defraud people out of money!

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Nov 04, 2019 11:15 am EST
Replying to comment of Carol War

I do not work for any debt recovery company my name is Matthew Stinson as clearly stated on here. I just was shown this forum by a friend and thought that your behavior is disgusting including a young child and her picture on here is bang out of order. How would you feel if this was your daughter. I do not know what problems you have with this company but your arguments should be with them not shaming a whole family.

I think that you need to get a grip and stop being so disrespectful because karma is a beautiful thing.

Absolute [censored] house and an embarrassment if i'm being honest.

All you are doing by including the daughter in this is inciting hatred on an innocent girl.

Samantha Bull
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Mar 30, 2021 8:37 am EDT
Replying to comment of Carol War

Hi. Thank you for all of your information. Can you please tell me your email so I can ask you a couple of questions. I'm a little worried. Sam Bull.

Mr white124
Manchester, England, Greater Manchester, GB
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Sep 03, 2021 10:49 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Carol War

Hi carol yes this company are scum there trying the same crap with me
I’d love to meet these guys in person

Send a message
Oct 26, 2019 6:44 am EDT

hi carol whats your email so i can email you am in the same boat, thanks

Carol War
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Nov 01, 2019 12:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of faz12

Carol War
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Nov 01, 2019 12:51 pm EDT

o z z y w a r d l e

Sally Lloyd, Homeopath, Staffordshire
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Nov 07, 2019 4:21 pm EST

Yes. I've had a similar experience. They are not attempting to collect 5* reviews on trustpilot and have gone from 1* to 3*** so far. If they are a dormant company and clearly trading surely they are committing tax fraud. How have they been allowed to do this for so long? Because they are defrauding businesses rather than individuals we seem to have no consumer rights to protect us.

Here's what I wrote for trustpilot. Leisure medical are contesting all 1* reviews on there and having them removed as defamation. It's crazy!

"I've been asked to edit my review of this company. If you check at the Government body "Companies House" there is only one Leisure Medical of any sort registered with the Government of the UK and they return declarations yearly since they incorporated in 2005 saying the following: "Accounts for a dormant Company" ... "The company has not traded during the period and the directors do not expect the company to trade in the forthcoming year." However, they are clearly trading and signing contracts with people. [Trust Pilot, please check this out for factuality before considering this to be defamation. I'm really not trying to defame anyone. I'm stating fact that is out in the public domain].

Clearly they are trading as they wrote up a contract with me after a hard sell at my house, giving me no time to read the contract because "Ken Speed" talked fast, kept me distracted and wanted me to sign up there and then [and pay half]. He's a good salesman! That contract commits me to a lot more payments than "Ken Speed" [the salesman] described when he sold me the advertising.
Initially, I got a call saying they were from my local doctor's surgery [which they are not]. That instills trust and I'd never have pursued it if I'd realised it was not the surgery who rang [I have since confirmed with the surgery].
I made a claim via my bank to Leisure Medical's bank and they investigated and have refunded me the initial payment [1/2 the full price upfront] that I made to Ken Speed when he was in my house. I have since been sent 3 more invoices asking for money, which I've not paid. This is a common theme among reviews across all reviewing platforms. Do your research carefully because some people say they have had debt collectors after them and their contracts have automatically renewed. You have to give 12 months notice to stop your contract renewing and that has to be in writing to the company. When I attempted to cancel mine in writing they didn't cancel it.
I never received the advert I paid for. I received no communication from them until a bill arrived for the second instalment about 1 month after I made my first payment. When I eventually managed to find a phone number where someone picked up they started to offer me an advert but by then the cards in my doctor surgery had been published [I confirmed this with the surgery] and I'd read too many reviews to be comfortable to go forward with the relationship with the company, having been enlightened about the major problems with the contract I'd signed.
Leisure medical had a 1* review level across all platforms when I checked [they have since managed to raise it to 3*** in October by collecting a lot of reviews!]

I'm surprised by their confidence in trading in this way in the open."

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Nov 08, 2019 7:14 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thanks Sally i found this really interesting as I signed up with these and paid a first fee then a month later got another invoice. In between that time i looked them up to see the bad reviews they had so began to worry. I rang the doctors they said they were with and they knew nothing about it. However now 4 months later the cards are in the doctors so had a feeling i perhaps should pay but since reading your post explaining that they are dormant company so therefore shouldn't be trading i may hold off and see what happens. Thanks again as that money would be helpful with christmas around the corner

Carol War
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Nov 07, 2019 5:35 pm EST

I received this email today from this FAKE COMPANY...

My reply was:

Rattling a few feathers
Ca Carol War on 6h ago

Following your recent email to myself, I would firstly like to start off by saying NO I WILL NOT be providing you with my personal information.

Complaints Board is meant to be for people like myself who have gathered information about fraudulent companies such as Leisure Medical UK & Resolute Debt Recovery LTD.

As for yourselves you have obviously breached your own data protection rules by asking me whether I am one of your or related to one of your clients?!

If the Complaints Board deem my postings are of any descrimating nature then surely they would delete that on my behalf or not allow me to post!

I only posted a photo of the directors as I feel this is useful information to anyone on the right planet.

A quick search on company house will make this information readily available, which also lists addresses links to "Both" companies and labelling the company as Domant!

As usual Lesiure Medical UK & Resolute Debt Recovery LTD are using their harassment techniques to try to get people to pay up or shut up.

Bullies never like a taste of there own medicine!

Don't bother replying unless you are the REAL Complaints Board or you have a genuine apology.

Mrs War

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Carol War
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Nov 07, 2019 5:48 pm EST

P.s read the attachment first before reading my comment

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Nov 21, 2019 10:49 am EST

Had yet another letter from them today. The amount has gone up and although I've requested for a copy of the contract several times, they still do not send me copy with their letters.
If they were not trading as Leisure Medical UK (as it was a dormant company when they sold me the scam), why does the name of the actual trading company not appear on their letter? Amateurs.
They provide their bank details but without an account holder name. How am I supposed to know who it is I'm paying?
There is no name under the signature. Whom I dealing with?
Their phone number is 0845 and cost up to 65p/min to call.

I'm sure they are making a good income but I do believe in karma. And the karma will get you when you are not expecting... :)

Send a message
Nov 22, 2019 4:01 am EST

I think we should all report them to the BBC Watchdogs

They shouldn't be allowed to carry on like this.

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Nov 22, 2019 4:27 am EST

Bit more we can do to stop them as I'm sure HMRC would be interested to investigate dormant company that is in full action. I know they are not dormant today but they were early last year when they sold us the advert

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Dec 05, 2019 9:20 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I work here and we are complete con artists who want to rip you off.

Anita Lee
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Oct 21, 2020 11:06 am EDT

I too have had a letter from the debt collection company demanding money for a contract that impossible to cancel... I have asked people who work at the doctors where my so called adverts were advertised... no ones ever seen one... dont think they ever existed

Samantha Bull
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Mar 30, 2021 8:28 am EDT
Replying to comment of Anita Lee

Hi Anita. I have unfortunately got a letter today saying I owe lots of money. They are threatening debt collectors and court if I do not pay. I will report them using the information above. Did you pay in the end? Did the debt collectors ever contact you? Thank you, Sam Bull.

Stockton-on-Tees, England, Cleveland, GB
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Aug 21, 2021 11:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi, I signed up for this several years ago and tried to cancel and they said they hadn’t received my letter. I tried to cancel again and the building I used to rent for my business has forwarded a letter to me from them or rather the debt collectors saying I have to pay £350 in 7 days

  1. Leisure Medical UK Contacts

  2. Leisure Medical UK phone numbers
    +44 845 040 5866
    +44 845 040 5866
    Click up if you have successfully reached Leisure Medical UK by calling +44 845 040 5866 phone number 1 1 users reported that they have successfully reached Leisure Medical UK by calling +44 845 040 5866 phone number Click down if you have unsuccessfully reached Leisure Medical UK by calling +44 845 040 5866 phone number 0 0 users reported that they have UNsuccessfully reached Leisure Medical UK by calling +44 845 040 5866 phone number
  3. Leisure Medical UK emails
  4. Leisure Medical UK address
    Communications House, Moorland Gate, Cowling Brow, Chorley, England, Lancashire, PR69EA, United Kingdom
  5. Leisure Medical UK social media
  6. Michael
    Checked and verified by Michael This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Mar 28, 2025
  7. View all Leisure Medical UK contacts